Weird Times At B.H.S. Part 03 Justin

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I sat in the back. I had nothing against math or even Mr. Jefferson and his smug grin. It was Alice who drew me to the table we shared in the far corner.

At first glance, she appeared like an ordinary brunette. It was only when I got close that her exotic features distinguished her from the other girls. Alice’s unusual eyes had very little in common even with her own genetic makeup. One of her parents was distinctly Asian, perhaps from southeast Asia as that would explain the subtle tone in her complexion that gave her skin a permanent, light tan. I lifted my gaze from her soft thigh just in time.

“Hello?” she asked.


Alice extended her hand. But when I shook it, she furrowed her brow.

“Your, uh, homework?” she explained.

“I’m Justin,” I said anyway.

She narrowed her pretty eyes. “Um, OK, Justin… Are you going to let me go?”



“Your shampoo—or maybe it’s body wash?”

Her chair scraped across the floor a few inches away from me.

“I’m not, you know, like smelling you or anything,” I insisted.

But her chair’s metal feet were already digging into the linoleum flooring like claws and she drifted further away.

“It’s just really strong, sorry. Sheesh…”

Mr. Jefferson shot an angry look toward our table. “Blondie? Yes, you in the back. Do you mind if I be in charge for a while?”

I mumbled under my breath.

“What’s that? Your lips are moving but I can’t hear what you’re saying. Did you say something?”

I shook my head.

“Thank you. Alright everyone, pass your homework forward and open your books.”

My paper very cautiously eeked its way across the table toward Alice. When it bumped into her arm, she took it without looking in my direction.

“Maybe it’s coconut…” I whispered.

Alice didn’t look up.

It was only about ten minutes into Mr. Jefferson’s lecture that she allowed herself to relax. Alice sat back in her seat and stretched her legs forward. That was the first time I noticed just how perfect her skin was. Her skirt stopped about halfway down her thighs. They were pressed tightly together and that warm, ashen skin flowed seamlessly down to her knees and disappeared under the table. Then, she set a hand in her lap.

Her writing hand scribbled away, ferociously recording everything that came out of Mr. Jefferson’s mouth. Even that was flawless. Alice’s paper looked like it had been professionally printed.

“Hey!” she hissed.

I lifted my gaze and found her scowling.

Alice lowered her voice. “Maybe you could, like, pay attention for a while?”

“I am! I was just trying to figure out—”


“Well, like, what are you?”

She tapped her pen on her notebook, leaving angry little marks. “What kind of question is that? Seriously, what does that even mean?”

“Your parents, I was just trying to figure out—”

Mr. Jefferson stopped his lecture. He turned to Alice. “This is only the second day and both of you are on the verge of spending it outside with the squirrels. They are surprisingly vicious animals.”

“He started it!” Alice complained.

“I did not!”

Mr. Jefferson waited for a moment. Everything got real quiet, and his dumb grin stretched across his face. It was as if this man was proud that he could so easily command the respect of the thirtyodd seventeen and eighteenyearolds in his classroom who had no other choice than to do whatever he said.

“Do you two want to remain in the class?”

There were a few quiet “oohs” and “aahs”.

We both nodded and Mr. Jefferson reluctantly resumed his lecture on identities.

Alice though didn’t take it very well. She huffed. The substantial bust under her light blue polo heaved. She took a deep breath. Then, another. Her bra had imprinted itself on her shirt. I could see the straps and the distinct outline of the cups. A single button, the lowest of the three, held it all together.

A moment later, she sat up tall in her seat and her skirt rose up her thigh. It wasn’t much, but it moved. She immediately tore a piece of paper from her notebook. Her small hand scribbled something and then slid it across the table.

I looked at the note, then back at Alice. As I began to answer her question though, she brought a finger to her lips. Her eyes motioned toward Mr. Jefferson. Alice dropped her pen onto the piece of paper. It was still warm from her hand.

I wrote just beneath her perfect handwriting. “What I meant from earlier was: where are you from?”

She snatched the pen right back up and gave her terse response. “America! Same as you!” But just as I read it, she added, “Blondie!”

But Alice didn’t relinquish control of the pen back to me. I cursed myself for not bringing my pen or my book—or my homework. Her busy hand went back to work and I leaned in to read.

“Is something wrong with my skirt?”

I looked at her thighs, then back at her. Alice rolled her eyes and began writing.

“I thought there was a problem because you keep staring at it!”

“I am not!” I whispered.

Mr. Jefferson coughed. He didn’t go any further than that. It was enough for Alice though, she flared her skirt out and sat up in her chair. I tapped her on the shoulder. It was almost like there was malice in her eyes instead of just the usual irritation when she turned to me.

“What!” she mouthed.

I calmly held out my hand.

Alice snorted. And it looked like she was about to drop the pen into my palm when at the last moment she pulled away and wrote some more.

There were only two words: “Pay attention!”

I reached for it, and once again, Alice pretended like she was going to let go, then jotted down something else: “Why are you staring at me?”

“It’s the way you’re dressed!” I snapped, then quickly covered my mouth.

“Cosines,” Mr. Jefferson repeated, louder this time, “are trigonometric functions of an angle.”

Alice didn’t miss a beat. Her small hand quickly etched out, “I don’t have a choice! See?” Then, she pointed out the other girls wearing the exact same school uniform. “Why don’t you bother them?” quickly appeared just beneath her text.

I lunged for the pen, determined to set things right. But Alice held on. There was a brief struggle, then it slipped from our hands and tumbled to the floor. The overly dramatic, oneounce piece of plastic banged into the floor like a ton of bricks. And the damned thing continued to roll further under the table. Heads turned. There were quiet whispers and pointing. But Mr. Jefferson’s voice continued through all of it.

Alice rolled her eyes again. She pointed. When I didn’t immediately move to retrieve it, she pinched me. It was sharp, unpleasant, and left a small red mark on my arm. As I rubbed at it, glaring back at her, she struck again.

I caught her though. My hand locked around her wrist. There was a commotion. She grunted. Then, silence.

“Is there a problem?” Mr. Jefferson asked into his whiteboard.

All eyes were immediately back on us.

I sat up and wiped myself off. “Oh, uh no—we’re fine.”

Mr. Jefferson stood motionless, saying nothing. My classmates waited expectantly.

“I, uh, just dropped my pen. That’s all.”

Alice stared down at her book like an ostrich while the other kids watched, hoping for our teacher to follow through with his promise of banishing us to the wilderness. But they were to be disappointed.

Mr. Jefferson continued, “Sines are also trigonometric functions of an angle.”

One by one our peers lost interest. Alice exhaled and her breasts shifted under her shirt. The top two buttons of her polo weren’t fastened so there was a large swath of bare skin peering out from the opening. Below that, the third button was very obviously under duress and threatening to come apart.

My penis stirred in my slacks. It slithered down between my legs, tickling my thighs. I squirmed in my seat and tried to get comfortable.

Alice cocked her head. Her pretty eyes narrowed and scrutinized me as I sat as still as I could. But it kept getting bigger.

“What!” I whispered.

“Shh!” whispered right back. She quickly looked around, then she leaned into my ear. Her lips were right next to it. “Are you going to pick it up or what?” she asked in low, secretive tones.

Her voice just made it worse. It was sweet and soft despite the obvious irritation in her message. I could even feel the moisture on her breath. My erection launched upward and collided with the soft fabric of my pants. I blinked.

“Well?” she asked again.

“No—I mean yeah, I’ll get it,” I croaked. Then, my chair quietly squeaked backward and I ducked below the table.

The floor was cool, a nice relief for my sweaty palms. Alice’s leg brushed against my shoulder as I crawled past her. I was immediately overwhelmed by her stupid body wash. It was coconut. And her warm skin seemed to amplify the scent as I moved down her body to where the pen lay just in front of her.

Just as I was about to finally collect it, Alice stretched out her leg and gently nudged the pen further away with her sneaker. My head immediately snapped around so I could roll my eyes at her, scowl at her—anything to let her know it wasn’t appreciated. I knew she couldn’t see me but it didn’t matter. My eyes climbed up her smooth legs and found a bright pink strip of pink cloth between them.

When she kicked the pen, her thighs had come apart.

I froze. My penis kicked into the front of my pants. They felt slick now. A small trickle of precum seeped out and had been absorbed by the thin, gray fabric. The prospect of a stain didn’t bother me, the site between her legs was too distracting. Alice’s pristine, white sneaker began tapping impatiently on the floor. I lunged for the pen and scrambled back to my seat.

She raised her brow as I scooted my chair in closer to the table, but her skepticism ended as soon as I placed the thing back in her hand.

Alice coolly began taking notes.

“Does anyone want to guess what a tangent is?” Mr. Jefferson asked.

When no one raised their hand, he did a facepalm, got a few laughs, then turned back to his board.

The annoying piece of paper bumped into my arm. Her chair even seemed to have moved closer when I wasn’t looking. The pen rolled toward me.

Without even reading what she’d written, I immediately responded. “You shouldn’t be texting during class.”

Alice’s bubbly cheeks puffed out and it almost appeared that her stern face was trying to stifle a laugh.

“You’re a dork,” she wrote.

“Yeah, well, you suck at flirting.”

Alice snatched the pen in a huff and scribbled, “Flirting! Is that what you think this is? Oh my God! You’re such a perv!”

The reply she got was terse and very clearly upset her. She looked at the question mark with a circle around it for emphasis and looked like she was going to blow her top. The pen even looked like smoke was coming out of it as she wrote.


I cocked my head.

Her nostrils flared. Alice scanned the room before leaning in. Her lips brushed against my ear and she whispered, “You were looking between my legs! I know you were!”

When I didn’t reply, she blew hot air from her nose against the side of my face.

“Well?” she asked. “Are you going to admit it or what?

“It’s not my fault,” I said softly.

“Not your… You were staring—I saw you!”

“I was not!”

“Did you enjoy the show? Huh? Perv!”

“You should maybe, I don’t know, close your legs!” I snapped. “Sit like a lady! Jesus!”

Mr. Jefferson cleared his throat.

“We’re going to do group assignments now. And guess what? You two are going to be partners. You deserve each other.”

There were laughs from the other students.

He continued slowly like we were invalids, “You do know what groups are, don’t you?”

More laughter.

Alice sat back and smoothed out her skirt with her hands. Her light brown hair was disheveled and not nearly as neat as it had been. The top button on her shirt had come open as well but she was too busy trying to hide her red cheeks to notice. The noise in the room picked up as students began their work.

But Alice didn’t stir. She sat there sullenly, cradling her head in her hands. I put my arm on her shoulder and she squirmed.

“Oh my God! What is the matter with you!” she hissed.

“What’s wrong?”

“Are you dumb? This is so embarrassing!”

“It’s not my fault that you dropped the pen,” I mumbled.

Her head rose. There was fire in her eyes.

I held up my hands. “OK, OK—it was both our faults.”

She slowly turned toward me.

“I mean—it was my fault. That’s what I was trying to say.”

The appeased, forgiving look I was expecting never came. Instead, Alice slid her book over to me and pointed at the instructions. She never said a word. She didn’t have to. It was clear all she wanted was the satisfaction of watching me fumble through trigonometry.

“But it’s a group assignment,” I protested.

No response. Nothing.

“I liked you better before I knew you,” I muttered.

She jabbed her pen into my hand. I took it, read the problem, and began writing. Before I got into any real substance, I stopped.

Alice scoffed.

The thin piece of plastic ticked against the composite tabletop. I just kept tapping it, studying the problem on the page.

“What!” she finally said.

“Ah, it’s nothing.”

“See? I knew it. You have no business being in this class.”

“It’s just, well, most people bring a pencil to math class. Here, let me get mine. I have an extra that you can keep.”

Alice’s jaw dropped. And it stayed like that in stunned, quiet fascination as I scribbled out the answers as fast as someone who had memorized them. That is exactly what I’d done but Alice didn’t need to know that. She didn’t need to know that Alex had given them to me just before third period. I handed her the pencil when I was done.

“No, you can keep it,” I said.

All the fury and rage leaked out of her like she was a tire with a hole in it. Her face just seemed to deflate and return to a more natural, peaceful state. She studied the pencil and then took a breath.

“So you’re not dumb?” she asked.

“How about we just start over?”

Alice nodded.

“Alright, give me that. I mean, may I please borrow my pencil—your pencil?”

She smirked but very safely handed me the weapon.

I brought the eraser to my lips, thought for a moment, then began writing. I slid the note to her. Alice covered her mouth. There was an actual smile under there.

“Are you serious?” she said.

I tapped on the paper, right on the message that read: “I think you like me. Circle one: yes or no.”

She stopped to consider for a moment. Alice narrowed her eyes at my terrible handwriting like it was a harder problem than our assignment. Finally, she circled “or”.

When my face lit up, she blushed. “Oh my God! I said or—not yes!”

I waved her in closer. Her hip scooted in alongside mine. “Close enough. Besides, that basically means you want to make out.”

She jabbed me in the shoulder. The hole in her top got wider. A matching pink bra sat underneath and squished her breasts together.

“Hey, I thought we were starting over,” I said.

“We are. But you can’t talk to girls like that—especially you! You’re new here!”


“So? So! I don’t even know you!”

My leg brushed up against hers. “Look, I have an idea. Wait… Actually, nah, that’s stupid…”

Alice quietly brought her sneaker over and nudged my foot. “No, what is it? You can’t do that!” she whined.

“It’s dumb.”

“It probably is… But come on!”

“OK, OK… I was just going to say we could play truth or dare.”

Alice scoffed. “That is dumb.”

“I’ll go first.”

“I’m not playing that!”

I set my hand down on top of hers. She looked at it suspiciously. “OK, I dare you to hold my hand,” I said.

“That’s not even how it works! And someone’s going to see!”

“OK, your turn.”

She huffed. “This is so stupid. Ugh! Fine!” Alice paused to think. As she considered, she pulled our hands under the table to avoid the wandering eyes of our classmates. She set them down on top of her knee. “OK, do you have a girlfriend?”

“You didn’t ask if I wanted truth or dare,” I pointed out.

Alice rolled her eyes. “Truth or dare?”


She stopped and stared. “Wait, what?”

“No as in I don’t have a girlfriend,” I explained.

Her expressionless face studied me. She didn’t even flinch when someone’s book fell off a table on the far side of the room and thudded onto the floor. “Truth,” she said. “And no, I don’t have a boyfriend, so you can skip that one.”

“OK, let’s see… Oh! When you’re all by yourself and you just get out of the shower, do you ever—”

“No! I’m not answering that!”

“You’ve never brushed your teeth?”I asked thoughtfully. “That’s too bad.”

“That was not your question!”

“Well, I have brushed my teeth naked and it’s no big deal. OK, my turn again.”


I cleared my throat and waited.

“Ugh! Truth, I guess…” she mumbled.

“OK, so this is going to sound weird—nah, maybe I shouldn’t ask.”

She scowled.

“Well, did you, like, want me to see earlier?”

“See what?”

I swallowed. “Your, uh, underwear—you said you saw me looking and I was just wondering if you did it on purpose.”

Her eyes flashed. She started to bounce her leg. The vibration caused our hands to slip a little higher until the soft cloth of her skirt tickled the back of my hand. “What kind of question is that? I am not answering that! No! But I bet you liked it!”

“Maybe…” I admitted.

“Oh my God! I knew it! You are a creep!”

“Why won’t you just answer the question?”

Alice glared. “Because I’m not just some random whore you can, you know… I’m going to be a doctor!”

The pads of my fingers caressed the warm, smooth skin on the top of her thigh. “Well, I think you did it on purpose. I think you wanted me to see.”

“It was an accident!” she insisted.

“Sure, right… Whatever you say.”

My fingers coiled around her leg and squeezed. Alice’s jaw came apart. She flashed her perfect, white teeth and stared incredulously at me. For a moment, it looked like she was going to ram her fist through my jaw. But Alice just sat there quietly.

“You’ve never let a boy touch you before?”

She shook her head.

“Is this OK though? Do you want me to stop?”

Her exotic eyes blinked.


“I’m thinking!” she hissed as she scanned the room.


“Just let me think! Ugh!” she said again. “I’ve just never, you know… I’m a good girl! I don’t do this sort of stuff!”

“What sort of stuff?”

She rolled her eyes.

“Then what do you do when you’re horny?” But just as the words left my mouth, I was quick to correct myself—to sanitize my question before this unpredictable girl had a chance to become angry. “Wait—you’ve never had a crush on a boy before?”

“Well, yeah, duh…” she said calmly. “But they don’t seem to ever like me back. I’ve never had a boyfriend.”

“And if you did have a boyfriend, would you let him, you know…”

I dipped my hand lower until my fingers were nestled between her legs. The soft, plaid material of her skirt collected around my wrist.

“Maybe…” she said quietly.

“You’d let him touch you?”

“Yes.” Alice quickly shook her head. “I mean, if I really liked him…” she explained.

“Do you like me?”

“I don’t like the way you make me feel.”

My wrist stopped just an inch from her underwear. I waited.

“I mean, I’m just confused that’s all. I’ve never felt like this before. Ugh!” she said.

“So it feels good? Want me to keep going?”

She bit her lip. A second later she nodded.

“No,” I said.

“What? What do you mean no?”

“I mean no.”

“Justin! That’s not fair!” She peeked down at her skirt, then brought her pleading eyes toward me. “Hey! Why not?”

“OK, maybe… But you have to tell me what you want.”

Alice blushed. Her head swiveled around the classroom before finally coming in close to mine. She leaned in and whispered, “I hate you.”

I laughed.

“No, I really do—but still, I want you to—” she grunted “—I want you to touch me.”

“Where do you want me to touch you?”

“You know where!”


“Fine!” she spat. Her lips drew in closer. “You can touch my, you know, pussy.”

“Uhuh. Say it again.”

“Ugh! You’re a creep.” There was irritation and sarcasm in her voice when she pressed her nose into my ear and whispered, “Hey, Justin? Please? Will you please touch me? There! Happy?”

“Come on, say it like you mean it.”

“Why? What’s wrong with you? Am I supposed to beg?”

“It’s just hot, that’s all—like really hot. You’re making me hard just hearing your voice.”


I nodded.

Alice considered. She started over. This time she spoke more slowly. It was softer. Quieter. She whispered, “Will you touch my pussy?”

But as she spoke—even before her words left her lips—Alice’s thighs came apart. She spread herself open and began panting into my ear. Her soft, sweet breath tickled the side of my face. It was moist like she was lapping at me with her tongue.

My hand found her. It cupped her right on top of her pink panties. She squirmed. Alice’s thighs trembled.

“Does that feel good?” I asked.

Her nose scraped up and down along my face as she nodded.

“Is that what you wanted?”

She didn’t so much speak as she did breathe into my ear. “Yes,” she whispered.

I lifted my head. The room was busy with activity. Our closest neighbors had their faces planted in their books. But even if they did see, even if they glanced our way, they wouldn’t have thought anything about it. Alice looked like she was just whispering a quiet, secret . Her thighs suddenly snapped shut around my wrist.

She started breathing harder. The panting turned into extended gasps for air. My fingers turned numb. Alice mumbled something.

“What was that?” I asked.

“Sorry,” she said.

“For what?”

“I’m sorry I’m so—my panties are so…” She wasn’t able to continue. A soft moan was all she could muster.

I scanned the room again. Mr. Jefferson was a few tables away from us, joking with some students.

“Alice?” I asked. “What were you going to say?”

“You… You made me like this—you made me wet.”

I jabbed the pads of my fingers into her underwear. The last button on her blouse finally popped open. Her legs strangled my arm.

There was a grunt. A soft moan. I could feel Alice’s lips nibbling on my earlobe.

“I’m not a slut,” she whispered.

“I didn’t say you were.”

“I’m a good girl!”

“Oh no, I get it. Let me guess… You’re daddy’s little angel?”

“Yes!” she barked. “I don’t just open my legs for anyone like the other girls. This is the first time, I swear!”

I brushed her panties to the side and a slipped finger over the wet mess between her legs. Alice grunted. “Oh yeah? And if you were all alone with your boyfriend right now, what you would do?”

“You mean if I was alone with you?”

The tip of my finger penetrated her.

Alice grimaced. Her bubbly cheeks scrunched up tight. She took a big breath and a moment later, it passed. “What are you asking me? You want to know if I would suck you?”

“Well, would you?”

There was a long pause followed by a soft moan. She finally found her voice. It was different though. Her words were getting shorter. They were clipped. “I… I mean—maybe. Maybe if you, you know, showed me how.”

“I could teach you, you can practice on me whenever you want. Is that what you want?”

She nodded.

“You want to suck my dick?”

“I… I…”

“Alice? Do you want my dick in your mouth?”

Her eyes slammed shut.

“I’m cumming,” she whispered. Her teeth pinched the delicate tissue of my ear. “You’re making me cum, daddy.”

“What did you say?”

Her fingernails dug into my arm. “I can’t help it, daddy. This boy is making your little girl cum. He’s… He’s inside me.”

Then, she went silent. Alice writhed quietly in her seat as the fleshy walls of her cunt choked my finger. I wiggled it around inside her until it was over—until her orgasm had passed and the spasms subsided.

When it was over, she pulled away abruptly. Her cheeks were bright red. Light tremors still tore through her as she fanned her skirt out so it was back in its natural, intended state.

I blinked at her.

“Don’t look at me,” she growled.


“Just shut up.”

“Did I do something wrong? I thought you wanted to—”

“I’m a good girl!” she said. “Whatever you think happened—well, it didn’t. OK?”

“I, uh, so I didn’t just finger you and make you cum?”

She scoffed and mimicked my voice, “No you didn’t just finger me!”

The bell rang. Alice collected her things but just before she walked away, I grabbed her wrist.

“No, wait! Will I, uh, see you again?” I asked.

She rolled her eyes. “Tomorrow, duh…”

“You’re not mad, though? No, seriously! I can’t tell with you.”

“Whatever. See ya—oh! And don’t tell anyone! Not a soul! Got it?”

I nodded.