Unexpected Affections Part 2 Romance

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Unexpected Affections is romantic harem about a guy who would never have dreamed to find himself in such a situation. It’s a about sweet friends and trying to better yourself. This will jump between categories, you’ve been warned.

This part includes fallout from the date with friends, a second date, semipublic risky oral and a giant dick.

This was originally commissioned by Dissidia.


Chapter 12

Hikaru sat on the couch, still staring at Ollie’s bedroom door. She’d spent the evening with Margot, their neighbour from down the hall, and had been waiting for him to get home from his Big Date. She, Margot and Hannah had been prepping him all week so that he’d feel confident and have a good time meeting one of his nerdy heroes, but as the night had gone on she’d gotten a little worried.

Then Ollie had come home with a big smile on his face, and he’d told her and Margot about the dinner, and how cool and fun April was, and how they’d ditched the movie portion of the date and gone to his favourite nerd store. Then Margot had left since it was late, and Hikaru had asked a few more questions but Ollie dodged them and said he was tired and needed to get to bed.

Hikaru was happy for her cousininlaw. Well, technically they weren’t even that anymore since her father and stepmother had broken up, but she’d grown up looking up to Ollie and his kind, welcoming presence. The thing was… she’d never seen Ollie like he was coming in the door that night. It made her wonder what exactly had gone on with this date. The fact that he was so specific about some things, but vague about others, was also weird.

Part of her wondered if it was just down to the fact that he’d met a celebrity that he really liked. April had voiced characters in animes that they’d watched together, and a couple of video games they had both played. Itwas cool that he got to meet her and have a meal with her and stuff. Hikaru would have been thrilled to go on the ‘date’ too.

But something was burning at the back of her mind. Ollie said they hadso much in common, and she worried that maybe April had just been being nice and Ollie was infatuated.

The other side of that though was that maybe shewas into all the stuff he was. And why would she humour him and go to the nerd store if she wasn’t? And on that note, if they just had dinner and went to the store, why was he home so late? That should have taken less time than going to a movie, shouldn’t it?

Hikaru stood up from the couch and quickly cleaned up the dishes and things that she and Margot had been using as they watched a movie and waited for Ollie to get back. It took until she was getting ready for bed, brushing her teeth and looking at herself in the mirror, that she started to piece together what she might have been feeling.

Hikaru had moved in a few weeks ago, thrilled to spend time with Ollie and at his offer to help her set herself up in the city. She loved him so much, and spending time with him after getting here had felt more comfortable than all four years of college. And she knew Hannah well, and had quickly bonded with Margot, and didn’t mind one bit when they came over.

But Ollie was hers, at least for now. They ate breakfast and dinner together. They watched shows together.

If April was real, and everything he said was true… What did that mean for Hikaru and Ollie? Was she going to lose him, just when she finally felt like things were going well?

He’d had .

Of course, Ollie didn’t say anything about it. He was a gentleman, and a gentle man, after all. But Margot knew that was what it had to be.

Helping him prep for his date had been fun. Ever since he’d run into her while she was moving in and had offered to help move boxes up to her apartment from her Uhaul, he’d become a staple in her life. An excellent friend and sounding board. Hell, more than that. He’d helped her get settled in the city. She’d grown up on a ranch down in Texas, and she’d been to plenty of different cities after high school when she hit the road as a rodeo barrel racer, but she’d neverlived in one before. Even her community college degree had been in a moderatesized town instead of a city.

Ollie was her best friend, even if she knew she wasn’t his. She couldn’t exactly compete with Hannah on that, but she didn’t hold a grudge about it.

So after spending the evening with Hikaru, who was a sweet girl even if she was a little lost at the moment with what to do with her life, Margot knew something had changed with Ollie as soon as he walked in the door.

A big part of her was happy for him, especially in the moment as he rambled about how his date went. But now, walking down the hall to her place and entering the warmth of her home, it didn’t seem so… homey. It felt lonely.

She was lucky she was in the position she was in, living alone. But Ollie had been a bulwark against feelinglonely as she started a new job and parttime classes at the State University. Now, knowing that he’d had such a blast with April, and that she’d fucked him…

Margot had to admit it to herself. She was jealous.

She felt like April was stealing her boyfriend.

And while she and Ollie hadn’t been in a relationship, Margot realized she’d been treating him that way. He was her rock, and her support network. She relied on his care and compassion and tried to give that back to him as much as she could. She’d been treating him like a boyfriend, just without the romance or the .

“Fuck,” Margot groaned, her back pressed to her apartment door as she slid down to her butt, not making it any further into her apartment. She bumped her head back against the door and sighed. Why was she so slow to realize this kind of thing before it was too late?

Margotwanted romance with Ollie. Sure, he wasn’t her usual type physically, but how much did that matter compared to his heart? Compared to his mind? His humour?

But now Ollie had April. A celebrity voice actor. And, apparently, she was into all his nerdy hobbies. How could Margot compete with that? She’d gotten into a couple of the shows he’d shown her, but after riding in the rodeo, video games didn’t do much for her. Neither did the cute little miniatures he collected and painted.

She couldn’t compete. Not on even ground, at least. Not headtohead. But maybe it didn’t evenneed to be a competition.

She’d done it before. Sure, things had ended not great for her, but they hadn’t known what they were doing coming out of high school and Poly relationships were still very new to almost everyone. It hadn’t even really been poly it had been more like her friends Eve and Garret were dating, and Margot had slept with them both on a frequent basis. She’d always known she was the third wheel.

Margot slipped into bed and powered on her tablet, opening up her Google app.April Villanova. She needed to do some more research.

Chapter 13

Hannah put down her phone, pursing her lips into a selfsatisfied grin. She was always a morning person, and even though she hadn’t needed to go to work that morning she’d still been up at 5:30 AM for a run on her treadmill, followed by some light yoga. Getting a call from Ollie before he had to head to work himself wasn’t unheard of, but usually he was a lot more groggy.

That morning, when she answered the phone, he’d had a pep in his voice that didn’t usually show itself until at least after 10, and that had answered her first question how had the date gone?

Apparently, really well.

He’d dropped the real bomb on her then they were going to go on another date. Ollie, her Oliver, her best friend who hadn’t dated anyone ever, was going on asecond date. With a celebrity crush!

She was shocked, and thrilled, and really hoped the thrilled part was what she’d let get through the phone to him. She was always careful not to ever insult him, even if she could sometimes be a bit of a bitch to other people at work. Ollie was herperson, and she never wanted him to feel like he was less than that in her eyes.

Once the phone call had ended, Hannah had flopped down onto her couch and looked out the window of her apartment at the surrounding buildings, grinning to herself. “Holy shit,” she said, shaking her head. She’d finally gotten Ollie to start dating.

The fact that Ollie had been cagey, especially about the end of the date, told her that he’d even gotten a little intimate with April. Maybe some making out in the car? Some heavy petting? She could only imagine his face when he touched her boobs, and she’d done plenty of Googling leading up to the date April had some pretty big tits. Not massive, but way more than Hannah had herself.

There was a part of her that wonderedhow intimate they could have gotten. Heavy petting at most, and kissing, right? It was a first date after all, and Ollie couldn’t have been too confident since it was hisfirst real date. That made Hannah picture Ollie happily dating someone, and them being able to go on double dates together. And what if it went really, really well in the long term and he married April? He would be so cute as a husband with whoever he ended up with. Just imagining him doting on a loving wife gave Hannah a warmandfuzzy feeling, knowing how much he and her had helped mold each other. He’d raised her expectations of boys since they’d met in middle school, and while that meant her dating life was cratered with failed relationships, none of those craters were very deep or painful.

Hannah tried to picture April and Ollie, married and living together out in the suburbs somewhere. And for some reason that… put a pit in her stomach. Ollie out in the suburbs meant he’d be living farther away from her than they ever had before. He wouldn’t be just a quick walk away. Hell, she’d picked her apartment building primarily because he was 5 minutes down the street.

If Ollie got married, there wouldn’t be as much Hannah and Ollie time.

Suddenly, Hannah felt like she needed to go to the gym and get a proper pump on. She needed to burn off the negative energy she was feeling to try and stay positive. Ollie dating wasgood. She just needed to make sure that April wasn’t going to go and steal him away from her.

Zara couldn’t believe it. She set her phone down and stretched, wincing a little as the Vegas sun leaked around her big sunglasses. Stretching out by the pool was supposed to be relaxing, but after the week she’d had it wasn’t helping. First, that bitch Heather Gardner had started horning into some of the jobs that Zara had already booked. Just because the cunt had won Miss Mississippi or whatever didn’t mean she should be considered a hot commodity. Then Eric had been so cold with her during her last shoot.

His words were still ringing in her ear.You need to figure out what y is, because I’m getting tired of photographing standoffish. He’d said more, but that was the main thrust. Apparently, Zara had a ‘resting bitch stance.’ Her smile was beautiful, as was her simmering pout, but was it her fault that she just found people… ugh?

Especially other models.

She’d known that April was going on that date thing and had answered the phone ready to hear the whole thing and giggle along with whatever she had of the fans bumbling. What shehadn’t been prepared for was April gushing over this man. Sokind, sosmart, solovely. It almost made her puke.

How could April, of all people, fall for some schlub from her hometown? Hell, how could she hook up with him when he’d won their first date in a glorified raffle?

That was really the problem. April had hooked up with a guy, and Zara was being accused of being frigid. She wasn’t avirgin, she just hadn’t ever been satisfied with any of her previous attempts at . She’d sort of given up on dating because what was the point? They were either boys, or they were men cheating on their wives, or they were douchebags. Zara very much held that all the good men were already married, or were hiding out in the woods somewhere.

Zara’s phone pinged, and she picked it up and her jaw dropped as she lifted her sunglasses from her eyes to get a better look at the screen.

“Holy fuck,” she said, and a woman a few spaces down the pool scoffed and shushed her. “Oh, fuck off,” Zara said, flipping her the bird.

April had sent her a photo for proof. It was her best friend, tits out and grinning, with a goddamn elephant trunk resting on her shoulder. And it was that bigsoft.

Jesus Christ, Zara texted back.Did you fuck a donkey or something?

April sent her back a crying laughing emoji and a shrugging emoji.

Zara blew out a breath and went back up to the picture. April looked hot and had great tits, but that cock… The model found herself daydreaming, imagining it was her in that picture with a big cock just waiting to be sucked hard and rammed down her throat.

Shaking her head to try and clear the image, and the tactile imagining of a cock in her mouth, Zara sighed and set her phone down for a minute before quickly standing up and gathering her things. She needed to head up to her hotel room she wasn’t used to this feeling.

She was horny for the first time in a long while, and while she didn’t have a vibrator or dildo with her, she was pretty sure the shower head in her room was detachable and could get the job done. As she left, Zara shook her head. April had found herself a donkey dick, and somehowthat was what got her motor running. What the hell was wrong with her?

Chapter 14

You loved walking into the cafe in the morning; the smell of freshly brewed coffee always perked you up before you needed to make your pilgrimage into the office. And you’d gotten up extra early so that you could call Hannah to tell her about your date, so the coffee was extra needed now.

Paula spotted you from behind the counter as you walked in and broke into a big smile even though she was busy with some other customers. She motioned you around to the side counter, handing off the till to one of her baristas, and you followed her.

“Good morning, Ollie,” she said, that grin not slipping as she came around the counter entirely and gestured for a hug, which you gave her happily. Paula was a tall, almost lanky woman with a cute awkwardness to her that made you think of the ‘manic pixie dream girl’ trope for some reason, even though she wasn’t manic at all. It was mostly in her smile that looked a little too big for her face. Maybe if she dyed her hair a wild colour or something she would fit the trope better.

“Morning, Paula,” you said, squeezing her tightly in the hug for a moment before stepping back. She slid around the counter again, immediately starting on your regular morning order. “How’s business?”

“Bustling,” she said. “Part of me wishes we could have a slow day once in a while, but that would be bad in the long run. How about you?”

“Same old, same old,” you said. “For work, at least.”

“Oh?” Paula asked, looking up from pouring his coffee. “Something new on the personal front?”

“I… might have gone on a date that went well,” you grinned.

Paula raised her eyebrows and a moment later she smiled. “That’s great for you, Ollie,” she said. She swept some of her messy bangs out of her face and reached over to snag a pastry from inside the display. Paula, outside of work, had a bit of a grungey style and kept her brunette hair in a sort of messy, loose look that suited the awkward combo of her round face with her tall, thin stature. Since the Cafe wasn’t a franchise, she and her parents allowed the staff to dress casually as long as they wore the branded aprons. In the summer that often meant Paula wore a cute pair of jean shorts that exposed her long, slender legs and some sort of baggy tshirt she’d complained once that to keep shirts that fit her long torso she needed to buy larger sizes. “Did you hear the latest about the breakins?”

“No,” you frowned. “Was there another one?”

“Mhmm,” Paula hummed as she slid his order across the counter to you. “The pawn shop over on 3rd. Honestly, Ollie, I can’t thank you enough for helping install the cameras and the alarms.”

“It was nothing,” you said. “Just an afternoon hanging out in my favourite cafe.”

“Well, I’m going to keep pumping you with as much free coffee and pastry as you want, so don’t you dare think of taking out that wallet,” she said.

“Fine,” you sighed. You’d had this argument with her already. You’d put a fiver in the barista tip jar when she wasn’t looking. “How are your parents?”

“On vacation for a month,” Paula said. “They are touring Canada, of all places. Rented an RV and everything. First time they’ve taken a real vacation in twenty years, I think, and I’m in charge here. I think it’s my Dad’s way of testing whether I can take over the Cafe permanently and let him go down to as few hours as possible.”

“That’s great, for you and them!” You said. “Congratulations.”

“Thanks,” she said, then looked over your shoulder. “Looks like your friend is here. Have a good day at work, OK?”

“You too,” you said, smiling back at her for a moment before turning to find a table.

Margot eventually joined you after Paula got her order done separately, though Margot paid. The two of them were talking, and you couldn’t help but feel a little bit of pride that Margot and Paula had hit it off you’d introduced them, and seeing your two friends getting along like that was nice. You were just taking your first bite of the cherry tart that Paula had given you when you noticed a weird look pass between them, though neither seemed to react to it, and then they were smiling again and Margot was coming over and planting herself across from you at the table.

“So, now I want the real details,” she said without even a ‘good morning.’ Her Texan accent stood out, not quite as thick as it had been when she moved to the city but still a musical twang compared to most people you met.

“I don’t know what you mean,” you said, flushing a little and trying to keep a straight face. “I told you and Hikaru everything last night.”

“Not a shot, buster,” Margot said, taking a sip of her coffee. “You dodged out when talking about the end of the date. Where did you end it?”

You worked your jaw for a moment, trying to think of a logical answer and coming up short.

“Did you kiss her?” Margot asked, reaching across the table and putting her hand on your arm.

“I don’t kiss and tell,” you said a little lamely.

“So that’s a yes,” Margot said, smiling sweetly and rubbing your arm. “Good for you, Ollie! What else happened?”

You scowled a little, though you couldn’t really hold it. “I’d rather not say,” you said.

“You know you can talk to me about anything, right?” Margot said. “If you want.”

“I know,” you said, feeling a little guilty about hiding something from her, along with Hannah. Margot knew almost everything about you, and Hannah knew all the other bits too, but you weren’t ready to talk about losing your virginity yet.

You changed the subject, and Margot let you, and the two of you slipped into your usual banter as you took your twenty minutes before you both had to head to work. She was deep into her classes now and you liked hearing about her ups and downs at the University, missing your own time there even though you were much happier now that you were established. You admired Margot for chasing what she wanted, even if it hadn’t been the usual path.

The weird thing was, as you talked, you realized that there had been aphysical change between the two of you. Neither of you had been overly shy about telling each other things before, but now Margot seemed to be more comfortable with physical contact a lot like Hannah was. You weren’t surewhy that would be, but you’d always been a hugger and Hannah was sure that one of your love languages was touch.
