Watching A Naked Girl In Public

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By BurnsInside

My first true story. I was in town today, and a girl took off her coat and walked naked up the street, before putting on a quick show and leaving

All my stories to date have been purely fiction, intended for people to read and get off on, if what subjects I used as my premises were your thing.

This is my first true story though, and happened just today as I type this, for the record that is Monday 30th of December 2024

I was in town doing a bit of shopping, nothing special just grabbing a few essentials and checking out the post-Christmas offers as I was at the shops. I won’t name where I live, but so you better understand where I was when this happened, I will try and give you a bit of a mental map of the town center.

I live in a town in the north of the UK, so our high street is pretty small, not like those big city ones I’m sure plenty of you are used to.

One side of the main street is now taken up by a new monstrosity of a shopping complex that was not worth building and replaced the shops that once lined its current location, the other side of the road is a row of various retailers ranging from a Boots store to independent jewellers and so forth, it’s all pretty normal stuff.

Behind those shops is another smaller street that is known locally as Back Market Street, because as you can guess, it is located where the market stalls used to stand every Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. The market has since been moved into the new shopping complex, but the name persists.

One side of this street has all the backs of the ones on the high street, but on the other side are more shops, although these are mostly charity shops and retailers at the lower end of the scale such as Poundland.

At the time of what happened I was up on Back Market Street. There is a bakery there that sells the most delicious sausage rolls, and I was planning on grabbing one or two before my trip home. I know, I’m such a health nut, right?

Being a Monday, the town was less full than on other days, so there were maybe twenty people around total, including me. On the main high street on the other side of the shops, there were more like several hundred wandering back and forth.

I was minding my own business, walking along at a pretty brisk pace to get to the bakery, when I noticed two young women standing together about fifteen feet further up the street from me.

Neither was doing anything suspicious, and there was nothing about the way they were dressed that warranted any special attention. The only reason I paid them any notice was I’m a forty year old single man and they were two beautiful blonde girls who I’d guess were in their early twenties. Do the math for yourself there on why I stopped, and took a few moments to have an ogle.

I didn’t see enough resemblance in them to think they were related, so my assumption was, and is now still, that they are friends.

The one on the left, as I looked at them, was a little taller than her companion. I’m six feet tall and I would say without the stiletto heels she was wearing, she would have been about naturally five feet eight. She had the most adorable brown doe eyes, I’m a total sucker for big eyes on a girl and that was what made me notice her most of all in that moment. She was wearing an ankle length brown suede coat, tied around the middle with a belt. Nothing at all strange in that given it wasn’t the hottest day ever, certainly not cold but everyone I passed had an added layer, and I’d seen plenty of women sporting the same sort of thing over the years.

The girl on the right was more like five feet six. She was beautiful too, just not as much so to me personally, as her friend. She did have a super cute smile however, and as I looked at her I thought she looked a little younger. I can’t be sure, she could just have a more youthful appearance yet be the same age. But I’d say she looked more twenty-one-or-two, whereas the taller girl looked more twenty-five-or-six years old.

She was dressed in a more usual style for a girl her age, wearing dark blue leggings and some sort of trendy black boots on her lower half and a nice jacket to keep herself warm enough on top.

Both were blonde and had matching hairstyles, pulled back into loose ponytails, with dual long strands hanging down over each side of their faces at the front, to act as a frame for their adorableness.

At this point, if I were writing a fictional story I’d go up to them, introduce myself and we’d have a filthy threesome. But real life doesn’t happen like that, at least not for me, and I knew these two gorgeous young women wouldn’t look at me twice – with my greying hair and dad bod – even if I did talk to them. So I just kept looking at the pair for a few moments.

As I stood watching, they started walking forwards slowly, only a few steps but it meant I was close enough that I could just about pick up what she was saying when the shorter girl spoke.

“Are you ready?”

I thought she meant was her friend ready to get going to wherever their destination was? – which in a way turned out to be true – and I got ready to carry on my own journey to the bakery if they weren’t going to be around for me to enjoy the sight of much longer.

“Yes, I’m ready,” the taller blonde with the amazing eyes said, and in a flash she unbuckled the belt around her coat and slipped the whole thing off, before handing it to her friend.

My eyebrows immediately went up higher than they have ever been. She was completely naked underneath the coat, well except for the black stiletto heeled shoes on her feet.

She had a great body. Slim, with perky breasts that would easily fit into the palm of a hand, and they were topped by small bright pink areola and very erect nipples, probably due to the nip in the air making them pop. Her legs were long and shapely and I could see just a bit of short and well groomed hair at her crotch.

I couldn’t believe she was literally standing on a semi busy shopping street nude. She, however, didn’t seem the least bit concerned that there were people around, and trust me everyone was having a good look. A man around my age pulled up to a halt as he saw her and his mouth dropped open, and several women did a double take before hurriedly whispering and shaking their heads. There were some younger guys who were smart enough to get their phones up and snap pictures.

“Hello,” the naked blonde said to someone who hurriedly walked past her, keeping their head down and avoiding eye contact.

It was only a second or two she stood there, before she started walking up the street. Her heels clicking on the paved ground, and small breasts moving in the way only young and perky mounds can with each step. I did notice at that point she had a small rose tattoo on her left hip, but other than that she didn’t have anything else

I couldn’t take my eyes off her, and I’m sure you’d be the same in my position. She was smiling and walked in a confident stride, her shoulders back and relaxed as she passed two people who both spun their heads to watch her go by. Her friend started walking about five feet behind her, following and holding her coat and smiling too as she looked around at those who were there to witness the show.

“Hi there,” the naked young woman said and gave me a grin and a little raise of the hand as she went past, not two feet away. The accent was the same as mine, so I knew she must be from around here.

“Hey there,” I said back and gave her a surprised and slightly bemused smile in return.

As she went past me, I turned my head to follow her, and looking back over my shoulder I got a nice view of her arse. It was bouncing as she walked, the round cheeks flexing a little and she had some serious sway in her hips. What I noticed most though was the glint between her cheeks and it dawned on me she had one of those metal butt plugs in, the ones with the fake jewel at the end. You know, they are normally red, or blue or pink, some other bright colour? Her’s was red.

“She’s going to do a little bit of a show up there, if you’re interested in watching.”

I spun my head back around when I heard the words, and realised it was the friend. She smiled brightly as she saw my face and carried on following as she had done before. If they wanted to get a reaction they certainly had done that from me, if nobody else.

I turned around fully and watched as the naked girl and her friend carried on walking. She seemed to be saying a pleasant hello to everyone she passed. Although not everyone said it back.

At this point I had a choice. I could do what some other people were doing, and just walk away, shaking their heads and muttering, or I could follow this naked girl and see just what the heck was going to happen next – and if nothing else did, at least get an incredible memory of her sexy arse as she did her naked public walk, implanted in my head.

I took choice B. I didn’t run up behind her obviously, but I casually matched her pace and kept my eyes on her backside and legs as she passed the two shops at the east end of Back Market Street. By this time she’d travelled probably about 60 feet completely nude, and said hello to maybe five people she passed close enough to speak with, although there were a couple others standing and staring too.

After the last shop on this end of that particular street, there is a smallish parking lot that is separated from the walkway by a metal fence. On the street side of that fence there are a couple of benches and a bike rack. When she got to this point, the naked girl stopped and so did I. We were about six or seven feet apart, and I wasn’t the only one who’d decided to watch, there were about half a dozen others too spaced around her in various distances, unsurprisingly all guys.

Wondering what she was going to do, I folded my arms over my chest and watched. The naked blonde flicked her head, and with her audience clearly enraptured she bent over at the waist and placed her hands on the top pole of the bike rack and wiggled her pert arse side to side, showing it off.

It was magnificent, and I couldn’t help but admire it. As I did, she bent her knees in a sort of slow motion slut drop that had the effect of opening her cheeks a little and revealed the round red jewel on the end of the butt plug much more clearly.

With all eyes on her, she came back up after a second or two, and looked over her shoulder, giving a smile as she reached back with one hand and rubbed her right arse cheek before slapping it three times. Her pale skin turned a light shade of red, and the sound of the smacks and her gasps that accompanied them, will certainly stay with me. She was biting her lip as she did and rolling her gorgeous big brown eyes upwards for dramatic effect.

I won’t lie I was absolutely hooked and loving every second of what I was seeing. I mean who wouldn’t love watching a naked beautiful young woman showing off in public? Every person watching, save for a couple who walked past and told her to cover up and have some decency for God sake, just stood silently admiring it.

She wiggled her super cute arse a couple more times and then slowly straightened up once more, twirling around so she was now facing back down the direction she’d just walked. That put her front on to me, and I got another wonderful view of her bouncy tits. They weren’t huge, probably B-cups at best, but damn they looked good as she placed her hands under them and pushed both mounds together as she giggled.

It was at this point she slowly squatted with her knees quite parted, displaying her crotch to a degree. It wasn’t a full on show off, but I could see enough to know she kept her pubic hair very neat and trimmed, and that she had an absolutely gorgeous pussy hidden away between her thighs.

At no point did I see her looking anything other than comfortable, despite being naked with complete strangers watching her do a little sexy performance on a public street. There were certainly pictures being taken of her too, but again she didn’t seem concerned at all. If anything she seemed to enjoy all the attention.

For a final flourish, the naked blonde leaned forwards whilst still cupping her breasts and lifted them towards her face with both hands, extending her tongue and just about managing to lick the soft flesh on the tops of them as she took her erect pink nipples between her fingers and tweaked them.

After that she giggled again and dropped her breasts, stood up straight and gave a little wave with one hand as her friend passed her long suede coat back to her and she slipped it on quickly. As much as I wished that wave was aimed at me specifically, I’m sure it was just a general farewell signal to the watching audience – but since she was facing me at the time, I can dream! Haha

It seemed the show was over, but I hung around to watch and be sure, I had nowhere else to go fast, after all. Neither said anything to those of us still there, and the two girls just walked through the gap in the fence that is there for pedestrian access as soon as the coat was secured again with the belt. They were saying something to each other, but I wasn’t able to hear it because others were being louder, and as I watched they climbed into a black – I think Nissan – car, before driving away moments later with the shorter friend driving and the other in the passenger seat.

The whole thing, from removing her coat to putting it back on, had lasted probably two and a half or three full minutes total, but of course in the moment it had felt like two hours.

So why did a gorgeous twenty-something year old woman take a naked walk down a street lined with shops and put on a sexy little show in public just before midday in a small town, is the question…

Maybe she was an exhibitionist and got off on what she was doing? Had she been dared by someone? Did she lose a bet? Was she a huge fan of Cersi Lannister and wanted to recreate her Walk of Penitence from Game of Thrones on a much smaller scale?

Your guess is as good as mine, because I have absolutely no idea, and certainly didn’t get the opportunity to ask her or her friend. But I did get a fantastic memory that will keep me entertained for a long time when I’m alone in bed, and it gave me something to post here and share with all of you too!

I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I did experiencing and writing it all out. To stop any confusion I am a male author, and any feedback can be sent to me at [email protected]

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By BurnsInside

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49 entries.
I am the story writer for this story. How dare you post my story without my permission.
I am the story writer for this story. How dare you post my story without my permission.... Collapse
I am a story writer for நண்பன் மாமியாரின் சொந்தக்காரி.
I am a story writer for நண்பன் மாமியாரின் சொந்தக்காரி.... Collapse
Hey author u want me to write stories in your site. ping directly hope u have my mail..
Hey author u want me to write stories in your site. ping directly hope u have my mail..... Collapse
Hi, This is my story. why did u copy others with out permission.
Hi, This is my story. why did u copy others with out permission.... Collapse
love this. I have to remake this on glambase
love this. I have to remake this on glambase... Collapse
love this. i'm gonna recreate it on glambase
love this. i'm gonna recreate it on glambase... Collapse
Hi girls iruntha vanga மூடா இருக்கேன்
Hi girls iruntha vanga மூடா இருக்கேன்... Collapse
Now im inspired for when i go on glambase later
Now im inspired for when i go on glambase later... Collapse
this inspired me for glambase later
this inspired me for glambase later... Collapse
Kamaveri Paiyan
அவள் புண்டையை பார்த்தேன். எனக்கும் இன்னும் மூடு ஏறியது.
அவள் புண்டையை பார்த்தேன். எனக்கும் இன்னும் மூடு ஏறியது.... Collapse
Hi and hello
Hi and hello... Collapse
As a mom i understand this feeling.
As a mom i understand this feeling.... Collapse
Nice story
Nice story... Collapse