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#Rape #Teen

By DowntownAbi

A teacher takes advantage one of his students…

Being a teacher is hard work. “But it’s so rewarding,” people who’ve never been teachers will tell you. Most of the time, no it isn’t. Kids are little shits, parents are worse, the government are constantly on your back about something or other. But there are the occasional upsides. That’s what this little confession is about.

This took place a long time ago – must be nearly thirty years now. I was in my late twenties and I was working at a secondary school (that’s a high school to Americans) in a town in the Midlands of the UK. I don’t want to be too specific.

The kids varied. Some were well-behaved, some were little bastards. I say “little,” but we’re mostly talking teenagers here. Hormonal, pubescent teenagers. Girls trying to be grown-ups, boys trying to impress the girls. There were strict rules about things like uniforms, hair and makeup, but so many of the kids broke them that there was hardly any point enforcing them. If a girl came in with lipstick or a skirt that was too short, we pretended not to see.

Oh, but I did see. Every adult likes to pretend that when it comes to teenagers, they’re totally sexless until the exact day they hit the age of consent. Bullshit. You’re telling me you’ve never seen a teenager with pert tits and a tight arse and thought, “I’d hit that?”

I’m being a hypocrite. If you’d asked me at the time if I ever fantasised about the girls in my classes, I’d have said no. But I did. I’d mentally undressed every one of them. I’d had some truly filthy one-handed fantasies. When blonde-haired Nicola back-chatted me, I imagined taking her over my knee and giving her a bare-arsed spanking. I dreamed about taking Laura, the black girl with the big bum, and shagging her from behind.

I think some of them would have liked it. Like redheaded Susie, who didn’t wear a bra and whose nipples stuck out like ships’ rivets. Or Claudia, the girl who wore too much fake tan – I remember one class where she was sitting at the front and raised her knee, letting her skirt rise up and revealing that she wasn’t wearing any knickers. I headed into the staff toilet at break time and had a quick wank over the mental image of her pussy, still fresh in my memory.

I don’t want to sound arrogant, but I was a good-looking guy back then. I got flirted with. I got Valentine’s cards from the girls. I didn’t act on it, because that was a good way to get sacked and arrested. I could have, but I didn’t.

Until one night.

Kids like to imagine that their teachers basically do nothing but teach, then go home to bed. We’re as human as anyone else. And my mate Stuart and I decided that it was altogether too long since we’d been for a night out.

In the town, there were two nightclubs. There was the good one, and the bad one. I normally went to the good one, the Pearl Lounge. But Stuart decided that he wanted to go to the bad one, Malone’s.

(Those aren’t the real names, of course. None of these names are the real names)

“Mate, it’s full of sluts,” he said.

“Yeah,” I said, “but it’s a shithole. Why don’t we go to the Pearl Lounge? Better class of women in there.”

“Fucking expensive, mate.”

I tried to persuade him, but he wasn’t having it. I had another reason for not wanting to go. Malone’s was not only a shit club, but it was a dodgy one. As a matter of fact, it would later be shut down after a police raid. But at the time, the bouncers were known to turn a blind eye to an obviously fake ID, or no ID at all. There was a strong chance that I’d see someone I taught.

But that’s where we went. Malone’s – too hot, crap DJs, sticky floors. We wandered in. Despite having had a few pints earlier in the night, I tried to stay alert. I didn’t see anyone I knew. I left Stuart and went to the bar. After grabbing us some overpriced, warm lagers, I struggled back to where I’d left him.

He was engaged in conversation with a woman who looked, charitably, a bit older than him – a leopard print cocktail dress stilettos. Hair that might have been a wig. She had a friend with bleach-blonde hair and more than a little extra weight.

“Cheers, mate,” he said. “This is Sarah,” he added, putting his arm around the leopard-print-dress woman. “And this is Ruby.” The bleach-blonde woman gave me a flirty smile. “It’s their first time here.”

“Oh, good for them,” I said. I neither fancied watching Stuart attempt to seduce a forty-year-old drunk woman, nor did I like the idea of trying to pull a woman twice my size. I told them I was going to the gents.

I sat at a table on the other side of the club. I could see Stuart putting the moves on Sarah, and she was definitely receptive. He’d be getting laid tonight – but at what cost? Ruby looked thoroughly bored. I considered going over and rescuing her, but I didn’t want her thinking I was interested. Maybe that’s cruel, but I honestly couldn’t give a shit. Eventually, she left. Probably sensible. I should probably have done that myself. But having paid to get in, I felt like I needed to get my money’s worth.

It was depressing. Stuart wasn’t the only one on the pull that night. There was a sea of young men and women dancing, making out, dry-humping. And here was me, Billy No-Mates, sitting on my own. It was nearly one in the morning.

One of the couples caught my attention. The girl was really familiar. She was a tall brunette with too much make-up and frizzy hair. She was dancing with a gormless-looking but quite muscular guy. It was when she turned towards me that I recognised her.

It was Gail. I taught her English. Not that it did any good, she was academically useless. But she was pretty and she was cheeky. So she’d make smartarse comments in class and all the boys would laugh and try to top it in an attempt to impress her. I disliked her a lot. But she had nice legs and while her tits were small, they were perky and I’d have walked barefoot across broken glass to cop a feel. She was also fifteen.

And she had a boyfriend, Leo. She and him would make out ostentatiously during break time. He’d grab her arse, she’d rub his crotch. It was kind of gross. Still, there was hardly a male in the place who wouldn’t want to be in Leo’s place.

Except the guy she was dancing with – now she was kissing him – was not Leo. I didn’t know who he was. She was clearly drunk.

And I started to think. An underage girl, who I had a duty of care to, in a club where she shouldn’t be…

“There you are, ya wanker!” I looked up. It was Stuart, with Sarah hanging off him. “Listen, we’re gonna shoot. Good luck for the rest of the night.”

“Sure, have a great night,” I said. I watched them leave, then turned my attention back to Gail. I saw her heading to the bar and decided it was time for me to engineer a meeting. I headed over there.

Near the bar, she bumped into me. She looked up at my face. “Sorry – sir, what are you doing here?”

“Same as everyone else. What are you doing here? I know you’re not eighteen yet.”

“Just having fun, sir,” she laughed. She was more drunk than I’d thought.

“I didn’t know you and Leo had split up.”

“Nah, we haven’t split up-“ Her face dropped as she realised what I was getting at. “Oh, that’s just a friend.” She looked over at the young man, who happened to catch my eye. He started coming towards us, aggressively.

“Who’s this fucker?” he demanded.

“Babe, this is-“

“Who the fuck are you?” he asked, bringing his face a little too close. I’d dealt with aggressive teenagers before.

“Never mind who I am,” I said coolly. “Is she with you?”

“Yeah, and-“

“Do you know she’s underage?”

He frowned. “How d’you know that?”

“I’m her teacher. Now fuck off before I call the bouncers over.”

He stood there for a moment, then turned around and walked away.

“Prick!” Gail yelled after him. She was very drunk. I don’t think she fully knew what was happening. She laughed and put her arm around me. “Buy me a drink, sir?”

“I think you’ve had enough.”

“I’ve only had…” she paused, swaying. “I’ve only had a few.”

Did I dare to do this? Did I dare to act on the thoughts going through my head?

“No,” I said.

“Oh, come on, sir… I’ll give you a kiss.”

Yes. I was going to act on it. “Alright,” I said, “I think it’s time to get you home.”


I led her through the club to the exit. We paused at the cloakroom to get her stuff. There was a row of minicabs outside. I bundled her into the back of one.

“Where to, boss?” asked the driver.

“Linden Street,” slurred Gail.

“Yeah, just drop us off at the end of Linden Street,” I said.

We drove off.

“You had a good night?” asked the driver. I could see him looking at Gail in the mirror. She was slumped across the back seat like a rag doll.

“Yeah, but this one’s had a few too many. I’m taking her back to hers.”

Gail looked at me, her eyes unfocused. “Fuck off,” she said. She rummaged in her bag and pulled out a small bottle of some cheap-looking vodka. I guess the bouncers either didn’t check her bag or didn’t care. She took a swig, spilling some of it down her dress. I should have stopped her, but I didn’t want to. I wanted her drunk.

We reached Linden Street. It was a quiet, residential street on the outskirts of town. I knew the area – I didn’t live too far from here. I paid the driver and hauled her out. She looked like she could hardly stand, swaying and leaning against the fence.

As the cab drove away, I looked at the surroundings. Yes, it was quiet. And dark – very few street lights. And the roads were curved. Once we got away from the main road, we’d be alone.

I put my arm around her to hold her up. “What number are you?”


“Where do you live?”

“Linden Street.”

“What number?”

“I dunno,” she muttered sleepily.

It didn’t really matter, it wasn’t like I was planning to take her straight home. We staggered down the street. She nearly fell over a couple of times. She was absolutely wasted.

We passed a narrow alley.

“It’s down here,” I said. It wasn’t. She didn’t seem to notice.

The alley twisted and turned. We reached a point where we couldn’t be seen from either end, There was a single, dim streetlight.

“Here,” I said, stopping. I leaned her up against the wall. She looked confused.

“This isn’t my house,” she said, groggily.

“We’re nearly there,” I said, soothingly. I put an arm around her. Not to comfort her, but to keep her where I wanted her. “You’re in s bit of a state, aren’t you? What will your mum say?”

“I don’t know.”

“We’d better stay here for a while.” With my free hand, I reached between her legs. I could feel the heat of her pussy through her thin cotton panties. I pulled them aside. Pressed my hand against her. Ran my fingers between the lips. Felt her little clit against my palm. Her breathing was quickening. Arousal or fear? Her eyes were unfocused, as if she was having trouble staying awake. She probably didn’t have a clue what was going on, even as I played with her tight young cunt.

I was hard as wood. I don’t think I’d ever been so horny. I’d done this much, why not go further? I pulled my hand away, and gently pushed her down. She fell on her knees.

“Ow,” she said. “Sam, you prick!”

I didn’t know who Sam was, but clearly she didn’t know who I was at this point. I unzipped my trousers and pulled them down a little. My cock sprang up, harder than I think it had ever been in my life. She stared at it in confusion.

“Suck it,” I said.


“Suck it, and I’ll take you home.” She still didn’t seem to be getting the idea, so I pulled her head towards me. She opened her mouth and took me inside. I looked down at the tableau I’d created. This teenage girl with her lips wrapped around my fat, hard cock. She lazily moved back and forth. It wasn’t a good blowjob, but it felt amazing to know that this was the insolent little slut who loved to embarrass me in class as I slid slowly in and out of her mouth.

How much further could I go? I decided it was time to find out. I pulled my cock out of her mouth with a “pop.” She looked at me, puzzled. I hauled her up on to her feet. And since I had her here, I was going to see everything she had to offer.

I turned her around. Unzipped the back of her dress. Pulled her arms out of the straps. She offered no resistance as I did so. I turned her back around and pulled the dress down. And there they were. Those pert little tits. Her nipples were hard in the frosty air. Pink and sharp, as I’d always imagined them.

Then she did something I wasn’t expecting. She wriggled. The dress fell further, down to her ankles. And she stood there, naked apart from her knickers and her shoes. She wasn’t even looking at me. I don’t know what she was looking at, or why she’d done it. Still, I figured if that was what she wanted… I pulled her knickers down, too. She stood there, stark naked, the yellow street light illuminating her young curves.

Now it was my turn to get on my knees. I grabbed her arse and pulled her towards my face. I pushed my tongue into her pussy. Lapping at it hungrily. This was an opportunity I’d dreamed of for months, and I was going to take it for everything I could. Besides, I wanted her good and wet for what I planned to do next. She moaned as my tongue circled her hard clitty.

It was time for the final course. I stood up. Pressed right against her. My cock brushed against her pussy lips, wet with my saliva and her juices. Holding her still, I thrust into her. As I entered, her eyes widened, as if she’d only just realised what was happening. I clamped a hand over her mouth in case she was going to scream. But she didn’t. I pumped in and out of her little pussy. God, she was tight.

This was so, so wrong. A teenage girl, fifteen years old. Me, an adult, the man supposed to be responsible for her. Her, so drunk that she was barely conscious. Me, fucking her roughly, like an animal. She rested her head on my shoulder as I pounded her. Surrender? Or just tiredness? I didn’t care. Every time she talked back in class, every time she made some excuse for not doing her homework, I’d remember this moment.

I was going to come. I couldn’t last. A moment of sanity struck me. I pulled out. My cock twitched. I was seized by the most powerful orgasm of my life. I hardly knew where I was. A powerful jet of cum blasted out of me and splattered against her smooth, bare thigh.

Reality returned. It was three in the morning. I was in an alleyway with a naked girl. Her eyes were closed and her head slumped – had she passed out while I was fucking her? Probably for the best. Still, it was a risky situation, and if I hadn’t been thinking with my cock, I wouldn’t have got into it.

I pulled my trousers back up, stuffing my still hard, still twitching prick back in. I pulled a tissue out of my pocket and cleaned my sperm off her leg. Not because of any gentlemanly impulse, but because I wanted to minimise any evidence.

She opened her eyes and looked blearily at me. “Who are you?” she asked.

“I’m Sam,” I said. She squinted, but this seemed to satisfy her.

“I wanna go home,” she said.

“Okay, let’s get you dressed.” I got on my knees and tried to pull her dress up. She was standing on it. I tried to free it.

“No, fuck off! I wanna go hoooome!” she moaned. And she stepped away. She was going to walk the short distance home naked, it seemed. I picked her clothes up and led her out of the alley.

“Here,” I said, giving her her dress. I kept her underwear.

“G’night,” she said, taking the dress under one arm. I watched her stagger off, her white arse disappearing into the distance. God only knew what her parents would think when their dear daughter showed up on their doorstep, naked and blind drunk.

I spent the next day regretting what I’d done. Not because it was a moment of madness and my basic decency was winning out, but because – what if she wasn’t as drunk as she seemed? What if she remembered what had happened? What if I”d left enough forensic evidence to get me arrested – it was certainly possible. Fucking idiot, I thought to myself.

Yet that Monday, when she came into class, she was the same as ever. She looked at me the same way she always did, with amused contempt. She backchatted, she got laughs from the boys. I desperately wanted to ask her what she remembered, but feared jogging her memory.

But… nothing. Not that day, or the next, or the rest of the year, or ever. And you know, I think I got away with it. But ever since that day, every time I saw her, I thought, “I’ve had you. I’ve tasted your pussy. I’ve had my cock in your mouth. I’ve fucked you in an alleyway like a whore. And you don’t even know it.”

As I say, teaching does have its upsides.

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By DowntownAbi
#Rape #Teen

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அவள் புண்டையை பார்த்தேன். எனக்கும் இன்னும் மூடு ஏறியது.... Collapse
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