Latest sex stories about the neighbor girl – added for who looking to read new experience of teenager narrative the neighbor girl – story.
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#Pregnancy #Teen
By next door
I live on a small street three houses on it next door to me is a family with a teen aged girl she is fourteen
have known her since she a little girl and she was always busy with helping me loved to work on flower beds. i came home one day she was sitting on the curb by the mail boxes with her skate board crying i asked her was she hurt she says no i am just upset, i asked about what she tells e her boy friend moved away and she didn’t know till today.
i said really why didn’t he tell, no they just left. well honey as cute as you are you will find a new boyfriend
with no problem i am sure. she says you don’t understand. we just had sex for the first time a week ago and then two days after that and i like doing that. i said your having sex at fourteen, she says yes so what. i said that’s kind of young i think, she says then it feels so good when we did it those two times.
and i miss doing it.
she then says to me when was the last time you had sex, i said a long time ago why do you ask she says you could have it with me couldn’t you. i told her she was a little young and it would be dangerous if we did that as your underage. next she says who would know if we did it just the two of us think about will you.
a week or so later here she came on her skate board down the sidewalk stopped and came to the porch where i was sitting reading the paper. i looked up and said why are you in your swim suit and it was small she says i was at a friends swimming a while ago and my top and shorts are in my pack i thought i would dry off this way coming home.
i said well one way to dry off and she laughed and besides you look real good in that two piece suit
she says i do, i said you know you do. she really do i look sexy to and i said yes and then some.
sexy enough to have sex with like we talked about a few days ago. i said then don’t temp me like that.
her next thing was can i have some water i am kind of thirsty, my error right there we went in the house got her some ice water she was sitting at the breakfast bar and says my suit is already dry
boarding back, she took her pack off and then took off her top and put it in her pack pulled out her t shirt and looked at me and said do you like my boobs, i said what do you think I’m a man men like boobs honey and she laughed and says you want to have sex with me now i can get more naked in a flash she stood up and pulled down her bottoms and she was smooth no pussy hair.
what do you think now she says i said your a tease and a good one at that, well i want to fuck so lets do it and if you don’t want to anymore i wont ask again. i aid are you sure you want to do this with me
you might get pregnant having sex this way with no protection like condoms. she says we don’t need condoms i am on birth control have been over a year now.
ok then come with me i was hard as a log, got her on the bed and she was ready already wet down there i asked her what have you two done before she says just fucking my pussy why i just wondered.
i said i will try this first and went down on her pussy and licked her clit and vagina and back to her clit
she says what are you doing that is so touchy and i licked her clit more and she was panting and said that has never happened to me before. i licked her to orgasm and she was so relaxed after that.
i sucked her very firm tits till the nipples were sore and she says this is so much better than what i use to do, i told her there is a lot more we can do if you want to she what else can you do to me i said lots and then i fucked her which was a wonder she was tight and and says that cock is bigger than my boyfriends and longer, weight till i get it all in i said she says there is more and with that i went as deep as i could and fucked that slick pussy till she was coming again. i don’t think she ever had a orgasm before.
we laid there and she was smiling and said that was so good i will let you have me anytime you want
i said good cause i want more now and i liked her clit till it was swollen and she was bouncing up and down and holding my head tight against her pussy.
in a while she asked what other things can yo do to me i said well i can show you how to suck a cock and i can show you anal sex and doggie style fucking besides what we just did.
she says does anal sex hurt i said not if we do it right and go slow i will show you one day.
she says what is doggie style i said get on your hands and knees and i will show you she did just that and she was leaking cum out of her pussy so she would be slick i got behind her and pushed right in her to the hilt she says that deeper than before yes its great, rub your clit while i fuck you deep and than was a thrill for us both. she came i didn’t but it was good anyway.
next day here she came skate board in hand and her back pack and says can we do it more today, i said why the gear with you, told mom i was going to the skate park for the day. good idea so i take it you want to spend the day with me and having sex and things, yes she says smiling and blushing too.
we went in and she started taking out her top and shorts no panties today and headed down the hall
well we started kissing and she was a good kisser lots of tongue she says i can try to suck your cock i have never done that before so i said oh yes opened her mouth and no teeth on my cock please push in till she choked pulled back and said suck it like a popsicle and she did, god that was so good i was ready to cum and said better pull off I’m going to cum she pulled off i shot cum all over her face and tits. well i got her cleaned up and we had a break then.
in a while she says i looked on the net for anal sex and it looks like it is can be fun i watched a video on a guy fucking this woman in her ass. i said do you want to try it we can if you want to she then says yes let try it. i said ok i got some lotion and started rubbing it in her ass and deeper in her with my finger then i used two fingers she said that’s tight all ready ok how about three fingers to get you loose and i will use my cock then. i got her looser and said ok lets see if i can get in you a little
got her on her hands and knees put my cock against her rectum and pushed the tip in and the head popped right in she jumped and said wait a second before you push it in more. then she says ok go slow and i did little bit by bit i eased in more cock till she was moaning some and then i pulled back and pushed in again and pulled back all the way to the head and pushed all the way in her and she grunted and said i feel stuffed like i need to poop, you ok i said she says yes so i started fucking that tight ass and i squeezing her clit and she was pushing back for more cock and we fucked till i blow a load of cum in her and she was shaking when i finished coming. i pulled out soft and she flopped down and says god that was intense.
i got her cleaned up the best i could she had cum running out of her ass for a while put a towel under her ass she was on her back i said spread your legs i want to eat your pussy till you cum again if you didn’t before. i licked her to orgasm twice then and she was worn out, she fell asleep in a while.
i woke her in a couple hours by sucking her nipples she says fuck me some more in my pussy my ass is a little tender. we did just that she is a sex hungry girl we fucked and then she sucked my cock till i had a cum. then i said you better get ready to go home its getting later afternoon. she says i don’t want to go home yet i want more sex.
ok i will teach you to deep throat my cock it will take a while to get you to be able to do that, she say what do i need to do i said get on your back with your head over the edge of the bed and open you mouth wide she did and i put my cock in her mouth and eased it in till i touched her throat and i said swallow my cock she choked and started over then i got in some and she gagged then says i will get it ok tried again and she took half of my cock and we paused then i pulled out she says try to put it all in me this time, i said we will see and she opened her mouth and i pushed in and in and she took it all and i stopped with it deep in her throat till she tapped me and i pulled out. she says see i can do it now are you going to fuck my throat when you get it in me i said if i can you need to breathe so i will pull back so you can. this went on for a while then i was about to says enough for today.
she says no let try again we did i got in and went deep as i could and held it in and then pulled back so she could take a breath and back in balls deep and started fucking her throat pulling back enough so she could take a breath and kept going till i came down her throat pulled out and she said you came i could feel it, yes you did real good honey she says i knew i could do that if we worked on it a while.
after that she went home and was so pleased with herself. i few days later she was here asking me if we could have more sex i said any time you want if i am home and you are around. lets do some ok she says what would you like to do she says eat my pussy and make me cum i like that a lot.
i went down on her pussy straight to her clit got it up and swollen till it was so touchy i had to stop licking it. i then fucked her hard as i could and we both had a good orgasm.
one morning i was on the porch reading the paper and here she came with her skate boarding girl friend i said are you girls going to the skate park today they said yes but i need to ask you something
before we go i said what is it she says in private if you don’t mind i said ok so come in the house and we will talk, i said why so secret she says her friend saw us in the window of your bedroom when she took the short cut between our houses when no was home at my house. i said oh crap can we trust her or are we screwed she says i am going to talk to her today going to the park and see what’s up with her.
well the rest of the morning was a worry some time thinking i was screwed for sure fucking the fourteen year old neighbor. about noon the door bell rang i saw the girls on the porch and thought dooms day was here, opened the door they came in and she says can we have a soda sure come on with me. in the dinning room soda in hand i said ok what happening with you two today i was worried big time.
well Shirley want to have sex with us she says really i said this is serious stuff Shirley i need some answers from you first how old are you she says thirteen, Lynn says no your not your twelve, yes i am twelve. ok i said no more fibs. now Shirley says i don’t have a boyfriend and i have never had sex. i saw you two in the window and Lynn was having a great time i watched for a while. well i will keep the blinds down now. so you are a virgin yes or no. i rub my pussy and i put things in it some times. things like what she says a carrot a few times and a big hot dog, Lynn started laughing. well i see so Lynn how do you feel about Shirley wanting to have sex with us and sharing. she says it is ok with me if you are willing to have sex with both of us.
well Shirley how are you going to keep from getting pregnant if we have sex together, she says i am on birth control to keep my period under control and they don’t hurt like they did before. how long have you been on the pill she says about ten months i think.
this is exciting girls to have two sexy girls to play with i said well Shirley when would you like to have sex with us, she says any time but i am nervous about it well you can watch Lynn and i fuck and eat her pussy and go from there we can teach you a lot of things that are fun and exciting.
well come on Lynn honey lets show her what she is missing out on they both when to the bedroom
i went to the Bathroom and took a pill and went in to the girls and Lynn was naked already and i said Shirley you could get naked too and i can see your sexy body. she took off her top and shorts and left her panties on i said you have nice boobies i see they were small but looked very suck able take off you panties will you i want to see the rest of you. she pushed them down and had no bush on her pussy i said do you shave it she says Lynn showed me how to do that a while back.
Lynn say lick my pussy and she can watch you and i did had her moaning in no time and sucking her clit then she says stop please i need a rest she was sweating and shaking.
Shirley hop up here its your turn i will lick and tongue you too she got of the bed and looked a bit scared, i said it wont hurt you i spread her legs and Lynn watched her i went down on that tiny pussy and spread her lips with my thumbs and went straight to her clit and licked it hard then stuck my tongue up her small hole, thinking then i would not get my cock in it looked so small.
i licked her till she was pushing me away so i went to her vagina and she was so wet and slippery
i tongued her till she was saying stop i cant go anymore.
we all rested and i asked her did she like that she says yes but in was so intense i thought i was going to faint. i said do you want to fuck now or are you done for now she say i don’t know, well i said let me
let me feel your pussy and see if it is as nice as it looks. i touched her pussy she jumped and i tried to put a finger in her but it was so small i got the lotion out and lotion her up some and my finger and slipped it in her about inch and i pushed for more and i got to go in deeper and she was tense so i said relax and we will get in deeper so we tried again and i got more finger in her and deeper yet.
next i said we might need that big hot dog you talked about she says it wasn’t that big it just felt big.
i said well do you want to try some of me in you or do you want to wait, she says put it in Lynn first then i will try it. Lynn laid on her back lifted her legs and i slipped straight in to her gave her a few pumps and pulled out. Shirley did the same lifted her legs and put lotion in her pussy and my cock and put the tip against her vagina and pushed the head in and she went stiff i said relax and take a breathe i put the tip back and pushed again she didn’t move i pushed in slow and kept pushing till she said stop that’s in far enough then Lynn says there is more to go silly take a breath and he will give you more yet i waited till she relaxed some and pulled back and then went in the same and she say ok i am ready so i pushed more in about half and then pulled back and went back in and kept pushing till i was balls deep and she says is it in yet it is so long and fat i pulled back and went balls deep again Lynn says it is all in now he will fuck you till he comes in you. so i started to fuck her slow then faster and was hammering her pussy she was trashing around and grunting and i blew a load of cum in her and stayed in till i was soft then pulled out. she just laid there and was breathing hard i ask well was it ok for you she says god that was something else.
Lynn says to her wait till he fucks you up your ass and you will really think it is something else.
what he fucks you up your ass, yes he does and i like it a lot and others things too. what other things wait and see it might surprise you what we do together.
i was thinking about what i could get the girls to do to each other and thought eating each others pussy for one and maybe i would get a strap on and get them to fuck each others pussy and maybe in the ass to.
the next day the girls came over and Shirley says her pussy is tender i said it will be fine in a day or two well Lynn do you want some sex now she says i thought you might want to try Shirley ass this morning since her pussy is sore. Shirley is that what you want to do she says Lynn says its great to be fucked in the ass so want to try it.
got her on all fours and lotion out and started to lube her and me i got up to two fingers in her and she was fine then Lynn says you want more or stop i said just one more finger to get you spread some then i will use my cock. go ahead so far i am fine with this third finger and more lotion and i kept the fingers in her lotion on my cock and pulled out and stuck my cock tip in her before she knew it happened then i waited for a reaction she didn’t say a word so i pushed in and she did not move so i held her hips and pulled her back and more cock went in and she didn’t move again i said are you ok she says yes when are you going to put your cock in me i said its in you now ready for more, yes i thought you still had fingers in me. no not now i pulled her back and pushed it in her till i was deep and pulled back and back in to the deepest yet and started fucking her slow but deep and then faster till she started to grunt and huff the i came and stayed in her till i went soft pulled out and she says that felt good i like ass fucking.
i told the girls i was going to get them a toy or two to try to see if they like toy play they want to know what and i said i will surprise you with them tomorrow.
well to the adult store i went and they had everything in the world to choose from. i got a strap on and i tapered vibe both about eight inches batteries for the vibe and sex lube i was ready when to girls came back around.
well they saw me drive in and here they came all excited and laughing and wanting to know what i got them to play with. i said come in and i will get things ready for you two i told them i had to wash the toys first to be sure they are clean, sent them to the bedroom and i cleaned the toys and wrapped them in a towel. they both were nude and ready.
i said girls here are the toys put them on the bed and out of them towel and they looked at them and said what are they that on looks like a cock and that one is straight and tapered is it a dildo i said in a way. let me show you Shirley stand up and i will put these straps on you and then you girls will know what its for put them on her then slipped the cock on it and she says wow i have a cock now i said yes you do so why don’t you try your new cock out on Lynn you fuck her with it i said sure Lynn say i saw one on the net its a strap on cock for girls to fuck with.
well they got on the bed i said lube the cock some and Shirley got between Lynns legs and pushed that cock right in to her pussy and kept pushing till it was all the way in her and she says god that deep in me the Shirley started fucking her with it it was a sight to see two girls fucking with the strap on she fucked her for a long time till she says i want Lynn to fuck me with this cock thing.
she pulled out of Lynn she says that felt good and boy was it deep.
they traded places and Shirley was excited to do this i said lube the cock again and her pussy some too Lynn did this and out it against her pussy and pushed it in and was going deeper and the Shirley jumped and says your to deep you hit the bottom of me inside its wasn’t all the way in yet Lynn says well go slower and then we will see i said well Shirley isn’t as long inside as you so be careful and a way they went she hit bottom a time or two but they both like it.
next the girls said what are we going to do with this thing i said i will show you. Lynn you first which do you want pussy or ass she looked at it and said try my ass and if i like it will do my pussy too.
got her lubed and the vibe and pushed it slow up her ass then i turned it on low and she about jumped off the bed i slow fucked her with it and got it in as deep as i could and not loose it up her ass and then turned it up more and more as i fucked her with it she went wild and was saying fuck me faster and deeper she had a great orgasm.
Shirley says me next so i did her lube and and vibe to put it to her ass hole pushed it in a little then turned it on and she was going oh oh oh and saying deeper and faster i did that and turned up the vibe and she was loving it big time. it also gave me a rest for a while. i loved fucking these two and we did for some time mid school thru high school and the it was only Shirley Lynn went off to college
only saw her when she came home for holidays and spring break she did come over for some sex thou. Shirley came over one day this was her last year in high school and says to me i want to get married after i get out in June i said you have a boyfriend that wants to marry you she says yes he is two years older than me and he asked me to marry him, i said do you love him she says yes i do and he wants sex i keep telling him no till we are married, i said you did and you come here for sex every
few days. yes your special and taught me all about sex and i love you too.
i said that i so good of you maybe you should give him a taste of you and he will never leave you i am sure. she say i wanted to tell you first so i will give him some pussy when he comes back from his job
so till then i am all yours.
well she did and they married and moved away she came back for a family thing and came by to see me and she was pregnant i said when did that happen she says about two months back i said two months did he knock you up this first time you had sex with him that what i told him i was knocked up before he fucked me, i said what are you saying she says you bred me not him, he wont know the different no one knows but me and now you, buy the way it is going to be a girl, when she is big enough i will bring her to you to see and maybe teach her about sex.
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By next door
#Pregnancy #Teen