“The Three Of Us” Chapter 7: “Posing Part 2 Of 2”

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Sarah stood and looked at me.

I nodded and then just smiled.

We both knew I wanted her to explore her uality and have new ual experiences, though I never said it. Have the same sort of ual encounters that Clare already had. 

There was a hush in the air as Sarah dropped the top half of her kimono dressing gown, and her two perfect Dcup breasts came into Stanley’s and my view. He did not try to hide his stare or his smile.

“Perfect,” he said in French, which Sarah and even I understood.

My girlfriend’s breasts were indeed perfect.

Sarah then did something I wasn’t sure she would do, as the portrait was only topless. She dropped her dressing gown to the floor and stood there fully nude.

As we took in her naked beauty, I was sure that I was not the only man sporting an erection, though maybe for different reasons. I liked showing Sarah off. 

My eyes worked up Sarah’s body, first her long legs, then her shaven slit and flat stomach. Upwards I went, her full breasts; they had a slight red flush between them, and I knew she was aroused. Then Sarah’s beautiful face and warm smile, her deep blue eyes warmly staring my way, and her head topped with long blonde hair.

She was perfect, and yet part of me still wanted to share her.

Was I perverted? I asked myself… I didn’t know the answer.

Sarah did a slow pirouette. “You have both seen it all before,” she giggled as she rotated. It was now obvious that she had no qualms about being naked in front of Stanley.

My girlfriend’s giggle and comment broke the hush, though her beauty was still there in front of us. I looked at the grinning Stanley, and I assumed his trousers were tenting as much as mine. After turning the old Madeline portrait around to face Sarah, our host got up and shuffled over to my girlfriend.

Stanley asked in English, “Sarah, I have to put on a little body makeup, so there will be a little bit of touching. Do you mind?”

My girlfriend looked my way for approval, Stanley’s eyes following. I shrugged; it was my only answer, my cock telling me I didn’t mind.

With that being my only response, Stanley picked up a fairly large Filbert brush and dipped it in some powder before dabbing it between her breasts, taking out any shine. She even lifted each breast, allowing Stanley to apply a small amount of powder underneath.

Then, with a quick flick of Sarah’s hair, Stanley looked at the old painting and used his fingers to position Sarah. As I watched, I realised that there was nothing ual going on. He was the consummate professional, as he gave instructions in both French and then English.

“Since this is your first time, we will work for fifteen minutes, followed by a fiveminute break,” Stanley said, as he adjusted my girlfriend’s head to match Madeline’s.

“You don’t have to hold this exact position, Sarah, but I want you to remember it as it is important. If I call home position, then I want you to go to this exact pose. Got it?” 

Sarah nodded her agreement.

Home position I thought while chuckling to myself. It had been Sarah’s lack of ability to get her counters in their “home position” that led to my girlfriend streaking around Stanley’s back garden and us meeting him. With a nearnaked Sarah looking on, I told our host the basic , leaving out Clare or anything rude.

After I had finished, Stanley said, “I had wondered why a girl was running naked around the garden. I didn’t mind, but I speculated that it might be a bet, or in Sarah’s case, perhaps a hobby!

My girlfriend made a rude remark in French, which even I understood!

“See, her French is already improving,” Stanley laughed, glancing at me.

That comment made me realise just how much I was enjoying our landlord’s company. It was also clear that Stanley had worked out that my girlfriend enjoyed showing off her body.

He started to paint Sarah as I observed, and I noticed that my girlfriend had done little to cover up her pussy; her bald slit was on display for all to see.

It wasn’t long later that Stanley said, “Position d’origine,” or home position, which Sarah failed to find.

As Stanley repositioned Sarah, he told us that portrait modelling is not easy. However, the more you pose, the easier it gets. With those English words, the conversation turned back to French as Stanley continued to help Sarah learn the language.

I sat back and watched the portrait develop on the canvas. Sarah seemed relaxed, and after every short break, she began to find the “home position”. 

The sitting lasted just over two hours; however, Stanley paid my girlfriend for three. I thought it was nice of him, which made me warm to him even more. 

Now relaxed and comfortable, nude, Sarah didn’t bother putting her kimono dressing gown back on. So it was a completely naked Sarah who sat next to me as we went to sample our host’s best scotch.

To me, it didn’t feel strange at all that she was completely naked and the two men in the room were still fully clothed. Somehow, over the last few hours, this had become the norm.

“Have you tried Highland Park scotch whisky before?” Stanley asked us both. Stanley was clearly pleased with the way things had gone this afternoon, and this was his drink of choice.

I confirmed that I liked whisky, but I had never tried Highland Park, while Sarah told us that she had never tried any type of scotch. 

“You will both love it,” Stanley enthused, sounding more like a teenager than either Sarah or I.

He poured us both two very generous measures.

While Sarah looked at hers, mine seemed to evaporate as I announced how much I liked it. Once my drink was gone, I realised it was almost time to leave, even though my girlfriend appeared to be in no hurry.

She tried her scotch, spluttered, and passed it to me.

“It’s too strong,” she said, and I settled down with Sarah’s drink, my arm around her.

“When could you model again?” Stanley asked, hoping. “It will be a different pose; maybe we do part of a couple of portraits to keep it fresh.”

“Tomorrow or Sunday morning, but it depends on how long you want me. I would rather keep the sessions no longer than two hours and do a little more French speaking.”

Sarah looked at me. “Are you going to watch?”

“Probably,” I replied, “unless it is all going to be in French.”

Sarah smiled, and I got the feeling that might be what she wanted!

Today, watching Sarah being painted in the nude had been fun, but I knew I wouldn’t always be able to watch. I had Clare to consider. She was meant to be with me on the weekends.

I also thought that if they were going to speak only in French, I might end up feeling I was just watching the paint dry on the canvas.

We arranged to do another session tomorrow morning, as Clare would be with us from Saturday lunchtime. I drank Sarah’s scotch and felt its warmth go down my throat until it nestled in my stomach.

With it came one last question: “Stanley, you mention that some of the poses were quite rude and graphic. Could you show us an example? I want to make sure Sarah is okay with it.”

My question seemed to fluster Stanley. It was only when Sarah said that she wanted to see what she was going to have to do too that he relented. 

He stood up and took out a rolled canvas from a drawer. We had no idea what was on it.

“Before I show you this, I promise you both that there will be no touching beyond what happened today. There will be no third parties. Sarah and I will be the only ones present, and David, you are more than welcome to watch at any time.”

With that Stanley unrolled the canvas. It was a full nude of Madeline, but this one left nothing to the imagination. The painting showed her maybe in her late twenties; her legs were splayed wide, and she was looking at the artist, her eyes full of desire.

But that was not all. Other than her head, her body was devoid of hair, and her fingers were holding her vagina open. Stanley had even managed to capture her wetness, and it felt like you just wanted to plunge your cock into her.

I didn’t dare comment.

I looked at Sarah, her eyes wide and her body fidgeting. Stanley also studied her, wondering if she would pose like that.

He had no way of knowing that quite recently, my girlfriend had posed exactly like this. First, it was for me and my camera in the rear yard of the factory where I work. After that, it was for Brenda in her private studio. Then, lastly, in Crete for Don and Ashley, where her “posing” had gone way beyond what Stanley was currently displaying to us.

Sarah turned and looked at me; a silent, knowing message passed between us.

“Just to confirm, Stanley,” I said. “There is no touching; no one else is involved. It is just you and your paintbrushes.” 

“Yes, nothing more than what happened today,” Stanley replied. His voice had a tinge of desperation; his eyes were now focused between Sarah’s closed legs.

I moved to the centre of the settee and pulled Sarah onto my lap, my hard cock pressing desperately between her buttocks. She had kept her legs tight together, and our host was still watching closely at everything my girlfriend did.

“Are you sure?” she whispered. Though it was unsaid, we both knew Sarah wanted to do this. To spread her legs and let Stanley see her precious, private place.

Stanley poured both of us another measure of Highland Park, and we clicked glasses.

“If you want to, show Stanley,” I whispered, and I offered her a sip of my whisky. She took one before pushing it away, spluttering. Whisky was definitely not Sarah’s drink.

I pulled my girlfriend tight to me as I slightly lay back, and I watched her slowly open her legs. She spread them wider and wider, Stanley’s eyes focusing on nothing but her wet , his cock clearly tenting in his trousers.

Sarah’s legs inched wider, and Stanley’s eyes bore into the appearing hole—her gold mine. A resource she was currently using to tease our host. Slowly, she spread her legs until they were completely open; her baldness and wantonness were fully there for Stanley to see.

Sarah’s breathing had become laboured. However, I felt the desire to show all was not the only thing on my girlfriend’s mind, as I was sure she wanted to plunge her hand between her legs and masturbate. 

“I will pose for you like this, Stanley,” she panted. She then spread her labia with two fingers on each hand, showing our host her pinkness, her wetness, and her desire.

“I have modelled like this before,” she panted. “It was for David,” she added to make it clear. She didn’t mention the other times. 

I sipped my Highland Park, surprised by my girlfriend’s candour. The scotch I was drinking now was a celebration of having such a beautiful, ual girlfriend, and it helped to keep my hand away from exploring her body. I knew I could not touch her; this had to be just a show, not ; yet my cock was doing its best to burrow into Sarah’s bottom.

Sarah didn’t move from her pose, nor did she want to. Her legs remained splayed wide, and her cunt spread open as Stanley and I breathed in her arousal.

Since Crete, we had been on a ual adventure together; there were rules, one of which was no secrets, though occasionally we seemed to still struggle to communicate.

For Sarah, exhibitionism was high on her list of ual desires. However, this was also becoming my thing too. Having my hot, beautiful, blonde girlfriend spread her legs for others to enjoy.

I had finished my scotch, but Stanley was still waiting to touch his. He hadn’t moved; perhaps he dared not, in case his vision vaporized into just a dream. I noticed Stanley’s cock was still forming an impressive tent in his trousers.

“Is she wet?” I eventually asked as if Sarah wasn’t there, knowing the obvious answer.

“Very,” Stanley breathed as he picked up his scotch and took his first sip, which turned into a gulp as he drained his glass. 

“Surprised?” I asked as I pulled my girlfriend up, knowing we both needed to get upstairs and fuck. I didn’t want this to go any further.

Stanley looked at me and grinned. It was almost enough to answer my question.

I then said, “As we already mentioned, just follow the rules, and above all, whatever happens here, you keep to yourself. If you do, you got yourself a model.”

Sarah grabbed her coat, and covered herself with it; the kimono remained in her hand.

“See you upstairs,” she said and hurried out of the front door.

“I am both pleased and surprised,” Stanley stated once his eyes had finished escorting Sarah out of the room.

“As I mentioned last week, my lips are sealed. I have never been one to gossip, as I have many secrets of my own. One day, when Sarah’s not around, we discuss them over a glass or two of scotch.”

“I like that,” I replied, and I left Stanley there; we both knew I was needed elsewhere.

Upstairs, it was no surprise to find Sarah in our bedroom. She was kneeling on the bed, her head down, and completely naked. Her hand was between her legs, and she was masturbating. By the state of the bed, it looked like she had already cum at least once.

“Hurry up, David, I want you,” she gasped.

I needed Sarah just as much. I shed my clothes and joined her, my cock erect, leaking precum. I knew I was not going to last long as I started to thrust; my girlfriend’s cunt was sodden and it felt looser than normal… I liked that! 

There was no talk, no foreplay, just long, forceful thrusts as I pounded Sarah from the rear. It was what she wanted me to do, and within a minute, she had her first big, gushing orgasm, coming all over our legs and the bed.

Her spasms triggered my ejaculation, and our mutual cries of ual release filled the room, only to be replaced by panting as we gasped for breath.

Unusually, my cock remained hard while still impaled inside Sarah, plugging my ejaculate. It was a temporary pause; our was not finished. We just needed a moment to breathe and regain our composure now that the initial primaeval urge to fuck was over.

It was only then that I started to move again—initially slowly and then with renewed vigour. My balls were anything but empty as I powered on. Images of Sarah spreading her legs wide for my landlord, my neighbour, and our new friend fuelled my cock.

I carried on Sarah from the rear, doggy style; it was Sarah’s favourite ual position. Her cunt felt different, frothier, and looser as I did so; memories of Crete flashed through my mind. How I fucked my girlfriend straight after another man had cum in her.

It was a weird, kinky thought, and with it, I felt my cock harden. I must be warped, I thought.

Then, as if Sarah were reading my mind, she gasped, “Do you want me to fuck, Stanley?”

I slowed my strokes, and with rationality, and perhaps surprisingly answered, “No.”

However, that was close to what I had been thinking as we shagged, my girlfriend spreading her legs for Stanley.

“I want to try something,” she then said. “David, will you stick it in my ass?”

I needed no second invitation. Since Crete, anal had become a regular part of our lives, but unlike Clare, Sarah had never previously asked for it.

After I lubed her rosebud and my cock, it wasn’t long before I was slowly working into Sarah’s tight ass, inch by inch. As I did so, my girlfriend made little noises as she adjusted to its size. 

Once fully inside her, Sarah asked me to stop, as she wanted to try something else. She reached under the duvet and, to my surprise, pulled out the same type of Coke bottle that Clare had masturbated with during my birthday party celebrations.

In amazement, I watched as Sarah used the lube on both the bottle and her alreadysoaked pussy.

“I want to repeat what we did in Crete,” she gasped as she started to work the bottle into her wanton cunt.

Sarah was talking about when Don and I had doublepenetrated her—my cock in her ass and Don’s in her pussy. It was the night in Crete we spent ually experimenting with our swinger neighbours.

However, something felt different, and as Sarah eased the bottle into herself, a hundred questions raced through my mind. The tightness of its presence was felt by my cock, which was still buried deep in Sarah’s ass.

“After seeing Clare, I have been practising,” Sarah gasped. “Quite a lot,” she then moaned as she started to slowly fuck herself with the bottle.

I started counting the alphabet backwards. This was new and exciting, but also too much for me as my cock continued to fuck Sarah’s tight ass. Even though I had cum once, I knew I wasn’t going to last long.

“Z, Y, X, W, V, U, T, S…” I needed my girlfriend to cum again, I thought—the big O… “R, Q, P, O, N, M, L, K…” I was close. 

So was Sarah, as she continued to masturbate on the Coke bottle, her hand working it in and out.

Then it all happened—my cock twitched for the second time today. There was no holding back, and I ejaculated deep into my girlfriend’s bowels.

Fortunately, my climaxing set Sarah off as she shook, and a wild squeal came. Her orgasm ejected the Coke bottle as her body spasmed and her loose, slutty cunt gushed.

We lay there, the bed soaked; both of us spent.

“I needed that,” Sarah sighed. Her face flushed, her pussy red and gaping; a trickle of my semen was still leaking from her ass, which she cleaned with a tissue.

Grinning, I replied, “So did I.” Then, as normality returned, I added. “I just want you to model for Stanley, learn French, and if he can help with getting you a job at GEL, then that is a bonus.”

“I know… David, I am yours.”

I turned and kissed Sarah.

She then giggled, “Unless I find the right woman!”

Perhaps we should have talked more about Stanley and what happened this afternoon. But that comment led me to remind Sarah that I was the only one in our relationship to make “witty” remarks as I tickled her into submission.

Later, after we had showered, we changed the bed and had tea. Then, I found myself driving over to Sarah’s to stay the night. As I drove, I raised a subject that was becoming increasingly important to me.

“Sarah, you know I love you, but these rotating Fridays don’t work for me.”

“Why don’t they work for you?”

“Because we are adults and we have more freedom at my flat.”

“David, I am not moving in, and until I am ready for that, this arrangement stays.”

Though I didn’t get it, I could see where this was going. So I shut up and chose to sulk for the rest of the journey.


Authors Note: All characters engaged in ual acts are 18+ ©2024 wxt55uk. This may not be reproduced in any manner without the author’s express permission.