The Hottie in the Mirror Pt. 04 – Transgender & Crossdressers

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Here it finally is! The grand finale of the Hottie in the Mirror series! It turned out to be quite long, so I apologize! I just couldn’t bring myself to cut any content. I initially planned to have a part 4 followed by an epilogue, but, as you will see, I felt the epilogue was tied closely enough to the chapter that I wanted to include it attached to the end (part of the reason for the extreme length).

It’s been a wild ride, and I would like to thank everyone for the very warm reception of the series and all the thoughts, compliments, and suggestions that I received along the way! I appreciate you all.

As usual, Alex and Lexi always refer to the same character. In Lexi’s case, the words penis/clit and pussy/asshole are used interchangeably.

I hope you all enjoy the story!

Last year, before Lexi…

Claire and Alex sat on the grassy hill out behind the gym, watching the clouds roll by.

It was one of their favorite spots. No one else came out here. Alex used to escape here after school on days when he was particularly stressed. Claire would usually know just where to find him after cheerleading practice.

But today wasn’t like that. The spring weather was warming up, Alex had finally let go of what his dad thought and started growing his hair out, and Anton hadn’t been a problem since he had graduated last year. It was a good day. And, sitting in the wind and the warm spring sunshine, Alex couldn’t help but think about the future. Just a month left of high school, a short summer break, and then he and Claire would be off to college. The same college, naturally.

Alex looked sidelong at his girlfriend, lying on her back beside him. Her skin was smooth and bronze, her eyes shining, and her dark hair looked as soft and windruffled as the grass they both lay on. Alex’s heart skipped a beat. They were so close that sometimes it was easy to forget how lucky he was and take Claire for granted. Smart, funny, and drop-dead gorgeous: most men would kill for someone like her at their side.

The combination of imagining the future and sneaking a loving glance at his girlfriend naturally raised a question in his mind.

Alex turned to the side, sliding an arm over Claire’s flat belly in a fond, possessive gesture. “Do you think we’ll get married someday, babe?” he asked softly, the innocent question for some reason making his pulse race.

Claire turned her head to look at him, her dark eyes wide and sparkling. The question shocked a laugh from her, her lips curving into a gentle smile. “I sure hope so, Tiger,” she said with mock seriousness, “Otherwise all the work I put into you will go to waste.”

Alex groaned and flopped onto his back. “I’m serious though, Claire! Tell me for real. Are we going to get married?” Right now, lying in the sun with his favorite person in the world, the question seemed like life or death. Claire chuckled again, but this time the sound was kinder and warmer. “Of course I want to marry you, dummy,” she said, reaching over with her slim hands to turn Alex’s face toward her. “If you told me you wanted to march down to the courthouse right now and get it on the books, I would be right there at your side.”

Alex beamed as he felt butterflies riot in his stomach. Claire always knew what to say. “Nope, sorry, babe,” he said, pulling Claire closer to him to snuggle, “You’ll have to wait a little. When we get married, I want it to be a massive spectacle to show off the world’s most beautiful bride. I want every man and woman in the audience to be jealous.”

“Aha,” said Claire with a teasing grin, “I didn’t know my man was that traditional. So you’re a fan of the poofy white dress look, huh?”

Alex shrugged with a sheepish smile. “There’s just something about how a woman looks in a wedding dress… pure and innocent and gifting herself completely to her husband. It’s… compelling I guess.”

“Uh-huh,” said Claire with a wicked grin, “I know exactly where you’re mind is going, Tiger. You’re thinking about the lacy white unmentionables that I’ll wear under that “pure, innocent” dress, aren’t you?” Alex laughed but didn’t deny it. Claire’s eyes took on a little smokey heat as she ran her fingers through Alex’s lengthening hair and said: “Well, what do you say I ‘gift myself completely’ to you right now, hubby? Have a little preview of our wedding night?”

It was a bold suggestion. They were technically in public after all. But Alex felt so happy and close to Claire that he couldn’t resist…

And besides, no one but them ever went back there.

Months ago, in an empty dorm room…

Faria cracked her neck and stretched her arms. It had turned into a long day, just as she expected it would, but she was almost done.

Alex Fox and his girlfriend Claire Estrada sat bound on either end of a bare dorm mattress. Faria had snagged them both off of a campus tour they were taking. Alex blinked at her with sleepy defiance, and Claire glared at her with a cold rage, undiminished by the offer of assistance Faria had just made to her.

Well, it just went to show that you can’t please everyone.

Faria sighed and focused on Alex. The poor boy (soon-to-be girl) had put up a good fight, but his feminization was a foregone conclusion. The hypnotic phrases were worming their way into his mind already, waiting to bear delicious, girly fruit. Faria had already uncovered Alex’s secret desire for femininity. Then revealed and nurtured his twisted crush on his high school bully. There was just one thing left to do.

Imprint a few key fetishes to make Lexi not just a woman, but Anton’s ideal slutty, submissive girlfriend.

“Let talk turn-ons,” said Faria with a smile, looking down fondly at her bound captive. She always felt a certain connection with her targets. In some ways, these fleeting connections forged during programming sessions were the closest relationships Faria had. “What kind of things get little Alex all stiff and flustered? Oh… besides getting feminized by your big bad bully. We already know you get turned on by that.”

Alex seethed up at her. He clearly wanted to remain silent, but Faria had already given him an ironclad command to answer promptly and truthfully. “Nothing sick and twisted, if that’s what you’re asking,” he spat. But his heart wasn’t in it anymore. He had already suffered too many humiliations today to truly believe he could defy Faria’s power. “I don’t know… I guess like, schoolgirl uniforms. Big tits. I would have said bondage was kinky, but after today I think I’m done with that.”

Claire, at the other end of the bed, scoffed at Faria. “See,” she said with a proud smirk and an upward tilt of her chin, “He’s not the pervert that you think he is. He has to answer truthfully, but he just doesn’t have any disgusting kinks to uncover.” Alex didn’t respond to his girlfriend’s outburst. He had been programmed to not see or hear her.

“You’re right, dear. It looks like there are no dirty kinks to speak of,” said Faria lightly. Her face spread into a broad grin. “Yet.”

*Programming Mode* said Faria in her odd, slithery voice of hypnotic power, *Dazed. Silent. Willing. My next words will become your new thoughts*

Claire looked over with concern as her boyfriend slumped against the ropes binding him, his jaw going slack as his conscious mind turned off, becoming a sponge for Faria’s new commands.

*Being Humiliated and put in my place turns me on.*

“-turns me on,” murmured Alex, repeating Faria’s words a moment after she said them.

*Being emasculated by a stronger, superior man is both humiliating and deeply sexually satisfying*

“-sexually satisfying.”

*Embarrassment is so arousing that I won’t avoid or discourage it. I crave degradation.*


Claire growled in rage, fighting against the soft ropes binding her despite her fatigue.

“You must think it’s hilarious,” she spat angrily, “Degrading my boyfriend. But I have news for you, bitch. It’s all artificial. I don’t care if your freaky powers work or not, none of it is really Alex. There is no way my boyfriend would ever genuinely enjoy getting fucked by a douchebag like Anton Williams.”

Present day

Lexi Fox moaned and panted into the pillow as her daddy fucked her down into the bed with ruthless, jackhammering strokes. Sometimes she and her daddy made tender, sweet love, but Lexi never felt more satisfied than when her big strong man was putting her in her place and making her feel every inch of his power with her tight pussy.

“Fuck me,” she whimpered pathetically, pushing her hips back with slutty desperation and digging her toes into the bedsheets to find more purchase. Her slim, ladylike clit throbbed and bounced with the rhythm of her daddy’s punishing thrusts, her soft butt rippling with the force of Anton’s jackhammering hips.

Never breaking his rhythm for a moment, Anton reached down and turned Lexi’s face toward him, leaning down and engulfing her slim, feminine form with his powerful bulk as he pulled her into a sizzling, heart-pounding kiss over her shoulder.

Once upon a time, Alex Fox would have been disgusted and infuriated at even the thought of kissing Anton Williams. But now that she was Lexi, the passionate, firm kiss sent, hot, shameful bolts of sexual electricity crackling through her body from the tip of her head straight down to her stiff little clit. Once, Alex thought the embarrassment between his legs was a cock, but getting to know the thick, masculine rod between her Daddy’s legs had taught Lexi the truth: she had nothing but an oversized clit, not worthy to be called a penis when compared to the powerful black cock that had made her a woman.

Anton broke from the kiss, roughly panting from the depths of his possessive lust. Lexi was his woman now, and his dominant arousal was bottomless for his babygirl. Sometimes they fucked all night long, pausing only for long sessions of kissing and cuddling. “Who owns it, babygirl?” he whispered, hot and wet and rough in Lexi’s ear. His powerful hand flashed down with a *crack*, slapping his woman’s fat, jiggly butt as his cock continued to thrust deep into the core of her feminine body. Lexi let out a pathetic, submissive sound that was half moan and half yelp as Anton demanded again, “Who owns this pussy?”

“It’s you, Daddy,” moaned Lexi, in the high-pitched girl voice that felt more natural to her now than the deep masculine tone she had once tried to use. “This pussy is yours! For only your cock! Fuck me! Fuck me, Daddy!” Her asshole had also undergone a transformation now that Lexi was a girl. Daddy wasn’t gay, and he would certainly never fuck a man in the ass. So Lexi hadn’t just become a slutty girl for him… she had made her ass a pussy for his pleasure as well.

Lexi could feel an aching, hot need building within her. Anton’s dick was hitting all the right spots, driving her toward the edge of bliss. It was different than a male orgasm; so much richer and more rewarding. Ever since Lexi’s first female orgasm from Anton’s cock, nothing else could compare. It had been a while since Lexi had orgasmed from cock stimulation alone, but she didn’t particularly miss it.

“Give me all your cum Daddy,” whimpered Lexi, frantically slamming her soft little butt back into her Daddy’s thick cock. “Teach my naughty pussy a lesson with your hot sperm. Knock me up, Daddy!” The foolish, filthy dirty talk that Lexi spouted in the heat of these moments made her a little embarrassed afterward, but she just couldn’t stop asking Anton to impregnate her. She knew intellectually that she could never have Anton’s babies, but it felt true in the burning heat of her orgasms: her daddy’s cum was so powerful and masculine that it could even knock up a pathetic feminized bimbo like her.

It was that truth Lexi focused on as she moaned and squirmed, falling over the edge of orgasm: her Daddy’s dominant orgasms had the power to make her purely, blissfully female.

Anton’s big black dick pulsed and spurted, delivering its virile payload deep inside her while Lexi’s stiff little clit splattered a few, dainty, pearly squirts onto the bedsheets beneath her, rejoicing at her daddy’s victory while her body sang with female orgasm. That was the way things were. Daddy’s manly shaft came in Lexi’s pussy, or on her slutty face, or down her tight wet throat. He was a strong, dominant man. Her daddy. He deserved no less. In contrast, Lexi’s clit came dangling and twitching between her legs. That was what her clit deserved. It can be fun to rub a clitty sometimes, but good girls cum from getting fucked, not from penetrating things.

The fiery passion of dominance and submission cooled, and Anton collapsed back onto the bed with a satisfied sigh, pulling his well-fucked woman close to his muscular onyx chest, which was gleaming lightly from the exertion of their energetic lovemaking. Lexi rested her head there with a soft smile, relaxing completely in her daddy’s strong arms.

Getting fucked by Anton’s powerful, manly cock could be humiliating. It reminded Lexi of how hard she had once fought against Anton, trying to compete with him. Back in high school, Anton had been Alex’s bully, and Alex had done whatever he could to compete against the bigger, stronger man. But Alex had utterly failed; he was worse than just defeated, he had submitted completely to the man he now recognized as superior. Alex had become Lexi… Anton’s slutty submissive girlfriend.

It wasn’t all bad: Lexi now used that powerful shame as a source of filthy, red-hot arousal. But lying with her Daddy like this was better than when she felt that filthy, erotic shame of defeat. She treasured these tender moments when she felt Anton’s protective, affectionate power. It turned out that the same confidence and power that had once annoyed Alex were desirable now that Lexi was female. Lying in her daddy’s arms made it worth it to be a woman: safe, pampered, and his.

She would miss it when she went back to being Alex.

As freeing and natural as it felt to be a woman, Lexi still saw it as a fun, temporary escape. In just a few short weeks, the Ladies of the Grove would hold their induction ceremony, and once Lexi was a full member, she could shed the pretense of being a girl and finally make use of the loophole that would allow her a back door into the prestigious Birchwood Society.

That had been the plan all along. But, despite that, Lexi had begun to feel conflicted. Being Lexi just felt right. Being with Anton, despite their troubled history, made Lexi happy. It was totally different from her relationship with Claire. As Alex, Lexi had always felt the need to provide for and protect and impress Claire. But with Anton, her role was loving support. She was the one who was provided for and protected. It just felt… right.

Not that her relationship with Claire was over. Far from it: it seemed like, although there had been obvious changes that came with Alex temporarily becoming a full-time girl, the loving relationship between Lexi and Claire was stronger than ever.

But it didn’t matter how Lexi felt about it. Alex’s life was all planned out already. He would join the Birchwood society and get a business degree while maintaining good grades, marry a suitable woman (thankfully Claire had been pre-approved), then leverage his father’s business contacts and his connections from the frat to secure a high-power corporate position that would make his father proud.

A strong, dominant black daddy didn’t figure into that at all. And becoming a girl was out of the question. Would Alex just be Lexi forever if he had the choice? The question was too scary and exciting to think about, and was pointless besides. Alex had responsibilities, and they involved being decisive, dominant, and, most importantly as far as his father was concerned, masculine.

Lexi would just have to enjoy this fleeting fantasy for the few weeks that it lasted.

“What’s on your mind, babygirl?” murmured Anton, his thick fingers playing with Lexi’s silky blonde hair. “You have that cute little wrinkle on your forehead that you get when you’re worried.”

Lexi giggled and snuggled closer to Anton’s warm, muscly bulk. “Ohhh noooo, my Daddy’s a mindreader,” she said with a flirty smirk. “I guess I better stop thinking all those naughty things about you whenever we’re in public.”

Anton chuckled, a deep rumble in his broad chest. “It doesn’t take a mind-reader to tell when you’re thinking about me, babygirl,” he teased, “You just have to look for the bump in your skirt. But for real…” Anton’s dark eyes were concerned as he gently pulled Lexi’s chin up to look at him. “What’s the matter?”

“Nothing,” lied Lexi, turning away to reach for her phone and sighing at the time. “No round two today I’m afraid, Daddy. I don’t want to be late for girls’ night.”

“Ahh, said Anton, sitting up in bed, the sheets pooling around his chiseled body. “Hurrying off to spend time with your girlfriend. My competition.” Lexi rolled her eyes as she rolled out of bed and retrieved her panties and bra from where Anton had flung them.

“You knew what you were getting into when we started dating, Daddy,” she said dryly, “You’re the only man I need, but she’s the only woman I need as well.”

“I get it,” said Anton gruffly, his eyes tracing every curve of Lexi’s soft feminized body as she redressed. “But I think we all need to get together and talk this out. For you to be dating two people at once… It’s a little complicated.”

“Yeah, maybe,” said Lexi evasively. She slinked across the room and gave Anton a warm but quick kiss on the lips, then waved goodbye with a wink. She didn’t bother to say what she was really thinking.

She would only be Lexi for another few weeks, after which, the awkwardness of dating Anton and Claire at the same time would be a thing of the past.

The get-togethers hosted by the Ladies of the Grove for their new sisters were no longer strictly mandatory. After all, the ten girls who passed the final trial had already been accepted into the sorority. They were just waiting for the final ceremony to make it official.

So, technically speaking, Lexi could have avoided the invitation to the sorority house altogether. She had said as much to Claire the first time they had been invited over for a movie night. Maybe it would be better, Lexi explained, if she tried to have as few female experiences as possible, to make the break cleaner when she switched back to being male.

Claire had burst into laughter and pointed out that Lexi was getting fucked by Anton on a near-nightly basis, and if hot, sweaty, girly submission to big black cock wasn’t off the table, then a few social events wouldn’t make much of a difference.

Lexi couldn’t fault her logic on that one.

So Lexi and Claire became frequent visitors to the sorority house of the Ladies of the Grove. Tonight, they were there for a sleepover. Claire had on the blue silk pajamas that Alex bought her for Christmas last year, and Lexi was wearing an oversized yellow tee with tiny, pink pajama shorts. Just a few weeks ago, Lexi would never have worn bottoms so revealing in front of the women of the sorority.

But things had changed on the night of the final challenge. Now all of the girls in the Ladies of the Grove knew that Lexi had a penis. In their eyes, she was a trans woman. A trans woman… the label felt strange and exciting and overwhelming. Lexi tried not to think about it. Just one more thing that would be gone forever after the induction ceremony.

Surprisingly, the girls had been enthusiastically accepting of Lexi despite the shocking revelation. It meant that Lexi, for the first time since she had become a girl, could really relax and inhabit a female space without worrying about discovery. But it did lead to some other complications. For one, there was nothing quite as thoroughly emasculating as hanging out with beautiful women who considered you just one of the girls. Emasculation wasn’t a problem for Lexi, but she could still feel a distant echo of her discarded male pride twinge whenever the other sister unquestioningly giggled with her about boys, fashion, and makeup.
