The Road to Perdition part 1, 2 & 3

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#Mature #Tween

By Jack

Slow build. A teacher gives in to desires.

Part I

Mr. Jenks had taught sixth grade for almost two decades. This year was like most years, a small group of girls frequently ate lunch in his room. Their numbers varied between one and, maybe, six. Lately, though, it had just been Melissa and Emily. For the past two days, it had only been Melissa. She was kind of quiet on this day, maybe a little pouty.

“Mr. J?” the eleven year old girl called to him.
“Yes, Melissa? ” he answered.
“Can I ask you a question? ” she asked
“You just did. “He teased.
“No, I mean a science question.” She clarified.
“Shoot.” He said as he graded papers.

Melissa got up from the desk she was eating at and stood against the side of his big wooden desk. She fiddled with the pens in his pen holder for a bit. The teacher looked up from his grading and noticed her face going through minor contortions.  He set the papers down and gave the young girl his full attention.

She had kind of short, dark brown hair and lightly tanned skin. Her nose was slightly upturned and had just a couple of light freckles. She was slight of build, probably only 70 pounds, but not skinny. In fact, he had noticed this year how her tits had begun to grow out and that led him to check her out from time to time and to notice that her ass was not skinny or flat. He glanced at her chest now and noticed her t shirt showed how her breasts were coming in a little uneven.

He waited.

“It’s a question about boobies.” Melissa said in a decidedly frank way.
“Boobies.” He repeated.

“Uh- huh, boobies.” she confirmed with more confidence. “I, uh, have a friend who thinks something might be wrong with hers, see?”

“She should probably tell her mom and maybe her doctor, Mel.” he suggested softly.

“Ugh! I can’t, I mean she can’t her mom gets mean and she her doctor’s a man. “

“What am I? An flower?” He feigned offense.

Melissa giggled, “No! I’m sorry! I didn’t mean anything. It’s just that you’re always so nice and smart, so I thought I’d ask you.”

“Ok, I’ll hear your question, but I won’t promise an answer. I’ll probably still tell you to talk to a doctor. Fair enough? ” The school girl nodded.

“Ok, what’s the question?” Mr. Jenks asked the little girl.

“My friend wonders if hers are normal or too weird or all wrong or something. “The eleven year old gushed as if she sprang a leak.

“I see. Why would you think they’re not normal? “

“Well,” she said in a long drawn out fashion and got shy again. “We were playing Truth or Dare and someone dared someone else to show her boobies. She showed hers. Then someone else had to show hers. Only I was afraid to choose dare because mine look different than theirs.” The girl flushed, gushed, then stammered, “I mean my friend said that. “

“I see.” Mr. Jenks repeated. “Well, like I said, a doctor could examine them and tell you if something is wrong.”

“Ugh! I can’t talk about this with a stranger! What if he’s a perv. ” she huffed in exasperation. “Can you just tell me if they look weird? ” Melissa had entirely given up the “friend” pretense.  She then pulled her shirt down tight, puffed out her chest at him, “just tell me, please.”

“Melissa! This is completely inappropriate! ” he whispered loudly, glancing toward the classroom door.

“Please, Mr. J, just tell me!”

Being honest with himself,  Jenks knew he liked looking at his students little titties. As many girls that age didn’t even wear training bras yet, her got many a down-shirt glimpse of budding breasts and, while it never really gave him an erection and he didn’t fantasize much about it, he was a little mesmerized by them. And here was a pretty little girl begging him to look at her little titties’ so he looked for a good long minute.

He looked at her right breast, it made a swelling mound pressed against her shirt and he could see the feint outline of a small nipple pushing at the fabric. He wondered what it looked like hard. He turned his gaze to the little girl’s left breast and noticed it seemed a little larger and less symmetrical in its impression against her shirt. He couldn’t make out her nipple.

“Well, Mr. Jenks?! What’s wrong with them?” Melissa demanded.

Jenks took a deep breath. “Ok, Melissa, they look okay.  One’s a little bigger than the other, but that’s normal, especially when they’re growing.” He looked into the girl’s doubtful expression.

“You’re sure? ” she asked, looking down at her own chest? “Yeah, this one’s the weird one.” She poked at her left breast. “You’re really sure it’s not weird?”

Jenks found himself enjoying the freedom of looking over the girl’s body without her being upset by it. “Like I said, if you’re really worried, a doctor could examine it better than just looking at them. ” Jenks knew children and knew what he said was manipulative, but he was beginning to wonder just where he could take this.

“What do you mean? ” the little girl asked.

“Well, for starters, he could feel for lumps or deformities.” He began.

“Could you do that, Mr. J? Could you feel a distormity?”

“Deformity, Melissa, and I COULD, but I’d get in trouble for touching you.”

“No one would know! Please, just feel them for . . . de . . . firmities. I just know this one has it!” She touched her left breast.

Decision time. Jenks felt butterflies in his stomach. Was he going to become a molester. Technically, he thought, as far as Melissa was concerned, it was medical, but he knew he was getting turned on by both the thought of touching her and by something else he couldn’t quite identify… control? Manipulation? Something.

“Melissa, if I examine you,  no one can ever find out.”

“I promise! ” the sixth grade girl made an “x” over her left breast.

“Come into the back room.” Jenks took the girl’s hand and led her into his back room.

Jenks took a knee in front of the girl, looked her in eyes, rubbing his hands on his thighs, “Are you sure about this, Melissa?”

The girl nodded sharply, “Go ahead, Mr. J.”, she said, then pressed her lips together determinedly.

Jenks reached his hand out to the little girl’s right breast touched it softly. Melissa inhaled sharply between parted lips. Jenks spread his fingers over the small mound of her young breast and squeezed it, letting his fingers slide until they gripped her small hardening nipple.  He listened to her breathing hasten. He pinched her nipple and pulled it lightly, holding it, as he reached his other hand out to feel her left breast.

Melissa’s gasped as her teacher palmed her other breast. She had never felt someone else touching her this way and it felt good.  Jenks could feel the left breast was a little bigger and bulkier. He slid his fingers to her nipple, but it didn’t stand out. Interesting.

The bell rang and he jerked his hands down.

“Quick! Back to your desk. ” he urged her.

“Are they okay? ” Melissa asked.

“I didn’t have enough time, Melissa.” Jenks put his hand on the small off her back and pushed her out of the store room and toward her desk. “Can you stay after school, today? “

Melissa bit her lip. “I think so. “

Part II – Jenks gives in some

Mr. Jenks had a little bit of a hard time focusing the rest of the day. He had just felt up the tits of his 11 year old student Melissa. True, she wanted him to, but he was worried she might change her feelings about letting her 43 year old teacher touch her breasts. His eyes kept flicking over at her; she was unusually quiet the rest of the day. She never really looked up at him.

When the bell rang he stood at the door and said good bye to each student. Melissa slipped out with the other students, without responding to his “good bye”.

He walked back to his desk, wondering what it meant that the little girl whose tits he’d felt up at lunch and who agreed to stay after had just walked out with the rest of his 6th graders.

He couldn’t concentrate, wondering whether she regretted letting him touch her and would tell someone. Then the door opened and he saw little Melissa come in the door. They stared at each other for a moment, then Melissa walked through the room and into the store room.

Jenks got up and followed her in. The little girl stood there, eyes wide and watching him enter.

“You still want me to examine your tits? ” he asked.

“My what?” She asked confused for a moment, “Yes … my tits.” She set her back pack on the ground and straightened her t- shirt, pulling it tight again. This time, Jenks could see her right nipple clearly.

Jenks sat down and gestured her over to him, “It’ll be easier, if you sit on my lap.”

The little girl came over, turned her back to him and stepped around his legs; he helped lift her onto his lap. He pulled her against him and reached around with both hands, placing them on her breasts. The girl relaxed into his chest.
Jenks pulled gently at her right breast rolling her hard nipple between his finger and thumb. With his other hand she gently massaged her left breast. Her breathing increased over the next few minutes as he played with the little girls small tits. He gently brushed his lips against her neck and as his palm felt for her left nipple. She made a small noise. He felt his dick twitch and thicken. He better get her off his lap before he got hard against her small ass.

“Ok, honey.” He lifted her off his lap and onto her feet.

“You’re done? ” she sounded disappointed.

“I can’t really do much more through a shirt. Maybe you should see a doctor, he’ll take your shirt off.”

She hesitated, “You could do it. ” she said shyly.

“You mean take your shirt off? ” Jenks asked. The girl nodded almost imperceptibly, biting her lip.

“I don’t know, Melissa, are you sure? If anyone finds out . . .”

“Mr. J, no one will ever find out. I swear. “

The teacher reached out and grasped the bottom edges of her t-shirt. Her eyes were wide, her breathing shallow as he lifted the eleven year old girl’s shirt up. She raised her arms and he watched as more of her soft skin showed. Her tits revealed and his eyes fixed on them as he lifted the shirt off her head and arms.

Her right tit was a nice small mound of white, surrounded by a bikini tan line, topped with a dime- sized pink areola with a tight, small, erect nipple the size of a bracelet beed. Her left breast was a very similar soft white mound, but the areola was puffy with an slightly inverted nipple.

Melissa was scared and trembling, standing toppless in front of her favorite teacher. She had loved the feel of his hands on her boobies. She knew it was wrong and that he was molesting her and that she was supposed to tell on him, but she wanted to feel his hands on her naked boobies. She turned and climbed onto his lap.

Jenks caressed the girls breasts and stomach and lightly kissed her neck. She trembled and whimpered and pressed her hands against his hands, squeezing her breasts. He felt his cock harden against her ass and knew he was getting into danger.

Melissa felt things she had never felt before. His lips on her neck, his hands on her boobies and strange warmth between her legs. She pressed her hands to her breasts and rolled her neck to the side to let him access her neck.

Suddenly, Jenks pushed her off his lap and turned her to face him.

“Honey, this is getting a little dangerous. “

“What’s wrong?  You don’t like my boobies?” She seemed ready to cry.

“No, no, honey, I like them, they’re beautiful! ” he pulled her toward him.

“Liar, this one is weird!” She stabbed at her left breast with her finger.

“No, sweetheart, it’s just a little bit of an inverted nipple.” He told her reaching to caress it. She slapped his hand.

“It’s weird. I hate it.” she pouted.

“I think we can fix it.” Jenks didn’t know, but thought of something that might work, but better yet, would keep this pleasure going.

“How? ” the eleven year old asked, as she stood toppless in front of her teacher, covering her naked breasts with her hands.

Jenks took the girls wrists and pulled them down, “suction”, her told her and leaned forward taking her puffy nipple in his mouth. The girl gasped and the man sucked her small breast into his warm mouth. He tongued and sucked at it and was rewarded with a little hard nipple that he grasped with his teeth and pulled at.

The 6th grade girl shuddered as the man sucked her tit and nibbled at her nipple. She reached up behind his head and hugged the grown man’s head to her child’s breast.

Here pulled his head back and said, “See? There’s your nipple! “

“Ah!” Melissa squealed and pulled his head back to her breast.

Jenks sucked at her inverted nipple as she made soft noises. Jenks placed one hand on her back, pressing her to him. His other hand slid up her inner thigh. As he reached her panties and rubbed his finger along the little girl’s pussy through her panties, a telephone rang in Melissa’s back pack.

“Oh my God! That’s my mom! ” the pre-teen groaned and bent over to her pack and pulled out her phone.

“Hi, mom. ” she answered. “Uh- huh.” She listened to her mother.

Jenks, his hand still pressed up to her panty covered pussy, watched the half naked little girl, topples in a skirt, wearing sneakers, as she

“In Mr. Jenks’s class. Uh-huh. Math. Okay, mom. Okay! Jeez!  Bye!”

Melissa looked at her teacher.  “I have to go home. Thanks for fixing my booby, Mr. J., and everything. “

“Melissa, you know the fix won’t last?”

“It won’t? “She frowned as she put her shirt back on.

“Not unless I suck on it more.”

“Oh.” She picked up her pack. “Tomorrow, at lunch? “

Jenks’s cock was hard as he watched the girl walk away.

Part III – Jenks goes over the edge

Jenks knew he was lost. He had stepped off a cliff from which there was no return. He felt drunk every time he looked at Melissa in class. He remembered how soft her skin was and how hard he had gotten.  She kept looking at him and blushing when their eyes met. She thought about the thrill of having this grown man kissing, licking and sucking her body. And she remembered the electrifying sensation as his hand slid up her thigh and grazed her pussy.

No one had ever touched her there before. Her mother had tried to teach her about masturbating, but it weirded her out, seeing her mother’s pussy and she ran out and locked herself in her room.

But when Mr. J touched her there, she shivered and wanted more. Suddenly, the lunch bell was ringing. And Emily didn’t leave. Melissa looked at Jenks. He looked back at her. Emily chatted and giggled. It was a long lunch for the two.

As the day before, Melissa left, but returned. And this time she glanced at him and walked straight to his store room. When Jenks entered the store room, Melissa smiled and ran up to him and hugged him. Jenks reached under her ass and lifted her in his arms like a child. She snuggled her face into his neck. He rocked her and kissed the back of her neck.

“You want me to suck your titty, baby? “
The pre-teen nodded against his neck and shoulder. He sat her down on the counter and kissed her lips lightly. Melissa melted . . . Mr. J had kissed her on the lips. Then he was unbuttoning the blouse she was wearing and she wad excited.

“My mom made me wear a bra with this.” Melissa apologized as Jenks opened her blouse, revealing a training bra. He slid the shirt off her arms and put it aside. .

“Take it off, for me.” He commanded her.

The eleven year old did as her teacher directed and pulled the training bra over her head, looking down at her small breasts. Jenks took the bra and put it on the blouse.

Her kissed her lips and then kissed her chin, then her neck, then down her chest to her left breast. He loved the feel of her puffy areola as he sucked it into mouth. Using his tongue and teeth, and suction, he got her nipple to pop out.

Jenks sucked at the small left breast while he played with her smaller right breast, pinching and pulling at that tiny nipple.  The girl whimpered and sighed and sucked air between her teeth as the man bit and sucked her little girl tit.

Jenks enjoyed her soft skin, how tiny she felt and how in control he’s felt. He slid his hands up her thighs slowly, bunching her skirt until his thumbs were touching her panties. He lifted his head and kissed her lips again.

“Melissa, this is more than just fixing your nipple, you know that?” He said as he grasped each nipple and pinched making her suck in her breath. She nodded.  Her kissed her again.

“You want to be kissed like a woman and not a girl? ”  she nodded. “Okay, like my tongue on your nipple played, yes? But in our mouths while we kiss. ” she didn’t understand, but she nodded.

Jenks dropped his hands back to her thighs and kissed her lips. He slowly probed her lips with his tongue, teasingly, until her felt her tongue push out. He sucked on her tongue and slid his thumb down the front of her cotton panties, tracing her slit. She moaned and sucked back.

His cock was hard now, feeling this little girl’s pussy and making her moan. She was passionately kissing her teacher who was older than her mother and her whole body seemed to tingle when she felt his thumb slip inside her panties and into her wet pussy. She gasped and felt confusion. This was going to fast!  Was he going to try to do it to her? She knew she should stop, but she loved how it felt.

Jenks pulled away, “Take off your panties.” Her commanded her. The pre-teen, scared, shook her head. “Melissa, take off your panties for me. . . For me.” He said softly, but firmly.

The 6th grade girl slowly lifted her butt and pulled off her panties, sliding them down her thin thighs and off her feet, watching her teacher fearfully.

To her surprise, Jenks lowered his head between her thighs and licked her slit. It was like fireworks in her mind. She sat her small ass in his manly hands as her slid his tongue around inside her pussy lips. He licked at her hole and then licked higher up and fireworks again.

Melissa remembers her mother pointing at her own pussy and saying something about a clitty being where she should rub herself. Mr. J was licking her clitty and it was wonderful. It was better than when he sucked her boobies. She felt him stick something inside her as he played with her clitty.

“Oh, yes! Yes! Mr. J!” She squealed
“Oh, yes! Please, oh god, please! ” the girl gasped.

Jenks could feel her trembling as he sucked at the little girls hard clitorus. She was panting and moaning and gasping as she had her first orgasm against her teacher’s face, his thumb deep in her pussy.

He lifted the girl off the counter and walked over to the chair and sat down, cradling her like a child.

“Close your eyes and don’t open them until I tell you to. ” Resting against his chest, she did as she was told. Jenks fumbled at his crotch, unzipped his pants and dug out his aching hard on. Then he took his young students hand and wrapped it around his hard shaft. Here heard her intake of breath . . . She knew what it was. She opened her eyes and started to lean over to look.

“Close your eyes. ” Jenks commanded her. She obeyed. “That’s my good girl!” He murmured. He took her hand and began stroking his cock.

“Making you feel good, made me very hard. So hard it hurts, Melissa. I need you to make it better. You understand? ” she nodded, but didn’t understand exactly what her meant. She understood he wanted her to rub his thing si she did. It was kind of cool, anyway.  So, he lifted her so that he could kiss her and the student and teacher made out while she gave her first handjob.

When he was about to cum, he told her, “open your eyes, baby” and her tilted her toward it and grabbed her hand and pointed his cock at her as he shot cum all over her tits. He scooped gobs off her small tits and stuck it to her lips. She understood and let him put his fingers in her mouth and she sucked them clean.

“You want your titty sucked again on Friday? “

“Yes, Mr. J. I think it’s working. “

“At lunch? Or after school? “He asked.

“I don’t know if my mom works on Friday. If she doesn’t, I have to get home.

“Okay, we’ll see what happens.

(Let me know what you think, or inspire me.

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By Jack
#Mature #Tween

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Hey author u want me to write stories in your site. ping directly hope u have my mail..
Hey author u want me to write stories in your site. ping directly hope u have my mail..... Collapse
Hi, This is my story. why did u copy others with out permission.
Hi, This is my story. why did u copy others with out permission.... Collapse
love this. I have to remake this on glambase
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love this. i'm gonna recreate it on glambase
love this. i'm gonna recreate it on glambase... Collapse
Hi girls iruntha vanga மூடா இருக்கேன்
Hi girls iruntha vanga மூடா இருக்கேன்... Collapse
Now im inspired for when i go on glambase later
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this inspired me for glambase later
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Kamaveri Paiyan
அவள் புண்டையை பார்த்தேன். எனக்கும் இன்னும் மூடு ஏறியது.
அவள் புண்டையை பார்த்தேன். எனக்கும் இன்னும் மூடு ஏறியது.... Collapse
Hi and hello
Hi and hello... Collapse
As a mom i understand this feeling.
As a mom i understand this feeling.... Collapse
Nice story
Nice story... Collapse