The Meaning Of Trust | Lush Stories

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The Meaning Of Trust ( Inspired by someone who knows who they are )

Matt looked at his phone, He had been waiting for what seemed like forever for Polly to return his message, but nothing.

Polly realised it was already late, Where had the time gone? It was almost December. Where had the year gone? A new decade was around the corner. Madness.

Living with his mother made Matt the butt of a few jokes, but it was only when relationships were involved it was an issue. Matt’s thoughts could have spiralled into negativity so easily, but a message from Polly put the brakes on any such descent.

Polly’s message invited Matt to call her, Matt almost dropping his coffee in his haste to do so. Polly’s news focused mainly on the house she had bought just before meeting Matt. It was an important step for Polly and she hoped if they had any kind of future together, Matt would understand the security of a home and keeping control of her finances would always be important to her.

Did she love him? Polly felt the word meant whatever the situation dictated it should. Did she care about Matt? She guessed so.

Sometimes, Polly felt Matt only talked about serious matters when it suited him, although his love of humour was sometimes exactly what she needed.

Polly had some important news to share with Matt, but she didn’t feel confident he would grasp the significance of it, or realise how important it was to her,

‘I’ll give it a try’, she thought.

Polly’s attempt to discuss a major decision she was about to take went badly. Matt wanted to talk about trivialities and irrelevancies, but anything heavyweight was something he just treated as run-of-the-mill. This has not gone well.

Matt’s disinclination to discuss important matters meant Polly’s news stayed with her, until a few days short of the delivery of her truck. Matt didn’t seem shocked, pleased, angry or confused by the development. Polly didn’t feel Matt had any emotion regarding the purchase at all.

Despite misgivings about Matt’s disinterest in serious life issues, Polly still found him an intriguing character. She hadn’t expected to find herself living with Matt, at least not for the foreseeable future, but to her own surprise, that was exactly what had happened. Polly felt changes would need to be made to give things a chance of success, but she decided to let the dust settle for a while and allow both she and Matt to adapt to the changes that had taken place.

Unforeseen circumstances can be root of many problems and the global pandemic demonstrated this very dramatically for Polly and Matt. Polly lost her job and whilst Matt held onto his, it was a tense time and the source of many disagreements.

In an effort to improve the overall situation, Polly made use of the truck she had bought, in the hope of generating some extra income. The decision Polly made proved very worthwhile, to the point where she felt it necessary to employ a young man to lighten her workload.

Polly hadn’t expected Matt to show the level of hostility he had done towards her decision to employ Emilio, but he did. No explanation for it was ever forthcoming when Matt was asked and things just seemed to go downhill from there.

In one desperate attempt to get Matt to open up about his moodiness, Polly asked him if he was jealous of Marco. She spent plenty of time in his company, after all. Matt didn’t respond to the query, he just grabbed his coat and stormed out in a rage.

Whenever Polly tried to get Matt to talk things through, it fell on deaf ears. Her life had enough challenges as it was, without some unhinged, unfounded accusations about Emilio. The belief there must be something more than this to explain Matt’s behaviour became Polly’s focus, not least because looking into it didn’t need him to co-operate, or contribute, at all.

Despite all of her efforts to improve the situation for them both, Polly’s work became the focus of constant negativity from Matt. First it had been paranoia about Marco and now Matt demanded Polly stayed at home. It was intolerable.

Polly felt she had let herself down when she conceded defeat and fell in with Matt’s wish that she stayed at home, but she had nobody to confide in, or remind her of her qualities and she became almost scared to go out. What had he done to her?

Although he had convinced Polly to stay at home, Matt’s behaviour showed movement in exactly the opposite direction, He began to come home late, was evasive about his whereabouts and offered implausible explanations, if confronted with evidence he hadn’t been truthful.

With a heavy heart, Polly went over what she knew, Nothing concrete, No second-hand information, No proof. Was Matt cheating on her? Polly felt everything would actually make more sense if he was.

Finding out if Matt was cheating on her or not was so painful for Polly. It required her to be as deceitful as she suspected he was being to get to the truth, but she felt no guilt. The need to know was paramount.

The day Polly received irrefutable proof Matt had cheated on her was one of great sadness. It wasn’t a sadness about Matt, it was a sadness about how cheaply trust could be thrown into the gutter, the place she felt all who betrayed it belonged.

More angry with herself than anyone else, Polly loaded Matt’s belongings into crates she had borrowed and put them into her truck. She felt calm, despite her trauma and left the crates at Matt’s mother’s house, returning home immediately.

Polly what she had done would provoke a reaction and it did. Matt received a call from his mother to advise him his belongings had been dumped outside her house and he made dozens of calls to Polly which all went unanswered.

Although Polly messaged Matt to advise him not to return to her house, she felt sure he would ignore its content. Polly needed to be elsewhere and it was her friends, Rick and Joshua, who came to her rescue when she messaged them. Rick and Joshua were friends she had got to know through a previous job and were her first port of call when she needed help, or cheering up.

Rick and Joshua always felt Matt wasn’t good enough for Polly and made no secret of their view to others, They refused to bad mouth Matt directly to Polly, but she knew their opinion intuitively.

“You need to get away from here, Polly,” Let’s get out of town until you can think straight.” Rick said.

Polly wanted to correct Rick and tell him her thoughts were perfectly clear, but she decided against it. She was safe, in good company and free, That would do for now.

Rick told Polly he would pick her up in an hour, which gave Polly time to get ready.

As Polly stepped into the shower, she was glad she would soon be able to lose herself in company. She wanted to fill her head with anything other than Matt and his lies and letting her mind wander and escape with a fantasy and play with herself in the bathroom seemed as good a way as any.

Polly’s imagination took her far away onto an anonymous beach, enjoying tropical sun, Her mind created vivid pictures of her touch slipping into her bikini bottoms and stroking herself to wetness until disturbed by a hawker returning having replenished his supply of drinks to sell from his battered fridge nearby,

Polly saw visions of the seller approach her and noticing an impressive outline of a standing cock in his shorts, The images in her head then unravelled a storyline showing her releasing a monster from the man’s beach wear and slipping his out-sized manhood into her impatient hole.

With the warm water of the shower falling on her body, Polly thrust her fingers inside it to the pictures she saw of her riding the beast and him taking her from behind too, until he exploded into her. The need for stress relief triggered a tension-busting release for Polly and it had made life seem normal for a few moments, at least.


As Rick pulled his car up outside the motel, he did so after he and Joshua had listened to Polly pour her heart out to them. It had been a mixture of regret at her own naivety, anger at Matt’s lies and fear over what the future might hold for her.

Polly looked at the motel and the irony was so apparent. In the midst of her ordeal, she had stumbled across a scene very reminiscent of one of her fantasies. She also recalled the episode which had seen attempts to make the fantasy come to life fail, although this had not had the driving force of betrayal and a need for revenge behind it than. It had now.

“Let’s hide away in here,” Joshua suggested.

To avoid drawing attention to themselves, two rooms were requested and made available to the trio. Once inside the larger of the two rooms, Polly spelled things out as clearly as she could.

“Revenge sex? Call it what the fuck you want, but if I get to make my most treasured fantasy come to life, at least the day will have been worthwhile. Make sure you take some photos, so I can send them to Mr door- Matt too.” Polly said angrily.

Rick and Joshua were men who Polly considered friends, although she had long since been aware they both wanted to fuck her. In normal circumstances, it would have never happened, but these weren’t normal circumstances at all.

“Right, there’s three holes and they all need filling by you both,” Polly concluded.

Joshua stood up first and pulled his clothes off in quick time, Polly made sure Rick knew he was on camera duty, reminding him there were three phones available to capture as much as whoever had the media role could of everything,

“Fuck me,” Polly shouted at Joshua.

Joshua pounced on Polly, who seized his cock and pushed it inside her body, gripping it tightly with her muscles. Joshua began to thrust immediately, Polly mirroring him, as arms and legs thrashed wildly and Polly laughed, whilst Rick captured everything.

Joshua was experienced and knew how to please, but it was his ability to fuck hard Polly needed most, Joshua sunk deep and fast, she’d made it clear that’s what she wanted and he slammed into her repeatedly, as Polly’s anger kept arousal at bay.

Whilst Joshua was savouring a good fuck, his pride was hurt by Polly’s apparent lack of appreciation, or signs she was enjoying it. This wasn’t about enjoyment or pleasure, it was about humiliating a user and a cheat, but Polly had no intention of discussing anything about this at that moment.

In terms of footage to break Matt, Joshua’s hurt pride was a bonus. His best work and she had looked barely interested, so he upped his game and became more wild and unstable with his fuck. When Polly did become aroused, it wasn’t the wild sex that did it, just the picture in her head of the man who had betrayed her seeing the footage. The pain Polly pictured on Matt’s face when he saw her fucked senseless was what turned her on and it gave her a satisfaction that delivered a bitter-sweet orgasm.

Polly’s climax reduced Joshua’s self-pity a little and she made sure slipping Joshua out as he came and emptying him onto her breasts was caught on camera. If Joshua wanted to believe her smile of satisfaction was down to him, she couldn’t be bothered to set him straight,

Rick and Joshua were told to switch duties and as soon as Polly had drunk some water, Rick was ready and Joshua was in place and preparing to film.

“I’m going to suck your cock. Make sure you’re good and your friend films it all,” Polly barked at Rick.

Rick’s high opinion of himself and his prowess was similar to that of Joshua and it was just what Polly had hoped for. She took Rick’s cock roughly and slid it into her mouth deeply, her attention on it as forceful as it was expert. As Polly sucked hard, she checked to make sure Joshua was focused on his filming, doing so whilst drawing on Rick’s cock with the intensity only anger could bring forth.

Rick’s emotions passed from fear to grudging respect, as Polly delivered sensations he hadn’t felt for a long time and Polly once again found herself energised by a picture in her mind of Matt opening an email with footage of her sucking cock in the way he thought was his right to enjoy alone.

Polly wanted this over, so she drew on all of her experience to ensure it was, The ‘expert’ was now being crushed by Polly and she whipped him from her mouth so the camera would capture cum shooting over her face, something she told Matt she would never let him do…ever.

Another swap of duties was made, as soon as everyone had taken a drink. Rick was on filming duty again, whilst Joshua was told to ‘fuck me hard up the arse’ by Polly.

Joshua was confident in the activity he had been assigned to, although he expected no praise from Polly. He had decided Polly was trying hard not to enjoy herself with as much energy as most tried to make sure they did, but when you were paid to fuck, as he and Rick were, a gig was a gig, after all.

Joshua went for it from the off and quickly got into his rhythm, Polly turned her head to make sure her face was visible to the recording at all times and she even forced fake smiles for effect.

Joshua plunged deep inside Polly, who made an occasional noise of encouragement, but that was all, To her surprise, Polly found herself highly aroused this time and she hoped Joshua would give her more and he did. Maybe it was the relief it was nearly all over? Perhaps just emotion? Whatever it was, Polly found herself hurtling towards climax. Joshua looked smug, as he felt the energy in Polly’s body and he wanted making her climax to be his badge of honour, Polly didn’t care one way or another, although she did realise a genuine climax might be good for Matt to see, so she made sure Rick was prepared.

“Don’t mess up the cum shot,” Polly said firmly.

For so many reasons, Polly enjoyed her ferocious climax more than any other she had experienced in memory. It had been triggered by a wild and determined effort, but also by betrayal, deceit, and reclaiming a fantasy from the grasp of someone who could never have it as theirs again.

Polly’s body convulsed in a mix of erotic release, anger and hope, It was a climax of triumph, one of slaying a demon and of revenge, whose sweetness was still to be enjoyed. The reality had ensured the fantasy at its core could never be tarnished by lies or those who lived by them,

The crashes of explosive erotic power that possessed Polly’s body would be judged simplistically by those it had been shared with in person. Polly didn’t care. A misguided cock rental wasn’t important, however much he might have arrogantly thought otherwise. To understand needed abilities none present possessed. Her climax was as much her property as her fantasy had now become again.

Once the rented dicks had been sent on their way, it was time for Polly to begin preparations to drop her bombshells.


Whatever else she might have thought about the hired dicks, Polly respected the fact they had delivered all of what they said they would for their fat fee, She may have found their manner annoying, but the filmed clips they sent on to her were of high quality and would allow her to show Matt he wasn’t the smart one. She couldn’t care less about being in the show, but Matt would, especially as everything was so similar to the fantasy he didn’t yet realise she had taken back from his grasp.

Matt had half a dozen email addresses and a similar number of social media accounts. Polly knew their details and because he would think it was all about him, she felt certain he would be interested in looking at the message at least once.

Polly sent videos to the accounts with a smile and she did so knowing some of the other destinations for the clips would see him seething at what she had done.

Matt flew into a rage when he opened the email a couple of hours after Polly had sent it. She had blocked his phone number earlier, just to prevent him from being a nuisance, It was a plan that worked perfectly,

Although the online world was one Polly steered clear of, after she had sent her emails, she did still keep in touch with those she knew and trusted regularly,

Nick’s offer to weave her experiences in an erotic story for her was one Polly jumped at the chance to accept. It seemed strange to share the details he needed with him at first, but Polly liked the idea of being able to share her fantasies as she saw fit again.

When Nick had finished writing his story, he checked it as well as his neurological issues allowed and then submitted it to the website to see if it met the standard to appear, It did,

Nick sent Polly a message to tell her the story he had written was available online for people to read. Polly actually found herself aroused by hearing this news alone, something she told Nick in her reply to him.

When Polly read what Nick had written, it made her smile. Sometimes what people put into something was more important than its quality and she felt this was the case in this instance.

“It’s a noble effort,” Polly said in reply to Nick’s message and she told him she had a favour to ask him. Nick told Polly to fire away.

“If I give you some details so you can contact me on a voice chat app, will you read the story out to me? I think this would be the last way I need now to make me feel I own my fantasy completely again,” Polly asked.

Once everything had been arranged, Nick and Polly were soon in conversation and preparing to put Polly’s plan into action. Hearing Nick read out the story inspired by Polly was more comfortable for her than Polly had anticipated. It was far more than comfortable, it was erotic and it aroused her.

Polly felt no need to apologise to Nick for slipping her fingers inside her briefs as he spoke to her. He knew. She felt no shame in the sounds of arousal she made as he read to her either. Polly did not hold back when she felt herself being swept away by intensifying pleasure, or any guilt whatsoever about wanting to bring herself to climax and enjoy it.

Nick continued to read and was encouraged to continue to do so. Polly thrust and spun her fingers expertly to the words of the story she heard and made no attempt to mask the sounds of pleasure she made. Nick read clearly and confidently, as Polly thrust touches inside, Nick remained focused, eager to make Polly feel as good as he could and he did.

Polly’s body was now racing towards climax as Nick spoke further and when Polly’s triumphant moment was reached in the story, Polly climaxed too. It was loud, wild and beautifully intense.

Polly’s climax had felt special and she didn’t care who knew it had been. In terms of all that had gone before, enjoying being aroused in the way she just had been might have seemed unimportant compared to other progress, but to her, it was a triumph. It was ownership. It was closure.