The Misfit |

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Saturday nights made everything else seem almost bearable, It was the only time the girls could get together regularly nowadays. Work, families and other issues made it the highlight of the week.

The tenstrong group had all worked in the factory and whilst its closure had seen many friendships wither, the Pack, as they called themselves, had stayed in town and remained as close as they had always been.

Nobody could actually remember where the name “The Pack” had its roots, but it was how all members of the group referred to themselves collectively and always would.

Misfit Night was one of a host of themes The Pack had for their evenings of pickup action and the name was selfexplanatory. No pretty boys, known studs or smooth operators were allowed.

When Nigel walked into the bar, ten heads nodded at once.

“One down, nine to go,” Kelly said, as she was the winner of the race to engage the recent arrival in conversation.

Missing the last train home was a new experience for Nigel. In order to think things through, he had opted to go into the first pub he had found and decide what to do whilst having a beer.

Kelly watched Nigel standing a little distance from the bar and wasted no time.

“Hi, I need someone to escort me home. I’ve got my keys, but I’m a bit tipsy and I get nervous easily. I’d be so grateful. I’m not after your money, I’m just looking for a gentleman, that’s all,” she said,

Had Nigel not missed his train, he would have made excuses, but, in truth, he knew he had nothing pressing or planned. He rarely did.

“OK, I’ll do it,” Nigel said.

Kelly told Nigel she would send a text to her friends to let them know she was OK and had found someone willing to make sure she got home safely. Most of what she said was true, although she didn’t mention her message was for the rest of The Pack, to tell them to hurry up with their misfit hunt, as she was already heading home with her prey.

Nigel and Kelly introduced themselves, as they left the pub to begin the agreed walk. Misfit Night did sometimes unearth a few genuinely odd characters, but Kelly felt certain Nigel was more misfit than dangerously weird and she was right.

Kelly and Nigel made small talk as they walked, Nigel’s account of missing his train home making Kelly laugh with him, not at him about it. Kelly said she wasn’t sure what her friends had planned for the rest of the night, but Nigel was welcome to shelter at her place until morning, as it had started to rain and looked set to get heavier quite soon.

Nigel thanked Kelly for the offer she had made, saying he’d see what happened with the weather. Within five minutes, the heavens had opened and Kelly told Nigel he simply had to stay the night, or she would feel terrible.

Whilst Kelly was walking across town with Nigel in the pouring rain, the rest of The Pack were having no luck whatsoever. It was as if it was a misfitfree zone in the bars they visited, all of them filled with the studs and pretty boys who were off limits that evening.

“We can’t share one misfit between ten of us…can we?” one of The Pack’s members, Penny, said in a text she sent to everyone, once she’d read Kelly’s message she had sent to the group.

“We might have no choice now,” another of the pack, Donna, replied, as a power failure plunged every bar, club and drinking den in the centre of town into darkness.

By the time they reached Kelly’s flat, she and Nigel were soaking wet. As soon as she had closed her front door, Kelly said she was going to get out of her wet clothes at once and told Nigel he should do the same. In truth, Kelly might have said this for innocent reasons on any other night, but it was Friday, which meant everything was about The Pack and its “Need For Seed”.

Kelly wasted no time in getting naked, although she knew Misfit Night meant sometimes having to state the obvious to the shy. Things were like that sometimes.

“I don’t have any hangups about standing here naked in front of you, but you’ll catch a chill unless you strip and let me give you a rubdown,” Kelly told Nigel, desperately hoping the penny had dropped for him.

Once Kelly had started to rub a towel over Nigel’s body, she was relieved to see his cock rise. As expected, this made Nigel feel rather embarrassed, but this was something Misfit Night often threw up and so Kelly was well used to dealing with the situation.

“I’d be more offended if you didn’t have a hard cock with me standing here naked and searching for your sensitive spots with a towel,” Kelly said with a wink and a smile.

Although bemused and feeling out of his depth, Nigel found himself deciding to just see what happened next. He knew he was an oddball to many, but he still understood where everything went and he had no realistic hope of escape if he had wanted to either.

Kelly had already made up her mind Nigel was the ideal misfit. His quirks were sweet, not weird and his nervousness no more than she had expected. His cock was adequate, although Kelly was used to bigger portions, but she was home with her prey and as yet, none of the other members of The Pack were anywhere to be seen, with or without theirs.

“My friends are supposed to be joining us tonight, but it looks like they’ve been held up. I’m sure they’ll be along at some point, but I might as well take you to the hangout, whilst we’re waiting,” Kelly said.

Kelly explained the hangout was the name for the trio of sheds joined together at the rear of the property. It was hard to miss, such was its size, although reaching it via stone steps and an underground passageway was something Nigel hadn’t expected.

“My friends and I and whoever we have visiting are always naked when we go to the hangout and on nights like these, the tunnel is very useful,” Kelly said, brushing herself against Nigel’s body, as she did so.

Kelly was aware Misfit Night was sometimes hard work, but it had a special quality the likes of “Double Digit Size Night” and “Mr. Confident Night” lacked. It was like giving something back to the community to Kelly, in offering a glimpse of what went on in parts of life those selected would almost certainly never experience otherwise.

When Nigel saw the hangout, it reminded him of dormitory hostels he had stayed in when younger. Beds that were functional and no more were crammed into the room, although it was obvious to him care had been taken to keep everything neat and clean.

With no word yet from any of the rest of The Pack, Kelly saw no reason to wait. A fuck was a fuck, after all, even on Misfit Night.

Kelly eased Nigel onto the bed and pushed him onto his back, taking the fingertips of one of his hands and pushing them between her legs and inside her.

‘Not bad for a misfit,’ Kelly thought, as Nigel slid his touch inside her body and began fingering her clit.

Although Nigel was by no means worldlywise, he already felt certain he had been selected to be Kelly’s Friday night guest as a challenge to her to bed the least likely guy, or something similar. He didn’t have a problem with this and knew guys did similar things, but he was struck by how sweet, considerate and polite Kelly had been about it all. Nigel did question briefly if he should tell Kelly he’d rumbled her, but not only did he quite like her personality, she was also very pretty and she was letting him rub her clit, after all!

“I hope you’re not a double agent and actually a ‘doublefigure dick’ spy,” Kelly said, pushing against Nigel to ease his fingers deeper inside her body.

After a promising start, Kelly asked Nigel if he’d ever sucked a woman’s clit, or swirled his tongue inside them. Nigel shook his head. In an instant, Kelly spun on the bed and sat on Nigel’s chest, parting her lips with her fingertips and drawing him to them with her hand behind his head. Kelly smiled and told Nigel to suck and lick as well, hard and fast as he could.

Nigel had no incentive whatsoever to do anything other than what Kelly had ordered him to. Unlike many things in life, Nigel discovered quickly it was easy to tell if he was doing everything right, the sounds Kelly made allowing even a novice to get the hang of things.

“Fuck, what’s going on, Nigel? If I’ve already had my first biggie before any of the rest of The Pack has even shown up, I might get expelled!” Kelly said, the work of a novice at the start of Misfit Night having already made her suspect “a biggie” was a distinct possibility.

Still utterly bewildered by the evening’s turn of events, Nigel decided to take Kelly’s words as encouragement to him to continue what he was doing and with more intensity, if possible. This was an excellent call and Kelly felt driven to summarise.

“If you carry on like this and give it a turbo boost, I might just keep you for myself!” Kelly said, the telltale signs in her body suggesting a misfit was about to make his debut into the world of delivering a climax with his lips and tongue in notable fashion.

Increased intensity and speed with his efforts meant Nigel quickly felt Kelly’s body begin to tense and her back arch beyond the scope of his vision. More deep, lingering, intense kisses inside her sent a giggle from Kelly’s lips and then a gasp of surprise rang out.

“Fuck, yes…and on misfit night!” Kelly screamed, doing so as Nigel concentrated on keeping his kisses firm and tumbling his tongue inside Kelly’s writhing body.

Nigel was certain Kelly didn’t want him to stop now and so he didn’t. He felt fairly sure his best efforts had been at least adequate too. Had Kelly had the time, or inclination, she would have told the whole world Nigel’s work had been surprisingly good, but she was too busy enjoying her climax to bother with that.

Kelly savoured every moment of her deliciously unexpected start to the evening. She fingered her clit immediately afterwards, almost feeling the need to check she hadn’t imagined it all. It was still throbbing happily and she hadn’t.

As Kelly smiled at Nigel, he smiled back at her.

“I know I’m not here because of my expertise or looks. but even a nerd is happy if he plays a part in someone having a nice time, however small the part they’ve played.” Nigel said.

“It’s what someone does with what they’ve got on misfit night, Nigel and I’m pleased to say your efforts have been very much appreciated, so far,” Kelly explained, finishing what she had to say to the sound of her phone ringing.

At the end of the call, Kelly looked rather annoyed, although she hoped Nigel would realise none of her disappointment was directed towards him.

“The rest of the pack have just arrived in a couple of taxis. The power cut in the middle of town’s caused mayhem and so they’ve all come back emptyhanded, manwise. I realise even a regular might find being here with nine more women who are disappointed and horny as fuck arriving in a minute rather intimidating, but it’s my place and I make the rules. If I let slip what you’ve already done, I guarantee they’ll be kind to you,” Kelly told Nigel, giving his cock a playful squeeze, as she finished speaking.


Once the other nine members of The Pack had arrived, Kelly told them the story of her rainsoaked walk and what had followed with Nigel. She realised lifting everyone’s mood would be a tough task, but she knew all of those present well enough to feel certain they would be heartened by listening to her account. Kelly spared no details, that wasn’t the way The Pack did things and its members were delighted to discover at least one of them had been served unexpectedly well on a Misfit Night.

“I’ve come up with a plan to salvage something for the rest of you. I’ll spit it out, as opposed to swallowing, but hear me out and then let me know honestly how it sounds,” Kelly began.

Kelly explained she felt those of her friends who liked to share girly time with each other could do so, whilst others excited in more “traditional ways” could ask Nigel how he felt about doing something for one or more of them at a time.

“When you’re thinking things through, remember poor Nigel’s a newcomer and he only has one dick, so be creative and let’s try to take care of him. I’ll only say this once, but if I think you’re being unreasonable with your expectations, I’ll be quite cross and if you’re stuck and unable to think of anything our visitor can do for you, I can highly recommend asking him to do what he did to me before you all arrived,” Kelly said with a giggle and a very broad smile.

There was a bond between members of the Pack, meaning when one of them spoke passionately about an issue, everyone pulled together. It might not have been how some had wanted the evening to start rolling in the hangout, but Kelly’s friends sensed genuine emotion in what she had said and all of them felt it was important to respect and honour it.

The plans were devoid of any disagreement when made and saw happy smiles on the faces of all of The Pack. Although Nigel had heard everything that had been said, Kelly felt summarising it all for him might be useful.

“Team A will be Jodie, Beth, Sam, Penny and I. Team B will be Donna, Nix, Cat, Mary and Fee. Team B will watch the action, whilst having the girly fun they like to share outside these gatherings, whilst Team A will see what you can do for them. I can’t promise Team B won’t dip into what’s happening with you from time to time, but we will do our best not to break the man who’s rescued The Pack from the jaws of disaster, won’t we, ladies?” Kelly explained.

‘Trapped in a knockthrough trio of sheds, after missing the last train. Ten women looking to satisfy their lust with just one bloke who’s as far away from being a machine as you could imagine. What could possibly go wrong?’ Nigel thought to himself, having decided taking something as surreal as this seriously wasn’t his best plan for survival.

Kelly spoke to the room again, next. It was about Nigel. She wanted Nigel to hear what she said, although doubted he would have the confidence to offer his own view.

“I’ve already got a head start on the rest of you, so, by rights, I should be at the end of the queue. I’ll happily listen to anyone who thinks it’s a liberty, but I think if I start things off, the rest of you might get a more confident effort from our esteemed visitor,” Kelly said, addressing both of the groups into which The Pack had been divided.

When Nigel heard Kelly setting the rules for the unusual Misfit Night, it reminded him of how wrong it was sometimes to judge people on certain criteria and ignore other factors that could be far more important. He felt sure many would see Kelly as just some nymphomaniac who used others, but the side he had seen to her was one he knew was a far better representation, despite only experiencing it for a short time. Caring, encouraging, nonjudgemental and kind were among the words he felt would be appropriate…and very y with it too, of course.

Everyone agreed Kelly’s plan sounded right and nobody felt she was queuejumping either. Nigel looked at Kelly and smiled at her. Kelly smiled back and beckoned to him as a sign she wanted him to join her on her assigned bed.

“So, what wickedness awaits, Kelly?” Nigel asked, feeling quite comfortable with a rerun of earlier activity.

Kelly had toyed with the idea of a repeat show, but she had dismissed this in favour of another pleasure. She told Nigel she just wanted him to fuck her, the choice prompting her to explain the reasons.

“In a way, it’s about The Pack and how I see it. We are what we are, but we can be so without looking down on anyone, or forgetting there’s more ways to feel good about yourself than finding the best fucker in town. Whoever he may be, he’s important to us, but the guy who gives one hundred percent of what he’s capable of is too. If I know he’s a kind and helpful person also, this makes it better still,” Kelly told Nigel with a smile.

Kelly’s chat with Nigel then moved on to her plan for the forthcoming episode.

“Our events always have a large supply of our favourite toys on standby, to either pass the time, complete unfinished business or, on Misfit Night particularly, have something to put us ahead of the game, so inexperienced or nervous guys can still stand a good chance of ticking a shared climax off their list. Things like that matter to us on Misfit Night, even more so when I was the only girl able to catch one!” Kelly told Nigel, their laughter ringing around the hangout afterwards.

Kelly knew humour was a great tool on Misfit Night and she had used it to good effect previously. She felt sure it would relax Nigel well too this time, even though she had joked with Nigel mainly because she liked him.

Kelly checked through the toy box and she soon found what she had been looking for. As with all of the toys, Kelly’s chosen one was inside a zipped plastic bag with her name written on the front of it. With a smile of mischief, Kelly returned to her assigned bed and showed Nigel what she planned to use on herself before he joined the party.

Despite his reluctance to say too much in the company of experts, Kelly had already made Nigel feel able to speak up in a way he never thought he had the courage to do. Yes, he spoke nervously and in a hushed voice, but the significance of what he asked Kelly almost had her lost for words.

“I’m a novice, I know that, but when you’re in certain company, even a beginner can get brave. I understand you need your vibrator and it makes perfect sense, but if you’d let me have a little go with it too, because you’re not where you’d like to be when I’m done, I’d really like that,” Nigel said in a whisper.

“Absolutely no problem at all, Nigel. Not leaving a girl in the lurch and offering to make sure she isn’t? Some girl’s going to be very lucky to get the new Nigel all to herself in the real world soon,” Kelly replied. She meant every word.

The conversation they shared brought a relaxed atmosphere to Kelly and Nigel’s bed area. It also left Kelly feeling making a start on the planned fuck was a good idea too.

With Nigel lying on the bed with his legs apart, Kelly knelt between them and leaned forward to invite Nigel to stroke and massage her breasts and nipples. For a second time, Kelly was delighted by Nigel’s focused touch and her occasionally obstinate nipples stood erect beneath slowly moving fingers almost instantly.

“That’s a lovely start, Nigel, thank you,” Kelly whispered, a smile spreading over her face.

Elsewhere in the room, Donna, Nix, Cat, Mary and Fee were starting to arouse each other on three beds that had been pushed together, Jodie, Beth and Sammy watching on, as they waited to join the action as a part of Kelly and Nigel’s team.

Nobody was watching Kelly and Nigel as their activity had begun for a second time. Kelly hadn’t asked that this be the case, but it was a source of great pleasure for her to see she and Nigel had been left to themselves without anything having needed to be said.

Nigel stroked Kelly’s breasts for a long time and began to suck on her erect nipples, when asked by Kelly to do so. Nigel’s kisses drew plenty of plaudits from Kelly and she told Nigel this was another pleasure a lady would soon feel herself lucky to receive from him in the real world.

Kneeling between Nigel’s legs, Kelly began to work the vibrator she had chosen deeply inside her body. The toy was used as only an expert could and the desired effect of arousal was soon upon her. Playing nicely and dipping her head to let Nigel suck firmly on her nipples worked extremely well for Kelly, something everyone else in the room was aware of, as it happened as those engaged in group activity and their audience took a break to change positions and grab a drink.

Although wishing others had timed their break differently, Kelly wasn’t knocked out of her stride, her aroused nipples and Nigel’s work on them making Kelly feel uniquely confident he hadn’t had his concentration broken either.

“That’s another string to your bow I can vouch for, Nigel,” Kelly purred, as she felt a warm tingle she knew was the result of the kisses in particular.

Kelly decided to put a foot on the accelerator with regards to her own arousal, but she wanted to leave the finishing touches to any climax she enjoyed to Nigel. Once happy with where they were both at, Kelly repositioned herself and lowered herself onto Nigel’s waiting cock.

The sensations Kelly felt as she tightened around Nigel were all about the occasion, but this made them no less welcome or exciting as those enjoyed on “Double Digit Size” nights or “Mr. Confident” events. Was she really closing in on climax for a second time with a novice? Her body was giving her the signs she almost certainly was.

Putting the brakes on to wait for Nigel to reach orgasm certainly hadn’t been on Kelly’s erotic bingo card, but reality did not lie. Having to grind Nigel to orgasm as she shook with the onset of her climax was as unexpected as it was wonderful and as she made another thrust onto his cock, Kelly heard herself gasp and moan to a climax dancing inside her and the joy of Nigel’s cum doing likewise.

Nigel’s orgasm saw Kelly force down repeatedly on the cock inside her. Her climax was one reminiscent of many of those years before, when adulthood had taken her on a journey she had just been reminded still had the odd surprise in store on it.

Despite her love of the more extreme, Kelly felt anything else would have struggled to match what she had enjoyed on this evening that had seemed set to be one about making the best of things. Her deliverance enjoyed, Kelly’s efforts were now focused on watching to see what others could do for the man who had now brought her to climax twice.

“If I told you I’d like to watch you with anyone else tonight, after warning others off doing the same with us, does that make me a bad person, a hypocrite, or worse, Nigel?” Kelly asked.

“None of these. It makes you someone I really hope will become a friend forever and we just happened to have enjoyed a fuck, a suck and finger when we first met,” Nigel replied.

Kelly had no answer to what Nigel had said and so she gave him a tight hug instead.


Jodie, Beth, Sam and Penny decided paper, scissors and stone would be the sophisticated method used to determine who followed Kelly’s double rations with Nigel. Jodie was delighted with her win in the competition and she had no issues with Kelly looking out for Nigel’s welfare with her watching session either.

Jodie had taken the warnings about being gentle with the novice seriously and Kelly knew she had, just by the way Jodie welcomed him onto her bed.

“Well, Nigel, what I’d really like is for you to fuck me up the rear with my vibrator. If you feel like this makes you want to share your cum with me, when you feel the urge, either over my tits or my face will be lovely. If you don’t want to, or someone’s worn you out, that’s cool, but if you do, that would be super,” Jodie explained.

With her full knowledge and consent, Jodie’s reply to Nigel was heard clearly by Kelly. Jodie looked towards Kelly, who crossed her arms over her breasts and mouthed the words “thank you” to Jodie silently before smiling at her.

Taking a ringside seat, as she prepared to watch Nigel and Jodie together, felt as right to Kelly as it did to the two who would be under her gaze, Because Jodie wasn’t sure how long she’d be waiting for her turn, she had slipped her “emergency” panties on, which, far from being a problem, just added an extra element to be enjoyed.

Kneeling by the side of her allocated bed, Jodie felt Nigel take his place behind her and massage her back with a slowly descending touch. Jodie liked Nigel’s approach, as it was that of someone who cared about what he did, which she found a pleasant change to the she had shared in some of the other events with the group.

“I’d like some butt attention after that lovely massage, Nigel,” Jodie told him with a smile.

Nigel stood behind Jodie and sank to his knees, smoothing his hands over her back in a slow massage.

Kelly felt sure how Nigel had begun was something he had thought of himself, bringing a nod of appreciation, even if it went unnoticed.

Nigel’s touch dwelt on Jodie’s back for a while before asking if she was ready for it to ease to her buttocks. Being given the choice was something Jodie couldn’t remember happening for a long time and she found the oldfashioned presentation of options strangely erotic.

“A playful slap or two on my buttocks will make me even more ready for that beast of a vibrator up my rear, if you wouldn’t mind,” Jodie requested in an imitation of the style of Nigel’s previous question.

The presentation of a new challenge was one Nigel didn’t panic over, although he did think it reasonable to ask Jodie for some guidance.

“We novices need a little help, sometimes, could you show me exactly how you like it?” Nigel asked Jodie with a smile.

Almost as soon as Nigel had finished asking Jodie the question, Kelly walked over to Jodie and presented her rear end to her. Jodie’s hand flashed across Kelly’s buttocks probably more times than was necessary for demonstration purposes, but nobody cared, as the two who had been involved enjoyed the opportunity and Nigel found watching Kelly’s beautiful cheeks being slapped very pleasant to watch indeed.

“Makes note to discuss spanking with Kelly later,” Nigel said loudly, causing the central character of his comment to laugh for some time afterwards.

Refocused, Nigel positioned himself so he could deliver the swipe of his hands to Jodie’s buttocks. Jodie gave a nod of approval to the sensation created and as Jodie felt Nigel seemed happy to continue she allowed herself an extended bonus with giggles of delight.

Once Jodie had declared it was vibe time, Kelly fired the toy up to the intensity she felt Jodie would like best and then passed it back to Nigel with a smile. Nigel placed the tip of the vibrator between Jodie’s cheeks, as directed, and let it sit for a while, before slipping the rest inside and moving it back and forth in her body.

Kelly became a little emotional watching Nigel blossom in the alien environment he had found himself in so randomly. She felt responsible for him, fearful he might suddenly find himself out of his depth and lost. Adversity, or the possibility of it, had brought the best out of him.

“I think if I work a little magic on Nigel at the right time, he could slip his tip inside when you’re ready to come. If I do my duty and we time everything right, that might be something to try?” Kelly suggested.

Everyone in the room thought Kelly’s idea was geniuslevel, especially Nigel. What she had said didn’t even need fine tuning, it was the perfect solution. Jodie had expected to have had to settle for Nigel’s orgasm to be delivered differently and the chance of an upgrade sounded appealing.

Kelly’s “masterstroke” allowed Jodie to give her full attention to Nigel’s efforts with the vibrator, whilst keeping in mind the need to have Kelly “on hand” and to give her as much notice of when Nigel was approaching climax as she could.

Nigel concentrated on gliding the vibrator inside Jodie’s body in the best way he knew how. Kelly was enjoying watching Nigel’s work, although always with an eye on Jodie’s face to look for additional clues regarding Jodie and Nigel’s heights of arousal. A sudden deep moan from Jodie saw Kelly ask her if the time had come, Jodie shook her head. She had more levels left to rise to.

Nigel’s efforts intensified, searching for the last digit to unlock Jodie’s erotic safe…and then he found it.

The moment Kelly saw Jodie start to tremble, she seized Nigel’s cock. She took him in her hands, but she was possessed by a need to help Jodie and instead of stroking him to nearorgasm, Kelly sucked and licked his cock until his eyes darkened and his breathing started to labour.

With quick, accurate hands, Kelly steered Nigel’s cock into the crack of Jodie’s rear and it fired into her at the same moment Jodie crashed headlong into spectacular climax.

The feeling of Nigel’s cock spilling into her was the element that broke Jodie’s determined efforts to hold back. The sensation of a cock firing into her more than made up for the end of her resistance, however, and Jodie squealed, squirmed and shouted her way through a breathtaking finale.

Jodie’s climax was one that had been delivered to her in a cherished way, which made it so much more intense and enjoyable for both herself and those who witnessed it. Loud, wild, energetic and long, it was a sight to behold and for Jodie, something genuinely memorable.

Jodie savoured everything with laughter. She saw all of the people who were special to her looking so happy, but her biggest smiles were flashed at Kelly and Nigel, who returned Jodie’s expression with their own that mirrored hers. Beth looked pleased also, of course, her name now at the top of the list.


As host, Kelly felt all who were present should take a break to hydrate themselves, both teams having reached a natural break. Even Beth, who was next in line for Nigel, could see the logic in Kelly’s decision and so she went to speak to Nigel about what she hoped he could do for her.

“I like newcomers to have some power once in a while and occasionally I give them a treat. You’ve been a star tonight, Nigel, and although I know Kelly’s worried you’ll combust soon, if we ask too much of you, my question to you is, ‘What would you do to me, if I said I’ll give you a free hit?'”

Beth’s approach was one she had never used previously on similar nights, or in the “real world” either. Everyone seemed to have their own way of commemorating this particular occasion and Beth’s had just been revealed.

Nigel thought about Beth’s question for a few minutes before answering it. He knew Beth might not see his suggestion as practical or appealing, but Nigel felt it important to give an honest answer, nevertheless.

“I think I’d ask you if my best friend and I could please you together to make you feel special. We would both kiss you all over, stroke wherever you liked it most and save a kiss and a massage for wherever your favourite place is to bring you to a climax,” Nigel explained.

“Outstanding!” Kelly shouted excitedly, her enthusiasm for the plan matched by Beth.

Nigel and Kelly stood on one side of the bed Beth had been allocated to, everyone else having gathered on the opposite side to watch. Beth smiled as two pairs of hands began to run over her body and they kissed whichever part their touch had caressed afterwards. It felt good to work as a team to please Beth together and Kelly was delighted to see Nigel looking so relaxed, happy and confident.

Beth enjoyed the attention, her pleasure heightened by the bond that had been made by the two people caressing her. Nigel’s fingertips fell on Beth’s shoulders and breasts, whilst Kelly swept her touch along Beth’s legs with soft teasing movements between them at the end of each journey her fingertips made.

As Beth enjoyed Kelly’s fingers inside her body, she said she’d like it even more if she experienced it with Nigel pleasing Kelly in a similar way. Beth thought Kelly’s attention would be even more special, if enjoyed whilst the one giving it was being excited too. She was correct.

Kelly’s attention on Beth was that of an expert and although Nigel lacked these credentials, nobody without this information would have guessed. The moment was all about Beth, but she felt as happy for Kelly as she did for herself, as Nigel excited Kelly with his touch beautifully.

Beth would have savoured a beautiful climax with Kelly’s massage alone, but its arrival as Kelly squirmed and sighed to Nigel bringing her to the same point made it very special indeed.

Kelly felt wetness of arousal tumbling on her fingers as she held them between her thighs and she shifted momentarily to allow Beth to taste her, stirring an even better idea instantly.

Straddling Beth’s upper body, Kelly was able to let Beth taste her climax intimately. Nigel, meanwhile, had spread Beth’s legs and was sucking on her clit. Beth went into spasm, as her body welcomed another wave of heaven, Kelly and Nigel’s teamwork delivering absolutely all she could have wanted and more.

Sam and Penny were just two of those left aroused and excited by witnessing Beth’s pleasure. They had been given the luxury of extra time to plan their own itinerary and they felt sure it would do justice to the honour of being the final act of an incredible event.

With a break having been called in proceedings, Sam and Penny went to talk to Nigel about how they saw things. Nigel found what was said extraordinary, to say the least, and he said he would speak to Kelly and report back.

Despite some misgivings over Nigel’s wellbeing, Kelly thought the plan sounded exceptional. The idea of Nigel using a vibrator on all of those present and then three groups of three pleasuring each other, whilst Kelly and Nigel fucked, was one she couldn’t argue against. After all, the idea showed some consideration for Nigel’s cock, which she had a vested interest in being able to finish the night still in one piece.

“Kelly, Donna, Jodie, Nix, Beth, Cat, Sam, Mary, Penny, Fee.”

When Kelly announced the running order for Nigel’s toy marathon, it heightened expectations all around the room. Everyone knew that what was planned was symbolic, rather than chosen for other reasons, although the bonus of a nice bit of vibe sounded splendid to everyone.

As she was first in line for Nigel’s attention, Kelly lost no time in joining him for what she felt sure would be another memory to add to the collection of them she already had. Kelly had no issues with ten pairs of eyes being upon her. Only one pair mattered,

Nigel placed Kelly’s vibrator against her wet lips and let her enjoy the pleasure of its highest setting she had selected. The toy excited Kelly, as it always did, but the owner of the hand that steered it did and even more so. Sometimes, Kelly liked it slow and gentle with a gathering intensity, but she made it clear to Nigel that hard and fast was her wish this time. Nigel read Kelly’s body well and she smiled as he aroused her. His slips became slides. His slides became thrusts, and Kelly’s mind filled with every time Nigel had excited her previously. Nigel knew what was ahead of him and he would do his best for everyone, but this was Kelly and he made it special.

Kelly could feel Nigel’s desire to please her with everything he did with the toy and this aroused her even more than it did usually. She pushed against his thrusts, she twisted her body and he hit the spot that sent her wild. It was wonderful.

Although a part of something greater, Kelly felt having shared another treasured experience with Nigel was so special. Scheduling meant there was no time to bask in the glory, however, as Donna was already getting ready to enjoy Nigel’s work.

Both Donna’s toy and her body that welcomed it inside were very different to Kelly’s, her slender frame making Nigel’s work more gentle than it had been with Kelly. Donna liked the way Nigel had shown there was more to this than a production line and she reaped the benefits with a climax she welcomed with laughter she simply couldn’t stop,

Jodie was so keen to take her turn when the time came, she almost tripped in her eagerness to join Nigel, but she was soon enjoying his use of her golden favourite to a moaning journey to deliverance. Jodie was the youngest member of the pack, in her midtwenties, but she already knew what she liked and her favourite vibrator was close to the top. Jodie’s wish to bring herself to the brink of climax and have Nigel deliver the final blow with a vibrator in her rear too got a nod of approval from Kelly and Nigel was told to wait for the word from Jodie before joining the action.

Jodie’s work with a vibrator inside herself felt exciting with the added delight that would be added. She brought herself close to the brink expertly and sent a sigh of arousal once Nigel had eased Jodie’s “Butt Beauty” into her rear.

Kelly joined those in the group devoting themselves to group girl action in watching everything closely. The latter were taking a breather between phases of their own pleasures, whilst Kelly’s focus was on Jodie’s pleasure, as well as her position as host and her constant desire to see Nigel treated respectfully.

Nigel’s work on Jodie left her astonished by how the novice had stepped up to the mark. She needed just the occasional word, or shift, to put him back on track, if needed, and he applied just the right amount of pressure to ensure Jodie was able to let herself enjoy being filled front and back tremendously.

Jodie’s body was electric with the attention and she only stopped smiling for as long as it took a squeal, moan or giggle to come out of her mouth. Her mind spun into turmoil when her body ignited in climax and it was one that rumbled on with a roar and tears of joy that covered her face.

“Fuck, this is brilliant,” Jodie screamed, as she writhed in ecstasy, smiles on the faces of all who looked on. Nigel stayed focused as well as his abilities allowed and Jodie just lay there and laughed, once the embers of her climax had begun to die down.

“Next, please,” Kelly said, directing her comment towards Nix, Beth and Cath.


Nix, Beth and Cath were the next three names on the list for Nigel’s attention for The Pack on Misfit Night. Nigel looked puzzled as they surrounded him on the bed. The trio told Nigel they had decided to test his skill with three pans on the stove at the same time, to emphasise the fun at the heart of the challenge that had been laid down.

Kelly felt the introduction of humour was a brilliant move and would help to make light of any lapses in concentration Nigel might make. Not everyone shared Kelly’s view of the importance of laughter in erotic pleasure, but even those who were more serious knew this was exactly the right time to inject some comedy.

Nigel’s attempts to help three women lying side by side to climax with the use of their favourite vibrators was something none of those who saw it, or experienced it, felt they would ever forget.

With a little help some might have described as cheating, Nigel pulled off the stove challenge and Nix, Beth and Cath all kissed Nigel when they stood up and placed a finger coated in their erotic wetness on his lips, as they did so,

With the theme of multiple customers seemingly established, Sam, Mary, Penny and Fee took their places with Nigel as the final four of his visitors. In light of the work he had already put in, the quartet felt Nigel needed reassurance. It was forthcoming without any need for prompting from Kelly.

“Don’t worry, Nigel, one at a time’s fine. We just thought a view of the finish line might inspire you,” Fee said with a mischievous laugh.

Although Fee had meant what she said, she also knew two at once could be fun and didn’t necessarily place any extra burden on Nigel’s shoulders. She made her point to the rest of The Pack, who all agreed with what she had said immediately.

“It sounds like it’s you and I next then,” Sam said to Mary with a smile.

Sam and Mary decided if one of them straddled Nigel’s face, whilst he played with a vibrator in the rear end of the other, this would work well for everyone. Kelly smiled more than anyone when hearing the girls voicing their plans.

“I’ll take the vibe, Mary,” Sam volunteered, knowing the other option was a particular favourite of her friend’s in ways to reach climax.

Kelly felt so proud of The Pack, as she listened to her friends taking Nigel’s wellbeing so seriously. It was The Pack at its best and the fact it had been brought about by Nigel’s presence was perfect.

With a group of interested bystanders watching, Nigel slipped Sam’s vibrator between her cheeks, once it had been passed to him. Sam was lying next to Nigel on her side and she could see that whilst his view would be restricted, he would still be able to continue. once Mary had eased herself over his mouth.

A few adjustments meant Mary was able to poise herself comfortably, as Nigel eased Sam’s vibrator into her. Mary found feeling Nigel’s lips and tongue pleasing her whilst watching her friend smiling at being aroused very exciting, and Nigel coped well with his vibe work, despite not being able to see what he was doing with Mary sat on his face.

Mary was soon well on the way and Sam was close behind as Nigel’s kisses drew longer and deeper inside her body. Pleasuring with a vibe without being able to see what you were doing was a tough ask for a novice, but Nigel was determined and Sam had no complaints at all.

Sam squeezed down hard on Nigel, allowing his lips and tongue to deliver more to her. She was highly aroused and one particularly deep kiss hit the spot, Sam reaching climax with a scream. Nigel refreshed his efforts on Mary who was excited to hear Sam’s cries and she reached orgasm with a shout within seconds herself.

Sam’s climax was especially loud and intense and Nigel’s continued work ensured fresh waves of it arrived spectacularly. Mary also had a fine finale, helped by the pleasure of Sam clearly having hit the heights. Nigel, meanwhile, had survived again, which everyone in the room was pleased to see.

Kelly beamed a big smile in the direction of Mary, Sam and Nigel as they basked briefly in postencounter bliss. If anyone found this much joy wrong, Kelly felt she would never understand their values.

Just as others had done, Penny and Fee watched Mary and Sam’s performance with Nigel with interest. The final pairing knew coming up with something original would be a challenge, but they were up to it.

Penny and Fee decided to ask Nigel if he’d have a little go with their paddles and try his hand at a bit of spanking, whilst they gave each other a massage. Once again, Kelly was impressed with how The Pack had looked after Nigel and she was rather looking forward to watching him having a go with the girls’ paddles too.

The girls got straight down to business and began their massage, as Nigel waited for his call to action. Penny and Fee were used to pleasing each other and knew their friend’s body very well. Everyone else in the room enjoyed watching and Penny and Fee lost themselves in their mutual pleasure easily.

Kelly looked at the scene and felt sure everyone would agree the party that had almost never got started had turned out spectacularly well. Seeing Nigel stood holding the paddles was one of many sights she would associate with the night and she watched Penny and Fee bringing each other wonderful sensations with joy in her heart.

When Nigel was called to join the girls, he did so as they positioned themselves so they could both be spanked simultaneously. This certainly made life easier for Nigel, and Penny and Fee having to play with themselves whilst being spanked, rather than with each other, was a small price to pay for the changes.

Although a part of him wanted to say he hadn’t really got a clue what he was doing, experience had taught Nigel that guidance was always at hand. Kelly stood beside Nigel as he prepared to begin with Penny and Fee, ready to offer assistance if needed, or step in, if her friend felt he’d taken on something that left him out of his depth.

Nigel felt sure nervousness might make him tentative and equally certain this wasn’t what anyone into being spanked was looking for. His solution? He just went for it. Luck? The Gods smiling on him? The hopes of others willing him to do well? It was impossible to know the cause, but Nigel nailed it.

The Pack showed its appreciation in the best way it knew how, as Penny and Fee finished the climax started by Nigel with passionate kissing and a massage session. The place was in uproar at this point, until Kelly asked for order, so she could make an announcement.

“Ladies and our gentleman, I declare Misfit Night officially over and what a night! Thank you all. If you’d like to make your way out by the tunnel, we will meet again soon. I will be in touch, but Nigel and I have just one matter to tidy up and I think this one’s just for us,” Kelly said.

A round of applause wasn’t something The Pack usually gave at the end of a night, but it was what made it so special for Kelly. As she watched everyone leave. Nigel held her hand and smiled at her.

Alone together in the empty hideout, Nigel and Kelly just looked at each other. Words had their time and place, this was neither.

Nigel stood in front of Kelly next to her bed. He began to stroke her shoulders. He did so slowly and gently. When he paused, Kelly performed the same on him and they shared a slow kiss. They loved it.

The touch that had been on Kelly’s shoulders now trailed down her arms. Slowly. Beautifully. The break in the massage once again saw Kelly mimic it on Nigel and the two of them shared another slow and so special kiss.

Kelly’s body tingled when Nigel softly, slowly and sensually stroked her breasts and nipples. Kelly’s massage on Nigel’s chest was applied to the sound of laughter and giggles, a locking of lips following afterwards.

Tracks of tenderness eased from fingertips down each others’ bodies until broken for kisses. Erotic energy was building.

Together, Nigel and Kelly’s eyes fixed on each other. The moment he slipped a touch into her wetness and she took his erect cock between her fingers was timed perfectly.

Gesturing to direct Nigel to lie on her bed, Kelly followed, slipping Nigel inside herself and securing him expertly. Arms around each other, Kelly paused, rubbing herself gently on Nigel’s cock, her juices coating the top of it as they dripped from her body.

Holding her urge, Kelly allowed her body to bathe Nigel’s cock and body with her erotic flow. The energy in Kelly was as powerful as she had ever felt. Fighting the voices in her head telling her otherwise, Kelly slid just a little more of Nigel into her body. This was a battle of wills Kelly wanted to fail, but the denial just made her feel even more aroused.

Nigel was focused on making this farewell fuck as memorable for Kelly as it already was for him. In truth that was already certain, but Nigel needed to show just how special this was and would always be to him.

Kelly’s spot in the driver’s seat was crucial, but something about this moment made a thought come into her head that joined so many others already there. The novice was more than matching her experienced attempts to hold back his need to express his arousal. The old hand who considered herself proficient at least, was delighted.

“Together. Now, Nigel,” Kelly cried out, to the explosive granting of her wish, two bodies erupting into the chaos of a shared and synchronised climax.

“Kelly,” Nigel cried out, as the woman herself bellowed his name too. Kelly gripped Nigel’s cock tightly with her body, as she squirmed in release, to the feeling of his flow shooting like a bullet inside her. The unique chaos of their climax distorted sound and vision and sent spasms throughout their bodies. Kelly was almost paralysed with her erotic wipeout, but, being Kelly, she still managed and controlled Nigel’s orgasm with her otherwise helpless body.

Kelly teased much more out of Nigel’s cock, which would have surprised nobody. Nigel ensured Kelly enjoyed a many phased climax too. Once they’d exhausted themselves physically and mentally, Kelly and Nigel shared a symbolic kiss to mark their transition into becoming best friends for life.

Nigel was made honorary lifepresident of The Pack. He kept in touch with all of them, as well as Kelly, but he never attended any activity nights, just those set aside for a gossip.

Three years later, a wedding had ten special guests in attendance, when Nigel tied the knot with a rather shy but wonderful woman called Mandy. Mandy knew about The Pack; Nigel had told the story early in their relationship, a night Mandy remembered never having laughed so much in her life.

Mandy spent a short while chatting to The Pack at the reception after the wedding and she could see why Nigel loved them all. Mandy saw Kelly chatting to The Pack too, but she did not disturb her. She had spent long enough chatting to Nigel’s “best man” in the leadup to the wedding and at the ceremony already!