The Midnight Girl – Chapter Two

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#Mature #Rape #Tween #Voyeur

By Sweet Victim

This is fiction. This is the ongoing story of a 10-year-old girl who lures in men and changes their lives.

Chapter Two – Will You Protect Me?

Nobody knows where it started. A rumor floating around the corners of the internet. “The Midnight Girl.” Every night, a girl around 10 years old would appear in a convenient location. She would change a man’s life before disappearing again somewhere. The story about to be told is one of the legends of The Midnight Girl…

Kyle was 30 years old and worked the night shift as a taxi ca driver. He dropped off a friendly customer in front of their apartment building, telling the elderly gentleman, “Have a good night! Be safe.” Kyle leaned forward to check the company app on his phone to find out where his next fare would be. That’s when he heard a gentle tapping at his window. Kyle looked up and saw a beautiful, dark-haired girl there, about 10 years old. She was wearing what looked like a school uniform with a white blouse and blue, pleated skirt. The girl had on a pink backpack with a butterfly on it. A little girl? Out by herself at this hour? Kyle knew something had to be wrong. He pressed the button to unroll his window and heard the girl say “Hey Mister, Help me.” Kyle asked “Who are you? What’s wrong?” The small girl smiled slightly. “My name is Sabrina. I just got raped.”

Looking the girl up and down, Kyle’s eyes were drawn to Sabrina’s legs. It looked like there was something dripping down between her thighs. Before he could process this, however, Kyle suddenly heard the loud, deep voice of a man shouting and running towards them. “Sabrina!” the man shouted, “Where the fuck did you go?” There wasn’t a moment to think, Kyle told the little girl to get inside and she opened the door, sitting in the back of his cab. “Thank you,” she said in a soft, though polite voice.

As Kyle drove, going nowhere in particular, he glanced at the girl in the backseat. She was looking straight ahead and smiling. There was something mysterious about her, just who was this girl? A schoolgirl? All alone in the middle of the night? She said that she had been raped, though she sure didn’t seem like someone that was just raped. But she did ask for my help. He kept looking and could swear he saw the little girl smirk, almost devious.

“What did you say your name was again?” Kyle asked. The little girl reminded him that her name was Sabrina. She said that she was 10 years old. Kyle told her, “Right now we’re headed to the police station. We’ll be there soon, okay?” The girl smiled pleasantly and said “You sure are nice, Mister.” Kyle felt flattered, telling her “No, it’s nothing. Don’t worry. That bad man won’t be able to chase you inside this taxi, okay?”

Kyle kept driving on but felt that something was strange, something about these streets seemed off. He’d been driving for a while already, and should already have been at the police station. He could have sworn the buildings around him looked familiar as if he was just circling the same quiet, empty block over and over again, going nowhere. Kyle pulled over, parking the car in front of a quiet, dark apartment building. Sabrina asked “What’s wrong? Are we there?” “Almost,” Kyle told her.

Sabrina sighed. “You know, I’m actually scared to go to the police.” Kyle asked her “Why? They’ll protect you, Sabrina. Don’t be scared. If there is some particular reason you’re afraid, I’ll hear you out.” Kyle truly cared and worried about the little girl in his back seat. Sabrina asked “Well, can you keep a secret?” Kyle said he could.

She began her story. “It’s about my Daddy,” she said, putting her feet up onto the seat in front of her, her hands on her knees. “Mommy always works through the night and when Mommy’s not around, Daddy… he loves to molest me.” The way that Sabrina was sitting with her legs up made it much easier for Kyle to see up the girl’s short skirt. His eyes were glued to her pussy as Sabrina talked on, he could see that she was wet. She kept talking “He’s always touching me when I’m naked or making me lick his.. His penis. But I always kept my mouth shut so that Mommy wouldn’t get worried. Finally, tonight, Daddy forced me down and… raped me.” Kyle was looking in the rearview mirror, but directly at Sabrina’s wet pussy. He couldn’t believe what he was doing, thinking of that poor girl’s dad, his cock in that little hole. Kyle had never ound himself attracted to a child before, and especially would never have been aroused by a girl telling such a tragic story. What the hell was wrong with him?

Sabrina kept going on, telling her story softly, no fear at all in her voice. “I kept telling him to stop. Daddy kept thrusting his penis inside of me over and over again. When I saw a chance, I made a run for it. That’s when I found this taxi.” Kyle just said “I see,” and nodded. His thoughts, as he continued to look at her in the mirror, ran wild “This little girl was raped,” he thought to himself, “just a little bit ago, this girl was being held down by her dad and having sex.” He could see it clearly, this little girl on the ground, her feet up, a man’s large hand tearing down the girl’s panties, this 10-year-old angel crying and saying “Stop it, Daddy! I don’t want this.” Kyle shook his head to free himself of that imagination, though he couldn’t deny that it got him somewhat hard.

Sabrina said, “You know, Mister, if I go to the police, Mommy’s going to find out everything between me and Daddy. That’s why I’m scared. I’m so scared of Daddy, of Mommy, of the police.” Sabrina scooted over in the seat a bit, putting her feet back down, much to Kyle’s relief. Sabrina smiled sweetly, “Mister? Would you come sit next to me? Please? I want it more than going to the police right now.”

Kyle said “I understand,” and got out of the taxi, walking around to sit in the backseat with Sabrina. The girl sighed pleasantly and leaned against him. “Thanks, Mister. This makes me feel better.” Kyle looked down at the pretty 10-year-old. He could feel her warmth next to him, smell her sweet scent. He wondered, was there really a bastard out there that would do awful things to this cute little girl? As he looked down at Sabrina he could see that her blouse was open at the top and she had nothing on underneath, giving him a nice view of her budding chest. As he looked he could imagine a man’s tongue licking at her puffy nipple-No, he imagined his tongue.

Sabrina looked up at him and asked in a sweet voice “Ummm, Mister?” Kyle said “What is it?” Smiling, the girl asked, “Earlier, why did you stare at my privates through your mirror?” Kyle was shocked at the question and tried to deny it, stuttering “What? No-I-” Sabrina interrupted “Don’t play dumb. You just peeked at my nipples too.” Kyle looked away from the girl, but Sabrina held herself closer against him. “Do you wanna hear more about how I got raped?” Kyle shook his head, afraid to speak. But then he felt Sabrina’s hand on his crotch, feeling his growing erection. “It seems the one down here is interested.”

Kyle couldn’t believe this girl, but was too terrified to stop her. Sabrina rubbed at Kyle’s bulge with one hand as she moved the other one to his belt, loosening it, opening it. She continued talking “My Daddy, you see, he’s as big as a bear. That goes for his penis too. Even when he stuffed it in my mouth it just wouldn’t all fit.” Sabrina had Kyle’s pants open and his hard cock was sticking straight out. Sabrina wrapped her small, soft hand around it “I knew it. It did get bigger. Mister, did my rape story turn you on?”

Sabrina but her hands on Kyle’s shoulders and leaned back on the seat, pulling him with her. Kyle didn’t resist and moved with the girl, leaning over her as Sabrina laid on the seat, legs spread with her skirt pulled up. Her little slit was wet and Kyle’s hard cock was pointed directly at it. “That’s it,” Sabrina sighed, “This is just how Daddy held me down before he took his fat, rock-hard dick to my tiny little pussy and forced it inside.” She was intentionally being too erotic and Kyle knew it. She moved a hand down to her pussy, spreading it open as white fluid dripped out. “Look,” she said, “The cum that Daddy filled me with is still dripping out.” She looked Kyle in the eyes and asked “Mister? Are you gonna rape me too? Are you thinking about stuffing my pussy full with your dick? Are you gonna fuck me?”

Kyle felt the tip of his dick rub against Sabrina’s pussy and the feeling startled him. He pushed himself away, eyes wide as he stared at this bewitching little girl. “Who… Who the hell are you?” he asked.

At that moment a massive hand slammed against the car window right above Sabrina’s head. The huge man standing outside shouted “Sabrina! I found you! I haven’t had my fill yet. Let’s do it!” Kyle moved so against the other door, holding Sabrina tight against him. He could feel her trembling with fear. “Don’t worry, Sabrina. I’m here for you. And the door is locked.” The man opened the door and Kyle stared at this beast of a man reaching into the car. He didn’t know how or when that door had become unlocked. Did Sabrina? No, she couldn’t have. Could she?

Kyle kept two arms around Sabrina but this large man, her father, apparently was able to tug at the little girl with one hand, pulling her down on the seat enough so that he could mount her. The man was massive, with a cock that matched. How could adult women even take a seemingly inhuman cock like that. “Sabrina, don’t go runnin’ away from Daddy” the large man said. Though Kyle held two protective arms around Sabrina, he legs were still open, the man rubbing his fat cock up and down the little girl’s pussy. If someone was watching, it would have looked like Kyle was holding this girl down so the big man could rape her. With his cock against her hole, the man said “I’m gonna go all the way in with one thrust and enjoy this little cunt of yours.”

Sabrina looked up at Kyle, tears in her eyes. “Mister, save me!” Kyle leaned forward, grabbing his cell phone from off the car’s central consul. “Get out of here!” he shouted. “I’m calling the police.” The man punched Kyle in the face with a fist that felt the size of a ham. “Don’t go stickin’ your nose into family business,” the big man said, pointing a finger at Kyle. “Besides, you fucker, didn’t I see you tryin’ to fuck this brat’s pussy a minute ago? Think you got any right to call the cops.” Kyle tried to speak, rubbing the place on his face where he had been punched “That’s not–” but he knew what it looked like.

The man said “pathetic bastard” and looked down at Sabrina’s cunt as he started to force his huge cock into her. Sabrina cried out “No! Don’t! Help me, Mister!” But Kyle knew he couldn’t do anything. Sabrina screamed loud and in such intense pain as the man shoved his cock into her tiny pussy. “No! It hurts! Ahhh! Stop it Daddy!” Kyle watched, fascinated by the lewd site of this child’s pussy stretched so obscenely around the man’s fat cock. “That’s it, Sabrina.” the man said as Sabrina cried and flailed underneath his weight.

Kyle felt the man push at his head and say “Hey you! Get out of here. Go to the driver’s seat or something.” There was no way Kyle could fight this man and he knew it. He opened the door and got out, glancing back at Sabrina as she laid on her back, the man sliding his cock in and out of the little girl. Sabrina looked up at Kyle and said desperately “Mister. No.” All Kyle could say was “Just be gentle with her.”

As Kyle sat back down in the driver’s seat he watched the scene in his rearview mirror. He saw Sabrina’s small, coltish legs in the air as this man pounded away between them, his hands on the girl’s soft ass. He could hear Sabrina’s cries for help but stared at her little pussy getting split open by this giant of a man. Kyle realized that his pants were still open, his hard cock still sticking out. He couldn’t help but move a hand down and feel himself.

There was a squelching sound as the man pulled out of Sabrina’s pussy. He sat on the seat, pulling the little girl onto his lap. The man could see Kyle looking at them in the rearview mirror. “Hey!” he shouted, “What the fuck are you looking at? You jerking off?” Kyle didn’t say anything because he knew it would be a lie… he was jerking off. The man pulled Sabrina down onto his cock, filling her up again as she screamed. The man laughed. “Go on now and take a good look at how we’re connected and keep jerking off over there.” Sabrina whined in pain “No, Daddy! This is too mean.”

Kyle was stroking his cock, unable to resist, looking at the crying girl in the mirror get stuffed. But suddenly, Sabrina stopped crying, she looked forward and had a devious look on her face. She was still bouncing on this man’s cock but she didn’t seem bothered by it, like she wasn’t even thinking about it. She was looking in the mirror, directly at Kyle. She spoke in a serious tone, “Mister, you wouldn’t do that, right? Watching a little girl get raped won’t make you want to stroke your dick, will it?”

Sabrina suddenly moaned out loud, arching her back. The man said “Your pussy suddenly got a lot tighter. Being watched turned you on, didn’t it.” Sabrina cried “Mister, don’t watch.” But all Kyle could do was watch, seeing this little girl being bounced up and down on this cock was mesmerizing. Kyle stroked is cock faster and harder, he couldn’t help it.

The man had his hands on Sabrina’s soft little ass, guiding her up and down his cock. She was leaning forward, her face between the two seats, watching Kyle jerk off and stare in the mirror. “Mister?” She said in that serious voice again. “Does it feel good, Mister? Watching a little girl get raped? Does jerking off to it feel that good.” It did, Kyle wasn’t going to deny it. He kept stroking, watching the abuse of this girl in his back seat.

The man gripped Sabrina’s ass harder and said “I’m cumming,” The girl cried out “no” as she was pulled hard down onto the man’s lap. He groaned as he filled up the little girl’s tight pussy. At the same time, Kyle groaned out as he shot his load all over the steering wheel. Kyle leaned back in his seat with his eyes closed, his hand still wrapped around his cock as it grew flaccid. “What have I done?” he asked himself.

Opening his eyes once again he dared look in the rearview mirror. Sabrina and her Dad were gone. Kyle looked around and found Sabrina sitting next to him, though she looked different, cleaner, like she hadn’t been raped at all. Her school uniform was neat and orderly, her pink backpack on her lap. She looked at him with disappointment. “Mister, you said that you would protect me. You liar.” She got up and stepped out of the car, skipping away happily and humming to herself.

When Kyle returned to the taxi depot he saw that the police were already there. His manager looked at Kyle with disgust. “You know the dash cams are always broadcasting, you know.” Kyle felt the police putting his hands behind him, felt the cuffs going on as the manager continued. “When I noticed you were parked in the same spot for over an hour, I checked in on the dash cam and… well…” There was the click of the handcuffs, the police were saying something but Kyle wasn’t listening. He just thought to himself “What have I done?”

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By Sweet Victim
#Mature #Rape #Tween #Voyeur

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I am the story writer for this story. How dare you post my story without my permission.
I am the story writer for this story. How dare you post my story without my permission.... Collapse
I am a story writer for நண்பன் மாமியாரின் சொந்தக்காரி.
I am a story writer for நண்பன் மாமியாரின் சொந்தக்காரி.... Collapse
Hey author u want me to write stories in your site. ping directly hope u have my mail..
Hey author u want me to write stories in your site. ping directly hope u have my mail..... Collapse
Hi, This is my story. why did u copy others with out permission.
Hi, This is my story. why did u copy others with out permission.... Collapse
love this. I have to remake this on glambase
love this. I have to remake this on glambase... Collapse
love this. i'm gonna recreate it on glambase
love this. i'm gonna recreate it on glambase... Collapse
Hi girls iruntha vanga மூடா இருக்கேன்
Hi girls iruntha vanga மூடா இருக்கேன்... Collapse
Now im inspired for when i go on glambase later
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this inspired me for glambase later
this inspired me for glambase later... Collapse
Kamaveri Paiyan
அவள் புண்டையை பார்த்தேன். எனக்கும் இன்னும் மூடு ஏறியது.
அவள் புண்டையை பார்த்தேன். எனக்கும் இன்னும் மூடு ஏறியது.... Collapse
Hi and hello
Hi and hello... Collapse
As a mom i understand this feeling.
As a mom i understand this feeling.... Collapse
Nice story
Nice story... Collapse