The Threesome |

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It was an unusually warm spring evening and Carlyn and her boyfriend George were sitting in bed. She was reading a book and he was doing a wide range of random stuff on his phone. They had been together for about twelve years now and had been almost inseparable since they met in their early twenties. Their life, had long not been the way it once was and George decided, after long deliberation, it was time to bite the bullet.

“You know, babe,” George began, his voice tentative, “I’ve always had this… well, it’s kind of a kinky fantasy.”

Carlyn looked up from her book, raising an eyebrow. She knew George had his quirks, but she had no idea where this was going.

“What’s that?” she asked, curiosity piqued.

He took a deep breath before letting it out slowly, his eyes not meeting hers. “It’s about… being cuckolded.”

The room was silent for a moment, the only sound the ticking of the clock on the wall. Carlyn felt a mix of surprise and confusion. This was certainly new territory for their relationship.

“Cuckolded?” she echoed, setting her book down. “As in, you want me to… cheat on you?”

George looked up, his eyes earnest. “Sort of. But with my consent, and only as a fantasy. It’s just something I’ve always found… exciting, I guess.”

Carlyn leaned back, processing the information. She’d heard of people with such fantasies before, but she’d never considered it herself. It was definitely not her cup of tea, but she could see the appeal for George.

“I don’t know, George,” she said finally. “It’s a bit extreme for me.”

He nodded, looking disappointed but understanding. “I just had to tell you. It’s been on my mind for a while.”

The conversation lingered in the air, unresolved. Carlyn didn’t know how to feel. But as she lay in bed that night, she couldn’t shake the thought.

A few days later, she was at the gym with her best friend, Florence. They were both sweaty and out of breath, sharing a water bottle between sips as they took a break. Florence looked at her knowingly. “So, what’s up with George’s little revelation?”

Carlyn rolled her eyes. “It’s just weird, you know?”

Florence laughed. “Well, to each their own. I mean…” She leaned in closer. “William and I have always been talking, and we both have this… thing for threesomes.”

Carlyn’s eyes widened. “You’re kidding.”

“Nope,” Florence said, wiping her forehead with a towel. “It’s just something we’ve both fantasized about. We’ve talked about it, but we’ve never acted on it. We don’t want to jeopardize what we have.”

The words hung between them, heavy with implication. Carlyn felt a little tingly but wasn’t ready to suggest whatever possibility lay inbetween them.

Florence’s cheeks flushed, but her gaze remained steady. “Well, we’ve talked about it with each other. We both want to experience being with another woman. And, well, you’ve always been there for me, Car. I trust you.”

Carlyn felt a sudden rush of excitement and nervousness. “Are you… asking me to be that third person?”

Florence nodded, her cheeks still flushed. “William has mentioned it a few times. He thinks you’re really attractive, and I trust you completely.”

Carlyn felt her heart pounding in her chest. The idea was both terrifying and thrilling. She took a deep breath and let the thought of being with her best friend’s boyfriend simmer in her mind.

“I’m not sure, Flo,” she said, trying to keep her voice even. “It’s a big step.”

Florence nodded. “I get it. But think about it, Car. It could be an amazing experience for all three of us. And if it’s what George wants too…”

The wheels in Carlyn’s mind were turning. It dawned on her that George’s cuckolding fantasy and their desire for a threesome could be perfectly aligned. The more she thought about it, the more she could see the appeal of bringing George’s fantasy to life. It was a chance to explore something new together, something that could potentially deepen their connection.

But it was William’s physicality that truly piqued her interest. He was the epitome of a man’s man: tall, muscular, with a chiseled jaw and piercing brown eyes. Carlyn had always been attracted to George’s more average build, but there was something undeniably alluring about William’s powerhouse physique. It was a thrill she hadn’t experienced in a long time.

Days turned into nights, and the fantasy grew in her mind. She found herself thinking about it during the most mundane tasks, her body responding with a shiver of anticipation. It was during one of these moments, at night when she made her decision. She fantasised about William and noticed she got very wet.

The next day, Carlyn called Florence. “I’ve thought about it,” she said, her voice steady. “Let’s set it up.”

Florence’s eyes lit up when Carlyn told her the news. “What made you change your mind?” she asked, curiosity piqued.

Carlyn took a deep breath, feeling a mix of excitement and trepidation. “Well,” she began, “I’ve been thinking about it a lot, and I realized that I’m actually pretty turned on by the idea.” She paused, then added, “And not just because of George’s fantasy.”

Florence raised an eyebrow, her interest clearly piqued. “What do you mean?”

Carlyn took a deep breath, her heart racing. “I mean, the thought of being with William… it’s not just for George’s fantasy anymore. It’s become something I really want to do.”

Florence’s eyes widened. “Wow, Car, are you sure about this?”

Carlyn nodded, feeling a surprising thrill at her own words. “Yeah, I am. But there’s one condition.”

Florence leaned in closer, eager to hear. “What’s that?”

Carlyn swallowed. “I want to do it, but George can’t watch.” She took another deep breath. “It’s too much for me. I want to tell him everything after, but I can’t have him there.”

Florence nodded, understanding in her eyes. “I get it. It’ll be just for us, then.”

That night, Carlyn approached George with her decision. She told him about her conversation with Florence, and how she had come around to the idea. His eyes widened with shock, but then a slow smile spread across his face. “Really?” he asked, his voice thick with excitement.

“Yes,” she said, her voice firm. “But there’s one condition. You can’t be there.”

George’s smile faltered for a moment, but then he nodded. “I understand. It’s your comfort that matters most.” He took her hand in his. “But promise me one thing?”

“What’s that?” Carlyn asked, her heart racing.

“Promise me you’ll tell me everything,” George said, his voice low and intense. “I want to hear every single detail.”

Carlyn felt a thrill at his words. This was really happening. She nodded. “I will, babe. I promise.”

The night of the threesome, Carlyn’s stomach was in knots. She showered, taking extra care with her appearance, her thoughts racing. She picked out a y lingerie set, something George had bought her for their last anniversary, and applied makeup that made her feel confident and desirable. She slipped into a yellow leather pencil skirt and put on a y, sleeveless black top. She put on y black stockings underneath her pencil skirt.

When she arrived at Florence and William’s place, the tension in the air was palpable. William greeted her at the door, looking as nervous as she felt. He was dressed casually, in jeans and a tshirt, but the way his eyes raked over her body made it clear he wasn’t immune to the allure of the situation.

“You look… wow,” he managed to get out, his voice gruff.

Carlyn felt a rush of excitement as she stepped into the dimly lit apartment. William’s eyes traveled over her body, and she felt a thrill of power knowing that she had dressed to please him. It had been a long time since she had been the object of such raw desire from anyone other than George, and it was a heady feeling. She knew she had George’s permission, but the way William’s gaze lingered on her curves made her feel like she was doing something deliciously naughty.

Florence emerged from the kitchen, her own nervousness clear in the way she played with the hem of her shirt. She was dressed in a similar fashion, her brunette hair falling in waves down her back, her eyes sparkling with anticipation. The sight of her friend dressed up like this only served to make Carlyn’s pulse race faster.

They all sat down on the couch, the tension thick enough to cut with a knife. Florence took the lead, setting down a bottle of wine and three glasses. “Let’s have a drink to… you know, loosen things up.”

Carlyn nodded, her hands shaking slightly as she picked up the wine glass. The three of them clinked their glasses together and took a sip, the sound echoing through the quiet room. The alcohol warmed her throat, and she felt the nerves begin to dissipate.

“So, how do we do this?” William asked, breaking the silence.

Florence looked to Carlyn, who took a deep breath. “Why don’t we start slow?” she suggested, her voice a little shaky. “Maybe just some kissing and touching?”

William nodded, his gaze flicking between the two women. “Sounds good to me,” he said, his voice thick with desire.

Carlyn took a deep breath, her heart racing. She had never been with a woman before, but the idea of exploring that side of herself was surprisingly exciting. She turned to Florence, her best friend of over a decade. Florence’s eyes were filled with the same mix of excitement and nervousness, and Carlyn knew that this was going to be an unforgettable night.

They began with a kiss, soft and tentative at first, their lips brushing against each other’s. William watched with hungry eyes, his hand resting on the bulge in his jeans. As the kiss grew more passionate, their hands began to wander, exploring each other’s bodies with a newfound sense of curiosity. Carlyn felt Florence’s hand slide up her skirt, her fingers grazing the inside of her legs. The touch was electric, and she couldn’t help but moan softly.

They moved to the bedroom, the air heavy with desire. Carlyn and Florence both knew that William was the star of this show, but they also knew that they had to give each other something to make it feel real. They kissed and touched, each trying to outdo the other in their performance for him. Carlyn unclipped Florence’s bra, her eyes never leaving William’s as she revealed her full, round breasts. Florence returned the favor, her hands trembling as she unhooked Carlyn’s own bra, revealing her smaller, pert breasts.

William watched, his breathing labored, as the two women kissed and touched, their bodies moving in a dance of seduction that was just for him. Carlyn felt a thrill run through her as she realized that she was enjoying this more than she thought she would. She had always been attracted to George, but there was something about being with her best friend that was uniquely exciting. The idea that she was sharing this experience with George, that he was waiting at home for her to tell him every detail, only added to the excitement.

Florence broke the kiss, a mischievous smile playing on her lips. She looked at Carlyn and then back at William. “Why don’t we give the man what he really wants?” she suggested, her voice husky.

Carlyn felt a thrill of excitement as she followed Florence’s gaze down to the bulging crotch of William’s jeans. It was impossible to miss the massive erection straining against the fabric. She had never seen anything quite like it before, and she couldn’t help but feel a little intimidated. But the desire in William’s eyes and the thrill of the forbidden was too much to resist.

With a seductive smile, Carlyn reached out and touched William’s thigh, her hand moving closer and closer to the source of his excitement. She could feel the heat radiating from his body, and she knew he was just as eager as she was. He groaned when she finally made contact, his hips bucking upward slightly. She glanced at Florence, who was watching with a mix of curiosity and arousal.

Leaning in, William’s mouth found hers. The kiss was electric, sending shockwaves through Carlyn’s body. She felt guilty for a moment, but the thrill of doing something so forbidden with her best friend’s boyfriend was too much to ignore. She kissed him back, her hands moving up to tangle in his hair. His hands roamed over her body, cupping her breasts, squeezing her ass, sending waves of pleasure through her.

Florence watched, her own arousal building. She reached over and began to unbutton William’s shirt, her hands trembling with excitement. As the fabric fell away, his muscular chest was revealed, and Carlyn couldn’t help but stare. He was everything George wasn’t, and the stark contrast was incredibly alluring. She felt a twinge of guilt, but it was quickly overridden by desire.

William noticed Carlyn’s gaze and preened, flexing his biceps playfully. He was all too aware of the effect he had on women, and it was clear that George’s girlfriend was no exception. The power dynamic shifted in that moment, and he reveled in it. He leaned back on the couch, a smug grin on his face as the two women touched and kissed him. It was like watching his favorite porn, but better because it was real.

Florence straddled William’s lap, her own desire evident in the way she ground against him. She took his face in her hands and kissed him deeply, her tongue exploring his mouth. Carlyn watched, feeling a strange mix of arousal and jealousy. This was her best friend, after all, but she couldn’t deny that the sight of them together was incredibly hot. She felt her own panties grow wet, and she knew that she couldn’t hold back much longer.

With a sudden burst of bravado, Carlyn knelt down between William’s legs, her hands working to unbuckle his belt. He groaned as she freed his cock, her eyes widening at the size of it. She had never seen anything like it, and for a moment, she was unsure of what to do. But William was more than eager to help, guiding her hand to stroke him gently. The feeling of his hardness in her palm was foreign but incredibly exciting.

“So,” William said with a smug grin, “ever held one this big before?”

Carlyn’s eyes flicked up from his cock to his face, and she couldn’t help the blush that stained her cheeks. “No,” she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper. “I haven’t.”

William chuckled, his ego clearly stoked. “Well, then,” he said, his voice low and smoky, “let’s see what you can do with it.”

Carlyn took a deep breath and leaned in, her heart racing. It had been long since she’d been so intimate with a man other than George, but the thrill of the situation had her acting on pure instinct. She wrapped her hand around the base of William’s cock and took the tip into her mouth, tentatively at first, but then with more confidence as she felt him groan in pleasure. The taste of him was foreign, but it only added to the excitement.

Florence watched with hungry eyes, guiding Carlyn’s head with gentle pressure. She could see the desire in Carlyn’s eyes, the curiosity and the need to please. It was intoxicating, knowing that she had this power over both of them. Her own hand slipped down to her own panties, her fingers circling her clit as she watched her best friend give head to her boyfriend.

“Why don’t we share?” William suggested, his voice strained with pleasure. “It’s big enough for both of you.”

Florence grinned, leaning back to give Carlyn more space. “Oh, I like that idea,” she purred, her eyes gleaming with mischief.

Carlyn took a moment to look up at William, his expression a mix of pleasure and challenge. She felt her cheeks burn but didn’t back down. Instead, she took him deeper into her mouth, her tongue swirling around his shaft. William’s groan grew louder, and she felt a rush of excitement knowing she was causing him such pleasure.

Florence leaned in, her breath warm against Carlyn’s ear. “You’re doing so good, babe,” she whispered, her hand slipping under Carlyn’s skirt to cup her ass. The touch sent a bolt of pleasure through Carlyn, and she moaned around William’s cock.

With a seductive smile, Florence knelt beside Carlyn, her own hand stroking William’s shaft as Carlyn took him in. They locked eyes for a moment, a silent communication passing between them. It was clear that Florence was as turned on by the situation as she was, and that only served to increase the intensity of the moment.

Together, they worked on William, their tongues swirling around the head of his cock in tandem, taking turns to suck him deep into their mouths. William’s eyes rolled back in his head as he groaned with pleasure, his hands tangled in their hair. The sensation was unlike anything Carlyn had ever experienced, the feeling of Florence’s mouth against her cheek as they both pleasured William was strange and exhilarating.

The room grew hotter with each passing second, the air thick with the scent of arousal. Carlyn felt her own desire building, and she reached down to touch herself, her fingers slipping easily through her wetness. Florence noticed and took one of Carlyn’s hands, bringing it up to her own breast. They kissed again, this time with a new urgency, their tongues dancing together as they both touched William.

William’s hips bucked upwards, and he let out a deep groan. “Fuck, you two are amazing,” he murmured, his eyes glazed with lust. He was so close, his body tightening with the anticipation of release.

The sight of her best friend’s mouth stretched around William’s thick cock was something Carlyn never thought she’d see. Yet here she was, kneeling alongside Florence, their heads bobbing in sync, their eyes locked on each other’s. The wet, slurping sounds filled the room, and Carlyn could feel her own arousal climbing higher and higher.

As William’s grunts grew more frequent, Carlyn’s thoughts strayed from the act at hand. The desire to taste him fully overwhelmed her, not just his cock but the essence of him. The idea of his release filling her mouth was something she hadn’t considered before, but now it was all she could think about. She felt a strange thrill at the thought of George hearing about this later, of how much this would push his boundaries and satisfy his fantasy.

With a final stroke, William pulled Carlyn’s head back, his cock glistening with their combined saliva. “I’m gonna cum,” he warned, his voice strained.

Florence and Carlyn shared a knowing smile, and without a word, they both leaned in, their mouths open and eager. With a roar, William came, his hot seed spurting out and coating their faces, their mouths, their tongues. Carlyn closed her eyes, savoring the taste of him, feeling the warmth of his release on her skin. Florence moaned in delight, licking her lips, her eyes closed in ecstasy.

When William had finished, his chest heaving with exertion, he looked down at them with a triumphant smile. “Now, share,” he said, his voice thick with dominance.

Carlyn and Florence looked at each other, a silent question passing between them. Then, with a mischievous grin, Florence leaned in and kissed Carlyn, her tongue pushing into her mouth, sharing William’s cum with her. Carlyn moaned softly, the taste of her best friend’s boyfriend mixing with her own saliva as they kissed deeply, the intimacy of the act making her heart race. Within the last hour, desire had taken full control of her.

The kiss grew more passionate, their tongues dancing together, the taste of William’s release becoming a bond between them. Carlyn felt Florence’s hand slip down her back, reaching for her own ass, the intimate touch making her squirm with pleasure. As they kissed, Carlyn felt William’s hand on her back, pushing her closer to Florence, his fingers tracing the outline of her breasts through her top.

They broke apart, both breathless and flushed. William stood up, his cock still semierect, a testament to his stamina. “Now,” he said, his voice still thick with desire, “it’s time for the main event.”

Florence took Carlyn’s hand, leading her to the bed. The room was dimly lit, with the scent of their arousal heavy in the air. Carlyn felt a rush of excitement as she lay down beside her friend, the anticipation of what was to come making her pulse race. William followed, his eyes taking in the sight of the two women, their bodies entwined, ready for his taking.

With a gentle touch, William began to undress Carlyn, his eyes never leaving hers. He unzipped her skirt, the leather whispering against her skin as it slid down her legs, revealing her black stockings and matching panties. Carlyn felt a thrill as he took his time, savoring the moment, his hands moving with a confidence that belied his earlier nervousness. His thumbs hooked into the sides of her panties, and he slowly began to pull them down, exposing her wetness.

Florence watched, her eyes dark with lust, as William’s fingers danced over Carlyn’s folds. He teased her clit with a featherlight touch, making her gasp. Carlyn felt a warmth spread through her, a sense of belonging, as if she had been made for this moment, for this man. She had never felt so exposed and yet so desired in her life. William’s touch was like nothing she had ever experienced with George, rougher, more demanding. It was as if he knew exactly what she needed, and she was powerless to resist.

“Fuck, she’s wet,” William murmured to Florence, his voice thick with lust. Florence chuckled, leaning in to kiss Carlyn’s neck, her own hand joining William’s to explore her friend’s body.

Carlyn couldn’t believe the sensation of her best friend’s boyfriend’s fingers inside her, feeling her most intimate parts. She gripped the bedsheets tightly, her body arching into his touch. Florence’s kisses grew more insistent, her tongue tracing a path down Carlyn’s neck to her collarbone, then lower, until she reached Carlyn’s breasts.

Florence took one of her nipples into her mouth, sucking gently, and Carlyn’s eyes rolled back with pleasure. The combination of William’s expert touch and Florence’s gentle kisses was intoxicating. She felt like she was floating, lost in a world of sensation that she never knew existed.

As William’s fingers worked their magic, Florence reached down and began to undo her own pants. Carlyn watched, her eyes wide with excitement, as her friend revealed her own matching set of black lingerie. The sight of Florence’s bare skin, so close and yet so new to her, made her heart race even faster.

Without a word, William positioned himself between Carlyn’s legs, his cock standing proud and ready. Carlyn felt a rush of nervousness as he pushed into her, his girth stretching her in a way George never had. She gasped, her eyes squeezed shut, but Florence was there, whispering reassurances in her ear, her hand gently stroking her cheek.

“Look at me,” Florence said, her voice soft but commanding.

Carlyn’s eyes snapped open to find Florence staring at her with an intensity that made her pulse race even faster. “Are you ready to be fucked by a real man?”

Carlyn’s breath hitched at the question, her eyes flickering to William’s, which were filled with a hunger that made her feel like the most desired woman in the world. “Yes,” she breathed, her voice shaking with excitement.

With a powerful thrust, William entered her, filling her completely. Carlyn’s eyes rolled back in her head, the feeling of fullness unlike anything she had ever experienced with George. Florence’s hand found hers, their fingers lacing together tightly as William began to move, his hips pistoning in and out of her with a rhythm that seemed to sync perfectly with her own desperate need.

Florence leaned in, her breath hot against Carlyn’s ear. “Do you like that?” she whispered, her own voice thick with desire. Carlyn could only nod, her mouth too dry to form words. The reality of the situation was setting in, and she was surprised to find that she liked itmore than liked it.

William’s strokes grew faster, more intense, and Carlyn felt her orgasm building, her body tightening around him. She had never felt so alive, so desired. Florence watched them with a knowing smile, her own hand slipping into her panties to touch herself. Seeing Carlyn’s pleasure was turning her on even more, and she knew it was time to take things up a notch.

Without warning, Florence straddled Carlyn’s face, her pussy hovering just above her mouth. “Lick me,” she breathed, her eyes never leaving Carlyn’s. Carlyn’s eyes widened with surprise, but she didn’t hesitate. This was a new experience, one she had never even considered before tonight, but the need to please her friend was too strong to resist.

Her tongue darted out, tasting the sweetness of Florence’s arousal, and she felt a strange sense of belonging. This was her best friend, her confidante, and now they were sharing this intimate, forbidden act. It was a heady sensation, one that only added to the excitement of having William’s huge cock inside her.

Florence’s thighs quivered as Carlyn’s tongue found her clit, her hips rocking slightly in response. The sound of skin slapping against skin filled the room as William drove into Carlyn with increasing force. Carlyn’s eyes fluttered closed, her mouth and nose buried in the soft, wet folds of Florence’s pussy, her tongue working tirelessly to bring her friend to the brink of ecstasy.

Florence moaned, her fingers tangling in Carlyn’s hair, guiding her movements. The sensation was overwhelming, and she knew she couldn’t last much longer. Carlyn’s enthusiasm was surprising and incredibly erotic.

“How does it feel, baby?” Florence managed to ask, her voice strained as she watched William’s muscles ripple with every thrust into Carlyn.

William’s eyes, glazed with pleasure, snapped to hers. “It’s… it’s unbelievable,” he gasped, his voice a mix of awe and satisfaction. “So tight… and wet… it’s just… fuck, it’s perfect.”

Florence grinned wickedly at her boyfriend, her eyes filled with mischief. “Is she even better than you imagined?”

William’s eyes never left the spot where their bodies joined, his hips still moving with a rhythm that spoke of years of pentup desire. “Fuck, yes,” he panted, his voice strained with passion. “Tight, wet… her perfect petite body.”

Florence chuckled, her own arousal building as she watched her boyfriend claim Carlyn. She leaned in, her voice a seductive purr. “You know, I’ve always wondered what it would be like to watch you fuck her.”

William’s eyes snapped to hers, a hint of surprise in his expression before a wicked smile curled his lips. “Oh, you y little slut,” he murmured, his strokes growing even more intense. “You’re loving this, aren’t you?”

Florence moaned, her hips bucking against Carlyn’s face. “Yes,” she managed to say, her voice thick with lust. “I’ve always known you need more than one woman to please you.”

The words sent a bolt of excitement through Carlyn, and she redoubled her efforts, eager to show William that she could be everything he needed. Her tongue danced around Florence’s clit, her own body trembling with the effort of holding back her own orgasm. She felt William’s grip tighten on her hips, his cock swelling even more inside her.

Florence’s thighs began to quiver as she approached climax. She threw her head back, her long hair cascading down her back as she let out a scream of pleasure. Carlyn felt a strange sense of pride as she watched her best friend come apart above her, her body convulsing in ecstasy.

As Florence’s orgasm washed over her, Carlyn felt her own building. William’s cock was hitting all the right spots, and the sensation of her best friend’s pussy on her face was something she never knew she needed. The smell of their mingled arousal filled the air, making the room feel even more intimate.

Florence’s grip tightened in her hair, urging her on as she neared the edge. Carlyn felt the pressure building, her body begging for release. With a final, deep thrust, William’s cock hit a spot that sent her over the edge. She screamed into Florence’s pussy, her body convulsing as the most intense orgasm of her life tore through her. It was like nothing she had ever felt with Georgeit was primal, raw, and utterly consuming.

As her climax subsided, William pulled out, his cock glistening with her juices. Carlyn watched, her eyes glazed with desire, as he stepped back to admire his handiwork. Florence slid off her face, a look of pure satisfaction on her own.

“Now, baby,” William said, his voice commanding, “I want you to taste her on me.”

Florence’s eyes lit up with excitement as she took William’s cock into her hand, still slick with Carlyn’s juices. She leaned in, her tongue flicking out to taste the saltysweetness of Carlyn on her boyfriend’s shaft. Carlyn watched, her chest heaving with the aftershocks of her orgasm, feeling a mix of shock and arousal as she saw her best friend’s mouth wrapped around the same cock that had just been inside her.

With a wink, Florence turned to Carlyn, William’s cock still in her hand. “Want a taste?” she offered, her voice dripping with honeyed seduction. Carlyn didn’t need to think twice. She leaned in, her tongue darting out to taste herself on William, the act more intimate than she ever could have imagined.

The taste of her own arousal mingled with William’s musky scent was surprisingly intoxicating. She felt a surge of power as she realized she had the ability to reduce both of them to quivering wrecks of desire. Florence chuckled at her expression, her eyes gleaming with excitement as she watched Carlyn explore new boundaries.

“On your hands and knees,” William ordered, his voice thick with lust. “Both of you, now.”

Florence and Carlyn shared a glance, the excitement in their eyes unmistakable. They scrambled to comply, their bodies moving in perfect synchronicity as they positioned themselves side by side on the bed, their asses high in the air. The sight of her best friend in such a submissive pose sent a thrill through Carlyn, and she felt her own arousal spike even higher.

“Good girls,” William murmured, his voice like a dark caress in the heated air. He stepped behind Carlyn, his hand coming down to caress her ass cheek. The simple touch was electrifying, and she pushed back into him, eager for more.

Florence’s eyes met hers, a silent question in them. Carlyn nodded, feeling the thrill of the taboo, of giving in to this shared desire. William’s hand slid between her thighs, and she felt his finger enter her, stroking the spot that was still pulsing from her recent climax. She whimpered, the pleasure almost too much to bear.

“Look how eager she is,” Florence murmured, her voice filled with a mix of excitement and challenge. Carlyn felt William’s other hand smack her ass, a sting that only served to drive her need higher. “It seems like someone wants to be used,” Florence said with a smirk.

The thought of being used by William, of being his willing plaything, sent a thrill through Carlyn. She bit her bottom lip and nodded, her eyes locked with Florence’s. “Yes,” she breathed, the word barely a whisper. “I want to be used.”

Without wasting a second, William positioned himself behind Florence, his cock standing tall and ready. He didn’t bother with any more teasinghis hunger was palpable. With one firm push, he buried himself in her, making her gasp. Florence’s eyes fluttered shut, her body arching back to meet him. The sound of their skin slapping together echoed through the room, setting a tempo that was almost hypnotic.

Carlyn watched, her own desire building as she felt the warmth of William’s hand on her back. He was claiming her best friend first, and she found the idea thrilling beyond words. The sight of his powerful body moving in tandem with Florence’s, their flesh joining in a dance of lust, was intoxicating.

Florence’s moans grew louder, and Carlyn could feel the vibrations through the bed. She reached out, her hand finding the soft curve of Florence’s hip, her thumb grazing the sensitive flesh where her thigh met her pussy. The touch was electric, sending a jolt of desire straight to William’s cock, which was still slick with Carlyn’s juices.

With a low growl, William pulled out of Florence and switched places with Carlyn, positioning himself behind her. His cock pressed against her pussy, still slick from her earlier exploration. Carlyn’s heart raced as she felt the tip of his cock at her entrance, the anticipation of what was to come making her tremble.

Florence watched, her own breathing shallow, as William pushed into Carlyn, his cock stretching her even further than before. Carlyn’s gasp was music to her ears, and she couldn’t help but touch herself again, her own arousal heightened by the sight of her friend being taken by her boyfriend.

With a devilish smile, Florence leaned over and whispered in William’s ear, her breath hot against his skin. “Make her your whore too,” she urged, her voice a seductive purr that sent a shiver down Carlyn’s spine. William’s eyes flashed with excitement, his grip on Carlyn’s hips tightening.

“Oh, I plan to,” he murmured, his voice a low growl that seemed to resonate through the very core of Carlyn’s being. He pushed into her again, his cock claiming her in a way that was both terrifying and exhilarating. Carlyn felt her walls clench around him, her body begging for more.

With each thrust, William’s grip on her hips tightened, his pace unrelenting. Carlyn’s moans grew louder, her breath coming in ragged gasps. She could feel his cock stretching her, filling her in a way George never had, and she realized with a shock that she liked itno, she loved it. She liked being used, being claimed, being the object of their shared desire.

Florence watched them, her hand moving faster between her legs. The sight of William Carlyn, her best friend’s body writhing beneath his, was almost too much to bear. She reached out, her fingers playing with Carlyn’s clit, the touch sending Carlyn spiraling even higher.

“Look at me,” William’s voice was a command that Carlyn couldn’t resist. She turned her head, her eyes meeting his, filled with a mix of desire and submission. “I want to watch you kiss her,” he said, his strokes never faltering.

Florence’s eyes gleamed with excitement as she leaned in, her lips capturing Carlyn’s in a kiss that was as much about power as it was about passion. Their tongues danced together, the taste of each other’s mouths mingling with the scent of William’s cock. Carlyn felt her cheeks flush, the idea of making out with her best friend while William fucked her making her feel both dirty and incredibly turned on.

Their kiss grew more fervent, their bodies moving together in a symphony of desire. Carlyn felt William’s cock swell even more inside her, the pressure building until she thought she might come again. She moaned into Florence’s mouth, her hand reaching back to grip William’s thigh, urging him deeper.

Florence’s hand left Carlyn’s pussy to grip the back of her neck, holding her in place as William’s strokes grew more intense. Carlyn felt the room spin, her senses overwhelmed by the sensation of William’s cock stretching her, Florence’s tongue in her mouth, and the sound of their muffled moans.

Her body tensed, and she knew she was on the precipice of another earthshattering orgasm. With a guttural groan, William’s pace quickened, driving into her with a fervor that matched her own. The pressure built, coiling tightly in her core until it was all she could focus onuntil it was all she was.

Florence broke the kiss, her eyes never leaving William’s. “Now,” she whispered, her voice barely audible over their panting. “Now, baby.”

Carlyn felt the tension in William’s body, the way his muscles tightened as he approached his own climax. With one final, powerful thrust, he emptied himself inside her, the warmth of his release filling her in a way that made her feel complete. She cried out, her body shuddering with the force of her orgasm, the sensation so intense it was almost painful.

As William pulled out, Carlyn collapsed onto the bed, her body limp with exhaustion. Florence leaned over, her eyes gleaming with satisfaction, and kissed her gently. The kiss was tender, filled with a love that went beyond friendshipit was a bond formed in the fires of desire and shared experience.

“How was it?” Florence asked, her voice a whisper in the stillness of the room.

Carlyn took a deep, shaky breath, still reeling from the intensity of the experience. “It was… intense,” she murmured, her cheeks flushed with pleasure and a hint of embarrassment. She couldn’t believe she had just had with her best friend’s boyfriend, let alone enjoyed it so much. “Better than I ever imagined.”

Florence’s smile was full of triumph as she stroked Carlyn’s sweatdampened hair. “I knew you’d love it,” she said, her voice low and smug. “You’re a natural at this.”

The words sent a shiver down Carlyn’s spine, and she couldn’t help but feel a sense of pride. Despite the guilt that was already starting to creep in, she knew that she had just experienced something incrediblesomething she never would have with George.

They lay there for a moment, their breathing slowly returning to normal, their hearts pounding in their chests. The room was thick with the scent of , a heady mix that was both intoxicating and terrifying. Carlyn’s mind raced with what she would tell George, how she could possibly explain the depth of her feelings and the intensity of what had just happened.

Florence broke the silence, her voice filled with a mischievous glee. “Well, that was… unexpectedly amazing.” She leaned over and kissed Carlyn again, this time with more affection than passion. “Thank you for letting us share this with you.”

Carlyn’s cheeks flushed with a mix of pleasure and embarrassment. “Thank you,” she murmured, still struggling to believe what she had just done. “It was… I’ve never felt anything like it.”

William chuckled, his chest still heaving from the exertion. “You’re welcome,” he said, his voice filled with a sense of pride that made Carlyn’s stomach flip.

Florence stood, her movements fluid and graceful, and offered Carlyn a hand to help her up. “You should clean up before you go,” she said, her voice gentle. “You don’t want to go home smelling like us.”

Carlyn took the offered hand, feeling a strange mix of emotionssatisfaction, guilt, and excitement. She nodded, her legs still wobbly from the intensity of the experience. As she made her way to the bathroom, she couldn’t help but look over her shoulder at William, who was already redressing with an easy confidence that made her stomach flutter.

The shower was a blessed relief, the hot water washing away the stickiness of their encounter. She took her time, the warmth of the water doing little to ease the heat still burning through her body. She closed her eyes and let the water cascade over her, trying to process what had just happened. It had been better than she had ever imagined, and she knew she’d be thinking about it for days, maybe even weeks.

Carlyn stepped out, wrapping herself in a plush towel. She looked in the mirror, her cheeks still flushed with pleasure. She felt different, somehowlike she had crossed a line she could never uncross. But as she dried herself off, she couldn’t help the smile that played on her lips. It had been amazing, and she knew she’d never forget it.

Florence was waiting for her in the bedroom, her own clothes already back on. She looked at Carlyn with a knowing smile, her eyes sparkling with mischief. “Ready to go?” she asked, holding out a clean set of clothes for her. Carlyn took them, her hands trembling slightly. She hadn’t been this nervous since her first time with George.

“Thank you,” she murmured, slipping into the soft fabric. It felt strange, almost alien, to be dressed again after being so bare and vulnerable. She took a deep breath, trying to calm her racing thoughts.

Florence stepped closer, her eyes filled with a warm affection. “You don’t need to thank us,” she said, her voice soft. “We all enjoyed it. And William… well, he’s going to be thinking about this for a while.”

Carlyn couldn’t help the blush that crept up her neck. The thought of William craving more of her, of George getting off on the idea of her being shared with him, was a heady mix of excitement and guilt. She took Florence’s hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. “Thank you for this,” she said, her voice thick with emotion.

They shared a lingering hug, their bodies fitting together perfectly. Carlyn felt a pang of sadness as she stepped back, knowing she had to leave. This secret they had shared had changed thingsit had created a bond she wasn’t sure she could explain to George.

With a final look at the room that had just been the stage for her most intense ual experience, she turned and walked out the door. The cool evening air hit her like a slap in the face, jolting her back to reality. She climbed into her car, her body still buzzing with pleasure.

The drive home was a blur, her mind racing with images of William’s cock sliding in and out of her, of Florence’s fingers playing with her clit, of the kiss they had shared. She felt like she was in a trance, her thoughts consumed by the intensity of the threesome.

Pulling into her driveway, she took a deep breath, trying to compose herself before walking through the door. She knew she had to tell Georgeit was only fair. But how could she possibly put into words the tumult of emotions and sensations that had just overwhelmed her?

As she stepped into the house, the smell of dinner wafted through the air, a stark contrast to the scent of that still clung to her skin. George looked up from the stove, his eyes lighting up when he saw her. “Hey, babe,” he said, his voice warm and welcoming. “How was your night?”

Carlyn felt a lump form in her throat as she looked at him, her heart pounding. This was itthe moment she had to decide how much she was willing to share. She took another deep breath and stepped closer, her voice shaky. “It was… amazing,” she said, her eyes locking onto his. “And I have a lot to tell you.”