Vivionne’s Pets Ch. 02 – Fetish

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This follow-up to Vivionne’s Pets explores the continued misadventures and miseries of former elfin adventurers Adelaide and Freya, now living their lives as pets in the ownership of the succubus Vivionne, one of the most powerful demons of Dark Reach. This story was requested by the same reader who requested the original as well. Very dark content rating (see special warning below), 9.5k words.

Content Warnings/Tags: noncon; sexual slavery; permanent imprisonment in mechanical restraints; forced exhibitionism; mind break; nonconsensual pet play/puppy play; degradation; manipulation; betrayal; psychological torture

Special Warning! Some readers have expressed to me that they found Vivionne’s Pets to be especially disturbing compared to my other stories. If this is the case for you, be aware that you may find this sequel more disturbing than the original; this story does not feature a happy ending for Adelaide or Freya.

Vivionne, Duchess of Dark Reach, was delighted with her two lovely pets…but, after almost a decade of caring for them, she was forced to admit that she had severely overestimated their intelligence.

She was always doing that, giving mortals more credit than they were due. They really were stupid little creatures–even her beloved Addie and Frey, her pretty, trained little bitches with their needy whines and desperate cunts.

It wasn’t as if she expected them to demonstrate some secret genius, any great feats of magic. But she had really thought they would figure out her little trick at some point! Every year, she gave them a game to play, and every year, Frey won the game; surely even a couple of former sword-swinging adventuresses with more brawn than brains would realize how improbable that was?

And yet, they never seemed to realize!

The joke got funnier, honestly, with each year that passed–each vernal equinox, each competition, each lavish party where she invited her closest friends and favorite fiends to enjoy the show. Each tearful capitulation by Addie when she failed to succeed at the impossible tasks put before her, watching Frey receive a dearly-desired reward as Addie resigned herself to another year of unrelieved denial.

She always lost, and yet the next year she would be hopeful all over again, and it was just so funny.

But there was only so much point to a prank if she never got to actually laugh, and finally, Vivionne decided a decade was long enough. Besides, she’d run out of ideas for contests that she could skew in Frey’s favor.

So, that year, when she brought the two little darlings up onto the dais at the center of the party–each clad in their gleaming bitch-armor, Frey in her magenta and Addie in shining silver, each with eagerly wagging tails and faint whimpering sounds to match as the tails shifted and rotated the plugs inserted in their anuses–she decided it was time for the big reveal.

“Sit pretty, girls,” she instructed, and both pets moaned as their bitch-suits shifted them up and into position, forcing the tails down against the floor. Addie’s moan was louder, of course, her need so seasoned now that Vivionne could feel the heartbeat-pulse of it, even at the center of the swirling sexual energy that flowed through the equinox party.

It was enough to make Vivionne’s mouth water.

“Everyone,” she called, even though all eyes were already on her. “I know you were probably expecting another fun little game for my favorite bitches this year, but I’ve made a decision. I think it’s time we finally came clean about the mean trick we’ve been playing on Addie here.”

She circled slowly as she spoke, coming to stand between the two trembling mortal women. As she said Addie’s name, she dropped a hand down to the head of the pet in question, rubbing first between the cold metal ears of the bitch-suit and then creeping her hand down to brush strands of platinum-blonde hair away from Addie’s sweaty, flushed face.

Addie’s eyes rolled towards her, blank with confusion and distracted desperation. “M-mistress?” she stammered out when she finally seemed to understand that Vivionne was waiting for her to respond.

“Yes, dear, that’s me! Mistress Vivionne! Very good,” Vivionne said loudly and clearly, and the room tittered. “Poor creature. Her mind is half gone, and who can blame her? We’ve had her running in circles, working so hard to try and get just a bit of satisfaction for her starved little cunt.” She tugged at a lock of Addie’s hair. “What do you think, silly little bitch? Why have you not won a single one of my games in the ten years I’ve owned you?”

“I, I,” Addie stammered, “I don’t…please, Mistress, what do we need to do this year? What do I need to do?”

The room tittered again at her helpless, desperate begging, the little splatters of fluid on the floor between the feet of her automaton where her pussy-juice was leaking.

Vivionne tutted and turned to Frey. “What about you, pet? Why do you win every year? What’s the secret to your success?”

Frey swallowed, then said in a faint voice, “I…I don’t know, Mistress Vivionne.”

But there was something in her eyes that made Vivionne re-evaluate her estimation of Frey’s intelligence. Perhaps Frey had figured the game out, at some point, and had chosen not to say anything.

Well, that would make this year all the more interesting, wouldn’t it?

“Poor, stupid pets,” Vivionne cooed. “It’s okay, Mistress Vivionne will explain. The games were all rigged!”

Frey looked down, a shuttered expression of shame on her face, but Addie was still staring, the vacant confusion on her face replaced with slowly-growing bewilderement.

Vivionne cleared her throat and tapped lightly on the top of Addie’s dog-eared helmet, her knuckles ringing against the metal. “Rigged, sweetie. It means, you know, when a game isn’t fair? When it’s decided in advance who will–“

“But why?” Addie burst out, interrupting her. “Why–Every year?–But–“

“Well, because that’s what the people voted for, dear!” Vivionne explained, gesturing to the guests around them. “Don’t you remember the first party? When everyone got to vote on which of you would come? And Frey won!”

“For…for that year.”

“No, stupid,” Vivionne tittered. “Well, I realize that’s what you thought, and once I knew you thought you were going to get another chance at the next party, of course I just had to have a little fun with it! But no, that vote was for which of you two would get to come. Period.”

Addie gaped at her, then looked around at the party attendants, looking strangely betrayed, as if she’d somehow expected one of them to spoil the fun by telling her anything. “I…but…never? I’ll never get to…?”

“Oh, that’s the other thing I wanted to say! I’ve grown tired of that game, so this year we’ll be doing something different. No more votes, no more competitions–rigged or otherwise,” she giggled, winking at Frey, who wouldn’t meet her eyes. “I’m going to be so very nice, actually, so I hope you’re ready to thank me. I’m going to let you decide who gets to come this year.”

“Us?” Addie said, her eyes immediately lighting up with hope. “We get to pick?”

“No, you silly bitch, not both of you. That’s two votes, so what would I do if you voted against each other?” Vivionne explained patiently. “I’m going to leave the decision up to…you.” She twirled one manicured claw in the air, and then pointed at Frey.

Addie’s expression was still adorably, ridiculously hopeful as she turned her wide, hungry eyes to her friend.

Frey, for her part, looked stunned and not a little bit panicked, her gaze flicking between Addie and Vivionne. She opened her mouth, but no words came out.

“Relax, girls,” Vivionne said, and the two bitch-suits went back down to all fours, bringing the hapless mortals’ pussies up to hand height for Vivionne. “You can take a minute to think about it if you like, dear. I’ll just be…”

“Oh,” Frey whimpered in surprise as Vivionne’s fingers slipped through the bevelled hole in the pelvic shield and made contact with her wet cunt.

A cunt that hadn’t been satisfied since the prior vernal equinox.

Twelve months of yearning, of aching for release. Twelve months of seeing the brilliant visions of sexual ecstasy that Vivionne passed into her pets’ special scrying-glasses, not permitted to close her eyes at threat of punishment delivered through her trail-plug; twelve months of hearing and smelling and feeling Vivionne and other guests pleasure themselves on or near her, all while poor Frey was left to drip and wish, her slit untouched and hungry, suffering under the pressure of the relentless, overwhelming arousal that all mortals experienced in Vivionne’s presence.

Of course, her friend Addie had withstood the same treatment tenfold, having not even experienced the paltry relief of climax the previous year, nor any of the years before–not once, not a single time, since Vivionne had taken possession of her darling pets.

In fact, that may have been one of the deciding factors in that fateful vote, in Vivionne’s opinion. She had, after all, provided all guests at that first party–and at many subsequent parties, as it had been such a hit–the opportunity to scry back on the girls’ first few months in the cells, when Vivionne had still been negotiating the construction of the bitch-suits with that miserly dwarf, and had only thrown the two captured women into the kennels to wait.

They had taken to their captivity in markedly different ways.

Addie–Adelaide, then, proud elfin adventurer–had remained resolutely chaste, refusing to debase herself by giving in to the urges that came so naturally to a mortal being held in the castle of such a powerful succubus. Even as her body became more visibly desperate day by day, even when she could no longer move or shift her weight without biting her lip against the needy cries that wanted to burst forth, she had refused to seek pleasure, all the while unaware that she would soon be strapped into an automaton that would take away all future opportunities to release the pressure building up inside her.

Frey, on the other hand, pragmatic little Freya, had held out only two days.

Her antics in her cell were especially entertaining to watch. It had taken her some time–and some very entertaining experimentation–to find a way to satisfy the demands of her body with her arms shackled to the wall, but by the end of the second day she had identified a protrusion of stone in the floor and had thrown herself on it like a starving creature, grinding and humping her pussy down into it for over half an hour until she had finally whimpered her shameful way through a powerful, trembling orgasm.

There were a few other techniques Frey had picked up over the following week, before she had been locked into her bitch-suit, but that little knob of stone had been a favorite. There was still a stain on the floor from her juices where she’d rocked herself to satisfaction dozens of times, mewling helplessly with arousal, all while her companion sat stoically in the next cell and took pride in resistance.

So, really, who could help but vote for Frey under the circumstances? She clearly appreciated a good come more than Addie did, after all.

Frey was starting to make those same begging mewling noises now, though just faintly, swallowing them back in her throat as Vivionne slowly manipulated the plump, juicy lips of her cunny.

“Any time you like,” Vivionne informed her. “Just say the word, and I’ll start touching you properly–or I’ll go frig Addie instead, if that’s your choice?”

“Yes, yes, yes,” Addie gasped, her hungry eyes trained on Frey’s face. She seemed utterly convinced that Frey was going to name her as the recipient of the year’s orgasm, as if there was no doubt in her mind that her friend would do the fair thing, would recognize her suffering and make it right. “Just–just tell her, Freya–mm,” Addie whined pitifully as a bit of fluid sluiced out of her gaping, swollen pussy and dribbled down the gleaming metal hull of the automaton, her body apparently so excited at just the expectation of orgasm that she hadn’t been able to hold back from squirting a bit.

Vivionne swirled her fingertips oh-so-gently over the pulsing, dewy lips of Frey’s sex, and Frey moaned, low and stuttering, her head dropping within the limited constraints allowed to her by the bitch-suit sealed around her.

“F-Freya, say it, please say it,” Addie begged. “Oh, Goddess, please, I can’t wait any longer!”

“Yes, Frey, you should go on and say it. Who do you want to come this year? Right now, right here, in front of all these people?” Vivionne cooed, twiddling the very tips of her claws over the sensitive skin and watching how Frey’s pretty little cunt twitched and gaped and dribbled. “Who should it be? Her, or you?”

Frey finally lifted her head, her eyes shining with tears as she met Addie’s gaze. “I…Adelaide, I’m sorry…”

It took a moment for the understanding to land. When it did, Addie’s dismay was palpable, hanging thick and heavy in the air, almost as delicious as her hot need. Vivionne groaned at the taste.

“What?” Addie demanded. “What–Freya, you can’t be thinking–you can’t. Freya, you can’t, you can’t, I–it’s been so long, I need this, it–you don’t understand–“

“Oh, I think she does understand,” Vivionne purred. “She’s been watching you suffer every year, hasn’t she? She’s heard you cry and beg. She knows very well how long you’ve been deprived, how desperate you are. And yet…” she swirled her fingers carefully again, watching the trembling glitter of Frey’s hot flesh, the tears of shame dripping down her face, “She’s always chosen herself, when it came down to it. After all, if she truly cared to help you at expense of herself, she could have easily thrown her win in any of the little games I’ve organized for you.”

“But…” Addie stared at Frey, then stared up at Vivionne. “But you said…they were fixed. She w-would have won anyway.”

“Oh, yes, of course, I would never have actually let her give her prize away to you before–but she didn’t know that, did she? All she knew was that she was beating you out, year after year, stacking up rewards while your poor cunt was left hungry. And she never once even tried to grant you mercy.” Vivionne smirked, slowly pressing one single finger into Frey’s hot, twitching hole. “I know you two are very close companions–that’s why I just had to have both of you!–but I suppose loyalty really only goes so far, doesn’t it?”

“No,” Addie said, louder. “You’re wrong. Freya–Freya, you know what to do, right? It’s fair. To let me come now. And we can trade off every year, and then it’ll be–you can come next year, but this year, it should be me. You know that.” Her voice was becoming frantic, raw, like she was begging for her life instead of something as petty and silly as an orgasm. “Freya? Freya, you know what to do, right?”

“I’m sorry,” Frey repeated, sounding genuinely distraught. “I…I just…I need it too, Adelaide.”

“But–” Addie demanded, loud and angry, and just like that, Vivionne had had enough of her back-talk.

“Addie, speak.”

The quarrelous demands immediately melted into noisy wailing as Addie’s tail-plug activated, vibrating in sharp pulses that reduced her all the way to her base state–a mindless, needy bitch. Vivionne smirked, then looked down at Frey.

“Well? Who will it be, Frey?”

Frey sniffled and gulped back her tears as she stared at her friend, trembling and panting under the mercy of the torturous teasing of the anal plug. Then, finally, she said, “M-me, Mistress. Please–please let me come!”

“If you say so,” Vivionne cooed, and immediately slid two more fingers into Frey’s cunt, stuffing her full, and then twisted her hand to place a thumb against the mortal bitch’s clit and rub in firm circles.

Frey’s voice soon joined Addie’s, her rich moans and panting mewls as Vivionne massaged her need sex rivaling Addie’s pitiable wails of frustration. It took only a short minute before Frey screamed out her climax, her body quaking with the power of it, even sealed as she was within her metal prison, wetting Vivionne’s hand with the fountain-spray of her finish.

By that point, Addie’s speak command had worn off, and she was sobbing desolately and chanting, “No, no, no, no,” as if she could unmake her friend’s betrayal if she denied it fervently enough.

“Go on, pretty pet,” Vivionne said, swirling her fingers inside Frey, “I’ll give you two, just as a reward for being such an entertainingly conniving little bitch.”

“I’m sorry, Adelaide,” Frey sobbed, and then her shamed whimpering dissolved into cries of pleasure once more. “Oh–oh–it just–it feels so good, I…”

“Of course it feels good.” Vivionne pumped her fingers in and out, rubbing more vigorously at the erect little clit under her thumb as she coaxed her pet once more towards climax. “Aren’t I so good to you, Frey? Say thank you.”

“Th-th-thank you,” Frey stuttered. “M-mistress, oh, oh! Thank you, thank you, thank you–!” She choked and then let out a long, loud moan as she came again.

Vivionne moaned along with her and stared directly into Addie’s eyes, drinking in her pathetic expression of desolate confusion and the flavor of her need on the air as she was forced to watch her friend receive the satisfaction that had been denied her yet again.


And that was the start of Vivionne’s second wonderful decade with her pets.

Each year, Vivionne gave Frey the choice of which of the two of them would finally experience some relief from their suffering.

Each year–no matter the reasoning, pleading, and tears from Addie–Frey chose herself.

Of course, Vivionne encouraged this outcome with a few little common-sense tricks.

Even as the years passed and some of her fascination with her pets wore off, and she began to leave them shut up in the kennels for days or weeks at a time, she made sure to bring them both out for plenty of attention in the month or so leading up to the equinox–petting and caressing them and bringing them to the edge at least once per day until they were both frantic with need.

She also used the scrying visors to feed Frey visions of herself, as she had been in that cell when first captured, whining pathetically as she had made herself come over and over again by humping the floor like a helpless slut. The reminder of her own past experiences of pleasure–especially the monumental and unique pleasure of experiencing climax within Vivionne’s passion-heightening aura, which Addie had never had the chance to experience–left Frey absolutely gagging for an opportunity to double-cross her fellow former adventurer in exchange for even a single touch to her nubby little clit or wet folds.

For her own amusement, and because she felt a bit bad for leaving them alone when she was bored of them, Vivionne installed a few enrichment items in the girls’ kennels as well over those years: she used magic to sculpt out fanciful protrusions from the stone that comprised the walls, spinning out toys in various shapes and sizes–cocks of more or less human make, and two-pronged features that might allow a bitch to stimulate her clit at the same time as she filled her cunt, if either of them had any control over their own movement to fuck themselves on the toys.

Since, of course, they did not, all they could do was stare longingly at the row of cocks in front of their faces. To Vivionne’s intense amusement, as the years wore on and Addie became steadily less coherent, Vivionne often found the pet with her mouth open, tongue outstretched, as if she were doing her best to fellate one of the stone members that jutted towards her face just out of her reach.

Addie deteriorated in many ways over those years. She began to drip so steadily that she left a puddle anyplace she was left to stand for too long. Her bellowing cries whenever stimulated or punished by the plug in her ass became so loud that many guests found her startling, to Vivionne’s great amusement, although it was somewhat inconvenient at times. She began to grunt and scream even when witnessing the pleasure of Vivionne or a guest, as even seeing another person climax became enough to drive her to the edge and overwhelm her entirely with need.
