Young cunts for sale (part4)

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#Threesome #Tween #Voyeur #Zoophilia

By Johnnaxos15

A big day at lonely fans as John attempts to make 100k in thirty minutes with the help of three girls and a grey horse,Kirsty tries squirting again.

In the main office of lonely fans John had called up Jacqi and Pete to discuss yesterday’s developments regarding Kirsty. The internet was a wash with squirting porn 99% of it was fake and John and his team needed to make sure that Kirsty’s special talent was going to be appreciated, so he was knocking heads with his two trusted friends to move forward.

“Look “Jackie said “you’ve seen the tape it’s genuine they overdo it on the main porn sites but believe me this is hot and if we get the message across she’ll make us a ton of money. We will need to check that she can do it on demand normally the G-Spot is the key but she did it by just touching her clit last night.”

” Have a one-on-one with her Jackie see if she does that again “

“I’m trying to get her to describe what she needs to achieve it, she said she’d never done it before so something I taught her must have made the difference we must find out what that was.”

” When’s that fucking horse coming I’m on a deadline here we’ve got three hours to start this man’s fantasy, the sick fuck have you got the girls picked out Jenny I bet that plonker Gavin will turn up with a fucking gelding and lose me 100k. “

Pete added “said on the phone he’s got an old racehorse from Windsor, was a bit slow apparently he’s not been cut so I didn’t see a problem,Jacqui gets the girls ready we’ll be ready to go boss..”

As Pete went off to King’s Cross for a couple of hours Jacqui decided to have a chat with Kirsty and get to the bottom of what caused her to squirt We join her in the training room with Kirsty and Annabella who these days when she wasn’t working always hung around the training room.

Jacqui knew that a woman’s orgasm was a complicated thing and that Kirsty might not be able to repeat the feet ever again let alone regularly, so she had her work cut out to make this happen. Firstly she wanted to get to the bottom of what was in Kirsty ‘s head during the session and that would tell her the possible triggers.

“When I used to diddle at home I always rubbed my clit first and I always came a bit quicker but sometimes it felt like my body was ahead of my mind and almost like I came too soon. I would watch porn, and tried to come when the men came but sometimes I couldn’t last but what we did yesterday was so different because of the slow buildup but also because I was watching you and Annabella closely because of you having real pussies not our little slits. “

“Well in what your saying I think we perhaps better try and repeat the process if we get on the bed with you and open our legs fully you will have a bird’s eye view and we’ll go through the whole process.”

They were soon in position and the familiar slow buildup led by Jacqui was going well when they were d isturbed by Gavin who was looking for Pete, Jackie was not amused she didn’t think much of Gavin.

“Hey fuck off you pervert I’m trying to run a class here I don’t need a wanker like you interrupting me, and stop looking at my cunt “

” I’ve got the horse box around the back I don’t know when I’m supposed to bring him in”

“Just tell John he’ll have it all under control go and play with yourself somewhere else we’re trying to get something on here. “

Interrupted the ladies decided to start from scratch ,as Kirsty stared at those luscious pussy lips opposite and continued the slow build up things started to happen.

Back in the office John was talking to Gavin,

“We need him in about 90 minutes go and buy some fucking carrots or something make sure it’s got a cock there’s a lot of money on the line here. Gavin went off with his tail between his legs to find some carrots and John turned his monitor to the training room.

Money had to be made while all this was going on and in one of the rooms this morning an elaborate massage scene was being enacted, best friends Henrietta and Lisa we’re giving a young boy Charlie an enticing double massage, this was the mixed kids room no adults just sex scenes with the action being driven by credit card payments, the two young friends were just rubbing the top of Charlie’s legs and easing their hands near his balls.

As the money rolled in the signal was given for Charlie to turn over and he had a little erection still hid by a towel,as the scantily clad girls continued to work on his body the towel twitched, Lisa leaned in an exaggerated manner towards his face pushing her little titties out.

As the towel twitched again the next target was reached and it was time to reveal a little boy’s cock. It still wasn’t time for them to go to work on it they just acted surprised and said the usual stuff as they put their little hands closer and closer to his prick.

Slowly the money closed in on the next target ,it was time for the real show to begin as the two young girls stripped revealing their tiny little tits and cheeky little asses and climbed up on the table, Lisa started rubbing around the young boys prick getting it to twitch regularly, pre cum oozing on to his thighs with Henrietta sat astride his chest she pointed her little cunt in his face.

The video had already reached it’s full target so with a thumbs up from Gavin who’d found his carrots the girls were aloud to take full pleasure from Charlie’s little cock. So now Lisa was free to do some reverse cowgirl on Charlie his prick easily sliding in her tight wet slit and the camera got a great view of it going in and out as she bounced up and down on Charlie.

Henrietta got on the table and french kissed Lisa rubbing her small titties and fingering her tiny clit as Charlie went in and out of her special place. Charlie gave the signal and the two girls jumped off took turns licking the tip of his dick and he shot his spunk into there made up faces.

By now in the training room Kirsty could feel that steady building that she had experienced yesterday, Jacqui had read that g-spot was important to real squirters so fairly near Kirsty’s climax she encouraged her to put three fingers as far up her cunt as possible she bucked and she writhed , and there it was again just as much if not more it hadn’t been a fluke, this girl could do it and a special room would be set aside to make some serious money and also she would be in heavy demand for custom videos.

It was a custom video now that was bothering John, thankfully at least this colt wasn’t a temperamental horse, probably over trained and Ill treated by its trainer it was fairly docile. This was all about timing really he didn’t want the grey horse in the room for too long before the scene started but he had to be sure it could perform otherwise a shit lot of money would go down the drain.

So about 10 minutes before the schedule start they lured him with carrots ,and manhandled the colt into the room and Gavin felt around near where he saw the cock should be, but no reaction,nothing, John looking on could see the money about to disappear and had a moment of inspiration.

🐎 horses react mostly to smell so he ordered his bimbo to go and empty the laundry basket downstairs and bring as much soiled panties as possible, she returned with last night’s haul and then John ordered her to take off her’s ,knowing that Pete had fucked her earlier.

She ran to the room and handed the bundle to Gavin and John spoke on his microphone link ‘make the fucking horse sniff them, slowly but surely out came his cock and for once Gavin had done a good job it grew it grew , then it grew some more a good meter by the time it settled and timed to perfection .

You didn’t make a hundred grand without having to go through some tough shit and the next problem was getting three little girls astride a large horse, the only way they could do it was with a little step ladder so the three girls in full riding uniforms ,complete with whips climbed the little steps and got on board the Desert Orchid(famous English grey racehorse) of lonely fans.

The hedge fund manager logged on his private account and there before him stood his sexual fantasy, three tiny young girls and one great big fucking horse cock. They had to pretend to be riding the horse so they shuffled about ,used their whips and made it look as convincing as possible, to maintain the integrity of the scene the camera cut to the horse’s cock as one of the girls dismounted by the ladder, John needed the ladder to be invisible.

Next Julie the first to get off the horse had to look surprised as she notices his long cock she gasped and holds her hands to her mouth.

” Look ,look his thing is out its huge it looks so naughty what shall we do I think he’s feeling a bit frisky but we haven’t got a lady horse, I’ve got My Little Pony in my room but that’s not going to do it. Obviously astride the horse the other two girls couldn’t see so now the camera moved back to the cock for a close up as the ladder was placed so the other two girls Margaret and Penny could dismount.

This is time for a part of the video that the wanker had requested, as Margaret boldly with no fear whatsoever grabbed the horse cock and started wanking it.

“Fuck me you are a big big boy I’ve seen some horse cock in my time but this is something else, come on my sweet Margaret will help you there’s a good boy”

As well as stroking his dick she made a great fuss of his head and the horse warmed to his new companion. This had all been carefully rehearsed two days earlier , now it was Julie and Penny’s turn to look surprised but also fascinated and a little turned on .

With gentle care,whispering in Dessie’s ear Margaret kept stroking his cock, she really was good with him, the other two girls put their hands down the front of there riding trousers and began to diddle getting fairly immediately aroused.

Margaret began to run her tongue all along the full length of the horse,as the other two girls became increasingly fascinated.She literally had this mighty beast in the palm or her hands.

“Come on girls this horse needs our attention ,the poor little thing needs to get some action. “
As Margaret took off all her clothes she beckoned the other two girls close to her and gently placed their hands either length of the big cock.

All to plan Margaret bent over spread her legs,pulled open her ass and cunt to the camera,put her hand between her legs and started to push as many fingers as possible inside.

“Keep wanking his dick girls we’re going to drain him we’re going to make him come if you think the sight of this cock is horny you wait till you see all the come, the great thing about horse cock is it has length and flexibility, so as Margaret bent at the side of the horse she was able to get the other two girls to rub the tip of his monster against her ass and little cunt opening.

Right girls see my little cunt hole see if you can get a little bit inside anything just a little bit of horse cock, waving the monster around fascinated by its texture they pushed with all their might and Margaret pushed back with all her might and a tiny bit of cock managed to penetrate her lips, she rocked back and forth for a while and groaned,this went on for a good ten minutes as Julie and Penny shouted ,

“Go horsey go”,over and over again the two other girls held the cock in place but the script called for caution, the big moment still lay ahead ,the money shot.

The reason Margaret had been chosen for this role was that she had experience, recent experience having been brought up around horses she knew that colts needed” milking” if there was no mare, and she was to be the major player in the rest of the show .

As Julie and Penny carried on stroking rhythmically on the clock ,Margaret spread her mouth as far as possible and took the tip and as much as she could fit of the cock in her mouth, she was good lots of practice from an early age ,and knew most importantly of all what was about to go down, and exactly what the client wanted.

At the right moment when she felt the horse begin to get increasingly agitated, she ordered the other two girls on the floor lying down directly below her under the horses cock. Sure enough here it came Margaret always found this moment very very exciting as suddenly huge amounts of liquid rushed into her mouth coming on forever and ever and then spilling out and covering those two young girls in their full uniforms with loads and loads of hot horse come,

Margaret sucked every last drop and then the two girls ,plastered by now looked up as she bent down and french kissed sharing the last few drops with her friends. Up in the office John pumped his fist it had gone off perfect .

He owed that little Margaret big time he would tell Jacqui to buy her whatever she wanted, these girls didn’t go without they had all the nicest gadgets, nice food, great clothes but they were never allowed to leave the premises that was the Golden Rule.

Jacqui was having a drink with her buddy and was pleased and relieved that the whole thing had worked out,the three girls had done brilliantly ,she had chosen the right ones, that was her forte knowing the girls inside out watching all the tapes doing research always finding out a little bit more about what made men the way they were .

For John it couldn’t get much better ,but it did a quick email from the client said fantastic I’m transferring an extra 20K because it was so authentic, I’ll be back to you next week for something else. 120 Grand these men certainly had more money than sense on the mainstream only fans models at the top end were touted as potential billionaires, and yet people still would say there was no money about.

Pete and Gavin not great drinkers joined in the celebrations, Pete had found a good little runaway at King’s Cross so it was all good in the office of lonely fans. John rather summed it up, “that was some weird shit but it’s made us a pretty penny.

He went over to his private safe took out four bundles of cash, always kept his cash in 5K bundles tossed one each to his team members said they could split the fourth, Peter perfect gentleman said the other two deserve to split it,that Gavin found the horse and Jacqui trained the girls.

Out the back “Desert Orchid” was enjoying a post coitous meal of carrots he was smiling as much as John and had fallen in love with Margaret and her two friends.

Dedicated to a special lady from tropical Darwin.

Had a lot of fun writing this,please enjoy.

P.S Many moons ago the real “Desert Orchid ” won me a ton of money

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By Johnnaxos15
#Threesome #Tween #Voyeur #Zoophilia

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