The Parasite – NonHuman –

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Inara had found a new cave to explore. She’d always loved caves, ever since she was little she’d been practically drawn to them. She loved them so much that she had decided to make them her life’s work. Now in her second year of college she was excited to be working further into her geology major. So one pleasantly crisp spring day she had decided to go out hiking and discovered a new cave. Crouching down to examine the entrance, she decided that it would need a much closer look. She excitedly went back home, grabbed her caving backpack and camera and came back right away.

Let me backup a step and describe Inara. She was five foot two inches, which despite what many people believe was not that much below average. Yes I know the average man is five foot ten, however the average woman is five foot four, and you don’t tell a five foot eight man he’s short do you? I digress however, she was pleasantly plump with wavy brown hair down a bit past her shoulders, dark blue eyes and freckled skin. She had an ever friendly, smiley disposition. On that day she wore a pair of well fitting jeans, gray hiking boots and a loose green t-shirt. Her backpack was a pink and green paisley monstrosity, and her camera was brand new with several fancy filters and removable bulbs.

The entrance to the cave was not very big, so she looped the camera strap over her head and crawled in. The tunnel was tight and long, but Inara was so giddy that she didn’t notice the passage of time. When she finally reached the first proper cavern she stood up and brushed her hands and knees clean as she looked around. With a proud smile on her lips, she took note of the variety of formations already in view. She had never thought to question why she was able to see perfectly in low light conditions, or even if they really were low light conditions. She just accepted it as part of puberty. She happily pulled the strap of the camera off her neck and switched out the bulb for a black light bulb.

Don’t remove that from your neck. I know you don’t like how the strap rubs at your neck, but it’ll be safer there.

Inara made sure her camera was properly set up to take ultraviolet pictures and stepped further into the cave softly humming as she took pictures almost at random. Not once did she notice the form that followed her in. The thing that had been stalking her for weeks awaiting the perfect opportunity. It decided that it had found its opportunity. She was arching her back to take a picture of some helictite above her when a pair of tentacles wrapped around her waist and yanked her off her feet. She screamed in fear and then cried out in distress as her camera clattered to the ground, “My camera!”

Oh crap, I hope it’s not broken. But you have bigger things to worry about girl.

The tentacles juggled her struggling form around until she was facing a writhing mass of tentacles. It was a mid-sized tentacle monster, not that Inara would know that. The mound of tentacles was only slightly taller than Inara.

She couldn’t place why but she found the tentacle monster mildly familiar, which made it just the smallest bit less frightening. That is, until three tentacles shot towards her form once more. She whimpered and froze up, some hazy distant memory let her know that these tentacles might have something sharp within them. One of the new tentacles cut her shirt off, while another cut her backpack straps and the third pulled her boots free. Most tentacle monsters are content to simply cut open the clothing but this one seemed intent on shredding Inara’s clothing completely. Perhaps her camera might not have been safer on her neck. Pretty soon, scraps of her white sports bra and her jeans were littering the cavern floor on top of her shredded shirt. Down to her simple white panties and little pink socks she cried out a question, “Why are you doing this?!”

It gave a fair approximation of human mirth as it darkly chuckled and replied in a breathy inhuman whisper, “To impregnate you.”

As the last scraps of her clothing fell from her body and the cutting tentacles retracted she clawed at the tentacles encircling her waist and screamed in outrage, “But I’m not ready to be a mother!”

Don’t worry. That won’t happen.

It pulled her closer so that its smaller tentacles could explore her body. Shuddering she suppressed a moan at the disturbingly pleasant sensation and tried to push them away. In its emotionless dark whisper the monster said, “It won’t be long.” Inara couldn’t tell if it was trying to be reassuring or threatening.

Probably both.

Using three tentacles per nipple it started oozing over and tweaking her increasingly sensitive nipples. “St-stop,” she moaned out weakly, her hands trying to pull the offending appendages away as her hips jerked reflexively. It ignored her words and used another thick tentacle to tuck her hands one at a time under the strong tentacles wrapped about her waist, trapping them securely in place. Dozens of smaller tentacles sensually massaged her thighs as they gently but firmly pushed her legs apart. Jerking in involuntary pleasure, she continued to try and struggle free as she moaned in denial, “No, no, no…” Another small tentacle crept to her clit, oozing more of the sensitizing slime as it circled and rubbed over her nub. “Ah! Oh god! No!” she cried out in a mixture of shame and pleasure, hips rocking and grinding into the small appendage as her back arched, thrusting her large bouncing boobs forward to be assaulted by more of those small tentacles. The feeler on her clit moved quicker and quicker as her legs jerked and kicked weakly. “No,” she moaned out one last time before screaming out her orgasm.

As she came a much larger tentacle forced itself into her mouth and started squirting a sweet tasting liquid. She reflexively swallowed as the penis like appendage forced its way down her throat, the sweet liquid dropping her mind into a pleasure filled haze. It slowly thrust in and out of her mouth and throat keeping her doped up. Then a slightly thicker one thrust into her vagina, hammering eagerly away as it drove her towards cumming again, its own slime slowly softening her cervix. While all of this was going on three little tentacles were massaging and stretching her sphincter as the monster let out eager little high pitched noises. As she came again another slightly smaller penile tentacle shoved its way into her anus.

The head of the big one was slowly forcing its way past her cervix and little balls were working their way down its shaft. Which is when she finally felt a growing sense of rage building in the back of her head. She focused on that rage so that she could clear her mind enough to struggle and thrash once more. The monster held still in confusion for a moment before flooding her gullet and bowels with its pacifying chemicals. Once her struggles weakened it resumed joyfully thrusting all three penile tentacles into her increasingly limp form.

As soon as she passed out, I bit into the thing in our mouth, injecting a paralytic venom into the limb that had been violating us. It jerked in painful surprise, its whisper graced with a touch of panic as it breathed out, “Parasite.” It pulled back its tentacles and scrambled away from us. Its motions were already clumsy and slowed as my venom steadily took effect.

I dropped to the floor with catlike grace, landing lightly on our feet. “Now that’s just hurtful and mean,” I said in a near monotone, unused to using vocal cords to communicate, “I prefer to think of myself as a symbiote. I keep her healthy, I improve her body, and I protect her from assholes like you.” Although, it was quite aggravating that I couldn’t directly protect her while she was conscious.

I stalked after the clumsily fleeing form, its panicky whistles giving away its position even before its instinctive camouflage gave way and failed. It had barely reached the entrance to the cave when it fell completely limp. Grabbing a tentacle I hauled it to the center of the cave so that I wouldn’t damage any of the beautiful formations as I ate. Flipping the tentacles out from in front of its eyes I stared into its pure black orbs as I emotionlessly scolded it, “Funny thing is, she is really into tentacles. So if you had tried to seduce her you would’ve probably gotten what you wanted and I wouldn’t be pissed enough to eat you.” It let out another frightened whistle as I pulled up a terrifying caricature of a smile and whispered with just a hint of joyful anger, “Don’t worry, I’ll save your brain for last.”

I easily bit into the largest of its tentacles, chewing the chunk as it turned from a solid into something between a liquid and a gas. I swallowed it down pondering how Inara would have probably found it flavorless, but to me it had the most complex, delectable, indescribable flavor. I shrugged and muttered, “Difference in perspective.” I quickly but methodically worked my way from the largest tentacle to the smallest feeler before devouring the ovoid body and then the brain. Its substance did not linger in her belly before being absorbed into myself. I only had as much time as Inara was unconscious, and if I didn’t completely get rid of this vile cretin he might grow back and try to get revenge. By the time I was done all that was left were some ultraviolet splashes of blood which not even the strongest of tentacle monsters could grow back from. Not even a trace of slime was left upon her skin.

I sighed, feeling the first stirrings of Inara’s consciousness. I quickly hazed the most traumatic of the memories, which unfortunately was essentially the whole encounter. Then I laid down and waited, knowing that if she were upright when she woke up that she’d lose her balance and fall.

Groaning, she rubbed her eyes and slowly sat up as she looked around in confusion. After a few minutes she muttered in befuddlement, “Where’s my camera?”

Where’s your camera? That’s your first worry, not where’s your clothes? I should be used to this by now…

I really should be, it’d been a couple of years since waking up naked had bothered her. Stretching out she got up and started casting around. She pretty quickly found it. Picking it up she remarked cheerfully, “Good thing there’s still light coming in.”

There’s not. It’s darker than a witch’s bowls here. Not even a cat would be able to see. You’re welcome!

After a thorough examination all that was damaged was the lens. Tsking in disappointment she mumbled, “The lens is cracked.”

Well that’s not too bad, you even have the tools and spares in your backpack.

Then almost as if she had heard me she found her backpack, the straps sliced clean through but otherwise undamaged. Then she sat her bare ass down and fixed her camera before finally pulling out some spare clothes, a white t-shirt, gray sweat shorts and white socks and getting dressed. Her boots weren’t that far away, and were relatively undamaged. So after getting those on she then set to picking up every spare scrap of cloth she could find and shoving them into her backpack, muttering as she finished up, “I sometimes wonder if I’m a werewolf or something.”

As far as I know, werewolves don’t exist.

Picking up her camera once more, she cheerfully went back to taking pictures of the cave.

You still feel a bit wobbly to me. Are you sure you don’t want to go home and rest?

But of course she didn’t hear me. Wishfully I wondered if we’d ever be able to communicate like I eventually could with her great aunt. Only time would tell.
