The McAllister family’s adventures on Pembroke’s Island 4/4

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#Incest #Pregnancy #Rape #Teen

By Edward Pembroke

Conclusion to the tale of Edward Pembroke and mother and daughter Kate and Maddie

Maddie and Kate both stood naked in the cooling wind, their nipples erect like ice picks. Kate hunched over in misery, Maddie brighter and eager to please her Daddy and keep her mother out of trouble.
Pembroke was in a T-shirt, fleece, tracksuit bottoms, and trainers on account of the slight chill in the air. He didn’t care about his slaves’ discomfort in the cold.
“Now, ladies, let’s play a game—one that tests fitness, stamina, sexual skills, and even the melting point of chocolate,” he said with a sly grin. Reclining in a deckchair, he watched them as they stood before him, the choppy sea stretching out behind them, enjoying the shivering jiggling tits on both females.
He produced two Cadbury crème eggs, straight from his freezer. He peeled off the wrapping and placed the two eggs on the grass, one white, the other brown. The girls looked at each other, bewildered.
“Ah, now for a little challenge,” Pembroke drawled, his grin widening with smug satisfaction. “You see that far wall over there? About two hundred meters away? That’s your destination. But here’s the twist—you’ll run there and back with an egg tucked firmly up your ass. And just to keep things … interesting, you’ll wade through that inlet of water on your way. It’ll reach your waist, and yes, it’ll be freezing, but don’t worry—I’m sure you’ll manage. After all,” he added with a chuckle, “I wouldn’t set a task I didn’t believe my little girls could pass.”
Kate fidgeted with the only garment she wore—the hated collar fastened tightly around her neck. Her eyes flicked to Pembroke’s hands, each fitted with a modified wristwatch. The devices wrapped both around his wrists and between his thumb and forefinger, with a button embedded in his palm. His right hand controlled Kate’s collar, while his left was reserved for Maddie. With a simple press, a jolt of electricity could surge through either—or both—of them.
“Alright, Maddie, listen carefully. No hands. I want you to take that white egg in your mouth and carry it over to your mother’s asshole. Use your tongue to push it inside. And Kate,” he added, his voice dripping with mockery, “make it easy for your daughter. Stick that ass out and spread your cheeks wide. Let’s see how well you two can work together.”
Kate arched her back, her eyes fixed on the wind whipping through the grass, the angry waves crashing against the shore, the little inlet she’d need to run through if she ever got the chance. She whimpered at the cold air biting her skin, her body trembling as she felt her daughter’s mouth press against her anus.
Reluctantly, Kate pulled her cheeks apart and relaxed her sphincter, allowing Maddie to push the frozen egg inside, gasping as the cold hit her insides. Once it was in place, Kate clenched tightly, feeling the awkward bulge in her ass as she fought to keep the cold egg snugly in place.
“Now, go!” Pembroke slapped her ass, grinning as Kate took off running—her arms flailing, her breasts swinging from side to side, her movements awkward with the egg lodged inside her. He watched with amusement as she waded into the cold water, her screams echoing across the shore.
After about a minute, she returned, shivering and out of breath, her body trembling from the cold.
“Good girl, Kate,” Pembroke said, his voice dripping with mock praise. “Now bend over and shit that egg into this bowl.” He placed a plate on the ground, his eyes gleaming with cruel curiosity. “Let’s see what it looks like.”
Kate gratefully squatted and pushed the egg out, letting it land with a soft thud in the bowl.
“Hmm, still not melted. I can’t see the inside yet,” Pembroke said, his tone mocking. “Looks like another run is necessary. Maddie, suck that egg up again and push it back into Mummy’s asshole. Kate, prepare your bottom for another run!”
“Please … Daddy…” Kate begged, her voice trembling.
“Aaaaaggghh!” she screamed, her body convulsing from the shock. But she obeyed, bending over, her face scrunched in discomfort as she opened her anus for her daughter to reinsert the egg with her mouth.
Another run, more screams, more laughs from Pembroke as her breasts bobbed up and down on her chest as she ran back splashing through the water, the blonde hair flying in the wind. Maddie winced at the pained look on her mother’s face.
Breathlessly, Kate stood in front of Pembroke, waiting for his next command. “Shit it into the bowl again. Let’s see…”
Kate squatted down, her eyes briefly meeting Maddie’s in a fleeting moment of shared humiliation before she looked away. She clenched and pushed, the egg now soft and runny, dribbling out of her ass in a long, sticky, gooey trail into the bowl.
“Ah, it’s reached melting point. Interesting!” Pembroke said, his voice tinged with amusement. “Well, Kate, your reward for completing that challenge is to lick the bowl clean. Maddie, get behind your mother and lick her ass clean. Be sure to suck it all out—I’ll be checking.”
Like a chain of beings linked together, mother and daughter dropped to their hands and knees, their mouths busy licking chocolate—Kate from the bowl, Maddie from Kate’s ass. They moved in unison, a grotesque chain gang performing their humiliating tasks.
“Now, let’s see if dark chocolate has a different melting point,” Pembroke said, his tone clinical, like a professor conducting an experiment. He tossed a frozen dark chocolate egg onto the grass. “Kate, I think you know what to do. Maddie, bend over and pull your
Kate bent over the egg, her lips closing around it as the grass tickled her throat. She crawled toward her daughter’s outstretched ass cheeks, her eyes fixed on Maddie’s puckered hole, now stretched wide, a dark red ring opening in anticipation.
Kate pressed her lips against the ring, trying to push the ice-cold egg inside. She noticed Maddie’s sphincter twitch and contract as her daughter struggled to “swallow” it with her ass. Finally, the egg disappeared inside, the ring closing tightly around it, sealing it in with a soft clench of flesh.
“Now, go!” Pembroke ordered. Maddie sprang into action, her body moving quickly to generate heat, the icy egg inside her causing a sharp, uncomfortable chill. She ran through the water, touched the wall, and sprinted back, her eyes darting to Pembroke in the distance, arms folded, and her naked mother still on her knees, watching helplessly.
As she returned, dripping with water and covered in goosebumps, she squatted over the waiting bowl. Her heart sank when she heard a firm thud—the egg was still solid.
“Kate, suck that egg up again. Your daughter’s asshole must be like a refrigerator,” Pembroke howled, laughing at his own crude joke.
Maddie sprinted back and forth again, her toes now numb from the cold. She desperately wanted this game to be over, to be back inside where it was warm.
This time, when she squatted, the egg landed in the bowl with a soft splat. Pembroke inspected it—it was soft and gooey, but the white insides weren’t yet visible.
“Looks like another run is necessary. Kate, do the honors.”
Kate hoovered the egg up with her mouth, the chocolate almost melting instantly. She pushed the mush into her daughter’s asshole, watching as Maddie’s sphincter clenched, dribbles of brown goo oozing out before her daughter took off sprinting again. Despite herself, Kate couldn’t help but admire Maddie’s athletic form, her ass cheeks bouncing as she ran.
When Maddie returned, her face flushed red, the egg finally gave way with a loud, rasping sound. Brown, sticky goo splattered into the bowl, her legs, and the grass around her.
“Hmm, maybe 2.5 runs to melt that egg,” Pembroke said thoughtfully. “Kate, lick your daughter’s ass and legs clean. Maddie, lick the bowl and the grass too. I want it all spotless.”
The two girls obeyed, licking the utterly disgusting but delicious chocolate off every surface. As Kate stared at her daughter’s ass crack, splattered with brown sticky fluid, she glanced up at Pembroke, who was watching her with cruel satisfaction. She hated this—debasing herself again and again and again.
“Now, look at those messy faces. Goodness!” Pembroke said, feigning concern. “I think you need something warm—yes, a nice warm drink to clean your faces and warm you up. Kneel together, girls, side by side…”
He pulled his cock out of his tracksuit bottoms, his grin widening as he looked down at the two women. Their faces were a mess of white and brown chocolate, smeared across their mouths, cheeks, noses, and chins.
Pembroke began pissing over both of them, the warm liquid splashing over their faces and breasts. For a moment, the girls felt a strange relief as the warmth countered the cold.
“Mouths open, girls. You need to swallow!” he commanded.
He noticed Kate was letting the piss dribble out of her open mouth, not swallowing.
“Kate, you will swallow! Don’t get cheeky with me, woman. No more buzzing—I’ll cane the flesh off your ass if you don’t swallow the rest of my piss!”
Kate’s look of defiance faded, replaced by meek surrender. “Yes, Daddy,” she whispered, opening her mouth wide. Pembroke aimed carefully, concentrating his stream into her mouth, satisfied as only a small amount spilled down her face and onto her breasts.
When he was done, he turned to Maddie. “Your turn. Get your Mummy on the ground and piss in her mouth. Kate, you’ll swallow every drop of your daughter’s piss as punishment for your earlier disobedience.”
Maddie looked at her mother with a mix of pity and resignation, while Kate stared back with silent sadness, allowing herself to be laid flat on her back. Maddie squatted over her mother, feeling the steam of Daddy’s piss and her mother’s breath rising against her vagina as she tried to make herself go.
“Come on, Maddie. Do I need to buzz you?” Pembroke teased, waving the remote for her shock collar in his hand.
“No, Daddy, I can do it. Just … hold on, please,” she said, her face scrunching in concentration. Finally, she sighed in relief as a stream of hot piss flooded her mother’s mouth below.
Kate desperately gulped and swallowed, the stinking urine filling her mouth and throat as it poured in.
“Well done, girls,” Pembroke said, his voice dripping with false praise. “Now, I don’t want stinky girls stinking up the house, so you need to get in the water and soak yourselves—including your hair. Go on.”
Both girls were hit by icy realization—literally. The water was freezing, and they hesitated at the edge, shivering.
“Please, Daddy, it’s so cold…” Kate begged, her voice trembling.
“Do what I fucking tell you, Kate!” Pembroke snarled, his patience wearing thin. “I’m getting tired of your disobedience. Maddie will tell you later what I do to girls who keep being disobedient—they go in the fucking sea, permanently!” His eyes burned with anger. “Now, both of you, get in!”
Mother and daughter held hands, tiptoeing into the water, yelping as it lapped at their ankles, then their knees. They screamed as the icy waves reached their pussies, flooding them with cold, before they finally dove in, gasping for air as the freezing water enveloped them.
Kate had often dreamed of swimming off the island, toward the distant islands she could see every day. But the reality of the water—its biting cold, its relentless waves—deterred her, even in summer. This was as bad as any torture Pembroke had inflicted on them.
“Alright, get your asses back inside!” Pembroke called.
Both girls turned and swam, then waded back out of the water. Kate shivered, her body trembling not just from the cold but from the degrading realization that she was hurrying back to her tormentor and captor.
A few minutes later, inside the warmth of the house, Pembroke stood naked, sipping hot tea. One foot was up on a chair, the other planted firmly on the ground, his backside deliberately open to give the McAllister girls easy access to his cock, balls, and asshole.
Maddie was busy licking her Daddy’s asshole, circling her tongue vigorously just as he liked it, then pushing it inside and wriggling it around. Her hands caressed his balls, her movements practiced and obedient.
Meanwhile, Kate was in front, sucking him off. Her blue eyes flickered up to his hideous face looming above her—the double chin, the jowls, the flabby chest, and the vast circumference of his belly. From her position, he almost disappeared from view behind the mound of his stomach as she leaned in, his face reappearing as she pulled back. Back and forth she went, her movements mechanical, her mind numb.
“I know you hate it, but you’re a great cocksucker, Kate,” he said, smiling as he caressed her blonde hair, still damp from the sea. “You’re making progress. We’re getting there. Soon, you’ll be a good slave.” He grinned, reveling in the oral attention from the two McAllister women.
Pembroke had decided he wanted a nice wall built and thought it would be amusing to have his female haul stones from the shore to the house, about two hundred meters away. He wasn’t sure yet what he’d use the stones for, but the idea of watching the girls struggle with the task entertained him.
Wrapped up in his fleece and tracksuit bottoms, Pembroke stood watching as the two McAllister girls, clad in bright blue swimsuits, worked. The sheer fabric clung to their bodies, their nipples visible through the material, the high-cut bottoms digging into their ass cracks. Their pale skin glistened under the sun as they bent and strained, pulling stones from the water and loading them onto a makeshift sledge fashioned from old cloth.
Nnnnnn, come on, Mummy, just a little more,” Maddie grunted, her voice screeching with effort.
“That bastard is just amusing himself,” Kate hissed, her hands calloused and bleeding from handling the sharp stones and saltwater. “How the fuck are we supposed to build a wall like this?”
After several minutes of pulling and slipping, their knees caked in mud from sliding and stumbling under the weight, the girls finally made it to the front of the house. Pembroke stood waiting, sipping his tea, a smirk plastered across his face.
“I’ve changed my mind. Put them back in the sea.”
The women stood frozen, their arms aching like lead, their hands raw and red from the stones and ropes. They were freezing, exhausted, and now utterly defeated.
“Did I not make myself clear?” he said, his voice calm but menacing. “Put them back where you got them. Now.”
Suddenly, Maddie burst into tears. “Daddy, why are you so mean? I try—I try so hard to be the perfect slave.”
“Oh, Maddie, Maddie, Maddie,” he said, shaking his head as if scolding a naughty child. “You think you’re trying? You think this is trying? You’re barely scratching the surface of what I expect from you. The perfect slave? Don’t make me laugh. You’re weak, pathetic, and utterly replaceable. If you can’t handle me changing my mind, which is my prerogative, what use are you to me?”
He straightened abruptly, his tone turning icy. “Now stop your sniveling and get those stones back in the sea. Or do I need to remind you what happens to girls who disappoint me?”
Both slaves obeyed, their movements heavy with resignation as they turned the sledge around and began the easier downhill trek back to the sea. Pembroke’s cock grew hard as he watched the pale buttocks of each woman, their bodies glistening with seawater as they worked together to carry the stones and drop them back into the water.
When they finally finished, they dragged the empty cloth sledge back to the house, their legs and arms shaking with fatigue, their skin icy and their breaths visible in the cold air.
“Now after all that hard work I think I deserve a reward” he said haughtily, follow me inside.”
The girls were grateful to finally be inside, shivering as they hugged their arms tightly to their bodies, hopping up and down in an attempt to warm up. Cold water dripped from their hair and swimsuits, pooling on the floor.
“Shower yourselves with me,” Pembroke commanded.
Without hesitation, they followed him into the shower. Stripping off their damp swimsuits, they stepped under the steaming water, a wave of relief washing over them as the warmth enveloped their chilled bodies. They knew to let the water hit him first, standing aside until he was fully soaked. Then, dropping to their knees, they began to soap his body, meticulously cleaning every crevice and crack with precision and care.
“Now join me in the bedroom.”
The girls followed Pembroke into the bedroom, their bodies still damp from the shower, steam rising from their skin. Pembroke lay down on the bed, his massive frame sinking into the mattress, his belly rising like a mound above him.
“Kate, you sit on my face. Maddie, you ride my cock,” he commanded, his voice thick with anticipation.
Kate obeyed, climbing onto the bed and positioning herself over his face. She lowered herself slowly, feeling his hot breath against her thighs before his tongue found her, probing and relentless.
Maddie, meanwhile, straddled his hips, her small hands gripping his thick cock as she guided it inside her. She winced at the initial stretch but soon began to move, her hips rocking back and forth as she took him deeper, her breath hitching with each thrust.
Pembroke groaned beneath them, his hands gripping Kate’s hips as he devoured her, his tongue working in circles before plunging inside. His other hand reached up to grope Maddie’s breast, pinching her nipple roughly as she rode him.
The room was alive with the sounds of their heavy breathing, the slick slap of skin against skin, and Pembroke’s guttural grunts of pleasure. Kate’s thighs trembled as she struggled to hold herself up, her own pleasure building despite the disgust churning in her stomach. Maddie, meanwhile, grew more frantic, her fingers strumming her clit as she stared into her mother’s eyes.
Mother and daughter leaned forward, their lips meeting in a kiss that was as much about lust as it was about shared sympathy, each finding a fleeting moment of connection in the midst of their degradation.
Pembroke’s climax built with every thrust and flick of his tongue, until, like a volcano erupting, he spurted deep into Maddie’s pussy, his groans muffled against Kate’s flesh.
“Hmmmmfff,” he grunted into Kate’s pussy, the vibrations tipping her over the edge. She came hard, gushing into his mouth as her body convulsed. Almost simultaneously, Maddie’s frantic clit stimulation paid off, and she squirted, the liquid spraying onto her mother’s tits as she cried out in release.
“Like one happy family,” Pembroke laughed, pulling both Maddie and Kate into his arms. Exhausted from the intense demands of their submission, the mother and daughter sank into his embrace. Slowly, they drifted off to sleep, their bodies worn out from the harsh work and the acts that had left them utterly drained.
“Darlings, I do love your bodies, but they’re too plain, “ Pembroke drawled, as he glanced down at the two McAllisters kneeling at his feet. They worked silently, their fingers kneading each of his feet in unison, desperate to please him. He took a slow drag from his cigar, the smoke curling around his face.
“I think it’s time we added a bit of … decoration,” he said, “Something to brighten up that perfect skin. I brought a few special gifts back from my last trip.” His grin twisted into something far less pleasant as he reached down beside the chair and produced a small box.
Inside, glinting under the light, were piercing needles and an array of jewelry—rings, studs, and bars, all meant for them. Pembroke held up the box with a sinister grin. “We’ll get started right now,” he said. “It’ll hurt, … but that’s the point,” he added with a smirk, pausing for effect. “If you’ll excuse the pun.”.
His eyes gleamed as he relished their silent fear. “Now stand up. I want you nice and still when we begin.”
Maddie and Kate exchanged a fleeting glance, their fear mirrored in each other’s eyes. Their fingers brushed together briefly, a silent gesture of shared dread, before they quickly lowered their gazes again, wary of attracting Pembroke’s attention.
“Kate, your nipples are enormous,” Pembroke said with a cruel grin, his eyes fixed on her tits. “I love chewing on them … but now, I think it’s time to make them a little more interesting.”
With deliberate slowness, he brought out a gleaming needle and a silver ring, holding them up for her to see. The sharp point of the needle glinted ominously, promising pain.
He lunged forward, gripping her breast tightly in his hand. “Stay fucking still, bitch!” he barked. Before she could react, he drove the needle through her erect nipple with ruthless precision.
Kate let out a bloodcurdling scream, her entire body trembling in terror and agony. Tears streamed down her face as she begged, her voice cracking, “Please, stop! Please!”
The needle remained lodged in her nipple, as Kate whimpered, her body jerking uncontrollably from the pain. Pembroke watched her hop and squirm with annoyance.
“Stay. Fucking. Still,” he growled, his voice dangerously low as he tightened his grip on her. “Now, I’m going to thread this ring through it.”
He slowly reached for the ring. Kate’s breasts rose up and fell in fright as she looked down at the metal ring before she turned her head away, unable to watch what was coming. Pembroke took her breast firmly in his hand once more, ignoring her whimpers. With a swift motion, he pulled the needle out and, in the same movement, threaded the ring through the raw hole in the elastic flesh of her nipple. Kate gasped, her body jerking as a fresh wave of pain shot through her.
He wiped the blood away with an almost casual indifference, stepping back to admire his work. “There, lovely,” he said smugly. He reached out, flicking the ring with his finger, watching as it swayed back and forth like a tiny doorknob against her tender areola.
“Now, Maddie,” Pembroke said with feigned boredom. “Different nipple, same ring.”
He turned his gaze to Kate. “Kate, I want you to push the needle through. A mother’s touch might be just what Maddie needs. Who knows? Perhaps you’d have gotten around to piercing your daughter’s nipple yourself someday anyway.”
His words hung in the air, as he handed Kate the needle, relishing the discomfort on the older woman’s face.
Kate leaned in close, as she whispered, “It’ll be okay, Maddie. It’s not too sore … just stay still.”
Her hands shook as she held the needle, her mind drifting back to the last time she had truly looked at Maddie’s chest—before everything had changed. Back then, they had been little swellings on her flat chest, with soft, puffy nipples. Now, they were full, perky, and unmistakably mature, the nipples protruding like small lids, a stark reminder of how much her daughter had grown in the time since.
Kate hesitated for a moment before leaning in, gently taking Maddie’s nipple into her mouth. She sucked softly, both to harden it as much as possible and to apply the natural disinfectant in her saliva. Maddie whimpered softly closing her eyes in dread.
Kate placed the sharp point at the base of the nipple and pushed it through in one deliberate motion. Maddie jerked instinctively, her breast stretching taut from nipple to base as Kate steadied the needle, ensuring it pierced cleanly.
Kate picked up the ring, as she whispered, “Almost done, sweetie.” With motherly care, she worked the ring through the bleeding hole. Maddie winced, tears streaming down her face as Kate secured the ring in place.
“It’s done,” Kate murmured, barely able to look at her daughter. Then, turning to Pembroke, she said nervously, “I’ve done it, Daddy,” a mix of fear and desperation as she awaited his reaction.
“Excellent, very pretty!” Pembroke smiled, his voice dripping with mockery. “Now, just to finish off today … tongues! I think for this, you need to be immobile. Kate, you first—lie down. Maddie, you hold your mother’s arms down above her head. Hard, really hard. I’ll sit on her waist.”
He reached down and shook Kate’s tit, making the ring on her nipple flap about. “Oh, Kate,” he sneered, his tone cruel and mocking, “you’re gonna like this one.”
Kate’s eyes watered, her mind racing with despair. She wanted to die, to escape this nightmare, but how could she leave her daughter behind? Reluctantly, she lay down, her body shaking as Maddie pinned her arms above her head, sitting on her upper arms to keep her still. Pembroke straddled her waist, his weight pressing down on her.
“Now, Maddie,” Pembroke said, his voice calm but menacing, “important job for you. Squeeze your Mummy’s jaws together hard—make sure her mouth stays wide open. Don’t let it shut or move. I’m going to grab her tongue … and pierce it.”
Maddie’s hands clutched at her mothers jaws, pushing them together and forcing her mouth open. Kate’s face twisted with agony, thrashing weakly as screams choked in her throat. Maddie’s tears dripped from her eyes down into her mother’s throat, bouncing off her teeth.
Pembroke leaned over, holding the needle. He gripped Kate’s writhing tongue with metal tongs, yanking it forward obscenely as if to wrench it from her very mouth.
Maddie’s grip faltered at the horrific sight, and Kate managed to jerk her head sideways, letting out a guttural cry though her tongue remained held.
Pembroke did not look up, he just warned her. “Hold her still, Maddie. I have been very patient with you, child. That back of yours is unmarked compared to your Mummy, but you have been trying my patience recently.”
Maddie swallowed a sob and tightened her grip, he eyes moist as she looked down at her mother’s panicked eyes.
The needle pierced the flesh of the tongue, making a ripping, sharp sound as it was pulled through, followed by the ring being threaded through. Pembroke yanked the tongue out even further, his handiwork like a jeweler appraising a gem.
He released Kate’s tongue. It snapped back into her mouth, swollen and adorned with the grotesque ring, blood pooling in her mouth and spilling out of her lips.
“You can release her now” smiled Pembroke. Maddie got up as Kate coughed and spluttered out blood, moaning in pain.
“Now … Maddie next” smiled Pembroke. “Kate … I think you know what to do…”
An hour later, Pembroke lay fully at ease, reclined on his sofa with a trashy paperback in one hand and soft rock playing faintly in the background. The howl of the wind outside was barely noticeable, muffled by the warmth of the room and the snug embrace of his dressing gown.
At the foot of the sofa, Maddie and Kate lay bound in a grotesque tableau of pain and humiliation. Their piercings had been cruelly threaded together—Maddie’s tongue pierced through the ring in Kate’s left nipple, while Kate’s tongue was linked to Maddie’s corresponding nipple ring. Every slight movement tightened the cruel connections, sending sharp jolts of agony through them both.
Kate hovered over Maddie, her trembling body slick with sweat. Tears dripped from her face, splashing onto Maddie’s bare breast below. Maddie’s breaths were shallow and uneven, her body rigid as she fought to remain still. Even swallowing was agonizing, the tension between their tongues and nipples leaving them mute and utterly helpless.
Pembroke paid them no mind. Their torment, orchestrated with meticulous care, was no longer of any concern to him. He turned another page of his paperback, utterly detached, enjoying the peace of his own perfect order.
Two years had passed since Maddie’s disappearance. During his last trip to the mainland, Pembroke noted with quiet satisfaction that the fuss had finally died down. No one was looking for her anymore. The public had moved on.
Kate’s presumed suicide had tied up the loose ends neatly. Most believed she had killed Maddie in a fit of guilt-ridden madness then took her own life a year later through guilt. Others speculated that Gerry, still rotting in prison, had been involved—either with Kate or acting alone.
Pembroke allowed himself a moment of smug approval. The world had forgotten Maddie, and with it, any reason to question him. The island remained his sanctuary, untouched and secret.
Occasionally, there were still vigils for Maddie. Out of curiosity, Pembroke even attended one, noting all the pretty teenage girls who had gathered, no doubt empathizing with a girl just like them who had gone missing. He watched them—lovely young things, some there for the social media clout, others genuinely moved. He salivated at the sight of them. They had no idea how close they were to being taken, just like Maddie. He wondered if their pussies grew hot at the thought of being raped and tortured, just like Maddie. Was that why they were here?
Pembroke decided to celebrate the second anniversary of Maddie’s kidnapping by preparing a recorded interview with the two females.
The camera flickered to life, capturing Maddie and Kate kneeling naked side by side, their heads bowed submissively. Behind them, a “Find Maddie” poster hung on the wall, its cheerful colors and hopeful message a cruel contrast to their reality. Pembroke stood behind the camera, his voice calm and mocking as he began the interview.
“Maddie,” he started, his tone dripping with faux sympathy, “how do you feel about the fact that the world thinks you’re dead?”
Maddie hesitated, her voice trembling as she spoke. “I … I feel like I don’t exist anymore. Like I’m just … nothing.”
Pembroke chuckled softly. “And how do you feel knowing that no one cares about you anymore? That your life is now just being my sex slave?”
Tears welled in Maddie’s eyes, but she forced herself to answer. “It’s … sometimes … I enjoy it, sometimes, I feel like … I’m trapped in a kind of … dream. I keep thinking I’ll wake up, but … I don’t.”
“What dreams did you have that will never be realized?” Pembroke pressed, his voice sharp and taunting. “How does it feel knowing you’ll spend the rest of your life as a sex slave?”
Maddie’s voice broke. “I wanted to be a teacher … to help people. Now … now I’m just … this.”
Pembroke smirked, clearly enjoying her pain. “And what do you want to say to whoever might view this footage, perhaps after we’re all dead?”
Maddie looked directly into the camera, her eyes filled with despair. “Please … don’t forget me.”
Pembroke turned his attention to Kate. “Now, Kate, what was your worst nightmare for Maddie? Was it this?”
Kate’s face crumpled, her voice barely above a whisper. “Yes … this is worse than anything I could have imagined.”
“Did you have sexual feelings toward your daughter before your kidnap?” Pembroke asked, his tone deliberately provocative.
Kate flinched, her face flushing with shame. “No … never. She’s my daughter. I just wanted to protect her.”
“And how has all the sex, torture, and lesbian acts affected your relationship with your daughter?”
Katee looked at the camera, thinking of the perverts and other people who would get off to this video in the future. “It’s … it’s destroyed us. We’re not mother and daughter anymore. We’re just … your slaves.”
Pembroke leaned closer to the camera, his grin widening. “How do you feel about the fact that you’ll both never be free again?”
Kate’s tears spilled over. “It’s like … like there’s no hope. No way out. We’re just … stuck here, forever.”
“What dreams did you have for Maddie?” Pembroke asked, his voice dripping with malice.
“I wanted her to be happy … to have a life full of love and joy,” Kate sobbed and looked at him accusingly. “Not … not this.”
“And how do you feel about Maddie’s future now?”
Kate looked at Maddie, her heart breaking as she spoke. “I feel like I failed her. Like I couldn’t protect her from … from this…”
Pembroke stepped back, clearly satisfied with their answers. “Excellent. Thank you both for your honesty.”
The camera clicked off, leaving Maddie and Kate in silence, their bodies trembling with shame and despair after their confessions.
“Now, girls,” Pembroke said, his tone shifting darker, “since you’ve gotten that off your chest, it’s time for a review of your behavior.”
He paced in front of them, his eyes narrowing. “Kate, I keep finding stubble on your body. That’s the fault of both of you. Every little bit of stubble—whether it’s on your cunt or your armpits—will earn you a punishment. Cleanliness is non-negotiable. No dirty assholes, ever. Do I make myself clear?”
He leaned in closer, his voice dropping to a menacing whisper. “And your tongues … they’re getting lazy. They should be in my earholes, armpits, asshole, and your own holes and crevices at all times. I shouldn’t have to order you constantly. You should be licking assholes, pussies, and anything else you can get your mouths on. I hope you’re not turning asexual,” he added, laughing hysterically at his own cruel joke.
““So…” Pembroke turned to them, his voice cold and calculating. “Kate, I’ve already whipped your body to ribbons. Maddie, I think it’s your turn to earn some stripes.”
“No … Daddy, please,” Kate said wearily, her voice barely above a whisper. “Punish me instead. I’m her mother. I should be guiding her to please you, our … Daddy.”
Pembroke smiled, relishing the barely disguised disgust in Kate’s voice as she spoke. “No, Kate. I think your daughter needs a lesson. Perhaps the feeling of the bamboo cane on her bare bottom will make her more alert. She’s sixteen now—old enough to take responsibility for her own mistakes.”
He pointed to the rope and pulley system hanging from the ceiling. “Now, I want you to tie your daughter to the rope and pull her up. Stretch her nice and tight. Then, pick out a cane.”
Maddie began to cry. Part of her, in her girlish, confused way—mixed with the trauma of her situation—had even loved her “Daddy.” The confirmation that he was nothing more than a sadistic monster who saw her as nothing but meat and holes was too much to bear.
“Please, Daddy … I love you!” she sobbed, her voice breaking.
The sight of her beautiful, young teenage daughter—naked and pleading—declaring her love for the disgusting, fat “Daddy” who tortured them both made Kate feel physically ill. She hesitated, her hand tightening around the cane as she briefly considered striking Pembroke instead.
The shock collar around her neck jolted her back to reality.
“I hope you’re not getting any ideas, Kate,” Pembroke snarled. “String your daughter up NOW!”
Kate rasped in pain, clutching her neck, knowing it was useless to resist. She took her daughter’s hands, stroked her cheeks, and ran a hand over her back, down to her porcelain-perfect bottom. Her fingers traced the smooth, unblemished skin, mourning the damage that was about to be done to those sweet cheeks.
She pulled the rope up, yanking it hard until Maddie was on her tiptoes, her arms stretched high above her head.
“Now, Kate,” Pembroke said, his voice cold and commanding, “you will strike your daughter. You will keep striking her until I decide her education is complete.”
Kate sighed, almost laughing at the never-ending evil of it all. She picked up the cane, her heart heavy as she mourned the perfection of her daughter’s body. With a grimace, she struck Maddie across the stomach. Maddie jerked back reflexively, crying out as a red line bloomed across her skin.
“Nice!” Pembroke said, his voice dripping with cruel amusement. “Keep them coming. Variety! Tits, legs—anything but the face!”
Kate aimed for Maddie’s knee next, and the girl danced in pain, screaming as the cane bit into her flesh.
Then Kate struck her hip, the cane snapping against Maddie’s pelvis with a sickening crack. Maddie screamed, her body convulsing.
“Wow, Mummy is in a bad mood, Maddie!” Pembroke laughed. “Perhaps switch to the flogger now, Kate.”
Kate picked up the flogger, its many strands flying through the air as she brought it down across Maddie’s torso. Narrow red stripes appeared on her tits and thighs, the pain drawing fresh screams from her lips.
“Now, her back,” Pembroke ordered.
Kate turned Maddie around and struck her twice more, the flogger leaving angry welts across her shoulders.
“Now, Kate, get another cane and concentrate on that bottom. It feels like a sin to ruin it, but I want to see three straight lines, one above the other, on those buttocks!”
Kate carefully aimed, marveling at how firm Maddie’s ass was. It barely rippled with each strike, but the skin turned a deep red, and Maddie’s screams were horrifying.
“I hope you’re not getting any ideas, Kate,” Pembroke snarled. “String your daughter up NOW!”
Kate rasped in pain, clutching her neck, knowing it was useless to resist. She took her daughter’s hands, stroked her cheeks, and ran a hand over her back, down to her porcelain-perfect bottom. Her fingers traced the smooth, unblemished skin, mourning the damage that was about to be done to those sweet cheeks.
She pulled the rope up, yanking it hard until Maddie was on her tiptoes, her arms stretched high above her head.
“Now, Kate,” Pembroke said, his voice cold and commanding, “you will strike your daughter. You will keep striking her until I decide her education is complete.”
Kate sighed, almost laughing at the never-ending evil of it all. She picked up the cane, her heart heavy as she mourned the perfection of her daughter’s body. With a grimace, she struck Maddie across the stomach. Maddie jerked back reflexively, crying out as a red line bloomed across her skin.
“Nice!” Pembroke said, his voice dripping with cruel amusement. “Keep them coming. Variety! Tits, legs—anything but the face!”
Kate aimed for Maddie’s knee next, and the girl danced in pain, screaming as the cane bit into her flesh.
Then Kate struck her hip, the cane snapping against Maddie’s pelvis with a sickening crack. Maddie screamed, her body convulsing.
“Wow, Mummy is in a bad mood, Maddie!” Pembroke laughed. “Perhaps switch to the flogger now, Kate.”
Kate picked up the flogger, its many strands flying through the air as she brought it down across Maddie’s torso. Narrow red stripes appeared on her tits and thighs, the pain drawing fresh screams from her lips.
“Now, her back,” Pembroke ordered.
Kate turned Maddie around and struck her twice more, the flogger leaving angry welts across her shoulders.
“Now, Kate, get another cane and concentrate on that bottom. It feels like a sin to ruin it, but I want to see three straight lines, one above the other, on those buttocks!”
Kate carefully aimed, marveling at how firm Maddie’s ass was. It barely rippled with each strike, but the skin turned a deep red, and Maddie’s screams were horrifying.
“Last one is for me,” Pembroke said with a wink. He took the flogger, held it back, and swung it upward, striking Maddie between the legs.
“Aaaaghhh!” Maddie shrieked, dancing like a puppet on a string as the pain tore through her pussy lips.
“Okay, Kate,” Pembroke said, his voice calm now. “You can release your daughter.”
Maddie collapsed into her mother’s arms. “I’m sorry, baby,” Kate soothed, tears streaming down her face as Maddie sobbed uncontrollably.
Pembroke approached them, his demeanor shifting to one of tenderness. He hugged Maddie and kissed her forehead. “My poor little girl. I hope you don’t think Daddy doesn’t love you.”
He stroked her body, his fingers tracing the lines of wounds, eliciting winces of pain from her. “These are signs of my love for you. I only beat you because I love it—I love the feeling when I hurt you. But I still love you, darling. Don’t worry.” He kissed her again, his lips lingering on her cheek.
“Now,” he said, his tone light and dismissive, “all this nasty violence … let’s have some sex!”
He took both girls by the hand and led them upstairs to his bedroom.
Minutes later on the bed, Pembroke gripped Maddie’s hips, his thick cock plunging into her pussy from behind. His hands roamed over the hot, red ridges of her freshly inflicted wounds, the contrast between her pain and his pleasure only heightening his arousal. He marveled at her beautiful young body—her slim waist, her firm buttocks, her hips swaying with each thrust, and her small tits shaking as she moved.
Beneath Maddie, Kate lay on her back, her legs spread wide as her daughter’s tongue worked between them. Maddie licked eagerly, her tongue flicking over Kate’s slick pussy lips, determined to give her mother an orgasm. Kate’s eyes locked with Pembroke’s as he fucked her daughter, her body vibrating with a mix of shame and pleasure as Maddie’s tongue brought her closer to climax.
Maddie clenched her pussy around Pembroke’s cock, pushing back against him to take him deeper, her body desperate to please him. She wanted to prove herself—to show her Daddy that she could be the perfect slave, even after he had beaten her and abused her. Her tongue worked faster, her movements more urgent, as she felt Kate’s thighs tighten around her head.
Kate’s orgasm hit her suddenly, her body arching as she cried out, her fingers tangling in her daughter’s hair. Maddie didn’t stop, her tongue relentless even as her own body kept being pummelled by her Daddy’s cock, she wanted more of her Mummy’s juices.
Pembroke groaned, his hands gripping Maddie’s hips tighter as he felt her pussy clench around him. “Good girl,” he growled, his voice thick with approval. “You’re doing so well, Maddie. Such a perfect little slut for Daddy.”
Maddie’s heart swelled with a twisted sense of pride, even as tears welled in her eyes. She wanted to please him, to make him proud, but she knew this was all wrong, he was an evil monster, she hurt from head to foot because of him. As she sucked on her mother’s labia, she wondered where everything had gone so wrong.
More months passed. Pembroke’s concerns had shifted—not toward the fear of being exposed as the vile predator, kidnapper and rapist that he was, but toward the dwindling numbers in his bank account. His life insurance payout was bleeding dry, and the grim irony wasn’t lost on him: he was growing healthier, happier even, while his captives bore the weight of his depravity.
To cope, he’d returned to drinking. Each trip to the mainland left him wincing at the expenses, no matter how frugal he tried to be. The boat, the generator, the food—it all added up. What would happen when the money ran out?
He glanced down at his slaves, now sprawled on the floor in a tangled 69. He hadn’t even commanded it this time; they’d assumed the position on their own, as if their bodies had been conditioned to obey his, or their own, unspoken desires. Kate lay beneath her daughter, her thighs trembling as Maddie’s tongue worked relentlessly between them. Maddie, perched above, arched her back, offering her own swollen pussy to her mother’s mouth.
Pembroke raised his eyebrows, sipping his wine. They were changing—both of them. Their bodies, once lean and fragile, now carried a softness that betrayed their captivity. Their stomachs curved slightly, their breasts fuller, heavier.
Maddie’s moans vibrated against Kate’s flesh, her tongue lapping hungrily at her mother’s folds. Kate’s taste was different now—deeper, muskier, almost primal. Kate, too, noticed the shift as she sucked on her daughter’s engorged labia, the once-delicate petals now thick and protruding, filling her mouth with a heady, intoxicating flavor.
Pembroke set his glass down, his voice cutting through the wet, rhythmic sounds. “Girls,” he drawled, “when was the last time you bled? Two months? Three?”
Maddie pulled away, her lips glistening. “Three months, Daddy,” she breathed, her voice tinged with something like hope. She remembered the last time—the punch to her gut that had left her crumpled on the floor, the sharp pain that had stolen the life growing inside her. He hadn’t known, of course. He’d been too consumed by his own pleasure, too impatient with her clumsy mouth on his cock, and had lashed out and unknowingly given her a miscarriage. She hadn’t even realised what it had been until her mother later told her.
Now, she dreamed of carrying his child again. She imagined him holding her swollen belly. And her mother—pregnant too, just like her. The thought sent a shiver of excitement through her. Maybe he’d see them as more than just his toys.
Kate, on the other hand, felt only despair. She could feel it—the life growing inside her, a cruel reminder of this evil monstrous pervert. Her daughter’s pregnancy only deepened her shame.
Pembroke leaned back, his gaze lingering on their swollen forms. “Oh well … it will be interesting to fuck pregnant girls for a change, I suppose. One has to look on the bright side.”
Maddie beamed, while Kate closed her eyes, swallowing the bile rising in her throat.
Initially, Pembroke had thought that if he fucked them hard enough, he might rid them of the babies. He’d tried it with Maddie first, pinning her on her back, her legs hooked over his shoulders as he drove into her with brutal force. His cock slammed against her cervix, the impact reverberating through her swollen belly. Her bump was unmistakable now. His hands wrapped around her throat, squeezing as he thrust, his mind racing with thoughts of escaping the responsibility he never asked for.
Maddie’s face turned red, her breath struggling as his grip tightened. She barely fought him, just looked pleadingly into his eyes, her moans choked and desperate. Behind him, Kate knelt, her tongue working frantically at his asshole, her own pregnant belly brushing against his thighs. She was oblivious to her daughter’s struggle, focused only on pleasing him, on keeping his rage at bay. But Pembroke relented, letting go of Maddie’s throat just as he came inside her.
He couldn’t bring himself to kill them or their babies—not outright. But he came close. When Kate failed to clean the kitchen to his standards, leaving crumbs in a corner, he’d dragged her over his knee. Her swollen belly pressed awkwardly against his lap as he spanked her, the sound of his hand striking her flesh echoing through the room. Her ass, already rounder from the pregnancy, jiggled with each blow. Maddie had begged him to stop, tears streaming down her face, but he didn’t relent until Kate was sobbing, unable to sit for days.
Yet, their bellies kept growing.
Now, he watched them on their hands and knees, their bodies transformed. Their heads—one blonde, one brunette—bowed low as they lapped at their food bowls like animals. Their bellies hung heavy, brushing the ground as they knelt. Pembroke felt a surge of fear—and arousal. He couldn’t decide which was stronger.
He crouched behind them, running a hand over Maddie’s back, feeling the curve of her spine, the heat of her skin. His other hand gripped Kate’s hip, his fingers digging into her flesh.
“Look at you two,” he sneered, his voice dripping with contempt. “My little broodmares.”
Pembroke stood, his cock already hard, throbbing with the need to assert his dominance once more. He grabbed Maddie by the hair, yanking her upright. Her belly protruded between them.
“On the bed,” he commanded, shoving her toward the mattress. “Both of you.”
They obeyed without hesitation, their movements slow and awkward under the weight of their pregnancies. Pembroke watched as they positioned themselves side by side, their bodies ripe and swollen, their faces a mixture of fear and resignation. He climbed onto the bed, his hands roaming over their curves, squeezing their breasts, their bellies, their thighs.
“You’re mine,” he growled, his voice thick with desire. “Every part of you. These babies, your bodies, your fucking souls—they belong to your Daddy.”
Maddie nodded eagerly, her eyes wide with a twisted kind of devotion. Kate closed her eyes, her jaw tightening as she braced herself for what was to come.
His mouth closed over one of Kate’s nipples. She gasped, her back arching as he sucked hard, his tongue working to draw out the thin, sweet streams of milk that had begun to flow. Maddie watched, her own breasts aching, her hands instinctively moving to cup them as if to offer herself next.
Pembroke pulled away from Kate, a thin trail of milk glistening on his lips. He turned to Maddie, his hands roughly pushing her onto her back. “Your turn,” he muttered, his mouth latching onto her nipple with the same hunger. Maddie moaned, her body writhing beneath him as he sucked, her milk mingling with the taste of sweat and submission.
Maddie spread her legs wider, her belly rising and falling with each breath, her eyes locked on Pembroke’s face. He grabbed her hips, pulling her toward him as he thrust into her with a brutal force that made her cry out. Her belly jiggled with each movement, her breasts swaying as he fucked her, his hands gripping her flesh hard enough to leave bruises. Maddie’s moans were a mix of pain and pleasure, her body responding to him despite the degradation.
When he was done with her, he turned to Kate, flipping her onto her hands and knees. Her belly hung low, brushing against the mattress as he entered her from behind, his thrusts just as rough, just as punishing. Kate bit her lip to stifle her cries, her hands gripping the sheets as he fucked her, his hands squeezing her hips, her ass, her breasts.
Maddie watched, her hand moving between her legs as she touched herself. Her breath came in shallow gasps, her body responding to the sight of him dominating her mother, his thrusts rough and unrelenting. When he finally came, he collapsed between them, his chest heaving.
“Suck each other’s tits,” he commanded, his voice hoarse. “I want to see you taste each other’s milk.”
Maddie didn’t hesitate. She eagerly turned to her mother, her mouth closing over one of Kate’s nipples. She sucked hard, her teeth grazing the sensitive flesh as she worked to draw out the milk. Kate gasped, her body arching instinctively, her hands tangling in Maddie’s hair as her daughter’s mouth moved over her breast.
Pembroke watched, his eyes dark with desire, his hand moving to stroke himself as he observed the twisted intimacy between mother and daughter and their unborn children.
Gerry McAllister was feeling wretched. The third anniversary of his daughter’s disappearance had come and gone, and he was still behind bars, though his release was imminent. Not everyone was happy about it. Many of the inmates believed he deserved to rot in prison, whether or not they were convinced he had killed his own daughter.
“Fucking pedo scum! I hope you get shanked!” one of them shouted as Gerry shuffled down the corridor, his head low.
He tried to ignore the taunts, the threats, the venom in their voices. Prison had been hell on earth—a relentless nightmare of violence, isolation, and despair. But he was so close now. Just a few more days, and he’d be free.
As he turned the corner toward his cell, a sudden force slammed into him from behind. He hit the ground hard, the cold concrete scraping his palms. Before he could react, a boot connected with his ribs, and he looked up to see an angry, scrunched-up face glaring down at him. The glint of a blade flashed in the dim light, and then the pain came—sharp, searing, and relentless.
Gerry’s world blurred as the knife slashed across his face, again and again. He tried to raise his arms to shield himself, but the blows came too fast, too vicious. His assailant didn’t say a word, just grunted with each strike, his breath hot and ragged. And then, as suddenly as it had begun, it was over. The man fled, leaving Gerry sprawled on the ground, his body trembling, his face and chest slick with blood.
He lay there, gasping, his hand instinctively reaching up to touch his face. The cuts were deep, the pain radiating through his skull. Blood pooled beneath him, warm and sticky, and for a moment, he thought this might be it—the end.
But it wasn’t the pain or the fear of dying that consumed him as he lay there. It was the thought of Maddie. His little girl. Three years had passed since she vanished, and he still didn’t know what had happened to her. The not knowing was worse than any blade, any prison sentence, any beating.
As his vision blurred and the edges of consciousness began to fade, Gerry’s mind clung to one desperate wish: Please, just let me know what happened to her before I die.
Kate and Maddie lay in bed, their swollen bellies brushing against each other as they wondered when Pembroke would return. Maddie’s mind wandered, as it often did, to the fantasy she clung to—a happy family, with their Daddy as a loving father to their children.
“He’s not Daddy,” Kate murmured, her voice breaking the silence. “He’s a freak. Ugly, fat, hideous, evil. And he might never be coming back, hopefully not, anyway. In any case, we need to get off this island somehow.”
Maddie shifted, moving her head to her mother’s hip, her lips brushing against her inner thigh. “Mummy, we’re pregnant. We’re both about to give birth. Maybe he’ll change.”
Kate sighed, her fingers tracing the raised stripes of whip marks that now stretched across Maddie’s swollen belly. “Don’t fool yourself, baby. He’s not going to change. He’s a sadist. He is a pathetic pervert who likes to hurt us. That’s all he’s ever wanted.”
Maddie’s eyes softened, a flicker of doubt crossing her face. “I know, but … he’s the only man I’ve ever known.” She paused, her voice dropping to a whisper. “Can I kiss you, Mummy? Can we have sex?”
Kate hesitated for a moment, then laughed softly. “Oh, alright, baby.” It was their only pleasure, after all. Pembroke loved watching his girls together, and in his absence, they found solace in each other.
Maddie leaned in, her lips meeting Kate’s in a tender kiss. Their fingers slipped between each other’s legs. Maddie moaned softly, her breath hitching as Kate’s familiar touch sent shivers through her body.
“You taste so different now, Mummy,” Maddie murmured. “Did you taste like this when you were pregnant with me?” She sucked her finger clean, her eyes wide with curiosity.
Kate giggled, shaking her head. “Maddie, that’s such a weird thing to ask.”
Maddie grinned, her hands moving to Kate’s breasts. “Well, it feels good to drink your milk again,” she said, tweaking her mother’s nipples. A thin stream of milk spurted out, splashing across Maddie’s face.
Both women burst into laughter. Kate reached for Maddie’s breasts, her fingers teasing the swollen nipples until milk sprayed out, eliciting another round of giggles. They playfully wrestled with each other’s tits, their laughter filling the room as milk dripped down their skin.
Eventually, their playfulness dissolved and their lips met again, their kisses deepening as their hands roamed over each other’s bodies. They made love slowly, tenderly, and forgot about Daddy and any world beyond the island.
“What the fuck do you mean I don’t have anything?” Pembroke’s voice echoed through the small examination room, in a mix of anger and panic.
The doctor, a composed woman in her late thirties, adjusted her glasses and gave him a stern look. She wore a crisp white coat over a short skirt and tights, her dark hair pulled into a neat bun. “Edward, please watch your language,” she said, her tone firm but not unkind. She had expected him to be thrilled with the news—his earlier diagnosis had been a mistake. He didn’t have cancer. In fact, he was in much better health than he had been three years ago.
But Pembroke wasn’t thrilled. He was horrified.
“I got a life insurance payout!” he moaned. “I thought I was gonna die! Now I don’t have anything. I’m in debt, I’ve got no job—what the hell am I supposed to do?”
Pembroke slumped in his chair, his mind racing. Of course, he couldn’t tell her the real reason he was panicking—the two pregnant sex slaves he’d been holding captive on his island, the money he’d blown on keeping them there, and the fact that he had no idea what to do next. Somehow, he doubted that would elicit much sympathy.
“Edward,” the doctor said gently, leaning forward slightly. “I think God has shone on you. Since your diagnosis, you’ve turned your life around. You’re much healthier now, and … well, you’ve stayed out of trouble. You should be thankful!”
The doctor had seen his records—his history as a serial sex offender, the years he’d spent in and out of prison. But the last three years? Clean as a whistle. At least, on paper.
“Yeah, I guess God did shine on me,” he muttered, forcing a weary smile. “But all good things come to an end, don’t they?”
The doctor gave him a puzzled look but didn’t press further. “Well, I’d say this is a fresh start for you. Take it as an opportunity to rebuild your life.”
Pembroke nodded absently, his mind already elsewhere.
As he left the London hospital, he reflected on his position. He had no money, no plan, and two very pregnant captives waiting for him on an island he could no longer afford to maintain.
He went into a pub and mulled his options over his pint. He would have to get rid of Maddie and Kate. He’d always know he would probably have to kill them. Their only chance of survival would have been if he had suddenly keeled over on the island and even then their chance of survival were slim. The boat only worked on a combination he alone knew, and there were never any visitors.
Having believed death was imminent, he had resigned himself to be immortalised as an evil rapist and kidnapper once the bodies were eventually discovered, but now he was going to live, he needed a different ending to the girls’ lives. He would kill them humanely. No unnecessary suffering. He’d bundle them into the net with rocks, tow them out to sea, and let the depths swallow them whole. Then he’d clean the house, scrub away every trace of their existence, and put the property on the market. With the money from the sale, he could start over somewhere new, somewhere far away from the mess he’d made.
But there was one thing he couldn’t let go of: the footage. The photos, the videos, the countless hours of recordings he’d made of Maddie and Kate. He wanted the world to know they’d been alive, that they’d been held for years as his sex slaves. He wanted the sick minds of the internet to revel in their suffering, jerking off to the videos while the public reeled in shock. The thought of it thrilled him, a final act of defiance against a world that had always seen him as a monster.
He chuckled to himself, recalling his latest video—the two of them fingering and licking each other’s heavily pregnant bodies, their faces a mix of pleasure and despair. It would shock the country, no doubt. But he couldn’t release it yet. Not while he was still alive. For now, he had a threadbare reputation to protect.
He decided he needed to make a will. With no family left, he didn’t care who inherited the island. What mattered to him was ensuring that his collection of materials—the photos, videos, and recordings of the McAllisters—would be widely disseminated after his death. He wanted the world to see what he had done, to know the truth of what had happened to them.
With that grim purpose in mind, he finished his pint, and called the London law firm he’d used years ago to handle his mother’s will. It had been a long time since he’d last been in touch, but they would know how to make his final wishes official. He set up an appointment to see them the next day.
Gerry McAllister sat alone in his parents’ old house, staring at his reflection in the mirror. His face was swathed in bandages, the brutal scars from the prison stabbing hidden beneath layers of gauze. His once-handsome features were now ruined.
An ex-con, an ex-sex offender, a man whose wife and daughter were gone—his life as he knew it was over.
As he traced the edges of the bandages with trembling fingers, a faint memory surfaced. Another man, years ago, with the same horrific facial scars. Gerry had treated him, had handed him the same kind of bandages, had seen the pain and shame in his eyes. The man had been fat, ugly, and according to his medical notes, a convicted sex offender. At the time, Gerry had felt nothing but scorn for him. He’d laughed inwardly, dismissing him as just another pathetic wretch.
Now, sitting there with his own scars and shattered life, Gerry felt a pang of sympathy. He understood now how that man must have felt—ostracized, despised, a monster in the eyes of the world.
But then, something else clicked in his mind. A detail he hadn’t thought about in years. That man had been in the clinic on the same day Gerry had gone to fetch Maddie from her hockey practice. The same day Maddie had come home crying, though he’d never found out why. The same day that had later become the centre of the case against him, the diary entry that had snowballed into his conviction for sexually abusing his daughter.
At the time, Gerry had been distracted. He’d been having an affair with one of the nurses and had deliberately planned to be late picking up Maddie so he could spend time with her. He’d mentioned it casually at the clinic, not thinking twice about who might overhear.
Now, the pieces began to fall into place. That patient—the scarred, fat, bald man—had been there. He might have heard Gerry’s plans, might have realized Maddie would be left vulnerable, waiting alone. But no, that was absurd, wasn’t it? The man didn’t know Gerry, didn’t know Maddie, didn’t even know what school she went to. How could he have acted on it? Even if he was a sex offender, the idea seemed too far-fetched.
Yet, another memory surfaced, sharper this time. Maddie’s drawings in her diary. The monster she’d sketched—a large, scarred, fat, bald man. At the time, Gerry had dismissed it as a child’s stereotypical depiction of a monster. But now, he realized it matched the patient perfectly.
Why had he never made the connection before?
He tried to recall the man’s name, but at the time had paid so little regard to the loser. He needed his records, his diary from the hospital. If he could find the name of that patient, he might have a lead. A real lead.
For the first time in years, a flicker of hope ignited in Gerry’s chest. He knew there were still people sympathetic to his case—police officers, journalists, even a few former colleagues who believed in his innocence. If he could get that name, if he could investigate further, he might finally uncover the truth about what had happened to Maddie.
Pembroke approached the reception desk of the law firm. The young receptionist, a cute blonde in her early twenties, looked up as he approached. She wore a short skirt, tights, and a fitted blouse that hugged her figure in all the right places. Her lips curved into a sweet, practiced smile as she greeted him.
“Hello, welcome! How can I help you today?” she said, her voice cheerful and bright.
Pembroke’s eyes lingered on her, tracing the curve of her hips, the way her skirt rode up slightly as she shifted in her chair. He fantasized about her, imagining what it would be like to make her his next project. With enough money, he thought, he could make her disappear from this world and reappear on his island, another addition to his twisted collection. He leered at her, trying to catch a glimpse up her skirt, imagining the color of her panties, the way she might scream when he finally took her.
But the moment he gave his name, her demeanor shifted. Her smile faltered, and her eyes widened slightly. “Oh, Mr. Pembroke,” she said, her voice now tinged with nervousness. “I’ll need to get the head partner for you. Just one moment, please.”
She stood up quickly, her skirt swishing as she hurried away, leaving Pembroke standing there. Why the sudden change in tone? Why the nervousness? His stomach churned as a wave of suspicion washed over him. Was someone looking for him? Had the police finally connected the dots?
He thought about bolting, about disappearing before they could arrive. But where would he go? He had no money, no plan, and two pregnant captives waiting for him on an island he could no longer afford to maintain.
The receptionist returned, her smile still strained. “Mr. Pembroke, Mr. Hargreaves will see you now. Right this way, please.”
Pembroke hesitated, his instincts screaming at him to run. But he forced himself to nod, to follow her down the hallway, his mind spinning with possibilities.
“Ten million pounds?” Pembroke exclaimed, with disbelief. He huge flabby frame almost collapsed at the news.
“Yes, Edward,” Mr. Hargreaves replied, his tone smooth and professional. The lawyer sat across from him, impeccably dressed in an expensive suit, his hair perfectly groomed. “And to be frank, Edward, if we could have contacted you over the last three years, you would have received much less, it’s shot up in value recently. It’s lucky you got in touch about your will when you did.”
Pembroke’s mind raced. Ten million pounds in bitcoin. His mother’s crypto wallet been discovered and then finally been unlocked, and the value had skyrocketed. He could barely process it.
“Yeah, I think I need a new will,” Pembroke blurted out, his voice unsteady. “Forget the appointment about that for now. My God—bitcoin, eh? Who would’ve thought?”
Hargreaves nodded, though his smile didn’t quite reach his eyes. “Yes, the dangers—and opportunities—of crypto. It took years for your mother’s wallet to be unlocked, but when we tried contacting you, it seemed you’d dropped off the face of the earth.”
Inside, Hargreaves seethed. This man sitting across from him was the scum of the earth. He knew Pembroke’s criminal past, the trail of young women and girls who had crossed his path and never been the same. And now, this monster was about to become a multimillionaire. It made Hargreaves sick to his stomach.
Pembroke, oblivious to the lawyer’s disdain, leaned back in his chair, a smug grin spreading across his face. His mind was already spinning with possibilities. The receptionist—the cute blonde who had greeted him so nervously—flashed in his thoughts.
If he could take the McAllisters with limited funds, that hot little blonde wouldn’t stand a chance against his newfound wealth. He imagined her on the island, her blonde hair tangled, her eyes wide with fear as he raped and whipped her. And then disposed of her. A man of his wealth should not limit himself.
But for now, he had to play it cool.
“Well, Mr. Hargreaves, thank you, do tell me, how soon can I be in funds” Pembroke asked, with curiosity.
As he walked out of the office, he smiled at the receptionist again, noting to find out her name, his mind racing with thoughts about the endless possibilities his newfound wealth would bring.
And another thing, he thought. Fuck being a parent. Maddie and Kate had outstayed their welcome on his island. He would have to put an end to them, before embarking on a new, prosperous life.
“Daddy, you’re back!”
Maddie waddled through the house when she heard Pembroke come in the front door. Now nine months pregnant, she wore full white panties and a red vest that barely contained her huge belly and full breasts. Barefoot, she padded toward him.
Behind him stood Kate, naked from the waist up, wearing only black panties. Her now-enormous breasts hung heavily, their dark, prominent areolas stark against her pale skin. Her pregnant belly protruded above the black fabric, rounding out her figure.
“Hello, ladies,” Pembroke said, his grin widening as he took in their swollen forms. “You look ready to burst. But don’t forget your duty to Daddy. I’ve had a long trip, and I need relief.” His tone was light, but his eyes gleamed with dark intent.
An hour later, Pembroke lay naked and sprawled on the bed. His pale, flabby, hairy flesh spilled outward, his legs splayed obscenely wide and pulled back to expose his most private areas. His cock, thick and hard, rested against his stomach, while his asshole, hairy and sweaty, was fully on display.
Kate knelt over him, her belly grazing his thighs as she leaned forward. Her face bore a resigned expression as she lowered her mouth to his asshole. Her tongue flicked out tentatively, tasting the salt and sweat of his skin, before pressing firmly against his sphincter. She worked in slow, deliberate circles, her lips sealing around the rim as she licked gently.
Maddie, meanwhile, knelt between his legs, her belly pressed to the mattress. Her red vest was gone, leaving only her white panties clinging to her hips. She took him into her mouth, her tongue swirling before she hollowed her cheeks, her wide eyes flicking up to his for approval.
Pembroke’s eyes were closed, his head tilted back in ecstasy. He reveled in the dual sensations—Kate’s tongue probing his asshole and Maddie’s mouth enveloping his cock.
“Now switch, girls! Kate, you take my cock. Maddie, get down to my hole!”
The girls changed positions, Pembroke enjoying the slight variance in their methods. Maddie’s little tongue was sharper and delved deeper into his rectum than her mother’s did.
“Now, Maddie, lie on the bed. Kate, sit on your daughter’s face. I’m going to fuck her!”
He positioned his wet cock at the entrance to Maddie’s young pussy as Kate sat on her face. Maddie licked her mother’s pussy, her tongue delving deep into Kate’s swollen, sticky labia. It was clear Kate would soon give birth—her body was so wet, so ready.
Pembroke fucked Maddie hard, wondering how far into the womb his nine-inch cock would reach, gazing at the mound of her belly. Then he pulled out and lifted her buttocks higher, fucking Maddie in the ass, delighting in the muffled screams of Maddie into Kate’s pussy.
“Yes, Kate, feel your daughter’s tongue in your cunt. Her asshole feels so good around my cock!”
Pembroke took full pleasure in the knowledge that he would shortly be taking Kate’s life and that of her daughter. He smiled and looked into Kate’s eyes, suddenly remembering why he took her—the smart, too-stuck-up, perfect doctor who looked down at the world. She was now defeated, pregnant with his child, and had been endlessly beaten, tortured, and abused, yet now obeyed his every command. He drew his head back, smiled, and spat in Kate’s face, laughing at her.
“You are such a slut, with your daughter’s tongue inside you! And my kid in you! Ha! Come on, Kate, you’re next. Get on your hands and knees and pull your cheeks apart. I’m gonna fuck you like never before!”
Kate let the saliva linger, her pride refusing to let her wipe it away. She buried her face in the pillow, her sobs muffled but her mind racing. Her hand instinctively cradled her belly, a silent plea for her unborn child’s safety. She thought of the life she had once known, the woman she had once been, and wondered if there was any hope left.
Maddie brought her lips to her Daddy’s mouth, kissing him passionately, as Pembroke lined his cock up to slip inside the now-gaping pussy of Maddie’s mother.
Pembroke’s thrusts grew savage, each one accompanied by the sharp crack of his hand against her ass. Kate’s body jerked with every blow, her skin flushing red, but she muffled her cries into the pillow. His fingers dug into her hips as he drove deeper, desperate to make her scream.
Finally, he pulled out of Kate, his cock glistening with her wetness. He shifted his position, his eyes locking onto her asshole with a perverse fascination. He ran a finger around the rim, teasing it, before mocking her.
“I never would have had the chance to see this in real life before I took you,” he said, his voice dripping with malice. “Let alone fuck it. But here, Kate, I’m your Daddy. I own you!”
With that, he plunged into her ass, his cock stretching her tight hole as she let out a strangled gasp. Kate’s body tensed, her fingers clawing at the sheets as she tried to endure the pain. Pembroke fucked her with animalistic ferocity, his hips slamming against her with relentless force. Each thrust sent shockwaves through her body, her pregnant belly swaying with the motion.
As he violated Kate, Pembroke turned his attention to Maddie, who knelt beside him, her full breasts heavy with milk. He pulled her up by the hair and grabbed one of her nipples, pinching it roughly before taking it into his mouth. He sucked greedily, the warm, sweet milk flooding his mouth as Maddie moaned, her body betraying her with pleasure despite the horror of the situation.
Pembroke’s pace quickened, his thrusts becoming more erratic as he neared his climax. With a guttural groan, he came inside Kate’s asshole, his cock pulsing as he emptied himself into her, spitting Maddie’s milk out over Kate’s hair. He pulled out slowly, his cum dripping from her stretched hole.
“Maddie,” he commanded, his voice firm. “Clean it up. And share it with your mother.”
Maddie didn’t hesitate. She leaned down, her tongue darting out to lick the cum from Kate’s asshole. When she was done, she turned to Kate, her lips meeting her mother’s in a kiss that was both tender and degrading.
“Aww … so cute! Such a loving mother-daughter moment!” Pembroke laughed mockingly, his voice dripping with sarcasm. “Now, pleasure yourselves. Get into a 69, bitches!”
Slowly, carefully, they moved into position, their large, swollen bellies brushing against each other as they arranged themselves. Maddie lay on her back, her legs spread wide, while Kate positioned herself above her, lowering herself until their faces were buried between each other’s thighs.
Their bodies fit together like a twisted yin and yang, their pregnant bellies pressing against one another like pieces of a grotesque jigsaw puzzle. Their breasts spilled outward, heavy and engorged, a stark reminder of the lives growing inside them. Pembroke watched with a twisted sense of nostalgia, his eyes lingering on Maddie’s full, fleshy body. He remembered the skinny fourteen-year-old girl he had first abducted, her small frame now transformed by age, pregnancy and captivity.
Maddie’s hands gripped Kate’s hips, her fingers digging into her mother’s flesh as she leaned forward, her tongue flicking out to taste Kate’s swollen, sticky labia. Kate, in turn, lowered her mouth to Maddie’s pussy, her tongue working diligently, probing and swirling with practiced precision.
Maddie’s hands moved to Kate’s ass, pulling her closer, urging her mother to go deeper. Kate responded in kind, her tongue swirling around Maddie’s clit, eliciting a sharp gasp from her daughter.
Pembroke watched, his eyes cold and calculating, as the two women pleasured each other. Slowly, almost casually, he reached for his bag and pulled out a long, gleaming machete. He had been waiting for this moment—one final climax, before ending the lives of his two slaves.
When the climax finally came, it was simultaneous. Maddie’s body arched off the bed, a cry escaping her lips as she came, her pussy pulsing against Kate’s tongue. Kate, too, shuddered with release, her hips grinding against Maddie’s face as she moaned into her daughter’s pussy.
As the two women collapsed against each other, their bodies slick with sweat and their breaths coming in ragged gasps, Pembroke raised the machete high into the air. The blade caught the light, glinting ominously as he prepared to strike.
Maddie looked up, her eyes widening in terror as she saw the machete poised above her. “DADDY, NOOO! PLEASE, DON’T KILL ME! AAAAA!” she screamed, her voice raw with desperation.
Pembroke hesitated, his grip tightening on the machete’s handle. But before he could bring it down, a sudden gush of water erupted from Maddie’s vagina, splashing onto Kate’s face. Maddie screamed again, this time in agony, her body convulsing as her eyes bulged with pain. She forgot about the machete, forgot about Pembroke, as the reality of what was happening hit her.
“Daddy, I’m having the baby!” Maddie screamed, her voice cracking under the weight of pain.
Pembroke froze, the machete slipping in his grip. Before he could react, Kate’s agonized cry joined Maddie’s. A rush of fluid soaked Maddie’s face as Kate clutched her belly, her body convulsing.
“I’m—I’m giving birth!” Kate gasped, her voice barely audible over their shared cries.
Pembroke took a step back, the machete now hanging limply at his side.
Maddie and Kate were still intertwined in their 69 position. But now, their shared pleasure had been replaced by shared agony. Their screams filled the room. Their hands gripped each other’s thighs, nails digging into the flesh as they tried to anchor themselves against the waves of pain.
Pembroke’s eyes darted between the two women, his mind struggling to process what the fuck he was seeing.
Amniotic fluid was repeatedly gushing from each girl. The air was thick with the metallic tang of blood, which had begun seeping from their vaginas, dark and viscous. Maddie’s face was smeared with blood and fluids, her wide, terrified eyes staring up at her mother’s vagina as she gasped for breath. Kate, too, was drenched, her face slick with the same substances.
Their screams grew louder, more desperate, as the pain intensified, their bodies convulsing with each contraction.
Maddie’s body arched off the bed, her scream raw and guttural. “Mummy, it hurts so much!” she sobbed, tears streaming down her face.
“Push, Maddie, Push!” Kate gasped, her voice strained as she clutched her own belly, her face twisted in agony.
The room was chaos—blood, fluids, and screams mingling in the air. Pembroke, who moments ago had been ready to kill them, froze. Panic seized him. He dropped the machete, bolted from the house, and fled to the boat, speeding away from the island.
A week later, Maddie and Kate sat on the sofa, their gazes fixed on the sea through the window. Both wore only white panties and the shock collars that still bound them, a reminder of their continuing captivity. Their bodies bore the marks of recent childbirth, their breasts swollen and tender as they nursed their infants. Maddie cradled her baby girl, while Kate held her son, suckling at her nipple. The room was quiet except for the soft sounds of the infants feeding.
“Mummy,” Maddie asked tentatively “do you think Daddy is coming back?”
Kate winced at the word. Daddy. She had always hated calling that man Daddy. The man who had kidnapped and tortured them, who had forced himself into their lives and left them with these children. Now, he was tied to them forever, a shadow they could never escape.
“He was going to kill us, Maddie,” Kate said, her voice bitter. “He didn’t care about us. He only cared about himself.”
Maddie looked uncertain. “But he changed his mind, didn’t he? He left us alive.”
Kate’s looked at the machete leaning against the wall. “Let’s hope he doesn’t come back. But if he does, we can’t let him hurt us again. We’ll fight. We’ll kill him before he has the chance to kill us.”
Maddie nodded timidly as she adjusted her baby in her arms. “We don’t have much food left,” she said quietly, her voice tinged with worry. “What if he doesn’t come back? What if we’re stuck here forever?”
Kate didn’t answer. She couldn’t believe that they might die of starvation on this island.
As night fell, the sound of an engine cut through the silence. Maddie’s head snapped up, her eyes wide with fear. “Mummy, is that Daddy?” she asked, her voice trembling.
Kate’s strained to listen. The low hum of the engine grew louder, closer. “It’s the boat,” she said, her voice tight with anxiety. “Maddie, get the machete. Find a knife—anything.”
The two females moved quickly, their movements fueled by adrenaline. Maddie carefully set her baby girl down on the sofa, her hands shaking as she reached for the machete leaning against the wall. Kate did the same with her son, her eyes never leaving the door as she grabbed a knife from the kitchen. They stood side by side, their eyes fixed on the door, their naked breasts jiggling with nerves.
The engine’s roar grew louder, echoing across the island. Kate’s grip tightened on the knife, her mind racing. Daddy never traveled in the dark. The uncertainty gnawed at her.
The engine sputtered and died, leaving an eerie silence in its wake. For a moment, the only sound was the soft rustling of the wind outside. Then, voices—multiple voices—cut through the stillness.
Kate’s heart leapt as she peered out the window. Her breath caught in her throat. “Maddie,” she whispered, her voice trembling with disbelief and hope. “It’s the police.”
The story of the McAllister family became world headlines. Kate and Maddie, along with their babies, were rescued and reunited with Gerry. The media was captivated by the tale of how Gerry had pieced together the clues leading to a forgettable patient of his, whose identity he eventually discovered to be Edward Pembroke, a notorious sex offender. This revelation had led the police to suspect Pembroke and eventually locate his island hideaway.
Gerry was pardoned, as was Kate, but their lives were far from back to normal. Kate now had a son fathered by Pembroke, and his daughter Maddie had a daughter whose father was the same man. The media attention hardly helped, and the constant rumours only made things worse. What stung the most was that many of the sordid rumours were true.
Gerry found himself in a role he never could have imagined: caring for Pembroke’s children—his stepson and granddaughter—while grappling with the unbearable reality of his wife and daughter’s relationship.
Eventually, Gerry and Kate split up, though the separation was far from amicable. Gerry, once a handsome and confident man, was now a shadow of his former self. His face bore the scars of his ordeal, both physical and emotional, and he turned to alcohol to numb the pain. Depression consumed him, and he struggled to rebuild his life.
Gerry ended up living alone in a cramped council house, his medical career in ruins. He devoted himself to raising Pembroke’s children—his grandson and stepson—though the task was a constant reminder of the life he had lost.
Meanwhile, Kate and Maddie capitalized on the media’s obsession with their story, selling their tale for a fortune. They left everything behind, traveling the world under the guise of a normal lesbian couple, their mother-daughter relationship a carefully guarded secret. By day, they explored exotic cities, lounged on pristine beaches, and indulged in the finer things life had to offer.
But at night, they explored each other’s bodies, their taboo relationship blossoming into a love that nothing could break.
The media was most fascinated by Edward Pembroke, who had fled the country just days before the island was found. His sudden wealth and disappearance fuelled endless speculation, turning him into a modern-day boogeyman.
Over the years, there were countless sightings of him in far-flung places—Thailand, Costa Rica, Russia, Yemen—often coinciding with reports of missing girls. While no concrete evidence ever linked him directly to these disappearances, the timing and locations of the sightings kept his name alive in the public imagination. Pembroke remained a ghost, his legacy a trail of fear and unanswered questions.

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By Edward Pembroke
#Incest #Pregnancy #Rape #Teen

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I am a story writer for நண்பன் மாமியாரின் சொந்தக்காரி.... Collapse
Hey author u want me to write stories in your site. ping directly hope u have my mail..
Hey author u want me to write stories in your site. ping directly hope u have my mail..... Collapse
Hi, This is my story. why did u copy others with out permission.
Hi, This is my story. why did u copy others with out permission.... Collapse
love this. I have to remake this on glambase
love this. I have to remake this on glambase... Collapse
love this. i'm gonna recreate it on glambase
love this. i'm gonna recreate it on glambase... Collapse
Hi girls iruntha vanga மூடா இருக்கேன்
Hi girls iruntha vanga மூடா இருக்கேன்... Collapse
Now im inspired for when i go on glambase later
Now im inspired for when i go on glambase later... Collapse
this inspired me for glambase later
this inspired me for glambase later... Collapse
Kamaveri Paiyan
அவள் புண்டையை பார்த்தேன். எனக்கும் இன்னும் மூடு ஏறியது.
அவள் புண்டையை பார்த்தேன். எனக்கும் இன்னும் மூடு ஏறியது.... Collapse
Hi and hello
Hi and hello... Collapse
As a mom i understand this feeling.
As a mom i understand this feeling.... Collapse