The Gathering Place – Chapter 2 – Pageant Weekend – part 1

#Abuse #Rape #Tween #Virgin

By Justabitoffilth

Pageant weekend is a celebrated time at the Gathering Place.This weekend welcomes Stacey, Sydney, Olivia, Kendra, Jenna and Alana to the congregation.

Apologies on the wait. Hopefully it was worth it for the weird few of you that wanna read this crap.

Annnndddss. . . Your gunna have to read part one if you realy want tounderstand it. But if not, this one has got a SHIT tonne a of sex in it regardless.

Apologies on the length, I wanted to make sure I had all the parts written for this chapter before I started putting it out which I will be doing steadily. Again I have a tonne of connecting stories in this universe and I have a bunch of them started allready.

Your comments are encouraged, unless you wanna tell me how commas work, in which case fuck all the way off.

Thanks for reading.

The weather stayed unseasonably in the week leading up to Pageant Weekend, warm days giving way to cool evenings that still hinted at another Canadian winter somewhere on the horizon. This unseasonable warmth only helped to heighten the excitement and giddiness among the young girls on the day of the pageant. The afternoon sun warm enough on Friday that no one needed to wear a coat despite it being almost November.

Stacey Garvin had never felt so pretty in her entire young life. After school her mother had helped her with the outfit and had done her hair and makeup, more elaborate and pretty than she had ever worn before. Her brown wavy hair was done up in a short pony tail with a pretty purple ribbon that matched the light purple blush on her cheeks. Every detail was perfect, and it had to be. Today was the first day of Stacey’s Pageant Weekend. And in her young mind, the start of new friendships in a new church family.

She had noticed a change in her parents in the past week. They were if anything kinder to her. Softer in the way they spoke to her. She was not dumb and knew this had something to do with the new church and maybe themeeting they had with Pastor Rob last Sunday. They did not disclose any of what took place during that meeting but that was nothing out of the ordinary for Stacey.

She had enjoyed getting to meet Kendra and going down to the riding stables with her was one of the best afternoons she could ever remember having. Even though she was looked forward to seeing her new friend again, she couldn’t help but feel nervous that Kendra hadn’t told her anything about this weekends Pageant.

Her new found friend had told her nothing of the events to come, it was a sin to do so. And even if she had told Stacey anything, Kendra knew only that this weekend she would learn to be a true woman of God. Ready to serve the men of her church, just like her big sister Clara, who had gone through pageant a few years ago.

Staceys parents sat in the front seat as they made the short drive from their house to the church. She couldn’t help but feel slightly uncomfortable in her new clothes. Her mother had taken her shopping earlier that week. She scratched at her side, through the fabric of the yellow dress.

The ‘big girl underwear’ her mother had bought her were not the most comfortable, and they were tight on her chubby hips and sides. The Lacey orange fabric did make her feel something she could not describe, kind of grown up in a way.

Arriving at the church Stacey forgot all about the discomfort and new feelings associated with her fancy clothes. Her new friend Kendra was in the parking lot with her parents, and 12 year old Stacey didn’t have many friends. Kendra and her parents were just getting out of the car as the Garvins pulled in next to them.

“Hey Kendra! Whatttt you look so good!!” Stacey calls out stepping out of the back seat of the car before her father even had it in park. She adjusted her dress before going to see Kendra, It was a bit tight around her hips but she forgot most of her nerves when her friend squeezed her in a hug and told her how good she looked in her yellow dress.

Her parents also got out and introduced themselves to Kendras parents. Kendra was wearing a frilly blue lace dress that made her look like a tiny porcelain doll with her blond hair falling in curls over her chest. Her legs bare and her tiny feet encased in little white sandals. With a couple expert touches of make up on her face she looked even younger than her 10 years.

Thomas Garvin could not help but notice Kendra’s older sister as she got out of the car. The girl was probably around 15 with long blond hair. She was gorgeous, a perfect teen body with narrow hips and impressive perky breasts, probably a C cup at least. They looked even bigger on the skinny girl and they stood out proud on her thin body even though she was wearing a baggy knitted sweater.

Her ass was the kind you couldn’t help but look at, stationary or otherwise. Her jeans showing off the perky curves of her backside perfectly. The girls father, Andre, who had a keen eye for men watching his daughters could not help but notice where Thomas’ eyes went.

“Thomas, this is my 15 year old daughter Clara. Clara say hello”
“Hello sir” she says quietly with her head down.

“Hello Clara” Thomas says hoping the new found pedophelic lust in his mind didnt find a way into his voice.

“Say. Why don’t you and Synthia come over for dinner tonight? Both our daughters in pageant it only makes sense.” Andre says with a wide smile.

Thomas looks to his wife who nods without breaking her conversation with Kendra and Clara’s mother. Turning back to Andre, Thomas noticed out of the corner of his eye that Clara had lifted her head, and was looking right at him.

“Sure. We would love to.” Thomas responded, once again blown away by the hospitality of the people in The Gathering Place.

“And of coarse you can have a service from Clara if you’d like?”

Before Thomas could respond he looked over at Clara. The teenagers face was wearing a grin he did not expect. That little smile reminding Thomas that this girl was also well trained and ready to please. He smiled back at her before thanking her father for and accepting the offer. Dinner would be fun tonight.

They talked in the parking lot for a few minutes, parents discussing supper with Clara standing quietly next to them and the little girls excitedly talking about the weekend ahead of them, before another family arrived. The Turners.

Thomas and Synthia had not yet met the turners, Andre and his wife made the introductions. Terry and His wife Alex were rather awkward looking people and it was hard to believe they had produced girls as cute as Jenna and Alana. Thomas’ eyes were on the two little girls getting out of the back seat. He could not believe how adorable they were, like two matching little pink dolls.

Jenna at age 12 was just showing the signs of puberty, her chest sporting little a cup breasts. With brown hair done in pigtails that let her wavy brown locks hang down her chest, tied off in pink bows, matching her younger sister. She was a petite girl with a thin and firm build from playing soccer as often as possible for the last few years.

Alana, the younger of the two Turner girls, had only turned 10 a week ago and she was like a miniature version of her sister. She was not into sports at all and even though she was just a year or so away from puberty it still looked like she had some baby fat in her features. Her arms and legs a bit less firm than her older sisters.

They were both wearing matching pink dresses with frilly white lace on the edges, bought specifically for this pageant weekend. They both had red sparkly flats on their feet and white leotards that covered their skinny legs.

Thomas couldn’t help but notice that Jenna looked a bit unhappy, pouting even where her younger sister was a bubble of excitement as she talked to the other girls. Thomas wondered if the older girl knew what was coming for them? Probably not he assumed or she would be a lot less happy, or a lot less willing.

Thomas didn’t quite know what was in store for his daughter and these other girls. But from what he learned on Sunday he knew whatever happened would make them willing sluts, ready to please their fathers, brothers and possibly other men in the church.

It took a lot less time for Synthia to be okay with that than Thomas had expected. Her time with the other ladies at the Gathering Place spa had prepared her for most of it anyway. And the sex they had talking about Thomas fucking Alisha was something special for her, having cum harder than she had in recent memory thinking about her husbands big cock in that tiny little girl.

Thomas looked around at his daughter Stacey and the other girls dressed up for the weekend. He smiled knowing they were about to have some serious awakenings in the next 24 hours. He felt the blood pump to his crotch when he admitted to himself that each and every one of those girls was about to get raped, probably roughly based on the safety/medical treatment waiver they had signed.

“Well girls I think it’s time for you to head in” Andre says with a smile on his face.
“you don’t want to be late!”

The parents all hugged and kissed their daughters good bye, leaving the group of little girls to walk to the church together and the parents to discuss dinner plans. Thomas could not help but notice that 15 year old Clara Winters continued making eyes at him while her father Andre talked to the group of parents, the Turners having decided to join them for dinner that night.

Once inside the main hall of the church the girls were greeted by Miss Nadine, pastor Andy’s wife, and 2 boys from the youth group. The boys took the girls overnight things for them kindly, although Stacey couldn’t help but notice the way they looked at each of the 4 girls, even her. They all had a weird grin on their faces like they knew something the girls didn’t.

Miss Nadine gave each girl a small glass, telling them it was just a special drink for tonight and that this is a small taste to see if they like it. She made sure to watch each girl drink what was essentially a large shot glass of liquid. The thick strawberry flavoured drink was enjoyed by each little girl and they thanked they’re host, eager for more later on.

Miss Nadine smiled knowing that the concoction mixed into that little drink would keep these little girls from bleeding out. A mild dose of pain killers and a massive dose of coagulants. She also smiled when two of the girls asked for more. This would be the only time they drank it, the only time they would need it.

When the girls had finished their drinks and handed the glasses back, Miss Nadine lead them to the back stage area where the 2 other girls were allready waiting. The atmosphere was one of excitement and joy, the taste of strawberry on their tongues as they giggled and talked together.

Upon getting to the back stage area that atmosphere was only intensified. Stacey was almost too excited to remember the girl’s names, Kendra made sure to introduce her to each of them personally.

Olivia Bronson was a tiny little 10 year old girl with long straight brown hair, cut so that her bangs hang over her face a bit, and bright green eyes. She was shy and quiet and had a timid voice when she said hello to Stacey. The child was wearing a simple white dress that accented her tiny stature and child like features. The little girls legs were bare, like Kendra and she had white sparkly sandles on her tiny feet.

The last girl in Pageant that weekend in October was Sydney Sadler, who could only be described as tiny. She was a skinny little stick of a girl who was mostly arms and legs who made the other girls that weekend look older then compared. Her parents had always been kind of nervous of her size and weight but Sydney had always been quite healthy as a child.

Despite her diminutive stature and being a few weeks shy of her 11th birthday, her body had allready begun to change. Tiny bumps on her chest mark where her boobs will be someday soon, barely noticible however under the fabric of her dress.

She was wearing a red sequin covered dress that highlighted her fiery red hair hanging in curls down her back. Her hair was tied in a pony tail but it seemed a few loose strands were allready trying to escape and fall over the girls face. She was wearing light pink stockings and white shoes that were new for the occasion. Not one girl was underdressed for their pageant weekend.

Only Stacey, Jenna and Sydney’s bodies show any changes due to puberty, with Stacey likely being the farthest along in her development. The other 3 girls showed no signs yet, still only children, as should be the case on their Pageant Weekend.

Miss Nadine does not tell them anything back stage despite the girls questions, instead she helped make sure their hair and makeup was perfect, even helping Stacey add some bright red lipstick that made her feel less conscious about her braces. She also kept the girls excited, hyped them up. This was a big moment for them and she wanted to keep them happy rather than nervous.

Stacey admires how beautiful Miss Nadine looks with her bright red curls done up in a high bun, her makeup exquisite. Her dress is a simple black gown that amplifies her large cleavage and toned body. Stacey tried not to feel anxious but all the other girls were so much prettier than her, would god like them better? She thought as she waited nervously for Pageant to begin.

A young man with an A/V team lanyard and a headset on comes back stage and gives Nadine the 2 minute warning signal. Nadine turning to the group of girls gives them the talk she has given so many times now.

“Girls. Today is your Pageant. Today you will stop being children and become servants of God. The direct path to God for us on earth is through the Pastors and their teachings. And that is why this weekend you will each be learning from one of them. One on one. You will each go out on stage to be presented before the pastors of this church and they will make their selections once you have all been presented. Remember sit quietly and smile while you await their decision. No talking!”

She paused here and looked over the girls faces. Stacey looked confused almost nervous and Jenna wore the same pout she had walked in with except now her eyes betrayed a hint of terror, the other girls wore smiles and excitement, ready to serve God in their new roles. Nadine wondered how much Jenna knew as she continued her speech, not that it would matter soon.

“Today you all earn your eternal spots in heaven. And learn your place on earth! May God strengthen and prepare you for today so that you may better fulfill his purposes” she continued solemnly as the A/V guy gives her the 1 minute warning.

“There are 6 chairs on stage. When your name is called, walk on stage, give the pastors a wave or a bow or a little twirl in your dress and then take a seat.” She continues softly. “And girls. Dont be nervous. This is Gods plan for each of you and He will see you through it.” Ending by giving the girls a big smile, knowing hers will be the last ‘friendly’ face the girls will see for a while.

Just as the A/V guy points back to Nadine a booming voice over the loudspeakers says: “Kendra Anne Winters”
An excited squeal escapes the 10 year olds lips as her name is called, getting a quick hug from miss Nadine before walking out on stage, almost running she was so excited, her blue lace dress swishing around her skinny legs.

It was only a moment later before “Sydney Martha Sadler” was announced over the PA. The red headed girl takes a deep breath, smiles and walks out on stage, giving the edges of her red dress a flatten as she does.

“Stacey Elana Garvin.” Stacey took a deep breath, tried to make the butterflies in her tummy go away before walking out on stage . .

“Olivia Bronson” the shy timid girl needing a reassuring hug from Miss Nadine before she walks out on stage slowly, nervously.

“Alana Meridith Turner”

As her sisters name is called Jenna steps close to miss Nadine and squeezes her hand, the older woman looking down at her. She had known the woman for most of her life, she was like a second mother, considering how much time their family spent in the church. She trusted her, and that’s why she broke the rules and said something, so quiet that had Nadine not been prepared for it she would not have heard it.

“They’re going to . . . rape us aren’t they. . .”

“Jenna Margret Turner” . . .

Nadine lead Jenna the few steps to the edge of the curtain before kneeling down, looking up slightly at the 12 year old girl, who’s face was a mask of fear.

“Many many times my sweet girl. Go make God happy Jenna” letting go of Jennas hand as the girl walks on stage. Her steps slow and tentative, tears forming in her eyes despite her resolve not to cry. She had learned the word from her older brother but she only kind of knew what it meant. But she had suspected this, heard rumours that hinted at it. She was about to have sex with a pastor, likely wether she wanted to or not. She would need to be brave for her sister, Jenna thought to herself in those moments under the lights on the main stage.

Jenna was the last to take her seat in the row of six girls on the stage. The stage was simply setup and un decorated except for the 6 chairs, the musical equipment stored till Sunday. The lights facing the stage were very bright and kept the girls from seeing much past the first few feet of the room which was kept empty. They could make out chairs in the darkness but who was sitting in them was to hard to see, the rest of the rooms setup a mystery.

The main hall of the Gathering Place, where the Pageant is always held is quite modular. With chairs they can setup for Sunday service or other functions as needed. Today was a special setup with the chairs being for the 6 pastors assigned to this weekends Pageant.
Behind them, and unseen to the girls yet were 6 large beds with wooden headboards, spaced a few feet apart.

“Thank you girls. Please sit patiently while the Pastors speak with God and make a decision.” Some soft rock plays over the loud speakers at a decent volume as the voice over the PA finishes.

“Well Andy is allready spoken for my friends. He will be working with Stacey Garvin” Senior Pastor Rob Scriver says to the other 5 men seated in bathrobes, his fellow Pastors.

The routine was the men would chose, give the A/V team the signal and they would kill the lights. The pastors would then walk on stage and retrieve their chosen girl and bring them back to the beds. This always gave the children a chance to react, a chance to realize something strange and new is about to happen to them. Most if not all girls who undergo Pageant weekend have no idea what is about to happen until the lights go down. And many not until a few minutes later.

Every so often a girl would try to run, begin to panic before the pastors make the stage. Several boys from the youth group who have been selected for the weekend we’re waiting back stage just in case. They were not allowed to interact with the girls in this part of the ceremony except to stop them from leaving the stage before the pastors get to them.

Usually a couple of the girls would begin to panic as the pastors lead them to the beds, this was always handled swiftly by the pastors. Plus the boys from the youth group were on hand incase extra assistance was needed, which was very rare. The girls were here to serve God. And serve him they did at the Pastors firm hands, and cocks.

Pageant weekend was a well oiled and well functioning mechanism at The Gathering Place and no detail was forgotten. In the same way that extreme care and planning went into each boys initiation ceremony. The Pageant Weekend was an example of the church’s devotion to serving God and training young girls to serve him too.

“I believe I will work with The older turner girl. Holding her back the year to wait on her sister might have made her a bit hard to deal with.” Pastor Chris Mardoe says in his low rough voice. A thick rather muscular man with a few tattoos on his arms, Chris was the music Pastor of the church and had a way with the girls that were tougher to train.

“Good call my friend. Although Andy might have his work cut out for him to” Rob says with a chuckle. Andy, who upon getting a better look at Stacey Garvin was not looking forward to this as much as he normally was, gave his friend a bit of a scowl, which only darkened at pastor Robs next words.

“Brian. I believe I would like you to work with Kendra. She is very excited for today” the senior pastor says with a smile, unaware of the pain he was causing his friend Andy.

Pastor Brian was a man in his fifties, still rather fit but his once black hair now showed more and more grey each day. He was a site pastor and spent most weekends away from the main campus. He had met Kendra a few times and knew her parents, and he was very happy to be able to train their little girl.

Pastor Andy was less than impressed with his friends choice. Half hoping Rob would change his mind and let him work with Kendra this weekend. He was first and foremost a man of God and would submit to his pastors will, but that did not mean he didn’t resent it sightly. He looked back up to the stage and the 6 seated girls, specifically chubby 12 year old Stacey seated on the far left nervously looking around.

He couldn’t help but think she was kind of an ugly girl. Rather chubby, with her tight yellow dress did not hide well, although it did help to highlight her burgeoning breasts. She had braces on her teeth and wore simple black rimmed glasses. Pastor Andy could only think about how much he would rather be training Kendra who would probably be quite willing as well as much more attractive to him.

The resentment that he felt toward toward his friends Rob and Brian in that moment he chose to focus for Gods will. A simple prayer in his head “let me use this for your purpose” and Pastor Andy could almost feel the grace of God allowing him to focus that resentment into depraved lust for young Stacey Garvin.

“Do you mind if I work with the younger Turner girl? Alana?” Pastor Mark says in his quiet voice. He had been watching those two girls for years now and was looking forward to being the one to take Alanas virginity.

“Not at all my friend” pastor Rob said with a smile. “That’s a few times now you and Chris have worked with sisters recently no?” He asks out of pure curiosity.
“Yes the Telfer girls last year and I believe it was the Murphy girls before that.” Chris responds, his eyes never leaving 12 year old Jenna sitting on stage, he thought he could see the tears in her eyes from here, she might be a runner, he thought briefly.

It was tradition for Pastor Rob to pick last. The senior pastor felt that this way he received the girl God wanted him to train even though he had much to do with which girls worked with with pastor. It was how he had selected young Amanda to be his secretary. He was musing on the possibility of selecting one of the two remaining girls for that honour when his friend and fellow pastor spoke up.

“I believe I will work with Sydney. I worked with her sister Sierra a few years back.” Pastor Matt Hastings said with a smile. “I’m hoping she is just as fiesty as her sister” looking at the tiny little red head on stage he felt his cock begin to come to life under his robes. Her older sister Sierra had put up one hell of a fight on her pageant weekend and Matt smiles remembering the particularly rough training he gave her.

This left 10 year old Olivia Bronson for pastor Rob. He knew that girl. Knew her parents. He thought of how shy and quiet Amanda was when he first started training her, could this little girl could become his new assistant? Watching her bright green eyes, but not the same green as Amanda, brighter, more curious perhaps, look around nervously he thought maybe just maybe this girl might have the spark for it. He would find out shortly.

Rob mused on this as he gave the signal to the A/V team as he and the rest of the pastors took to their feet. Some weekends it was chaos in the next few moments, some just quiet confusion as the girls realize their situations, notice the beds in the room or the fact that the pastors are all in bathrobes. This weekend could be described as a mix of both.

Jenna stood up almost immediately.
“NOOOOO. You can’t!!!” She screams as the pastors, all wearing nothing other than fine cloth bathrobes belted around their waists, quickly ascend the steps to the stage. Her sister Alana sitting next to her does not understand the implications of the beds or the pastors in bathrobes but her eyes also become a mask of terror as her sister screams.

Chris is the first pastor on stage as usual, with the others close behind. He quickly makes his way to the screaming 12 year old girl, with pastor Mark behind him walking over to her sister Alana.

“You shut the fuck up now slut” Chris spat as he stepped up where Jenna had stood up from her chair. With a motion he knew would take the fight out of her, Chris punched the girl in the stomach hard enough to double her over coughing. Then with ease lifted her up and tossed her over one shoulder. Holding the child’s stocking clad ankles as he walked off the stage with her screaming and pounding on his back.

Alana barely had time to process the violence being enacted on her sister before she felt the large hand of Pastor Mark take hers.

“You come with me now Alana” his grip firm, his tone undeniable. Alana began to cry as she was lead from the stage. Watching as her big sister was carried over the shoulder of Pastor Chris, Jennas hands in fists uselessly smacking his strong unyielding back as she was carried away. she knew she had no choice but to be lead by the hand by pastor Mark

Stacey Garvin was to stunned to scream. Even when Jenna to her left began shouting what her own young brain was screaming, she kept quiet. Her anxiety began to multiply the moment she realized pastor Andy was walking toward her. He had been so kind to her the Sunday past. He couldn’t be about to do this. . .

Stacey stood up just as the little red headed girl to her right also started screaming, Sydney tried to run away just as the sandy blond haired pastor Matt got to her. She didn’t make it very far before she is held around the waist in Matt’s strong arms.

Stacey tried to back away as she watched the blond haired pastor pick Sydney up around the waist, and carry her off the stage kicking and screaming, both her sandals flying off her feet as she goes. 12 year old Stacey Garvin manages a few steps backward before pastor Andy is right in front of her.

“Now how about we do this nicely, okay Stacey?” His words dripping with the pleasure he was about to experience at this chubby little girls expense. He reaches his hand forward to take Staceys, offering it only briefly before she started to back away.

“Please . . . Don’t. . .” Tears formed in Staceys eyes as she looked around nervously for an escape. There was none. She tried to back up into the chair behind her, bumping it back a couple inches. As if in slow motion she watched pastor Andy’s hand recoil and rush toward her open palm heading toward her cheek. Then darkness. The last image she remembers seeing before the black took her, blurry since her glasses were knocked from her face by Pastor Andy’s slap, was Pastor Rob kneeling down infront of the tiny 10 year old Olivia, still seated in her chair with tears brimming in her big green eyes.

“Hello Olivia.” Pastor Rob smiled down at the nervous 10 year old. Her bright green eyes wide in terror at the violence happening around her.
“Your going to come with me now okay?” The child was to shocked to respond, she just sat there, her whole world coming apart at the seams.

“Are you going to be a brave big girl for me Olivia?” Again no response, the 10 year old just sat there motionless with tears brimming over and beginning to run down her cheeks. Olivia did not understand, confusion filled her young mind as Pastor Rob stands up and scooped the tiny girl from her chair, practically weightless in his hands.

On the far left of the stage Kendra, unlike any of the other girls, wore a smile, waiting her turn patiently. She knew today would be scary and different, her parents had warned her as much, without giving her any details. Her big sister Clara hadn’t told her anything but when clara came back from pageant she was, different. Kendra couldn’t wait to be just like her big sister. A proper woman of God.

The violence that happened to her left briefly made her heart rate rise, her breath quicken. Until she saw the loving kind face of Pastor Brian walking toward her. She didn’t know him well but his smile made her feel safe, like no matter what was about to happen this man would guide her through it.

Pastor Brian didn’t have to say a word, 10 year old Kendra Winters, the last girl on the stage walks over and takes the mans hand willingly. Looking up to him with a smile. In her head she knows she was the best behaved out of all the girls and this makes her warm with pride as Pastor Brian leads her off the stage.

Now as you may have guessed many things begin to happen all at once when the pastors get their chosen girls back to the bed. For some the rough elements of their training began immediately while others it was a slower more gentle start to the evenings festivities.

For the sake of full disclosure and consistency we will follow the events of each childs interaction on this first night of Pageant more or less from start to finish, keeping in mind that this is all happening at the same time, and all within a few feet of each other. The hall quickly filling with the pitiful and terror filled screams of little girls having their innocence ripped away from them. Mixed with the even more splendid sounds of pleasure being had and given to God in worship. The glorious sounds of Pageant weekend at the Gathering Place.

12 year Jenna didn’t try and scream again, not yet. The pain In her stomach almost enough to make her throw up. She was powerless to stop the strong hulk of a man that was Pastor Chris from picking her up, tossing her over his shoulder and carrying her from the stage. She caught a few glimpses of her little sister, through eyes filling with tears, being lead hand in hand by Pastor Mark.

Balling up her fists Jenna pounded on the unyielding back of her captor as he carried her off the stage. She didn’t know what was going to happen, not exactly. Something to do with her private’s and a boys private parts but what it entailed was a mystery to her 12 year old mind. Her mother had been so careful to make sure Jenna was not on her period, which had started almost a year ago. That had kind of tipped her off about this weekend having something to do with what was between her legs.

Her parents had spent 2 years dodging her questions, with the help and consult of the pastoral team, to make sure Jenna and her younger sister Alana got the full Pageant Weekend experience. It was her older brother Jesse , who was only 15, who had taught her the word rape. “When you get home tomorrow. I get to rape you” he had said when she got home from school that day, with a smile on his face that made her sick now that she knew what it meant. But she didn’t know what it meant. The little girl had no idea yet.

Her little sister, being lead by the hand right behind, watched as pastor Chris tossed Jenna to the bed with his thick muscly arms. She did not have a chance to see what happened next because upon reaching the bed, pastor Mark immediately began to unzip the back of her dress, which brought a scream to her own lips.

Jenna landed on her stomach on the soft bed covering and tried to crawl away, managing to get to the center of the bed and look behind her, the pain in her mid section enough to make even the act of crawling painful. She had known pastor Chris for years, most of her life infact. He had always been kind to her, always been soft and gentle. Jenna could hardly believe it was the same man who stood at the edge of the bed, smiling a twisted grin as he undid his bathrobe and dropped it behind him.

Jennas eyes go wide and she stops moving for a brief moment. She had never seen a penis before. Had never realy thought that hard about what they would look like. Her older brother Jesse had made a joke once that his was bigger than most but she had not thought much about it at the time.

Pastor Chris smiled as he watched the girls eyes take in his muscular form. His thick veiny 9 inch cock was allready hard and sticking out from his shaved groin. He gave his stubble covered balls a quick scratch, a readjusment after being freed from the robe, before grabbing Jenna’s ankles and pulling her back to the edge of the bed.

The 12 year old kicked and thrashed as he tried to take her sparkly red shoes off, she would need some further punishment before she can begin, he conceded to himself, not actually that excited about the violence he was about to enact in Gods name. But the girl must be trained.

Jumping up onto the bed with an ease that displayed his physical prowess, Pastor Chris uses a knee on the girls lower back to pin Jennas upper body to the bed, her arms continuing to thrash uselessly. With a swift motion Chris flipped the girls dress up to expose her cute bubble butt covered in white leotards.

He grabs the fabric of her tights at the waist with both hands, making sure to catch her underwear as well, pulling it down just enough to expose Jenna’s perfect 12 year old bum, perky and soft, with the small swell of the girls hips noticible now that her backside was exposed.

What Chris did next was something he knew would put Jenna in the place she needed to be in for the evening. He began to spank her, brutally slapping the soft flesh of her ass over and over again as her screams fill the hall. He does not stop till her screams turn to whimpers and begs and finally to pitiful little moans. Ever so slightly out of breath, Pastor Chris leans down to Jenna’s ear and says.

“You need to learn how to serve God Jenna. And I’m here to teach you.” With his knee still pinning the girl to the bed Chris un does the top clasp on the back of Jennas dress.
“Let’s see how grown up your body is now okay?” Slowly sliding down the zipper as he shifts his knee off the girls lower back.

He can hear the 12 year old crying into the bed coverings as he stands up on the bed, takes hold of the bottom of Jenna’s pink Lacey dress and pulls it off her. Lifting her upper body off the bed roughly as he pulls the garment over the girls head and tosses it aside.

Chris reaches down and undoes the clasp on the back of Jenna’s bra before rolling her over roughly, the red lace matching the underwear pulled down and balled up with her leotards around her thighs. The little girl try’s to hold the red bra to her chest but pastor Chris quickly pulls that away to.

He allows her the moment of panicked pulling up of her leotards as he admired her little breasts. She would be naked soon enough. It was an agreed upon rule that the girls must be stripped naked before any other training took place.

He couldn’t help but think girls boobs at this age looked like perfect miniatures of a woman’s breasts, especially on a skinny cute girl like Jenna. Little a cups of perfectly rounded perky flesh topped with two tiny pink nipples.

He smiled at Jenna’s attempts to cover her crotch as he grabbed her leotards by the ankles, one of her sparkly red shoes had allready fallen off in her struggles.And had a little chuckle at the low moan she lets out, with her hands covering what’s between her legs, as he pulls the balled up collection of white leotards, red lace underwear and her one remaining shoe off her feet and tosses it aside. Despite pastor Chris’ speed and efficiency, Jenna was actually the second girl to be fully naked that pageant weekend, the trophy of first going to her younger sister Alana, but we will get to her shortly.

Jenna at age 12 was truly perfect. At that magical stage of puberty where her body was just showing the glimpse of the woman she would become. Pastor Chris slapped the child’s hands away to get his first glimpse of her virgin sex. It to was just perfect. With a soft patch of thin brown pubic hair covering the mound above her little slit. The outer lips of her cunt narrowed to reveal the thin line of her labia peaking out down the center, with her tiny clit hidden behind its hood of skin.

Jenna may have been not have been the first girl to be naked on that pageant weekend in October, but she was the first girl to lose her virginity, by a narrow margin. Pastor Chris did not waste any time, climbing back up on the bed grabbing one of her perky little tits in his large hand and squeezing it roughly, twisting and pulling her tiny little nipple between rough callused musicians fingers.

With the other hand he slaps one of Jenna’s skinny thighs causing her to open her legs slightly accompanied by a pitiful little scream. No where near the sound she lets out when he next roughly plunges two fingers deep into her virgin cunt, tearing through her thin hymen and sending a wave of pain through her 12 year old body.

Chris, who was well practiced at training girls like Jenna, fingers her rough and deep, letting the blood from her virginity lubricate his fingers while nearly lifting her off the bed by the hold on her abused little breast. Spending no more than a minute with his fingers inside her before pulling his hand away and releasing his hold on her breast.

His two fingers leaving bloody prints on the pale flesh of her skinny thigh as he grabs her there next, pushing her legs open and crawling on top of her. His other hand guiding the large head of his dick towards her little cunt, now spread open, a trickle of blood running down her taint and the crack of her bum.

Her resistance almost comical, her little hands trying to push him away as Pastor Chris does not even realy pause before pushing the head of his 9 inch cock into 12 year old Jenna’s pussy. He loved that moment, watching the girls eyes go wide knowing he was inside her, knowing he was part of her now. He liked to believe that was the moment each of these young girls sees God for the first time.

Pushing his cock into 12 year old Jenna was no easy feat, she was after all just a little girl still, and her little pussy was stretched beyond tight around the girth of his dick. But he did not stop his savage first thrust until he felt himself pushing into the hard wall of the child’s fragile cervix.

Then while holding himself deep inside the girl he gives Jenna’s cheeks a few light playful slaps coaxing her to look at him.

“Jenna. . . That’s it. . . Look at me sweetheart.” When he had her looking up at him with tear filled eyes he said firmly.
“This is what it feels like to serve God”

Only then, putting one hand on either of Jenna’s thighs did he start to fuck the girl. Deep powerful thrusts that brought his cock almost all the way out of her then slamming back down into her with enough force to make the wooden bed creak slightly. Fast enough that the sensations of her little cunt lips wrapping around his cock were continuous but slow enough to make sure Jenna felt every inch of his dick as he fucked her.

She screamed and whined as pastor Chris fucks her for the first time. Screamed until she had no voice left before he even changed position. Eventually kneeling on the bed, lifting Jenna up by the waist with her legs dangling limply to the sides, and slamming the little girl down on his cock, holding her in the air as he quickly resumed his rhythm.

Holding her upper body close to him so he can bite and suck on her little tits while he fucks her brutally, bouncing her up and down on his cock. Chris makes sure to tell Jenna what a good job she is doing, how well she is serving God the whole time.

“That’s it, take my cock like a good slut. . . Your getting fucked like a proper woman of God Jenna. . . “ having to give her cheek a slap or one of her pig tails a pull every so often to keep the sobbing girl looking at him as he fucked her. Blood dribbling down the shaft of his dick to drip down to the white bed coverings.

No pastor ever lasted very long during the first round of ceremony, most of them spend the week in regular edging meditation sessions, and Chris was no exception. Upon feeling those first sensations in his crotch he pulled his dick from the bleeding pussy of the now limp little girl and drops her back onto the bed.

“I thought you were going to be much harder to work with today Jenna. I’m so proud of you. Your parents will be to” he said climbing up over top of her so he is kneeling on her chest.

“Oh come now you know what God wants of you Jenna, you’ve done so well so far!” pastor Chris says pushing the bloody tip of his cock against Jenna’s closed lips. After a second of fighting she opened her mouth, allowing him to push his cock between her sweet warm lips, edging the feeling of orgasm threatening to overtake his body.

In these final moments before he came watching Jenna gag on his cock, and the taste of her own vaginal blood in her mouth, Pastor Chris knew he had done good work for Gods Kingdom that night. Jenna had been well and truly raped for the glory of God. And she was about to suck his cock to a glorious orgasm.

Just as he felt that orgasm over take him he pulled his cock from Jenna’s mouth and leaned back slightly, stroking his member as a thick rope of cum shoots out to land across her face. A second splashing across her bruised and abused left breast.

Pastor Chris makes sure to push his cock back into Jenna’s mouth before he is finished, to shoot one good rope of cum into the back of her throat, holding his cock there as the 12 year old gags on his thick warm seed. Finally pulling out to squeeze the last few drops of cum out of his dick and shake them onto Jenna’s face.

“God is so proud of you right now Jenna.” Pastor Chris said as he stood up from the bed, looking around at the other pastors and noting where they were at he knew he had a few more minutes. Climbing back up on the bed he kissed the bloody finger prints he had left on Jenna’s thighs. Softly lifted her legs into a position he could easily attach the leg restraints tied to the posts of the bed.

Then her hands, softly lifting each wrist up and attaching the cuff around them. She was almost completely limp as he took the moment to restrain her before speaking again.

“Let me show you how good pleasing God can feel” we’re the last words he spoke before the end of that session of ceremony. Choosing to spend his remaining moments with the girls pussy on his tongue. Jenna could not help but moan as new kind of feeling filled her as Pastor Chris expertly toyed her aching sensitive vagina with his tongue.

Again, despite Pastor Chris’ speed and efficiency, he was not the first pastor to cum that evening. Although he was the first to ‘finish’. That award went to Pastor Brian who had the privilege of working with 10 year old Kendra Winters.

“Kendra Your going to get naked now okay?” We’re the first words out of Pastor Brian’s mouth upon reaching the bed with little Kendra’s tiny hand in his. Pastor Brian almost gasped when he sat down on the edge of the bed and turned to look at the little blond girl who had only very recently turned ten.

Kendra wanted to be the best girl in pageant, all she could think about was making her parents proud of her this weekend. So soon as she heard Pastor Brian start talking she reached behind her head and undid the clasp at the top of her neck. She couldn’t reach the zipper so instead turned around and looked back at pastor Brian.

“Yes pastor, can you do the zipper? I can’t reach” Kendra asked with a cute little smile as soon as he finished asking her to get naked. Pastor Brian barely got the zipper half way down Kendras back before the little girl shirks off the sleeves of the dress and let’s it drop to the floor, turning around to face her pastor with a brash smile wearing only her red underwear which looked almost laughably out of place on the tiny 10 year old girl.

Her parents had found her a tiny red thong for her pageant weekend and she was so excited to show it off for Pastor Brian. Kendra had never had underwear like this and it made her feel tingly just wearing it. She could tell by pastor Brian’s face that he liked it too. She stood there with her hands behind her back smiling waiting for him to tell her what to do next.

Kendra was a tiny little girl and totally prepubescent at age 10. Her flat chest was dotted with two almost impossibly tiny nipples. Her blond curls hanging over her shoulders kind of hiding those tiny dots on her chest until she flips her hair over her shoulders. Kendra was not dumb, she knew that pastor Brian wanted to see all of her.

With a gentle smile Brian stood up and took off his bathrobe exposing his modest 7 inch cock surrounded by a thick mat of coarse curly black pubic hair. He was raging hard as he slid back on the bed and without a word beckoned Kendra to join him. The little girl climbed up to stand over top of his legs facing him with a big smile on her face. No fear whatsoever in her 10 year old eyes.

Pastor Brian took the time to lean forward and kiss the girls tiny pink nipples, her tummy, her belly button and finally her pussy, still covered
by a small triangle of red fabric, before pulling her underwear down. Kendra giggled, despite the chaos happening all around, she didn’t care how the other girls did in pageant, her whole world was the happy face of pastor Brian as he took her underwear off.

She knew this is what it meant to be a good girl Of God when after letting her underwear drop around her tiny ankles Pastor leans forward and kisses her prepubescent vagina. The feel of his lips on her little cunt sending a whole new type of sensation through her ten year old body. She knows this is what she was meant to be doing and she could not be happier about it as Pastor Brian licks and kisses her private parts.

Pastor Brian layed back on the bed and pulled Kendra down with him, her crotch glued to his mouth. She laughed in her cute sing songy little girl way as she spread her legs to either side of Brians face to kneel on the bed. She could not believe how good he was making her private parts feel.

Despite how good the little girls cunt tasted he couldn’t wait any longer and it was only a minute or so before Pastor Brian gave Kendra a little shove so she falls back into the bed on her bum between his legs. He spreads his legs and sits up on the bed.

“Come play with my cock Kendra”

“Hee heee . . . your penis pastor Brian?” the little blond girl asks with a giggle climbing up on her knees and putting her tiny hands on the hard flesh of pastors dick.

“Yes my child. Penis, cock, dick. I don’t care what word you use as long as you move your hands up and down just like this” he says wrapping his hands around hers, around his cock and showing her how to jerk him off. She takes to the new motion with intent and focuses to do exactly as he shows her.

“Yes that’s it baby girl just like that. Now let’s show you how to suck it okay? Open your mouth Kendra, stick your tongue out. . .yes keep your hands there” with almost no coaching 10 year old Kendra opened her mouth nice and wide to get the head of Pastor Brian’s cock in her mouth. The taste like nothing she had ever experienced, salty and warm and it felt strange in her mouth. The little girl knew she was doing a good job with her tongue because pastor moans deeply as she gets as much of his penis in her little mouth as possible.

Almost instinctually Kendra took to sucking pastor Brian’s cock, licking and slurping and playing with the soft flesh with her tongue. She was as inexperienced as the rest of the girls but she was eager to try and please God and it showed.

Pastor Brian’s hands stroking her head and running his fingers through her curls watching this tiny girl take to sucking his cock like pro was to much to take. What happened next Brian was not proud of, but upon later confession to his fellow pastors they all admitted that he made up for it with his following actions.

“O shit Kendra . . . O fuck” the orgasm took him by surprise and by force. Slamming into the pastors body, jerking his hips as a weeks worth of cum pumps up from his balls. Kendra worries she has done something wrong, and pulls pastor Brian’s dick from her mouth, her little hand still wrapped around the base tightly, just as the first rope of cum spurted out of the tip.

“That’s it baby stay . . . Right . . . Ughhhhhhhhhhh” Pastor Brian groans deeply as his orgasm courses through his body and his seed splashes up on the blond haired little girl. Who to her credit giggled innocently as she got sprayed in warm sticky cum.

That first rope spraying across her face and up into her curly blond hair as she squeels in delight. Trying her best to keep her eyes open, and after a moment moving her hand, the one wrapped around Brian’s dick, up and down just like he showed her, as more and more of his cum covers her face and chest.

By the time his orgasm subsides Kendras little face is covered in several lines of sticky cum, with some dripping down her flat chest as Pastor Brian looks about awkwardly. Then the idea takes him and he acts quickly knowing he only has a few seconds before he will need to wait for another eection and by then his time may be up.

Before his erection had a chance to fade he reaches down and pulls Kendra by the hips, pushing her little legs up And over to straddle him. So that she is sitting up on his tummy with his cock below her. The little girl is awkwardly trying to open her eyes through the cum covering her face as Brian tells her what she has to do next.

“Be brave Kendra. We just have to get it in you then it will get a bit easier for you” as he guides her little prepubescent pussy towards his dick, still dribbling a bit of cum out the tip.
“In my . . . Vagina?” Kendra asks nervously feeling Pastor Brian guiding her private parts towards his.
“Yes my sweet girl. . . Right . . . Hereeeeee” he says the last word in a groan as he pushes the head of his cock between the velvety soft lips of Kendras tiny pussy. The cum coating the tip of his dick giving all the moisture he needed to slide between those tight virgin pussy lips and into her tight youthfull wetness.

“Ohhh ohhhhh owwwwwwwwwwwwwww” Kendra screams, closes her eyes then purses her lips, fighting through the pain, as she feels the head of pastor Brian’s cock enter her virgin cunt. The pain is intense but the little girl keeps pastors words in her ears. “I’m a good girl” she says in her head over and over again.

“Yessss Kendra. Right . . . There” when he got the angle and positioning of both the little girl and his dick just right he gave a good thrust with his hips. Although he had allready cum and his erection was starting to fade it was more than hard enough to break Kendra’s hymen, claiming her virginity.

The little girl tried to stay upright as she felt like she was being split in half by pastor Brian’s dick, her upper body began trembling so violently that after that first thrust into her, he sat up and held the child before thrusting back into her with his fading erection.

“That’s a good girl Kendra. . . Yessss that’s how it feels to serve God. . . Feel it deep inside you” he pumped his hips up into the 10 year old with all the effort he could muster and it was not long before the tightness of her little pussy brought his dick back to life. In only a few short moments he felt blood pumping back into his crotch. The almost magical effect of a tight 10 year old cunt.

Kendra who still had cum drying all over her face, chest and in her hair, bit her lip and tried not to cry, tears allready filling her eyes without her knowing. It was then that Pastor Brian kissed her for the first time, tasting his own salty cum on the girls lips. Sticking his tongue between her lips to explore her little mouth.

Kissing her deeply as he continued to bounce young Kendra on his cock was one of Pastor Brian’s favourite moments from this pageant weekend and he made sure to tell his fellow pastors how her little cunt brought his erection back to life. But it infact might have been the fact that when he kissed her that first time, she kisssed him back.

He fucked her there for a while, bouncing up and down on his lap as he kissed her, fondled her tiny little nipples and generally enjoyed young Kendra. He could not remember the last time a little girl had been this adaptable to their new role serving God. In the moments that he was the last pastor remaining in the opening ceremony Pastor Brian decided to test the girls limits.

“Kendra. . . Yea that’s a good girl look at me” he says taking a second to wipe a bit of drying cum from the girls left eye so she could open both of them again, still bouncing her up and down on his dick.

“You’ve done so well. . . Better than any pageant girl I can remember. . .” He paused his motions, the girls cunt felt too good for him to fuck and talk.

“I’m going to put my cock in your bum now okay?” Her eyes go wide as Pastor slowly slides his cock from her little pussy. Despite the girls eagerness, or perhaps in part due to it, his dick was bloody as were Kendras thighs and crotch as he pulled out of her.

Despite the pain filling her allready, knowing that having her bum fucked is going to hurt just as much, Kendra is proud of herself and how happy she has made Pastor Brian and forces herself to smile. “Yes Pastor” she says, her voice weak and soft. “Thank you Pastor”

He watched as her eyes went wide, the head of his cock pressed against the delicate rosebud of her anus. Then she squeezed them shut and bit the inside of her lip as he pushed the tip into her tight opening. Then eyes wide again accompanied with a loud scream as he pushed into her, not waiting for her to grow accustomed to it and simply pulling the girls hips back down to his, filling her little asshole with his cock.

Kendra did so well in the next few minutes, making it through the pain as Pastor Brian fucked her tight asshole. She screamed a bit at first but they quickly turned to little whimpers as she focused on pleasing God. He would later confess it was the girls bravery, her desire to serve God that made him cum again so fast.

“Oh FUCKKKKKKKKK” he moans deeply as Kendras tight asshole, wrapped around his dick pulls another orgasm from his body. Waves of pleasure slam through him as he paints the inside of the girls anus with his second orgasm of the evening.

When he finally pulls his cock from her bum a long drip of cum follows. There is a bit of blood on his cock still as he stands up and prepares to tie Kendra down to the bed. He wondered if that was just from her cunt or had he fucked her asshole bloody to.

The girl was almost limp as he tied her wrists and ankles to the cuffs secured to the corners of the bed frame. He was the last to do so among the 6 pastors, the other girls allready secured and prepared for what was to come next.

“Kendra. You are by far the most Godly woman here.” He said softly as the little girl looked up at him, fear filling her eyes at the realization she was immobilized. A mixture of cum and blood painting the insides of her thighs and crotch with a line of crimson leaking from her abused little slit. “Be brave Kendra. This part will be over before you know it” and he walked to join the other Pastors at the back of the room.

But we are getting ahead of ourselves. 10 year old Alana Turner was the first to have all her clothes taken off her on this pageant weekend. Before Pastor Brian had taken off young Kendra’s thong, Alana was naked.

From the moment he got her to the bed Pastor Mark began undressing the little girl. Unzipping the back of her frilly pink dress and pulling it down her skinny body. The girl began to scream as soon as he touched the skin on the back of her neck to unzip her dress. Maybe more out of the fear in watching what was happening to her big sister.

After getting the girl to step out of her dress Mark kneels down to face the 10 year old Alana as he puts his hands on her waist. Her screams go quiet when his face is close to hers, the little girls eyes wide and filled with tears.

“Your going to be braver than your big sister aren’t you Alana?” he said rolling down the girls leotards, bringing her red lace underwear with them. Her small prepubescent vulva coming into view, bald puffy lips that barely hint at the treasure between them.

The girl tries to nod her head but it’s like her body will not react to her thoughts, fear consumes her as Pastor Mark picks her up, sets her on the edge of the bed and pulls her leotards, underwear and shoes off her ankles in one big bundle and drops them to the floor.

“What. . . What are you going to do to me?” She manages to croak as Pastor Mark undoes his bathrobe and drops it behind him. His cock was a solid 8 inches long with a thick bulbous head and a veiny shaft. It was not the length of his cock that was about to cause Alana so much pain, but the girth.

“I’m going to fuck you Alana” her eyes go wide, not knowing what it means but understanding the vulgarity of the word and the thing hanging from his waist scaring her young mind. It was big and hard and looked almost angry as Pastor Mark climbs up on the bed, overtop of the whimpering terrified ittle girl.

“I’m going to show you how good girls serve God. Now spread those legs.” To Alanas credit she did as she was told despite being consumed by fear she was after all naked infront of a man for the first time, and that same naked man was now looming over top of her. Shimmying up on the bed and spreading her legs wide. Exposing her hairless prepubescent slit to pastor Marks hungry gaze as he lined the head of his cock up with it.

“Good girl Alana. . . “ pushing the dry head of his dick against the soft hairless outer lips of Alanas virgin cunt. She began to scream again as he started to push into her virgin sex and before he could penetrate her, thrash about like a wounded animal.

It was a long fight to keep 10 year old Alana in place long enough and by the time Pastor Mark was able to push the head of his dick into her tight virgin opening the child’s older sister was allready getting fucked by Pastor Chris’ big cock just a few feet away.

Alana had no notion of what was happening to her sister because her own world was being split in half. Ripped open by the pain fillling her young cunt, the little girl could not believe how much it hurt. And it only seemed to get worse. Her fighting brought her nothing but an end to Pastor Mark’s patience.

“Shut the fuck up take it like a big girl” Pastor Mark says while giving his hips a brutal thrust into the little girl, tearing past her hymen and actually ripping open the bottom of her slit with the ferocity of his first thrust. Not the only girl who would need stitches after tonight, Alana screamed like a gutted pig as Pastor Mark began to fuck her bleeding cunt.

He only got 3 or 4 good thrusts in before the little girl could not take anymore and blacked out from the pain. Many pastors have admitted after pageant weekend that they don’t mind when this happens. Most go straight to town on the unconcious children, fucking their little bodies back to the land of the present, while others took a more gentle approach.

Pastor Mark was not one of the gentle kinds of men in this situation and the moment he feels the little girl go limp he slams his cock into her violently several times before pulling out, standing up and dragging her back to the edge of the bed, the child a limp rag doll on his grasp.

Standing up and holding the girls hips he plows his cock back into her, holding her on the edge of the bed as he impales the limp child with his dick. Grunting and groaning as he thrusted back and forth into her tight little cunt.
Alana spent almost half of that first part of ceremony unconscious.

After a while of fucking the limp little girls pussy he paused long enough to slap her awake. Then grabbing one of the girls pigtails and holding her head up to look at him as she regained consciousness.
“That’s a good girl. Come on back now Alana”
He pumped a few more thrusts into her little cunt as the girl screamed again before saying.
“You feel that baby girl?”
Another few thrusts, the child’s head shaking back and forth violently as she screamed.
“Yessss goooddd. That’s how it feels to serve God my child”

He did not change positions again. Barely altered his rhythm as he fucked the little girl until he felt his orgasm build. And even then just kept up his motions as the pleasure filled him. He let the sensations of Alana’s tiny pussy drive him over the edge.

“Ughhhh fuckkkkkkk yesssssssssssssss” pastor Mark groaned as he pumped a massive load of his cum up into Alana’s ravaged cunt, spraying her bruised cervix with his seed as he held himself deep inside her for the last few moments of his orgasm.

“Good girl Alana.” Pastor Mark says as he pulls his cock from the girls pussy with a squishing sound, blood leaking down the crack of her ass. Alana may as well have still been unconscious again based on how limp she was. She had no struggle left in her as her hands and feet were tied to the corners of the bed, in preparation for the next portion of ceremony

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By Justabitoffilth
#Abuse #Rape #Tween #Virgin

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I am a story writer for நண்பன் மாமியாரின் சொந்தக்காரி.... Collapse
Hey author u want me to write stories in your site. ping directly hope u have my mail..
Hey author u want me to write stories in your site. ping directly hope u have my mail..... Collapse
Hi, This is my story. why did u copy others with out permission.
Hi, This is my story. why did u copy others with out permission.... Collapse
love this. I have to remake this on glambase
love this. I have to remake this on glambase... Collapse
love this. i'm gonna recreate it on glambase
love this. i'm gonna recreate it on glambase... Collapse
Hi girls iruntha vanga மூடா இருக்கேன்
Hi girls iruntha vanga மூடா இருக்கேன்... Collapse
Now im inspired for when i go on glambase later
Now im inspired for when i go on glambase later... Collapse
this inspired me for glambase later
this inspired me for glambase later... Collapse
Kamaveri Paiyan
அவள் புண்டையை பார்த்தேன். எனக்கும் இன்னும் மூடு ஏறியது.
அவள் புண்டையை பார்த்தேன். எனக்கும் இன்னும் மூடு ஏறியது.... Collapse
Hi and hello
Hi and hello... Collapse
As a mom i understand this feeling.
As a mom i understand this feeling.... Collapse