Latest sex stories about The Old Boardwalk Arcade – Chapter 1 added for who looking to read new experience of teenager narrative The Old Boardwalk Arcade – Chapter 1 story.
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#Bisexual #Mature #Tween
By AnonBiog
Caught, calmed, cultivated.
I had no sense of anyone behind me, so mesmerizing was the movie lady & her grainy self abuse mixed with my own , until.. the film came to its flickering stop I felt a large, firm hand come to rest on my shoulder. I froze, instantly coming back to earth, knowing I shouldn’t be there watching what I watched & doing what I was doing to myself , but too timid to succumb to the fight/flight instinct of an older, bolder boy. There was no sound now in the entire arcade, no voice coming with the hand, no confrontation or threat.. just silence & the firm, still hand. And so I began to tremble, feel weak, lightheaded. Then breaking the silence, the voice of the elderly owner, soft, low , “Beautiful isn’t she.. my wife, some years ago, when we first..”. But before he could finish the tension in me shivered & collapsed, as did my knees. As I started to slip toward the floor he took hold of my waist & maneuvered me over to a small corner seat in the booth. Still in a mixed state of dread & relief I didn’t even think to close my open fly to cover myself, as I sat down & he continued to speak, “Myself, I never get tired of it, but most guys these days don’t even stay to see it all the way through, like those two that left while it was still running. But you stayed.. makes me think we might have something in common.. I guess you enjoyed what you saw..”. This was offered as a question, & for the first time our eyes met in the half light coming through the curtain. There was a long pause, then a lift of his eyebrow as if asking again, but with my voice still failing me I was only able to give a weak nod yes as my eyes lowered.
I caught his smile on me, causing me to suddenly relax as he stepped towards the film console, sensing that the punishments I had imagined would not be forthcoming . He reached for a key on his belt loop, opened a side panel of the console, & again spoke, “Then here’s one I think you will like. Marion & I sometimes watch it after closing up”. And after some switch flipping & resecuring the panel he dropped a coin in the slot, came back to squeeze himself onto the bench with me, & the flickering returned to the screen, lighting the booth & us.
It was the same woman from the previous film, sitting on the arm of an oversized stuffed chair & wearing a thin full length robe. With one foot on the floor & the other cocked up on the chair’s cushion, her robe had partly opened, the room’s light filtering through the thin fabric half illuminating her sex. She was putting on lipstick with the help of a hand mirror, but having some difficulty. She called a name, John I think, & a boy maybe a year younger than my 11 years came in, dressed only in pajama bottoms & looking quite sleepy. She dropped her leg ‘ had him sit on her knee & hold the mirror while she began again putting on her lipstick. The boy was sleepy enough that she had to steady his hand toward the end until it seemed he had actually fallen asleep. Lowering the mirror & laying him back in her lap she lifted his chin, brought the lipstick up to his mouth &, his eyes now closed & mouth half parted, she began to paint his lips to match hers. This done, she reached between the chair cushion to extract a pair of girl’s rolled long lace stockings. Keeping the sleeping boy in her lap she managed to slip his pajama bottoms down & onto the floor, after which she slipped them on one at a time over his feet, then rolling them up over his legs to mid thigh. What followed was strange, but for me strangely erotic. She laid him half reclining back into the chair, watching his sleeping face & (except for the stockings) his naked body for several minutes before leaning in to begin a long deep kissing of painted mouth to painted mouth, & an aggressive fondling that began at his chest & moved down to his genitals & buttocks.
I was once again completely absorbed in the images on the screen, only vaguely aware of my erection & the hand that now rested on my leg, & completely unaware of the slight opening of the booth curtain & the shadow of a woman’s form outside. In the film, though still apparently asleep (induced?), the boy’s sex was erect as the woman’s mouth left his mouth to begin kissing its way down his chest toward his pelvis, while her hands continued to stroke & explore. At the moment her head reached his groin, the elderly owner’s shifted his hand from my leg to my hand, placing it on his thigh.. & something else as he moved my hand down his leg.. something hard but also soft, & long. As we came to its very end he squeezed my hand firmly around it before he let go, & I felt a sudden dampness come through his pants to wet my fingertips. Before I could react, his hand had taken hold of my sex, naked & now hard, just as I saw the woman’s mouth reach the naked boy’s erection, & just as the booth curtain parted, casting light across my lap & the weathered hand stroking & squeezing the wetness from my sex. Surprised, I instinctively clutched the old man’s member, still in my hand, bringing out a breathy “.. yesss..” from him, & a sigh from the woman in the doorway as she held back the curtain to take in the state of things-in-hand..
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By AnonBiog
#Bisexual #Mature #Tween