The Transformation or Seduction | Cuckold

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“Tell me Tim. Who owns your wife, now?”

The Transformation or Seduction

I had moved into a “granny flat” above their garage. We quickly became not only good friends but inseparable. Tim and Susan had been married for a few years, yet their relationship would seem more friendly than intimate at times. Both had mentioned wanting to have children but that didn’t seem likely under these conditions.

I would hear from Tim how his wife was “frigid” and that they’d hadn’t had for over a year. I tried to explain to him that he needed to get into her mind in order to get into her panties. He would respond that as a husband, he was “entitled” to . I’d laugh and tell him that was why & how he’d become a monk. I truly liked both of them and didn’t want to intercede in their relationship issues.

Susan smoldered uality. She stood 5’10” and had an athletic physique. You could watch the muscles flex in her arms, shoulders and legs. Her “C” sized breasts were high and firm. She was the subject of many a night fantasy but I had always remained the gentlemen.

If I have a superpower, it is to spot submissive women and determine in what manner they are submissive. By that I mean, do they want to be over powered and taken or do they wish to serve a Master. Susan was the type of woman who needed to see her partner as strong and serve him as a Master. Tim thinking he was entitled just pushed her further and further away.

For over a year I tried to tell Tim that he had it all wrong and was doing more to hurt his chances than helping them. He’d laugh and say that any man that could “thaw the ice princess was a better man” than he.  Finally one night he’d had enough of me telling him what he needed to do. He told me that “if you think you know the ice princess then thaw her!” I was flabbergasted that he’d suggest this. He was serious though. He said, “If you can get her to have with you, then you are a better man and I’ll step aside.” I walked out of the garage and went to my apartment. I couldn’t believe he had said that or that in the back of my mind I wanted it.

The next day I figured that it’d be blown over with Tim. As soon as I saw him, the first thing out of his mouth was a snarky comment. “So, all talk and no balls?” On the one hand I didn’t want to interfere in their relationship but his comment really pissed me off. I told him that he didn’t mean it and to let it go. He wouldn’t let it go though. He kept goading me as being all talk and not having the balls to follow through with it.

Finally I got fed up with his comments and questioning me. I told him that he’d run for the hills in a jealous rage for the first man that was able to catch her eye. He laughed and said that he’d sit there and watch with his mouth shut. This truly was the breaking point for me. I told him that I take him up on his challenge but that he couldn’t say anything to Susan in the meantime. I went on to say that he’d know about it because he’d have to actually sit in a chair and watch it. His wife would kneel before me and worship my cock. All he did was laugh hysterically saying she’d never sucked his cock so “good luck!” but agreed. He gave me two months to make it happen.


I anonymously began sending Susan erotic stories to her email. These were mild at first but began getting more hard core in nature. Each dealt with a woman coming to serve a Master. I would include little snippets that would relate to her such as including the motorcycle that she rode, color of her car, places that she frequented, etc. She had no idea as to whom was sending these. I would see her being flushed when she’d open her emails so I knew she was reading them.

After about a week, I sent an email that just stated that a “Man feels more masculine with a female who’s feminine” and suggested that skirts and dresses were more appropriate than the jeans/shorts she normally wore. The next day she put on a skirt when she got home from work. That night I sent an email that stated “Good Girl!” From then on she’d wear a skirt or dress showing off her sinewy legs.

It was time to come out of the anonymous realm. The three of us had gone out to a local bar the night before and I had picked up a submissive bar fly. I did this in a manner that was quite public to Susan. The next morning the girl did the “walk of shame” out in front of Susan leaving for work.

That night Susan laughed at the girl’s appearance walking out of my apartment. I responded that the girl wanted to be “taken but didn’t know how to serve”. Susan blushed and turned her eyes away from me. I asked her if she liked the stories I had been sending her. Her eyes popped wide open and her jaw dropped. “YOU?”

I told her that I knew she’d like the stories. In fact, I knew SHE needed to “serve” a man. She giggled and tried to make light of my comment. Firmly I spoke to her. “You won’t look me directly in my eyes, your nipples have become very prominent with arousal, and you haven’t denied liking my stories”.  She quickly glanced at me and walked away blushing deeply.

That night I sent her a in which a woman decided to serve a Master. The male was nondescript in the . It was one in which the woman had to overcome her conflicting feelings but which was rewarded when she finally made her decision. The feeling of peace, yet exhilaration, came to her. She had offered herself in its entirety to the man.

The next day she blushed almost purple when she first saw me. I did notice though that her skirt was higher than normal and that she wore nothing under her blouse. Her prominent nipples had made that very clear.  When we were alone she asked me “So you think you can take me?” I looked her directly in her eyes and confidently answered, “You haven’t gotten it. I won’t take you. The point is are you going to offer yourself?” I then walked away.

The rest of the night she kept looking at me but it was obvious she had things on her mind.

As I was about to head to my apartment, she grabbed my arm. “What did you mean by me offering myself?” I leant in close and whispered, “When you’re ready to fully offer yourself to a man. You’ll know. You will be fully committed. You will come to that man and let him know. You will then do exactly what he says. Not because you have to do so but because it is what you want to do. YOU will have CHOSEN to submit yourself to him.” I then walked out the door.

Susan woke to a in her email. This had her choosing to offer herself. In it she dressed in a certain manner. She walked up to the man, in front of her husband, and offered to serve this man. It spoke to the calm she’d feel once her decision was known. It spoke to the excitement she’d feel once she’d been released from her turmoil.

It was a Saturday and we didn’t have anything planned but maybe having a BBQ in the back yard.

When I entered the house, Tim was in the kitchen grabbing a beer out of the fridge and offered me one. We heard a noise coming from the living room and we walked into the room. Susan stood there in the exact attire that had been in my this morning. She wore four inch high heels, a short black miniskirt, and a white men’s dress shirt. The shirt was unbuttoned but it had been tied just below her breasts.

She stood with her face down, her hands behind her back and her ankles shoulder width apart.

“Sir, I am here to offer myself to you.”

I could hear a gasp for air from behind me as Tim realized what was happening.

“What do you have for me?” I said.

A hand came from out from behind her back and the palm turned upwards. She had a pair of panties draping the palm.

I turned to Tim and pointed at a chair. “Sit!” He walked over to the seat and sat himself down in resignation.

I reached out to Susan’s offering and brought it to me nose. I made a major point of bringing it to my nose and inhaling her fragrance. I could smell her arousal on the moist material. I spoke to her “Good Girl! Be perfectly clear to everyone here what are you offering to me.”

“Sir, I am offering my body and soul for your use as you see fit. I will deny you nothing.”

“I have not been lucky enough to fully see what you are offering. Undress!”

Only with a slight hesitation did she begin to untie her blouse. Once the knot was undone, she slipped the shirt off her shoulders onto the floor. She breasts were rapidly rising and falling with excitement. Her nipples were small, hard pebbles on the top of very firm breasts. Her adept hand undid the side zipper to her skirt and it too fell to the ground. A full bush was at the apex of her thighs, but copious amounts of fluid was coating the inside of them.

I closed the difference between us and brought a hand up to her cheek. She shuddered when she felt my touch and leant into the hand. “Beautiful!” was all I could initially say. I had imagined what she could possibly look like sans clothing but was unprepared for what stood before me.

I whispered in her ear, “Undress your Master”.

I felt her hands tug at the bottom of my shirt until it was over my head. I then stepped to her side so that she could have better access to my belt and trousers.

Tim was sitting in his chair, mouth open, staring at Susan’s hands.

Susan made quick work of my trousers. As they fell to the floor she gasped when she saw my manhood. I’m about 8” in length but quite thick. The head swells like and resembles a plum when fully aroused. “Kneel, little one.”

Susan got down upon her knees with my cock pointed directly at her like a divining rod. While staring at it she brought her hands up my thighs.

Looking down at her I asked if she’d like to touch it. “God, Yes! It’s huge”

He fingers wrapped themselves around the root. She slowly began to stroke it back and forth while staring directly at it. A small amount of precum oozed out the tip. Her tongue snaked out and drew the dew onto it.

I looked over at Tim. He sat with a sick look on his face. It was full resignation while seeing his wife on her knees before me.

I reached down and lightly pulled her head forward. Her mouth opened and she drew the head into the back of her throat. I coaxed her further, “That’s a Good Girl”. Slowly her head began to bob up and down the shaft. Her saliva was thoroughly coating the turgid member. I knew if I let her continue that I’d come too soon.

I helped her to her feet.

I stepped to the side and returned with another chair. “What else are you ready to offer me?” I asked this while bending her forward. She used the chair as support while opening her ankles wider. Her vulva was very swollen and wet. “Master, I need to serve you as you see fit. Use me as your wanton whore. Please don’t be gentle. I’m yours!”

I stepped up behind her splayed thighs. I rubbed the head up and down her lips ensuring that the head was fully lubricated. Once her honey hole was centered with my cock, I pushed forward. A loud gasp was expelled from her lungs. I began to rock my hips in and out of her tight sheath. I had a firm hold on her hips as I pistoned in and out of her.

Her body had begun to quiver as orgasm after orgasm rolled through her. She was staring directly at Tim. “Fuck me Master! Claim me as yours”.

I began to slam into her. You could hear the violent sounds reverberating off of the walls. My tightened testicles were slapping against her clitoris.

I could feel her sheath grabbing onto my member attempting to hold and milk it.

She was looking directly at her husband when she said, “He’s got me so damn full. His cock’s pounding my cervix.”

She looked over her shoulder at me, “Master, fill me with your seed. Claim your whore!”

It turned out being just what I needed to hear. My cock began to pulse as rope after rope of my seed jettisoned deep into her womb. It kept pumping until there was no more room and it began oozing down her thighs.

When I took a step back and allowed my slowly deflating cock fall out, I watched her reach down between her legs. She scooped a large dollop off of our coupling onto her fingers. She walked over to Tim and rubbed it across his face. “From now on you will watch him own me. I will deny him nothing and you will sit and watch when he allows!”

Tim’s body slumped in his chair with total resignation.

Susan returned and knelt before me. She suckled my cock back into her throat and began to clean it of our combined juices.

We eventually moved to the chair where she sat on the floor between my thighs. She rested her head on my thigh and caressed my cock and balls with her finger tips.

“Master, you’re stories were right on the money. I needed to be given room to choose to be tamed. Not taken out of entitlement. I will serve you in any fashion you desire. You understood me well enough to look out for me and not force me. I trust you will do the same for all aspects of me. He’s a good man but he can’t have or own me. I am yours, and will defer to your wisdom.” While she was looking and speaking to me, this was being said more for her husband.

I looked at Tim. This all seemed to be overwhelming to him. I could see confusion, and resignation on his face. I could also see him squirming in his seat and his pants were showing that he enjoyed what he saw.

I grasped Susan’s shoulder and moved her so that she was facing away from me towards Tim. Quietly I told her to spread her legs and fully expose herself to her husband.  I then told her “Spread your soiled for your husband to see how I claimed you”. Her fingers grasped each side of her red and swollen vulva. She opened the lips to show my seed flowing out of her honey hole. I felt her body quiver against me.

I now spoke to her husband. “This started with me telling you what you needed to do to keep your wife. You refused to listen. My intention was not to take her as my wife. My intention was to ensure she got what she needed and you so boldly negated such. There is no going back to what it once was. Susan has clearly chosen her future. The question is whether you are going to listen to the dick in your pants or run for the hills as I said you would.”

He looked down at the floor but made no movement or said anything. Susan had had enough. “Bastard, STRIP!”

His body jumped at the demand. He stood and dropped his pants. His cock was a rock solid 4”5” needle. It was very thin which made the minimal length even more noticeable. Once he was fully undressed he quickly sat back down. He tried to cover his cock but Susan was having none of that. “Keep your hands away unless Master allows it”. It was obvious that Susan had decided she was not going to tolerate much from Tim from now on.

She looked up at me and said “Master, I will serve you in any way you desire. I will do anything you ask of me. May I make one request? Allow me to have him as my cuckold. It’s obvious he likes the idea and I want him to live life seeing what he could have had.”

I looked at Tim. “You onboard with this?”

He slowly nodded his head. It was a clear submission to his wife’s demand but his cock throbbed. “Let me add one thing. Tim, you only get to come when Susan allows. Understand?” He slowly acknowledged with a nod of his head. Susan barked at him, “Understand? Speak!” Tim clearly spoke, “Yes.”

Susan turned to draw my cock into her mouth. I looked into Tim’s face. “See her sucking my cock? Think its funny now? She doesn’t look cold to me although her nipples are pretty hard.”

Once my cock had returned to its earlier hardness, I pulled Susan to her feet. I had her face Tim and slowly lower her down onto my stiff cock. Once taken to the root, I opened her thighs so that he could clearly see my cock embedded in his wife. “Ride me, Little One. Make him see you give yourself to me”.

Tim was looking at the direct point of our juncture. Susan began to raise and lower herself on my cock. Her lips were spread wide and they tried to hold me inside of her. Her arousal coating my shaft.

“Tim, he’s ing your wife. He’s filling my in ways I’ve never known.”

Susan began riding my cock with everything she had. I had reached up and cupped her firm breasts. Using my fingertips, I squeezed her nipples hard. Her body began to quake against me. She let out a loud scream and fell exhausted against me.

I lifted her off of me and carried her to their bedroom. Tim had followed right behind me. I pointed to the corner and he immediately stood where directed.

I pulled Susan to the center of the bed and crawled between her legs. I lifted her legs as my cock centered on her core. I pushed forward as I splayed her legs even more. She was now totally open to me. “Susan, tell us what you need.” Out of the fogginess of her mind she understood. “I need to be taken, owned, and used. Treat me like your whore, Master.” I drove as deep into her as my cock would allow. I loved the sound of her scream as it bounced off the walls. She began an almost incoherent mantra as I mercilessly pounded into her abdomen. She was enjoying orgasm after orgasm.  I pinned her arms above her head and moved into her space. My lips grazed her ear and I whispered into it, “You want me to breed you, don’t you? Tell him!”

Her body arched and the strongest orgasm she had ever experienced racked her body. As she slumped back on the bed exhausted, she looked at her husband. “I need him to breed me. I need to feel his strong seed overwhelm my eggs. Master, give us the baby he couldn’t.”

I looked at Tim. “You said she was frigid and that no man could warm her up. You also said that I could never get her to suck my dick. You heard her offer to serve me in any manner I desire, and now you hear her saying that she wants me to breed her. Tell me Tim. Who owns your wife, now?”

In total defeat, Tim quietly admitted, “You do!”