Latest sex stories about The Sapphic Girls Club 5 – Beka pt2 added for who looking to read new experience of teenager narrative The Sapphic Girls Club 5 – Beka pt2 story.
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#Exhibitionist #Teen #Voyeur #Zoophilia
By Connie Lingus
In part four Fourteen year old Beka made out with her dog, suck her dogs cock, and lets him eat her pussy. Now she gets fucked by her furry friend.
The other girls were stunned and totally aroused, first watching as this little girl made out with her dogs tongue, then little Beka pleasuring her dog’s cock with her lips and getting a mouthful of cum for her reward, then seeing Beka with her dog’s tongue licking her wide open and clearly aroused pussy, defiling her so completely. All of them, but especially Abby, her big sister, were frozen with incredulity, immobilized with disbelief, and shocked by what they had just watched Beka do with Bo.
Beka’s head flopped back on her pile of pillows exhausted and totally drained, her orgasm just now subsiding after several spasm filled minutes. Her arms were straight down by her sides, her hands rubbing tenderly over her cramping abdomen, and her legs were separated just wide enough for Bo to lie between them comfortably. Bo licked his cock and his lips, his tongue savoring Beka’s orgasmic release. He wagged his fluffy tail a few times then worked his way closer to the nearly unconscious teen’s body. He put his head on her stomach then slid himself further up her body. His hind legs pushed him forward until his entire furry bulk blanketed the petite girl completely. He stretched his neck forward, his muzzle almost to Beka’s chin and licked her right cross her lips. Beka’s body jerked like she had gotten an electric shock. Bo climbed further up her limp body, his paws and strong front legs spread on either side of her ribcage effectively pinning Beka’s arms to her side. He licked her mouth again and again while his back legs gained more purchase on the furry comforter. Soon his chest was rubbing against her tiny breasts, his hind legs were between Beka’s spread thighs, and his stomach pressed tight against her pubic mound. His mouth found Beka’s again and his tongue slithered over her slightly parted lips. The flexible invading tongue squirmed and wiggled deep inside the surprised girls stuffed mouth. She tried to tell him to stop but the dog’s huge tongue pummeled her, and she could only gurgle an incoherent protest and retch with his tongue so far inside her mouth. Seemingly out of nowhere and with no warning Bo’s hips thrust upward and forward bumping Beka and inch or two toward the headboard. Beka’s head lurched up from the pillows and her eyes were wide in alarmed comprehension. She had felt his hard wet cock poking the soft flesh at the very top of her thighs, where they joined her hips, inches from her unprotected and vulnerable vagina. Bo thrust forward again and Beka attempted to cry out in distress, but Bo’s huge tongue caused her to only moan in anguish. Again and again his hips pushed against the young teen’s writhing figure. Beka drew her feet near her butt, raised her knees upward, and bucked her body up and down trying to throw off the big dog, but only succeeded in giving him more access to her most private areas. Bo continued to stab his penis against Beka’s vulva and labia until his massive cock finally pierced the tender moist lips of Beka’s no longer virgin pussy. She whimpered a muffled cry of pain as his huge penis slipped a little deeper into her never before penetrated canal. She could feel his cock going further and further into her violated vagina, spreading her tight pussy open for his fat cock to fill, and an all-consuming pressure growing far inside her womb. The dog pumped harder and faster, his wicked cock now a full eight inches long of firm, glistening, hot, wet, pink flesh. Bo incessantly pushed deeper and deeper into the sobbing youngster’s breached vagina. At last, his entire penis was buried in the young teen’s pussy, pulsing, throbbing, and palpitating so far inside sweet young Beka. In her delirium, she realized Bo had abused her, violated her, and actually raped her in the most profound and intimate way imaginable. A tear escaped her eye and traced a wet path down her rosy pink cheek. For several minutes she felt Bo pushing hard and fast, like a jackhammer between her thighs, against her exposed and vulnerable core, his soft fur rubbing against her erect and quivering clitoris while his colossal cock swelled even fatter between her overstretched labia’s lips. She swayed her hips slightly and lifted her ass an inch or two trying to loosen the tight aching grip her pussy had on Bo’s massive penis. She was in shocked delirium when unexpectedly she felt him force his massive knot into her tight vaginal opening, stretching her wider and wider. She thrust her hips up against the invading inhuman cock again and again, spread her thighs as far apart as possible, and fucked her dog with unrestrained passion. She had never been penetrated before but Bo filling her pussy so completely hurt her so perfectly she nearly passed out from the pleasure.
Then Bo pushed forward once more and stopped. Beka could feel her pulse beating in her tight grip holding Bo inside her. She felt her dog, her lover spasm, then flood her womb with his hot semen, the sensation so erotic, so depraved, and so insanely perverted, her pussy clenched in another mind bending orgasm. Beka’s head whipped from side to side and she scream out her release, “OH FUCK! OH GOD!!! OH MY GOD!! NOOO! OH YES!!! OH GOD!! AAAHHHHHH…!!!!
Abby was the first to come out of her sexual inspired stupor, realizing Beka was in pain and screaming in distress. She pushed Bo hard in his side and he fell off the side of the bed, pulling his still swollen penis from inside Beka’s cum filled pussy. Everything seemed to freeze, no one moved, nothing was said, and their world stopped in this depraved and pornographic tableau.
Then everything went crazy. Abby and Beka’s mom, Kathy, stood a few feet inside the room and an arms length from the big bed and quickly took in the whole scene.
Beka still had her legs wide spread and the dogs cum was leaking from her trembling pussy. Suzi and Jill were lying on the bed together, their bodies a twisting writhing mass, kissing deeply, while Jill finger-fuck Suzi’s wet cunt and Suzi fingered Jill’s sloppy asshole. Kim sat in a chair bedside, calves resting on its arm and thighs wide apart, fingers rubbing her stiff pink clitoris, staring in disbelief, mouth hanging open, at Beka and her cum saturated vagina. Joy was kneeling beside the bed petting Bo, one hand scratching his ears while the other jerked off his still erect and ejaculating cock. Abby stood by the head of the bed and was gently brushing Beka’s hair from her eyes with the fingers of one hand, holding her sister hand with the other, kissing the young girls moist flushed cheek softy and tenderly, and whispering loving words of encouragement and forgiveness. Hanna stood there stark naked, breathing hard, a purple dildo peeking from between her clasped together thighs. She stayed behind a video recorder on a tripod, evidently recording every lewd and depraved thing these young girls were doing. Hanna pushed the stop button on the recorder, covered her bare breasts with her shaking hands, and looked Mrs. Blair in the eye.
“Hey there, Mrs. Blair, how are you tonight?” Hanna managed to ask the older woman in a breathy and trembling voice.
“Hanna, what’s going on here? What are these girls doing? Why are you filming them? Shouldn’t you all be wearing clothes?” Kathy asked in rapid fire order.
Abby looked up from taking care of her misused and abused little sister and saw her mom standing at the foot of the bed, a dumbfounded look on her worried face.
“Hey, Mom, what’s up? Can we do something for you? Just the ‘Girls Club’ having some fun tonight.” Abby said as though nothing unusual was happening in this sex scented room.
Kathy looked down at her youngest daughter, and realized what she was really seeing. She was suddenly speechless when she saw Beka spread open thighs and her open, dripping, and clearly recently fucked pussy and Bo’s being jerked off by Joy McBride. Without really think about what she was doing, she climbed onto the bed and knelt between Beka’s cum covered legs. She reached her hand out and touched her baby girl’s ravaged vagina, feeling the heat radiating from the girl’s sperm covered cleft. Her fingered traced up and down, from Beka’s smooth perineum, up along her blossoming adolescent labia, to the place where all her vaginal lips joined and her tiny erect clitoris peeked out of hiding. Her finger tip was covered in what she knew was a mixture of Bo’s cum and Beka’s precious vaginal fluid.
“Are you OK, Sweetheart? What happened? Why…How…Oh My God!” she said in a soft, quivery voice. She was sure what had happened, what Beka and Bo had done together.
“Mom, I think you should go now. You’ve seen too much and we need our privacy right now. All this has nothing to do with you, you are not a part of any of this, and you shouldn’t be here, so please leave and keep all this to yourself.” Abby said with more authority than she thought she possessed.
Kathy looked quickly at all the other girls, their naked young bodies, the glowing radiant pink flush of their sexual arousal, and the lustful wanting look in each of the young women’s eyes. She felt a slight shiver inside herself, remembering what she had done only a week before, how utterly obscene she had been. In her heart she understood these girls’ wants and needs, but they were so young, so pure and unsullied but girls grew up so fast these days she thought.
Abby stood up from the bed, walked the two steps over to where her mother lay on the furry coverlet, and took Kathy’s hand, pulling her up from the bed. She led her mother to the door of the bungalow, opened it, and made clear she was to leave. Kathy looked back into the room one last time, seeing all seven girls nude, attractive, tempting, excitingly seductive young bodies arrayed around and on the big bed, then turned away and the door shut behind her.
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By Connie Lingus
#Exhibitionist #Teen #Voyeur #Zoophilia