Timothy ,Lisa and her stepmother

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#Cheating #Teen #Threesome #Tween

* A young boy discovers solo sex, then sex with the 19 year old babysitter, and then sex with the 47 year old stepmother of the babysitter.

Chapter 1. Discovery

It started when I was eleven. I started to notice girls. Then, one night, as I was thinking about one particularly well endowed girl who rode on our bus I felt something begin to stir in my shorts. I was horrified and confused. I picked up the covers and looked down to see my little penis beginning to move. It scared me.

I watched it for a few more minutes as it wiggled slowly around and then deflated. It didn’t take me long to realize the connection between thinking about that pretty girl on the bus and the reaction of my dick. So I thought about her again and this time I didn’t stop until my little dick was stiff. I didn’t know what to do about all of this so I did nothing.

A few weeks later I heard one of my friends making fun of his brother for “beating off” in bed. His brother was older than he was and had a bigger dick and so he was masturbating regularly. He did not feel embarrassed about it, but rather he made a joke of it. It was then that I figured out what beating off was and got the idea to jack off myself.

That night, as I thought about the pretty girl and my little dick got stiff, I placed two fingers around it and started to pump. It was amazing. I immediately started to experience a kind of high that I had never known before. This lasted for some time. I found that the more I imagined the body of the pretty girl the better I felt and so I focused on her big breasts and her pretty face. The feeling got better and better until eventually it happened.

When my orgasm came over me I was both terrified and thrilled. It was the best feeling I had ever known. I imagined that this feeling must be what heaven is like. I wondered about the little drop of fluid that had seeped out when I came but I just wiped it up and turned over and went to sleep. I slept very well that night. I now had a new hobby that I planned to practice every night if possible.

I was an only child and my parents were very socially active. They often went to parties and political fund raisers and such. Consequently, they often hired a babysitter to watch me while they were gone. There were a few that I really liked, as they were young and able to relate to me, and we always had fun. One in particular was Lisa. She was very cute. She had blond hair and a beautiful smile.

She was always the friendliest and we always had the most fun together. However, subsequent to my discovery of girls and their effect upon me I was more subdued the next time she came over to baby-sit me. I was confused by my lust for Lisa. I liked her but I felt strong animal like urges towards her that frightened me and made me feel guilty. I guess she noticed the change in my behavior towards her but she didn’t say anything. She just seemed to smile knowingly to herself and curled up on the couch to watch a movie.

I was sitting on the floor watching the movie and soon found myself looking at her beautiful young legs that came out from her dress. I couldn’t help myself. I kept glancing over at her legs. I was totally entranced by their shape and the smooth white skin.

When she shifted to lean over on the arm of the couch even more I almost gasped out loud when I could see the very bottom of her cheek. I could see the whiter skin and the slight bulge of her butt as it peeked out at me. I had to curl up some so that she couldn’t see the little bulge in my pants. I had an erection that was trying to push its way straight through my zipper.

I think Lisa knew what was going on at that point. Although I was sure that I was the first one to ever discover sex, she was aware that I was looking up her dress and I don’t think she cared. In fact, I think she liked it.

When a commercial came on she looked over towards me and asked, “So, Tim, do you have a girl friend yet?” Then she just smiled at me as I blushed seven shades of red. “It’s okay Timmy, I saw you looking at me. I know you want to look up my dress. It is only natural for a young man to be interested in a girl’s body. But you haven’t answered my question yet. Do you have a girlfriend?”

I was mortified and excited at the same time. I was talking about sex with the prettiest girl I knew. Even though she was five years older than me I felt a strong connection to her. “I-I… don’t have a girlfriend yet. But there a couple of girls in my class that I like.”

“Are they cute?” she asked me.

“Yeah, I guess.”

“Would you like to kiss them and touch them?”

“Yeah, I guess I wouldn’t mind kissing them and holding hands or something” I managed to stammer out.

“Would you like to see them naked?” she asked. I was shocked. I was stunned that she seemed to know my innermost thoughts. I couldn’t reply. My stomach was beginning to hurt and my erection was seeping fluids now. I could feel a moist spot forming on my shorts.

Lisa smiled warmly at my confusion and said, “come over here.” I was scared and embarrassed by my stiffness and sort of ambled over to her in a crouch. I knew I couldn’t sit on the couch next to her because it would be too hard to hide my crotch so I sat on the floor next to her. I blushed again as I realized how close that put me to her beautiful calves. I tried hard not to look at them but I could almost feel their heat radiating right through me.

Lisa put her hand on my head. “Timmy,” she said, and waited for me to look up at her. “Do you have an erection?” I couldn’t reply and quickly looked away. “It’s okay Timmy,” she cooed softly and reassuringly “boys often get erections at your age.” I just looked down at the ground in shame.

“Do you think I’m pretty, Tim? I saw you looking at my legs. Do you think my legs are pretty? Have my legs given you an erection?” She was gently rubbing my head as she said this and ever so slightly pulling me towards her. Now my cheek was actually touching her calf and as I looked up into her face I saw the gentle eyes of an angel looking back at me over the hem of her dress from which emerged two of the most beautiful appendages I had ever seen. I was totally wiped out. I couldn’t speak. I could barely even breathe.

“It’s nothing to be ashamed of Timmy. If you want to look at my legs I don’t mind. Here let me show you. Let me give you a better view.” With that she uncrossed her legs, reached down, and then grasped the hem of her dress and pulled it up until it was at her crotch where she held it with both hands. “Do you think my legs are pretty Tim?”

The eyes bugging out of my head must have been enough answer for her because she then smiled down at my upturned face and slowly spread her legs just an inch or two until I could see the gently bulging crotch of her white panties. I stared open mouthed at the slight shadow of a slit that ran perpendicularly down her panty. It was a miracle that I wasn’t drooling. I was so excited I was sweating. I wasn’t sure if she was teasing, pleasing, or tormenting me. Being that close to a grown girls legs was too much to bear. I was sure I would have a heart attack from the tension.

I turned away in shock and looked at the television. “Oh poor Timmy,” Lisa cooed as she rubbed my head, “did my pussy scare you?”

I thought I would die. One moment I was sitting on the floor watching television and the next I was sitting right next to Lisa’s exposed legs and listening to her saying the word ‘pussy’. I knew what a pussy was. I had heard the other older boys talking about ‘getting some pussy’ and knew they meant having sex with a girl or woman.

I never imagined that I would get that close to one. I had figured that I would probably have to wait until I was married for that to happen. But I was just inches from one right now. And not just any ‘pussy’ but the one on my very favorite babysitter. I was breathing hard like I had just run two laps at gym class.

“You don’t need to be afraid of my pussy Timmy. Here let me show you.” Incredibly, as I looked back at her, I saw her hook her thumbs under her panties and lift up her butt as she slid the panties down her legs and then pulled them off and away from her ankles. I saw her pubic hair then.

I saw the dark pubic hair that was matted at her pussy. And then, when she reached over to put her panties on the end table, her legs parted slightly and I saw her slit. I could see her pussy flesh! It was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. It was a moment that would seer itself into my memory for the rest of my life. The sight of Lisa’s pussy was, without a doubt, a transcendent moment. It was so soft. It was so succulent. It was so “girl” that I thought I would die.

I stared without shame now. This was too good to look away. I forgot about my embarrassment. A herd of elephants couldn’t have pulled my attention away from Lisa’s crotch at that moment. In my shock I realized that both of my hands were on her calf. As I stared into the dark heaven of Lisa’s beaver I slowly, unconsciously, began to run my hands up her leg. She did not try to stop me.

Smiling, she reached down and moved me gently until I was between her two knees and staring at her pussy. At that moment I could smell it. The musky aroma wafted out into my nostrils and caused my head to swirl. Instinctively I knew that this was the smell of a woman. It was the most intimate smell of a female.

Lisa reached between her legs and spread her pussy lips apart. “See Tim, it’s just flesh and blood, nothing to be afraid of.” I wasn’t afraid, I was disoriented. I couldn’t believe this was happening. And I was horny. I was so horny I thought I would cum in my pants.

Then she took one of her fingers and ran it the length of her slit from bottom to top and held the damp finger in front of my nose. “See how moist it is” she said, slowly turning the finger in front of me, “It likes you Timmy. That’s what it does when it sees someone it likes. It gets wet.”

“Do you like my pussy Timmy?” she asked again. This time she waited for me to say something. The pause extended for a moment or two as I stared at her crotch. I could see her very young pubis. And I could see he gorgeous legs that guarded her feminine opening. “Do you like my pussy Timmy? It likes you. Why don’t you kiss it? I think it wants you to kiss it. Go ahead, don’t be shy.” With that she put her hand on the back of my head and gently pulled me forward until my lips were brushing her pubic hair. They were tickling my lips, and, as she put her other hand behind my head, I found myself puckering up as my head was pulled the rest of the way into her crotch and mashed into her slit.

I had never kissed a girl before. I didn’t know how. I had no practice kissing a girl on the lips. So, I wondered, just how in the world was I supposed to know how to kiss a girl’s pussy? I didn’t need any expertise though, because Lisa did all of the work. As she pulled my mouth into contact with her powerfully aromatic and seeping opening she raised her hips slightly and, with a deep moan of pleasure that I didn’t understand at the time rubbed her fleshy nether lips against my puckered lips. My eyes were wide open in stunned disbelief. Was this real? Was this really happening? I knew that I liked Lisa but this was beyond unexpected.

This was beyond anything that I could even dream up. This was another dimension. A dimension of sight and sound and touch that swallowed my soul. Lisa continued to slowly gyrate her hips off the sofa. She rubbed her pussy up and down over my mouth. I could feel wetness all over and around my mouth. Instead of a milk mustache like you see on television, I had a pussy juice mustache now.

My hands were now on her upper thighs as I tried half heartedly to push my face away from between Lisa’s legs. But Lisa just pulled me tighter to her. She was moaning now and gasping. “Yes, yes, yes.” she said as she worked her pussy around my mouth. “Oh yesss. Make me cum Timmy. Fuck me with you face.”

Not only was I excited to be able to see and touch a girls privates I was proud and thrilled that I could give a pretty girl like Lisa pleasure. I didn’t have any idea what I was doing but Lisa was enjoying herself so I allowed her to use my face to stimulate her crack. Now she began moving her slit up and down. I found myself sticking out my tongue and trying to lick her. My tongue found its way into her crack and I tasted and felt the warmth of her secretions.

“Lick my clit Timmy” Lisa said as she moved her pelvis down into the sofa cushion and I found myself running my tongue over a small ridge of flesh. I held my head still as she moved up and down over my face, sliding my tongue up and down what I supposed must be her clit. By now my face was sopping wet and I tried desperately to help her by trying to lick her as she moved me over her crack. Then she stopped moving her crotch up and down over my mouth and held my head steady so that I found my tongue licking over a slight opening at the bottom of her fleshy ridge.

As she pulled my face further into her crotch my tongue mashed against her pelvic bone the slight nub that stuck out of the opening of her little ridge. She held me still, and, as she ground my tongue against that spot, she suddenly arched her back and squeezed my head between her thighs. “Oh God, yessssss!” I heard her say as she spasmed.

Fluids flowed from her crack down my chin as she arched and shuddered one, two, and three times. I was afraid that I was going to suffocate. Each time she spasmed she squeezed my head like she was trying to break open a melon. I looked up to see if she was trying to hurt me and saw her pretty head was back with her beautiful blond hair spread out against the cushion and the veins in her neck sticking out like she was being electrocuted.

I was afraid that I had done something wrong and hurt her and that I would get in trouble. But suddenly she let out a huge gasp and the pressure of her hands pulling on the back of my head eased off and she slid her bottom back down onto the sofa.

After a moment or two had gone by she put one hand on the top of my head and gently tousled my hair. “See Timmy, there’s nothing to be afraid of. It’s just a pussy. And I think it likes you. It likes making out with you.” I was so proud of myself. I had heard boys brag about “making out” with girls in the back seat of a car or somewhere and now I had just “made out” with Lisa. I had no idea that this was what they had been talking about but I knew I liked it, and knew that Lisa had liked it. So my first experience with kissing a girl had been a big success.

“Would you like to jack off now Timmy” Lisa asked as she smiled down between her legs at me. “It’s okay if you want to. I won’t look. I don’t want to embarrass you.” I looked down at my bulging crotch. “You can just do it here if you want while I watch the rest of the movie. Just turn around and face the TV and I won’t be able to see you. Only be sure you don’t get anything on the carpet. Use a tissue or something. Here, use this,” she said handing me a napkin that had been sitting on the end table.

Slowly I reached down and opened my zipper and took out my little penis. I couldn’t believe that I was playing with myself with Lisa sitting right behind me and her hand on my head gently stroking my hair. My chin and lower face were still wet as I stroked myself and her musky aroma filled my nostrils. I am sure that Lisa could see my arm moving as I vigorously jacked myself off. After only a few minutes I was cumming onto the napkin Lisa had given me.

“That’s a good boy Timmy,” Lisa said as I ejaculated into the napkin. “All good boys jack off into a towel or something when they come. We don’t want anyone getting their sperm all over the floor now do we? Here, you can just give that to me and will throw it away for you.”

I handed her the napkin moistened by my seed which she set on the end table next to her panties. Then she patted my head and told me I better get off to bed as I had to go to school tomorrow. “And remember,” she said as I headed towards my room, “if you need to jack off again later be sure to use some toilet paper from the bathroom or something. We don’t want you getting any cum stains on your mother’s sheets now do we?”

“Okay Lisa,” I said, as I left the living room. Then, as I turned into the hall I looked back over my shoulder and could see that Lisa was still sitting on the couch with her legs spread and no panties on watching TV like it was the most natural thing in the world to do. I paused and watched as Lisa absentmindedly reached over and picked up the tissue I had given her and held it to her nose. She sniffed at the odor of my semen while she watched the movie.

Chapter 2. Encore

The next day at school I had a hard time concentrating. I couldn’t wait to tell my friends about my experience, but to my amazement, they didn’t believe a word I said. They all knew who Lisa was and said she was a “stone cold fox” and that there was no way any of the “shit” I was telling them was true. It was humiliating. Pretty soon word got around and all of the boys were making fun of me. I think some of the girls even got wind of it and were laughing at me behind my back. I learned quickly to keep my mouth shut and keep my experiences to myself.

A week later my parents were going out for the evening and I heard them say that they were going to call Wendy to see if she was available that night. I tried to appear calm as I asked them politely if they could call Lisa instead. When they asked why I just shrugged and said something vague about a board game that she and I liked to play together and that I just kind of liked her.

My parents smiled at each other and indulged my little puppy love and called Lisa. I was beside myself with excitement when I realized that Lisa had agreed. I almost went in my bedroom to jack off thinking about it but I had discovered that waiting to do it seemed to increase the pleasure when I finally ejaculated.

When Lisa came over that night she acted as though nothing had ever happened. She smiled and said, “Hello little fella,” and then reassured my parents that I would be fine as they left for the evening. I didn’t want to push my luck and I had no idea how to proceed so I just made small talk as Lisa asked me how school was going. I muttered that it was fine and suggested that there was a movie we had rented that she might like to watch. She agreed and fixed us both something to eat while we watched.

Once again I sat on the floor and tried to watch the movie instead of Lisa. She had on a white skirt that absolutely advertised her beautiful legs. This time though, I wanted Lisa to see me watching her legs. I wanted to be invited but she just ignored me. So eventually I gave up and decided to sit on the couch next to her. I was terrified about how to proceed and my stomach hurt as I screwed up the courage to eventually put my hand on her thigh. I was stiff with fear.

I thought she might turn and slap me or something but she just smiled and put her hand over mine. Then as we sat and watched TV she began ever so slowly moving her hand, with mine in it, up her thigh. I tried to remain calm as she made small talk about the movie saying how much she liked this actor or that actresses dress and commenting on the exciting action of the movie. To my utter amazement, as she was talking she slowly took my hand and moved over her waist band and then down into her panties. She had me cup her pussy with my little hand.

It was hot and furry and my fingers made their way to her wet pussy lips where she pushed in on my hand so that my finger slipped inside her and I started to stroke her pussy and clit. She moaned lightly and held my wrist against her while she kept watching the television.

I was beside myself. Here I was petting a beautiful girl and fingering her pussy. My finger was in heaven. Her tight crack was hot and wet and her clit seemed to grow larger as I fingered her. She slowly began grinding her hips against my hand. I looked down at her panty covered pussy and her beautiful legs and thought I would come in my pants.

Sensing my discomfort Lisa turned to me and said, “It’s okay if you want to jack off while you masturbate me. It seems only fair to me.” Then she smiled and patted me on my head and then pulled and held my head against the side of her body. My face was against her right boob and my hand was in Lisa’s pussy. My heart was in heaven.

With my other hand I undid my zipper and pulled out my painful erection and started to stroke myself. I was so hard it hurt. With one hand I jacked myself off, while pushing the finger of my other hand in and out of Lisa’s beautiful pussy.

“Don’t cum before I do Timmy, it is considered very impolite of a young man to have an orgasm before his date gets some relief.”

“I like dating you Lisa,” I said.

“Well, this isn’t really a date,” Lisa said as I fingered her pussy, “I’m just teaching you some good manners for when you finally do start to date.”

I thought about what she had said and knew that the cum was already half way up my stalk and I could easily come at any moment so I asked her, “Lisa, would you like for me to make out with your pussy again?”

“No this is fine Timmy. Just keep masturbating me until I come. Your finger feels just right in my pussy tonight. If you think you are going to come though, you may want to take your hand off of your peter for a few minutes. Here,” she said as she reached down and unbuttoned her blouse. “You can play with one of my boobs with the other hand until you calm down a little.”

As she said this she unsnapped the front of her bra and exposed her magnificent breasts to me. I stared open mouthed at her large brown nipples and her large melon sized tits. They jiggled slightly as she took my other hand and placed it on her breast. “Just massage it gently but firmly and be sure to stimulate the nipple. That’s the way I like it Timmy” she said as I gladly squeezed my first female breast and gloried at her beauty. I continued like this for some minutes. She put her hand back on my wrist and guided my hand up and down occasionally to the spot of her pussy that felt best for her. And I rubbed and fingered and fingered and rubbed Lisa while she gradually rose to her come.

As her breathing became more ragged Lisa began talking to me. “That’s it Timmy, finger fuck my pussy and play with my tits. The other one now. Squeeze my other tit too. It feels lonely Timmy. Make my other tit feel wanted. Oh yes. Finger fuck me Timmy. Masturbate me. Play with my tits Timmy. Harder. Harder. Faster. Faster. You want me to come don’t you Timmy?”

“Y-yes. I want you to come Lisa. I like it when you come.”

“Then rub my pussy Timmy. Harder. Up. Down. Right on my clitty. Oh yess. That’s it Timmy, make my pussy come for you.”

I was working hard now. I furiously fingered her pussy and squeezed first one breast and then the other. “Harder. Harder..” Lisa began to moan. “Oh yes, deeper, deeper. Jack me off Timmy, jack off your babysitter like a good boy. Make her come Timmy. Make her come. MAKE HER COME!” At that she leaned back arching her back and pushing her pussy up towards the roof like she was trying to make the sky look down on her orgasm.

It swept in waves over her body. As she came my finger was squeezed over and over again in the tight grasp of her pussy crack and moisture flowed freely along my digit. She pulled my hand up to her clitty and held it there as the arch in her back reached its peak and then froze for a moment or two.

Again I looked at her beautiful face with eyes clenched shut and mouth agape as she stopped breathing and jerked spasmodically against my hand. She was squeezing my wrist so tightly that I thought she would break it. But eventually she heaved two or three times quickly and then slowly opened her eyes and lowered her still panty covered butt back down to the couch.

She pulled my hand from her now overly sensitive pussy and stopped my other hand from squeezing her tit. “Thank you for jacking me off Timmy. I needed that. My boyfriend and I had a fight last weekend and he hasn’t been fucking me lately. So I have been extra horny. Would you like for me to jack you off now?” Before I could answer she pushed me back against the couch seat and reached down for my stiff little pecker. “You are such a good little boy,” she said as she wrapped three fingers around my penis and began pumping me.

“Yes you are,” she continued in an odd sort of sing song voice that sounded weirdly familiar. “You are just the best little baby boy I have aren’t you?” she said rubbing her other hand through my hair. I could only stare at her reddened exposed breasts as they hung down wantonly in front of me. I could see where her panties had returned to almost cover the area where my hand had been moments ago. Only a few wet pubic hairs were sticking out. “Does Timmy want to come? Does Timmy want to spurt his little juice from his little pee-pee?”

I realized through the fog of my arousal where I recognized that sing song lilt. It was the way an adult talked to a little dog or a little baby. But somehow it didn’t bother me at all. In fact it aroused me to a fever pitch. Yes, I wanted to come. Yes, I wanted to squirt my juice in front of her. I could see her smiling down at me as she rubbed the top of my head and stroked my little dick.

She and I both looked down at my little dick as it started to pulse in her hand. I knew she was watching me come. “Oh yes, Timmy. Show me your come Timmy. Show me how you squirt for me. Show me your liquid love Timmy. Squirt for me. Squirt for me.”

And I did. I wasn’t able to squirt much but what little I was capable of at that age came out in a rush. Several little drops shot up and out about and inch and I thought my balls were being inverted. It felt as though the sperm were coming not from my balls but from deep down inside my soul. The thrill of having Lisa watch me come was the most intimate moment of my life. I was proud of my dick. I was proud to be able to ejaculate in front of her. I wanted her to see my sperm. I wanted her to taste my semen.

“Good boy.” she cooed after I stopped ejaculating. “That was a good cum wasn’t it Timmy. You came good for Lisa. I’m proud of my little man. Now go in the bathroom and clean yourself off young man. It is past time for you to go to bed. And be sure to bring some tissues with you to bed in case you need to jack off again. There’s my boy,” she said as I arose to go to the bathroom, “you are a good little boy aren’t you” she said as she slapped my butt. I didn’t know whether to be proud or embarrassed at her tone of voice but decided that I shouldn’t push my luck. I had just been jacked off by a beautiful girl. I shouldn’t complain.

Chapter 3. Meeting the Stevens

I couldn’t believe how exciting it had all been. I was eleven and I was now in love. I was sure that I wanted to marry Lisa. I wanted to marry the girl who had watched my orgasm. I wanted to marry the girl who had jacked me off. I couldn’t wait to see her again. So I made up an excuse to go by her house and see her. The last time she had come over she had left a magazine at our house and though I knew it wasn’t of much importance I used it as an excuse to go to her house.

When I rang the doorbell her mother came to the door. “Is Lisa here?” I asked shyly.

“Why no she isn’t. I’m her mother Sheila, may I say who came by?”

“Uhm. My name is Tim., er, Timmy,” I managed to stutter. Lisa’s mother was as cute as Lisa even though she was clearly older. “She left this at my house last week when she came to baby-sit me.”

“Oh, yes Timmy. She mentioned you,” she said taking the magazine from my hand. “How nice of you. Why don’t you please come on in?”

Trembling with fear and embarrassment I decided to at least be polite and go in for a moment. As I entered I noticed that she was wearing a silky robe and the bumps of her nipples against the fabric suggested that she was naked underneath. I was terrified that I might get another erection right there in the foyer.

As she closed the door behind me she said “Lisa said you gave her a very good orgasm last week. She really likes it when someone plays with her pussy. She said you made her come so hard she thought she was going to pass out. I am sure you are going to make some lucky woman very happy some day.”

I didn’t know what to say. I was sure that our fooling around was private and I was stunned that she had mentioned it so casually to her mother. I put my hands over my crotch to hide my growing erection as I stood awkwardly in the hall.

“Oh, I’m sorry Tim,” she said, noticing my discomfort and the hands held at my crotch, “I didn’t mean to embarrass you. It’s just that we are quite open about our sexuality in this house. In fact I normally stay nude while I am at home. I only put this robe on when I answer the door.” I didn’t know what to say to that. I just kept blushing. “Would it make you feel less embarrassed if I were naked?” I guess she took my silence for approval because then she started taking off her robe.

“Here, let me just hang this here and why don’t you come into the living room with me.” I tried not to stare at her body but she was exquisite. Her skin was smooth and her breasts were full with only a little bit of age sag. And her butt as she walked ahead of me was almost perfect. It was the first female ass I had ever seen in person. He could not believe this was happening. He followed quietly trying to stay calm.

“I expect Lisa to be home soon. Have a seat. Make yourself comfortable. And please don’t be embarrassed by your erection. Young men of your age have them all the time. I’m sure you have a very cute penis and maybe you will show it to me some time. Have a seat and relax while I go and get us some lemonade.”

Tim watched Lisa’s mothers’ naked ass as the twin cheeks moved away from him. Knowing that Tim was watching her she called back over her shoulder “You can beat off if you want. I wouldn’t want you to hurt yourself trying to keep your stiff dick inside those tight jeans.”

Tim was tempted but couldn’t bring himself to do such a thing. He couldn’t believe that he had only been in their house for about two minutes and Lisa’s mother was offering to let him jack off in front of her. His head spun from the speed of it all. And his dick throbbed in his pants.

Soon Sheila came walking back into the living room with two glasses of lemonade and watched Tim as he stared at her gently bouncing breasts.

“Would you feel better if I beat if off for you? I don’t mind. I hate to see a young man suffer.” Sensing Tim’s hesitation she sat down next to him and looked him in the eye. “Timothy, why don’t you just unzip for me and let me help you out. Lisa would be furious if I let you hurt yourself on my account.” Numbly Tim reached down to his pants and fumbled with his zipper. As soon as it was most of the way down Sheila reached over and fished his stiff little dick out of his briefs and started to pump him.

“Now that’s better isn’t it” she said as she jacked him off with one hand and began to undo his belt and open his pants. As she pulled his pants and briefs down until they were half way off his butt and just below his penis she returned to stroking him off by rubbing him between her two soft hands. “So tell me, Lisa says you are in the sixth grade. How do you like school? Are you doing well?”

Tim couldn’t believe Lisa’s mother was trying to make small talk as she masturbated his dick. “Y-yeah. It’s okay. I–I always make straight A’s or my Mom gets mad at me. Sheila noticed that he was having a hard time talking and kept stealing glances at her breasts. “Oh, I’m sorry dear. I can see you are in no mood for small talk. I’m sure at your age all of this sex stuff is a bit much. Here, instead of talking why don’t you use your mouth to suck on one of my tits while I jack you off. Then after you have had a good come we can relax and have a nice chat.”

Any hesitation by Tim was quickly dispensed as Sheila reached over and pulled his face into her chest where Tim immediately started to suckle on her nipple and squeeze her breast. Tim almost felt as though he were a baby being fed by its mother but he was too turned on to object. The feel of Lisa’s mother’s hand going up and down his shaft was exquisite. He could feel his balls already beginning to retract inside of him. He sucked on her tit and rubbed his tongue around on her stiffening nipple.

Suddenly his sexual reverie was interrupted by the sound of the front door opening. “Mom, I’m home,” Tim heard Lisa call out.

“In here dear. You have a visitor.”

Tim was terrified. He expected Sheila to quit jacking him off but she just kept on as though nothing in the world had happened.

“Oh, hi Timmy. How are you? Oh excuse me. I can see how you are. Horny, huh? Well you are in good hands, pardon the pun, with Mom. She just loves having her tits sucked and she gives the best hand jobs this side of the Mississippi, or so my father and my older brothers all say.”

“Oh dear, you flatter me,” Sheila responded. “Timmy just looked a little uncomfortable so I thought I would give him some relief before you got home.”

“Oh. Sorry I’m late, but Bobby and I were fucking in the back seat of his car after cheerleading practice and it took longer than I thought today.”

“Oh, so you two have made up huh? Well that’s nice.”

“Yeah, I really missed fucking him. I couldn’t have made it if it weren’t for my little friend Timmy here. He really fingered me off good when I was over there.”

“Yes. So you told me. It seems that this is the least we can do to return the favor.”

With that Timmy’s little peter stiffened and he began to arch his back and cum.

“Oh look, he’s coming right now. How nice.” They both watched and smiled down at him as he squirted his little droplets over Lisa’s mothers hand and onto his abdomen.

“Do me a favor dear and get me a tissue so I can clean up his ejaculate would you?”

“Sure Mom, just a sec.”

“Did you enjoy that Timmy?” Sheila asked as she patted his head with one hand while, with the other, she gently fondled his sloppy shrinking penis. Tim looked down and could see small white globs of his sperm sliding down her long elegant fingers as she gently caressed him and he thought that was the most erotic thing he had ever seen.

“Y-yes Ma’am. Thank you Mrs. Stevens.”

“Oh no Timmy. Thank you for helping my daughter in her time of need. And thank you for sucking my tit. That was nice. My nipples are very sensitive and I love to be sucked. Look,” she said reaching down into her lap and spreading her pussy lips open, “your sucking has made me wet.” Tim could only stare at the beautiful pussy spread open by the tips of her two index fingers. The reddened fleshy lips reminded him of rose petals. It was as though she were showing him her flower.

“Uh-oh. Looks like we have a problem there Mom,” Lisa said as she reached down and wiped the semen from Timmy’s lap and the end of his penis. “Are you getting turned on?”

“I’m afraid our little friend has lit a fire in me dear” she replied.

“Well, no problem. Here let me help you with that Mom,” Lisa said as she put the soiled tissue on the couch and started to undress.

Tim could only stare as, to his total astonishment, a now naked Lisa knelt between her mother’s legs and moved her mouth towards her open pussy. Sheila held the lips open and sighed languorously as her daughters mouth began to kiss and nibble at her open vagina. Tim watched as Lisa’s tongue rolled up and around her mother’s clitoral ridge and back down her crack.

“Oh baby,” Sheila moaned, “you always give the best head.” She reached up and pulled Lisa’s head further into her hairy beaver and Tim watched as Lisa’s jaw worked deep within her mother’s cleft.

Tim felt his penis harden again as he watched Lisa’s mother grind her pussy against her daughters face. She was fucking Lisa’s face with her vagina just as Lisa had done to Tim two weeks earlier. He watched as Lisa allowed her mother to use her face like a dildo. Lisa didn’t seem to mind at all though Tim wondered how she was managing to breath with her head mashed into her mother’s crotch.

Suddenly Lisa pulled her head away from her mothers soaking pubis. “Wow Mom,” she said running her tongue around her lips to lick up her mothers secretions, “you are hot as a firecracker today. What gives?”

“Oh baby, don’t stop” she pulling against her daughters head, “I’m hot because I quit taking my birth control pills a week ago today so I should be fertile and I have decided to allow the first man who wants me to impregnate me.”

“Oh Mom,” Lisa said leaning back while she rubbed her finger over and around her mother’s engorged clitoris. “That is so hot. You mean you are going to let some stranger shoot his sperm in you and make a baby? No wonder you are so turned on. It is making me wet just thinking about it.”

As Lisa was about to return to her mother’s crotch she stopped as though a little light bulb had gone off in her head. “Hey, wait a minute Mom. You said you would let the first guy who wanted to do you to knock you up? Well Timmy here is a guy.” Upon hearing those words Tim almost lost consciousness from shock

“How about it Timmy, do you want to fuck my Mom? Then, if she has your baby,” Lisa said, thinking out loud, “that would mean that my new brother or sister would be your son or daughter. Wow. That would be so cool. How about it Timmy can you get hard again?” She looked over to see Timmy rubbing his re-stiffened dick and looking over at both of them. “Come on over here little man, and put your dick in her nice warm furry hole. Don’t you want to shoot inside her?”

“A–a–a b–baby?” Tim managed to stutter out as Lisa took his hand and pulled him towards them. “B–b-but don’t you have to be married first?”

Both Lisa and her mother smiled broadly. They were enjoying the young boy’s innocent discomfort.

“Well, of course Tim,” Lisa said as sat Tim down on the couch next to her mother.

“You will have to ask me to marry you first before we can do this,” Sheila said picking up the cue from her daughter.

When Tim didn’t reply but just sat looking confused Lisa said, sounding mock hurt, “Don’t you want to marry my Mom? Don’t you want to be married to these titties?” she said as she reached down and cupped her mother’s magnificent breasts together while pinching the erect nipples. “Don’t you want to be able to fuck this pussy any time you want?” she said gesturing towards her mothers seeping crevice.

“As your wife she will have to spread herself for you whenever you need to drain your balls. And married people can do whatever they want Timmy. You can have her in her mouth. You can even do her up the butt if you want. And you can dip into her pink puckered pool whenever you feel the need.”

Here she pushed her middle finger as far up her mother’s vagina as she could and sawed it deeply back and forth a few times by way of demonstration. “All good wives” she said as she continued fingering her mother, “have an obligation to make their bodies available to be used by their husbands in any way they desire.”

“B-but what about your Dad. I mean, aren’t they married already?”

“Oh, he doesn’t count Tim” Sheila chimed in, “all he ever does is work all day at the firm doing legal work for rich people. He is never home to fuck me.” She reached out to caress his shoulder. “Don’t you want me Tim?” she asked in kind of high toned baby voice.

“W-well I don’t know. I-I..”

“Ask her already, stupid,” Lisa said, playfully dope slapping the back of his head. “Go ahead.”

Tim was so turned on and turned around at the same time that he didn’t know what else to do.

“W-will you marry me Mrs. Stevens?” he managed to stammer out.

“Of course I will darling. Oh this is such an exciting day for me Lisa, I’m getting married, and starting a family.”

“Where’s the ring Timmy?” Lisa asked. “Here use this one” she said as she removed one of the several rings that she wore and handed it to Timmy.

Then, turning towards her mother, “Mom, I mean Mrs. Sheila Stevens, do you take this cute boy with his tight ass and stiff young penis to be your lawfully wedded husband?”

“I do.”

“And do you, Timothy Parker, take this hot cunt to be your lawfully wedded wife?”

“I–I–I guess I do,” the poor confused boy added. Lisa then took Tim’s hand and helped him to put the ring on her mother’s finger.

“By the power of all of the cum that was injected into me this afternoon by my boyfriend, I now pronounce you man and wife. You may fuck the bride.”

Tim may have been confused but he wasn’t stupid. He realized that they were having fun with him. But, as they rolled him over on top of Sheila and he slid his dick up her open thighs and into her warm and welcoming pussy, he was pretty sure that they hadn’t been kidding about her not taking her pills. And he wondered vaguely through the intense fog of his arousal and the feel of his young pecker being expertly squeezed in this beautiful older lady’s nether opening whether or not this was the day that he would sire a child.

But Timmy had little time to consider the consequences of what he was doing. Lisa was pushing down on his little butt as he fucked between the open legs of Lisa’s mother who was leaning back into the couch. Since his dick was still rather short it kept slipping out of her pussy and would slide up along her clitoral ridge for several thrusts before Lisa, who was kneeling behind him and watching as he fucked her mother, would reach between them and help to reinsert his dick into her mothers pussy. But Sheila didn’t seem to mind when his dick would slip out.

Tim didn’t understand it but it seemed to excite her even more. He even thought he would hurt her when he felt the end of his penis catch slightly under the little white nub that protruded from the ridge of flesh at the top of her crack. But, though he was pretty sure that they were pretending and making fun of him before, he was equally sure that Lisa’s mother wasn’t faking it now. Her face was red. Her wide eyes stared unseeing towards the ceiling and her mouth was open and gasping. Her tits bounced up and down just inches from Tim’s face with the force of each of his thrusts combined with the force created by her bouncing pelvis rubbing up and down on his pecker. He looked into her pretty face and wondered at the rapture he saw. She opened her eyes and saw him looking down at her.

“Oh yes… Fuck me honey,” she said earnestly as she looked deeply into his eyes, “Fuck your wife… Treat me like a whore… Make me your bitch… fuck my cunt… Squirt your sperm all over my eggs… Make a baby in me… Oh yes… fuckmefuckmefuckme… Fuck the shit out of me. Make me pregnant, give me a brand new bouncing baby boy to suck at my tits.”

She was definitely not acting now. Her pussy was sopping wet and only the help of Lisa allowed him to keep his dick in her hole. He was missing it half the time and hitting it the other half. Then, after several eternally long pleasurable minutes of vigorous thrusting by both parties, Sheila began to reach her peak.

“Oh my God Lisa, I’m going to come. Oh God Lisa. Please help me. Help me make it mutual”

Tim did not know what that meant, but as he kept sliding his skinny hips up and down over Lisa’s mothers slickened pubic area he could tell that she was about to climax. That is when he felt something totally unexpected.

He felt Lisa’s hand on his backside push a finger up inside his butthole. And, as Sheila arched her back and began to scream out her orgasm Tim felt Lisa’s palm push him down and into her mother’s spasming pussy, while, at the same time, he felt the finger in his butt curl up and press against the inside of his abdomen.

He grunted loudly in a dazed state of pain and ecstasy as his surprise ejaculation flowed forth into Lisa’s mother. Over and over Sheila jerked up, and, with each jerk upwards, in almost perfect synchronicity, he felt his dick squirt out inside her trying instinctively to deposit as much as possible as far back as possible.

It was like his dick had a mind of it’s own and was forcing him to thrust up and into her each time her body pushed up towards him. Over and over he squirted into her. He had done it. He had fucked someone. ‘He was fucking someone’, his mind screamed in delirium. He was getting some pussy.

He was coming. He was fucking. He thought his brain would explode along with his dick head. His balls were being drained. The finger in his butt kept pushing and pushing against his anal wall. He thought he was going to pass out.

Finally Sheila began to relax as her arched back sank down onto the sofa cushion. Moments later, only after Lisa was sure that they were done, Lisa eased off the uncomfortable pressure she was applying inside of Timmy’s butt. She had learned from Bobby where a man’s prostate was and was already nearly an expert at making a boy squirt, whether he was ready to or not. It was one way that she could ensure that when she came Bobby would come along with her.

Bobby never understood why mutual orgasms were so important to women but who was he to question such a pleasurable demand upon his body. He loved it when he felt his girlfriend’s finger entering his ass. It was incredibly intimate. In a way it was even more intimate than fucking because when a girl put her finger in your butt it was like she was entering inside of you and exploring your soul. He had even wondered if that was why girls tended to feel so bonded to the boys they fucked. Did they feel as though the boy’s dick had entered their body and their soul when they fucked?

“I think your marriage has been consummated Mom,” Lisa said wryly as she looked down at the exhausted tangle of bodies. “It’s time to start a family. Again.”


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I am the story writer for this story. How dare you post my story without my permission.
I am the story writer for this story. How dare you post my story without my permission.... Collapse
I am a story writer for நண்பன் மாமியாரின் சொந்தக்காரி.
I am a story writer for நண்பன் மாமியாரின் சொந்தக்காரி.... Collapse
Hey author u want me to write stories in your site. ping directly hope u have my mail..
Hey author u want me to write stories in your site. ping directly hope u have my mail..... Collapse
Hi, This is my story. why did u copy others with out permission.
Hi, This is my story. why did u copy others with out permission.... Collapse
love this. I have to remake this on glambase
love this. I have to remake this on glambase... Collapse
love this. i'm gonna recreate it on glambase
love this. i'm gonna recreate it on glambase... Collapse
Hi girls iruntha vanga மூடா இருக்கேன்
Hi girls iruntha vanga மூடா இருக்கேன்... Collapse
Now im inspired for when i go on glambase later
Now im inspired for when i go on glambase later... Collapse
this inspired me for glambase later
this inspired me for glambase later... Collapse
Kamaveri Paiyan
அவள் புண்டையை பார்த்தேன். எனக்கும் இன்னும் மூடு ஏறியது.
அவள் புண்டையை பார்த்தேன். எனக்கும் இன்னும் மூடு ஏறியது.... Collapse
Hi and hello
Hi and hello... Collapse
As a mom i understand this feeling.
As a mom i understand this feeling.... Collapse
Nice story
Nice story... Collapse