They Didn’t See it Coming Loving Wives

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This is a short . No . No one underage. To some, I guess boring because all you want is scenes.

Please read the definition of a short before you post, “you need to flesh this out.” A short is a snippet of time, deals with relatively few characters and is usually only a single effect conveyed in only one or a few scenes.

If you don’t like short stories you have one or two choices:

1. Don’t read the .

2. Run with the and tell your version of fleshing it out. I’ll give you permission.

Also, It’s a ! Not Real Life.

I give Literotica permission to publish.

They didn’t See it Coming.

I was sitting there anticipating the end of this boring affair, waiting for the real fun to start. Staring at my Old Fashion made by Antonio here at our country club, he made the absolute best in town. Just the right amount of bourbon, bitters and fresh orange peel.

I was in my own world watching the glass sweat in the late summer heat. Waiting for my turn to take the mic and blow smoke up the asses of all those who spoke before me. That wasn’t going to happen.

You see I was being honored by the local chamber of commerce and various groups for my companies roll in job creation and sustaining quality of life in our community.

I own 51% of the controlling stock in my manufacturing company, Royal Manufacturing. I’m Evan Royal, 45, no kids and have been married for 10 years to Evelyn.

Our company was the single largest employer in our county, and the surrounding 5 counties. I was getting a meaningless award again for being such a good CEO. Another dust collector added to my repertoire that along with $2.50 I can get a cup of coffee.

My wife was sitting with my coowner Roger, he had 49% of Royal’s stock, but was basically useless. All the patents were mine, not the companies. I made sure of that as owner and CEO so that if I was ever voted out by an ungrateful board, I still had the financial leverage. He was too stupid or lazy to pay attention when our new patents went to the patent office. My best friend Sam Huddleston, was our corporate lawyer and he made sure my back was covered in all dealings. He never like Roger, even way back in college.

The mayor was winding down his speech and I knew my time was coming up shortly. Rolling my tumbler in my hands out of the corner of my eyes I saw my wife get up and come over to me. I was about to go up as the mayor was introducing me and my wife leaned over, “Oh, by the way, I’m leaving with Roger right after this god forsaken function. I’m divorcing you, with my half of the stock in this company, Roger will fire you.”

I guess she was expecting me to become flustered or lose control, she didn’t expect me to react with laughter. I finished my Old Fashion, stood up, fixed my suit jacket and pants and walked up to the platform. You see my wife thought I was a spineless nerd with no balls. I guess she thought she’d make me appear the fool as I would be all emotional and look like an idiot stumbling with his words because of the bombshell she laid on me just seconds before my acceptance speech.

I continued to chuckle as I walked on the platform. I looked at Roger seeing the smirk on his face, I looked back at my wife and she saw the steel in my eyes. I think I saw fear in her eyes, maybe a little regret. I think she knew this wasn’t going as planned.

I thanked the mayor, said some pleasantries regarding the award. Then I started the meat of my acceptance speech, or was it my severance speech?

“Many of you know me,” that received laughter and applause, “but many of you don’t know is that as of last week I was relieved of my position as CEO and majority stock holder at Royal Manufacturing. I sold all of my controlling stock to our biggest competitor, Ace Manufacturing.”

The murmuring and rumbling from the audience was getting louder as I took a moment to let what I said sink in. Panic was almost setting in but with both hands out front I gestured for everyone to sit back down, which they did.

“You see, I heard through the grape vine that my wife Evelyn and Roger Stockman were having an affair and that they were maneuvering to hijack the company that I started (Roger came in later with much needed capital that he received from his father, thus procuring 49% stock interest), and force me out.

Again more rumbling and stern looks going towards Roger and Evelyn. See, I was the golden boy that brought life back into our town with the jobs my company created. I couldn’t do wrong, they were messing with the goose that lays the golden egg.

“I assure you that ACE Manufacturing will come in and make sure everything runs smoothly and with a painless transition. I have it on good authority that no jobs will be lost, in fact they will be expanding. Applause ensued.

They also expressed their interest in firing Roger Stockman, as anyone with the moral character to seduce his partner’s wife has no place in running a company. They will be enforcing our policies, especially the morals clause that covers every employee from the CEO to the janitor.

The look on Roger’s face was priceless. “What, no more smirk Roger? You still get the consolation prize, my soon to be exwife who with the enforcement of my prenup and the fact that I sold my stock to ACE for a dollar, she’ll be needing your trust fund to keep her in the lap of luxury she has become accustomed to.

I then turned to my wife, “oh yes, I have every right and power to enforce the prenup. Security cameras have you and Roger screwing like rabbits in his office. I also have plenty of video of the two of you in our house acting like overed teenagers.

“Seeing how the house was mine prior to our engagement and marriage, you have two days to remove all your personal, i.e. clothes and what you brought to the marriage, out of my house.

The look of abject horror on her face and that she bet on the wrong pony at the race track was priceless. Tears flowing like rain drops, not for the death of our marriage, but for the huge gamble she took and lost.

I finished up and went over and shook the hands of a very befuddle mayor, who was speechless, just stuttered a few syllables. I looked at him, “you’re at a loss for words? I truly believe that is a first for you mayor!”

I proceeded off the platform as chaos ensued. The crowd was much louder and I just wanted to get to my car. Sam caught up to me, “you really know how to liven up a boring function” and laughed loudly.

We heard shouting behind me as Roger and Evelyn came running over. Roger was madder than an alcoholic in a sobriety convention. “YOU CAN’T DO THIS! I’LL SUE YOU FOR EVERYTHING YOU’RE WORTH.”

Sam got between Roger and I, “the only thing you can go after is the dollar he sold the stock for. Everything else is in a trust that is untouchable. You know, just like the trust your father set up for you. You don’t actually own anything, the trust does.”

“Also, the morals clause you signed when you bought the 49% has a severe penalty for breeching of company policies. Especially the part where you bring the company into ill repute. Penalties will cut your stock in half. You really should have read the fine print.

“If you want to fight it in court, the videos will cause such a stir I believe ACE will be able to counter sue and bring that amount down even more. You best shut that pie hole of yours and run back to daddy. I’m sure he’ll be extremely happy at you loosing all that money just to get your wick dipped.

Evelyn looked at me and started to speak then shut up. I think she realized that none of the cliche’s from the liar’s handbook will work. I shook my head, “you had everything and bet it all on a buffoon. Do you know why his daddy gave him the money to buy into Royal? It kept Roger from messing with his’ company!” “That’s also why he had a position in title only, no real power. He can’t even get the paperwork correct when he takes a shit.”

When we turned to continue our walk we heard the happy couple yelling at each other. I guess all is not well in paradise.

Sam and I walked to my car. Standing next to it was Lisa Spellman the President of ACE Manufacturing. Lisa was still a good looking woman in her mid 40s. She’s not just the president because daddy’s the CEO, she’s president because she’s brilliant and has a genius business mind. “You said you were going to liven up this joint, I LOVED IT!” The three of us laughed. “You ready to start work at ACE?”

She’s been after me for a few years to merge our companies as mine was strong in research and development, ACE was outstanding in the actual manufacturing and distribution. It was a match made in industrial heaven, I just didn’t have the catalyst yet to make the leap.

A little insider trading information, Lisa was the one that tipped me off to Roger and Evelyn. I would always enjoy our lunches together as she tried to sell me on the mutual benefit of the merge. Hey she’s hot, always took me to the nicest restaurants and paid. Did I mention she’s hot? Yet in all our meetings, nothing untoward ever happened.

In her research of Royal Manufacturing, she and her people noticed the many clandestine meetings that Roger and Evelyn were having. They saw red flags and Lisa brought this to my attention. This prompted me to update both the factory’s and my home’s security cameras.

The video footage from the security feeds, revealed what they were scheming, and that their relationship failed miserably on the husband test. Sun Tzu said, “If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles.” Not only did I win this battle, I won the war…

On paper I sold for a dollar, as stated before, the real wealth was the patents and royalties. What wasn’t public knowledge was the transfer of ACE stock to the trust fund, therefore untouchable and under the prenup.

The end.
