The Tick Box Trio |

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His escapist writing had come to an end and a cool drink brought reality back into focus. The square wasn’t particularly busy, but it had become noisier, as the three women who had arrived planned their next move.

The loudly discussed and agreed plan of action involved sitting at his table. When the three women did so, he saw the logo ‘Tick Box Trio Summer 2024 Tour’ on each of their tee shirts.

He made no effort to hide his laughter at the wording displayed. Helping boxes to get ticked often featured in his stories and it seemed like fate that finishing the latest one and his visitors sitting down had happened simultaneously.

“We’re just a bit more forward about our boxes and what we want to happen to them.” one of the young women explained, on seeing his amusement.

One of the key elements of the bond between the three women was their genuine delight when one of them was recounting their experiences. It never once mattered to any of them if what was spoken about was their ‘thing’ or not, it would always be a shared pleasure in something making one of them feel good.

“There’s more than one way to come together,” was the injoke phrase the trio used and this was shared with the man now a key player in proving that.

“Quality!” he said with a giggle.

Although he was fascinated by those he had just met, he didn’t want to feel he was intruding on a close group. He didn’t worry about it, but he was curious about these three women and their ‘in your face’ confidence.

The assured nature of those who had joined him was something he was drawn to, rather than being intimidated by. In his writing, female characters were usually more confident and he felt the fact women who displayed this often reached their goals was no accident.

“What was the last box you ticked?” one of the women enquired.

The question was one he wasn’t surprised to hear being asked in the current situation whatsoever.

“Sneaky blow job from a local lady in the pouring rain in a city in Eastern Europe, although the tick wasn’t dependent on the Eastern European aspect, to be fair,” he replied.

The lack of hesitation in response and the humour within found the trio all thinking their company could be a useful asset to their mischief mission. The thrill seekers shared the view there was a time and a place to be serious, but also that on the verge of helping three wicked vixens with their bucket list, wasn’t it?

The thought of trying to guess what a woman might have on her bucket list was something Neil had long since dispensed with doing. Being accosted by a woman on a night out intended to be spent celebrating a friend’s birthday and being told to fuck her as many times as he could was unexpected, but It had shaped his approach to the topic ever since.

With Neil’s answer to the question about his bucket list given, the talk turned to those of the three women.

“I’m pretty sure we know what will be on each others’ lists, but life is full of surprises sometimes. I’m known by the others as ‘The Listener,’ when we’re on our missions. This is ‘The Watcher’ and she’s known as ‘Action Girl’.” The woman Neil now knew as The Listener said.

After taking a marker pen from her bag, The Listener began writing on one of three pieces of card she had also retrieved from it. The Watcher and Action Girl also wrote on their cards, after which, everyone settled.

“It would be rude of me not to introduce myself to those who’ve done so. ‘The teller’ is the name I go by.” Neil, the man who now had the Tickbox Trio to satisfy, said.

Hearing him identify himself as The teller made everyone smile, The most animated of the trio was The Listener.

“I’ll need to be first!” The Listener declared. It was something her friends felt would be a good idea too.

The Listener passed her card to The teller for him to read. The details of the box she felt she needed to tick most were clear and direct.

‘Without touching me, or me touching myself, make me climax,’

Each of the trio had reasons for their choices. In the first case, The Listener’s need had developed after time spent isolated from the rest of the world, when quarantined. This had happened after a roommate had contracted a highly contagious exotic virus.

“So there I was. I felt fine, but I couldn’t go anywhere. I had my phone, the internet, and all the tools I needed, but it wasn’t the same. I tried every toy I could think of and every way to listen to, or read, what was being offered. It wasn’t bad, but I knew it could be better.” The Listener explained.

When she spoke about the moment she had realised why what she had tried had failed, The Listener remembered vividly the moment the missing piece had been identified.

“One guy had created something for me to listen to. I sat plunging my fingers and toys inside me, as he excited me with his thoughts, but there was a barrier. It wasn’t about him needing to do what he was saying, it was something else.” she continued.

Everyone smiled at the description of the moment the penny had dropped for The Listener and she had realised she needed the scent of a teller’s body, their presence, and similar types of reality to reach her goal with a .

“I also knew it was important for someone to care about my goal enough to understand and find a teller being there in person to matter to them too,” she concluded.

There was something powerful in what had been said in the opinion of all who had heard The Listener speak. Her friends realised the stranger in their midst didn’t know her as they did, but they felt confident The teller would do whatever he could to reward the soulbearing he had heard.

A task such as the one set was one his love of writing made very appealing to The teller. He did wonder if the other challenges he would face might be more difficult, but at least he didn’t have time to worry about this.

‘I want you to make me come with some sneaky . Hidden, but with the everpresent danger of being found out,’ Action Girl’s card had written on it.

Action Girl’s explanation of her ticklist desire came with a personal touch. Her friends all agreed on this goal and the reasons for it matched her personality too. The words The teller heard intrigued him.

“In the beginning, when people talked about the fear of being discovered adding to pleasure, I just didn’t get it. I didn’t see how being worried about something could make a positive difference, but that changed one night. I was having a really good time with a man I’d met in a bar and because I knew nobody else would be back for at least a week, we went back to mine.

He told me the certainty of not being disturbed would give us the freedom to do whatever we wanted, however often we wanted to and that not having to worry about being found out was great.

I remember thinking what he had said to reassure me had seemed very sweet, but also that there was a part of me he didn’t want to find out about and didn’t realise how much risk might mean to me. I thought about this quite often when we were in my flat, but I knew, deep down, what he thought was being considerate was him not understanding me. I remember us having plenty of . I remember it being OK, but not great. The moment I realised he didn’t like risk and wasn’t prepared to indulge someone who did was when I knew I had to search for a like mind to allow me to satisfy my need.

Two explanations having been completed left just one remaining. Whilst the trio were increasingly excited about what might lay ahead, they were also more relaxed about the safeguards in place to help make it more likely all would go well. The practicalities of turning fantasy into reality had never been an issue until now, but the man in their midst seemed to have something about him that suggested he would deal with any matters well. Feeling certain he’d steer things back on track was something all of those waiting shared. It was another aspect of what was in store that both excited and reassured The Tickbox Trio,

“Last but not least,” The teller announced with a formal tone, as the final card and its owner took centre stage.

The Watcher passed her card to The teller, giggling as she did so.

‘I want you to make me come by letting me watch my friends having fun and telling me all about everything’ it read.

Identifying her love of seeing the pleasure of others hadn’t come as a surprise to The Watcher’s friends, but her willingness to share this so bluntly hadn’t been expected. It showed them just how safe The Watcher found the environment she was in, which the remainder of those present were delighted to discover.

As the last set of demands was announced, the waiter took an order for drinks. The two large glasses each that were ordered for those present meant a repeat visit to their table by staff would be later, rather than sooner and three increasingly horny women appreciated what they knew was behind The teller’s actions. When The teller offered to pay straight away, together with a very large tip that almost doubled the bill, the waiter smiled at his quartet of customers. The waiter understood. Everyone knew he did.

Spending some time with their drinks, the waiting women watched The teller prepare his notes. Once happy, the teller looked at The Watcher, The Listener, and Action Girl.

“We’d better crack on then,” he advised.

Taking a moment to compose himself in his seat, The teller lowered his jeans to his ankles, behind checked tablecloths that reached the floor. He wasn’t subtle when he did this, hoping, in some way, it was obvious what he was doing and might be of benefit to those who were waiting. It was.

With Action Girl and The Watcher’s adventure planned to take place beneath the table in his mind, The teller looked at the flow of people passing by. After waiting for a gap, it presented itself a moment or two later.

“Down you go, ladies,” The teller said, sending the trio who were ready and waiting into a fit of mischievous giggles,

Once the two with places reserved ‘downstairs’ had arrived and settled themselves in, the final member of the trio focused her attention on The teller, who was sitting opposite her. As she fixed her gaze, her friends slipped her knickers off to allow them to get a better view of the anticipated show her horny lips and folds would put on.

“Go for it,” The Listener demanded playfully.

The idea of The Listener being turned on by a spoken in the present location was something the other two women thought was perfect. They knew it was a tough job The teller had taken on, but they also realised everyone would work hard to give him the best possible chance of success.

“If I pull this off, do I get a biscuit?” The teller asked.

“You’ll get something sweet to chew on, I promise,” came the reply, as Action Girl pushed her touch inside herself and collected a pool of wetness, before smoothing it over the lower part of The teller’s legs that were beside her.

Although it may not have been the best way to calm the nerves of a waiting narrator, Action Girl eased The teller’s last traces of nervousness away. He decided that if one out of the three was already eager to show they were ready, eager, and horny, others might follow and all could end happily.

The was about a woman’s need to find better encounters with strangers who she met randomly. The primary audience for it confined herself to sighs of contentment and giggles, whilst those under the table enjoyed hearing the , whilst resisting the urge to play. It was not an easy battle for them to win at all, but at this point, at least, they were.

The need for those seated downstairs to bring the being read out to life was intense, as they waited for their moments in the drama to unfold. They listened to their friend’s sounds of appreciation happily, whilst feeling glad there wasn’t a ‘ no touching’ agreement below the table. With this in mind, a couple of words of confirmation were all that was needed for Action Girl and The Watcher to slip fingers into each other, as the being read out unfolded and they could wait no more.

“Girly time,” Action Girl said with delight in her voice.

The Watcher fixed her gaze on the face of Action Girl and smiled as she felt fingertips stroking lightly and slowly upon her while listening to the words spoken and reactions above. If it had been anyone outside her present company who had begun to do what they were doing, she knew it would have been unwelcome, but it wasn’t and it felt special.

For The Listener, looking at The teller and hearing the words he spoke was the perfect partner for enjoying the sounds of her friends below sharing sensual finger time. She felt so much at ease in the current reality and confirmed it with a rare moment of speech.

“I wish I hadn’t gone for the handsfree option right now, but I will be glad I did soon,” The Watcher called out in mock irritation.

Picturing herself as the lead in the was simplicity itself for The Listener, as its primary audience. Wherever was getting attention in what was being said, that part of her body felt it. Her wetness pulsated when his words painted the pictures and she felt so contented.

“He looked down to see her fingertips had reached the top of his briefs;” The teller read out slowly.

“Oh yes please,” a voice bellowed from beneath the table.

Action Girl had earned her title in the group fittingly during its existence. as had The Watcher and The Listener. If The Listener had decided to stray from her usual path, her friends knew it meant this was a special occasion for her. Even without any changes, one would enjoy, one would watch her friends’ delight and one would hear the sound of it and of the words that were doing their job. The trio had enjoyed a great deal together as friends, but this was beginning to have the potential to be memorably beautiful.

As the drama was unfolding, those passing by did so in their worlds. Many would be happy, successful, possibly wealthy, but nobody at, or under, that table would have traded places with anyone at this moment.

Action Girl taking The teller’s cock between her fingertips happened as a very vocal group walked by.

The emphasis on mischief the noisy and perilously close encounter provided was perfectly timed.

“Good evening,” one of the group said to The teller and the focus of his work’s attention, who was sat opposite.

“Good evening,” came the reply, as those ‘downstairs’ tried to stifle giggles of amusement. The passing group gathered together for a discussion, doing so closer to the table than was ideal. For a moment, there was concern, but the new arrivals reached an agreement, before deciding to leave to find somewhere else to drink.

Lying below, Action Girl and The Watcher heard the sound of the group disappearing into the distance after a few tense moments. They were relieved but also highly amused, as well as horny.

In a true spirit of togetherness, it had become clear to Action Girl that holding The teller in her hand as he read was nice, but giving fingertip attention to The Watcher might also be a good plan. This was an inspired call and the squeal of approval, once Action Girl’s touch slipped in, confirmed it. Observing was what she was here for, but The Watcher was more than happy to enjoy anything that might be added.

“Just helping The Watcher to enjoy the show better,” Action Girl explained to those seated above.

Hearing that one of her friends was excitedly holding The teller’s cock in one hand and about to start circling another’s clit with the other took The Listener to another level. When The teller read out his words, he adapted them to include real events. Every movement The LIstener heard about made her pussy more eager, although she was beginning to worry if the attention The teller was getting from others below might prevent him from reading all of his words to her.

“All for one and one for all,” she scolded.

Everyone knew The Listener’s words were about the need to pace everything correctly, to allow the best chance of pleasure simultaneously. The issue was resolved straight away and amicably, however, without any further explanation given, or required.

Observing a friend devouring a cock, whilst hearing another so deeply aroused by the was heaven for The Watcher. An idea that had come to mind seemed worth airing and she did so straight away.

“Should I stroke his balls as you’re waiting for him when you’re ready?” The Watcher asked, bringing a sound from everyone present to confirm they liked the sound of the suggestion.

Although engrossed almost entirely in their world, The Watcher’s friends’ hearts beat faster at hearing what had been proposed. They realised The Watcher was adding new boxes to be ticked midsession, which they found both uplifting and Impressive.

As was the case with all of the aroused bodies present, The teller’s creation was working its way towards a memorable climax. It was as if all involved knew exactly how to synchronise everything and they were adding an extra thrill by attempting to do so.

In his , the stranger lover was being sucked and played with by two. This phase was so easy to visualise for The Listener, as she squirmed, rarely having felt as aroused about anything as she was in her current situation.

The additions and tweaks to the and its reality had all worked so well. Changing anything carried an element of risk, of course, but The teller remained alert to the possibility, as everyone’s excitement gathered.

Lifting herself very briefly from The teller’s cock, Action Girl looked at The Watcher, taking a breath, during the shared pleasure on the ‘lower deck’ beneath the table.

“Part of me won’t like me saying this, but if you require more, when you see us go large, I’ll be happy to stand aside and do some watching of my own,” Action Girl said to The Watcher with a huge smile on her face.

Although Action Girl’s words were directed primarily at her neighbour, all of those who heard them were delighted to have done so. Though unscripted, the words were as special and erotic as any contained in the .

“Over my boobs,” The Watcher answered, with an almost pleading tone in her voice.

Making a mental note of the amendment required, The teller knew he would need to focus on his reading to mask the desire inside he would have to release at some point. Elsewhere, similar battles were being fought, each ensuring extra energy in what was approaching.

Sat listening to his whilst the narrator was being sucked and with the promise of an agreed twist was a more intense combination than The Listener, or her friends present, could have imagined possible. For her part, The Watcher knew that some would always be scornful of her claims she was being as rewarded as well as anyone here, but they weren’t her and they weren’t here, so who cared what they thought?

The Watcher’s plot change request may have had a profound effect on her, but equally so on The Listener when she had heard it being made. She hadn’t been actively searching for a single phrase or noise that would make her feel certain her bucket list wish would be granted, but she realised she had just heard it from her friend.

“Brief update folks, I’m heading for the same place you all are and that’s a certainty,” The Listener announced with excitement.

This short statement achieved the almost impossible of bringing more joy to the scene. The Listener hadn’t wanted to wait any longer to spread the news either, partly because she wasn’t sure if her power of coherent speech would be there further along her journey.

To keep some level of control over her situation, The Watcher took the responsibility of giving brief updates to the ‘upper deck” about events taking place below. Just as with the ‘s words, those she uttered acted as a boost to shared arousal, as well as being a practical guide, to plan for everything and for everyone to celebrate together as one.

Supervising developments whilst being stroked and observing the action beside her needed concentration, but The Listener showed determination with her duties. She watched the movements of Action Girl’s work on The teller’s cock intently, meaning when she heard a groan and saw him shudder, it was as if she was aware of his climax before he had been.

“Showtime!” The Listener screamed out.

Hearing the word was like lighting a series of explosive fuse wires together, The , lips and tongue, and fingers, they all worked in unison. As The Listener heard The teller utter the words ‘wild, noisy climax’, her body ignited noisily into one of her own.

The sound was like no other and The Watcher was triggered into her treasured finale herself. Everything was made even more potent too, Action Girl’s frantic mouth sending The teller’s hot cum speeding down her throat.

The promise to share dual ownership of The teller’s flow meant a hungry mouth had less of a meal than it may have wanted. Today, however, it was the team that mattered most of all.

“He’s taking his cock out and The Watcher is waiting. She’s panting and sweating beautifully. Her body is twitching and I’m rubbing her clit.”

Action Girl’s takeover of the commentary, with The teller otherwise occupied, and the details of her words sent The Listener into writhing waves of erotic delivery. The teller’s work had been incredible, but to have one of the team take over the description saw The Watcher convulse in a fabulous, screaming release that rang out into the square and beyond.

The Watcher’s mind and body were in the grip of delicious chaos. She had heard and understood what Action Girl had said, and she was almost forgetting to breathe.

“He’s aiming. Buckle up, girls” Action Girl updated.

Seeing The teller withdraw had set wildfires around The Watcher’s body and she had been enjoying the ride since. In response to the commentary, The Watcher pushed her breasts forward and fixed her gaze on The teller, before he took careful aim and fired. The sensation of The teller’s cum hitting and splashing over her breasts and wildly aroused nipples was unmatched for The Watcher. If the sounds The Watcher bellowed as she wore his cum were meant to be words, they were lost in meaning. What they did demonstrate to those present, however, was the power of her climax, as it tore around her uncontrollably.

The teller’s adaptation of what he had planned to say was appreciated so much by all of those who were present. Hearing the words and the wild delight of those below shook a ferocious wave around The Listener’s body and sent the ‘s recipient into a delicious climax that was as beautiful as any she could recall.

The Watcher, The Listener, and Action Girl had all been delivered to climax, with the bonus of experiencing each other’s too.. Though wonderful in themselves, The Listener engrossed in her pleasure was something her friends knew they’d never forget. The teller had delivered more than The Tickbox Trio could have hoped for and watching him massaging The Watcher’s cumcovered breasts softly as she wept with joy was just wonderful,

Watching and listening to others made The Listener’s experience even more incredible than it would have been without this element. Reflecting on this was enough to ignite another barrage of orgasms for her. Heightened by listening to the noises of delight from The Watcher, The Listener squirmed, as she massaged her breasts and sucked her fingers to taste the flow of his cum that had made her climax so dreamy.

The Listener enjoyed every second of her new wild climax, as did all of those in the gathered group who had shared their own. It was one of those moments in time where the desire to preserve it meant words needed to be kept to a minimum. This was another occasion when all present were coming from the same place and so The teller decided to be the one to voice closure to avoid awkwardness.

“Box ticked, Time to move on. That will be your next line, I guess?” he said.

The teller’s comment drew no answer, although it did prompt a response as treasured as any of the memories of the day that stayed with him. A boxticker’s tee shirt was passed around to each member. In turn, they pressed it over and inside themselves, before it was handed to the man who had made the friends’ team name so appropriate.

Nights like these would always remind the box tickers of why they’d ordered plenty of extras when placing the order for the shirts.

“Enjoy!” The trio said together, before checking they had all of their belongings collected and then disappeared into the night.