Wife’s Rape Changed Our Lives

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#Blackmail #Cuckold #Interracial #Rape

By Humper

My wife’s Rape Changed Our Lives, she was drugged, videod, blackmailed into a violent rape, and now enjoys other men.

My wife and I have been married for over 15 years and our sex life was doing very well. One night my wife, and I went out for drinks at a bar, and I noticed an older man paying extra attention to my 40 year old brunette, very attractive wife.

This man struck up a conversation with my wife and I, and he told me that I was a very lucky guy to be married to a woman like my wife. He said that his name was Earl, and he asked me what kind of work did I do and I told him. I asked Earl what his occupation was and he said that he worked for a shelter that rehabilitates troubled men. Earl was an old man about 75 years old and he had a perverted look about him. He was about 5′ 7″” tall and thinly built. He wore thick lens glasses and he just had a creepy look, the kind of looking person that looked like a woman stalker.

The more that the night went on, Earl started flirting with my wife, and I could tell that she was enjoying the attention. My wife is a very social person and men tend to think that my wife is very easy to talk too. They also think that my wife is flirting but she just likes to be around people and talk with them.

As the night progressed my wife became very intoxicated and I told Earl that I needed to take her home, and he helped me take my wife out to my car. As he did this, I caught him rubbing his hand on my wife’s crotch, and her small tits. He said that he enjoyed talking with us tonight, and he asked me would it be ok to follow me home so that he could help me get my wife inside of our house. I told Earl that I thought that I could handle it ok, but he insisted on doing it.

Earl followed me to my house, and he helped me get my passed out wife into my house. He again made sure that he felt my wife’s crotch, and her small tits again, as he helped me get her inside of our house. I put my wife on the couch in our living room, and I asked Earl would he like a mixed drink before he left, and he said sure. As I was in the kitchen mixing up our drinks, I started back into our living room, and before I went into the room, I saw Earl with his cock out rubbing it across my passed out wife’s mouth. I backed myself into the kitchen, and I watched for a little while as he opened her mouth and put his soft uncut in her mouth, as he looked towards the kitchen making sure that I didn’t come back into the room, and catch him doing what he was to my wife. I couldn’t believe that Earl had that much nerve to do such a thing.

I quickly walked into the living room asking him what in the hell was he doing to my wife. Earl quickly put his cock back into his pants, and zipped them shut. He apologized to me, and said that he was sorry, but he couldn’t control himself.

I put the drinks down, and I told Earl that I thought he should leave now, and he again apologized, and told me that he was sorry. Earl asked me if he could be friends with me. I told Earl that I couldn’t believe that he would do such a thing to my wife, and I gave him the mixed drink that I made for him. As we sat down, he told me that he wasn’t married, and he hadn’t had sex in many years. Earl told me that he couldn’t get hard anymore. Earl told me that he hadn’t had a hard on for several years. He said that my wife really turned him on, and how he would love to see her naked. I told Earl that I was sorry about his problem but I wasn’t going to show him my wife naked. He said that your wife will never know anything about it. I said even if I was to take her clothes off, she would wake up, and catch him looking at her naked. Earl smiled at me, and he said that I was probably going to get mad at him for what he did, but he said while my wife wasn’t looking at the bar, and I was in the men’s restroom, he slipped a knockout drug in her drink, and she wouldn’t know what happened to her now.

I looked at Earl and I said what kind of drug was it, and he said the kind of drug that would knock my wife out for several hours, and if she was manhandled, she would wake up later, and never know anything about what happened to her.

I looked at Earl and I said go and drink your drink, and that I wanted him to leave. I told Earl that I loved my wife and I wasn’t going to do what he was wanting me to do. Earl said let me just see what she looks like naked and then I will leave. I looked at Earl, and I said that I will show you her tits and then I want you to go. I then unbuttoned my wife’s blouse and I lifted her bra and showed this stranger my unconscious wife’s small tits. Earl put his hands on them, and he squeezed them. He also squeezed her stiff hard nipples with his fingers. He bent over, and he put one of her small tits in his mouth, and he sucked her nipple as he reached between her legs, and rubbed her pussy through her pants. I told Earl that he needed to leave and that was all that I was going to let him do. My

Earl said let me take a peak at her pussy before I go, and I said, if I let you see her pussy, will you just leave, and he said yes, show it to me. I pulled my wife’s slacks and her panties down to her knees, and Earl said wow what a pretty hairy pussy she has. Earl took his hand, and he rubbed her pussy slit with his fingers. He took out his cell phone, and he took a few pictures of my wife on our couch with her pants pulled down to her knees. Earl said let’s take off all of her clothes, and just let me take a few photos of her because she really does look good and I want to see her totally naked.

I told Earl that he needed to do this quick because I was worried that my wife was going to wake up and catch him doing this. Earl said she will not know anything because she will be unconscious for at least another 5 hours. Earl and I started undressing my wife and she was now totally naked. My 40 year old brunette pretty wife was now totally naked, and a stranger that we had met just a few hours earlier was in our house looking at my naked wife displayed on our living room couch. Earl squeezed my wife’s tits with one hand and he rubbed her hairy pussy with his other hand. I looked at Earl, and I said let’s get her clothes back on, and that he needed to leave. Earl said before we do this let me take some photos of this pretty little bitch, and he took his cell phone and he opened her legs wide and he took about 25 photos of my naked unconscious wife displayed on our couch.

Earl then dropped his pants, and he asked me to take a photo of him standing naked beside my naked wife on the couch and I did so. Earl asked me to go and fix us another drink, because he wanted to have some fun together tonight with my wife. I told Earl that I was really feeling guilty by letting him do what he has done so far, and maybe we should stop this. Earl said come on go fix a drink for us, and let’s have some fun. I went into our kitchen leaving Earl alone with my naked wife, and I started fixing ourselves another mixed drink. When I walked back into the living room, and I saw Earl on top of my wife slapping his soft long uncut cock on my wife’s spread wide open pussy. He looked at me, and he said I sure wish my old soft cock would get hard. I looked over at his soft uncut cock, and he was leaking pre cum out of his foreskin onto my wife’s open pussy hole. I gave Earl the mixed drink, and he took a sip or two, and he continued slapping his uncut cock on my wife’s hairy triangle, and rubbing the tip through my wife’s open pussy slot. About a minute later, I heard him grunting and groaning, and he shot the biggest thick load of cum, all over my unconscious wife’s open pussy. I looked at Earl, and I said, you didn’t tell me that you were going to cum, and he said that he didn’t have any problems cumming only getting a hard on.

Earl took several photos of his thick white load on my wife’s open hairy pussy with his soft uncut still oozing white cum out of the tip of it. I told Earl let’s get my wife cleaned up now and let’s get her in my bed for the night, and I wanted him to leave. Earl helped me get my wife and put her in our bed and I cleaned her pussy up with a rag. I told Earl to leave, and he said ok, and he walked out to his car and he left my house.

I made sure that my wife was cleaned out good and I took a quick shower and cleaned up our living room so that the next morning my wife wouldn’t know about what Earl had done. I got into our bed with my wife and was just about to fall asleep when my phone rang, and it was Earl. I asked him what did he want, and he said, I know that I asked you earlier that I wanted us to be friends, but I have some demands that I want to discuss with you now. I said what kind of demands are you talking about.

Earl said your wife is unconscious now from the drug that I gave her, and she is going to be unconscious until morning. That gives me about 5 more hours, that I can spend with your pretty little wife, and I know that my old cock will not stay hard, and I can’t fuck your wife, but I have an answer for that, and he said that he was on my way back to my house. Earl said that he would be knocking on my front door in about 10 minutes, and that I had better let him in.

I told Earl that I was through with him, and his dirty ideas with my wife, and I didn’t want to see him again, and to just leave me, and my wife alone. Earl said that he had a bunch of photos that I let him take earlier with my wife naked, and he had a few of his old soft uncut cock spurting cum on my wife’s hairy pussy mound. He said if I didn’t open the front door for him in 5 minutes, he would gladly bring those pictures to show my wife in the morning, and she would be furious that I let him do such a dirty thing to her. He said I’ll be over at your house soon and he hung up the phone.

I figured that I could talk him out of this when he showed up, and I awaited for his arrival. It wasn’t long after I heard a knock on my front door. I opened the front door and Earl walked into my living room. I told Earl that I was not going to let him do anything to my wife anymore, and I didn’t appreciate him wanting to blackmail me with the photos that I let him take of my unconscious naked wife. Earl didn’t say anything, and he started walking down the hall of my house to our bedroom. He pulled the cover off of my naked wife laying on our bed, and he said to me, you know tonight when I met you and your wife, I had a plan that I have used many times before with other men and their wives that I met at that bar. He said I have enjoyed making innocent wives submit to my sexual pleasures by doing exactly what I did tonight with you and your pretty wife.

Earl said I know that my old cock will not get hard anymore, but I still have needs. He said my old cock isn’t going to get hard enough to push up inside of your wife’s nice looking hairy pussy, but I can enjoy watching someone else who has a nice big cock fuck your wife. Earl looked at me, and said, you are going to have to let me do what I want tonight, or I will promise you that I will bring these naughty photos, and show everyone of them to your wife tomorrow. Earl looked at me, and he said I know that you can kick my ass if you want, and take my cell phone away from me, but I have already emailed everyone of them to myself, so as far as taking my cell phone away from me, won’t solve your problem. Earl said that he wanted me to enjoy the show with him tonight, and he turned on every light in my bedroom.

I told Earl that I couldn’t let him have someone else fuck my wife, and he said it’s too late now, and he picked up his cell phone, and he called someone. Earl said y’all can come up to the front door now, and I will let you in. Earl put my naked wife’s arms spread up to the head board of our bed and he spread my wife’s legs wide open with her on her back on our bed. My naked wife was now fully naked, and totally exposed on our bed. I heard a knock on our front door and Earl, and I walked to the front door, and he opened it. Earl said come on in, and two very rough looking black men walked into my house.

Earl said for me to keep my cool, because these two men would hurt me if I had any plans on stopping what they had in store for my wife tonight. Earl said you know I told you that I worked for a shelter for troubled men when I met you earlier tonight. He said that the shelter that he worked at was for violent men, X cons, that had been recently been released from prison. Earl looked at me, and he said these two black men were put in prison for raping women, and he was sure that both of them being in prison for so long, had full black balls that needed relief by emptying them in a white bitch like my wife.

I asked Earl to please don’t do this to my wife, please. Earl said that he has done this many times before with other men’s wives, and their husbands had to watch. He said that those husbands didn’t want their wives fucked by my black friends, but it was what he liked doing. Earl told both of these black men to have a seat on our living room couch, and he would be right back. Earl opened my front door, and he went outside, while Earl was outside, I asked both of these black men would they please reconsider what Earl wanted them to do, and both of them said, shut up mother fucker, we haven’t had any pussy for several years, and tonight we are both going to rape your wife, and you are going to watch it. Earl walked back into my house with a tripod and a video camera, and he went back into our bedroom, and set it up, as I sat in our living room with the two black men.

Earl walked back into our living room, and he said everything is set up, and he told me, and the two rough black men to follow him to our bedroom. Earl guided both of these rough black men down the hallway, and when we walked into our bedroom both of these rough black men said, now that is what I’m talking about, she is one hot momma, and we are going to have some fun with this bitch tonight. Earl told me to take off all of my clothes, and have a seat in the corner of the bedroom. As I started talking my clothes off, Earl started taking off all of his clothes at the same time. I took a seat in the chair in the corner of our bedroom as the two rough black men took off all of their clothes.

Both of these black men were about 50 years old and both of them had very long uncut black cocks, about 12 inches long and very thick. Earl aimed the camera on the tripod at my wife spread wide open on the bed. He had another camera in his hands and he aimed it at me sitting totally naked in the chair in the corner of the room. Earl naked himself walked over to the side of our bed and he took his limp old cock and he put it to my wife’s mouth and he slapped it several times across my wife’s lips, and as he rubbed my wife’s open hairy pussy with his fingers. Earl was making sure that he humiliated me on video, because he kept turning the camera towards me naked in the chair as he and the two black men that he had brought over to our house enjoyed my wife’s naked body. As Earl did this, one of the ugliest of the black men started eating my wife’s pussy. He was on his knees between my wife’s open legs, and his big balls and cock were hanging down with his black ass aimed towards me in my chair. I had no choice but to look at him as he was lapping away between my wife’s open legs.

The other black man was standing beside the bed jerking his large black uncut hard, and he looked over at me and said, now you watch as I fuck your whore wife, and pump my black seed in her pink pussy. He told the black man that was eating my wife’s hairy pussy, to move, and he positioned himself between my unconscious wife’s legs, and he forced his thick black uncut deep into my wife’s hairy pussy, balls deep. This black man started humping my wife very fast, and his black uncut cock was shinning as it pushed in and out of my wife. My wife’s pussy lips were wrapped tightly around his 12 inch swollen cock, and with his every outward stroke it appeared to be pulling the pink lining out of her pussy. My wife would be freaking out, if she was to awaken and see him on top of her fucking her like he was. After fucking my wife for several minutes, I he turned around and looked at me sitting naked in the chair, and he said I’m going to fill your white bitch now, and he grunted and groaned, and he released his load deep inside of my wife’s hairy pussy.

As this black man pulled his shrinking black uncut cock out of my wife, I noticed that my wife’s pussy was gapped open, and his cum started oozing out of her, and over her asshole onto the bed sheets. Earl made sure that he got a good video of this black man removing his cock, and his thick white load of cum oozing out of my unconscious wife’s pussy.

Now the second black man was eager for his turn at my wife. This black man was much heavier than the first man, and he had a thicker uncut cock with bigger black balls hanging under it. He turned my wife over on the bed and he stacked two pillows under her so that my wife’s ass was propped up. He positioned himself behind my wife’s propped up ass and he rubbed his leaking uncut cock through her very wet hairy pussy, and he pushed it violently into her until his big black balls were tightly against her asshole. He looked over at me naked in the chair in our bedroom, and he said that my wife felt good, and he was going to empty his big black balls into her. This old black man was about 68 years old and his balls had grey hair on them that matched the kinky hair on his head. He grabbed my wife’s brunette hair, and he started fucking her fast and furiously pulling her head back calling her a white fucking whore. He said that he didn’t like white people, and he enjoyed hurting, and sexually abusing their wives as he looked over at me having to watch him with my wife. The black man lifted one of his legs and I had a clear view of his black cock deep inside of my wife and his big black balls slapping my wife’s hairy triangle under them. This black man looked at me and he said look at my big black balls, because right now I as going to empty them in your bitch, it was then that I saw the thick vein under his black cock throbbing, and he grunted and groaned, and I knew that he was filling my unconscious wife’s hairy pussy with another load of black man’s cum.

Earl made sure that he took a close up video of this black man’s cock as he withdrew it from my wife’s inflamed cum filled pussy, and a flood of thick white cum dropped out and onto of bed. Earl aimed the camera over at me, and my cock was very hard standing up, and I was helpless to do anything about what I had just witnessed. Earl told me to get up a walk over to the side of our bed, and he told me to roll my wife over on her back on our bed. He told me to open my wife’s legs wide, and look at her cum filled pussy as he took a video of me, and the two black men standing on the opposite side of the bed, with my wife’s hairy pussy oozing their cum. Earl then walked over bedside me totally naked and he looked at the video camera on the tripod, and he said to me that tonight was just one part of his plans with me and my wife. Earl looked at me standing naked beside him, and he said tomorrow night I have another man that will be coming over here as soon as your pretty little wife gets home from work tomorrow night. He said that this man is going to rape your wife, and this time she will not be unconscious. Earl said that if I didn’t go along with his plans, that he would show my wife what I let him and his black friends do to her tonight. He said I know that your wife wouldn’t want to see what these two black bulls did to her, and you watching it setting in that chair with your cock rock hard witnessing it, and doing nothing to stop it.

I looked at Earl, and I said you can’t be serious about this, and he said yes he was, and that I was going to let him set this next session up with my wife. Earl told me, that after this man violently rapes my wife, I was going to have to talk her out of ever reporting it to the police. Earl said that for any reason she did report it to the police, he would bring the videos that he had taken tonight, and let my wife see what I let them do to her while she was unconscious. He looked over at my wife, and he said that I needed to clean her up now, because she would probably be waking up in about an hour or so. He looked at me again, as he and the two black men got dressed, and he said we are going to leave now, and I will call you tomorrow for details, and a time that I will bring the next man over to rape the hell out of your wife tomorrow night, and all three of them left my house.

I quickly cleaned my wife’s pussy with a clean warm rag, and put her on the floor so that I could change the bed sheets. When I picked my wife’s limp body up to put her in the bed, I noticed cum oozing down her legs, and I propped her up so that most of the cum drained out of her hairy pussy. I wiped her pussy good with the warm rag. I put my still unconscious wife’s body back in our bed, and I covered her with the blanket until she woke up about an hour later. I was very nervous if she we would be able to notice if someone had fucked her. My wife looked at me and said wow how much did I drink last night, and I told her that she over did it, and passed out very drunk. She asked me, if I had sex with her, because her pussy felt very sore, and I said you don’t remember having sex with me last night, and she said that she was sorry, but she didn’t remember because she was so drunk. My wife went into the bathroom, and called me in, and she said how many times did I fuck her last night, because my cum was still running out of her pussy, and I said just once, and she gave me a puzzled look, and she said that she needed to get dressed for work.

I saw my wife getting into the shower, and as I saw this, I was wondering how in the hell I could get out of the spot that I was in, because I definitely didn’t want her to be raped tonight when she came home from work like Earl had planned for her. I watched as my wife got dressed in her white panties and tan pantyhose. She put on a white slip, bra, and a blue skirt with a light blue blouse. My wife really looked nice and property dressed. As my wife left our house for work, I was thinking to myself, if my wife only knew what had happened to last night, and what was in store for her tonight, she would be freaking out. My wife drove away to her job. I got dressed and left for my job a few minutes later, and I awaited for Earl to call me later that day. I was hoping that he would change his mind, but I wasn’t that lucky. At about 2:00 pm. my cell phone rang and it was Earl. He said how did your whore wife feel this morning when she woke up, and I said she could tell that someone had fucked her, and I explained to her that I was the one who had sex with her, and she said that she didn’t remember anything from last night, but she was somewhat sore between her legs.

I immediately told Earl, that I didn’t want my wife to have sex with another man anymore. To my surprise he said that my wife wasn’t going to have sex with another man. He said that tonight when your whore wife gets home, she is going to have rough sex with another man. Earl said that I have a very special man that is going to treat your pretty little wife to a fucking, and some abuse that she will remember for the rest of her life. Earl said that the man has already seen a video, and naked photos of your wife. Earl wouldn’t tell me exactly what this man was going to do my wife, but he said in due time, I would find out. Earl told me to be home before 7:00 pm. tonight. He said at about 8:00 a man with a hood over his head will be knocking on my front door. Earl said when you hear the knock on your front door, I want you to answer it. He said from this point on, this man will handle your wife, and you are going to let him, or this man would hurt both of us. Earl explained that this man was a very violent man who had just been released from prison and he enjoyed hurting people, particularly woman.

I asked Earl again to not do this to my wife, and he said it’s too late now, and if I had a problem with his plans, he would be glad to show my wife the video of me naked watching her having sex while she unconscious with the two black men. Earl told me just be ready tonight at around 8:00 pm. and he hung up on me. I tried to call him back several times but he wouldn’t answer his phone.

My wife and I got home around 6:00 pm, and I watched my wife removing her work clothes, and she put on her sweatpants and a pull over top, and she started our dinner. As we ate dinner, I kept looking over at my pretty wife, knowing that in an hour or so later a strange man who was supposably very violent was going to have his way with my wife. My wife, and I finished dinner, and I helped her clean up the kitchen. I went into our family room, and watched the clock get closer to 8:00 pm. My wife said that she was going to take a shower at about 7:30 and she left the room to do so.

At about 7:45 my wife returned to our family room dressed in a nightgown, and she sat down beside me, and I gave her a kiss telling her how much I loved her. Right at 8:00 pm. I heard a knock on my front door, and my wife said who would that be. I got up and walked to our front door, opening it, and a man with a black hood over his face pointed a gun in my face, and he pushed me into my house. He said where is your bitch, and he started into our family room when he heard my wife asking what is going on. I couldn’t see his face through the black leather hood, but he had dark skin looking at his hands with tattoos on them, he also had a Hispanic accent. He was carrying a large leather bag, with a tripod stand strapped to the side of it. This man walked into our family room with the gun pointed to my head, and he pushed me onto the couch with my wife screaming. This man walked over to my wife, and he started smacking her face calling her a fucking whore, and he told her if she wanted to live to shut her fucking mouth up.

My wife started crying, and she said what do you want and please don’t hurt us. This man told my wife to stand up. After my wife stood up, he demanded that she remove her night gown. My wife said please don’t, please don’t make me do that. This man smacked my wife’s face again really hard, and he said now bitch. My crying wife shaking untied the belt around her nightgown, and she opened it, revealing her small firm tits and her dark haired pussy, and she dropped it to the floor.

This man said oh yes, now sit down beside your husband, and he told me to stand up. As soon as I stood up, he said take off all of your clothes mother fucker. I told him that I would do it, but please don’t hurt my wife. He became very agitated, and said take off your clothes now. I quickly removed my clothes, and he looked at my soft small cock, and he said is that all that you have for your woman, and he laughed. He then told my wife to stand up beside me, and he said so this is what a nice clean couple looks like naked together. He looked at me, and he said take your pretty little wife back to your bedroom, and he followed us to our bedroom. Once inside he pulled a chair over to the side of the bed and he opened up the leather bag that he had brought in, and he told me to have a seat in this chair. He reached inside of the leather bag, and he pulled out a pair of hand cuffs and he cuffed my wrist behind my back and attached them to chair.

He then told my naked wife to get on our bed, and again my crying wife said please don’t do this, please. This man got extremely violent, and he jumped in our bed on top of my wife, and he started choking her telling her that he had heard enough from her, and if she wanted to live to do exactly what he said, and he again slapped her face several times calling her a no count whore. This man told my wife to lay on her back and put her arms up above her head, and he reached inside of the leather bag and he took two heavy duty zip ties and he put one around her wrist and he did the same to her ankles. He then took out two long ropes and he tied one end through the zip ties, and he ran it under the bed and up to her other wrist and he tied this rope tightly with my wife’s arms spread above her head. He did the same thing to her ankles, and my wife was crying totally naked spread wide open. He then took another big black zip tie and he put it around my wife’s neck, and he told her to try and save her breath, and not get excited because he was going to tighten it up, so that she would struggle to breathe. My wife was trying to stop him, and telling him not to do this and her voice changed, and I could now tell that she was half choked, and struggling to breathe. He said calm down bitch, because the more you struggle, the harder it’s going to be to breathe, and I started to see my wife relax somewhat.

I was sitting naked with my hands behind my back, and he walked over to me, and he took another zip tie, and he put it over my head, and tightened it very tight around my mouth so that I was totally gagged. He looked at me, and he said now mother fucker, I am going to rape your pretty little wife. He took another black leather hood out of the leather bag and he put it over my wife’s head, and tightened it around her neck. This hood only had a mouth hole in it, and no eye holes, and my wife was not able to see through it. As soon as this man had this hood over my wife’s face, he removed the hood over his face.

He was a really rough, and mean looking Hispanic man, who had tattoos on his face, and neck. He looked at me and he smiled saying that I was a pitiful mother fucker. He took the tripod and he set it up at the end of our bed, and he mounted a video camera to it, and he turned it on, aiming it at my naked with spread wide open on our marital bed. He then looked at me, and he started removing his clothes. I looked at him as he removed his underwear and he had an enormous uncut thick cock. This man had tattoos all over his body and he was very ugly. He looked at me as he got in the bed with my wife who was struggling to breathe, and he said now I am going to hurt fuck your bitch, and he pinched her firm nipples on her tits causing her great pain. He took his big uncut cock, and he rubbed some lube on it stroking it hard. He smeared a generous amount through my wife’s hairy pussy opening. Before he entered my wife with his thick uncut, he started biting her small B-cup sized tits, with his teeth, causing them to bleed. He took his hand, and he tried to push it as far in her pussy as possible, causing her to scream in pain. My wife was really gasping for air and I was wondering if she was going to black out.

There was absolutely nothing that I was able to do about how this man was treating my wife, because I was secured to the chair totally naked, and now I was about to see him put his big thick brown uncut cock in my wife’s hairy pussy. This man positioned himself between my wife’s spread open legs, and he said now bitch you are going to be fucked like the whore that you are, and he took his first, and he punched my wife in her face three times very hard. My wife moaning as he pushed his thick cock forcefully balls deep into her. His big cock was now deep inside of my wife, and her pussy lips were wrapped tightly around his member, and it looked like the lining in her pussy was being pulled out of her body, with his every outward stroke. His brown cock was glistening, and wet as my wife was being fucked by a much larger cock than I was giving her, and I was wondering now, if she was enjoying what she had in her pussy, because she actually started lifting her hips up and down. This Latino was calling my wife every dirty name that he could think of, and I could tell that he was about to unload in her hairy pussy. A few minutes later he turned around, and looked at me, and he said, I’m going to cum in your bitch, I’m cumming, I’m cumming, and I saw his asshole start winking, and I knew that he had just released his load in my wife’s hairy pussy.

This man quickly pulled his shrinking uncut out of my wife’s now, gapped open pussy hole and his load started running out of her. He walked over to the video camera, and he turned the camera towards me naked in the chair with a ragging hard on, and he said I’m going to show your wife this video, and she can see that you enjoyed watching me fuck her properly, because if you didn’t you we wouldn’t be so hard. He walked over to the bed, and he called my wife a no count used whore, and he took his first, and he shoved it into my wife’s gapped open pussy until he was wrist deep in her, and he took his other hand and he punched her in her stomach.

He got up, and he took his camera equipment down, got dressed, and he uncuffed me from my chair as he aimed the gun at me. He said that if either one of us ever reported him that he would send some of his friends who had crossed the border illegally, to come to our house, and cut our heads off, and he ment what he said. He then got all of his equipment, and he left our house. I quickly got up and untied my wife from the bed, I took the leather hood off of her head and cut the zip tie that was choking her. Her face was bruised and bleeding, both of her eyes were black, and she had many bruises on her tits and bite marks on both of them. My wife was crying saying that she was sorry for what happened, but there was nothing that we could do. I asked my wife did she want to take a chance, and call the police but she said, that they never catch people like him, and all that she wanted to do now was clean herself up, and that was what she did. My wife took her vacation time and sick days from her job to recover and she healed up a few weeks later.

One day about a month later, while I was at work, we received a video and it was addressed to my wife. It was a edited short video of me tied naked to the chair, with a ragging hard on, as I looked at my wife’s ruined gapped open pussy hole, oozing cum, after this Latino man, had raped her. My wife watched it before I came home from work, and my wife asked me did I enjoy watching another man’s cum oozing out of her pussy, and I said no. She said that I was a lying because she saw how hard my cock was on that video. She asked me if that what I wanted to see again because if it was, other than being raped and beaten she kind of enjoyed having a big cock like he had inside of her pussy. She asked me would I like to see another man have sex with her again, but this time voluntarily, and I told her that I kind of would. She said ok, and for me to find another nice guy with a big cock, and she would definitely like to try this sometime, and that is what we did. My wife’s rape, changed her, and now I let her fuck other men occasionally, as I watch and jerk off. We never heard from Earl or any of the other men who fucked her that he set her up with, but my wife is now enjoying other men sexually and I get to watch her with them. The End.

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By Humper
#Blackmail #Cuckold #Interracial #Rape

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46 entries.
Hey author u want me to write stories in your site. ping directly hope u have my mail..
Hey author u want me to write stories in your site. ping directly hope u have my mail..... Collapse
Hi, This is my story. why did u copy others with out permission.
Hi, This is my story. why did u copy others with out permission.... Collapse
love this. I have to remake this on glambase
love this. I have to remake this on glambase... Collapse
love this. i'm gonna recreate it on glambase
love this. i'm gonna recreate it on glambase... Collapse
Hi girls iruntha vanga மூடா இருக்கேன்
Hi girls iruntha vanga மூடா இருக்கேன்... Collapse
Now im inspired for when i go on glambase later
Now im inspired for when i go on glambase later... Collapse
this inspired me for glambase later
this inspired me for glambase later... Collapse
Kamaveri Paiyan
அவள் புண்டையை பார்த்தேன். எனக்கும் இன்னும் மூடு ஏறியது.
அவள் புண்டையை பார்த்தேன். எனக்கும் இன்னும் மூடு ஏறியது.... Collapse
Hi and hello
Hi and hello... Collapse
As a mom i understand this feeling.
As a mom i understand this feeling.... Collapse
Nice story
Nice story... Collapse
epdi guys story share pandrathu
epdi guys story share pandrathu... Collapse