Young Amy getting her cherry popped by a German Shepherd

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#Rape #Teen #Virgin #Zoophilia

By DominantDaddy

13 year old Amy has a dog that comes to heat for the first time. Two dogs pray on hers, one gets lucky with Amy, taking her virginity.

Amy closed the door behind her and took her dog out on the street. The 13 year old girl was chatting happily with the young, female German shepherd, listening to the name Zoe. Zoe was just over a year old now and Amy got her when she was only a little puppy. Every day, multiple times, she walked Zoe. She loved doing so, because she was really fond of her dog.

The 13 year old brunette girl was slim, tiny and just a happy girl overall. Every day when she got out of school, still in her school uniform, she went to walk Zoe. Her parents had told her not much about sex, and she certainly never had had sex yet, nor ever seen a naked man in her life. Yes, she knew about the difference between boys and girls and she was showing a nice, full A-cup, like most of the girls in 1981 in her class had.

“Let’s go to the park again, Zoe”, Amy said, “May be your friends will be there too, so you can run and play and be a good happy girl”.
The young German shepherd waggled her tail in happiness and looked at her teenaged owner, merely reacting to her voice. Amy took it for a ‘yes’ and took the road that led to the park. The 13 year old girl was a little confused that Zoe behaved a little differently than usual, not knowing what was wrong with her. But since her dog was happy, she didn’t really worry herself too much about it. At every lamppost, Zoe stopped and sniffed and it took Amy quite a bit of effort before they were at the park, sometimes pulling the dog leash quite hard.
“What is wrong with you!”, Amy asked a little bit frustrated, “you’re never acting like that!”.
Of course, her dog didn’t answer her and a little confused, Amy got on her way, happy that finally they got to the park. It took no time for Amy to unhook the leash and the young bitch ran towards the bushes and trees, sniffing everything again. But that was not unusual behavior, so Amy was happy that Zoe was acting normal again. She smiled at that.
“Look, Zoe, there are your friends again!”, Amy said, when she saw two large dogs approaching.

One of the dogs also was a shepherd dog, just like Zoe, and the other was a golden retriever. Amy had seen the dogs in the park before, always without supervision. Their owners probably lived at the edge of the park and the animals usually walked around freely. And then the park was an ideal playground for the two exuberant dogs. Zoe had gotten along very well with the dogs, who were strange to her, from the beginning and always played happily with them.

Now too, Zoe immediately ran towards the two dogs, but Amy immediately saw that something was wrong. Instead of playing with each other, the dogs remained close to each other, clearly trembling and in a state of visible excitement. The two unknown animals sniffed Zoe extensively and regularly pushed their bodies against her. Suddenly Amy understood. Her father and mother had already warned her about this and the girl was very frightened. What a moment for Zoe to come into heat for the first time in her life! With a shock it dawned on Amy that the two dogs had to be males and what the consequences were. The girl ran towards the three dogs, but it was too late. The animals broke into a trot and disappeared into the dense undergrowth, barking and playfully biting each other.
“Zoe!”, Amy shouted in vain, “Come here! Come back!”
She looked around desperately, looking for help, but she appeared to be alone in the park. That was not unusual either, because it was still early and a weekday. There was no point in going home either, because nobody would be home at this time of the day. So she would have to sort it out herself.

Crouched down, she struggled into the undergrowth, pushing aside the branches and leaves, her skirt pulled up a bit so she didn’t ruin it while inching forwards on her hands and knees between the dense undergrowth. The first few meters were the hardest. Then the undergrowth thinned out and she discovered that she was coming out into a clearing. She was relieved to see the three dogs there, but her relief did not last long, because at that moment Zoe was already being mounted by the golden retriever. For a moment the girl saw something red gleaming at the animal’s lower body. Then the dog started moving furiously towards Zoe.
“No! Stop!” the desperate girl cried out.
She only vaguely understood what the two animals were doing, but she knew that her parents would be very upset if they heard what had happened. She ran towards the two animals to separate them, but before she reached them, she tripped over a branch and fell forward, letting out a startled cry. The shock with which she hit the ground was hard and she lay there for a moment, dazed and out of breath her skirt halfway on her back from the speed of the fall she just had. When she tried to get up again, the other male German Shepherd seized his chance. The male animal had become agitated by the scent that Zoe exuded, but could do nothing with that excitement because the golden retriever was already on the bitch. And Amy suddenly formed an unintentionally very suitable alternative for the animal! The girl let out another cry of fright, now because she seemed to be attacked by the shepherd dog that jumped up on her from behind. The weight of the large dog pressed her down and she almost fell forward again. However, the dog itself prevented that by wrapping its front paws around her waist and holding her in an iron grip. Then the animal started to move against her.
“Stop it!” the girl cried out in alarm as she felt the animal’s pelvis slam into her ass at a furious pace.
“Get off me, you stupid animal!”
Of course, the dog didn’t listen, since instinct and sexual arousal had taken over his behaviour. The shepherd dog tightened his grip on her waist when Amy struggled and increased the pace of his ragged thrusts even further. Amy jerked forward helplessly with every hard smack against her ass, helpless under the dog’s weight and in the grip of his front paws. The shocked inexperienced young girl could not understand what the dog wanted from her. Then she looked up and saw Zoe and the golden retriever in front of her. The golden dog was moving in exactly the same way as the shepherd was on her. At that moment her eyes were drawn to the retriever’s lower body and she could now clearly see the animal’s large, red cock. Her mouth fell open at the sight of that animal cock clearly thrusting in and out of Zoe’s cunt, glistening with moisture. At that moment the girl realized with a start what the shepherd wanted from her.
“Oh no!” she gasped in dismay as the unbelievable truth dawned on her. “Stop it! Stop it! I’m not a bitch!”
She struggled to get out from under the animal but all her efforts were futile. The weight of the dog pressed her down relentlessly, while the animal was also stronger than her. Even falling forward did not help. The shepherd effortlessly yanked her up again with its front paws and then clamped its paws so tightly around her waist that she could not even make a second attempt. And she did not dare to call for help, so ashamed was she of her situation.

“Oh God!”, Amy groaned as she realized how hopeless her position was. “Please! Stop it! Come on! Get off me, you rotten animal!”
Her pleas were as futile as her struggles. The shepherd dog continued to pound her between her legs. If she had had any doubts about the shepherd dog’s intentions at that moment, she would have been disabused of her dream, because suddenly the girl felt something hot between her thighs, something that seemed to grow and thrust wildly back and forth. She stiffened under the dog, afraid of what it was that was moving between her thighs. However, she could not help but glance back under her slender young her body and then she saw it. The shepherd dog had gotten a huge erection and now his cock was thrusting wildly between the young girl’s thighs. His prick was big and thick, an impressive penis for a dog. The pointed top came out from between Amy’s thighs with each thrust forward, spewing little streams of pre-cum. The pre-cum slowly but surely made her bare thighs wet, so that her tanned skin glistened. Amy looked at the raging cock with wide, shocked eyes. It looked red and dirty and she felt a wave of disgust. In an attempt to block the thrusting dog, she closed her thighs. Unfortunately for her, that had the opposite effect. The pressure of Amy’s thighs on his cock was enough to drive the shepherd dog crazy. The animal stiffened on the girl for a moment, but then his lower body began to thrust even more furiously, faster and more relentless than before. His cock stiffened even more at once, until it was like a hard, massive weapon between Amy’s thighs, thrusting and ramming like a mad piston.

Amy’s attention was suddenly drawn to the two dogs in front of her. The animals were growling and whining, but it didn’t sound like they were fighting or in pain. The girl managed to tear her gaze away from the ramming cock between her thighs with difficulty and looked at both animals. She was just in time to see the retriever tense up on Zoe. With his back arched, he stood on trembling hind legs over the bitch, like a tightly tensed bow. Then the animal began to thrust again, at first with irregular, jerky movements, but soon as quickly as before.

Zoe let out another whimpering whine, and for a moment Amy felt sorry for her dog. Then her eyes were automatically drawn to the retriever’s ragged cock. It was as red and thick as the cock that was thrusting between her own thighs, but as she watched it, she saw it turn completely white. The girl watched in amazement as almost milky white flakes flew from the ragged cock, smearing both dogs’ fur and splashing between the animals in the grass.

Despite herself, the girl felt her heart racing. Although she was completely inexperienced, she knew something about sex and instinctively understood that the golden retriever was coming. The male animal was going crazy as he emptied his seed into Zoe, his lower body one whirling motion. His raging cock was only visible as a blurry, red smear and Amy could clearly hear him sloshing. She watched the mating of the two animals with wide eyes, fascinated by the retriever’s wild ejaculation.

Finally, the retreiver slowly came to rest on Zoe, leaning heavily on the female animal. He panted loudly, his body shaking with a series of uncontrolled shivers. Then the dog relaxed his grip on the bitch and slowly slid off of her. Amy’s eyes widened even more as she saw the red cock slide out of Zoë. Not only was it completely white with sperm, but it was so swollen that it was almost ridiculous. For a moment the animal erection seemed to be stuck in Zoe as well, but then the huge knot slid out of the bitch and the cock flew out. Thick globs of cum splashed in the grass and sprayed around as the impressive cock swung up and down for a moment.

The mating between the two dogs was over and the golden retriever staggered away from Zoe. Amy felt an unprecedented excitement at the sight of his large and cum-covered cock hanging heavily between his hind legs and swinging slightly back and forth. The cum was still dripping from it and as she watched the erection visibly shrank.

The shepherd on her suddenly growled and with a jolt the girl came back to herself, roughly yanked back to her dire reality. She had been so absorbed in the spectacle that unfolded before her eyes, that she had not even noticed that the shepherd had increased the pace of his thrusts once more. With incredible speed the dog was thrusting against her ass, his cock driving back and forth between her clenched thighs. The girl hung her head and looked back along her body, curious despite herself about what was happening there.

At a furious pace, the dog’s pointed dick flashed out between her still clenched thighs, swollen and red and spraying streams of pre-cum into the grass below her. The girl suddenly realized that the pressure of her thighs must be whipping and agitating the shepherd dog so much and quickly spread her knees a little. She felt relieved as the animal immediately began to thrust less hard, but that relief was short-lived.

Amy was wearing a short, black summer skirt that had ridden up her thighs from her fall, with only panties underneath. Before the girl knew it, the shepherd’s stiff, thick cock had slid up between her thighs and began to provocatively rub against the crotch of her panties. Amy felt a shock go through her at this intimate caress and in response closed her thighs again in a much too late attempt to stop the dog’s thrusting.

The shepherd dog tensed above her and arched his back, all his muscles tensing. Panting loudly, he remained sitting on the girl for a few moments, as if he had to get used to the increased pressure on his cock. High between the 13 year old girl’s thighs, his cock was warmed by her, which excited the animal even more. With a hard thrust, he rammed his cock forward and immediately the animal began to rave again, fucking the girl furiously between her thighs.
“Ungh! Ooohhh!”, the girl moaned in surprise as the big cock began to rub her panties at lightning speed.

A warm glow spread through her lower body and her nipples became stiff instantly. The feelings overwhelmed her just as the shepherd dog had overwhelmed her moments before. Involuntarily enjoying herself, she closed her eyes for a moment, while she began to pant lightly. She could feel her panties getting wet. At first she had to think of the precum that was squirting out of the pointy head of the dog’s cock in jets at a time, but then she realized that she was getting wet herself. Her face colored bright red at the thought that the shepherd dog was turning her on and for a moment she felt ashamed of her feelings. But the big, thick cock was rubbing so quickly and so deliciously against her pussy that soon all she could do was enjoy it.
“Ooohhh! Oh yes!”, she panted, with wide eyes looking back at the raging cock. “Go… go on!”

She noticed that she had started to move with the fucking animal, rocking back and forth on her hands and knees. She could not possibly keep up with the animal’s incredible pace, but she could not sit still either. A delicious, erotic tension slowly built up in her lower abdomen and from the few times that she had caressed herself in her young life, she knew that she would soon have an orgasm.
With a loud growl the ragged shepherd tightened on her and at the same time Amy could feel his large dick swelling between her thighs. It was as if her legs were going to be pushed apart by the growing erection. With wide, fascinated eyes she looked at the dog’s cock between her thighs and saw a trickle of fluid seep from the fiery red, pointed head. But it was not colorless like his pre-cum had been. This time the fluid was almost milky white.

The dog, shaking from head to tail, lay motionless on her for at least five seconds, pressing heavily on her. His forelegs clamped like a vice around the girl’s waist and she felt the animal pulling her towards him, at the same time pressing almost intimately against her. Then the dog began to thrust again, with jerking, short movements of his lower body, his pelvis hitting Amy’s tight ass. The girl let out an involuntary cry when she saw the cock emerge from between her thighs, releasing a thick stream of cum into the grass below her, also on her white school uniform blouse. The cock was immediately withdrawn, and she felt the semen drip down her thighs. Then the cock shot out again, spewing another stream of cum.
She shivered when she heard the shepherd whine against her, but it was not a shiver of fear or pity. The animal moved against her again, his cock stimulating and whipping her up again. The tension in her lower abdomen grew again, almost reaching a climax. She could feel how stiff and swollen her nipples were, as well as her clit, while the sensitive buds also tingled in a delicious way, arousing even more pleasure.
The semen now dripped down her thighs, while the grass beneath her glistened with it. The thick streams had now made way for small, thin streams. Amy watched the dog’s cum smear the hem of her blouse, but she didn’t care at the moment. She only had eyes for the raging dog that kept thrusting between her thighs and was glad that her skirt had been pushed up so that she could see it clearly. The animal’s ejaculation fascinated her immensely and she watched with growing excitement as the dog continued to cum between her thighs.
“Yes! Yes, keep going!”, she encouraged the animal, while she clenched her own thighs even tighter to egg the dog on. “Keep going! I’m almost there too! I’m almost there too!”.

At that moment the shepherd slowed down his thrusts, reaching the end of his ejaculation. Disappointed, Amy looked at the cock that began to move more and more slowly between her thighs. At the same time, the caresses along her panties decreased and with them her pleasure, leaving the 13 year old girl with an empty and unsatisfied feeling.
“Come on!”, she panted, moving back and forth herself to encourage the shepherd. “Gimme, gimme, I want it!”

Before she could properly consider the consequences of her action, the 13 year old brunette had already reached back and jerked her panties down. She quickly opened her thighs and before the shepherd could pull back, she had captured his still not completely shrunken cock between her fingers. With a muffled moan, she worked the pointed top between her pussy lips that were swollen with desire. The shepherd felt her wet heat tight around the tip of his cock and reacted instinctively. Despite his ejaculation, the animal immediately felt a wave of lust rush through him and with a hard thrust he rammed his lower body forward.

Amy screamed as she was penetrated roughly by the big, thick cock. Her hymen stood no chance against the dog’s large weapon and gave way immediately. A brief stab of pain made the young girl shudder, but almost immediately that pain was drowned in the overwhelming feeling of being completely filled by the huge shepherd cock deep inside her young body. And then the shepherd began to rave like a madman again, driving his cock in and out of the girl’s pussy at a pace that was barely visible to the eye.
“OH! OH GOD!” Amy cried, her head thrown back and her eyes wide and disbelieving. “YES! YES! OOOHHHGGGOOOODDD!!!”

It only dawned on her vaguely that she was being fucked by a dog. And this time, that realization didn’t scare her off, but instead turned her on even more. In no time, her pleasure was just as intense as it had been before the dog’s ejaculation, and even more intense. The shepherd dog fucked her at an incredible pace, much faster than any man could have done. But of course Amy couldn’t know that, because she had never been fucked by a man before. Until a few moments ago, she was a virgin. But she could enjoy it, and she did so with full gusto.
“Oh! Yes! Yes!”, she cried again and again. “Fuck me! Fuck me! Oh god, this is wonderful! This is heavenly! Fuck me!!”.

The hard, fast thrusts of the ragged shepherd dog made her jerk back and forth, so that she automatically moved with the animal. She felt the dog’s front legs tight around her waist as the animal pulled her towards her with every ragged thrust. She herself gripped the tall grass beneath her with her fingers, as if she wanted to hold on to the earth. Panting and groaning loudly, she gave herself completely to the big dog, enraptured by his large and rapidly thrusting cock. The dog panted as well as he drove his red and swollen cock in and out of the tight pussy of the girl beneath him. The animal trembled from head to tail from the effort he had to make. He was not used to having to get back to work so soon after having come, but he did his utmost, driven mainly by his boundless lust and his own pleasure. The animal felt as if his balls were about to burst as he fucked the young girl, but because of his earlier ejaculation it would be a while before he would come again.

Amy did not have that problem. The girl felt her pleasure increasing by the second, fueled as it was by the almost impossibly fast thrusting cock. It was as if a hurricane of pure, delicious pleasure was coursing through her shuddering tiny body, a hurricane created by the raging cock that kept brushing against her swollen clit. Her juices were flowing freely and she was made even wetter by the shepherd’s pre-cum that was being released in spurts into her belly. She shivered in delight as she heard the fiercely thrusting cock slurp inside her pussy, making a wet, sucking sound.
“Oh God! God!” she moaned, her eyes wide and dark with lust. “I’m coming! I’m going to come! Ungh! Yes… YES… I’M CUMMING! I’M CUMMING YEEESSSSS!!!”.

The girl stiffened under the fucking shepherd, but that didn’t stop the animal from continuing to ram his big cock in and out of her young and tight pussy. On the contrary, Amy’s contracting pussy drove the dog to the limit. With his back arched, he stood over the young girl, his lower body a whirl of movement. With relentless ferocity, he drove his throbbing cock in and out of her cumming pussy, with no other goal than to finally be able to release his sperm into her belly.

Amy screamed out her orgasmic pleasure loudly. Forgotten was the place where she was and the thought that a random passerby might hear her. All that mattered at that moment was the pleasure that raced through her trembling, inexperienced young body and set her on fire, aroused by the impossibly fast thrusting dog inside her. Panting, groaning and moaning, she sat under the ragged shepherd and let the animal take her, let the dog mount her like a bitch.

Despite her still almost unbearable pleasure and her orgasm that kept raging, the young girl regained some control. As she began to move with the raging German shepherd again, her attention was drawn to a movement in front of her. She looked up and saw right in front of her how the golden retriever was preparing to mount Zoe again. The dog was already rising on its hind legs to slide onto Zoe from behind. Amy still had a faint hope that that one time had not been enough to impregnate Zoe and wanted to do everything in her power to prevent the retriever from covering her dog a second time. Still panting and moaning loudly, she reached between the lower bodies of both dogs and before she knew it, had the large erection of the golden retriever in her hand, just before the animal could penetrate Zoe.

She was shocked for a moment, how hot and wet the dog’s cock felt. But then her fingers gripped tighter, clamping around the hard and thick cock. That was enough to send the retriever into a frenzy. Still standing over Zoe, his front paws firmly wrapped around the bitch’s rear, the dog began to thrust in a whirlwind of motion, just as raggedly as the shepherd was currently doing. His cock flew in and out of Amy’s fist at a furious pace, the pointed head already spewing jets of pre-cum.
“Oh yes, go on! Go on!”, she encouraged both male dogs, quivering with both pleasure and delicious excitement.

The shepherd clung to her even tighter as he continued to drive his cock in and out of her pussy at a frenzied pace. Amy was suddenly reminded of the earlier mating between Zoe and the golden retriever and the eventual ejaculation of the male animal. She shivered with delight as she thought of the shepherd eventually coming in her pussy. It was a strange, but especially exciting thought that made her almost come again. It suddenly seemed wonderful to her to feel all that cum splashing into her young pussy.

She managed to focus her attention back on the dogs in front of her. The golden retriever was still moving raggedly on Zoe, but instead of driving his cock in and out of the female shepherd’s sheath, he was moving it in and out of Amy’s hand. He didn’t seem to notice the difference and the girl was certain that the animal really thought he was covering the bitch. She began to move her hand back and forth at a rapid pace, stimulating the golden retriever even more. Her fingers rhythmically squeezed the animal erection, jerking the animal off with unexpected experience. She was sure that the golden retriever would eventually come too, thinking of the German shepherd who had finally come between her thighs.

That was when the shepherd tensed up on her and wrapped his front paws even tighter around her waist. The girl could feel him trembling and shaking as he pressed his hairy body intimately against her bare ass, panting loudly and feeling his hot breath on her neck. Suddenly the animal let out a loud whine and Amy felt his cock swell in her pussy at the same time. Her heart seemed to race as she realized that the shepherd was about to come and she involuntarily let out an excited little cry.
“Yes! Yes!”, she encouraged the dog, looking back with delighted and curious eyes at the cock buried deep in her pussy. “Cum! Cum inside me!”.

Slowly the animal began to thrust again, while his hard cock continued to grow bigger and bigger. Amy felt the enormous erection pressing harder and harder against her insides and clit and screamed with pleasure. She had felt herself being filled up completely by that big, thick cock from the beginning, but now the sensation was almost unbearable. Before it could really start to hurt, however, the animal began to squirt.

It was as if a red-hot load of thick, slimy fluid was being squirted into her pussy and that, together with the huge cock that was again raging like a wildfire, was enough to make the young girl cum again. In her indescribable pleasure she seemed to want to scream so loudly the whole village could hear her. The dog ejaculated again and his cock seemed to explode in her pussy. She felt the hot cum being shot into her belly in a thick, powerful jet, sending a delicious, pleasurable glow through her lower body.
“Oh God! God!”, she cried as she watched the milky white cum drip from her pussy. “Fill me up! Fill me up with your spunk!”

A thick string of cum dripped from her swollen pussy lips, forming a thread that grew longer and thinner until it broke and the cum splattered between her spread knees on the grass. But then another string formed, while the seed also dripped down the inside of her thighs. Amy shivered with pure excitement and lust as she saw all that cum. Then the young girl closed her eyes as she fully enjoyed her own orgasm and the shepherd’s ejaculation.

The animal rammed his cum-ejaculating cock frantically in and out of the young girl’s pussy, almost mad with pleasure and animal lust. His strong, supple body arched over her like an arch as he rode her wildly. His pelvis rammed her naked ass at a rapid pace and the girl would have been thrown forward if the dog hadn’t held her so firmly with his front paws. The thick swelling around the base of his cock held his erection captive in the young girl’s vagina. And that was a good thing, because otherwise he would have long since been shot out of her pussy by the animal’s wild movements.

Amy felt the shepherd ejaculate deep in her belly again and again, with one jet of sperm after another being squirted into her pussy. She had expected his ejaculation to be less intense and also shorter after he had already come between her thighs, based on the little she knew about sex. But apparently that worked a little differently with a dog than with a man. In any case, she thoroughly enjoyed the animal’s long ejaculation, her excitement being increased by the realization that it was a dog that was squirting his sperm into her pussy. Finally she felt the shepherd slow down on her, leaning more heavily on her. His raging cock came to rest in her tortured pussy, still releasing small streams of cum and after-cum. Panting loudly, the animal lay heavily on her for a moment longer, with Amy feeling his cock slowly shrink inside her. But he was still big and thick when the shepherd finally slid off of her and his cock slid out of her pussy. She shivered in delight as she felt him leave her pussy and opened her eyes again to look at him. He was almost completely white, just like the golden retriever’s cock had looked after he had come inside Zoe. The cum was dripping off. She saw it splashing in thick globs on the grass, while it also dripped down her thighs. The pointed head was followed by an extra large stream of cum and as the big cock swung heavily between the shepherd’s hind legs, the seed gushed down between Amy’s thighs.

Amy slowly regained her breath and came to herself. Now that the ragged cock had left her pussy, her orgasm quickly subsided. The shepherd dog had gotten off of her, but the girl remained on her knees next to Zoe and the golden retriever, supporting herself on one hand. With her other hand she continued to jerk the retriever off, looking at the animal’s cock with fascination, her face red from excitement. The retriever fucked her furiously in her fist, his red cock seeming to flash between her fingers.

Afterwards, he could not tell what had made her bend forward and open her mouth to swallow that animalistic cock. Her excitement was still so great that she was unable to think about her act and its consequences. It was only when the cock was between her lips and immediately started to thrust in and out of her mouth and throat like a madman that she was shocked, but not for long. Her excitement took hold of her almost immediately and grew even greater when she tasted the dog’s pre-cum.

The thin cum tasted strangely exciting and it managed to turn her on even more. It splashed all the way to the back of her throat and she had to swallow it to catch her breath when the retriever pulled his big cock out of her mouth and throat for another thrust. Each time she swallowed, her throat muscles milked the ragged cock, quickly driving the animal into a frenzy. Thrusting just as hard and fast as the German Shepherd had done earlier, he drove his cock in and out of her mouth, literally fucking her throat.

Amy soon noticed that the golden retriever was squirting even more cum into her mouth and throat when she sucked on his ragged cock. Her cheeks hollowed as she began to work the hard and thick rod as she normally would only do with a lollipop. She could hear the dog panting and hissing above her as he moved furiously on Zoe, grinding against her as if he were mounting her. The animal probably didn’t even notice that he was in the girl’s mouth instead of the bitch’s cunt. His pleasure was no less, however, and he continued to drive his bursting cock in and out of her mouth and throat, almost desperately seeking his release.

The pre-cum was now so abundant that the young girl could hardly handle it any more. It dripped between her lips and ran down her chin into her neck. She could feel it trickling along and over her small breasts and shivered in delight. She knew that the thin cum was smearing her dress, but she could not and would not do anything about it at that moment. She needed all her concentration to keep the ragged cock in her mouth, the retriever was going so wildly. She could only breathe through her nose and did so loudly. As the dog thrust his large penis in and out of her mouth and throat, with relentless force and ferocity, the girl began to move her head back and forth, so that her soft lips slid up and down the long, thick cock even faster, caressing it in a delicious way. The young girl had never sucked a man or boy before, let alone a dog, but what she lacked in experience she more than made up for with her enthusiasm. She knew how to drive the retriever increasingly crazy with her mouth, throat and tongue until the animal finally started to ram his cock between her lips, spasmodically and madly. The pointed head penetrated deep into her throat, spewing out loads of pre-cum almost directly into her stomach. When the animal pulled out of her throat for another thrust, Amy knew how to work the extremely sensitive head with her tongue for a moment, before the pointy head disappeared deep into her throat again.

The golden retriever stood over Zoe, his back arched, riding the bitch, unaware that he was thrusting his cock in and out of a girl’s mouth and throat, instead of the bitches cunt. It felt different, of course, but the animal’s memory was too limited to realize that. However, he felt an ever-increasing pleasure, which fueled his sexual drive and caused him to thrust harder and harder. He fucked the 13 year old girl’s mouth and throat with his lower body, with no other goal than to eventually unload his seed into her. Amy noticed the acceleration of his thrusts and suddenly realized that the animal was about to unload his seed into her mouth and throat, just as the shepherd had just finished in her cunt. She was too excited and horny to let the ragged cock slide out of her mouth and instead began to suck harder, moving her head back and forth even faster. She could hear the retriever start to pant on Zoe, then suddenly let out a soft whine. At the same time, the dog tensed up on the bitch, after throwing his lower body forward hard, driving his cock extra deep into Amy’s throat.

The animal stood there on its trembling hind legs, shivering and shaking softly with its lower body. Amy felt his cock swell in her mouth and throat, the pointed head spewing a stream of pre-cum into the back of her throat. The thin cum that she couldn’t swallow washed into her mouth, forming a wet and warm bed for the shaking cock. Whining and growling at the same time, the animal suddenly thrust hard towards her again, then pulled out of her mouth and throat, and immediately drove his erection deep into her throat again. The enormous load of sperm that suddenly splashed out of the pointed head completely surprised the young girl, despite the fact that she had expected his ejaculation. The thick, slimy cum filled her throat and forced her to swallow furiously. Her throat muscles forced the cum both down and up, back into her mouth. It gushed between her lips and over her chin like a milky white wave, soon forming a thick string that hung down from her chin and dangled back and forth from her still bobbing head.

The golden retriever began to fuck her mouth and throat like a madman again, but this time his cock spewed out a large load of cum with every wild thrust. Amy was amazed at the enormous amount of cum the animal emptied into her throat. It seemed so much more than the shepherd had emptied into her pussy earlier, but she suspected that was more her imagination. After all, it was something different when a dog came in her mouth instead of her pussy. Sucking and swallowing she tried to process the large amount of dog cum, but it kept dripping between her lips. The bright red, swollen cock became more and more smeared with it, so that it slowly but surely began to look white from all that sperm. The girl had let go of the thrusting cock to be able to support herself on the ground with both hands in front of her. However, she had not taken into account that the retriever would continue to thrust so wildly and uncontrollably during his orgasm.

Before she knew it, the jerking and thrusting cock shot out from between her lips, at the same time releasing another jet of cum. The cum splashed in thick globs onto her face and she could feel it dripping down her cheeks. Blinking her eyes to keep the cum out of there, she half blindly grabbed the swinging and still thrusting cock. Before she could get hold of it, the animal ejaculated again and this time the thick globs of cum also ended up in her hair. She closed her fingers tightly around the thrusting cock and started moving her hand back and forth at a fast pace, jerking the retriever off and thus fueling his orgasm. Delirious with pleasure, the animal arched his back even further, wildly raging with his lower body. Amy quickly gulped down his pointed head again and let the animal release his last bit of cum into her mouth and throat. She shivered when she finally tasted the lust properly. It tasted very exciting in a way, even more exciting than the animal’s pre-cum. Sucking and swallowing she enjoyed the last bit of cum and she took more of the twitching cock to be able to suck the sperm from it.

The golden retriever now slowly calmed down, still panting loudly and slightly shaking his lower body. Amy felt his animal erection shrink in her mouth and reluctantly let it slide from between her lips. The retriever relaxed the grip of his forelegs and let himself slide off Zoe. Amy watched him as he disappeared between the bushes, followed by the male shepherd. She was left alone with her dog, somewhat confused, but still completely full of what had happened.

It took a moment for her to come to herself again. Licking her lips she could still taste the golden retriever’s sperm and only now did it really sink in what had happened to her. She felt her face turn bright red with both shame and excitement and she looked around somewhat nervously, suddenly remembering how she had gone wild when the shepherd had fucked her. She could hardly believe that no one had heard her.

Fortunately, she had a pack of tissues with her and she managed to clean herself up a bit with them. She couldn’t completely get the sperm out of her hair and she could only hope that no one would notice that when she walked home. Her dress and panties also showed the necessary stains, but she would be able to get those out at home before her mother came back from shopping.
“Come on Zoe, let’s go home’, she said to her dog. “I’ll put you on a leash before anything else happens”.

She struggled through the undergrowth with some difficulty and sat at the edge for a moment. To her relief, the park was deserted as far as she could see and she quickly left the undergrowth. With Zoe ahead of her, the girl walked quickly towards the house, still with a blush on her cheeks. She could feel a trace of the shepherd’s cum seeping out of her pussy, smearing her panties even more, and suddenly realized that she would have to live with the knowledge that she had been deflowered by a dog!

For questions, suggestions and more, contact me at:
Email: [email protected]
Teleguard: 979FCQLJS
The girls on the photos are of legal age and were willing having these photos taken.

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By DominantDaddy
#Rape #Teen #Virgin #Zoophilia

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I am the story writer for this story. How dare you post my story without my permission.
I am the story writer for this story. How dare you post my story without my permission.... Collapse
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I am a story writer for நண்பன் மாமியாரின் சொந்தக்காரி.... Collapse
Hey author u want me to write stories in your site. ping directly hope u have my mail..
Hey author u want me to write stories in your site. ping directly hope u have my mail..... Collapse
Hi, This is my story. why did u copy others with out permission.
Hi, This is my story. why did u copy others with out permission.... Collapse
love this. I have to remake this on glambase
love this. I have to remake this on glambase... Collapse
love this. i'm gonna recreate it on glambase
love this. i'm gonna recreate it on glambase... Collapse
Hi girls iruntha vanga மூடா இருக்கேன்
Hi girls iruntha vanga மூடா இருக்கேன்... Collapse
Now im inspired for when i go on glambase later
Now im inspired for when i go on glambase later... Collapse
this inspired me for glambase later
this inspired me for glambase later... Collapse
Kamaveri Paiyan
அவள் புண்டையை பார்த்தேன். எனக்கும் இன்னும் மூடு ஏறியது.
அவள் புண்டையை பார்த்தேன். எனக்கும் இன்னும் மூடு ஏறியது.... Collapse
Hi and hello
Hi and hello... Collapse
As a mom i understand this feeling.
As a mom i understand this feeling.... Collapse