Trick or Treat Threesome – Group Sex

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Last Halloween my girlfriend, whom I live with, and I decided to throw a costume party strictly for the over 18 crowd.

I should tell you a little bit about us before I start to tell you our tale. My name is Chase and I am 21 years old. I go to our local university full time studying pre-law and work part-time at my mother’s law firm. My girlfriend Tina is 19 and in her second year of nursing school at the same university. I am 6’3″ and fairly well built. In shape but not ripped by any means. For those interested, my circumcised penis is 63/4 inches long when erect and 7 inches circumference.

Tina, on the other hand, is an amazing beauty. She stands 6 feet tall with long brown hair that runs halfway down her sexy back. Her breast are a solid C cup that stand straight out from her chest. Tina keeps her incredible physique in shape through Pilates and yoga. She’s played volleyball since middle school so she has a deliciously round ass that I can’t help but grab everytime I am near her. Her legs were sculpted by Michelangelo.

We were next door neighbors and have been inseparable since our first tea party together. To say we know each other well would be an understatement.

For the party, we mostly invited people that we were currently going to school with. We figured this would be a good way to get to know them a little better.

The party was a great success. Most all of the guest were on time and the costumes were fantastic. I dressed up as a Roman Gladiator and Tina was in a very short white toga that showed off those mile long legs and her perfect feet clad in gold Roman Sandals. The gold belt she wore accentuated her firm ass perfectly. Underneath she wore only a white thong, and allowed those beautiful tits to sway on their own. We had a contest for best male and female costumes, with each winner getting a bottle of Blanton’s Single Barrel. We had plenty of food, a keg and various spirits. I hit the keg pretty hard while Tina stuck to her usual Margaritas. We were both pretty high but not blasted as the party started winding down.

Just after the last guest left, there was a knock on our door.

“I’ll get it,” Tina said. “Somebody probably forgot their keys.”

I watched her cross the room, swaying slightly from the alcohol, thinking how I couldn’t wait to get that toga off and ravage her body.

She swung the door open and I heard a thunderous “Trick or Treat!” followed by Tina yelping “Oh my God!” then Tina began laughing so hard she doubled over.

“Am I late?” I recognized that voice. It was our friend Jeff.

“Yes, but come in,” Tina said still laughing. “You have to show Chase your costume.”

I met Jeff my freshman year at university. We had two classes together. We hit it off right away, I think in part because we were the two tallest guys in our first class. Unlike me though, Jeff is a specimen. He is 6’5″ and very muscular. At first I thought he was an athlete, but it turned out that he was not much into sports, just staying fit. He was at the university studying guitar. Jazz was his thing, and he was really, really good.

Jeff came into the apartment wearing a grey wig, a brown fedora and a long tan trench coat. As soon as he entered he turned to me, opened his coat, again thundering “Trick or Treat”! He was naked under the coat except for a pair of SpongeBob boxers. Sticking out of the fly of the boxers was a big dildo wrapped in a rainbow sleeve. The dildo had to be at least 11 or 12 inches long and very thick.

I lost it and started laughing too.

“Damn I’m sorry guys, I had a gig tonight and thought I could make it here for at least a couple of drinks,” Jeff said throwing up his arms in disgust.

“That’s ok my friend, we always have time for you,” I bellowed waving him into the kitchen. “Beer or bourbon?”

“Both,” he said, “I got some catching up to do.”

He asked how the party went. I told him it was great, that we wish he could have been there, and that his costume would have been a hit.

“Damn I really wish I would have been here instead of that stuffy gig at The Grand,” (a ballroom) he said. “I knew it was going to be that way so I figured I could liven it up a bit with the costume.”

“I bet it did” I laughed.

“Was it a costume party?” Tina asked.

“Yeah but nowhere as cool as I am sure this was,” he answered.

The three of us sat there drinking, talking about the party and who all was there.

Jeff talked about the play list from the evening, all the while keeping his word and drinking multiple shots and beers.

Before we knew it an hour and a half had passed. Tina and I were shitfaced and Jeff was starting to talk a bit funny. We convinced him that he shouldn’t drive and should just crash on the couch.

As we were preparing to call it a night, Tina said “Wait, I want a picture of me with Jeff holding his coat open.”

I grabbed my phone and told them to pose in the middle of the room. Jeff stood there with a smile and his coat wide open, while Tina got on her knees and put her hands up like she was shocked by that huge penis. I took a few pictures with her in various poses near the dildo. Before we stopped she said, “One more like I am giving him a blowjob,” as she reached up to grab the big schlong.

“No don’t!” Jeff exclaimed, but it was to late. Tina had grabbed the phallus and put her mouth around it faster than Jeff could react. Tina’s eyes got big when she realized that it wasn’t a dildo but Jeff’s actual penis. She looked at me with those wide eyes, her hands and mouth frozen on Jeff’s cock, as if to say “OMG what do I do!”.

Seeing her face and Jeff hiding his with his hands, I asked her what was wrong.

“I am so sorry, I’m really very sorry,” he said.

“What is it, what’s wrong?” I implored.

Tina finally let go of Jeff’s member, looked at me and started laughing.

Jeff, hearing Tina laugh, began laughing too. I was still in the dark at what was going on but got caught up in the mood and began to laugh myself. By this time Tina was laying on her belly trying to talk and laugh at the same time.

“That…that…that…is…not..a…dildo!” she was finally able to verbalize.

“What?” I asked.

“I wasn’t expecting her to do that,” Jeff chimed in. “Otherwise I would have stopped her.”

Then it hit me what Tina had said. “You mean…”

“Yes” Tina moaned out holding her belly as tears of laughter streamed down her face. “That’s his real dick in that sleeve!”

“No way!” I responded.

“Yes!” both Tina and Jeff said at almost the same time.

“Don’t be mad at her, she didn’t know it was my real dick in this sleeve. Honestly dude if I would have thought she—“

“Don’t give it a second thought man,” I interrupted as I put my arm on his shoulder. “I just can’t believe that all of that is your cock. It’s massive.” Tina agreed with me.

“I can’t believe I got my mouth around it,” she added.

“Oh you did great, way better than most,” Jeff said patting her on the back. Tina smiled and curtsied.

“Dude,” I said, “how do you not have women hanging all over you?”

“Man my friend, this is more of a curse than a blessing. Honestly, the majority of girls that I have gotten that far with are to scared to do anything. Some I try to fuck but they either stop and leave or It’s half ass and I never hear from them again. There have been only 2 girls that I have had semi-decent sex with. I might have to go into porn to get a real fuck,” he answered almost sadly. “So I wasn’t joking when I said you did good,” looking at Tina whose eyes were fixed on Jeff’s cock.

“I’ll take that as a compliment,” Tina said in a hentai style voice.

“Well again, don’t worry about it. Tina doesn’t seem upset about it, so no harm, no foul,” I told him. “Let me get you a pillow and blanket.”

“I’ll get them,” Tina offered.

When she left the room Jeff told me in a low voice “Man you did well. Not only is Tina stunning but dude, what a great sense of humor. I think most girls would have been highly offended by what happened.”

“Yeah she’s a keeper,” I said. “Besides, she’ll probably go around bragging that she put an 11 or 12 inch cock in her mouth.” We both laughed. “How big is your penis anyway?” I asked.

“This is going to sound strange, but I have never measured it,” he said.

“I get it,” I replied. “I would have no idea how big my dick is if it wasn’t for Tina. She’s the one who measured it. Speaking of the devil.”

Tina returned with the items, we made the couch and said our goodnights. Jeff apologized once again to Tina, she told him not to worry about it and we retreated to our room. Once the door was shut, Tina dropped her toga and panties but I told her to leave the shoes on.

“That was hilarious,” she said. “I know he feels really bad about it though.”

“It’s was, and I told him that you would probably be bragging that you had such a big cock in your mouth,” I said slapping her on her bare ass.

“Ha! You know me to well,” she chirped. “I wonder how big it is. Did you ask him?”

“I did and he doesn’t know,” I answered.

“What? How can that be?” She huffed. “How can I brag if I can’t say how big it was? Go ask him to measure it.”

I laughed as I said, “I don’t care how big it is, you go ask him.”

“Don’t say that,” she sneered, “you know i will.”

“Go ahead.”

“No you go.”

“I dare you.”

“Don’t dare me cause I will.”

“I did dare you. Now go on.”

“OK I will,” she said as she walked to the closet, opened a drawer and pulled out a cloth measuring tape. She spun around to face me. “I’m going!”

“Like that?” I asked.

Tina suddenly realized that she was butt ass naked, except for her shoes. She laughed and grabbed one of my T-shirts from a drawer and slid it on. “No, like this. Come with me please. Pretty please, with sugar on top.”

I acquiesced partly out of guilt and partly out of curiosity.

I put on a T-shirt as well, and we headed into the living room with a mission.

Jeff was awake on the couch flipping through the TV for something to watch. He had a new beer on the coffee table in front of him. Tina approached him. She stood directly by his head, legs apart, her hands on her hips as if she were mad, totally unaware that Jeff could see up her shirt giving him a clear view of her freshly waxed pussy. I didn’t say a word about it as his eyes went straight there.

“Jeff,” Tina started, “I have a bit of a problem with what happened tonight.”

“You do? I am sorry, if I would have known you were going to put it in your mouth I would have stopped you,” his words full of remorse.

“That’s the problem,” she said. “It was in my mouth, so how can I brag about it if I have no idea how big it actually is? As an apology I want you to let me measure it.”

Jeff looked at me for what to do. I gestured like Vanna White and smiled.

“You sure you want to do this?” he asked.

“Yes! As a future nurse I am trained to be clinical in such matters,” she chuckled. “Now let’s see it,” she demanded holding out the tape. As she did so, the front of the T-shirt lifted exposing more of the smooth skin leading to her peach.

“Yes ma’am!” Jeff retorted. He stayed prone on the couch, slid the cover back and pulled his now bare dick out of the fly of his boxers and laid it over his thigh. “It’s all yours.”

I could hear Tina gasp softly when she gazed on the giant naked cock before her. I swear I thought I saw her drool a little before she dropped to her knees. She told him the boxers were in the way and started pulling them down. Jeff helped her by re-tucking his penis and lifting his hips. With his shorts now down, Tina took hold of Jeff’s monster with a gentle grasp. It was impossible for her to hold his dick and measure it at the same time, so Jeff helped by holding the head between his thumb and forefinger, and lifting his meat straight up. Tina held the tape at the top of his penis and dropped it down until it reached bottom. She took her right hand and held the end against his pubic bone. With her left hand she grabbed his cock and slowly moved her hand upward smoothing out the tape, caressing his member as she went, until she was at the tip. Jeff had removed his hand when she was close to the end. She moved her head closer to read the numbers on the tape. This caused her breast to lay on the lower half of Jeff’s 6 pack abs. He didn’t seem to mind her hands or her tits.

“Hmmmm,” Tina purred. “11 and ⅞ inches. Now let’s see how thick it is.”

Jeff again took control of the beast while Tina wrapped the tape around the base.

“8 and 3/4 inches at the base,” Tina reported. She slid her right hand up the length of his shaft, stopping just below the head. “7 and ⅝ at the end. Nice taper sir,” she told him with a smile.

“Thank you ma’am,” he said giving her a salute.

“I don’t think I am going out on a limb here saying that you don’t know your erect measurements do you?” Tina asked.

“No ma’am,” Jeff returned, saluting her once more.

“What are we going to do about that Private?” she inquired now playing along with Jeff.

Tina and I have enjoyed a pretty good sex life. We have experimented in many ways including toys and some light bondage. Of course there are things we haven’t tried. Involving someone else in our love making is one of them. In the 3 years that we have all been friends, Jeff has always been a gentleman to Tina.

“Permission to speak freely ma’am,” Jeff asked. Tina nodded her consent. “You aren’t going to like this, but it takes a little time to get my dick fully erect. Sometimes when I’m masturbating, I finish before I get completely hard. The good news is once it’s up, it’s up for a while.”

“What should we do?” she asked.

“Well,” he started his response looking at me rather than Tina. “It gets hard faster if I’m not the one trying to get it up.”

Tina turned to look at me, “It’s for science.”

By now, after watching Tina put her hands on his dick, I was a tad worked up. “Since it’s for science, you may proceed General.”

Tina turned to look at Jeff and said, “Don’t hate me in the morning.”

This caused us all to laugh once again, clearing out any tension that may have been in the room.

I pulled up a chair close to the couch so that I could get a better view. My cock began to grow as I watched Tina reach under the couch for a box that contained some toys and lube. She placed some drops of the lube on Jeff’s 11⅞ inch cum cannon and began to slowly stroke.

A couple of minutes in, Tina was stroking him with a quicker pace.

“Anything else that could help?” she said in a soft sexy voice.

Jeff up to this point, had not touched Tina at all. “Your mouth,” he put simply.

She looked at me for direction.

“It is, after all, for science,” I said with a grin.

Tina told Jeff to sit up on the couch. He complied. Tina moved her head over his slowly stiffening rod while maintaining her stroking. She paused for a moment, I suspect to gather herself, took a deep breath and gently eased her mouth over his manhood while continuing to stroke him. I watched as the head disappeared past her lips into her mouth. My dick was rock solid by the time she stopped with a good five inches of this beast in her mouth. Her once methodical movements went by the wayside as she began to get into sucking him. Her mouth and hand moving faster and faster. Jeff, being the good friend that he is, asked me if he could touch her. I told him of course. Immediately he reached for her tits with both hands and began to squeeze them, causing her to let out a loud moan of pleasure. Being the good friend that I am, I got up from my chair, grabbed the lower part of Tina’s T-shirt and pulled it up and off. While her mouth was not around Jeff’s pole, she told me she loved me. I told her I love her too. I tossed the shirt to the side and dared her to go down as far as she could on him.

Seeing this as a challenge, Tina started going down further and further with each Bob of her head. She fought back gagging twice before she could go no further at just over half of his cock.

After 10 or so minutes, Jeff spoke out. “Damn, I am as hard as I think I have ever been.”

Tina begrudgingly stood up to get the tape measure, giving us the chance to soak in her statuesque body.

“My god you are so beautiful,” Jeff sighed. “And you my man, are one lucky ass guy.”

His erect measurements were 13 1/2 inches long and 10 1/4 inches around at the base and 9 ⅛ inches at the end.

After the measurements were taken, we sat in silence for a moment until, “What now?” Tina’s words broke the silence.

There was no answer.

I got up from my chair, walked over to my naked beauty, grabbed her by the hand and started walking to the bedroom. I stopped, turned around to Jeff and asked, “Are you coming?”

Jeff jumped up from the couch with a big smile and began marching towards us, his cock wobbling like a flag pole in a hurricane. Tina was jumping up and down clapping saying “yeah,yeah,yeah,” in her best bishōjo (cute girl) anime voice. I grabbed her ass with my right hand and asked her if she was ready for this. Without saying a word she moved my hand to her soaked pussy. “Let’s go!” I said excitedly grabbing her left hand and putting it on my solid prick.

Here we were, three friends, drunk, about to embark on a sexual journey. I was so looking forward to this.

Once in the bedroom, I told Jeff to lay on the bed. I then guided Tina over to Jeff, putting my right hand on the back of her neck and my left on her toned stomach, I gently pushed her head down. That was all the prompting she needed. She bent over at her waist, grabbed Jeff’s cock with both hands and gobbled up as much as she could in her mouth once again. Jeff’s hands moved to play with Tina’s hair as he watched her lips move up and down his shaft. I quickly stripped off my shirt and shorts, moved behind Tina, got on my knees, placed my hands on her ass cheeks and spread them. I took a moment to admire the beautiful smooth, hairless, puckered hole before me before I buried my face between those perfect round mounds. I could feel her legs give as my tongue flattened out on her anus. Damn I love licking her ass!

I could hear Jeff talking up Tina, telling her how great she is, that she is sucking him better than he has ever been. Beautiful moans escaped her throat with every compliment.

With my mouth still enjoying Tina’s ass, I reached between her legs with my right hand and started rubbing her slick clit.

After only a few minutes Tina’s legs began to shake, her moans, muffled by Jeff’s cock got louder. I seized the moment and pinched her clitoris between my thumb and finger applying more and more pressure to it until her knees completely bent. I had to hold her up in order to keep her from hitting the floor as she moved off Jeff’s dick.

“Oh…fuck!” she proclaimed over and over between heavy breaths. “That was intense!” she added once she caught her breath.

“You are soaked baby,” I said placing my hand over her pussy and inserting a finger.

“I want to taste that,” Jeff said now standing on the opposite side of the bed from us.

“Yes, let’s have a taste,” I added as I turned Tina to face me. I gave her a deep kiss before laying her on the bed.

“Fuck that’s hot”, I heard Jeff say.

Tina was a vision of beauty lying on the bed. The light danced off the subtle sheen of sweat now on her body, the wetness of her smooth pink love nest playing with the light as she rubbed a finger of her left hand up and down her slit.

“Who’s hungry boys,” she growled.

Jeff and I looked at each other.

“Company first,” I said looking at Jeff and motioning towards her pussy.

“Why thank you my good man, you are indeed a gentleman and a scholar,” he chuckled moving towards Tina.

Jeff stood at the foot of the bed, grabbed Tina’s legs and dragged her to the end. He dropped to his knees and put her legs over his broad shoulders. Without a word he spread her lips and ran his tongue upward from her ass hole to her clit. This made Tina groan and slightly arch her back. She continued to moan and sigh, her hands covering her face.
