Tim’s Gift –

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#Tween #Virgin

By DowntownAbi

Young Tim has an embarrassing (and rather large) problem – until a friend’s mother shows him that it’s actually a blessing.

For my early childhood, I was very much a normal kid. It was when I was just ten that things started to change.

While the rest of me was completely normal, my genitals started to grow. And grow. By the time I was ten-and-a-half, they had grown disproportionally large, even for an adult. And what was worse, my penis seemed to have developed a mind of its own, swelling up for seemingly no reason. Bear in mind that at this time, I had no idea about the birds and the bees. As far as I was concerned, this was just embarrassing. Any time I went swimming or changed my clothes in front of people, there was a huge bulge. When I showered with the other boys at school, I’d try to hide myself as best I could.

Inevitably, adults noticed, and I was taken to the doctor. After much examination and many tests, they concluded that it was “a form of precocious puberty.” But they had no idea what caused it, so they basically decided they were going to leave things as they were and see how the rest of me developed.

The only person I really confided in about it was Paul, my best friend. My parents both worked, so I would go over to his house for a couple of hours after school. We had no qualms about changing in front of each other, so he knew about my, for want of a better word, “gift.”

That Friday, as we got changed out of our school uniforms, he asked about the doctor.

“So what did they say?” he asked. “Is it just gonna get bigger and bigger, or what?”

“They don’t know.”

“Maybe you’ll have to get, like, trousers with three legs or something. Let’s see it.”

I pulled my pants down.

“It’s huge,” he said,

“It gets bigger,” I said. “Watch.” I pulled the foreskin down over the head and let it back up again. My prick began to swell up. It rose to its full nine inches – which, given that I was only four feet tall at the time, was particularly impressive.

“Whoa,” said Paul.

“I hate it,” I said.

“Paul! Tim! Dinner!” called Paul’s mum.

We finished dressing and went out into the kitchen. Unfortunately, my cock didn’t seem interested in going down. I stood behind Paul.

Now, let me describe Paul’s mum. Paul’s parents were divorced. His mother was quite a glamorous woman – a tall, curvaceous brunette who always wore full make-up, whatever the occasion. Her wavy hair was always immaculate and her clothes were always fashionable. I liked her a lot, though at the time I had no concept of attraction. Of course, this didn’t help with my current state.

“Tim, why are you standing behind Paul? Come on.” Paul hurried over to the table, leaving me with no place to hide. His mum’s gaze travelled down to the great big tent in the front of my trousers. She blushed bright red. “Well.. come and sit down,” she said, eventually.

I did. I should have been embarrassed about her seeing my erection. I was a bit, but also, in a strange way, I was a little bit proud. Why, I couldn’t have said. I had no idea about sex or what my penis was actually for.

We ate, then we went back to Paul’s room.

“Your mum saw it!” I said to him, in what I hope wasn’t too loud.

“Yeah, she was well embarrassed,” giggled Paul.

The time rolled around to six.

“Come on, Tim,” said Paul’s mum. “I’ll drive you home.” This was unusual. I only lived ten minutes away, so unless it was raining hard, I walked.

Paul stayed behind. The two of us got into the car. I wondered if I was in some kind of trouble.

We pulled away. “Now Tim,” she began. “Earlier, when you were hiding behind Paul… I noticed something… in your trousers. What was that?”

I couldn’t speak. I wasn’t sure how to talk about this sort of thing. I stammered out, “It was my- my- my-“

“Your… what do you call it? Your willy? Your penis?”

Now it was my turn to blush. I nodded mutely. But meanwhile, downstairs, the subject of our discussion had begun to stir again.

“But it was very big,” she said.

“Yeah,” I said.

“That’s just you?”

“Yeah. The doctor said I have… precautious puberty.”

“I see. Well, look, it’s nothing to be embarrassed about when you’re with me. I know about boys. If you ever want to talk about it, you can.” She glanced down. “I see it’s happened again.”


“Don’t apologise. Now look, we’re at your house.”

I couldn’t stop thinking about the events of the afternoon. I hoped Paul’s mum wasn’t going to tell my parents. In fact, when my mum got a phone call from her the next day, I feared the worst. I hid in my room.

There came a knock at the door. “Tim?” It was my mum. I considered pretending not to be there, but that would have been stupid.

“Yes?” I said.

“I’ve got Paul’s mum on the phone.”


“She asked if you’d like to come over tomorrow.” This was puzzling to me – I knew that Paul was with his dad this weekend. He’d said so the previous day. Had they cancelled? I supposed they must have.

“Yes please,” I said.

So it was that I walked over to Paul’s house the next morning. I knocked at the door. His mum answered. She was wearing a rather expensive dressing gown.

“Hello, Tim. Come in,” she said.

I did. She invited me to sit down on the sofa. “Where’s Paul?” I asked.

“Oh, Paul’s with his dad this weekend.”

“But-“ I began.

“You see, Tim, I’ve been thinking about you. And your… little problem. Well, it’s quite a big one, isn’t it?”

“You mean, my…” I trailed off.

“Your penis. Or your willy, your thing, whatever you want to call it. You don’t need to be ashamed about it with me. I might be able to help you with it, in fact.”

I said nothing. I had no idea what she was talking about. But I rested my hands on my crotch, because once again, it was rearing its head at hearing itself talked about. Particularly by a glamorous woman.

She smiled. “Are you hiding it? It’s okay. Move your hands away.” I paused. “Move your hands away,” she said again. I did so.

“It must be absolutely enormous,” she said. “Look, I think I can help you. But you have to promise me something.”


She leaned closer. I could smell her perfume. “You have to promise me that you’re not going to tell anyone. Not your parents, your teachers, your friends, not even Paul.”

“I promise.”

“I’m not joking. If you tell anyone about this, we’ll both get in a lot of trouble. But if you keep quiet, I think you’ll have a lot of fun. Promise?”

“Swear on my nan’s life,” I said. “Scouts’ honour.”

She chuckled. “Alright. Come upstairs.”

I followed her up. We went into her bedroom. Now, the rule had always been that no matter what else we did or where else we went, Mum’s bedroom was out of bounds.

The room was as glamorous and expensive as everything else about her. There was a great big bed, perfectly made, and an antique wardrobe large enough to hold the incredible collection of outfits she owned. She drew the curtains and switched on the light.

“Okay,” she said, “I’m going to ask you to undress. Is that alright?”

I nodded. I began to do so. Off came my socks, my T-shirt, my jeans, and I stood there in my briefs, stretched out by their contents. I paused for a moment before dropping them, and stood there, naked, in front of my best friend’s mother. My cock was at full stand.

“Amazing,” she breathed. “You know, that’s the biggest one I’ve ever seen. May I touch it?”

I nodded. She kneeled down in front of me. “Your balls have dropped, too,” she observed. I had no idea what she meant. She held my shaft in her hand and began to gently move her perfectly-manicured fingers up and down.

“How does that feel?” she asked. “Does it feel good?”

“Yes,” I said. It did, in a way that it never had when anyone else had touched it.

“And do you know what this is for?”

“It’s for peeing.”

She smiled. “Well, it is, but it’s got another use as well. Do you know about the differences between boys and girls?”

“Well, I know that girls don’t have a… one of those,” I said.

She let my member go and stood up. “That’s right. We have something different instead. You see, your thing sticks out, ours… sticks in. Would you like to see?”

I nodded. I did, very much.

She tugged on the cord and her dressing gown fell down. And for the first time, I saw a naked woman in her full glory. Her heavy breasts with their dark, protruding nipples. The curve of her hips. And down below, a small patch of hair.

“There you are.” She lay on the bed and parted her legs. “Do you see that?” She framed her slit between her fingers. I nodded. My mouth was dry. I could feel myself shaking.

“Come closer,” she said. “Don’t be scared.” I wasn’t scared. I had no idea what I was. Trembling, I did as she asked.

“Now, the reason boys and girls are different down there is because that thing you have is meant to go into that thing I have.”

I nodded. “Okay,” I said. I wasn’t sure what else to say. I could sense that something strange was going on. Something illicit. Something naughty. But this was Paul’s mum, she was a grown-up. How could it be bad?

“Did you know that?” she asked. I shook my head. “Well, it is. And that’s why it felt good when I touched you just now. It’s a little bit like how it feels when your thing goes into my thing. And that’s why your thing goes hard – like it is right now. That means it wants to go in there. See how it’s throbbing? It must be very excited indeed.”

I couldn’t say a word. I was so tense, I felt as if I was going to burst. My heart was beating faster than it ever had before.

“Would you like to try it?” she asked. I could hardly move a muscle. She seemed to find my discomfort amusing. “Of course, we don’t have to. We could get dressed again.”

“I want to,” I croaked. “I want to try it.”

“Alright. Come on to the bed.”

I walked over, my cock bobbing from side to side in front of me. I lay on my back. She shifted on to her side. She held my prick. Her touch was a jolt of electricity.

“It’s like iron,” she said.

She lay on her back. “Now, climb on top of me. Between my legs… like that.” I shuffled awkwardly up. The tip of my rock-hard member was so close to the her slit. She took a hold of me once again.

“Now,” she said, “very gently… forward.” She guided me in. I felt her engulf me, warm and slick and tight.

“You’re so big,” she breathed. “Does that feel good?”

I nodded.

“Now… pull it out. Not all the way. And back in. And keep going.” It was a sensation like nothing else. Less than five minutes earlier, I’d had no idea about any of this. I slid in and out in absolute ecstasy.

She moaned. “Oh, Goddd…”

“I’m not hurting you, am I?” I asked anxiously.

“No, no, keep going – just like that!”

She panted and moaned. I’d always thought of grown-ups as these distant figures, who had no idea about fun. Paul’s mum was just another authority figure. That I should see her naked, that I should be doing this, this thing that was so pleasurable and yet so secret – it only added to the thrill.

Her breathing grew more shallow – her moans louder, almost animalistic – her eyes tight shut. I slowed down, sure I must be hurting her.

“No – keep going – aaaaaahhh!” She convulsed and put her arms around me, squeezing me so tight I thought she’d kill me. Then she relaxed. I stopped. She laughed.

“That was incredible. I haven’t come like that since… well, never mind. Keep going.”

I didn’t need to be asked twice. I resumed thrusting, harder than ever. I had no idea what I’d done, but it seemed I’d done it right. I pushed harder and deeper – it was as if some instinct had taken over. Soon, that same frenzy seemed to overtake her. She wrapped her legs around me, as if urging me on. “Aaaaaaaaaaaaah,” she groaned.

And now a strange feeling was coming over me. I didn’t stop. I couldn’t. I felt a strange sensation building up somewhere deep inside me, centring on my groin – it built and built and suddenly, it exploded from me. A bursting of tension, a release of ecstasy. My prick felt strange, as if something was spurting out of it and into my beautiful partner. I collapsed on top of her. I rolled off. My cock was still twitching.

She smiled at me. “Well done,” she said. “Now give me a kiss.” I leaned over for a peck on the cheek, only for her to grab my head and kiss me full on the lips. Her tongue pushed into my mouth.

Eventually, she pulled away.

“That was incredible. That was the best sex of my life. And to think it was with a ten-year-old boy.” She reached down between her legs. She showed me her fingers. There was something white and slimy dripping down them. “But we’ll have to be more careful in future. Do you know what that is?” I didn’t.

She gave me a quick explanation of the birds and the bees, while wiping my seed away with a tissue. “I didn’t think you’d be making it yet,” she finished, “but I suppose you’re not really an ordinary boy, are you?”

“Wait, so… does that mean you’re going to have a baby?”

She laughed. “No, no, I’ll see to that. But just remember it for the future.”

“I will. Can we do it again, please?”

“Again? It’s not been ten minutes since – alright, I can see you’re still hard. Let’s try something a little different.” She got on to all fours.

“Come up behind me.” I did. I knelt there and gazed down at her magnificently shapely backside.

“Now, try entering me like… this.” She reached around and guided me into her still gloriously wet pussy. The second round was every bit as enjoyable as the first. I could see us in the dressing table mirror – her eyes shut as I pounded into her over and over and over again, her breasts swaying with every thrust. I went harder and harder, and the harder I pushed, the more she seemed to love it. Twice I brought her to the peak of pleasure. I could feel her tensing up for a third climax as I was seized by my own. My seed filled her as she reached her final orgasm.

“Oh my God,” she said, slumping on to the bed next to me. “You’re like a machine. I can’t believe it. Not even two hours ago, you didn’t even know what sex was. I think you might be the best I’ve ever had. That great big dick of yours is a gift. I need some water. You want some?”

She left the room, not even bothering to put her dressing gown back on. I watched her fine, round buttocks recede down the landing. She returned with two glasses.

She looked at me. “You’re still hard?”

“Shouldn’t I be?” I asked.

“Well, normally men tend to go soft afterwards, to give us a bit of a rest. Still, I suppose you’re very young. But I’m a little bit sore down there – you gave me quite a pounding. Let me show you something new.”

She put the glasses down and lay between my legs. She held my member up and applied those full lips to my balls. The delicate touch of her mouth and tongue was heavenly, as she explored that most intimate area. She planted a series of light kisses up my shaft before taking the head between her lips. She cradled my balls in one hand as she sucked me to greater heights. I felt as if I was afloat, drifting away on clouds of pure joy. My prick twitched and squirted another jet of semen into her mouth. Then another, and another.

But that wasn’t the end. After a rest, we managed a third round, and then a fourth. Believe it or not, as we showered, we fucked a fifth time, her leaning against the tiles as I thrust into her with the water jetting down around us, my cum dripping down her leg and mingling with the suds as they swirled down the drain.

But by this point, it was time to go. She gave me a ride back.

“Tim, today was… amazing. I feel weird saying this to… well, to a child… but I’ve never had a lover like you. Not just the size, but, well, you’re a quick learner. If you want to come over again in a couple of weeks… Paul’s going to be at his dad’s again… maybe we could learn a little more?”

“I’d like that,” I said.

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By DowntownAbi
#Tween #Virgin

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Hey author u want me to write stories in your site. ping directly hope u have my mail..
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Hi, This is my story. why did u copy others with out permission.
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அவள் புண்டையை பார்த்தேன். எனக்கும் இன்னும் மூடு ஏறியது.... Collapse
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