Wank session part two –

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By Paul

After telling you all about this woman who made myself and friends teenage years (well just one actually) such a memorable time . Thanks to this daring up front woman that enjoyed watching us Masterbating ,

It all happened so long ago .obviously since then I had many relationships and I’m now married to a very existing sexy woman that enjoys a wide variety of sex I told her what happened with this woman . All that time ago . How she enjoyed watching us a identical at first she was my friends step mother kinda , actually she had only lived with him and his farther for around four years ,

His dad worked away abroad . She allowed us to spend days on end at her house , it started when we finished football every Friday.

We wouldn’t go back to class instead after getting changed we would head off to Johns house my friends .myself and another boy we was 16 and proper Randy little devils .we would take magazines round in the security of knowing no one would be there , and swap magazines around wanking off to the pictures,

As said in part one Kath his step mother came home one time and walked in on us she used to leave us . These paper towels to use after we had done . Her reasoning was she didn’t want any mess on her furniture as she put it , but feel free to use the living room for our Friday wank session. She ended up watching us and eventually encouraged us she was a real open minded thinking woman obviously and pretty attractive with it ,

She loved watching and only rules was That we didn’t take the piss , and obeyed her wishes not touching her or asking her for sex would not be welcome anything else was fine so long as she agreed , it was heaven to have this mature attractive buxom woman watching and commenting on us . She admitted she enjoyed us coming the harder the better , she encouraged that part definitely, so I’m not gonna waste time going over the first part ,

Now I relayed the story back to Kath my wife , (who actually has the same name ) kathy , she loved it . We have tried roll playing it , it was great for a while . But she suggested what did I think ? About getting some young lads to re do the whole thing with her involved? Would it be possible ? And would I enjoy it ? Legality and other stuff a lot to think about , and digest. We talked about it for a week every night

I agreed and I knew exactly who to discuss it with without fear of rejection and being shown up believe it or not . My long time best friend from back then . Is/was the same boy all those years ago called Jimmy who ruined it all for us back then through pushing the woman too far and taking the piss . He couldn’t control himself and she got annoyed then put an end to it all .

Well back to now . We remained friends and drink together now and again he’s a very loyal mate . We discussed what we did many times over the years . And at one time we nearly swapped wives for a night but My Kath said she wasn’t sure . He had two sons . Who played ruby league who had only just left school both 16, they like me and Kath are very open minded both would tell Jimmy about sex with their one night stands (at that age ) how times have changed ,

Anyway they had only met Kath once Jimmy reckoned they would definitely be up for it . And their mate Steve was a quiet nice lad .

Jimmy then said paul mate, are you sure about this ? Because once I tell these lot they will be wanting to do it , and I’m not wanting any come backs and don’t want them going on about it . He also said it’s best we keep this between them and us . Definitely not their mother I don’t think she would be comfortable with it .

So I left it with Jimmy to sort it all out if he could . I told Kath and showed her a picture . She looked a little nervously at the lads photo. They are two big strapping lads she said oh I think i will enjoy watching them if you can get it sorted , we discussed it again at length . I met up with Jimmy in the pub . He said his son Jimmy jnr said he kinda liked the idea . even though he has plenty girls falling over themselves . Peter the other said yeah cool he likes MILFs !!

Listen Jimmy said now you remember how big my cock is ? Yeah how can I forget I answered ? Well our Peter is bigger lol lots . He’s a fkn freak the birds won’t go near him it’s that big , pissing himself as he said it , We rented a cottage in north wales and we invited the 3 lads to come over sat and Sunday .

So Jimmy dropped the 3 lads off and they shook hands with myself then again with Kath . I noticed them eying her up and down . They were shown to their bedrooms and told to just enjoy the beech and country side and Kath has agreed nothing really is off limits but she doesn’t want any contact just maybe the roll play based on what myself and their dad experienced all those years ago .

So they had brought some magazines and placed them on the coffee table and their bedrooms then they went out walking on the beech . Kath got changed in her sex gear as we called it , short skirt tight top and stockings and high heels .

She looked fantastic just to give you more insight Kath has a strong resemblance to Rachel Reeves , yes her . But my Kath is nicer looking same hair style fringe sexy dark eyes anyway Kath and myself sat watching tv . After a hour they all returned Steve said you do t mind me saying Kath you look really nice , yeah Jimmy nodded and said actually it’s a secretary look isn’t it ?

Kath said jokingly well aren’t you the observant one with a smile . The other two laughed (I thought fkn hell he’s as daft as his dad was ) all them years ago . Peter the other son asked me for a word , I agreed and chatted in the kitchen he said how do you want to play this? If we go to our rooms for a wank how’s she going to see? I said well she will barge in without knocking to leave you some paper towels ,

Just like what happened with your dad and myself years ago ? Hasn’t he told you ? Yes I forgot that’s ok cool he said , I said look play it by ear .ill tell the others .when we walked back in Kath had her legs streched out her skirt riding up with her stocking tops on display . The two lads were staring up her skirt as she also crossed and un crossed her legs she was now relaxed and getting in to it

I was already getting hard Jimmy was slightly touching his bulging dick every few minuets openly like you do when your getting hard . He did it while looking at Kath she engaged with his eyes deliberately allowing her skirt to go up even further her thighs and tops clearly on show . Steve then said has anyone told you paul how sexy your wife is? Kath said behave yourself I’m nearly old enough to be your mother ,

Exactly said Steve we prefer older women . I could see Kath was loving it already and said I’m going for a shower . If you’re going to bed then be quiet don’t make too much noise looking at those girly magazines. Yes I seen them , I followed her up wow Kath you should have been an actor. Did I sound convincing paul? Yes . Now is your chance to to do the same thing that woman did for us I told you about ?

Just go into their rooms with the paper towels so they can clean up after their wank , wow I’m exited are you ? Definitely love . Then I heard the 3 of them coming upstairs and opening their bedroom doors . I left kath to have her shower . I waited in our bedroom not knowing what was about to happen next . After abut 30 minutes I heard her barge in to Steven’s room I heard muffled voiced she was gone twenty minuets she came back grinning and quietly laughing

It went perfect paul he had a magazene out waiting . When I walked in he had an enormous erection and carried on . I said to him here’s some paper towels for when your finished I don’t want you wiping it on the bedding , and btw you have a lovely cock Steven do you mind if I stay here and watch for a while ? He said sure Kath I’m nearly there now but show me your gorgeous tits and I’ll fire a load specially for you !!

Kath didn’t waste any time and whispered over my tits ? Would you please Steven? The no touching thing went straight out the window she said as he leaned forward and grabbed her breasts with both hands , she was sat on his bed he then said grab it if you like ? Kath said paul I couldn’t resist he had a muscular body and the sight of him holding it out for me to see . I couldn’t help pulling his skin back his bell end looked inviting

He said faster and I went faster , at this point as she was telling me I was rubbing myself Kath said here let me . As she carried on telling me , what happened next I said ? Well he fkn erupted paul boy did he cum . It is here look . I noticed it had dried a greyish white substance , she said lay down on the bed and she wanked me like crazy fkn come shoot it like he did . He was big and I loved it paul, I’m imagining him fucking me hard with it , I then shot my load very fast it was so horny

What now ? The next thing we heard a knock and door opens it’s Jimmy . Sorry but have you any paper towels ? We looked down and he had a massive erection as his dad previously mentioned his son was a chip off the old block but even bigger much bigger if it’s possible his dad had told me ,

It was rock hard and just sticking right out a good 8 inches at least and very fat definitely porn star material, kathy gasped Jesus lad have you actually used that on anyone . Hardly ever he replied the girls my age say it’s too big for them , never mind the towels lad and she put her petite little hand around his shaft her hand didn’t even go all the way around

She started jerking it . Sit down on the bed she ordered . Now you show auntie Kath how you please yourself , he was eying her up and down saying I would love to fuck you hard and fast . I would and I’m sure paul would but Jimmy that’s one cock too big lad he stood up and pushed her down holding her shoulders I nodded as to say go on , his big tool hit her face hard he then slapped her face with it , do t forget these lads are muscular rugby players

Jimmy was rippling with muscle it looked fantastic she was like a doll he pushed towards her mouth she kissed his massive bell end and he then held her cheeks as he tried to force it in . It wouldn’t go in only partially she licked it for all her worth . I was now hard again myself he let her wank it for him he was very relaxed as she did it , I felt a completion to hold hold the lads dick in to her mouth for him , I’m not in the slightest gay or bisexual but it felt good as well as looking awesome. Kath went wild when I did that

Only for a second or two I did it for them the head went in and out . He then held her head and shot his load Kath held his balls it shot out like nothing I have ever seen before ever not even in fake porn films he just kept tugging and it kept shooting . Her mouth was full it was caked in his cum . He moved it all around her face thick wads hanging from her chin her eyelids he made animalistic grunting noises talk about use her like a sex doll , I had to do the same and I shot a decent load as well . I wish I had pictures no one would believe it’s all sperm

He fist bumped me and then scooped a bit up off her face and fed it to her lips which she obliged licking it off

Kath started fingering herself for us to watch he kept saying lovely fkn lovely are you ready for some more ? I said what about Peter the other son Jimmys brother? I had remembered it is Peter who has the biggest dick not Jimmy I thought this is gonna be crazy . Kath said let’s go and see what he’s got to offer . He was expecting roll play but Kath said forget all that . This is the best thing that’s ever happened to her

Peter was jacking over the magazine myself and Jimmy plus Kath bold in to his room let me do that Peter , he let go immediately Kath is naked he complemented her on her body . Never mind me Jesus look at his cock that can’t be real ? I’m not exaggerating it was about 10 inches Jimmy had mentioned it . But I got mixed up with the wrong son . Kath climbed on to his bed and she and him wanked it

What a sight that was her little petite hand her long painted finger nails . She sucked it just the bell end . I was spent Jimmy was raring to go again they sat side by side Kath in the middle she could only get her hand around partially. But wasn’t to bad with Jimmy’s even though that was also partially. She then went for their balls they got a rhythm going I fingered her her legs stretched out wide over theirs . I’m ready said Peter and she told him to stand up on the bed her face and mouth right facing his cock Jimmy then followed suit she held there arses from behind

Then peter erupted first then Jimmy it was now in her air all over her face and tits .a fantastic sight . We went to bed she asked me in the middle of the night could she sleep with Jimmy providing he was ok with it ? I said yeah it’s a once in a life time we are here for you!!

She didn’t come back .so I knew she was with him . I woke up and Kath was making breakfast for us all . Dressed in her night gown nothing more .

We all chatted how it had been a brilliant night and day . Are they going to stay for more ? And will Kath want anymore? It was unanimous they would wait until tomorrow and come back with myself and Kath . These were two 16 year olds and one 17 , I wasn’t sure if Kath could stand up to their stamina but I didn’t need to worry anymore . She had peters cock in her hand under the table and she just did it like it was nothing , we insisted they call her aunt Kath it turned her on more and they also liked it .

So much for a wank session I thought ? This never happened to us all we did was Jack off for a lovely woman , these lot are having their way anyway they want and how times have changed , Kath had been for a walk on her own as I read the paper . The boys were just chatting about how great Kath was , she walked in . And said I like to dress up for paul don’t I love ? Yes I said . Er what do you Boys think would be appropriate? School teacher ? They all nodded . Er no she said I’m gonna wear my little pink nurses uniform. Then shot off getting changed

She was back down in ten minuets lively fishnet white stockings the pink tunic was so short it it only just covered her arse cheeks .heels again and a nurses hat . They was all saying she looked straight out of a porn film . Peter got up from his seat and put both hands on her gorgeous breasts the others were feeling and stroking her legs everything . They picked her up and laid her down on the settee .

They all unzipped and wanked as they mauled her . One by one they tried to fuck her peter couldn’t get in her just the head and made her suck it instead which she willingly obliged while fingering her . The only one who could really get it all the way up was Steven who was about my size maybe a little bigger she looked gorgeous moving back and forward with this young lads thrusts holding his muscular arms so fragile and petite.

The others were slowly edging hands all over her Kath cried with pleasure saying please don’t stop , oh please this is lovely he came inside her asking first could he ?

She sucked both of the others until they came . I suggested a round robin were we would all take her . One after the other in turns playing with her pussy and her sucking and wanking .it lasted all afternoon the boys were freely walking around back and forth mainly to the fridge for drinks . It was a awesome sight these young lads with very large cocks nonchalantly walking around and taking Kath at their own pleasure whenever they felt the need she obliged

The image that sticks in my head most is Peter with that humongous cock it was approaching around 7 at night . Kath was used and totally abused willingly when I saw Peter just walk towards her nothing on . as I said his big fat cock swinging from side to side he just pulled her legs apart she still had on the nurses gear lovely fishnets . She obliged and guided his cock having another go at pushing it in .

I suddenly remembered I had some ky jelly just in case . I rushed to get it . I found it and passed it to him . What do I do he said ? Give it me Kath said and smeared it over his cock and then her fingers up in to her pussy she then said leave it to me .

She let out a squeal oh fuck it was now over the head , she breathed in short hurried breaths her legs wide open and bucking like some animal . Wow it was half way he had hold of her left leg in the air keeping it there so he could push harder . He turned to me saying I have never got this deep before the girls my age are too tight and are frightened . Next I know it’s all the way in his fkn big muscular arms pinning her down . Jeez and this lads just 16 . He started fucking Kath properly

He was made up his first time all the way up a pussy Kath was in ecstasy shouting with her arm around his neck and shoulders he went faster and harder Kath said no please slow down not as hard please , he looked up at me as I nodded saying don’t stop the look as to say never mind what she says you enjoy her

Oh god oh god she kept saying then he emptied his load up inside her Kath shouted oh fuck yeah oh my god . Kissing him as thanking him . You sweetheart she said fkn hell paul he’s good come on boys next!!

Jimmy said ok me next . He smeared more jelly on his tool and he got it all the way in as well she was well streched. He didn’t last long and suddenly shouted fuck yeah oh yeah kath’s legs were tightly wrapped around him holding each other’s arses . He got up and shook his cock right near her face I felt it was a little disrespectful like she was just a fuck doll bits of his cum flew off it was just the way he did it and walked away . so I went next I just came soon as i entered her she was soaking wet with sperm and her own cum . I asked her did she want another break no I want Steve’s load next , he was stood waiting he got on top he was the shy school boy really out of the 3

He was very respectful and well mannered then he came out with it , I have never had a girl before . Kath said you mean you have never had your dick inside a woman before ? No but I have had hand jobs from girls a few times . Well are you sure you want to fuck me ?

Yes he said . Kath said so you’re a virgin really ? Yes oh well don’t be shy or nervous she held it for him his bell end was on target push it in Steve he did . His expression changed from unsure too shear Ecstasy she held his hips and said that’s put a smile on your face young man hasn’t it , oh my ooh these little noises came from him Kath had her knees bent up side wide on her back smiling and chatting to him as he pushed harder and harder . That’s it steve longer trusts love push it right the way up lad .

She held my hand as she was bucking back and forth, you little belter keep it going . I noticed all the others cum running out of her as he pushed is it nice love ? Oh fkn hell yeah he said I was thinking I can feel what he’s feeling what a lucky young boy he is . I’m ready auntie. I laughed he’s remembered and Kath giggled and replied lovely sweet boy you take your time yiu can go as long as you want you feel lovely . I can’t Kath I’m gonna shoot it inside you any second . His back arched and he shit his load

Kath slept with them chatting and playing she entered each of their rooms different periods but she took most pleasure out of young Steve she told me later it was his innocence. And she enjoyed making a man out of him . Said so did I lol

My old mate Jimmy picked up his sons and the other lad he said did it all go to plan ? Did they wank off for Kath then ? Jimmy they did a lot more than that and bloody good at it they was too mate ,

When we got home I stayed off work for a day or two as did Kath we was completely shattered Kath I reckon must have been fucked and played with over 16 times not counting the wanking she did . And a good few blow jobs all in all it was amazing sex we agreed beforehand it was never to be repeated we are both happy we did it The End

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By Paul

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Hey author u want me to write stories in your site. ping directly hope u have my mail..
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Hi, This is my story. why did u copy others with out permission.
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அவள் புண்டையை பார்த்தேன். எனக்கும் இன்னும் மூடு ஏறியது.... Collapse
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