The unexpected little girl at the glory hole, a story of overwhelming elation

#Teen #Tween #Virgin

19 year-old loser me finds myself discovering a glory hole in a fancy restaurant of all places, what happens next is surreal & utterly mind-bending…

As the old adage goes, “Curiosity killed the cat.” That day, I was a very curious young man.

It was 6:30 on a Saturday evening and my parents had decided they wanted to have a fancy dinner, and of course they had dragged my sister and I along to some stupid, stuffy, overpriced, fancy restaurant in town. We arrived and we were quickly escorted to our table. The maître d’ was an overbearing asshole and when my parents objected to his seating arrangements, he said it was non-negotiable. We relented.

The table he sat us at was in the far corner of the main dining room. We had to walk past most of the patrons of the restaurant to get to the table, including a table where he sat a family of 4, which included 2 young children.

After the maître d’ had finally seated my sister and me, he handed us each a menu and asked us to let him know when we were ready to order. I scanned my menu for a few minutes, decided I wasn’t going to order anything and turned to my sister to ask her what she thought. My sister, being only 5’0 tall and a slight frame to boot, was trying her best to be discreet in her scanning of the menu.

It was only the second time I had been to this restaurant, the first time had been over a year earlier with my girlfriend and our parents.

My girlfriend had been sitting to my left that evening. She had been very particular about the menu that evening and after having looked at it for quite a while, she had finally settled on what she was going to have. I don’t remember what I had ordered but I do remember that it was excellent.

When my sister finally handed the waiter her menu and had turned to face me, my parents were already scanning their own menu and discussing the selections.

It was a Saturday night in the beginning of December so it was dark and the restaurant had no windows. There was a beautiful 7′ tree in the center of the room and each table had been adorned with a small tea light.

As I scanned the menu I had taken a few glances at my sister who had taken a moment to adjust herself in her chair, sitting straight as possible. Thing is though, she’s 15, I’m 19, she had already caught me glancing at her several times so I decided I had better get my own ass into gear. I glanced around the room at the other patrons. Most were well dressed and looked like they were well off.

The maître d’ came rushing to our table. He was dressed in a very sharp tuxedo. I turned to my parents, both of which were still scanning their menu. The waiter looked to be growing more and more impatient with every second my parents didn’t speak. I decided that I would go to the washroom while my parents ordered their food.

“I’ll be back. I have to use the washroom.” My dad acknowledged me.

The men’s washroom was at the other side of the restaurant, I walked over & entered.

There were 2 urinals and several stalls in the bathroom. I went into the one furthest away from the door. The stalls were your basic toilet stalls with walls reaching up to the ceiling and with a door that was a bit higher than standard bathroom stall doors. I took out my dick and went to pee, thinking about all of the events that had led up to this night, I was thinking about my sister, about her pretty face. She really did look so beautiful tonight, her dark black hair was perfectly straight & reached the bottom of her shoulder blades, and she had a small, straight nose with big beautiful lips that had just a hint of pink gloss on them. She had her own personal style that included her love for dresses. This particular evening she wore a beautiful red, knee-length, spaghetti strap dress with a square neckline & matching red flats.

She really is such a pretty girl, I thought to myself as I shook off the last drops of pee from my cock and put it back in my pants. I heard the door of the men’s room open, what do you know, somebody decides to walk past the other 5 available stalls and enter the one right next to mine.. Before I could mentally express my agitation at this typical bullshit, I noticed that as the stall door next to mine was locked, there it was. A.. hole. An actual hole in the stall wall, one I hadn’t noticed before since I wasn’t actively scanning the wall next to me, I just wanted to piss.

I stood there in my stall. Frozen in place. My mind was racing. Who would install such a hole here, of all places. Who put it here, how long has it been here. Is anyone actually using it..? Seriously? A fucking glory hole in this overpriced expensive ass fancy restaurant? There’s no way it could of been here for long, surely, staff must clean this bathroom out very regularly, it’s clean and smells amazing in here.

Well, I mean.. It’s not gonna get used by me, I’m a guy, in a men’s bathroom, I am.. incredibly straight, albeit curious about this hole, but certainly not interested in any of that sort of activity, that’s for other people to partake in..

I had heard the guy in the other stall start to move about, and I couldn’t help but wonder who had just entered the bathroom after me, was he using the stall with the hole in it, was it his hole, is this why he entered this specific stall, to use it on others who enter this bathroom..?

My heart started to race. I don’t know why? I know that I wouldn’t have to partake in this kind of.. activity, but I think standing next to this hole in which I knew a person was on the other side of it was making me super at attention, who the fuck knew? Were they looking through at me? If they were, all they’d see was somebody standing still awkwardly with his pants pulled up, no dick in sight, I mean I already pissed goddamn it, I’m standing here like a fucking loser, why haven’t I exited the stall yet?

I mean, what am I thinking right now, this guy probably doesn’t even know that hole is there, maybe I can leave the bathroom and nobody will ever know that I even noticed it.. I mean. It’s probably a joke anyway right..? It can’t be a real hole? Can it?

As I’m standing in my stall with a thousand questions going through my mind, I’m listening intently for the slightest hint of sound that the other stall has given. I don’t want to exit my stall yet, because I’m afraid that it will make the most minimal amount of noise and I will give away to whoever is on the other side, that I am a huge pussy and I actually noticed that there is a hole in this wall. I want to look through the hole but I’m afraid, afraid that if I do and if someone is watching me on the other side, I’ll just make an absolute ass out of myself, which I already feel I’m doing by standing in this stall.
My dick started to twitch a little bit, the feeling was very subtle but I was definitely aware of it. My heart rate was still racing.

I knew I should leave this stall. I mean what else was I going to do, what was the point? I took a small breath. I lifted my eyes up from my feet. I scanned up the stall wall in front of me and it landed on the hole. My dick twitched a bit more, my heartbeat started racing a little more.

Why the fuck is my cock twitching? Surely it’s just the curiosity making my body react..? God I’m so lame, maybe it’s just the thought of sticking my cock through and feeling a warm, wet feeling envelop my cock is making my mind race, but I mean fuck, it might be the mouth of some old 60 year old dude or something..? Yeah but I mean, It’s a hole, I can just pretend right?
Bahaha.. Look at me, what the fuck am I doing, sitting here pondering the possibility of a glory hole as a person is on the other side of the wall.. I’m having some sort of possibility crisis, keep in mind, all of these thoughts have happened in about 20 seconds, this person only entered the stall 30 seconds ago. My mind really is racing.

I moved a little bit closer to the stall wall. I put my ear up against the wall to see if I could hear the person moving or breathing. There were no noises at all. The hole was a little lower than I was, so I had to lean down and bend a little. I noticed there was a slight crack in the door, a little bit of light was showing through, enough so I could tell there was definitely a person standing in that stall.
Bah, whatever the fuck, should I do it? How does this work? I don’t know, do I just look through..? I’m so tempted, do I just give a sign? What do I do? Maybe just tap at the hole? Let my fingers be seen for a second? Is that how you initiate this, I have no fucking idea.

As I am thinking about my options I notice I am fully hard, my cock is straining in my pants.
Fuck.. Why is my cock hard? It can’t possibly be the thought of putting my cock through and using that hole on a complete stranger, I have a girlfriend and I don’t swing that way.. It’s the curiosity, it has to be.. I just need to calm myself.

As I was lost in my thoughts and feeling a little ashamed of how horny I had gotten so fast, the person on the other side of the wall must of had the same idea because a second later I see a little finger tap on my side of the wall, on the hole. I just barely caught it.

It’s now or never. I am going to go through with this, what have I got to lose..? Other than maybe my dick, man what if there’s a fucking psycho on the other side that bites my dick off?!

I stick the tip of my finger through the hole and am waiting for a reaction on the other side. The person’s finger tapped the back of my hand and I quickly removed it from the hole, but not quick enough as a little hand with perfectly manicured nails reached through and grabbed my index finger and pulled my finger back through to their side, a small giggle could be heard from the other side, a sweet feminine little giggle echoes ever so slightly between the stalls.

Holy fuck.. This is.. What? I.. Holy shit.. This isn’t the person I had thought might of been in that stall.. This is not the person I thought would be on the other side, fuck I.. I’m not sure.. I think.. FUCK. Uh, that hand, was.. Fuck. That hand was tiny. So fucking tiny. What am I doing? That’s a kid, no way, fuck. How far am I going to let this go..?

I heard the girl giggle again. It sent a shiver down my spine, what was I doing..? It was as though I was on autopilot, like my body was being controlled by something else. That girl definitely has no idea what the design & purpose of this hole is, I mean, she grabbed my finger and tried pulling it back through & giggled, she’s fucking playing.. She has no clue what she’s doing.. I need to stop. I need to stop before this goes any further, my mind was screaming for me to stop. I could feel the adrenaline running through my body. It felt good. My heart was still racing but the thought of a little girl.. I.. I just can’t.

I do not have a thing for kids, I don’t, I don’t, I don’t, but.. Fuck. I am rock fucking hard, this girl’s giggles are echoing in my ears & sending chills up my spine and my mind is screaming to walk away and end this. But I’m frozen in place. What is happening, how have I let this get so far..?

She’s playing.. She doesn’t know, but what the fuck am I doing..? This isn’t right, it’s so not right, I..
I stuck the tip of my index finger through the hole, waiting to see what the girl on the other side would do. She put the tip of her finger through, so I put my whole finger through the hole and her whole finger grabbed mine. It was a tiny little thing, soft and delicate. We played this game for a minute until I could no longer keep my mind straight and my cock was aching.
I decided I was going to go for it, I had already let myself come this far and the curiosity was overwhelming, I wanted to feel those sweet little lips, and the fear of a child finding out what the hole is actually for, was an extreme turn on, and my cock was in the lead here, so I decided I had better let him do the talking.

I started by touching her soft little finger, running my fingers over it and feeling it, I put her finger between my index & thumb and gently held her there as I slid my index finger up the back of hers. She started laughing, which caused me to giggle slightly, which in turn made her laugh more. We were both being completely silent, so as I ran my finger up the back of hers I made a few different noises and that made her laugh.

What in the fuck am I doing..? She’s a kid, and this wholesome ass finger play I’m having with her through the fucking space of a glory hole is spurring me on, I’ve let go.. I’m trying to accept the fact that right now I want to do this, and that right now it’s getting harder & harder to feel ashamed for what I’m about to do, because the desire is growing ever so rapidly, this is.. This is something different entirely, my curiosity has reached it’s peak. I have to know, I have to feel, I have to explore this, I’m just.. I can’t keep holding on, the temptation is so great.

As we were playing, I had slid my finger back and forth between hers, I decided now was the right time to give it a go, to try and take it further, I decide to whisper to her, wondering if she’d be able to hear me properly.

“Hey!” I whispered quickly, trying to keep a friendly tone.

I heard her giggle. I didn’t say anything after that.

She whispered back, “Hello!” in such a happy tone that made my dick twitch, fuck it’s just.. Fuck, she’s adorable. I need to know if her mouth is just as adorable..? What the fuck is happening.

I decided to be blunt. “Hey, do you wanna play another game?” I asked quickly, with my cock growing harder with every second I was spending in this stall next to her.

She responded. “I’d love tooo!” She sang sweetly.

I knew there was no turning back, my cock had won over my brain.

“Do you know what the hole is for?” I asked her, my voice was full of curiosity, and lust.

She whispered, “It’s for air isn’t it?” She was being so precious, this innocent little thing. How fucking adorable is that? For fucking air? My god.. What in the fuck is happening.

“No silly, that doesn’t matter, forget that, let’s play a game, hmm? I’m gonna put something through this hole and you have to play with it until I say to stop, ok? If you do exactly what I say then you win 100 points.” Jesus.. Fucking pathetic, utterly shameless, the game doesn’t even make sense, I’m not even trying, Seriously? Of course it didn’t, it doesn’t have to make sense, she’s a kid.

“What do I get if I win?!” she asked me, with that same cute & girly voice she was using through the whole thing so far.

“I dunno.. We’ll figure it out later.. So, you want to play? You think you’re smart enough?” I asked her with a smile, I couldn’t believe how easy it had been to talk her into this. I couldn’t believe that I had been talking to her the whole time without my cock shrinking or anything like it, she was so innocent, so pure, I was absolutely loving it. I wanted to go further, I needed to feel it. I could feel the blood pumping in my body.

“Mhm..! Yes! I want to play!!” she whispered excitedly, and I heard her footsteps, she had stepped in closer.

I whispered to her again, “Okie dokey, you ready?”

“Yeah..!” She whispered, she sounded very excited.

“Ok. I’m gonna put it through now.” I said to her as I unzipped my pants and let them drop, I pushed my briefs down my legs and my cock sprang to attention. My balls were already feeling heavy, this had already gotten the best of me, my mind was screaming yes but I was afraid, I was so afraid of being caught, my cock didn’t care, it just needed to be played with.

“Put it in the hole please, I’m waiting!!” she was whispering and giggling and my god, it was so cute.

“Ok ok..! Hold on!” I replied in a hurry.

I bent my cock down and I let it glide through the hole, and when I did, I heard a very tiny gasp, then silence. She didn’t make a single sound.

Holy shit.. What just happened. Holy fucking shit, it just.. It just happened so fast, it was over in seconds.. I just. FUCK. My heart is racing, and it’s not out of guilt. Oh god.. What just happened? That gasp, fuck.

“Is it okay? Can we keep going?” I asked her quickly, I needed her to keep going, my mind was going crazy. I just wanted to keep hearing her sweet voice.

I didn’t get an answer right away but I did hear the slightest bit of movement in the other stall, the same as when you hear someone adjusting themselves on the toilet, that kind of noise, but I didn’t hear an answer..? Fuck. What was she doing, what did I do, is it wrong, it’s wrong isn’t it..? Fuck I did it, it’s already been done. It just happened. My cock was still tingling. It was aching, aching for more, aching for her hands to reach out and grasp it.

My cock, the entire length of my 6.7 inch hard, throbbing cock was pushed through this hole, with my balls just touching the wall, my head was pulsing with my heart. I didn’t say anything.

Before I felt her tiny little fingers ever so slightly start to touch at my cock, she asked me, in a quiet and curious tone.

“What is that thing?” She whispered to me.

My cock jumped. Fuck. She, has no fucking idea? She hasn’t seen a cock? How fucking old is she?

“It’s.. Uh..” I struggled to answer. “It’s just.. A game.” I stuttered out, my heart was beating a hundred miles an hour. “It’s a game..” I repeated myself.

She took my answer as valid. “I know all about games. I can do it.” she said.

My god.. This girl has no clue.. She has no idea, it’s the most adorable fucking thing ever..

“Good!” I said back, I was growing impatient, my dick was twitching and my balls were aching for relief. “You can’t stop playing until I tell you, ok? Can you do that?” I asked her in an almost pleading way, fuck I just needed it.

She agreed with a, “Mhm, I can do it..” as her tiny fingers wrapped around my shaft, she pulled slightly at the head and it made me gasp out, fuck she was so tiny and her hands were so soft.. Her touch felt like heaven.

Fuck.. I did it. She’s touching my cock. My mind is fucking racing.. Fuck she’s so sweet, her voice, her little hand, her tiny fucking fingers.. Fuck. I can’t even comprehend right now how she hasn’t even seen a cock yet and her small little hands are making my toes curl. She’s fucking clueless and it’s just.. I’ve never had such an incredible feeling in my life. She’s so pure, so fucking innocent.. And fuck, her touch is..

“Is.. This.. Is it.. Ok?” She whispered, she wasn’t stroking me, she had no concept of that, she was kind of awkwardly just holding on, but fuck.. That was all that mattered to me, she was doing it, I knew I shouldn’t but it’s too late for that.

Fuck it. “You can rub it.. You can make it feel good..” I replied quickly, hoping I wouldn’t scare her. “Just like.. Rub it like a pillow.” I explained.

She responded, “O..Okay..” with her same sweet little voice. She started rubbing my cock with her hand and fuck it was incredible.

Holy fuck she is so pure and sweet. My cock is rock hard. She’s so tiny, her fingers are so small.. This is wrong on so many levels.. Fuck her touch is just so amazing and innocent and fuck, I feel so naughty right now but her rubbing my cock is.. She has no idea..

Fuck she’s still rubbing my cock and I feel like I could cum already, I’m just holding on by a thread.. I know I won’t, it’s impossible but god.. Fuck this is incredible. She’s playing with me like I’m some kind of toy, she’s stroking and squeezing it.. She doesn’t understand, but fuck it’s the best I’ve ever had.
I had gotten so into it, I was moaning softly. My legs were shaking. She was giggling, probably thinking she was hurting me because she kept asking if I was ok..

Fuck she is the sweetest thing ever.. I.. I don’t think I can go through with this.. I don’t think I can ask her to open her mouth or anything, it’s just.. I can’t, I can’t. She’s so young. She doesn’t even know. What was I doing, what had gotten into me..? This is so not okay, my heart is beating out of my chest and fuck I just need more. My body is aching. My mind is screaming and fuck my cock is throbbing so much.

She continued stroking my cock and I was about to ask for more when the bathroom door opened again. Fuck. Whoever this new person is, had chosen to enter the stall furthest from us. Thank fuck.

I looked down at my cock, it was pulsing. My balls were heavy and full, I needed more but I knew that the timing just wasn’t right.. The girl had stopped grasping my cock the moment she heard the door open, I felt the absence of her tiny little hand immediately.
I whispered to her, “Keep playing, It’s a secret game. Just don’t make a noise and I’ll give you lots of points. Ok?”

“Okay..! I’m still playing.” She replied back to me, and then she wrapped her tiny little hand around my hard dick. Fuck I’m in heaven.

This is.. The sweetest thing.. The fact that she doesn’t even know, she’s just doing this, she has no fucking idea. And I just can’t let myself go further, she’s so sweet, I know she is, her little voice, her touch.. My god her touch. It’s the best I’ve ever felt. Her tiny hand is rubbing up & down my hard dick and I’m in heaven, she’s not even trying, she’s just doing this because I asked her to.

I can feel my balls tensing up, they are so fucking heavy, and I don’t want her to stop, fuck.. She’s just. She’s so cute. She doesn’t have a clue, and it’s getting more difficult with every stroke she gives me to resist asking for more..

She continued stroking, I felt my cock pulsing with every single little stroke she was giving it, it felt amazing and I was struggling to contain my moaning, the guy on the other side of the bathroom could hear me if I wasn’t careful enough.

My breathing had sped up, and my cock was just aching for more.. My mind was racing, I needed to do more.. I had to, it was driving me crazy, her sweet little giggles, fuck they are amazing, I had never heard anything sweeter in my life.. Fuck my god.. I needed more. I couldn’t hold myself back any longer, my balls were full of cum, they felt heavy, it had to be done, I was ready to burst, fuck my god..

I was on the verge of asking her when the man on the other side of the bathroom flushed his toilet, it quite literally made me almost jump out of my skin, I was in total elation so badly that I forgot he was even in here, fuck, the thought of this man knowing what we are doing makes my heart skip a beat, he opened the stall door, and I heard it close.. A couple of seconds later I heard the bathroom door open and close. It was only us two now. I knew I couldn’t stop this, I just had to let it go..

I leaned forward to the hole and I whispered. “I’ll give you all my points if you do one more thing for me. Okay..?” I was breathless.

She asked me, “Okay okay but I want more points!” She was excited and that was just too cute, fuck, this little girl is about to open her mouth and I can’t contain the feeling, this is too much, too much. I.. Fuck I.. Fuck, I’m so hard and my heart is racing and I.. I just have to let her.

I asked her, “How many points?” As I leaned in a little closer to the wall from all of my body’s reactions, my cock throbbing with her tiny little hand grasped at it.

I could hear her feet shuffle slightly, then her soft, small hands grasp a little harder at my dick as she was thinking, fuck. It felt so good.

“Hmm.. Ten..! Ten points! And I win.” She said confidently. Fuck.

“Yes you win!” I whispered quickly back to her, I didn’t care, I knew this was all a game to her and she didn’t realize I was about to ask her to take my dick in her mouth.. I couldn’t believe the thoughts going through my head..

“So.. What’s the next thing?” she whispered to me.

“Can you get a little closer to the thingie?” I whispered back to her, she replied.

“Okay, I’m here!” she whispered loudly and excitedly.

“Get your face right next to it” I said, trying not to scare her, and trying to keep a quiet voice.

I felt her hand grip tighter on my cock and then felt a bit of movement and a tiny giggle escape her lips, then she whispered back, “I’m there!” She was giggling still and it made my cock jump, fuck this was too much. I couldn’t keep going, it was getting out of hand.

“Prove it, blow or something” Is the genius thing I had thought of, my god she didn’t even know, fuck, I can’t believe this.. What’s wrong with me, fuck, I want this.

“Hmm..” I could feel her hot breath on my head. Fuck, my cock jumped and twitched. My balls were aching so much, and I felt so turned on, I decided to take it a little further, “Now, stick your tongue out a little bit, and try licking it maybe?” I was getting anxious, I knew she had never seen one of these before. Fuck.. I.. My mind was racing, my heart was thumping and fuck, my dick..

“Ok!” She giggled quietly again, my heart skipped a beat.. I felt her tiny little tongue touch against the side of my cock. My toes curled.. “Was that it?” She asked, fuck it was perfect.

I started breathing heavier. “N.. No. Try it again?” I said, fuck, she didn’t understand. She giggled a bit, and did exactly as she was told. Fuck it felt so good, fuck it was amazing.. “Try it a little harder? Maybe?” I was stuttering.

“Like this?” She asked me and I could feel her little tongue pressing against my head, I couldn’t take it anymore, it felt so incredible.

My heart was thumping in my chest, I could barely speak, I could feel her warm little breath on my shaft.. She was so small, so fucking innocent. She doesn’t know what I’m going to do.. And I can’t resist any longer..

“W.. Wow.” I breathed out.. I felt my cock twitch, I could barely talk..

She giggled and said, “You said ten points, right..?” Her voice was so fucking cute.. My heart was thumping so much.. Fuck. This.. She..

“You’ll get them soon, keep going!” I whispered to her quickly.. She giggled and stuck her tongue out and began licking up the side of my dick, fuck it felt so good. It was so innocent and pure. She had no fucking idea what she was doing, she had no concept.. She had no idea the affect she had on me.
Fuck.. I.. I’m in heaven. This is too much.. Her warm little tongue licking up my shaft felt incredible. She had no idea the things she was doing to my body.. My legs were trembling, fuck I couldn’t stand.. This girl, she had no fucking clue, it was so wrong, it felt so incredible, the fear of being caught, the thrill.. It was so much, I just wanted it to never end..

Her tiny tongue reached the top of my head, it made me shiver.. “Ah..” I gasped out quietly, she giggled. It made my cock throb..

“Should I try more? More points..?” she said with her cute little voice, it was music to my ears. Fuck it’s getting to much.. It was like I had been caught in a spell. She just, I couldn’t resist..

“Yeah, you can, if you want” I replied quietly to her, I could hear myself shaking with anticipation, my heart was racing and I was scared she might stop.. This little girl.. She was doing things to my body, things I have never felt.. Fuck. I didn’t know how I was going to handle it if she stopped now, fuck I couldn’t think, all I could do was wait for her next move..

She giggled and whispered to me, “Okay okay, what’s next?” My cock was throbbing and she had a strong grip on it.. She was such a sweetheart.. She had no fucking clue.. I had no fucking clue how this happened, but it’s all too much.. I’m so horny and she just. I.. I need it, she’s so young.. And her touch is just so perfect, her lips are just.. I can’t even imagine, it’s so fucking wrong but my god it’s the best feeling I have ever had..

“Maybe put some of it in your mouth, suck on it like a popsicle!” I tried to say with enthusiasm, but it just came out with pure lust, she had me on the edge of my seat, thought I’m standing.. Fuck, whatever, I’m so turned on. She giggled, it made me shiver. I wanted this more than anything I had wanted before. She doesn’t even realize.. It’s so pure and innocent, the idea of her putting her small little lips to the tip of my cock. Fuck, this.. My body is going to go through so much with this, I don’t know if I’ll be able to keep it together..

“Ok!” she whispered happily back to me. Fuck this little girl is something else.. She has no idea what I’m asking, I can’t believe I’m going through with it. The anticipation was too much.. I knew what was coming next, fuck.. Fuck my heart was racing, I was struggling to stay on my feet.. This.. Fuck. What had gotten into me, she’s only a kid, a child.. A fucking sweet ass kid..

I heard the softest giggle, she said, “Hmm” then her small tongue pressed to the top of my cockhead, fuck she’s going for it.. My cock was twitching like mad. This little girl is doing this.. This kid.. Fuck my god, she doesn’t even know.. Her warm little tongue pressed against my tip was making me moan quietly. Fuck I felt like I could cum already.
“There we go, put it in your mouth..! Be gentle though” I whispered to her with so much enthusiasm. She giggled a little. She replied with a, “Okay!” her voice was full of curiosity, she was clueless and it was driving me wild, my dick was pulsing and I couldn’t take it, fuck. It’s going to happen, this.. This little girl doesn’t know that she’s about to put my cock in her mouth, I.. Fuck. I’m not a fucking monster, am I? This isn’t right. It’s wrong, so wrong. This is too much, my heart is thumping.

Her sweet little voice was killing me. I can feel the tip of my cock touching against her lips. It was so warm, fuck her tiny mouth.. My balls were aching.

I said, “Push a little further” she giggled a little. I was losing my mind. “You can do it” I said quietly and eagerly.. I could feel her hot little breath on my shaft. Fuck she doesn’t even know.. Her innocent little lips opened and took a small portion of my dick in, it felt incredible.

She was giggling quietly, her mouth was so soft and her lips felt so sweet, I could feel the inside of her mouth with the tip of my cock, she was just a little girl.. Fuck this isn’t right. I knew it wasn’t but I was lost in it, fuck my body was getting out of control, I needed more. Her small hand was still wrapped around my shaft.. I whispered. “Just a little bit more..!” My legs were shaking.. She started laughing but then I felt the warm, soft, inside of her mouth enveloping me. It was like I could see the light.. This.. I never.. Her tiny little lips. My toes curled.. This innocent little girl was letting my cock inside her mouth. My dick twitched, I knew I wouldn’t last long, this was too much. My god this felt amazing.. My dick pulsing against the inside of her cheek.. I was going to cum, I wanted to hold it, my balls were so heavy..

The sweet little girl on the other side giggled, the sensation made me almost lose it, her giggle made my balls tingle. I whispered. “Fuck!” it just slipped out, my legs were shaking, her soft little cheek rubbing the bottom of my shaft, the inside of her mouth.. It was the most perfect thing I had ever felt in my life.. Her warm mouth. I knew it was wrong but my body just wasn’t having it. The thrill was so great. I couldn’t hold off much longer, my body was aching and her little tongue was pushing against my shaft, my legs were shaking and my toes were curled.

“Fuck! Keep going.” I said quietly. She was giggling still. This little girl. I know she’s a child, fuck.. It’s too much. I couldn’t take it any longer. She has no idea. Her lips, her tiny little mouth, it was too much.. It felt like pure heaven, fuck she is the best, her cute giggle and fuck, this feeling, my body.. My heart was racing.. I.. This little girl doesn’t realize she is the most amazing thing to have ever happened to me, she has no idea what she is doing to my body, my heart was pounding and my dick was pulsing, I just needed to feel more. My dick throbbing in this little girl’s mouth, she didn’t even know what she was doing to me..

“There we go, there we go, keep it up, good girl” I said quickly, it was just flowing out, she started giggling and laughing but the sensations it sent through my body. Fuck it felt amazing. This.. Her, the fact that she’s so young. That she is doing this without knowing why, fuck she was amazing. I had no idea what this little girl looked like, but the sound of her sweet giggle was the sexiest thing I had ever heard. I felt so naughty, so wrong for letting this happen.. Fuck she had me in the palm of her hand, this was driving me wild. Her soft, little cheek against the side of my cock was making my balls tingle, she doesn’t know that she has such an affect on me, my dick throbbing in her small mouth. This innocent little girl’s warm lips around my cock.. Her small tongue pushing against the shaft, I felt her tiny hands squeeze at the head, I whispered, “Oh my god!” under my breath and fuck I wanted to cum so badly..

“Is it okay? Is it good??” she giggled. She started to lick around the side of my dick head with her tiny little tongue, it made my dick throb. I felt the pressure build, it felt like the room was spinning.. Fuck my body is shaking, I can’t even think.

“Fuck!” I whisper to myself. She giggled quietly, she asked me what I said. “I said, good..” I replied, it was so fucking hard to keep quiet, fuck, it’s taking every last bit of me to stay on my feet, this little girl, she.. I’m going to cum, I can’t.. Her tiny lips wrapped around my dick head.. My balls were tingling and her soft little hands squeezing.. I felt the pressure in my balls, I can’t contain it anymore. It felt too amazing, fuck my dick is pulsing in her mouth..

“I think it’s time you won! Okay, now be careful..” I whispered to her quickly. I heard a soft “Hmm” she was saying through my cock.. She giggled a little and started bobbing her head up & down a tiny bit, my dick pulsed against the inside of her cheek, the inside of her soft little mouth felt incredible, my dick throbbed and it felt like my legs were going to collapse, she was the most precious little girl.. My dick was twitching, I knew I was so close, I wanted this to last but the pleasure she was giving me was so extreme, fuck I never wanted it to end but I couldn’t contain my excitement, fuck I couldn’t control my body’s reactions, she’s so tiny, I feel so wrong for doing this.. But she is amazing. She giggled and it sent me over the edge, her mouth is so warm and her tiny tongue rubbing my cock is making me moan and shake. She was so small.. Fuck she was amazing.. This sweet, little, innocent girl is giving me the best blowjob of my life, it’s.. fuck. I need to cum so bad.

“Ok. Now listen carefully, when I tell you to.. Swallow.” I said it slowly so she could hear me and understand. Her hot little breath, her soft little hands rubbing at my cock head, my legs were trembling and fuck she was just.. So small. This.. It felt so amazing and wrong, I knew that I had already let it get way too far. She was sucking on the tip, she giggled quietly and it made my balls twitch and I moaned, my toes were curling and I could feel the pleasure building, I felt my dick throbbing, it felt like my body was being shocked.. It was getting too intense.

“Here it comes.. Now..” I whispered to her in a shaky voice.. My heart was racing. She started giggling but I felt her small, warm lips open slightly wider.. My cock pulsed in her mouth, her hot breath against my head felt so amazing, she started laughing quietly but she kept the head of my cock in her mouth and fuck, her small tongue pressing against it, she squeezed my cock head between her tongue & the roof of her mouth.. My dick throbbed. She started laughing more as I was moaning quietly and then I felt my load suddenly start being pumped into her mouth.. Fuck.

She giggled. My balls tightened, fuck it felt like electricity. I moaned, my legs were shaking.. Fuck this felt incredible. This little girl. She is the best I’ve ever had, it was.. My mind went blank and my balls pumped out a load of my hot cum into her little mouth.. This little girl just sucked me off and now.. fuck. It’s all I can think about, I can’t think clearly, this girl is.. I just can’t.. Fuck I need her.. Fuck what was this little girl doing to my head, this is so fucking wrong, fuck she is.. Fuck. My god.. I.. What have I done, this little girl.. This tiny fucking little girl. Her sweet, hot little mouth. Fuck my dick is still pulsing and I feel like I could cum again.. My mind was racing..

My balls tensed up again and I moaned as another load shot out, fuck she was so sweet and so innocent, I.. Fuck my body is getting out of hand.. She was such a cutie.. My toes were curling and I knew my legs would give out soon.. Her sweet, small little lips.. This little girl has me so confused and my heart was pounding.. My body felt so good, fuck she is so perfect and innocent, so fucking sweet.
I felt her head move ever so slightly as she swallowed, fuck, fuck, she was fucking swallowing my cum.. It’s all I could do to stay on my feet.. This.. fuck she is the cutest..

“Wow.. Fuck, that was amazing, that was so good! You’re a genius! I’ll give you all the points! That was really good, good girl!” I said quickly in a happy voice.. My cock was throbbing inside her small mouth.
I heard her giggle, she giggled so quietly.. It sent a shiver down my spine.. The way it made me feel, her warm little lips wrapped around the tip of my cock.. The fact that she had no idea.. Fuck, this is so fucking wrong. Fuck.. This is all my fault, I should’ve just said no but my god this was amazing, she is fucking adorable.. Fuck she’s the best, I feel so naughty and so wrong and this sweet little girl just.. My god this is all too much.

She had no idea what she was doing, her mouth was still on me, she didn’t know to stop, my god I’ve made such a terrible mistake, she’s such an innocent little angel..

“You.. You can take it out now..” I said slowly, fuck, it felt amazing but I can’t, this isn’t right..
She started giggling and then her sweet lips came off of the head of my cock.. She had no idea.. Fuck she’s amazing..

I tried to say thank you as quietly as I could, she didn’t hear it but my dick was still so sensitive, fuck she had no idea what she was doing to my body, fuck.

My body felt amazing, fuck she is just.. So adorable. I just had my dick in the mouth of an innocent little girl and now, fuck. Fuck this is.. It’s just.. Fuck, why is she even in here? Her parents probably have no idea where she is, it’s the men’s bathroom after all, I.. I feel like such a bad person. Fuck this was the most amazing thing I have ever done and I can’t stop thinking about how wrong it was.. I.. fuck she’s so sweet and I can’t get enough. Fuck she’s too perfect..
I feel like the most pathetic guy in the world, I’m actually, scared to.. go? I want her, all for myself, but I also need to be realistic and realize what the fuck actually just happened, clearly you can tell I’ve undergone some extreme euphoria while I’ve been in this stall, my thoughts are racing and I can’t stop repeating the SAME fucking bullshit, I’m a total mess, but now I had to be serious, this shit could be my absolute downfall, I needed to know what to do next, but before doing so, I thought myself to ask her.. hesitantly mind you..

“How.. How old are you..?” I whispered through the hole, I don’t think I even wanted to know. She replied after a second of silence..

“Ten! I’m ten” her cute little voice pierced through the wall, straight to my fucking soul. Ten. Fucking Ten. What was I doing. What the fuck is wrong with me.. My heart was beating so fast.. It felt like it was about to leap out of my chest. Fuck. Ten..

Fuck it.. It was a once in a life time thing.
“Uhm.. You. You did really really really good, I was so proud of you.. You.. I mean, it was the best ever. You are.. Just.. Amazing.” I whispered back through the wall, she giggled again. It was a high pitch little giggle, fuck my cock pulsed.. I couldn’t help myself, she just, fuck. Why am I hesitating, it’s like I’m trying to confess some really strong words to her to try and get her to realize what she is, but she’s 10 YEARS OLD. I need to get out of here.

I needed to make sure I left here first, it was perfect, I hadn’t thought much about this before-hand, at all. But I do know that if I leave first, this girl hasn’t seen me at all, other than my fingers, and my fucking cock, she wouldn’t recognize me upon exiting this bathroom.

It’s hitting me right now how much I desire to just secure my safety, I decide to let her know that the game is over and that I needed to go, so I do exactly that..

“Hey..” I whispered again, and again I heard the cutest giggle in the entire universe, it sent shivers down my spine, I.. This..

“We gotta stop for now, but.. Uh.. Good work” I was whispering to her, I heard a cute little huff of some sort..

“Oh, but I really liked playing!” she whispered through the wall. It made me smile. Fuck. Fuck I needed this little girl more than I even realized.. I was just getting a feel of her soft voice and now my body was getting ideas.. Fuck what was I doing. Fuck this is too much. I wanted more.. She is the cutest fucking thing to walk the Earth, fuck this isn’t fair, I feel like such an asshole, I feel so fucking pathetic, she is 10 fucking years old, and yet she’s just so. She has such a cute little voice. She just, fuck she doesn’t even know what she’s doing to me..
I wanted to go through the other hole, fuck she has the softest hands and her tiny little lips wrapped around the head of my dick was just the fucking greatest thing I have ever felt, fuck. I can’t even begin to imagine how amazing the rest of her is.. She is.. Fuck, my heart is pounding out of my chest.
FUCK, shut up, shut up, shut up you fucking idiot, get out, just get out

“I know, maybe we’ll play some other time” I said hoping she doesn’t realize she has no way of finding me again. I needed to interrupt the silence again to ensure my exit, “So hey, I’m gonna go now, but for one last game as I leave, I’m gonna go out of my stall first ok? I’m gonna wash my hands, leave the bathroom, and then when you hear me leave, you can then come out ok?” I asked, hoping to god she understands, I couldn’t be seen with a kid coming out of the bathroom stall at the same time, it wouldn’t look good, at all.

“But how will I know it’s you..?” She whispered back to me, fuck it felt like she just pulled on my heartstrings. I felt bad, I really didn’t want to leave her, not one fucking bit. This little girl. Fuck I have to stop, this isn’t right, what is wrong with me. Fuck, she’s so pure, her cute little giggles.

“Well, when I come out, I’ll say something and you’ll know it’s me” I told her quickly. Fuck my dick was pulsing so much. Fuck she is too much for my heart. I heard the sweetest giggle.. Fuck her sweet little laugh. I knew I was lying.. Maybe I wasn’t? Ugh, there it is again, me being an absolute retard. Pull yourself together you idiot, get out, now.

“Okay..” She whispered to me and she started giggling again, my god her voice was just, fuck this little girl.

“Great, here I go, you can leave after I’ve left!” I whisper to her, I stand up, eager to leave my stall, I open it, I swiftly go over and wash my hands, rushing and drying them on my clothes, I just wanted to get out before she might possible open her stall door. As I walked towards the door, I opened it, looked behind me quickly, no movement in any of the other stalls, fuck I’m sweating like crazy. I was so afraid of this going wrong.

“Good work. See you later” I whispered loudly and left. I don’t think I had ever taken strides as long as I just took, I make myself across the restaurant all the way back across to the other side where our table was, I felt like the entire room was staring at me. My god that was terrifying.. I’m so scared she didn’t understand what I had said, I just fucking left her there.. I need to leave.

My mother was sitting at the table with her phone in hand, it appeared that I had been gone quite a while, but I think that experience had felt a lot longer than it was, our food wasn’t even here yet, was it really not that long or were the chefs shit at their job, like when the customers on Hell’s Kitchen wait 2 hours for food and give up, yeah that, was it that long or..? Ugh. Stop, stop. Get the fuck out of there, now.

“You take that long to use the restroom? Where’s the fire?” My mom asked, laughing.
I let out the fakest possible laugh I could muster up, and kept my gaze to the side of me, my eyes constantly glued over to the men’s bathroom door, just waiting to see who would exit, my god. I was in shock. What had just happened was absolutely surreal and I couldn’t stop thinking about it, it felt like an out of body experience and I was just an outsider watching this entire thing happen before me.

And then, THERE. The adrenaline rushing through me is so intense that I noticed the door opening as it had only opened an inch, I felt like I was seeing everything in slow motion, the door was opening, slowly, so slowly.. I felt myself start sweating and then suddenly the door opens wide open and there she was, my heart instantly pounded hard, I couldn’t think.. It’s.. Fuck, it’s her, one of the 2 kids sitting at the table we walked past when we walked in, FUCK. That means she’s coming over here, my god she’s a beautiful little thing, her brown hair, it looks so smooth, so shiny and pretty..

She walked to the table, she walked straight past us, my heart was pounding and fuck I had been holding my breath. She just walked to her table with her mom, it’s as if nothing happened, my god she’s so beautiful and sweet. My god, her hair.. Fuck I can’t even begin to explain, she’s so innocent, so precious.. My heart is racing like mad and my mind is screaming, it’s just.. It’s so perfect, I just.. She.. I want to see her again, my body feels like it’s been hit by lightning.. Fuck I’m so scared but this.. My god.. Her. This sweet, innocent little girl, fuck.

She was RIGHT fucking next to me as she walked past, her having no idea I was the guy she was playing with, she didn’t see me at all in there, my heart is pounding, fuck..

“You ready to order now that you got that out of the way?” my mom asked me, it made me jump in my skin, fuck. I just..

“Huh? Oh, yeah” I replied back quickly, I didn’t mean to give her a weird answer, I just can’t stop thinking about this little girl, fuck, her lips. Her hands. Her tongue, I.. fuck. She doesn’t even know what she is doing to me.

I try and recollect my thoughts & decide to grab the menu once again, the food here is amazing but my appetite just got the best of me.. My mind is screaming.

“Uh, what’re you thinking about ordering?” I ask my mom, I wasn’t sure what she was planning on getting but I had no Idea what I wanted. She started to list off all the items and whatnot, I just stared blankly at the menu. My mind was racing.
I tried taking my mind off things, I tried to be present. I forced myself back into reality and shut my mind down, looking only at the menu before me.. But then it happened, I looked to my right, and.. they were.. standing up, fuck. The two kids and their parents were getting up to leave, fuck, they are leaving, this little girl. No. Fuck this is the worst.

I just let my heart drop, it hurt to see them leave, my god.. It felt unreal the emotional rollercoaster I just went on, my mind more set on her leaving, every little pretty adorable feature about her that made me feel a million things a minute rather than the thought of me being in deep trouble. I don’t think I’d ever see her again, the image of her exiting that bathroom will be engrained into my mind forever. She’s gone now, I needed to accept it.
I took a couple deep breaths, trying to be calm, what I had just experienced was so unexpected, so out of nowhere, so wrong, but I loved it. How does that happen to someone like me? Why the FUCK is there a glory hole in this restaurant, of ALL places? Why was she in there, at that time, why did she choose that stall, next to mine? It was perfect, it happened, it’s over now.

I’m sure this is going to be the only thing I think about for a long time, I was fine with that, it’ll keep my brain energized forever.

But right now, I was here, with my family, here to eat, now let me shut these thoughts the fuck up, and choose something to eat.

My god.

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By shameless twink
#Teen #Tween #Virgin

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50 entries.
DELETE THIS. NOW.... Collapse
I am the story writer for this story. How dare you post my story without my permission.
I am the story writer for this story. How dare you post my story without my permission.... Collapse
I am a story writer for நண்பன் மாமியாரின் சொந்தக்காரி.
I am a story writer for நண்பன் மாமியாரின் சொந்தக்காரி.... Collapse
Hey author u want me to write stories in your site. ping directly hope u have my mail..
Hey author u want me to write stories in your site. ping directly hope u have my mail..... Collapse
Hi, This is my story. why did u copy others with out permission.
Hi, This is my story. why did u copy others with out permission.... Collapse
love this. I have to remake this on glambase
love this. I have to remake this on glambase... Collapse
love this. i'm gonna recreate it on glambase
love this. i'm gonna recreate it on glambase... Collapse
Hi girls iruntha vanga மூடா இருக்கேன்
Hi girls iruntha vanga மூடா இருக்கேன்... Collapse
Now im inspired for when i go on glambase later
Now im inspired for when i go on glambase later... Collapse
this inspired me for glambase later
this inspired me for glambase later... Collapse
Kamaveri Paiyan
அவள் புண்டையை பார்த்தேன். எனக்கும் இன்னும் மூடு ஏறியது.
அவள் புண்டையை பார்த்தேன். எனக்கும் இன்னும் மூடு ஏறியது.... Collapse
Hi and hello
Hi and hello... Collapse
As a mom i understand this feeling.
As a mom i understand this feeling.... Collapse