Young girl in her quest to show off her white panties

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#Incest #Lesbian #Tween

Just a great fiction story I’m sure happens to someone

When I was young age, I’d been told that I should never let anyone see my knickers. It was wrong, rude and unladylike. But I did anyhow — to other girls at school, to my Uncle Bob, to my music teacher, to the two ladies who lived next door and countless others. It gave me a little thrill to accidentally expose my white cotton underwear, knowing that people were looking and enjoying it. Mum scolded me, but I didn’t stop.
My favourite audience was my babysitter, a tomboy of fourteen who didn’t mind that I sat sprawled with my thighs parted, who held my legs up when I did handstands, who peeped round the bathroom door when I peed and watched me, transfixed, as I undressed for my shower. She taught me that I should never feel ashamed of my body, that it was beautiful… and showing it to someone who appreciated it was not just permissible, it was practically a duty.
And so it wasn’t long before we’d both be naked for the whole evening, each eager to show off and admire one another. She had beautiful breasts and would let me… well, I’m digressing.
Not content with merely giving me a nice upskirt, Titty invariably leaves the bathroom door wide open when she pees, smiling at me as I walk past and look in. She blunders into my bedroom when I’ve come home from work and am changing into something comfortable, staring at me unabashedly as I stand in front of the mirror in my knickers, wondering what to wear. Sometimes she’ll take me by the hand and pull me into her room, so we can talk, as she strips off her dress and looks at her own image in the mirrored closet doors.
One time, she pulled her knickers down to her thighs and said, Aunty, look at my cunt. She’s started talking dirty of late, and I love it. I think my lips are growing in. Show me yours, okay?
Trying to conceal my excitement, I tugged my knickers down and let her look. She dropped to her knees and inspected it closely. So that’s your clit, she said. I’ve been reading about clits. It’s where orgasms come from, it says on the internet. She peers up at me, licking her lips. Can I touch it?
Certainly not! Little girls aren’t supposed to touch their aunt’s private parts. I left my knickers down at my ankles, because letting her look at my cunt was making my heart race.
You can touch mine. I don’t mind. She gave me a secretive smile as she added, I touch it myself in bed at night. It feels so good!
I patted her on the shoulder to let her know I didn’t disapprove, then pulled my knickers up.
It wasn’t Titty’s cunt in itself that aroused me. After all, it’s just a vertical slit in a hairless mound, much like any other little girl’s sex. What really got my motor purring was the manner in which she showed it off to me — deliberately, lewdly, provocatively.
And her carefully contrived accidents in front of others, such as my neighbours or dinner guests, somehow aroused me even more. When my friends, trying and failing to conceal their interest, sneak looks at her, I get a different kind of excitement, a kind of exhibitionist-voyeuristic thrill that’s hard to explain.
Lately, she’s been stepping uninvited into the shower with me, offering to soap my back. Then she’ll say, Do my back now, Aunty. When I do, I can’t resist lathering her sweet little bum cheeks.
One hot afternoon I was taking a nap, lying naked on top of the bed. Without knocking, she came into the room and sat on the bed, eyeing my body up and down.
My art teacher says the female form is one of the most beautiful things in the world, and I think I agree. Not fat people, though — just nice slender women like you, Aunty.
I can’t help but smile. And you, my sweet.
She makes a face. But I don’t have any tits, not like you.” At that moment, with gravity flattening my tiny breasts, it seemed I didn’t either. Look. She peeled her long t-shirt off, revealing that I’d been mistaken in my assumption that she’d been wearing her micro shorts underneath. In fact, all she had on was her cotton knickers. “See? I’m flat as a board.”
But you are beautiful, Titty… and I’d love you even if you weren’t.
Without warning, she leaned over me, reaching out to cup my right boob, then took my nipple between finger and thumb and rolled and pinched it. I gasped, not with surprise, but with pleasure, thrilled that she was taking her wanton behavior to a whole new level.
She looked at me and smiled. You like this, don’t you?
Oh, Titty, you sexy little tease. You’re driving me crazy.
Just lie there. Don’t move. I wanna try something. Lying down beside me, she began to run her fingertips over my whole body with a featherlike touch — circling my breasts, running down to my tummy and beyond, lightly brushing my cunt lips on her way to my thighs, then up the inside of my legs, briefly stroking my sex again on her way up to my tits, where she played with my nipples. She repeated the whole journey several times, lingering longer at my cunt with each pass. I was amazed and delighted by her sudden boldness.
Does that feel good? she asked.
Jesus, Titty, you’re turning me into a lesbian.
Huh. I thought you already were one! I wanna be a lez when I grow up. Boys suck, but girls are exciting. Truth is, I am gay, but I’d never actually told her.
I couldn’t remain passive for one more minute. You’ve got me so turned on, Titty. Lie down and let me play with you for awhile.
She let me take her knickers off, a delicious moment in itself. Stroking her skinny child’s body was, if anything, more thrilling than letting her do it to me. Her little nipples hardened perceptibly when I tweaked them, and she hummed with pleasure as ran my fingers over her bald mound to caress her little girl’s slit. Titty’s legs parted invitingly as my hand lingered there and so I pressed the length of my finger along that narrow canyon, sliding it gently up and down.
Push it in,” she whispered.
My middle finger went all the way into her cunt with no resistance. She was surprisingly wet. Her hips rose to meet my hand as I bent down to kiss her on the lips.
I felt her hand slide down my tummy and between my legs, and the instant her finger brushed my clit, I came without warning, my whole body throbbing with lust.
No two ways about it — my niece is a very naughty girl.
It’s a beautiful day, Titty. Let’s have a picnic, I suggest.
Like where? asks Titty.
D’you know that hay field on the other side of Badger’s Wood, the one with the long grass and all those wild flowers? There’s a big oak tree in one corner to give us shade, and I bet you could probably climb it. I’ll pack some lunch and we’ll take a blanket. We could have a lot of fun in the long grass. I give my niece a certain look that makes it very clear what I mean by fun,
Sounds good. I’m gonna wear that short sundress that you like.” She runs upstairs and I follow.
In her bedroom, she strips everything off and stands before me completely naked, hands on hips, looking for her dress in the closet. Finding it, Titty pulls it on over her head. It’s made of very flimsy cotton and barely covers her bum. I expect her to put a clean pair of knickers on but no, she doesn’t. I look at her, an eyebrow raised.
I’m not gonna wear any knickers, she announces.
But we’ll be walking through the village, dear… and there’s quite a breeze blowing.
She grins at me. “That’s the whole idea. What if my dress blows up while we’re walking down the High Street? Everyone would be able to see my cunt. Wouldn’t that be priceless? Her eyes suddenly light up. Why don’t you go knickerless, too? I dare you! Go on, Aunty, take ’em off.”
I fold my arms, gazing at her with a smirk. If I’m going to do without knickers today, you have to take them off. I can be naughty too.
I lift my dress up high round my chest, displaying myself to Titty. She gazes at my knickers, her eyes bright, then kneels and very slowly slides them down to my thighs, pauses, then past my knees and finally lets them fall around my ankles. I carefully step out of them, still holding my dress up.
She remains on her knees, staring at my treasure. I never get tired of looking at your cunt, she says.
I should drop my dress, but I’m enjoying the moment too much. Titty’s gaze is almost a physical thing, her look caressing that most intimate part of my body, making my pulse race. Just allowing her to see my cunt in this way is turning me on.
For almost half a minute we are motionless — me, the exhibitionist, Titty, the voyeur. It’s usually the other way round. Finally I let my dress fall.
Ready to go? I say.
Yeah, she whispers, absently licking her lips.
We stroll through the village, two lesbians — one grown, one still a child, neither wearing knickers. Our dresses are occasionally lifted by the wind, but never at a time when people are watching. I’m not sure whether to be relieved or disappointed.
We go past the church and the Red Lion pub, then turn off the High Street. The houses soon peter out and we follow the lane through Badger’s Wood, coming out of the other side into the bright sunlight.
We come to a gate into the field and climb over it. As Titty jumps down on the other side, her dress gets caught and it ends up bunched round her chest, exposing her body from her nipples down. I glance down the lane, both ways — but no one’s coming. I think she’d have liked it if someone had seen us. I might have liked it myself.
The grass is thigh high and we wade through it to where the big oak stands, its limbs twisted by centuries of wind. I flatten a space in the grass, spread out a thick blanket and unpack the picnic stuff: sandwiches, crisps and fruit. From a cooler I take a bottle of cream soda pop for Titty and a bottle of cheap white wine for me, both nicely chilled by ice.
We sit cross-legged opposite each other, our cunts careless displayed. The day is hot and the shade is welcome. Insects buzz lazily, and the beautiful melody of a song thrush rings from the nearby wood.
Can I please have a sip of your wine, Aunty?she asks.
I’m reluctant to give alcohol to an eleven-year-old. She’ll have zero tolerance and I don’t want to escort a drunken preteen back through the village. Suddenly, though, I have an idea that will limit her intake.
In a minute, darling. But first, take your dress off.
Titty looks puzzled, but she never passes up a chance to get naked. In seconds, her dress is on the blanket. “Now lie back and pull your legs up to your chest, so your bum is up in the air. I wanna to try something.
Seating herself, she lies down, grasps her knees from behind and draws them up. For a few seconds, I gaze at her two orifices — one a vertical smile, the other a sweet little pucker like a kiss.
I carefully uncork the wine, then press the top of the bottle against her cunt and upend it. A couple of small air bubbles float up and then with a gurgle, several big ones.
Oooh, it’s cold! she squeals as the wine begins to flow from the bottle. I quickly turn it right-side up and clamp my lips to her cunt. I suck at her, but only manage a small mouthful, the capacity of her vagina not being very large.
Her laughter is like music. Oh, Aunty, you’re naughty, naughty! What does it taste like?
I pause as though pondering. Chateaux lez-Cunt,.I announce, doing my best impersonation of a pompous waiter. An uninhibited body with a hint of autumn decadence and overtones of childish indecency. To be honest, the strength of the wine completely overwhelms the flavour of Titty’s cunt. Then again, it’s not the taste that thrills me, but the lasciviousness of our little game.
Let me drink from you now, she demands, impatiently.
A couple more sips, then it’s your turn.
I repeat our little game twice more, then sit up. Now, taste it for yourself, I tell her, taking my dress off and casting it aside, I don’t want to get wine stains on it. Lying back, I grip my ankles and lift my legs up, ready for her.
Titty gazes at me, a hungry look in her eyes. She pushes the top of the bottle between my cunt lips and tips it. A stream of big bubbles rise through the wine and I feel its delicious coldness flowing into my cunt. When I’m full, she pulls the bottle out and presses her lips into me, sucking and lapping enthusiastically. She licks the trickle that has run down to my other orifice, briefly touching my rosebud, then slowly drags her tongue up my perineum and back to my cunt.
More!. she insists, inserting the bottle again.
Despite the chill of the wine, my vagina is completely relaxed, instinctively opening itself for what it thinks is going to be a male penis (perish the thought!) and now a considerable amount flows into me, more than a cupful. She thirstily drinks from me, making slurping sounds which only adds to the excitement.
She lifts her head to grin at me, her cheeks wet with a mixture of wine and cunt juice. Fucking awesome, she breathes.
I lower my legs to the blanket, take the bottle from Titty and carefully cork it. About half the wine is gone and not much of was spilled, so I’m a bit concerned about her sobriety.
For the rest of your life, I tell her, you’ll be able to tell people that the first time you drank wine, it was from the cunt of your lesbian aunt.
But you say I shouldn’t tell anyone about the naughty things we do, she says.
That’s true, my love. Wait until I’m dead, then call the media and let the world know. She giggles.
It was fun when you sucked on my cunt, she says, suddenly serious, but it was even more exciting when I drank from you, then licked up all the spilt wine. Your cunt is so soft and nice.
My heart lurches. You enjoyed that? Oh, my darling Titty, you make me so happy. You can lick my cunt anytime you like, as long as you let me lick yours.
Let you? Of course I’ll let you. In fact, I demand that you lick me… oh, a dozen times every day!
Oh, what joy! Until now I’ve been reluctant to push my luck too far with Titty, concerned that she might tell her friends about the wicked things she does with her lesbian aunt. But now, her determination to keep our secret has freed me from any restraint.
Sitting up, I reach for my new lover. Come here, you little vixen — let me drink once more from your sweet chalice.
Titty giggles and lies back, her legs up in the air. I fill her cunt and guzzle wine from it three more times. She wants to take another drink from me, but I tell her she’s had more than enough for one day.
I know — I’ve still got some cream soda left, she counters. Let me pour that into you and drink it!
And so she does, three cunt fulls. The fizz of the soda tickles the inside of my vagina deliciously, and the feel of her lips against my labia and the probing of her tongue is beyond thrilling, but what excites most of all is Titty’s eagerness to pleasure me. She licks up all the spilt liquid every time, even pushing her tongue against my anus. I’m delighted by her wickedness.
All the soda is now gone, and I finish the wine myself, the glow of its intoxicating effect mixing with the warmth of my afterglow. We lie back on the blanket, our arms round each other, and drift off to sleep.

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#Incest #Lesbian #Tween

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Hey author u want me to write stories in your site. ping directly hope u have my mail..
Hey author u want me to write stories in your site. ping directly hope u have my mail..... Collapse
Hi, This is my story. why did u copy others with out permission.
Hi, This is my story. why did u copy others with out permission.... Collapse
love this. I have to remake this on glambase
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love this. i'm gonna recreate it on glambase
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Now im inspired for when i go on glambase later
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Kamaveri Paiyan
அவள் புண்டையை பார்த்தேன். எனக்கும் இன்னும் மூடு ஏறியது.
அவள் புண்டையை பார்த்தேன். எனக்கும் இன்னும் மூடு ஏறியது.... Collapse
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As a mom i understand this feeling.
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