The Skinny Little Girl Next Door

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#Exhibitionist #Tween #Virgin #Voyeur

By Anonymous II

Adventures With A Beautiful Little Redhead

Chapter 1 – New Neighbors Arrive
I live in an older suburban residential area, with fairly small, inexpensive houses that are mostly starter homes for young couples or people getting their first home. There are a few “empty nesters” that are older people, downsizing after their kids have grown and gone, but mostly it’s younger people. I am one of the exceptions, being a single guy living alone.
It was a quiet neighborhood. Most people were inside their houses most of the time and there were not many people walking the streets. I didn’t have much to do with any of the neighbors. I knew the names of the close ones, and would wave or speak to them when I saw them, but we weren’t really close. Surprisingly, there were not many kids. With so many young couples, you would think there would be kids running around all over the place, but they weren’t. This was a disappointment to me. I never had any kids and did not know much about them, but for the last few years I had become severely attracted to little girls. If I ever noticed one walking by I would go to the window and look at her, but there weren’t many.
I used to have a lot of girlfriends and got a lot of pussy when I was younger, but as I got older, due to some troublesome relationships, my ual activity slowed down and eventually stopped. I haven’t had a girlfriend for quite a while now, and I don’t really want one. I liked the , but not the problems and the rules that come with a relationship. So I became a loner. That’s when my attraction to little girls began.
Little girls are just so sweet. They are so beautiful and simple and downtoearth that I couldn’t help my attraction to them. I liked almost every little girl I saw, but I didn’t know any of them personally. I just looked at them, admired them, and lusted after them.
One of my biggest fears about buying a house in a place where there were very close neighbors was that I would get stuck next to some asshole neighbors that I didn’t like. But I had been lucky in that respect. Even though the houses in this area changed hands fairly often as people moved up to bigger homes, I had always had neighbors that were at least tolerable and usually very nice. Maybe because I didn’t know them well. But now the house next door to mine was empty and for sale again, and I worried again about what kind of numb nuts people might move in.
The house was empty for about two months, which was a long time for this area. Real estate usually moved pretty quickly. Finally a “sold” sign went up in the front yard. I started keeping my eyes open for the new neighbors. Nothing happened for over a week. Then one Friday I came home and there was a UHaul truck in the driveway and several guys were unloading stuff. There were so many people helping that I had no idea which were the new owners and which were just helpers. But when the weekend was over, the activity settled down.
Two days later I was out in the yard trimming some bushes when the new owners drove up. When they got out of the car, they looked my way and I spoke up. “Hello. Are you my new neighbors?” The man answered, “Yeah. I guess we are.” I walked over and we introduced ourselves, and I welcomed them to the neighborhood. They seemed very nice and I was relieved. It was a man about 30, his wife maybe slightly younger, and best of all, a beautiful little red headed girl. How could I be so lucky? Oh, My God! A little redhead. My favorite!
As we introduced ourselves, I squatted down to the little girl’s level and said, “And what is your name, Sweetheart?” She smiled and told me her name was Susan. She had green eyes. I shook her hand and said, “It’s nice to meet you, Susan. My name is Mike.” I didn’t linger, but stood up and resumed talking to her parents, but I was trying to sneak looks at her whenever I could without attracting attention. She was beautiful. She very long red hair, down to the bottom of her little ass, and she was VERY skinny, which I love. She had on a pair of shorts and her thighs were very thin. I couldn’t help thinking of something my older brother once said. “Skinny legs mean tight pussy.” We all exchanged pleasantries and went our separate ways. They went inside and I went back to trimming bushes.
From that day on Susan became a permanent distraction. I was always on the lookout for her. I sat out on my deck a lot more and I looked out the windows every time I walked past one. They had a small playground set in the back yard and she played on it a lot. I watched her every chance I got. I even got my binoculars out and left them on the kitchen table so I could grab them quickly.
Most suburban houses that are built very close to each other only have windows in the front and back, but not on the sides of the house, so people can’t see into each other’s windows. But our neighborhood was an exception. The houses had windows on the sides, facing each other. Bedrooms were on the second floor, so my good luck put their windows directly across from mine, at a distance of no more than 30 feet. On top of that, having just moved in, they had no curtains on the upstairs windows yet. I soon found out that it was Susan’s room directly across from mine. I could look right into her room. If I went across the hall to the extra bedroom and looked from that angle, I could see a different part of the room. That was when I decided to buy a second pair of binoculars for upstairs. I was glad it was Susan’s room on this end of the house and not the master bedroom. Her mom was decent looking, and if she would have been walking around naked I would have looked at her, but I’d much rather see her beautiful little daughter.
Chapter 2 – The Peeping Begins
I went to a local store a couple days later to pick up another pair of binoculars. In the process of looking for them, I walked past some small telescopes and spotting scopes that were set up for display. I thought “Why not.” I tried out a few in the store to make sure they could focus on something a little closer than the moon, and settled on a small telescope that wasn’t too expensive, along with a tripod to put it on. I went home and got it set up and ready, near my bedroom window.
I started watching Susan’s window as much as could. I didn’t see much of her at first. It was summer and she didn’t spend much time in her room. She was out in the back yard more often, but all I had to do was turn my telescope to get a good view of her play area. I kept an eye on both.
The first time I really got to see anything good was one day when Susan was on her swing set. Her legs were pointed almost directly toward my telescope as she swung. She had on a pair of very loose shorts and I tried to convince myself that she didn’t have any panties on under them. It was hard to get a good look because she was moving all the time. But to see her beautiful long hair streaming in the wind and just the thought of her beautiful skinny little legs and the possibility of no panties was enough to excite me. Then, finally she stopped her swing and sat still long enough for me to focus my scope. I still couldn’t tell until she raised one foot onto the seat. Sure enough, there was that bare patch of skin between her legs. I couldn’t see her pussy crack, but I could tell for sure that she wore no panties. That was good enough. Just knowing that, at any time, she might not be wearing panties, was enough to inspire me to keep up my vigil.
It didn’t take many nights for me to learn that Susan usually went to bed between 8:30 and 9:00. Her lights were almost always out by 9:30. So I planned my evenings around that. Luck was going my way. On only the second night I watched her window a while before bedtime, I saw her get undressed and go into the bathroom for a bath. I saw her completely naked for the first time that night. I discovered that she did indeed have two deliciouslooking little bumps on her chest. They were not large, but they were starting. They were very firm and pointy, like a Hershey’s Kiss, but slightly larger. I got a quick glimpse of her little pussy crack, but it was hard to see her ass because of her beautiful long hair that almost covered it. But I very much enjoyed her VERY skinny, long legs. They were awesome!
From that night on, I started “going to bed” early every night. I would try to be at my window by about 8:00 and wait for her, then watch her until she turned off the lights. She was almost always alone in her room and I seldom saw her parents. I couldn’t see her all the time, but I saw her a lot. After a couple nights I got out my camera, with the telephoto lens, and started taking pictures from my window. It didn’t take long to accumulate a nice collection. When I loaded them onto my computer, I could crop them and zoom in for a better look. It was great! I had a folder for playground pictures and one for bedroom pictures. Most of them were not spectacular, but once in a while I would luck into a really good one. I got several full frontal nudes, clearly showing her lovely, skinny legs, her little pussy crack, and her beautiful little tittie bumps. To an old pervert like me, Susan looked delicious. I would have given my left nut to munch on that little pussy!
I got to know my new neighbors better over the next weeks. They were nice people. We got along well. Whenever I saw them, I tried to be sure and speak to Susan and not ignore her as adults sometimes do with children. She seemed to appreciate my attention. She was a smart girl. She did very well in school and had a good vocabulary, for someone her age. I found out that she was ten, though she looked younger because she was so skinny. But she was tall, making her skinny legs longer, which I loved. Her little tittie bumps were actually pretty good sized, for someone so skinny. And one night, when her hair was up, I was finally able to see that she had a lovely little shapely ass. It was skinny like her legs, but perfectly shaped. What a little beauty she was!
After talking to her and her parents a few times Susan began to get more comfortable with me. Sometimes if I was out on the deck when she was outside, she would come over and talk to me. Just a little bit at first, then gradually more often. We were starting to become somewhat friends. (Of course, she didn’t know that I was watching her get naked in her bedroom at night, with my dick in my hand, and taking pictures of her.) Once, when I had a pitcher of cold lemonade on the deck, she actually sat down and drank some with me, and we talked. She was a little sweetheart. I liked her. That didn’t make me want to stop peeping in her bedroom window, but I liked her. I started regularly bringing lemonade outside with me after that.
I thought about Susan a lot. The more I saw her, and especially the more I talked to her, the more I liked her. I thought she was hot and y and beautiful and all that stuff, but there was more to her than that. She was really smart. She understood things quickly. She was often very funny, coming up with some good oneliners, and we all know good humor requires intelligence. She was a very sharp little girl.
One hot day, when Susan was playing in the yard, I was on the deck with my usual icecold lemonade. When she looked over at me once and waved, I held up the pitcher and pointed to it. She knew what I meant, hopped off the swing, and walked over to sit with me. I gave her a glass of lemonade and we started our first really good conversation. She was easy to talk to.
When she was seated, I said “It’s hot, ain’t it?”
She said, “Yeah, it’s hot, but I don’t mind. But this cold lemonade helps. Thank you.”
“Well, you’re welcome, Miss Susan. I’m glad you came over to see me.” She smiled. She smiled a lot. She was a happy girl. She took a sip and I said, “Is your long hair hot in the summer?”
She thought for a second and said, “I don’t know. I guess it must be. But I don’t know. I’ve always had it, ever since I was a little girl.”
“Well, it sure is beautiful! I’ll say that.”
“Awe . . . Thanks, Mr. Mike.” That was the first time she used my name. It felt good.
“I think you’re really a beautiful girl, Susan.”
“My mom says I’m too skinny.”
“Oh, NO. Not at all! That’s one of the things I love about you. That and your beautiful red hair.” I was looking down at her thin legs and she saw me and smiled. Her thighs were perfect. If I put my two hands together, I could probably reach around one of her legs and touch my fingers.
“You think?”
“Yes. I think you’re pretty damn y!”
Susan giggled and almost spit out her lemonade. “I’m too little to be y.”
“Oh, No you’re not. You might not know it yet, but you ARE.”
She giggled again, “Well, Thanks . . . ”
Neither of us spoke for a minute, allowing the subject time to change itself. Then I said, “You don’t get your beautiful red hair from your mother, or your beautiful green eyes. There must be somebody Irish in your family.”
“My mom doesn’t have red hair, but my grandma does. Green eyes too. I guess that’s where I get it.”
“Well, you sure are beautiful. That’s for sure.”
“Thank you, Mr. Mike.”
We talked a little more before she left, about school mostly, but I felt like I had made my point that I thought she was beautiful. I hoped I didn’t lay it on too thick. She finished her drink and went back to play. I watched her for a while longer. Every time she looked over at me she smiled.
Chapter 3 – The Connection
I especially appreciated my window session that night. I seemed to appreciate her beauty more after talking to her. She was different too. She moved slower. She took all her clothes off and stayed naked for a long time, brushing her hair in front of the mirror on her dresser, in plain view of me, giving me a beautiful back view of her legs and ass and hair for many minutes. She was awesome! Before she went to bed she came right over to the window and just stood there, her little nipples poking, and looked out for several minutes. She had never done that before. It was eery. It almost seemed like she was communicating with me in some way. She didn’t smile. She had no expression on her face. She just stood there, naked, staring out the window. I stood, staring back at her, though she could not see me. Something weird was happening, like in a Stephen King movie. There was some kind of connection between us.
The next afternoon I was on the deck when Susan came outside. She looked over and saw me but did not react. Then she walked slowly around her playground area, touching the things she passed. It looked like she was thinking. Then she looked over her shoulder at me, turned, and walked slowly toward me. She seemed a little nervous, and so was I.
She got to the deck and said, “Hi, Mr. Mike. Where’s your lemonade?”
“I have some in the house. I can get it.” I stood up.
“That would be nice,” she said, managing a slight smile.
I came back and poured us a drink and sat down. She raised her glass as if in a toast, and we smiled.
She took a drink, hesitated, and said, “Did you see me . . . at the window last night?”
A chill went up my spine. Did she see me looking at her? “What do you mean?” I said, stalling for time.
She looked down, then looked me directly in the eyes. “I wanted you to see me. I know your window is right across from mine. I could feel you there. Did you see me?”
I hesitated. There was no way I could lie to her. I stammered, “I . . . I . . . Yes, Sweetheart. I saw you. You were beautiful.”
A smile came to her face then. “Good. You’re the only one who thinks I’m beautiful. I wanted you to see me.”
When I stood up, she sensed my intention and stood too. I took one step toward her and she took three quick steps to me and put her arms around my waist. I held her and whispered, “Thank you, sweetheart. I loved seeing you last night. You were beautiful.”
We just held each other for a full minute or more. Then she pulled back. I thought I saw a small tear in her eye, but she smiled broadly. “Thank you, Mr. Mike.” She took another sip of lemonade and said, “I have to go now.”
I sat down, a little stunned, not sure what had just happened between us. All I could think of was how it felt to hold her and touch her.
I didn’t go to the window that night. I don’t know why. Maybe I was afraid. I laid in bed doing more thinking than sleeping. Did she know I had been watching her at night? Had she seen me in the darkness? I never saw her look out the window before. How did she know? Or did she know? Did she just guess? Did she just hope? So many questions that may never be answered. But that night she knew I was there. There was no doubt about it.
The next day I saw Susan playing in the yard and she smiled and waved at me. Everything seemed perfectly normal. The weird feeling was gone. I went out that evening and came home after dark. Before I went inside, I walked around the house. There was no light in Susan’s window. It was not bedtime yet. But it was my own window I was more interested in. I wanted to see just how well she might have been able to see in my window in the darkness that night. My window was completely dark, as it would have been every night when I was watching her. I could see absolutely nothing. There was no way she could have seen me. My question was satisfied, but not my curiosity. How did she know?
I went in the house and got my chores done and I was at my window shortly before 8:00. Right on time, at about 8:15, the light came on and Susan entered the room. She looked beautiful, as usual. She piddled about the room for a few minutes, then came over to the window. She stood there looking out the window, with no expression on her face, for about 30 seconds or so. Then she broke into a big smile, a genuine smile, and peeled her top up over her head. There were those beautiful little tittie bumps poking out toward me. She tossed her top onto the bed and just stood there smiling, letting me look at her.
There was something almost supernatural about this girl. There was no way she could see me, but somehow it took her only about 30 seconds to smile and know I was there. I have always believed that there exists some kind of unseen link between certain people. Some form of unexplained communication. I couldn’t explain it. Nobody could explain it. I never talked about it, except with one close friend when I was much younger. Nobody would believe me anyway. But I believed that it was real, and now I believed that, whatever it was, this little girl had it.
Susan stood in the window for a few minutes, then walked over, sat down on her bed, and started removing her shoes and socks. Then she stood up and dropped her pants to the floor and stepped out of them. She wore no panties. Come to think of it, I had yet to see a pair of panties on her. That’s not proof that she never wore them, but it was encouraging. She was completely naked now, except for a bow in her hair. When she stood and turned I could see her beautiful little pussy slit. She came directly back to the window and stood in front of it. When she was very close to the window I couldn’t quite see her pussy, because she was too short. I could clearly see everything from just above her little pussy mound, but I could not see the crack. She must have known that. After standing there a minute or two, she moved out of view to the left. When she reappeared she was bent over and backing up, apparently dragging something. When she positioned the object in front of the window, she stepped up on it. Another good piece of luck for old Mike! I could now see her naked body from her knees up. She obviously did it just for me. Her slender legs were beautiful and I was thankful. I enjoyed the view and took several pictures. I wondered if she knew about the pictures. It was hard telling what this special little girl might know. After a couple minutes she turned around and gave me an excellent back view, pulling her hair forward over her shoulders so I could better see her perfect little ass. After another minute or two, she stepped down and went about her nightly business, getting ready for bed. She never dressed, but remained naked. Some time later, she turned off the light and I presume she got in bed. As far as I knew, she slept naked.
The next day when I saw her out in the back yard, I gathered my lemonade and went out on the deck. She soon saw me and waved. She slowed her swing, hopped off, and came toward me. I could see that she was smiling before she even got to the deck. Happiness was all over her face.
“Hello, Miss Susan. You look happy.”
“I’m happy. Hello, Mr. Mike.”
She came onto the deck and nodded when I pointed to the pitcher of lemonade. I poured her a glass and she took a big drink. She did not seem at all nervous, but completely at ease when she smiled and asked me, “Did you like my ottoman last night?”
I was confused. “Ottoman? What do you mean?”
She giggled a little. “The ottoman I dragged in front of the window so you could see me better.”
I didn’t know how to answer that. I knew for sure now, that this girl somehow knew when I was watching her, and that she wanted me to. So there was no use denying it. By her manner, she made it easy to talk about. “I didn’t see the ottoman, but I certainly enjoyed the full view of you. Thank you.”
“I like letting you see me. It makes me feel all tingly.”
“I like it too, Sweetheart. You look delicious.”
She giggled. “Thanks, Mr. Mike.”
I took another long drink of lemonade, then asked, “Tell, me Susan, How do you know when I’m watching you? You can’t see me, can you?”
“No, I can’t see in your window. I don’t know how. I just know, somehow.”
“Well, that’s quite a talent you have. Are there other things that you know, somehow?”
“Sometimes. I didn’t used to believe it. I thought it was just . . . you know . . . like a dream or something. But I would feel something and then find out later that it was true. After a while, I started to believe it. It happens quite a bit. Not just with you. With other people too.” We both thought about that for a minute or two, enjoying the lemonade and nice weather. Then she added, “I know something else about you.”
“Really? Something good or something bad?”
She looked a little reluctant, then finally answered, “I don’t know. It’s not bad or good. It’s just . . . something.”
“Can you tell me?”
“I guess so.” She looked down and stalled for a bit, then looked up at me and continued, “I know that you want to touch me. I mean . . . you know . . . in my private places. I knew it that first day when we met in the driveway and you shook my hand. I could feel it when you touched me.”
I was a little shocked. Was it that obvious? This was definitely not normal. I couldn’t help thinking of that Stephen King movie ‘Hearts in Atlantis,’ where the guy could feel things and knew things about people when he touched them. It sent a chill up my spine. But I knew she wasn’t making it up. Whatever it was, this little girl had it.
“Wow! You can tell that?”
“Mmm Hmm.”
“Well, I guess there’s no use to lie to you. You’d see right through it. I do want to touch you, Susan. I think you’re a beautiful, y girl. I would love to touch your beautiful body. How do you feel about that?”
She thought about it for a few seconds. “I don’t know. OK, I guess. I know it feels really good when I know you’re looking at me at night . . . I mean when I’m naked. That’s why I let you see me, because I know you like me.”
“I do like you, Sweetheart. Very much. I love looking at you and I would love to touch you, but I don’t want to get in trouble, or get you in any trouble.”
“Thanks, Mr. Mike. You make me feel pretty.” She drank some more of her drink. Then added, “Thanks for talking to me, Mr. Mike. I guess I better go.”
“All right, Sweetheart. It was nice seeing you. Thank you for being honest with me. Let’s just always be honest, OK?”
“OK, Mr. Mike. We will. Thanks for the lemonade. See you soon.”
“Goodbye, Susan.”
She went off the deck and skipped across the yard. Our conversation was short, but powerful food for thought.
Chapter 4 – First Touch
Susan generally didn’t wear y clothes. But she suddenly started. I don’t know if her parents noticed the difference, but I did. I saw her in her bedroom that night, but she took her clothes off before I even saw what she was wearing. She gave me a good show that night, standing on her ottoman and rubbing her titties and between her legs. She turned, bent over, and spread her butt cheeks. I wish I would have been closer. I would love to have seen her little butthole. The show was very explicit, but didn’t last long. She soon turned off her light and went to bed.
The next day when I looked out my window she was outside wearing an unusually short pair of shorts and a very tight top. I could see her little titties poking from a distance as she walked around the back yard. Her long, thin legs were beautiful. She kept looking over to my house and I stumbled out on the deck with my lemonade as quickly as possible.
As soon as she saw me come out, she came right over. I held out a glass of lemonade before she even got to me. She took it with gratitude. I said the first thing that came to my mind.
“WOW! You sure look y today.”
“Thanks, Mr. Mike. I wore this top just for you.”
“Just for me?”
“Yeah. I wanted you to see them before you touch them.”
She put her glass down, walked over to me, turned around with her back to me, and backed up against me. I instinctively put my arms around her and clasped my hands together in front of her. She looked up at me and smiled.
I looked nervously over toward her house. She saw me look and said, “Don’t worry about them. They’re not home.”
Susan took both my hands and placed them on her growing little tittie bumps. I could feel her hard nipples through the soft, silky material. They were firm and pointed, but very soft. I massaged them gently and she closed her eyes. I would let her set the pace. I continued to gently rub, massage and gently squeeze her perky little nipples. They felt awesome, causing an immediate erection. She stood there and enjoyed it for several minutes before she took my hands again and pulled them away while she pulled her top up, exposing her beautiful preteen chest. It was much more beautiful up close. I looked and enjoyed, then resumed massaging her bare little breast buds with both hands.
After a few more minutes of pure enjoyment for both of us, I stepped back, pulling her along with me, and sat down in my chair. She sensed my intention and turned around to face me, allowing me to examine them closely before taking one and then the other in my mouth. She moaned for the first time and closed her eyes. I gently nibbled and sucked each little nipple in turn, alternating between them.
After a minute or so, I did two things that I have been wanting to do since the first moment I saw her. I kissed her on the mouth, and simultaneously put both my hands on her skinny little butt cheeks. My God! They felt so perfect. They were tiny, not much bigger than my hands, and very firm. I gently squeezed and rubbed her little ass, first through the material of her shorts, then slipping my hands up under her shorts. She wore no panties. I rubbed up and down her long, skinny thighs, passing my hands back and forth over the y little curve where her legs turned into her ass.
I never stopped kissing her and soon she was kissing back. She was surprisingly good at it. I teased and nibbled at her lips and ran my tongue inside and along her lips. Our tongues touched. She was delicious. When the opportunity came, I sucked her little tongue into my mouth and pulled her closer to me by her ass cheeks. This was heaven.
When our long kiss finally broke she looked me right in the eyes and smiled a big, beautiful smile. Her lips were wet and beautiful. I kissed her again, quickly, then whispered, “God, Susan. That was wonderful. I’ve been wanting to do that since the first day I saw you.”
She smiled and said, “I know you have.”
The spoken words seemed to break our trance and we stepped apart and sat back down. I poured some more lemonade for both of us. For a minute or two, sipping lemonade, we just sat there staring into each other’s eyes and smiling. We both knew our first real touch would be unforgettable. Finally I said, “Susan, you are so delicious. I knew you would be.”
“Thanks, Mr. Mike. I liked it too.”
I felt subservient to her. I felt like I would do anything she asked. But she asked nothing of me. After a few more drinks and smiles I cautiously asked her, “Could I . . . Could I touch your legs? I love your thin little legs. Could I touch them?”
She did not speak, but smiled broadly and scooted her chair closer to mine. I put my big hands on her skinny little thighs. At first I just held them, just above her knees. Then I slowly began to rub up and down her thighs, inside and out, very gently, with light touch, from her knees up to her crotch. I covered every bit of them, bumping against her crotch when I got the chance. She spread her legs slightly so I could rub her inner thighs.
When I brought both hands up to the top, with my fingers around her soft thighs, I bumped and began to rub her crotch through her shorts. The material was thin, and she had no panties on, so I could feel the little crack between her legs. She jerked at first, but then settled into it, closing her eyes. She let out a small whimper.
After about 30 seconds I was just about to slip my fingers under her shorts when her eyes sprang open. She put her hands over mine and said softly, “We’ll have to do this later, Mr. Mike. My parents are almost home.” She pushed my hands away and stood up.
I said, “They’re almost home? But how do you . . . ?” Then I realized that I already knew the answer.
She said, “Thank you, Mr. Mike, for your gentle touch. It was very nice.”
“Thank YOU, Sweetheart. You were wonderful.”
“I have to go now.”
She stepped off my deck and started toward her back yard. She wasn’t ten feet from the deck when her parents car turned in the driveway. Another cold chill went up my spine.
Chapter 5 – Getting to Know Susan
I got to know Susan a lot better in the next couple of weeks. She came over often and we talked a lot. She was easy to talk to and easy to like. She had a lot more knowledge on a variety of topics than one would expect from a 10year old girl. We had some good conversations about many things other than . She was honest and outspoken, and seldom embarrassed by anything we said. She definitely had a powerful personality and I liked her more all the time.
We didn’t talk about all the time, although it was always on our minds. She liked my touch and she liked to show off her body for me. Her bedtime window shows continued, though not usually so blatant as to have her touching herself in front of the window, although she did that occasionally. But she always got naked for me, every night, and I looked forward to it. I never tired of looking at her beautiful young body.
She would often come to my deck to talk, sometimes for long sessions. Her parents now knew that we were friends and they did not object. Of course, we did no touching when her parents were home. But they were gone a lot.
One day when she came over I did not have our customary lemonade ready. When I went inside to make some, she followed me. Her parents were home that day, but in the safety of my kitchen, she came to me and put her arms around my waist. I turned, took her in my arms, and kissed her. She responded warmly. I loved having my hands on her tight little ass and they went there immediately. She moaned with pleasure and stretched up to kiss me again. As we kissed, I slipped my hands inside the elastic of her shorts and slipped them down. It was the first time I had got her pants down and she didn’t stop me. Her sweet butt cheeks felt so much better with no clothing in the way.
Susan wiggled her skinny legs to cause her shorts to drop to her ankles and stepped out of them. We kissed and I massaged her lovely ass. After a minute she broke the kiss and pulled her top off, tossing it on the floor with her shorts. I had seen her completely naked many times, but always in her window. Never up close. She was even more beautiful at close range, where the perfection of her young skin could be appreciated. She turned around and put her back to me. I had already found out that she liked it when I reached around and played with her titties, so I did, but only with one hand. I put the other hand down between her legs. I had touched her there before, but always through clothing. This was the first time I touched her bare, naked pussy. She was soaking wet. When I slipped my finger between her pussylips she practically melted in my arms.
“Ooooh. Mr. Mike, that feels soooo good!”
I whispered, “It sure does, Sweetheart,” as I kissed her on the neck. I was never at all rough with her. I never would be. She liked the gentle touch. I slid my finger gently up and down her juicy little slit, lingering at her clit each time, gently pinching her hard nipples at the same time. She spread her legs for me and moaned weakly.
After a couple minutes of ecstacy, she turned, kissed me, and said, “We better go outside. I love this, but we shouldn’t stay in here to long.” I knew she was right.
We took our lemonade back outside and sat talking for a while. She started the conversation by saying, “Thank you, Mr. Mike. That felt a lot better than when I do it myself.”
I replied with a smile, “You are very welcome, Sweetheart. I’d be happy to do it for you anytime.”
She giggled a little. Just a quick giggle. She did that a lot. Then she told me, “I know about and masturbation and all that stuff. My cousin is 18 and she told me lots of stuff. I know what men and girls do with each other.” I thought it was interesting that she said ‘men and girls’ as opposed to ‘men and women’ or ‘boys and girls.’ She continued, “My cousin says almost everybody touches themselves and that I should enjoy it and not feel bad about it, but it feels much better when somebody else does it. She was sure right about that. You’re the first one that ever touched me like that and it was wonderful.”
“Thank you, Susan. I am proud to be your first. It was wonderful for me too. I love touching you.”
She took a sip and went on, “I know about all the things people do, you know . . . with their mouths and everything. I know you want to do those things with me, and I want you to. I’ll do anything you want except for one thing. I don’t want to go all the way. I don’t want you to fuck me. Not yet.”
“Whatever you want is fine with me, Susan. I am just glad to be able to do anything with you. We can do, or not do, anything you want.”
“Thanks, Mr. Mike. I’m glad you understand.”
“I understand that I love your beautiful little body and I want to do everything with you, but you make the rules. You are the guest of honor!”
“Thank you . . . ”
We sat for a minute or two, then I asked, “Have you ever had an orgasm?”
She said, “I’m not sure. I think I know what it is. I’ve felt something really good a few times when I was touching myself, but I’m not sure if it was a real orgasm or not. Maybe just a little one. I told my cousin about it and she said that if I wasn’t sure, then I probably didn’t. She said ‘When you have your first one, you will know.’”
I smiled and said, “I might agree with her. I’d sure like to help you with that first one.”
She smiled, “I’d like that, Mr. Mike.”
“I hope we can get to that someday soon.”
That seemed like a natural end for discussion on that topic. The first orgasm of her young life was now on my todo list. Not that it wasn’t already, but now I had official permission. We talked a while longer about other things. She was an amazing girl. When she got up to leave, I said, “I’d love to kiss you goodbye, but you never know who might be looking out the window.”
She said, “Yeah, you’re right. We’ll do that later.”
We said our goodbyes and she started slowly walking toward home. When she was a few feet away I said, “Susan . . . ” She paused and turned to see what I wanted. Without speaking, hoping she could read my lips, I mouthed the words, “I love you!” She smiled broadly, and walked on.
Chapter 6 – Susan’s First Orgasm
Susan surprised me again. That evening at about 6:30 she knocked on my back door. When I let her in and kissed her, she smiled a wicked, y smile, and said “My parents are gone out to dinner. I came over for that orgasm.”
I said, “WOW! Excellent.” I picked her up and spun her around.
When I put her down she said, “I know how you want to do it, too.”
She wore a short skirt and a nice silky top. She didn’t waste any time. She went directly to a comfortable chair in the living room, dropped her skirt to the floor and peeled off her top. Of course, she wore no panties. I had yet to see her wear a pair. She sat down in the soft chair, smiled, and spread her skinny little legs, draping one over each arm of the chair. She sat there smiling as I slowly walked over and kneeled in front of her. She had read my mind again.
I leaned in and kissed her on the knee, then on the other one. She slid forward in her seat and spread her legs farther, inviting me between them. I gently kissed one leg and then the other, moving slowly upward, giving her time to relax. She tasted fresh and clean and delicious. I took a long time to work my way up her long, skinny legs. When I got to her pussy it was already glistening with her moisture. I gently kissed her thin, hairless lips. Her little clit was barely visible, just poking out near the top. She moaned when I kissed it.
When I slipped my tongue between her wet lips and slid it up and down, she let out a muffled “Oooooooh . . . ” I moved it up and down the full length of her slit, down to her hole and up past her clit, very slowly at first, then slightly faster, but always gentle. Her breathing was heavier now and her juices flowed from her little pussy, down toward her beautiful little butthole. I helped it along by extending the range of my tongue down to include her little brown hole. When I wiggled it against her little wrinkles, she blurted out, “Oh . . . Oh, My God, Mr. Mike . . . ”
Apparently her cousin had not mentioned that activity to her. I never gave her a break, licking, kissing and nibbling at her pussylips, her swollen little clit, and her delicious, tight little virgin butthole. She let out another moan when I pushed my finger into her little cunt hole. Kissing and nibbling constantly at her clit, I retracted my wet finger and pushed it against her little butthole, then pushed a little more. She grunted a small “Mmmm” when my finger slipped into her butt. Past the entrance, her sphincter stretched, it went in easily now, and I pushed it all the way in, to the last knuckle, then twisted it slowly and gently as I lapped at her clit.
When Susan started to moan steadily and quiver, I knew she was ready to cum. I held my finger still in her butthole and sucked her clit between my lips, rubbing it with my tongue. She started shaking and pushed her cunt hard up into my face. I became more gentle with her sensitive clit now. I let her go through it, which took at least 30 seconds. When she started to relax, I did too, and slowly backed away from her pussy and pulled my finger gently from her butthole.
Her eyes were still closed as she relaxed, breathing heavily to catch up. I didn’t move, but just stared at her incredible beauty for several minutes until she finally opened her eyes. She raised her head to look at me, then let her head fall back again. After another minute she started to laugh gently, raised her head, and said, “Holy Shit, Mr. Mike. That was awesome!” I laughed with her.
When she regained her composure she sat up and scooted forward. I leaned in and she kissed me. “Mr. Mike, that was wonderful. My cousin was right. I’ve never had one before. That was WAY better than I could ever do by myself.”
“Well, I certainly hope so.”
She put her arms around me and whispered, “Thank you so much. I’ll never forget it.” That was all the thanks I needed.
“I loved it, Susan. You were beautiful and delicious and wonderful, and I love Ya!” She hugged me tighter than ever.
We enjoyed each others company for a few more minutes before she had to get dressed and go home. At the door I kissed her deeply. As she left she said, “I can’t wait to tell my cousin about this!” I watched her firm little ass as she walked away.
Chapter 7 – The Little Brown Hole
I really liked that short skirt she was wearing. I mentioned it to her the next time I saw her and she was glad I liked it. She said she had more skirts and would wear them more if I really liked them. I told her I did like them better than shorts, and I especially liked that she didn’t wear panties under them. She said she liked looking y for me. She did indeed start wearing skirts more often. She didn’t really need to wear anything particular in order to be y. She couldn’t help that. But a short, tight skirt sure helped.
I few days later I was watching swinging in the back yard, wearing a short skirt with no panties. She knew I was watching her and looking up her dress, so she spread her legs for me, smiling all the while. I could see right up her skinny legs to her little hairless pussy. It was a pretty sight. She let me look for a long time. Once when her mom came outside to water some plants, she put her knees together and closed my view, but as soon as her mom went back in, she spread her legs again. I loved those skinny legs.
By the time she hopped off the swing and came over for some lemonade I was all horn dogged up. When I leaned over to pour her some lemonade I whispered in her ear “I want to lick your little pussy.” She giggled and I sat back down. We sat there smiling at each other. We didn’t say much. She spread her legs so I could look up her skirt. I said, “I like your skirt.” We just sat there smiling.
A few minutes later she said, in a low voice, “My mom’s leaving pretty soon.” and smiled even bigger.
We both watched, and when her mom drove away I stood up and said, “I better go inside before I get a sunburn. Would you like to join me?” She nodded vigorously and followed me into the house. When we got safely inside, I picked her up and hugged her, and planted a big kiss on her sweet lips. Still holding her, with her feet up off the ground, I said, “You sure don’t weigh much. I bet I could hold you for a long time.”
I changed my grip and started turning her little body. She started giggling and said “What are you doing.” I was careful not to drop her, but I kept turning her until she was upside down. She giggled the whole time. I pulled her up until she had a skinny leg on each side of my head. Her short skirt was up and her little bare pussy was right in front of my face, just like I planned it. She stopped giggling when I started licking her. I held her up and kept licking, but I was bound to get tired sooner or later. I walked over, raised her a little more, and put her on the kitchen table. She rolled over and I lifted her hips up until she was on her knees in a doggy position on the table. She was at the perfect height. I stepped in and started licking her from behind. She was more comfortable now and moaned her approval.
After a minute I moved up, spread her skinny cheeks with my hands, and began seriously eating out her little butthole. That was what I’d been wanting to do. I loved having my face between her sweet, skinny ass cheeks. She was delicious. I went after her with enthusiasm, sliding my hands up under her top to massage her titties, while I tried my best to poke my tongue as far up her tight little ass as possible. She loved it. I wanted to make her cum this way if I could. I knew it would help if I rubbed her clit, but it wasn’t necessary. She was doing that herself. All I had to do was devour her sweet little butthole, which I did until she started her familiar quivering and pushed her butt backwards into my face. I kept licking her wrinkled hole while she was cumming.
When she was finished she flattened out and lay face down on the table, breathing hard, and putting her arms under her face for comfort. After a short rest she started giggling and said, “Mr. Mike, you’re a NASTY man!”
I replied, “And you are a delicious little girl. I’ve been wanting to eat out that little brown hole for a long time.”
She rolled over and smiled up at me, and giggled again, said, “You’re nasty Mr. Mike, but that was really nice. You can eat out my little brown hole anytime you want to.”
“Well, Thank you. I’ll sure be happy to do it, Darlin’.”
Susan slid off the table and straightened her clothing. We sat at the table and I asked her, “How long until your mom comes home?”
“Not long,” she said.
I asked, “Susan, the other day when you had to go home and you said your parents were almost home, you were right. They showed up just as you were leaving. How did you know? I mean . . . Can you feel . . . Do you know where they are all the time.”
She said, “No, I don’t know where they are, but I can feel it when they’re close. I don’t know how. I just know. I can just feel it. Like I know when you’re watching me at the window.”
“You’re a talented girl, Susan.”
“I don’t know if it’s good or bad. Sometimes I know things that . . . that I wish I didn’t.”
“Well, I guess it’s a tool if you can use it to your advantage, like the other day when you knew they were coming.”
“Yeah, sometimes it’s pretty cool.”
“Did you know I was going to bring you in the house and lick your butt?”
She giggled, “I knew you wanted to lick me. You told me that. I didn’t know you were going to turn me upside down and lick my butthole.”
I laughed with her. “Well, good. Maybe I can still surprise you once in a while.”
She said, “You sure did this time.”
It was almost time for her mom to come back, and she didn’t wait until the last minute. We talked a little more and she was ready to head home. At the door she said, “Thanks for . . . for what you did to me. It was really nice.”
I kissed her and said, “You’re welcome, Sweetheart. I enjoyed it as much as you did.”
“I doubt that!” she said.
I gave her one last hug and said, “And thank you for never wearing panties. I love that!”
“You’re welcome, Mr. Mike. I do it just for you. I used to wear panties all the time until I met you.”
She was full of surprises.
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By Anonymous II
#Exhibitionist #Tween #Virgin #Voyeur