The Vacation Switch – One Year Later.

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As the car slowly wound its way up the snowy mountain road, I leaned my head against the window and watched the landscape transform into a winter wonderland. Thick blankets of snow covered the trees, and the chalet came into view like something out of a postcard, nestled between towering pines, with its roof weighed down with fresh powder and smoke curling from the chimney. There was a quiet magic to it, a stillness that buzzed with possibilities.

I could feel Jack’s hand resting on my thigh, a quiet reminder of the heat that simmered just beneath the surface between us. His touch was casual, but it carried all the unspoken promise of what was to come. The anticipation had been building for weeks, ever since we started planning this trip with Bex, Mark, and now Amy and Matt. A second holiday — this time in the snow, with the same thrill that had reignited our relationship last time.

Last time… The memories sent a rush of warmth through me, completely out of place in the cold surroundings. Bex and I had set everything in motion, and what started as a playful idea between friends turned into something far more intoxicating. That trip had opened a door, and Jack and I had walked right through it, hand in hand, into something deeper, something hotter. I bit my lip, thinking of how our love life had changed since then.

It’s not that it was bad before—far from it—but that holiday had sparked something. There was a fire in Jack’s eyes now that hadn’t always been there, a boldness in the way he touched me, kissed me, whispered in my ear at night. And the way we’d been teasing each other these past few months, knowing this trip was coming; it was like the heat never left. Every time I thought about us returning to this dynamic, my heart raced.

“Almost there,” Jack said, his voice low and steady, the way it always was when he was looking forward to something. I glanced over at him, and he gave me one of those crooked smiles, the kind that made me weak in the knees. I could see that flicker in his eyes; he was feeling it too. The excitement, the anticipation of stepping back into that space where boundaries blurred and the spark between us became a flame.

I wasn’t the only one thinking about it. Over the last few weeks, Bex and I had exchanged more than a few mischievous texts, hinting at what might happen again. I smiled at the thought of her, probably arriving just behind us with Mark, thinking along the same lines. We hadn’t discussed anything outright — not yet — but the energy between us had shifted, and it was undeniable.

As we pulled up in front of the chalet, the tyres crunching on the snow, I couldn’t help but feel a small shiver of excitement run down my spine. I stepped out of the car, the cold air hitting me full force, but it wasn’t enough to dampen the warmth bubbling up inside me. The chalet was stunning with wooden beams, stone accents, a perfect blend of rustic and luxury. The large windows were fogged from the heat inside, and I could already picture us all sitting by the fireplace later that night, drinks in hand, the conversation drifting naturally to… possibilities.

Jack grabbed our bags, and as we made our way to the front door, I slipped my arm around his waist, squeezing him gently. He looked down at me with a knowing glance, as if he could read my mind.

“You’re thinking about last time,” he said, a playful glint in his eyes.

“Maybe,” I teased, giving him a sly smile. “You?”

“Non-stop,” he admitted, leaning down to brush his lips against my ear, sending a wave of heat coursing through me despite the cold. “It’s going to be a good week, Katie.”

The door swung open, and a gust of warm air greeted us as we stepped inside. The smell of wood burning in the fireplace filled the space, and I felt instantly at home. Bex and Mark would be here any minute, and soon after, Amy and Matt. I was curious how the new dynamic would play out with them, but I couldn’t help feeling that same thrill I had last time, the sense that anything was possible.

Jack set our bags down, and I caught him watching me with that same intensity that always made my heart race. We hadn’t even been here five minutes, and already the air between us felt electric. Maybe it was the memories, maybe it was the newness of the place, or maybe it was the simple fact that we had no real plans for the next week except to enjoy each other, the snow, and the company of our closest friends.

“Want to check out the bedroom?” Jack asked, his voice casual, but the suggestion clear.

I bit my lip and nodded, following him up the stairs, my heart pounding with excitement. There was no denying it now. This holiday was going to be just as unforgettable as the last one.

And maybe even better.


The second we stepped into the bedroom, I could feel the tension between us grow thick, heavy in the air. I dropped the bags by the door and turned to Katie, who was already looking at me with that familiar glint in her eyes, the one that always made my pulse quicken. There was no need for words. I could feel the pull, the connection between us stronger than it had ever been.

It’s funny how things can change. A year ago, I would have never imagined being where we are now, feeling this way, this free. But after that last holiday, after watching Katie with Mark, something inside me shifted. I would have thought I would hate it. I would have thought it would make me jealous or furious, but instead, it had lit a fire in me. A fire I hadn’t even known was there.

I moved toward her, closing the distance between us in a heartbeat. Her lips parted slightly as I ran my hand up the curve of her waist, pulling her close. I could feel the heat of her body, the way she pressed against me, already knowing what I wanted without me saying a word.

“I love you,” I whispered, my voice rough with desire.

She smiled up at me, that slow, teasing smile that told me she was feeling it too. The anticipation, the hunger. This holiday had been building between us for months, every moment of intimacy leading up to this, every whispered promise making us crave more.

I kissed her hard, not holding anything back, and she responded just as fiercely, her hands sliding up the back of my neck, pulling me closer. We stumbled toward the bed. Her lips parted under mine, inviting me deeper into her warmth. I moaned into the kiss, feeling myself harden against her. My hands roamed down her back, pulling at the material of her dress until it was bunched up around her waist. She helped by pushing it off over her shoulders and allowing it to pool around her feet.

I pulled away from the kiss just enough to look into her eyes, their depths reflecting my desire. My fingers trailed down her stomach, feeling the soft skin underneath. She tilted her head back slightly, exposing more of her neck for me to touch.

With one swift motion, she unfastened her bra and let it fall away from her body. Her breasts were beautiful, full and round with nipples that were already puckering into attention. I took a step closer, feeling the heat radiating off her skin.

Her fingers found their way between my legs, stroking gently against my dampening underwear. “I want you,” she whispered, her voice barely audible over the pounding of our hearts. “Take them off.”

With a smirk, I nodded and began unbuttoning my shirt. As soon as it was undone, she pushed me back onto the bed, straddling me in the process. She leaned down and kissed me again, this time with more urgency than before. She pulled my trousers and underwear off in a single motion. Quickly discarding her own knickers in the process. 

Our clothes now forgotten, our skin meeting in a rush of heat. The cold air outside, the snow-covered mountains — none of it mattered. In this room, it was just us, and everything we’d been holding back.

As I ran my hands over her body, I could feel the anticipation building. My mind flashed back to that first time, to seeing her with Mark, the way it had shocked me to my core; how much I liked it. There was something about watching her, seeing her with another man, that had unlocked something primal in me. I hadn’t expected it, hadn’t known I would want it, but now I couldn’t stop thinking about it.

Katie rolled onto her hands and knees, her back arching as she glanced over her shoulder at me, a look in her eyes that sent a shiver down my spine. “I want you,” she whispered, her eyes burning into mine. “Take me now.” I slid behind her, my hands gripping her hips as I positioned myself at her entrance. Slowly, I pressed forward, feeling her warmth wrap around me, drawing a deep groan from both of us.

“God, Katie,” I whispered, leaning down to kiss her shoulder as I began to move, each thrust deliberate, slow, building the intensity between us. “I can’t stop thinking about it.”

She moaned softly in response, her body pushing back against mine, urging me deeper.

“I can’t wait to see Mark doing this to you again,” I murmured, my breath hot against her skin. The words came out before I even realized I was saying them, but they were true. The thought of it, the memory of how it had felt, how much it had turned me on, was impossible to ignore. “I want to see him with you, just like last time.”

Katie’s moan grew louder, her fingers gripping the sheets as I thrust harder, the heat between us growing unbearable. The idea of it, the anticipation of what this weekend might bring, sent a rush of excitement through me. It wasn’t just about the sex, though that was part of it. It was about the connection, the way we had shared something so raw and intimate, the way it had brought us closer in ways I’d never expected.

I thrust into her harder, deeper, feeling her body tighten around me as we both reached the edge, the tension between us snapping in an instant of pure, perfect bliss. I groaned as I came, pumping my load into my wife’s body, my body shuddering as I held her close. Katie cried out, her fingers clawing into the sheets as was spiralling towards a climax. Her legs trembled beneath her, her breath coming in short gasps. We were both riding the wave of pleasure until I collapsed over her, our breathing ragged and heavy.

For a moment, everything was still, the only sound in the room, our gasping breaths. Katie turned her head slightly, looking at me with a smile that was equal parts satisfied and mischievous.

“That was…” she started, but before she could finish, we heard the front door swing open downstairs.

“Katie! Jack! We’re here!” Bex’s voice echoed up the stairs, her excitement impossible to miss.

I laughed softly, kissing the back of Katie’s neck as we both lay there, still catching our breath.

“Perfect timing,” Katie muttered, her body still pressed against mine.

I slid off her reluctantly, rolling onto my back with a grin as I listened to the sounds of Bex and Mark moving around downstairs, their voices carrying through the house. The anticipation I’d felt earlier was still there, but now it was mingled with a deep satisfaction, a quiet thrill of knowing that this weekend was just beginning.


I could tell the second Jack and Katie came down the stairs what they’d been up to. It was written all over their faces. Jack’s hair was a mess, his cheeks flushed, and Katie had that slightly dreamy look in her eyes that was impossible to miss. But it wasn’t just the looks that gave them away, it was the subtle shift in the air, that unmistakable scent of intimacy still lingering around them.

I crossed my arms, leaning against the counter as I watched them sheepishly shuffle into the living room, trying to act casual. A smile tugged at the corner of my lips.

“You two randy dogs couldn’t wait five minutes for us to arrive, could you?” I teased, raising an eyebrow.

Katie’s cheeks flushed even deeper, and Jack just grinned, looking utterly unrepentant.

“What can we say?” Katie shrugged, trying to play it cool, but the sparkle in her eyes gave her away. “The excitement of being here got to us.”

Mark chuckled from across the room, shaking his head as he threw an arm around my shoulders. “I don’t blame them,” he said with a wink. “It’s been a long drive.”

I laughed along with him, shaking my head. It had been a long drive, but not so long that we couldn’t have waited a few minutes more. Still, I couldn’t blame Katie and Jack for diving headfirst into the mood of the trip; it was the whole reason we were here, after all. Last year had changed everything between the four of us, and the anticipation of what might happen this time hung in the air, thick and charged.

“So,” Jack said, rubbing his hands together as if to steer the conversation away from their obvious activities, “what’s for dinner?”

“Nothing yet,” I said, giving him a pointed look. “But we could use an extra pair of hands if you’re done being … distracted.”

Katie laughed as she walked over to me, bumping her shoulder against mine. “I’ll help,” she offered, and I nodded, handing her a knife to start chopping vegetables.

As Katie and I got to work in the kitchen, Jack and Mark lounged nearby, catching up on the latest while throwing the occasional flirty remark into the conversation. I could hear Jack talking about how he’d been looking forward to this trip for months, but every now and then, his eyes would drift over to Katie and myself, and I knew exactly what was on his mind.

Mark wasn’t much better. He kept making little comments, subtle but loaded with meaning. I could feel his gaze lingering on me as he spoke, and it sent a familiar tingle up my spine.

“You know,” Katie said as she handed me the cutting board full of vegetables, “it feels just like old times, doesn’t it?”

I smirked, tossing the veggies into the pan and glancing over at her. “It does. Almost too much like old times.”

Katie’s eyes flashed with amusement, and for a second, we were back there again, in that villa, where everything between us had changed. There was an unspoken understanding between us now—something that went beyond friendship.

Just as we were putting the finishing touches on dinner, we heard the sound of the front door opening and footsteps stomping the snow off. Amy and Matt had finally arrived.

Amy’s voice rang out through the house, cheerful and bright. “Hey! We made it!”

I wiped my hands on a dish towel and walked out of the kitchen to greet them. “About time!” I called, grinning as they walked in, looking a little worn out from the drive but happy to see us.

Amy dropped her bags by the door and rushed over, giving me a tight hug. “Sorry we’re late. The roads were a nightmare!”

“No worries, you’re just in time for dinner,” I said, leading them both into the warmth of the living room. “We’re having something simple tonight, but after a long drive, I think anything hot will do.”

Jack and Mark exchanged pleasantries with Matt, and soon enough, the six of us were gathered around the dining table. The smell of the food filled the air, and the conversation flowed easily, full of laughter and light banter. Amy and Matt were still catching up on everything they’d missed, and we shared stories from the last year, leaving out certain details, of course, but hinting just enough to keep the innuendos flying.

“So,” Matt said at one point, glancing at me with a smirk, “how many slopes are you planning to conquer tomorrow, Bex? Or are you planning to spend more time in the hot tub?”

I raised an eyebrow, not missing the suggestive tone in his voice. “Why not both?” I shot back playfully, causing Katie to stifle a laugh beside me.

The mood was light and teasing, the kind of easy camaraderie that comes when you’re among old friends, but there was something else under the surface, too. An energy that hadn’t been there before, at least not like this. The six of us hadn’t spent much time together as a group, but it already felt natural, as if something new was brewing between us.

After dinner, we sat around for a while, talking about the trip and the plans for tomorrow. But soon enough, the weariness from the day’s travel started to set in, and one by one, we began to call it a night.

“I think I’m going to crash,” Amy said with a yawn, stretching her arms over her head. “Long drive. We want to hit the slopes early, right?”

“Definitely,” Mark said, standing and stretching as well. “Early night tonight, but tomorrow? We’re going all out.”

There were murmurs of agreement around the table, and I couldn’t help but feel the undercurrent of excitement. Tomorrow was going to be the real start of the trip; the snow, the skiing, and maybe more than a few moments of that playful tension that had already started to simmer.

As we all headed upstairs to our respective rooms, I glanced back at Katie and Jack, watching as they exchanged a look that made me grin to myself. Whatever this weekend had in store for us, I had a feeling it was going to be more than just a ski trip.


The moment I stepped into the room with Bex, the familiar buzz of excitement surged through me. There was something about being back together like this; the six of us, the same anticipation we’d had a year ago. This trip felt like a promise waiting to be fulfilled, and I could already tell Bex was on the same wavelength.

She gave me that teasing smile as she slipped into bed, propping herself up on one elbow. “You know,” she said, her voice playful but with that edge of suggestion that made my heart race, “I think it’s time to get this holiday started.”

I grinned, pulling off my shirt and tossing it aside. “What do you have in mind?”

Her eyes sparkled, and she stretched out, making herself comfortable. “Why don’t you go knock on Jack and Katie’s door? See if Jack wants to come over here for a bit, and you stay with Katie.” She winked, her smile widening. “We might as well start things off where we left off last year.”

I laughed softly, feeling a rush of adrenaline. Bex had always been the one to push boundaries, to dive right into the fun. And honestly, I didn’t need much convincing. The thought of Katie, of the way things had gone last time, was more than enough to stir that familiar heat inside me.

“Alright,” I said, moving to the door. “But she also mentioned something else…” Bex’s voice softened as I turned the handle. “Maybe you could see if Katie has any ideas on how to get Amy and Matt involved. I think it’s about time we got them into the fun.”

I nodded, feeling the same thrill she was. The idea of Amy and Matt joining in had been floating in our heads for weeks, and now that we were all here, the possibilities seemed endless.

I slipped out into the hallway, the cool air of the chalet a stark contrast to the warmth of our room. Just as I reached for the handle on Jack and Katie’s door, it opened, and Jack stepped out. We shared a quick, knowing glance—no words were needed. We both knew why we were here.

Jack gave me a smirk, and without a word, we traded places, him slipping into my room as I entered his.

Inside, Katie was lounging on the bed, her cheeks still flushed from earlier, a mischievous look on her face. “Mark,” she said, her tone teasing as she sat up. “I was wondering when you’d show up.”

I grinned, moving toward the bed. “Couldn’t wait to see you. But I have to ask—did Jack tire you out already?”

She laughed, shaking her head as I sat beside her. “Not even close. I’m always up for more.”

Her hand slipped down, brushing against me as she leaned in closer. The touch sent a shiver of excitement through me, the tension between us palpable. We had always had good chemistry, but after last year, it was like something had clicked, something more intense, more playful. Her fingertips barely grazed against the fabric of my trousers, but it was enough to send a thrill down my spine. I could feel the heat from her touch seeping into me, igniting an inferno deep within.

As she continued, I couldn’t help but bring up the thought that had been on all of our minds. “So… Bex was wondering if you had any ideas about getting Amy and Matt involved this time.”

Katie smirked, her eyes flashing with amusement as she continued to tease me. “Hmm. I don’t know. Letting them catch us might be a bit too sudden, don’t you think? I don’t want to leave too much to chance.” She took hold of my cock through my pants and began to stroke it gently. Each stroke sent waves of pleasure cascading through me, making my heart race and my breath hitch in my chest. The sensation was overwhelming, yet so deliciously satisfying.

I nodded, though I couldn’t help but laugh softly at the idea. “Probably right. But we’ll figure something out.” Her touch was light but firm, teasing me with every movement. It seemed like she knew exactly where to find the sweet spot that made me crave more. I could feel my pulse quickening as desire consumed me completely.

The air around us buzzed with anticipation, each breath filled with a sense of forbidden desire. Our bodies were mere inches apart, yet it felt like we were worlds apart, separated only by the thin fabric of our clothing.

Her eyes held mine captive, her gaze intense and unyielding. She leaned in closer still, whispering words. My heart pounded wildly against my chest as I felt the heat of her touch spread throughout my body.

Katie pulled me in closer, her lips brushing against mine as she whispered, “For now, I think we have other things to focus on.”


Back in the room, Jack had barely made it through the door before I pulled him close, my body buzzing with anticipation. I had been thinking about this moment for weeks, imagining how we’d pick up right where we left off from last year. And now that we were here, it was like the spark had reignited instantly. We both undressed ourselves, our clothes getting thrown to the side in an instant. 

He was between my legs in moments, his hands gentle but deliberate, his touch sending waves of pleasure through me. I arched my back, letting out a soft sigh as he continued. The excitement of starting this holiday, of diving back into the fun we’d had before, was almost overwhelming.

Jack took his time, teasing me with every stroke. His fingers danced along my skin, tracing patterns that sent shivers down my spine. He nipped at my neck playfully, leaving tiny marks that turned into a trail of goosebumps. Every move he made was deliberate and calculated to drive me wild.

I could feel the tension building within me, a constant hum of anticipation that threatened to explode any moment. I couldn’t help but squirm against him, my hips rising off the bed each time he entered me just slightly deeper than before. It was exhilarating, this dance between us, as if we were both moving towards an inevitable climax, yet trying not to rush it.

Jack went down on me with a skill that left me breathless. His tongue danced around my clit, flicking and sucking in perfect rhythm. He took his time, savouring every moment of this intimate act. The way he looked up at me as he did it made me feel like the most beautiful woman in the world.

His hands roamed freely over my body, massaging my breasts and tracing lines down my stomach until they reached my thighs. He sucked harder on my clit each time his fingers brushed against my entrance, sending waves of pleasure through me. It was clear that he enjoyed what he was doing—and so did I.

As he continued, I couldn’t help but bring up what had been on my mind all night. “You know,” I murmured, my voice a little breathless, “what if we just seduce Amy and Matt? You, me, Katie, and Mark… we could split up. You and Mark could take Amy, and Katie and I could work on Matt.”

Jack paused for a moment, glancing up at me with a grin. “It’s tempting. But when it happened to me last time, I needed to know it was Katie’s idea, that she was into it. Otherwise… it would’ve just felt like cheating.”

I nodded, understanding his point, though part of me still wanted to keep things spontaneous. The thrill of not knowing was half the fun. “Maybe,” I said, my voice soft as I guided him back down, “but doesn’t that take away some of the excitement?”

He chuckled softly, his breath warm against my skin, but before he could respond, I shifted beneath him, encouraging him to keep going. I could feel myself getting closer and closer to climax, my body buzzing with anticipation.  Whatever happened with Amy and Matt could wait. For now, all I wanted was to enjoy this moment with Jack.


Lying under Mark, I could feel the familiar heat building between us, each movement sending waves of pleasure through my body. His touch was confident, practiced, and I knew he had been thinking about this moment for as long as I had. 

I grinned up at him, feeling his weight settle over me. Mark let out a low growl as he entered my body, his hips moving in sync with mine. His large hands gripped my thighs, holding them open for deeper penetration. His eyes were intense, full of desire and anticipation.

I moaned softly into the pillow, feeling him stretch me to the very limits. My legs trembled beneath his weight, and I couldn’t help but arch into him, needing more of this incredible sensation. The thrill of being with someone else, someone I trusted but wasn’t my husband, made every touch more electrifying. After everything Jack and I had experienced last year, our love life had been transformed, and Mark had played a part in that. I never would have imagined how much it would turn me on to share this with Jack, to see him with Bex, and now, it was as if we were stepping back into that heady space, filled with all the anticipation of what was still to come.

The air was thick with lust and passion; it felt like an eternity since we had last been together. Our bodies moved in sync, matching each other’s rhythm perfectly. Every thrust sent waves of pleasure coursing through me, making my heart race and my skin tingle.

“You know,” I murmured, my breath coming in short gasps as Mark continued his steady rhythm, “maybe we should be more subtle with Amy and Matt.”

His pace didn’t falter, but I could see the curiosity in his eyes. “Subtle? What do you mean?”

“I mean…” I paused, catching my breath as he moved inside me, making it hard to focus. “We should ease them into it. Get some kind of tacit approval without going into details. Something to let us know they’d be open to more.”

Mark nodded thoughtfully, but I could see the glint in his eyes, the thrill of the idea. “That’s smart. But how do we do that without being too obvious?”

I bit my lip, letting out a soft moan as he thrust deeper, his hands gripping my hips with a firmness that sent sparks shooting up my spine. “I don’t know,” I whispered, my mind starting to blur with the intensity of the moment. “Maybe Bex will have more ideas. I’m starting to lose focus…”

Mark laughed softly, his breath hot against my skin, but his movements never slowed. His hands travelled over my body, each touch igniting something deep inside me, pushing me closer to that edge I had been chasing all evening.

As the pressure built between us, I couldn’t stop myself from thinking about Jack; what he was doing with Bex right now, and how much it turned me on to know he was with her. It was the kind of shared intimacy that few could understand, but it had brought us closer in ways I never could have predicted.

I could feel my own climax building. My walls clenched around him, squeezing tightly as wave after wave of ecstasy washed over me. And then, with one final thrust, the world around me shattered. A wave of pleasure crashed through me, my body trembling as I let go completely, and I could feel Mark’s release follow, our bodies in perfect sync. I could feel the hot stream of his cum shooting into me, filling me up completely. Each burst was stronger than the last. It was more intense than anything I’d felt earlier with Jack; bigger, deeper, as if this moment had been building all day.

We lay there for a moment, catching our breath, the quiet between us filled with satisfaction. As I turned my head, looking at Mark, I couldn’t help but smile. This was just the beginning.


Back in our room, Bex was under me, her body warm and responsive as we moved together in the same way we had last year. Being back here, in this kind of setting, was waking up all those feelings I had pushed aside over the past year. The way she looked at me, the way her body responded to mine. It was like we were picking up exactly where we left off, and it felt damn good.

There was something about Bex that always got under my skin in the best way. Her confidence, the way she teased, the way she knew exactly what she wanted. It pushed all the right buttons and tonight she was fully in control, guiding my every move.

As we moved together, our bodies slick with sweat and desire, I could feel a familiar warmth spreading through me. She guided me with practiced ease, her fingers digging into my hips as she matched every thrust with one of her own. Her eyes were fierce and unyielding, yet there was a hint of vulnerability in them too, a sign that this wasn’t just about control for her either. This was about need, about wanting something so desperately it consumed her.

Bex tilted her head, her expression thoughtful even as her body continued to move beneath mine. “So you’re saying one of them has to be in on it?” she picked up on our conversation from earlier.

I nodded. “Yeah. Otherwise, it might just feel like a betrayal. I want to know that they’re excited about it, just like we are. That way, it’s all part of the fun.”

Bex rolled her eyes playfully, a smirk on her lips. “That kind of takes away some of the thrill, doesn’t it? The idea of surprising them is half the fun.”

I chuckled, my hands gripping her hips as I started to move again, her body responding immediately. As I moved inside her, every inch of her felt like heaven. Her body was made for this, her warmth encasing me perfectly as we danced together under the covers. “Maybe. But I like knowing that everyone’s in the same headspace. It makes everything more… connected.”

She seemed to mull it over, but before she could respond, I shifted my attention back to the moment at hand. The conversation could wait. Right now, I had other things on my mind.

As I moved inside her, the familiar tension built between us, the excitement of the moment blending with the anticipation of everything this trip could bring. I could feel the connection deepening with each movement, the intensity growing as Bex’s body arched beneath mine, her breathing quickening as we both neared that edge.

As we moved together, Bex’s hips rolling against mine, it felt like everything was coming back into place. The way she looked at me, the way she teased; it all felt so right. “I definitely want to try seducing them,” I murmured, my voice rough with the strain of holding back. “This time, I want to be in the know. Last time, it was all a surprise. This time I want to see it coming.”

Bex nodded, but she was too lost in the moment to answer. Her body tensed beneath me, and I could feel the tension snap as she let out a quiet moan, her release triggering mine. Her body bucked beneath me, and I could feel the heat radiating off of her. As Bex climaxed, her body clenched around me, squeezing every last drop out of our connection. Her walls contracted rhythmically, sending waves of pleasure through both of us. I could feel the tension draining from her body, replaced by a satisfied smile as she collapsed against my chest, panting heavily. A sudden surge of pleasure coursed through my body, causing me to let out a low groan as I came hard and fast. The sensation was overwhelming, filling every part of me, leaving me weak with exhaustion but also strangely invigorated. 

We came together, the pleasure washing over us in waves until we collapsed onto the bed, breathless and satisfied.

As we lay there, the silence between us was comfortable, filled with the afterglow of what we had just shared. Bex turned her head toward me, a smile tugging at the corners of her lips. “I have a plan,” she whispered.


I stepped out of the bedroom quietly, trying not to wake Matt as I padded down the hall to brush my teeth. The room was dark behind me, but there was a sense of something different in the air tonight—something hopeful. For the past few months, Matt and I had been in a bit of a rut. Between work, the long hours, and the stress of everyday life, we’d fallen into a pattern of Netflix nights and half-hearted attempts at intimacy. It wasn’t that we didn’t love each other, we just… drifted.

But tonight, I had decided to make a move, to try something spontaneous. 

Just as I was about to brush my teeth I had made the decision, I stepped out of the bathroom and approached him sleepily. Kneeling next to him on the bed, I leaned over him and gave him a gentle kiss on his forehead. 

With a grin playing at my lips, I slid off his boxers. His hard cock sprung free from his underwear, standing tall against his stomach. Gently reaching out, I grabbed hold of it firmly before placing a soft kiss at the base.

I took him into my mouth slowly, savouring every inch as I worked my way up towards his tip. My lips slid along his shaft, my tongue swirling around the head before flicking over the sensitive spot just below. Moans escaped from his throat as he arched his back off the bed, his fingers digging into the sheets beneath him.

I continued to give him a slow and sensual blowjob, taking him deeper with each passing moment. My eyes were closed, lost in the pleasure of making love to my husband once again. The feel of his cock filling my mouth, the taste of him on my tongue — it felt so good.

As I neared the end, I began to speed up my strokes slightly, matching the rhythm of his breaths. His hips bucked against mine, his fingers digging into my hair as he came close to climax. As he neared his climax, I could feel him pulsing inside me, each thrust more urgent than the last. With a gasp, he came hard into my mouth, filling my throat with his hot seed. My eyes watered slightly but I didn’t mind, the taste of him was addictive. I continued to suck him off gently, savouring every drop until there was nothing left inside me. With one final swallow, I pulled him from my mouth and grinned up at him.

“That was… amazing,” he whispered hoarsely, his voice barely audible over the sound of his heartbeat. He reached out for me then, pulling me close into a passionate embrace. Our bodies pressed together, skin on skin, as we kissed deeply. The air around us buzzed with electricity, our hearts beating in sync.

Giving Matt a little more attention had sparked something between us, a small step toward rekindling the fire we once had. The way he’d looked at me afterward, surprised and appreciative, had made me feel like I was back in control, like we could find our way back to the way things used to be.

As I made my way down the hall, I heard soft footsteps. I glanced up just in time to see Jack and Mark passing each other. They both looked a little dishevelled, their hair messy and their clothes rumpled as they exchanged an awkward, knowing glance. They paused for a second, noticing me standing there, and gave me a quick, sheepish smile before heading into their rooms.

I blinked, watching them for a moment, confused. What were they up to? Knowing those two, they’d probably set up some elaborate prank for tomorrow. I sighed, shaking my head with a small smile. It was typical of them to be plotting something ridiculous.

But as I continued down the hall, I couldn’t shake the feeling that something else was going on, something I couldn’t quite put my finger on. There was an energy in the chalet tonight, a sort of quiet tension that hummed beneath the surface. Maybe it was just the excitement of being on holiday, away from the stress of work, but it felt like something more.

I shrugged off the thought, focusing on brushing my teeth and heading back to bed. Tomorrow was a new day, and I hoped it would bring the fresh start Matt and I needed. Something told me this trip was going to be different, and I couldn’t help but feel a twinge of excitement for what was to come.


The warm, thick air of the sauna enveloped me as I stepped inside, instantly soothing my tired muscles. After the long drive yesterday, it felt good to relax and let the steam work its magic. Bex and Katie were already inside, stretched out on the wooden benches, their skin glistening with moisture. They both looked completely at ease, their bodies draped in the heat, and I couldn’t help but admire how comfortable they were in their own skin.

I slipped off my towel, settling into a spot beside Katie, feeling the warmth wrap around me like a blanket. The steam swirled through the room, making everything feel distant and soft, like we were in our own little world.

“This was such a good idea,” I said, leaning my head back against the wall. “I needed this.”

“Right?” Bex stretched, her body arching slightly as she let out a contented sigh. “Nothing like a sauna to start the day. Plus, it’s the perfect place to chat.” She winked at Katie, and I caught the look they exchanged, a look that made me feel like they were up to something.

Katie grinned, her eyes sparkling with that familiar mischievous glint. “Speaking of chatting, how’s everything with you and Matt?”

I hesitated for a moment, the question catching me off guard. “Uh, we’re great. Yeah, everything’s fine.”

Bex raised an eyebrow, her lips curling into a knowing smile. “Fine? That’s not exactly a ringing endorsement, Amy.”

I laughed nervously, feeling the weight of their attention on me. “No, really, we’re good. We’re just… you know, busy with work and stuff. It’s hard to find the time.”

Katie shifted beside me, her arm brushing against mine as she leaned in a little closer. “Come on, Amy. You can be honest with us. We’re all friends here. Has it got a bit stale?”

I opened my mouth to deny it, but the words caught in my throat. The truth was, things had got stale. Last night had been the first time in ages that I’d felt that spark with Matt, and even then, it had been more out of desperation than anything else. We were stuck in a routine, and I wasn’t sure how to break out of it.

Finally, I sighed, lowering my head. “Okay, fine. Maybe it’s not as great as I made it sound. We’ve been in a bit of a rut lately.”

Bex sat up, her expression softening as she gave me an understanding look. “It happens. Especially after you’ve been together for a while. But that doesn’t mean it can’t be fixed.”

Katie nodded in agreement, her hand resting lightly on my knee. “Exactly. You guys just need a little push. Something to shake things up.”

I frowned slightly, curiosity piqued. “What do you mean?”

Bex and Katie exchanged another glance, and I could see the wheels turning behind their eyes. Bex leaned back, stretching her arms behind her head as she let out a soft chuckle, the kind of laugh she always gave when she had something devious in mind. Katie’s smile grew wider, and the mischievous glint in her eyes only got brighter.

“We have a plan,” Bex said, her voice low and teasing. “A way to help you and Matt… rekindle things.”

I raised an eyebrow, my heart starting to beat a little faster. “What kind of plan?”

Katie grinned, biting her lip as she looked at me. “You’ll have to trust us. Just… go with it.”

“Wait, what? You’re not going to tell me?”

Bex shook her head, her smile never wavering. “Nope. That would ruin the fun. But trust us; it’ll work.”

I looked between them, feeling a strange mix of excitement and anxiety swirling in my chest. These were two of my closest friends, and I trusted them implicitly, but when Katie got that mischievous look in her eyes, and Bex started laughing like that, I knew they were plotting something big.

“I don’t know,” I said slowly, trying to gauge just how serious they were. “This sounds… risky.”

“Oh, it’ll be fun,” Katie assured me, her hand giving my knee a reassuring squeeze. “You just have to be open to it. Let go a little. You and Matt will thank us.”

I stared at them, my mind racing with possibilities. What exactly were they planning? And how could they be so sure it would work?

Finally, I sighed, leaning back against the wall as the heat of the sauna worked its way through my body. “Okay,” I said, my voice filled with both uncertainty and curiosity. “I’ll go with it. But you two better not be messing with me.”

Bex chuckled again, her eyes gleaming with amusement. “Oh, we wouldn’t dream of messing with you, Amy. Just trust us. You’ll see.”

Katie gave me a playful wink, and I couldn’t help but laugh, even though I still felt a bit apprehensive. I had no idea what they were planning, but a part of me was excited to find out. If anyone could help shake things up between Matt and me, it was these two.

“Fine,” I said, finally giving in. “I trust you.”

“Good,” Bex said, her smile widening as she exchanged another glance with Katie. “You won’t regret it.”

As we sat there in the steam, naked and relaxed, I couldn’t help but feel a strange sense of anticipation bubbling up inside me. Whatever they were planning, it was bound to be something wild. And deep down, a part of me couldn’t wait to see what it was.


The crisp mountain air filled my lungs as we glided down the slope, the cold wind biting at my face. It felt good to be out here, away from the grind of work, and even better to be spending time with Amy and our friends. The thrill of skiing down the slopes gave me a rush, but today there was something else, something lingering just beneath the surface.

From the moment we’d started skiing, I had felt it. Something was different about the way the others were acting today, especially the women. It wasn’t just friendly banter. It was more. And while I wasn’t exactly sure how to react, I couldn’t help but feel flattered by the attention.

It all started on the first run of the day. I was adjusting my boots at the base of the mountain when Katie skied up next to me, her smile bright despite the cold. She leaned over, brushing her arm against mine as she bent down to fix her binding.

“You’re looking pretty good out there, Matt,” she said, her voice playful. She glanced up at me through her goggles, her grin widening. “Been practicing, huh?”

I laughed, feeling a little self-conscious. “Not really, just trying to keep up with you guys.”

Katie straightened up, giving me a once-over that felt… different. More lingering. “Well, you’re doing a great job,” she said, her voice teasing. “Maybe next time you can show me a trick or two.”

I chuckled, brushing it off as friendly, but there was something in the way she looked at me that made my pulse quicken. Was I imagining things, or was she flirting with me?

Before I could dwell on it, Amy skied up to join us, and we headed back to the lift. But the thought stuck with me; the way Katie had looked at me, her body language. It was subtle, but definitely not the usual casual banter we’d shared in the past.

Later after we’d all taken a break for lunch and the sun had climbed higher, warming the air slightly, we sat around a table outside the lodge, sharing stories from the morning.

Bex was sitting next to me, her laugh loud and carefree as she recounted some ridiculous fall Jack had taken earlier. I was listening, but not entirely focused until I noticed her hand casually brush against my leg under the table. It was a light touch, almost innocent, but it lingered just a second too long.

I glanced over at her, and she caught my eye, her lips curling into a smirk. “You’re awfully quiet over there, Matt,” she said, her voice smooth. “You know, I think we should do a race next run. You and me. See who’s faster.”

“Me? Race you?” I raised an eyebrow, trying to play it cool. “I don’t think that’s a fair match. You’ll leave me in the dust.”

Bex leaned in slightly, her shoulder brushing mine, and gave me a wink. “Oh, I don’t know. I think you could surprise me.”

Her words hung in the air, charged with something that made me shift in my seat. I wasn’t sure how to respond. There was something bold about the way she was looking at me, her gaze holding mine just a little too long. I felt a flush creep up my neck, but before I could say anything else, Jack and Amy started talking about the next run, breaking the moment.

I glanced over at Amy, wondering if she had noticed anything. But she was busy chatting with Jack, oblivious to the strange energy that had just passed between Bex and me.

We were all back on the slopes after lunch, taking a slower, more scenic route down the mountain. Amy and I were skiing side by side when Jack came barrelling past, playfully nudging her with his shoulder, sending her into a fit of laughter. It wasn’t unusual for Jack to joke around like that, but there was something about the way he looked at Amy, as if he was seeing her in a different light.

I watched as he slowed down beside her, throwing out a few more jokes that made her laugh again. I couldn’t quite put my finger on it, but the way he was interacting with her seemed, well, flirtatious. And it wasn’t just Jack. I noticed Mark joining in on the fun, glancing over at Amy with that same playful glint in his eye.

It wasn’t anything overt, just light teasing and joking, but the way they were both giving her their full attention felt a little off. As if they were focusing on her more than usual.

I skied a little ahead, feeling a strange twinge of something I couldn’t quite define. Was it jealousy? No, that didn’t seem right. Amy was laughing, enjoying herself, and I couldn’t blame her. But it was odd, seeing the way the guys were interacting with her today, like there was an unspoken connection I wasn’t fully aware of.

By the time we reached the bottom of the slope, I felt a mix of emotions swirling inside me. The attention from Katie and Bex, the way the guys were acting with Amy; it was confusing. I wasn’t used to this kind of dynamic, and I wasn’t entirely sure what to make of it. Part of me was flattered — hell, who wouldn’t be? Katie and Bex were beautiful, confident women, and I’d be lying if I said the flirting hadn’t gotten to me a little.

But at the same time, I felt like I was missing something. As if there was an unspoken plan between them all, something I wasn’t fully clued into. I shook off the thought as we headed back to the lodge, chalking it up to the excitement of the holiday. Maybe I was overthinking it. Maybe it was just the playful energy of being on vacation with friends.

Still, as we headed inside to warm up and rest, I couldn’t shake the feeling that this trip was going to be a lot more than I had bargained for.


The restaurant was warm and inviting, with the glow of candles flickering across the tables, casting soft light over the rustic wooden beams. It felt cozy, intimate, perfect after a long day of skiing. We’d all been in good spirits, laughing, and sharing stories, but as the night went on, I couldn’t shake the feeling that something else was going on beneath the surface.

The food was incredible, perfectly cooked steaks, roasted vegetables, rich sauces, but it wasn’t just the meal that had my attention. Mark and Jack had been acting strangely all day, and I couldn’t help but feel like they were playing at something, especially now, as the evening progressed.

Jack sat next to me, his hand resting lightly on the back of my chair. He leaned in closer, his breath warm against my ear. “Having a good time?” he asked, his voice low, almost teasing.

I nodded, smiling, though there was a knot of confusion growing in my stomach. “Yeah, it’s been a great day.”

He smirked, his fingers brushing lightly against my arm as he pulled back slightly. There was something in his eyes, something playful, as if he knew a secret I didn’t.

“Good,” he said, his gaze lingering on mine for a moment longer than necessary before he turned his attention back to his wine glass.

As we chatted, Mark joined in, his laughter bubbling up as he made some joke about the guys struggling to keep up with us on the slopes today. He reached across the table, his hand brushing mine as she gestured toward Matt, who was sitting across from me, deep in conversation with Katie and Bex.

“You guys were all over the place today,” Mark said, his smile wide and teasing. “I swear, you and Matt were in your own little world out there.”

There was something about the way he said it, the way his eyes darted between me and Matt, that made my cheeks flush. I could feel the heat rising in my chest, though I wasn’t sure why. Was he flirting with me? Or was this just some playful banter between friends? It was hard to tell anymore.

As the evening went on, I started to notice the subtle touches: Jack’s hand brushing against mine under the table, Mark’s playful nudges and lingering glances. Every time one of them made a comment, they would look at me in a way that made my heart race, and I couldn’t help but wonder if this was all part of their plan.

I caught Katie’s eye across the table, and she gave me that mischievous grin I had seen earlier in the sauna. My mind raced back to our conversation earlier, how they’d said they had a plan to help spice things up between Matt and me. Was this it? Was this their way of getting things started?

I wasn’t sure how to feel about it. On one hand, it was exciting, flattering even. The attention from both of them was undeniable, and it stirred something inside me that I hadn’t felt in a while. But on the other hand, it was confusing. Where was this all leading? And what exactly was their endgame?

I glanced over at Matt, wondering if he was feeling the same way. He seemed caught up in his conversation with the girls, but there was a subtle tension in his posture, like he was aware of something, even if he wasn’t fully sure what it was yet.

As the night wore on, I couldn’t help but feel more and more turned on by the attention. It was like a slow, simmering heat building inside me, and I didn’t know what to do with it. I wasn’t used to this kind of dynamic; wasn’t sure if I should push back or lean into it.

Jack leaned in again, his voice barely above a whisper. “Just relax, Amy. Enjoy the night.”

I swallowed hard, nodding slightly. I didn’t know what they had planned, but a part of me was curious, curious enough to let things unfold, even if I didn’t fully understand where this was going.


I sat across from Amy, nursing my drink as the conversation around the table swirled. The food had been amazing, but my mind wasn’t entirely on the meal. There was something else on my mind, something that had been nagging at me since we started skiing earlier in the day. The women were acting… different.

Throughout dinner, I’d caught Jack and Mark giving Amy a lot of attention, but it wasn’t just her. The girls had been teasing me too, more than usual. It started off light, but as the evening went on, it became harder to ignore.

Bex was sitting next to me, her hand resting on the table close to mine. I could feel the warmth of her skin, the way her fingers would brush against my hand every time she reached for her wine glass. It was subtle, but enough to make me feel a little on edge.

“So, Matt,” Bex said, her voice dripping with playful curiosity, “what’s your secret? How do you manage to keep up with all of us on the slopes? I think you might be the fastest one here.”

I laughed nervously, trying to brush off the compliment. “I don’t know about that. I was just trying to keep up with Amy.”

Bex’s eyes sparkled as she leaned in slightly, her smile widening. “Oh, I don’t think you’re giving yourself enough credit. You’ve got some serious skills.”

Her words sent a jolt of something through me—something I couldn’t quite place. Was she flirting with me? I glanced over at Amy, wondering if she was picking up on this, but she seemed absorbed in a conversation with Jack.

I tried to shake off the feeling, but it wasn’t long before Katie joined in “You’re being too modest, Matt,” she said, her voice soft but playful. She leaned across the table, her fingers trailing lightly over the rim of her wine glass. “I saw you today. You looked great out there. Maybe tomorrow, you can give me some tips?”

Her eyes met mine, and there was something in her gaze that made my throat tighten. I wasn’t used to getting this kind of attention, especially not from two women like Bex and Katie. It was flattering, sure, but also confusing as hell.

I shifted in my seat, trying to focus on the conversation, but it was hard to ignore the way Katie’s eyes kept drifting toward me, or the way Bex’s laughter seemed just a little too… inviting.

“Maybe I will,” I said, trying to keep my voice steady. “But I’m not sure you need any tips. You’ve got me beat, Katie.”

Katie smiled, her fingers brushing lightly against my arm as she pulled back. “We’ll see about that.”

The rest of the dinner passed in a blur of conversation, laughter, and subtle touches that left me feeling more turned on than I had expected. Every time I caught Amy’s eye, she looked just as flushed as I felt, and I wondered if she was as confused as I was. The attention from the women—Bex especially—was getting to me, and as much as I tried to play it cool, I couldn’t help but feel the heat rising inside me.

By the time we finished our meal, I was left with more questions than answers. What the hell was going on? Was this all part of the plan, or was I just imagining things?

As we stood to leave, Bex shot me a quick glance, her eyes dancing with mischief. “Let’s see if you’re still this confident on the slopes tomorrow,” she teased, her hand brushing against mine one last time before we all made our way out of the restaurant.

I couldn’t shake the feeling that something bigger was happening—something I wasn’t quite in on yet. But as confused as I was, I had to admit, I was definitely looking forward to seeing how the rest of this trip played out.