The Scavenger Hunt |

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Susan and Dan met in college, dated throughout, and married upon graduation. Four years later, they were still madly in love. They were friends and lovers who were meant to spend a lifetime together until…


Dan came home from work in a daze. He had been thinking in a parking lot for the last three hours. The parking lot belonged to his doctor. The same doctor that had given him news that he now had to tell his wife. He still didn’t know how to tell her. Finally realizing that he had been parked in the driveway to his home for ten minutes, he shut off the car and got out.

Dan need not have worried about how to start the conversation. One look at his face when he walked in the door told Susan that something was horribly wrong. “Dan, what is it? Please tell me and we can work through it together.”

“I, uhm….

“I have cancer…”


“It’s extremely aggressive and the prognosis is not good at all. I am so sorry Susan. You don’t deserve this. You deserve a healthy man to love you for all your life. You need to call your parents and let them know you will be coming home. I don’t have long, and I don’t want you to watch me fade away.”

Tears fell from her eyes. “Don’t you do it Dan. Don’t you dare shut me out when we need each other most. You will not do this alone!”

Dan took her into his arms and held on to her for dear life. “I love you and I don’t want you to be hurt. And… I’m scared, babe. Really scared.”

“We will fight together. That’s what we do.”

Dan sat down with her on the couch and gathered himself to explain. “I have cancer in both kidneys, and it has spread. They want to take my kidneys, which means dialysis every day for the rest of my short life. Even then, the cancer will still get me. My best case is another five years. The worst case is maybe four months.

The couple cried and held each other until no tears were left. Susan pulled herself together. Her voice was husky with grief and sadness. “I will handle everything, and I mean everything, while you focus on what is ahead of us. Deal?”

“Okay. Oh god, I hate what this has done to us. Sure, I’m scared, but that is nothing compared to what you will go through. At least I have medical insurance through work. We don’t have to worry about that.”


Two years, thirtyeight days, two hours, and seventeen minutes later, Dan died at home with his loving wife next to him. He left behind a grieving widow and a mountain of debt that he had been kept totally unaware of. He had insurance through his work, but they had reached the maximum it would cover and left that sum in the dust. Dan’s cost of care was ridiculously expensive. Susan did the best she could to try in some small way to make up the difference. It was never enough to stem the tide of medical bills. When Dan passed away, he left a grieving wife and a mountain of debt.

A year after Dan passed, Susan sat in her living room, crying her heart out. The final straw had arrived via certified US Mail that afternoon, signature required. She had been unable to pay the mortgage payment on the house since Dan passed. She had begged the bank for mercy, but their mercy only lasted a year. To make matters worse, since she defaulted on the contract, she had to pay it all or lose it all. If she couldn’t pay her mortgage, she would lose her house, her home, and the last remnant of her marriage.

The day following the letter from the bank, she opened her mailbox to discover the usual stack of twenty to thirty overdue notices from various medical providers and one manila envelope with no return address.

Susan took the mail inside, dropped the bills on the overflowing stack covering the dining room table. She opened the manila envelope, wondering what new straw was being loaded on the camel’s back. Within the envelope was an invitation in beautiful calligraphy. Included with the invitation was a typed letter. Susan dropped the envelope and invitation and read the letter.

Dearest Susan,

   You and Dan were a wonderful couple, and it was easy to see the love you shared. What happened to you both is not how we would like the world to work. The world and life does what it does, whether we approve or not. Now you are faced with losing everything you have. It isn’t fair or right, but it’s how it is anyway.

   I would offer to handle your financial problems, but you would never accept. You are too honorable for that. No, even if you accepted the help, you would sit in your shared home, reminisce, and die of old age alone. Dan would never have wanted that for you. Above all things, he would want you to be happy.

   The enclosed invitation offers you the chance to solve your financial problems yourself. Along the way, I hope you will come alive again.


A Friend.’

She wasn’t sure where the envelope came from or who was behind it, although she suspected someone from the bank. Susan was stunned and sat unmoving for several minutes as a storm of emotions, sadness, anger, and then curiosity, washed over her. It was the curiosity that finally made her pick up the invitation.

You Are Invited to A Scavenger Hunt!

You must go to the address below, follow all instructions, and repeat as required. Failure to comply with instructions will result in a forfeit.

If you complete the hunt you will receive $100,000.

Go to 285 Hillcrest Drive, Chesterville, at noon on Friday, June 25th.

You must arrive within five minutes of the required time or forfeit.’

Susan dropped the invitation. One. Hundred. Thousand. Dollars! Enough to save her home. Enough to keep the bill collectors at bay. She knew she could pay them all off if she had some breathing room. She had a good job, and the pay wasn’t bad. She just needed time and money. A lot of money. A hundred thou worth of money. The decision wasn’t that difficult at all.

Two days later, Susan put on her thighhigh stockings, dark grey skirt, and buttonup blouse. Her lingerie matched her royal blue blouse, which in turn matched her eyes. Her blonde hair was swept back and held by a jade clip that Dan had given her. Her shoes were her normal work heels, which gave her legs that muscular tension that men admire so much. She didn’t consider the heels special. They were just something she wore to work at the office.

She did take a moment to admire herself in the mirror. Dan’s illness had kept her home when she wasn’t working. When she wasn’t working or helping Dan, she worked out daily to fill the hours. The results were obvious. Her fit body accentuated her proud and upright breasts. My butt doesn’t look bad either.

She knocked on the door promptly at noon. The shirtless man who answered the door was all business. “Let me see your invitation.”

Susan showed him the invitation, and he invited her in. As soon as he closed the door, he handed her several sheets of paper. “Read it and sign it, or leave.”

Susan soon realized that the papers were a nondisclosure agreement. She didn’t see an issue with keeping her mouth shut and signed the agreement without discussion. As soon as she handed the man the signed papers, he smiled. “Now we can be friends. You must do as I tell you, or you’re out.”

He handed her a wooden hanger. “Take off your blouse and hang it up.”


“You heard me. Take off your blouse and hang it up. Or leave. It makes no difference to me.”

Susan slowly unbuttoned her blouse, hoping he would say he was kidding. He wasn’t. Susan felt her skin glowing red from embarrassment as she took off her blouse. She put it on the hanger and hung it from the clothes tree by the door.

“Follow me.”

She followed behind him as he walked through the house and into a den. An obviously pornographic movie was paused on the huge flatscreen television hung on the wall. Susan felt herself getting redder as the man sat in a recliner facing the television. He pointed at a chair positioned diagonally to him and the television. “Sit there.”

She sat and waited as patiently as she could. The man sipped his beer, stood, and dropped his pants to the floor. His erection stuck out in front of him like some obscene blunt pointer. The only thing that kept Susan seated was her shock. The man kicked his pants away and plopped back down on the recliner. He pulled the lever and fully reclined in the chair. One hand grabbed the remote, the other grabbed his cock.

Susan braced herself and swallowed her shock at his display. She’d been through much worse and decided she wasn’t ready to quit yet. If the guy wanted to take advantage of the contest to play with  his rather impressive cock it was fine with her. It wasn’t like he was touching her. She’d seen guys beat off before, and it didn’t bother her, quite the opposite. Every time she’d seen a guy masturbating, it had made her horny as hell. It had been years since she had , and she was almost certain she never would again. This guy certainly wasn’t going to get to her.

The man started the movie and began to slowly stroke his cock. Susan started to look away, but he wasn’t having it. “You have to watch. You cannot look away unless I tell you to.”

Susan watched. She wanted to anyway but didn’t want to make an inappropriate impression. She couldn’t help but notice that he was rather blessed in the cock department. It seemed to grow with each slow stroke of his hand. After a while, her reservations took a back seat to her curiosity. She watched him and wondered when he would shoot. She wondered about it so much that she began to wish he would speed things up. She bit her lip in anticipation when he hesitated and gave her a direct look. “Take off your bra.”

Susan took off her bra and laid it on the arm of her chair without hesitation. It seemed like a fair trade, and she had to admit she hadn’t felt like this in a long time. The man stared at her exposed tits. “It’s not cold in here, but your nipples are hard. Do you like watching me?”

“No, uhm, yes, uhm, I don’t know…”

“Well, keep watching. And play with your nipples while you do.”

Susan felt strange following the blatantly ual commands of this man, but she complied. Her fingertips ran across her nipples tentatively as he returned to his stroking. After a few minutes, Susan relaxed back in the chair while both her hands played with her nipples. The man began to increase the pace of his stroking and she wanted to ask him if he was angry at it. He sure seemed to be gripping and stroking it aggressively. His gaze left the television and fell onto her breasts.

He stared hard at her breasts, and Susan unconsciously began to tease him. Her fingers ran around her nipples before squeezing them and pulling them. His orgasm surprised them both. She watched as ropes of cum shot out of his cock and onto his flat stomach. A rush of emotion swept through her that she struggled to process. She almost didn’t want it to be over.

The man grabbed the box of tissues by his chair and cleaned himself up. He stood while pulling his pants on. “Follow me.”

He walked her back to the living room and pointed at her clothes. “Put your bra and blouse back on until you reach the next address. Once inside, take them back off. They will know you are coming and what I told you to do. You have ten minutes.”

He handed Susan an address, turned his back to her, and walked away. When she finished dressing, she let herself out and went to her car.

Fortunately, the next address was only a block over. Susan had time to run into a local fastfood franchise and use the bathroom. She was shocked when she sat down to pee and discovered how wet she was. She could feel herself flushing with embarrassment again, or maybe it was something else. This situation was beyond her experience, but it didn’t seem dangerous. It did excite her curiosity. Moments later, she was back in her car and on her way down the street.

She knocked on the door at the next top of her journey. A smiling woman answered. “Hi, please come in.”

Susan walked in and the woman closed the door. Susan stood just inside and looked at the woman. The woman stared back at her as if waiting for something. It suddenly occurred to Susan what she was waiting for. Susan unbuttoned her blouse and took it off. The woman picked up a hanger and took the blouse from her. Susan removed her bra and the lady hung it from the same hanger. This is beginning to feel normal.

The woman watched Susan for a moment, then nodded as if in approval. “Take off your skirt.”

Susan didn’t hesitate this time. She removed her skirt and handed it to the woman. The woman hung the skirt from a second hanger and waved for Susan to follow her. They walked back through the hallway and into a bedroom. A chair sat next to the bed and the lady waved toward it. “Have a seat. You are to play with your tits, and you can touch your pussy on the outside of your underwear only.”

Susan was in shock over what was on the bed, or more accurately, who. A large barrelchested man reclined on the bed. The shocking part didn’t come from his obvious nudity. It came from the size of his penis. He was massive in both length and girth, and Susan was at a loss as to how any woman could make him fit. The woman who escorted her in was a petite brunette. There was no way she could take on such a beast. Susan hoped that she would not be asked to do anything with it. Her scavenger hunt would end quickly if they tried to make her have with him.

The woman climbed onto the bed and fell into the man’s arms. They began kissing passionately and their hands wandered over each other’s bodies. Eventually, his hand made it to her crotch, and her hand gripped his cock. Her hand looked tiny, stroking his weapon. The couple continued to excite each other, and the heat between them became obvious.

The man slid down the bed until he was flat on his back, and the woman straddled his head. She tilted forward and took his cock in her mouth while settling her pussy on his face.

Susan had been obediently playing with her nipples as she watched in fascination. Her other hand had wandered to her crotch and was rubbing slowly on her clothcovered clit. Susan had forgotten that she had permission to rub her crotch but wasn’t required to. It just seemed to be the right thing to do.

Susan’s fascination and arousal increased as she watched the small woman suck his massive cock. The woman wrapped one hand around it and took as much as she could into her mouth. A substantial amount of hard, glistening shaft was left exposed. The woman’s wiggles on the man’s face became erratic, and she removed the cock from her mouth long enough to shudder through an orgasm. Susan’s gently probing fingers could feel the wetness leaking through her underwear.

The woman moved from the man’s face and re positioned, straddling his crotch. She held his massive pole and positioned it at her entrance. Over the next five minutes, the petite woman impaled herself until only a few inches remained outside of her stretched pussy. She slowly began to slide forward and back. Susan could see the giant member sliding in and out. The view struck something primal in her, and she found herself wondering how it would feel. Her fingers moved faster at her crotch as her other hand pulled on her rockhard nipple.

The man stared directly at Susan. He spoke in grunts and gasps, “I’m going to cum soon. When she gets off my cock you will pump it until I cum in her mouth.”

Susan was as near to numb at strange request as she could get at this point and nodded her acceptance.

“Sit on the edge of the bed and get ready.”

Susan moved to the bed and sat. Her hand was no longer playing with her breast but was poised to grab the massive wet cock when the woman moved off. The woman was orgasming spectacularly as Susan waited, and Susan wondered what she was feeling. She realized she was a bit jealous.

The woman gradually slowed, and the man pushed her off. Susan immediately grabbed his cock and began to stroke it. Her other hand remained between her legs. The woman got on her hands and knees and leaned over the massive erection. No sooner had she done so when Susan felt the huge cock swell even larger. She felt it pulse as the first shot of cum flowed through it and jetted into the woman’s mouth. The next shot caught the woman with her mouth closed while she swallowed and landed on her face.

Susan was quivering with arousal as the third and fourth shots spasmed forth from his cock. A final last spasm resulted in a dribble of cum oozing from the end. “Lick that off.”

Susan leaned forward, and her tongue came out tentatively. She licked the head, scooping the cum up with her tongue. When she swallowed, a switch flipped in her brain. She began licking the head aggressively and cleaned it thoroughly. She sucked the massive head into her mouth and pumped the cock with her hand to ensure she got the last drop from it.

“OK, that’s enough. Go to the front room and wait.”

Susan reluctantly released the spent cock, stood, and walked out of the room. She walked in a daze to the front room and stood in deep thought. She jumped when the man came up behind her. “Put your clothes on. When you get to the next house, strip back down like you are now.” After she dressed, he handed her a slip of paper with her next address. “You have ten minutes to get there.”

The next address was a few blocks away. Susan stopped at the same fastfood store she had earlier and went to the restroom. Her legs shook as she stood at the sink and looked in the mirror. She didn’t understand what was happening to her. She felt like some wanton whore. The only thing she could think about was that massive cock, how it looked penetrating that woman’s pussy, and how it felt in her hand and mouth. She wet a handful of paper towels with cold water and held them to her forehead briefly before dabbing her eyes. She couldn’t imagine what would happen next.

Susan wasn’t a quitter, and she wouldn’t start being one now. She climbed back into her car and drove to the next house. She pulled over in front of the house, got out of the car, and rang the doorbell. She was pleasantly surprised when a smiling young woman answered the door, “Please come in. I am so glad you could come. Susan walked in and unbuttoned her blouse as the door shut behind her.

The young woman’s amazing figure was made apparent by the peignoir and thong that were her only clothing. She looked like Susan’s younger twin, and her smile was contagious. “I’m Jessica. You won’t be needing those wet panties or your heels either.” Susan didn’t hesitate to remove her panties. She kicked off her heels and discovered she was the same height as Susan.

“Follow me, please.”

Once again, Susan walked through a stranger’s house and into a bedroom. The man on the bed was nice looking, with broad shoulders and deep blue eyes. He was also very wellendowed and obviously excited. His erection stood proud as he watched the two women enter the room. Jessica stopped Susan at the end of the bed. Her hands cupped Susan’s cheeks, and the next thing Susan knew, she was being kissed by a woman.

Susan was shocked at first and almost pulled away, but then her stubborn streak took over. She wasn’t about to quit over a kiss, so she went with it. Once her decision was made, she found that she quite liked the experience. She decided that she liked it a lot. It had been so long since she kissed another human being romantically. It affected her deeply, and she melted into the kiss. Susan put her arms around Jessica and held her close as the kiss deepened.

Susan felt Jessica’s hands wandering over her body. Jessica broke the kiss to take Susan’s nipple into her mouth. She gently sucked and licked her nipple before moving to her other breast to repeat the process. Jessica’s hand cupped Susan’s mound, and her finger slid down her wet labia, rubbing her clit as it went. Susan’s knees got weak from the attention and her intense arousal.

Jessica’s lips met hers again, and they kissed hungrily. Jessica pulled back after a few moments. “I’m going to lay on the bad, and you are going to straddle my face.”

Susan didn’t hesitate. As soon as Jessica lay down, she crawled onto the bed and onto Jessica’s face. The feeling of Jessica’s tongue on her clit was mindnumbingly erotic. Susan began to rock her hips in time with the amazing tongue.

“It’s time for you to suck my cock.”

Susan had forgotten the man on the bed even existed. Her heightened state of arousal made her enthusiastically reach for his cock. She was lying on top of Jessica, her body angled to the side and a hard cock at her lips. Her tongue darted out and licked the tip for just a moment. She moaned as her mouth enclosed the tip and slid down his velvety hardness. One hand supported her while the other pumped the big cock as she sucked greedily.

Susan was delirious with lust. She had a death grip on his cock as her orgasm exploded through her body. It had been years since she had orgasmed, and it seemed like all of that builtup need was released in one explosive burst of pleasure. All her body’s nerves were focused on her groin and her mouth. She drove her mouth back onto the amazing cock in her hand and sucked greedily. The feeling of it sliding in and out of her mouth added to her ongoing orgasm and its aftershocks.

Two hands gently held her head as the cock swelled in her mouth and began to release its seed. She swallowed it all and continued to suck. She didn’t want this to end. His gentle hands pushed her head away, and Jessica moved from beneath her. Susan collapsed on the bed as her heart raced, and she tried to catch her breath.

Jessica lightly kissed her. “It’s time for you to go.” She helped Susan shakily to her feet and held onto her arm like they had been friends all their lives. They slowly walked down the hall. She helped Susan dress, then opened the door. “You know what to do at the next house when you get there.” She handed Susan the address and smiled as she shut the door. Susan stood on the front step momentarily, then went to her car.

The next address was nearby as well. She had fifteen minutes to get there, and it would take two of those minutes to make the trip. She didn’t care. All she knew was she wanted to get this over with.

No, that wasn’t it at all. The realization hit her that she felt truly alive for the first time in years and wanted more. She was thirteen minutes early when she got to the next house and rang the doorbell.

The first word that came to mind when the door opened was Hunk. The man was young, midtwenties, and built like a brick wall. She could tell because the only thing he was wearing was tight workout shorts. His muscle definition was amazing. His bright green eyes were filled with humor and arousal upon seeing her.

Susan couldn’t take her eyes off his body. When she saw the swelling in his workout shorts, she continued to stare in fascination as it grew. She unconsciously bit her lip as his erection nearly escaped the top of his shorts. She probably would have continued to stand there staring if he hadn’t chosen to turn away from her and walk into the living room. She watched his tight ass as she followed him.

When she walked into the room, she was surprised to see another man, his near twin, reclining on the couch. She was nervous and still aroused from earlier as she stood in front of the two men. The first man sat on the couch and smiled at her. “You’re wearing too many clothes.”

Susan was startled out of her contemplation of some serious man meat by the statement. She immediately felt shy about exposing herself to the two men. Surely, they had seen much betterlooking women than her naked. Still, she had come this far, and she could take some humiliation if that was what it took. She reached for the first button on her blouse as the men watched.

They didn’t offer her a hanger for her clothes, and she had just started to unbutton her blouse when a soothing baritone voice stopped her. “This isn’t your doctor’s office. Dance for us while you undress.”

Susan was confused and embarrassed. She had no idea how to dance seductively but decided to do her best. She began to sway her hips as the buttons opened. She tried to slide the blouse down her arms and catch it seductively, but she missed it and dropped it onto the floor. She felt her face catch fire with her embarrassment but continued. Her skirt was next, and she managed to slide it slowly down her swaying hips and let it drop onto the floor.

She looked up, expecting to see smirks of derision. Instead, both men were watching in fascination. Their erections were obvious. She removed her bra as seductively as she could. When her pert breasts were revealed, both men stood. She reached for her panties, and they mimicked her by reaching for their own. As her panties slid down her legs, their shorts dropped to the floor, revealing two beautiful hard cocks.

Susan bit her lip again as she stared at their erect cocks swaying in front of her. The man who had met her at the door smiled. “I’m Steven, and this is my brother Eric. You are simply amazing and, by far, the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. Eric just nodded his agreement and walked over to her. He gently pulled her into his arms and kissed her.

Oh god! It felt so good to be held and kissed passionately. Susan melted into the kiss. She had no idea how long they stood and kissed before she felt Steven against her back. His hands were on her hips, and his erection was standing against the crack of her ass. She was shaking as the two men held her between them. Eric broke the kiss and looked into her eyes. “We will not hurt you. We want to worship you if you will let us.”

Steven kissed her neck and down her shoulder. His hands cupped her ass as his brother cupped her breasts in his hands. Eric kissed her nipples before sucking one, then the other, into his mouth. His tongue flicked each nipple into proud erection. Steven’s hand slid across her skin from her ass to her belly before gliding down to her crotch. His fingers slid between her labia and caressed her clit.

Susan didn’t know what they had planned for her, but she knew that whatever it was, she wanted it. She grasped Eric’s cock in her hands and began to slowly stroke it. Steven’s finger entered her ready vagina as his brother suckled her tits.

Eric returned to her lips, and she felt Steven’s finger leave her now very aroused pussy. She nearly groaned at the loss of sensation. When Eric’s lips left hers, he turned her toward the couch. Steven lay on the couch on his back with his erection pointed at the ceiling. Eric whispered into her ear. “Go ahead and put him in your mouth. Show him that you want his cock.”

Susan knelt on the floor, leaned over, and grasped Steven’s cock. She took him into her mouth and moaned at his hardness as she began to suck. Eric lay down on the floor behind her and slid his head between her legs. He began to lick her pussy as she serviced his brother. The combination of the wonderful cock in her mouth, the mouth on her pussy, and the two very y men brought her arousal to a peak, and she orgasmed uncontrollably. As she recovered from her orgasm, she couldn’t help but think, And they are paying me?

Eric had gotten onto his knees behind her. “Do you want my cock?”


“Do you want my brother’s cock?”


“Stand up for me.”

Susan stood, and Eric picked her up. He carried her down the hall, into the bedroom, and laid her on the bed. He moved between her legs and slid his cockhead into her opening. He held her in his arms and kissed her deeply while slowly sliding his cock deep within her. He began to give her all his length in languid strokes, and her arousal was through the roof.

Susan wrapped her arms around his neck and threw her legs around his waist. He gradually increased his speed. The sweat beaded on his forehead as he stroked steadily into her. Susan didn’t just want his cock; she needed his cock like she needed the air she breathed. The orgasm that swept through her body left her in tears of happiness.

Eric slid his cock from her and moved up by her head. She lovingly sucked on him, her hand pumping, as he shot deep into her mouth. She took all that he had and gently cleaned his cock with her tongue when he finished.

Steven laid down behind her and raised her leg so that he could enter her from behind. He held her leg up with one hand, slid his cock into her willing pussy, and began to hammer his cock into her. This was an entirely different level of . He hammered her pussy, and she started to orgasm almost immediately. She still held tightly to Eric’s cock as she moaned. Steven continued to make her orgasm until, finally, she felt his hot cum smashing against her cervix.

Eric slid down the bed, and the two men held her close between them. Eric planted kisses on her face and lips while Steven gently stroked her arm and hip. Susan felt a sense of contentment. A contentment that she hadn’t known since before her husband’s illness.

Susan expected to feel guilty for betraying her dead husband. In her heart, she knew he would have wanted her to have something like this. She believed that, and because of that, all she felt was wonderful contentment. Oh, and relief. After all, it had been a while and never like this!

Eric said quietly, “You are done with the scavenger hunt. There is a final location you will need to go to tomorrow evening at eight. I will give it to you before you leave.

“You can leave if you would like… Or you could stay with us for the night. We both want you to stay.”

Susan smiled up at the two men. “I don’t feel the need to rush out the door at the moment.”

“Great! You can enjoy a relaxing bath while we fix you dinner!”

Eric was off the bed like a shot. He went into the bathroom, and Susan heard water running. Steven held her close and kissed her ears and neck while they waited. Susan shivered. “You had better stop that, or you are going to get me horny again.”

“I want you horny. I plan to keep you horny until we can help you with that little problem. Then I plan to make you horny again.”

“I think I can live with that.”

Eric came back into the room. “Bath is ready. I’m heading to the kitchen.” He leaned over and kissed Susan deeply before leaving the room. Steven scooped her into his arms and carried her to the bath. The bathroom was huge and contained a soaking tub. Steven lowered her into the warm water. “I will be back in a few minutes.”

Eric had placed a folded towel on the tub edge as a cushion, and she rested her neck on it as she basked in the bath oils and hot water. Steven returned to the bath with a glass of chilled wine. “Enjoy. I’m going to help Eric with dinner. There is a robe on the back of the door. Please make yourself at home.”

Susan nearly fell asleep but managed to catch herself. She decided to use the bath for its intended purpose, and washing helped to reenergize her. After draining the tub and toweling off, she put on the robe and went to find the brothers.

Susan stared in surprise as she watched the two aproned brothers performing what looked like magic in the kitchen. Eric was wrangling four burners and an oven on the massive stove while Steven was tossing things together constructively. They looked like they belonged on one of the chef shows she liked to watch. “Wow! You guys know your way around a kitchen!”

“We should. We own Restaurant Lui in the Agreo building downtown.”

“You guys own Lui!?”

“Yes. Let me escort you to your seat, and we will serve you in a moment.” He walked her into the dining room and sat her at the head of an elegantly set table. He left her long enough to bring her a glass of wine. He returned to the kitchen and was soon back with the first course. Two courses later, the three were talking and laughing over an afterdinner cognac.

“I hope you enjoyed our cooking. What would you like to do next?”

“I want you both to take me back to bed.”

“We would be very pleased to help you with that.”

When Susan woke the next morning, she was surprised to find herself alone. A note on the pillow let her know that the shower was available and the guys were in the kitchen. After showering, she put on the robe and walked to the kitchen. Eric met her at the doorway and escorted her to the dining room. “Breakfast will be ready in a moment. Your clothes are washed and hanging in the living room. We thought watching you dress before you leave would be fun.”

Susan pulled his head down and kissed him deeply. “I prefer to undress for you.”

“Hopefully, you will again, but let’s have breakfast for now!”

Less than an hour later, Susan slowly dressed in front of the brothers. Her nervousness from before was gone. Now, the playfully ual way she dressed made both brothers want her even more. Susan kissed them both deeply before she left. The note with the final address was clutched in her hand.

A tired but happy Susan pulled into the garage of her home, got out of the car, and went into the house. She went to the bedroom she once shared with her husband and undressed. She climbed into the bed and got under the covers. She thought about the day before and the wonderful night with Steven and Eric. For the first time in years, she felt a sense of contentment, and she realized she was ready to start living again. She fell asleep, and the stress lines that had been a constant feature of her face for years were gone.

Two hours later, Susan woke and began to prepare for the evening ahead. Her wardrobe had been the last thing on her mind for years, but now she looked through it with new interest. She discovered a slinky red dress she had worn years ago on special occasions when she wanted to feel extra y. She decided a trip to the lingerie store was in order. An hour later, she had what she needed. All she had to do now was fill the time until the last task in her scavenger hunt.

Her mind was on overdrive, and the wait was excruciating. Yet, when the time came to get dressed for the evening, she found that she was calm, if a bit excited. She knew that she would be nervous when she arrived at her destination as hell, but for now, she was content to focus on preparation. The dress was cut low in the back and the front. Wearing a bra was out of the question. Her new thong was a shade of red that matched her dress. Red pullup hose and fourinch spiked heels rounded out her outfit. She brushed her hair out and let it hang freely down her back.

She arrived at the address ten minutes early. She realized that she should not have been surprised that it was the same building that held Restaurant Lui. The instructions led her to a service entrance at the rear of the building. She knocked, and the door was opened immediately by the man she had watched masturbate yesterday. He smiled in welcome. “It’s good to see you again, Susan. My name is Mark, and I am pleased you’ve made it this far in your quest. Please follow me.”

The stern man from yesterday was gone. Mark was gregarious as he escorted Susan to a service elevator and the mezzanine. He disarmed her nervousness with humorous comments and observations. Susan felt like he was an old friend rather than some stranger she had watched masturbate. From there, they took the elevator to the penthouse level.

As the elevator rose, Mark lightly took Susan’s arm. “Turn toward the back of the elevator. I am going to put a blindfold on you. You are not to take it off unless told to do so.”

The blindfold covered her eyes fully and was snug against her face. The material was soft and not the least uncomfortable. Susan felt the elevator stop and heard the door open. She was led slowly and carefully out of the elevator. She followed Mark’s lead: straight ahead for ten steps, right turn, twenty steps, stop, turnaround. Susan stood alone for what seemed like an hour but was only a few minutes. Then she felt the touch of what must be a feather on her cheek.

The feather tickled and enticed its way under her chin, down her neck, and across the exposed skin above the neckline of her dress. Neckline being a misleading term since the dress was low cut. So much so that when Susan moved in certain ways, anyone watching got an eyeful of side boob. The touch of the feather faded away as it left her skin. Goosebumps were left behind as a reminder of its passage.

Susan’s mind was catching up to the situation. On one hand, she had no idea what they would do to her. It takes a lot of trust to let oneself be blindfolded and at the mercy of unknown people in unknown numbers. On the other hand, things so far had been gentle, yet extremely exciting. She knew that Mark wasn’t faking his happiness to see her, and his kindness was as obvious as it was sincere. It came down to two things: trust and . She was already aroused, and she trusted whoever was behind the scavenger hunt not to hurt her. Her decision was made; Susan couldn’t wait for whatever came next.

She didn’t have to wait long. The feather touched her bare shoulder and traced down her arm all the way to the tip of her finger. At the same time, lips touched her neck in a light kiss. The kisses progressed down her neck and across her shoulder. She felt a hand take hers and the lips kissed down her shoulder, pushing the shoulder straps of her dress down as they went.

Another set of lips mimicked the same process on her other arm. The dress slipped toward the floor as the straps slid off her shoulders. The lips left her skin as the dress pooled on the floor. She stood blindfolded and exposed. The dress partially covered her high heels, and her thighhigh stockings accentuated her amazing legs.

She felt fingers grasp the string of her thong and pull it downward. It soon joined the dress on the floor. A hand under her arm helped her balance as one foot, then the other was lifted, and her high heels were removed. She was moved backward and guided to step back and up onto some sort of step. She felt minklined restraints as they were wrapped around her ankles. A hand gently traced down her arm and grasped her wrist. Her arm was raised above her head, and a minklined handcuff captured her wrist. Moments later, the process was repeated with her other arm. The capture of her arms pulled her back against padding that ran from her shoulders down her back.

Then soft lips met hers and kissed her deeply. Susan loved to kiss and had missed that connection with another person more than she missed . She was lost in the kiss for some immeasurable time before a tongue met hers in a dance of arousal. Her disappointment was palpable when the lips left hers. Her mood change did not last long because the lips returned, this time to her neck, and a tongue licked downward. Her goosebumps were back, and they had goosebumps.

Susan’s arousal grew as the unknown person licked and kissed down her chest. Hands cupped her breasts, and a second tongue mimicked the first, tracing around her areola. Her stockingclad feet began to move apart as some unknown mechanism separated the step she stood on. She was being tilted back at the same time. Her back rested against the padding when she came to a gentle stop at fortyfive degrees relative to the floor. She barely noticed because the tongues on her breasts had not stopped teasing her nipples.

What she did notice right away was the lips and tongue working their way up the insides of her legs. As the lips inched closer to her center, the tongue would dart out and lick her velvety skin. Her arousal increased with each lick. When the mouth finally enveloped her mound, her hips moved sympathetically. That’s the place. I’m so glad you found it.

Susan basked in the slow build of her arousal. Now, suddenly, it wasn’t a slow build. She was racing toward a wonderful orgasm and across the finish line in seconds. Some wonderful time later, she began to get her breath back, and at that moment, the blindfold was pulled from her eyes. Eric and Steven possessed the mouths that had so recently been licking and sucking her nipples. She looked between them and down to see Andie smile up at her, her mouth wet with Susan’s juices.

Andie stood and moved to the side, and a naked Mark stepped forward. Eric and Steven released her hands and feet while Mark moved between her legs. He leaned forward and kissed her deeply. The action forced his erection against her labia. As their kiss deepened his cock slid downward. Their tongues clashed together as Susan reached down and placed his cockhead at her entrance. He slowly began to push, and inch by inch, he penetrated her completely.

He held himself deep within her and began to flex his cock. The sensations he created rolled through her body, and she loved them. She needed more, and she needed it faster. Mark began to increase his pace as if he had read her mind. Soon, he was long stroking at a rapid pace, and Susan groaned her appreciation. It wasn’t long before both were rocked with the spasms for their orgasms. They held each other close and kissed deeply for a time only lovers know.

Mark’s spent cock slipped from Susan and tickled her a bit as it went. Susan chuckled and smiled as Mark pulled her to her feet. He smiled and kissed her again. “The bath is through that door. Eric and Steven have volunteered to help you clean up and dress. We’ll talk when you are done.”

Susan saw that she was in a huge master bedroom. Eric and Steven escorted her to the bathroom, where they bathed her by hand. They then helped her dress. The process was peppered throughout with kisses and intimate touches. Finally ready, Susan was escorted out of the bedroom and into a large living area. Mark stood waiting.

“Please have a seat, Susan, and I will explain everything.”

Susan sat, and Mark handed her an envelope. “That contains the check for the amount promised.

“Now, as to why on earth would we do this? I have an answer.

“I am a man of means, and along with various charitable interests, I also have a personal project. I identify people like yourself and help them over a hump that life has thrown in front of them.

“In your case, I found a beautiful woman, full of life, and a charitable person. You stuck with your husband and never let him suffer, knowing your debt was constantly rising. You made a dying man as happy as he could possibly be. When he died, you kept going, committed to paying off the debt. In short, you are a wonderful person. I could not sit by and watch you become a spinster in sacrifice to your dead husband, so I came up with a plan.

“The goal was simple. Make sure that this vital woman starts life again. Show her that there can be more than paying debt and waiting to die.

“In that, I think we have been successful.”

Susan was flabbergasted! She looked up at Mark. “You, uhm. I mean, wow!”

“I understand it will take a bit to take it all in. While you do that, I have something else for you to consider.

“I would like you to help us help others in situations like yours. Help us help them. It not only feels good in the heart to do so, but it also feels good period.

“We never force anyone to do anything. Our goal is to give them the opportunity to live again. It is always up to them whether they take advantage of the opportunity or not.”

Susan frowned. “But you kind of blackmailed me.”

“Did we? You could have managed without the money. You would have lost the house, but you would manage. You decided that the money was worth the effort. At every stage, you could have walked away at any time, but you didn’t. I think that you are glad you stuck it out. Am I wrong?”

“No, you are absolutely right. Even without the money, I am thrilled with what happened with everyone involved. You treated me like a queen. A dominated queen, but still a queen. I enjoyed the domination part, too.

“I admit it is a bit to take in, but I know what I need to do. I want to be part of this. I like helping people, and I really like the great !”

“Awesome! Let’s review some potential candidates.”