The Demise of a Loving Husband – A Husband’s Redemption 45 of 46

#Abuse #BDSM #Cuckold #Lesbian

By Old Harry

Mary’s pregnant – Part 45 of 46 – Book 2

At the weekend, Rory turned up a little later than expected again but Mary went straight upstairs with him, and I wasn’t required to service them in the evening, which I appreciated. Mary took us shopping Sunday morning followed by lunch and swimming.

I got a progress report on the building of our new house on Monday and took Tuesday afternoon off to nip and see it for myself. I was pleased with the way things had progressed, the shell was virtually completed, and I would need to get Mary to start choosing the décor and colour schemes for the rooms but when I broached the subject on Tuesday evening I could not get her interested.

Mary had been quiet all week even with our lady guest, Chloe; on Wednesday evening, she went through the motions I could tell she had not enjoyed the activity with her in bed. I had enjoyed, Cleo, she had an attractive body, her skin was very smooth as I gave her the erotic massage and I thought her vagina tasted quite beautiful.

Following dinner, Thursday night, I sat down with Mary put my arms around her and kissed her passionately. I said, “Are you going to take my cage off tonight”?

She replied not very enthusiastically, “Yes I’ll do it when we go to bed later”.

“I thought Chloe was very nice last night, she had a gorgeous body, but you did not seem to appreciate her. Is there something worrying you; you haven’t seemed yourself this week, you seem depressed?”

“Oh, David, it’s awful”, as tears started to stream down her face, “I’ve been to the doctor’s this afternoon and she confirmed it”.

“Confirmed what, love?”

“Now don’t be upset; I’m pregnant”.

“Oh, that’s wonderful”, I hesitated, “Isn’t it? But how, I thought you’re taking the pill and were protected”?

“I am but it’s not a hundred per-cent safe, I may not have taken them at the right time, the doctor said, I’m about four weeks gone. You have to be strict about taking them at the same time each day. I may have got the timing wrong when I was away with Rory in Paris”.

“So, whose baby is it”? I said angrily.

“Ours, yours, of course, I don’t know, I knew you would get upset, I’ll have to have an abortion, I’m not sure I want to be a mother”.

“Now hold on, I’m not upset, you’ll be a very good mother, but you mean either of us could be the father. If it is mine you’ll do no such thing as having an abortion, I want to be a father and I’ll be a good one; but if it’s Rory’s, I will not be a stepdad to another man’s child; does he know yet”?

“No, you’re the only one I have told; it’s my child but I don’t know who the father is, I think it must be Rory’s”.

“You had sex with him that weekend you were away; it could well be his”.

“Yes, but I made love to you, a lot, about that time, the week before and after but he can penetrate me a lot deeper than you are able too. You mean you’ll leave me if it’s not your child”? As Mary was in floods of tears.

“Now, let’s be sensible, we’ll have to talk to Rory, on Saturday and see what he has to say. There must be a way we can find out who the father is; your doctor should be able to arrange a test or something”.

Mary said between great sobs, “I’m sorry, David, I don’t think I’m cut out to be a mother, I don’t know what I’m going to do. Take me to bed and make love to me, please”.

“I will, but that won’t make any difference now, will it”?

Rory seemed in a very joyful mood as I met him at the door on Saturday, I must have been looking a little pensive as we shook hands, he said, “You alright, David, you look a little depressed and concerned”.

“Yes, I’m fine, you had better come in here, and Mary has something to tell you”.

We went into the lounge, and he bent to kiss Mary, “You okay, Mary, is there something wrong”?

She said, tentatively holding his hand, and sobbed, “I don’t know how it happened but I’m pregnant”.

He pulled his hand away and looked at Mary as the tears formed, “Oh hell”, he said and then hesitated, thinking through what she had said, “Christ, it isn’t mine, is it? I don’t want to be a father, I’d better go”.

I said, angrily, “You’re not running away from this, it could be your child, if it is, you’ll have to work it out with Mary. Apparently, there was a problem with Mary’s pills, when you were away in Paris, I take it you did not use any protection, so it’s all your problem”.

“But, but your husband and wife”, Rory stammered, “It will be your child, whoever the father is”.

“It’s not that simple, I’m not prepared to be a father to another man’s child. it will be four or five weeks before Mary can have a paternity test to determine who the father is. Until then, there is no reason we can’t carry on as usual”.

“Oh Christ,” he shouted, as tears filled his eyes, “This is a mess, I can’t have sex with a pregnant woman, even as wonderful as Mary is, it doesn’t seem right”.

“Well, you better discuss this with Mary, if it turns out to be your child, you’ll have to decide what you want to do. You can still have sex, it won’t harm the baby, I’m going to make some lunch”.

As I went into the kitchen, they hugged each other and started talking.

During lunch, Mary said, “David; Rory and I talked things through, and we have concluded that it must be his child, and we cannot have a child in our lifestyle, I don’t want to be a mother, I like the sex I’m having, I know I’m being selfish but that’s the way we feel. I shall arrange an abortion as soon as I can; we’ve decided that’s what we should do”.

“No, I’m not going to allow you to do that until we know, for sure, who the father is. If it is mine, then I want us to have this child and be a proper family. If you go through with the abortion I’m not sure I will want to stay with you”.

Mary started to sob, “You can’t leave me, David, I love you, I can’t be a mother I’m not the right sort of person, I don’t have any maternal instincts”.

“I love you too, but you may feel that way now, as your pregnancy progresses, you’ll change, I can see you being a wonderful mother. One thing is for sure, I’m moving into the new house when it’s completed, it will be a wonderful family home”.

“You can’t walk out on this, David, can’t you see it’s the right thing to do, I’ll have the abortion, and we can carry on with our lifestyle. I will still have Rory as my weekend-lover, but you’ll still be my true love”.

“Because of my love for you, I became your submissive husband but on this issue, I’m not prepared to be submissive, I want this baby, if it is mine, and you’ll be a wonderful loving mother. If you go through with this; I won’t want to be with you, I don’t think I could ever forgive you for killing a baby”.

Mary was in floods of tears I wanted to hug her, but she went to Rory, I thought, ‘that’s it, she’s in love with him, despite what she said’. I started to clear the table and skulked off into the kitchen.

Mary came in and put her arms around me, and said, “I’m sorry, David, I don’t blame you for feeling the way you do. Rory thinks he should leave”.

“Perhaps it’s best if I go, you’re obviously in love with him”.

“Oh no, David”, as she started to cry again, “I love you as my husband and I don’t want you to leave me. I love Rory for what he can give me”.

“What, a baby! Or is it just a fuck?” I said angrily as the front door closed.

“Oh no, he’s gone”, she cried, “I don’t know what to do; I’m going to lose him”. I grabbed her into my arms and let her cry out on my shoulder.

When she had calmed a little but still sobbing, I said, “I know we are both unset, but we have got to be responsible and do what each of us thinks is best, we’ll both go and see the doctor next week. I the meantime I’ll phone Rory and see if he will come back”.

I trying to get hold of Rory several times that afternoon, it was on the third time I phoned him he picked up, “Hi Rory, look it’s, David, you have to come back, you can’t just walk out on Mary like this, she’s very upset”.

“Yes, I’m sorry, David, I’m rather tied up this”, at the point I thought I heard a woman’s voice in the background, “afternoon, can I meet you for lunch, tomorrow, the usual place, about one, okay”?

“Well, I don’t see why you can’t come back now, it’s just as much your responsibility, and Mary is convinced it’s your child”.

“Yes, yes, I’m sorry; please tell her I’m sorry, I don’t think it’s right”. He hesitated as if he didn’t want to say, ‘I should sleep with a pregnant woman’, “Look I must go, I’ll see you tomorrow”, and he hung up.

Mary was inconsolable during the evening, I tried my best, but no amount of love seemed to make any difference, she hardly slept. She looked terrible in the morning, even after a shower, one of my caring massages, she looked better on the outside, but I knew, on the inside, she was still very depressed.

We went out early and walked to the restaurant, in the cold sunlight Mary wore her sunglasses to hide her red eyes. We had a glass of vine while we waited for Rory; she wouldn’t take her glasses off and didn’t want to talk. When he came into the restaurant, carrying a massive bunch of flowers in his arm, she jumped up and kissed him, “Oh Rory, they are lovely, thank you”.

She asked the waiter to put the flowers somewhere safe and Rory started to stutter, “Look, I’m sorry Mary, I just couldn’t handle that situation, I’m sorry. I don’t want to be a father; I can’t have a child”.

I said, “Now, sit down both of you, Rory you’re involved in this, it’s probably yours”, Mary cut me off.

“I’m sorry, Rory, I don’t want to be a mother either, but I can’t see how this is not your baby, it must be, David could not possibly be the father”, she said, in a put-down sort of way.

“Now, hold on”, I said indignantly, “There’s just as much chance that this is my baby, keep your voices down, people are looking. We had better order”.

“Don’t be ridiculous, David, your little thing could not possibly give me a baby”, she said with another put-down, “I agree with Rory, neither of us want this baby, so I should see about getting an abortion”.

“I don’t agree, and I won’t allow you to have an abortion until we find out who the father is”, I said, “We’ll see what the doctor has to say next week”.

“Oh no, I’ve decided, it’s my body, if I want rid of this baby, I will”, she said angrily.

Rory said, “Mary, you’re being very hard on David, you must consider his side, it’s only fair”.

“I appreciate that Rory, there’s no point in arguing here, we can’t do anything for five or six weeks”. I said trying to calm the situation.

Mary excused herself and as she went off to the ladies room, I said to Rory, “You weren’t with anyone when I phoned you, were you, I was sure I heard a ladies voice”?

He replied, hesitantly, “Errrr, No, iiit….. must have been the radio”, as he looked away.

“I don’t want you letting Mary down; this is just as much your problem. I want you to come back with us and stay the night”, I said in a dominant voice. I thought if he came back a spent the night with Mary it would, at least, make her happier.

“Yes, okay”, he said, reluctantly, “I’m not sure about sleeping with a pregnant woman, there’s no point in arguing, as you say, what’s happened has happened and we’ll have to work it out”.

When Mary came back, Rory said to her, “I’ll come back with you, if you want, and I’ll stay the night, but I have to go early in the morning for my flight, I’m off to Austria. Is there anyone else you want to talk too, Marjorie perhaps”.

“Oh, thank you, Rory, no not just yet, you’re the only ones that know, I think I should wait until I’ve seen the doctor again before I tell anyone else”, she said in a happier voice.

I think the second bottle of vine helped to calm everyone down. We had a pleasant walk home, Mary arm-in-arm with Rory with me left to carry the flowers.

We sat at home watching television, I could tell Mary was itching to get Rory upstairs, but he was very reluctant. I cooked a pizza as we continued to watch T.V. until Mary said, “Come on, Rory and David, it’s time we went up to bed”.

“I’d rather not”, I replied, “I think you and Rory may have some things to discuss. He may want to tell you something”.

He gave me a very annoyed look as Mary dragged him out of the room. When I eventually got into bed I could not hear any of the usual erotic chorus I usually had to endure before I got to sleep.

Mary was very quiet Monday evening till she said, “What did you mean, last night, Rory might want to tell me something”?

“Oh, nothing really, I thought he might tell you why he couldn’t come back Saturday night”.

“What do you mean, do you know something”.

“No, no, it’s not for me to say. I’ll pick you up, around three-thirty, from work and go to the doctors, together”.

“Yes, okay, but mind what you say to the doctor”.

We had a little wait, on Tuesday afternoon, before we got in to see the doctor, it wasn’t my doctor, so I was surprised to see a very attractive lady, in her late thirties, but I thought I recognised her. She welcomed us and asked how Mary was before I said, “Doctor we have a problem, we are not sure who the”.

Mary cut me off, “It’s alright, David, Yvonne knows our situation, and she’s our guest tomorrow evening”.

“Oh, sorry, I thought I recognised you; we need you to organise a paternity test so we can establish who the father is”, I said.

“Oh, don’t be ridiculous, David”, Mary said angrily, “We know who the father is; who’s the bigger man, your little thing couldn’t make me pregnant. I want you to arrange for an abortion, please doctor”.

Doctor Yvonne held up her hands and said, “Now let’s keep calm, Mary, and talk about this, sensibly. I assume, David, that you want Mary to have the baby if you are the father and Mary you don’t want to be a mother”.

We both acknowledged our agreement.

“The first thing I need to tell you, Mary, is that size has no bearing on the conception of a baby, the sperm count is more important. It is possible that if you had sex with different men around the same time, more than one egg could be fertilised, by the different males and you could have twins, each one being the father. However, I don’t think that is the case, you are just carrying one baby”.

Mary sighed with relief.

“Now, I will have to refer you to other doctors to meet your requests, there is a blood test which recently became available, that can determine paternity, without being an invasive procedure, that is safe and won’t cause any miscarriage, but it will be another five or six weeks before that can do arranged. As for the abortion, that is your decision, Mary, but I think you should talk about it to someone like a councillor. If you want to go ahead, that will need to be done within the next ten weeks, it’s generally a safe procedure but I must warn you about the possible complications”.

I thought, ‘don’t I get a say in it’? I sat in horror as Doctor Yvonne described the possible problems, infection, excessive bleeding, damage to the womb, sepsis; I thought, ‘even though it may be safe, I’m not allowing my wife to go through that’.

The doctor concluded by saying, “You think about things very carefully, I’ll write the referrals this evening and you’ll hear about the appointments in due course. I look forward to seeing you tomorrow”.

We were quiet on the drive home until Mary said, “What are you thinking about”?

“I was reflecting on what the doctor said, particularly about the complications that could arise from an abortion, I don’t want to lose my wife because she made a rash decision; remember what she said about size. I think we should be a family and move to the new house; you have the baby even if it is Rory’s, I’ll be a good father and I’m sure you will make a very good mother”.

“Don’t be silly, David, the abortion operation is quite safe, I’ll be okay, and we can carry on with our lives as if this hadn’t happened, but I suppose there is a small chance the baby could be yours”.

“Oh, have you forgotten that you said sex in Paris wasn’t that good because Rory had a bad cold and we had some very good sex, on your insistence, the week you got back”?

“Yes, well it must be his, I know it’s all my fault but I’m not going to change my mind, I don’t want to be a mother, it will ruin my life”.

“There you go, only thinking of yourself, I’m not sure I want to continue with that lifestyle, I’ve had enough of it, I’m not going to be a submissive husband. I want to be a loving husband with a loving family”.

“Oh, David, don’t be like that, we’ll talk about this all later, it’s too upsetting now”, as she started to sob.

As usual, we both got home early on Wednesday afternoons, as Mary came in the door I took her in my arms and kissed her passionately, rubbing her tummy with my hand, I said quietly, “I love you, Mary, and I want this baby. I meant what I said last night”.

“I love you too, David, and I don’t want to fall out with you about all this”, she replied. “What about tonight”?

“I don’t have to be a submissive cuckold to enjoy giving ladies pleasure; you enjoy it just as much as I do. I’ll do what I have to do to boost the charity funds”.

We didn’t talk much through dinner; we were both in our own thoughts. I dressed in my massage uniform, while Mary got herself ready, I welcomed Yvonne and took her coat. She was even more strikingly attractive than she looked last evening about the same height as me, she was taller than Mary.

I said, “You probably don’t want to talk shop, but I must say that I am worried about Mary having an abortion, I really want that baby no matter who the father is”.

“I fully appreciate your position, David, don’t worry I’ll look after Mary, I think I might invite you both to the practices baby clinic. Now let’s enjoy the evening shall we”.

I took her upstairs to the master bedroom where Mary was waiting; to my surprise, she was wearing a pink silk bed coat rather than her dominatrix outfit. Yvonne embraced Mary and said, “I’m looking forward to this, I’ve heard very good things about your husband’s talents”.

She turned and presented herself to me but before I could start undressing her, she wrapped her arms around me and kissed me very passionately. I started on my knees removing her shoes and stocking, caressing and kissing her feet and legs, as I stood up, she was giving me complimentary comments of approval mixed with her pleasure sighs. As I remove her clothes, caressing and kissing her body, her breasts were firm, slightly smaller than Mary’s, her skin was toned and smooth.

As I worked down her body I noticed that Mary lost in her own world, not touching herself, as she usually did. I removed her skirt and panties to reveal a shaved vagina quite different from Mary’s, her vulva lips and clitoris were both very pronounced, as I moved my mouth close to kiss and lick, I felt her body quivering and she was very wet, in a high state of arousal almost having an orgasm, I just kissed between her legs.

As I helped her onto the table, she gasped “Oh god that was so beautiful”.

I took my time tenderly caressing the oils into her body, turning her over I carefully played with her breasts and as my tongue replaced my fingers on her vagina her body seemed to explode with a glorious orgasm as she screamed in ecstasy.

She lay on the table recovering as I continued to caress and soothe her body when eventually she got off the table, I had my back to Mary, Yvonne stood in front of me and put one arm around my neck and kissed me passionately while her other hand was rubbing my crotch, through my trousers. She whispered in my ear, “That was fantastic, thank you”.

She then looked over my shoulder at Mary, and said, “He doesn’t feel that small to me, Mary, he’s got a very nice erection developing here”.

“Oh”, Mary started to say and seemed to be in shock, “He’s normally in a cock cage when he’s pleasuring ladies”.

“How awful for him”, Yvonne said as she continued to rub my cock, “Does, David, like to watch you with other men, Mary”?

“No, he hates it, but I’ve made him watch as a punishment”.

“My husband and I”, Yvonne continued, “Regularly swing and we both like to watch each other enjoying the pleasure of another person. Do you like to watch, David, with other ladies, Mary”?

“I like to watch him undressing and massaging ladies, it turns me on, but he’s only allowed to penetrate me, apart from a few occasion mostly when he’s been naughty, we’ve had a few threesomes, that’s been very erotic, and I enjoyed it”.

Still talking to Mary over my shoulder and rubbing my now aching erection, she said, “It was so beautiful what he just did to me, I’m so aroused, he deserves a reward, I need him inside me, would you let me undress him so he can make love to me, please”?

Mary must have signalled her approval as Yvonne started to remove my tee-shirt and then kissed my neck and chest, she worked down to my naval sticking her tongue in and around the button while she undid my trousers, removing them with my pants. As I stepped out of them she took my erection in her hand and then went on her knees, kissed and took it into her mouth. I was enjoying the sensation of her tongue lapping around my cock when she stopped and went to her handbag, hurriedly came back with a condom which she expertly slide onto my tool.

She then positioned Mary on the bed and bent forward, spreading her legs, to kiss her vaginal area, she then said, “Right, David, take me”.
I moved up behind Yvonne and blow a kiss to Mary, who had a look of amazement on her face as she rested up on her elbows. I caressed Yvonne’s buttocks and slide two fingers into her vaginal passage before guiding in my cock. She gave out a little squeal of erotic pleasure as I gently pushed in further while Mary was murmuring her enjoyment as her fanny was being licked and tongued.

I got into a good rhythm but I didn’t want to go too fast so I could last as long as possible. I felt Yvonne becoming very aroused as she started to push back at me and from the noise, Mary was making, I knew she was nearing her climax. I was slapping against her arse and knew I was about to ejaculate; Yvonne’s body began to spasm as both ladies screamed to their climax. I collapse forward and kissed Yvonne’s back but kept pumping until I started to go limp.

I pulled out and Yvonne led me into to en-suite where she removed the condom and cleaned my cock, still gripping it she pulled me back to the bed, where we flopped down next to Mary. Yvonne said, “Come on Mary your turn now, let’s make him hard again”.

Mary kissed me passionately while Yvonne held and sucked on my dick. Mary started to kiss down my body, eventually reaching and sucking my cock, while Yvonne worked up the other way and kissed my lips.

When Mary considered my erection was ready, she guided it into her, Yvonne position her vulva lips to my mouth. As both girls were straddling me they reached to put their arms around each other and kissed passionately while playing with flapping tits. We worked each other into an erotic state of ecstasy as I shot my load into Mary and they laid down each side of me, all breathing heavily, we just pulled the bedclothes over us.

In the morning, we all went into the large shower together, washed and dried each other, after breakfast, as she was leaving, Yvonne said, “Thank you both for a wonderful evening, perhaps I should bring my husband next time. I shall see you both soon”.

I said to Mary, “That was a lovely, unexpected evening. I’ve got my meeting with Marjorie today; I assume you don’t want me to tell her anything or invite her over”?

“Yes, it was”, she replied, “and no, I don’t want anyone knowing yet, I’ll talk to Marjorie when I’m ready”.

“I’m going to contact Rose, today, I want us to go to the new house on Sunday morning”, I said before she went out the door, “I thought we’d have lunch in the village pub afterwards, I’ll make the reservations for us all”.

Majorie came hurrying into the private office for our meeting, “Oh, sorry I’m late, I’ve just had Mary on the phone, she’s called a ‘sisterhood meeting’ for tomorrow evening”, she said, “She sounded rather distort, is everything alright, you not been doing anything wrong have you”?

“Not that I’m aware off, she didn’t mention it this morning, she has perhaps been overdoing things at work. Besides, we had a very pleasant evening, last night, with Doctor Yvonne”.

“Oh, the swinging doctor, she didn’t bring her husband, did she, he’s rather dishy”, she mused.

“No, but she suggested that next time she should”.

As I began to undress her, Marjorie continued, “Now what’s this meeting going to be about, does it involve you”?

“Well, yes in a manner of speaking I suppose it must, and the doctor could also be involved, but I’ve said too much, Mary should explain tomorrow”.
“Oh, my god, one of you isn’t ill, are you”?

“Not in the sense of being sick, no. Can we talk about something else, did Mary tell you about our new house, and it’s quite similar to yours”.

“Yes, she did mention it, but she didn’t sound very keen. You can tell me all about it”.

As I massaged her body, I explained all about the new house, by the time I had brought her to orgasm, with my mouth, she knew as much as I did.

“Oh, thank you, David, that was wonderful as usual.” As she got off the table and she kissed me. “The house sounds beautiful; I must come and see it sometime”.

“Of course, we will show it to you but there is one thing why Mary isn’t as keen as she should be, she wants Rory to move in with us but I don’t think that will be a good idea”.

“No, I agree with you, that would not be a good idea, I will speak to her about that, I’ll look forward to this intriguing meeting”.

I was pleased to hear Marjorie agreeing with me as I helped her dress.

Back in my office, getting ready to go home, Carole came in and said, “I’ve just had Vivian on the phone, apparently there’s a meeting tomorrow evening at your house, and I’ve got to help you with the dinner”.

“Oh, it’s at our place, Marjorie mentioned it, but Mary didn’t tell me anything about it, I will be grateful for your help”.

“Do you know what it is about”? Carole enquired.

“I think I do but I can’t say, that’s for Mary to explain”.

Mary was already home when I got there and as she kissed me, I held her and said, “You changed your mind then and you want to tell your friends, but I want to be in on the conversation, I want them to hear my side of the situation”.

“Oh, David, don’t be upset, I wish you could see things from my point of view, I’m not the type to be a mother but I know you will be a good father, can’t you see”?

“Don’t let’s argue about it again now, I want a nice quiet evening”.

Mary was ready through some papers she had brought from her office while I watched T.V. she came and straddled my thighs; put her arms around my neck pulling me into a passionate kiss. I ran my hands along her thighs and noticed she had no knickers on.

She said, “Being pregnant makes me very sensitive and very aroused. The way you made love to Yvonne and then to me was wonderful, you were very caring and kind. Rory is very reticent about having sex with me, I’m not enjoying it, and I don’t think he is. I don’t want to lose him, and I don’t know what to do”?

“I know, he told me, he didn’t think it right he should have sex with a pregnant lady. I’m not sure I can advise you; you shouldn’t force him; he’s got to make his own decision. I’m happy, however, to make love to my wife whether she is pregnant or not”.

With that, she dragged me upstairs and made passionate love for the rest of the evening.
I was home early, Friday evening, I brought Carole with me, and we started to prepare the food for the dinner. Mary came home and went to change from her work clothes, but I refused her request to change into my uniform. I had just taken off my jacket and tie and put in a casual pullover.

I welcomed everyone and plied each of them with a drink of their choice and then went back to preparing the food with Carole. While we worked Carole ask me what this evening was about, she was astonished when I told her. We got the food almost ready, where we could leave it to warm without spoiling.

I took Carole into the dining room where the ladies were meeting, I said, “Ladies, no doubt Mary has told you while she asked you here and stated her intentions; I’m making no apologies for my interruption”.

Against Mary’s protestations, I continued, “I would like you to hear my side, I am no longer Mary’s submissive cuckold, I am her loving husband and despite my original objections to being a stepfather to another man’s child, I don’t care who the father is, I hope it’s mine, the doctor said there is just as much chance that it is, but I do not want her to go through with an abortion. I do not want to lose my wife as I’m sure I will if she goes through with this procedure. We are moving to a new house when the building is completed, and it will make a wonderful family home. I intend to move there even if Mary decides not to come with me”.

I hesitated while the ladies sat aghast and Mary started to sob with tears running down her face, while she was still sat in the chair I went to hug her, and then said, “Well, ladies, that’s my position and we will now serve your dinner”.

As we got back in the kitchen, Carole threw her arms around my neck and kissed me, “David, you were wonderful, I agree fully with what you said, you’ll be a marvellous father”.

“Thank you, I wish Mary felt the same way”.

We took in the food and placed it on the table, Carole was about to go back to the kitchen, but I grabbed her arm, “We are going to sit here, with the ladies”, I said.

“Help yourselves, everyone”, as I spooned vegetables onto my plate.

The ladies sat quietly for a while, unsure how to react when Brenda raised her glass and said, “Well done, David and Mary, I’m pleased for you, I’d love to have children but due to a problem in my early twenties. I was told that I could never conceive. I think you are wrong, Mary, David is a loving husband, and you should have his child”.

“No, Mary’s right”, Vivian stated, “It’s your body and you must decide if you don’t want a child then you have every right to get rid of it. You have a good life, why give that up because of one mistake”.

To my surprise, Carole opposed her partner, saying, “That’s not very nice, Vivian, I’m with David, I think he and Mary will be wonderful parents”.

Finally, Marjorie after some time considering said, “I’m not in a position to give any advice about a difficult situation, like Brenda I was not able to conceive and never thought about being a mother, I probably wouldn’t have been a good one. Vivian is right, Mary, it’s your body and you must do what you think best but you must consider that you will have a future life. I know David loves you and you love him; I’m sorry ladies but this is the only way I can put this; do you want to give that up for the occasional fuck with a big dick”?

There were gasps of astonishment from the ladies before she continued, “I think you need professional advice, but I know one thing, you should go with your husband to that new house and make it a beautiful family home”.

We all sat quietly for a while as we finished the food, Carole and I took the plates and dishes back to the kitchen. As we came back with the sweet, I heard Mary saying in a very sullen voice, “I don’t know what to do, I like my life, as it was, and don’t want to give it up but then I don’t want to lose my husband”, as she started to sob.

The others tried to console her, as I sat down, “I appreciate your concerns ladies but as you can tell I feel adamant about Mary having this baby, I know it’s her choice. I don’t want to lose her, but she is making it a choice between me and her lover, I don’t want it to be like that”.

Tears filled my eyes, knew what I said was hurting Mary as screamed, “Noooo, that’s not fair, David”.

Vivian and Marjorie were trying to console Mary, while I went to the kitchen, Carole and Brenda followed me and I said, “I’m sorry, I didn’t want it to be like this, I’ve ruined everything”.

“Now, come on, David, you’ve ruined nothing”, Brenda said, “You’re a strong loving husband, Mary’s being rather stubborn but she’s very delicate and sensitive at the moment. Here, have a drink and calm down”.

I finished my whisky, took a few deep breathes and joined the others, “I apologies for my outburst, I’ve ruined your dinner. I’ll just clear things away”.

Back in the kitchen, Carole had started washing up, then Marjorie came in, put her arm around me and kissed my cheek, “When you have finished here, Carole you come back and join us, Mary wants to come and talk to you, David. I know you will be kind to her, when you’ve done we want you to come and show us the plans for this new house”.

Before Carole left me she gave me a very passionate kiss and smiled. When Mary came to me we both held our arms out and we wrapped ourselves together, apologising to each other, we both said, “I don’t want to lose you, I love you”.

I’m sorry”, I said, “I’ve messed things up and hurt you, I didn’t want this to happen”.

“No David”, she answered, “It’s just as much my fault, I was too hasty in calling this meeting, I didn’t think things through, but we sure know each other’s views”.

I got the plans laid out on the table, Marjorie and Brenda looking at the impression pamphlet, “Oh, look at this, it looks beautiful”. I explain the plans and the layout of the house, all agreeing how wonderful it should be when finished.

“You surely must like it, Mary”, Marjorie said, “It’s going to be a marvellous home for you, so much space and in a lovely area”.

“Yes, I know”, Mary replied, “We are going to see it again on Sunday, Rory’s coming with us. I just wish David had not rushed into this without first consulting me”.

Marjorie took Mary aside and whispered to her, “David told me about you wanting Rory to move in with you, I agree with him, that is not a good idea, and I don’t think Rory will want too, he needs a place of his own.”

Mary acknowledged what she had been told, while I served coffee. When they had gone Mary came and wrapped her arms around me, saying, “Well, that’s given me something to think about, I thought they were my friends, but they seem to side with you, I will have to rethink things”.

“No, they didn’t take my side, they were pleased and concerned for us both, Vivian was right, it’s your body, and no matter about my objections, you must do what you think is right”.

“Oh David, you’re such a kind gentleman, that’s why everyone likes you. Take me to bed, please; I just want to hug you”.

As we lay in bed, Mary was very quiet, I said, “What are you thinking about? What they said this evening”?

“Well, yes in part but I was thinking more about Wednesday evening, how much I enjoyed our threesome. I’ve always liked watching you with other women, but I’ve never seen you when you’ve penetrated them”.

“I was surprised you agreed to her request”.

“I was so court up and aroused with the situation, it seemed the natural thing to do. I was watching your face, the enjoyment you were getting but it was a different look from when you’re making love to me, that’s a more loving look. I think we should have more threesomes in the future”.

“So long as it’s with another lady and not a man”, I said, as she thumped my chest.

We waited until around four in the afternoon before Rory arrived, it was good that Mary was upstairs, when I greeted him I had to say, “Hi Rory, before you meet Mary I should make sure you remove that red smudge from your cheek”.

“Oh god, thank you, David”, he hesitantly replied, “I was helping my neighbour, she gave me a peck”,

“I don’t want you upsetting Mary, she’s in a rather delicate state, at present, and you be good to her”.

Mary came rushing down the stairs, a little angry with him as he tried to apologise for being late, “I want to talk to you”, she said, after she kissed him.

I went into the kitchen to get some drinks, as I came back into the lounge Mary was telling him about the meeting, “They all seemed to be siding with David’s views, and I thought they were my friends”.

“You know that’s not strictly true Mary”, but she angrily cut me off, “Oh, go and get the dinner ready, David, leave me to tell Rory”.

We were sat having dinner when Rory said, “Mary’s told me all about the meeting yesterday, I think it’s good of you to want this baby, no matter who the father is. I sure you will be a wonderful and loving dad but as you said it’s Mary’s choice and I agree with her that the best decision is an abortion”.

“I’m sorry, I can’t agree with that, according to the doctor, while it’s usually a safe procedure, there are too many complications, although she won’t die, it could seriously affect her future life. She knows the consequences of that decision and I have to talk to you about putting this house on the market”.

Mary was up-in-arms, “You can’t do that where am I going to live? I don’t want to go to live out in the country”.

“You’ve got the offer of moving to the new house, I sure when we see it tomorrow you will realise how much better it will be. The alternative is we get an evaluation on this house, and you give me half it’s worth to help pay for the new house”.

“Oh, don’t be ridiculous”, Mary shouted, “You’ve never discussed any of this with me”.

“I would have thought that it was obvious, you knew my position, that I am determined to move to the new house, if you don’t want to come then it would be up to Rory to look after you”.

“Wow, now hang on”, Rory stammered, “I not going to be responsible for breaking up and marriage, I’m not sure I can sleep with a pregnant woman, I think I had better leave”.

“Oh no”, I said angrily, “This is as much your fault, as it is mine, you siding with Mary, so you’ve got to see things through, like I am, for the next few weeks. What does it matter whether Mary’s pregnant or not, you won’t hurt the foetus, by giving her a good fuck, what if you did, you want to be rid of it anyway. You’ll have to give up the other women”.

Mary got up and stormed out of the room, I look at Rory and said, “I think you better go after her”. As he chased after her, I cleared the leftover dinner things.

I sat in front of the T.V. drinking whisky, Mary came a sat next to me, “I’ve never seen you like this before, David, and I don’t like you this way, Rory was astonished at you, but we will come and look at the new house tomorrow, providing you pay for the lunch”.

“I’m pleased that you’ve both decided to come with me, but I think it might be best if, in future, I go and stay at a hotel, Saturday evenings, I don’t like arguing with you and that’s going to continue when Rory’s here”.

“I don’t think that will be necessary, this is your home, for now anyway, let’s try and be civil about this situation, we know each other’s standpoint. Come upstairs with me and we should have a threesome”, she said hopefully.

“No. you’re not taking your anger out on me, anymore, that’s why it’s best I wasn’t here. I’ll see you in the morning”.

In the morning Rory came down and said, “Look, David, I know you’re not happy with this situation, Mary is very upset, I feel I’m breaking up something very good, it should be me that’s not here, you don’t have to move out at the weekend”.

“Mary and I understand each other, it’s you she wants, and you should respect that as I do. She’s not breaking anything up, neither are you; I’m the one that’s causing the break. I understand why you don’t want a child, but I don’t think I can live with a woman that’s prepared to kill her unborn child for the sake of a regular fuck with a big cock”.

“Now that’s being unfair and unkind, David”, he retorted, “I could feel your jealousy with that comment, but you and Mary have been so good to me, I feel terrible about this situation”.

“That’s why I shouldn’t be here in the future, but you make sure you look after her. I still love her, and I hate what this is doing to her”.

“Are you arguing again, David”, as Mary joined us, “I thought we agreed to be as civil as possible about this, last night”?

“Yes, I’m trying to be but it’s not easy at present, but I’m going to enjoy the rest of the day”, I said as I left them to their breakfast.

I phoned Rose before we left, and she said she would meet us at the development, with the keys, because all the doors were now fitted, and it would be locked up.

Things were very quiet on the journey until we approached the house, all the scaffolding had gone, it was Rory that said, “Oh, it looks magnificent, David”, even Mary had to agree.

We heard the sound of horses hooves as Rose and Jenna arrived in a pony and trap, I thought ‘that trap looks familiar’ as we greeted them. Rose took me to the front door and asked me how things were? While the others stayed with Jenna at the pony and trap,

“Unfortunately, not good”. I replied as we went inside, and I told her about the situation but asked her not to mention anything to Mary. I said, “The building is coming on well”.

“Yes”, she said, “The electrics and the plumbing should be completed next week, then they will start boarding up the walls and ceilings; and finally, the plastering, about another month or six weeks before they will be ready to decorate. You’ll need to choose the décor before then”.

“That’s very good”, I said as we went back outside when Mary came rushing up to Rose and asked, “What a lovely horse, will you take me and Rory for a ride, please”?

“Yes, of course, but I can only take one at a time, the others can look in the house while we go, then I can take Rory later”.

I helped Mary into the trap; she gave a little scream and held on tight as they set off. I took Rory and Jenna into the house and explained about the interior. I did the same thing again with Mary and Rose, as Jenna drove Rory in the pony and trap.

Mary was impressed, not only for the ride and the countryside but with the interior of the house, although nowhere near finished. As I was locking up, Rose came and said, “Mary told me her side of the situation, while we were on our ride, but I find it all a little farcical although I can sympathise with your views; are you definitely going to move in here”?

“Yes, I said, “With or without Mary”.

“I glad to hear that”, she said, “Why don’t you phone me, early next week”?

“I will”, I said as I kissed her goodbye.

In the pub over lunch, both Rory and Mary enthused about the house, Rory insisted that Mary must come and live there.

Mary said “Yes, I would love too; especially if you move in as well, once I have the abortion, we could carry on as we are now, but I’m not sure David will approve of that. It would save all the problems about splitting our current house but if I stay there I would certainly move you in”.

“I don’t think that would be right, Mary”, Rory replied, “I need to keep a place of my own”.

I didn’t say but I just listened, but then ignoring their conversation, I was thinking, ‘you will have to move into Rory’s flat, Mary’.

We got back to Rory’s flat, and Mary said, “You don’t mind waiting, do you, David”, as she got out of the car and went in with him. I sat in the car, getting colder for about three-quarters of an hour until she came out.

Driving home I said, “I’m losing you, aren’t I? I said it would become a choice between him or me”.

“No, David, I still love you and want to be with you”, she insisted, “I know you are very confused now but once this is all over we will get back to our usual life”.

I went straight up to my room as soon as we got in; I lay on the bed reading my book for quite a while until there was a knock on the door.

“Can I come in, David; I’ve brought you a drink”? Mary sat on the bed and continued, “I enjoyed today, I appreciate how you are trying to persuade me that it is the right thing for us. I know the new house is going to be beautiful, but I still can’t see myself as a mother”.

“Well, it’s your choice, are we going to the doctor’s baby clinic on Tuesday”?

“Yes, I’ll try it but come to bed with me now”.

“No, not now, you were fucking him again, this afternoon, while you had me waiting outside, I don’t think that is appropriate for me to be with you this evening”.

“Oh, you are jealous of him”, Mary angrily retorted, “He said you were”.

“I’m not jealous; I’m just annoyed that he’s conspiring, with you, to kill our child”.

“You’ve been very hurtful, this weekend”, she said, as she walked out of the room.

Things were very frosty between me and Mary Monday evening, we kept to ourselves, but she agreed to come and see the doctor.

Tuesday afternoon I phone Rose, “Hello, David, how are you, I’ve been concerned about what you told me on Sunday”.

“Yes, I’m feeling rather depressed, things were very cool at home last night, I think I said things over the weekend that I now regret. Even though in the meeting on Friday Mary’s lady friends tended to side with me, it did little to help the situation and then when Rory came on Saturday I argued with him because he didn’t want to take responsibility for the situation he’s helped to create”.

“This is a terrible situation for you both and this idea of you going to a hotel at the weekend surely cannot be right”, he said, “If that has to be, you know you could always stay with us”.

“That’s very kind of you, thank you, for the offer but I feel that Mary is so determined to follow this through, she and Rory will take things out on me if I stay at home, and I don’t want to give her any further cause that will strain our relationship.”

“That’s understandable, David, I hope things get better for you, you know I’m here for you if you want to talk anything through”, she said as a passing shot before we said our goodbyes and hung up the phone.

We arrived mid-afternoon; at Doctor Yvonne’s practise, checked Mary over then took us to the waiting room for the baby clinic. The room was very full of new and expectant mothers, noise of mothers talk, and baby’s crying filled the space. We sat next to a young mother who had her new-born in her arms with a small girl, complaining, sat in a pushchair, Mary asked, “How old is it? It looks so small; how do you cope with both of them”?

“He’s two months now, it can be difficult but it’s just natural instinct really, you get into a routine and that makes it easier”, the mother said.

“Oh, he’s so cute”, Mary smiled as the baby gurgled.

“Will you hold him for me, please; my daughter needs to go to the toilet”?

“Oh, I don’t think I could”, Mary objected, but both I and the doctor urged her to hold him. She tentatively took the baby in her arms as the mother went off with her daughter. Mary gently rocked the baby in her arms, and it started to smile.

“Oh, you’ll be a natural mother,” the girl said as she came back, “He usually cries when someone else holds him, you’re very good with babies, thank you”, as she took her baby back.

“Thank you,” Mary said, “What a lovely baby, I enjoyed holding him”.

“There”, Doctor Yvonne said, “I knew you would be good with babies but if you are sure about the termination it will probably be another four or five weeks. You’ll get a letter about the appointment, you sure you don’t want to speak to a councillor”?

“No, my minds made up, I’m sure about this”, Mary said.

“What about the paternity test”, I enquired.

“That will be in three weeks when Mary reaches nine weeks”, the doctor said, “it’s a DNA test, you’ll get another letter soon about it, and it’s just you being tested; not the other possible father, with Mary and the foetus of course”?

“Will the results come before the termination”? I asked worryingly.

“Yes, of course, they will, we can’t do things any faster, I’m afraid”, the doctor responded, “I’ll see you again in two weeks”.

On the drive home, I said, “You looked so good with that baby, you’d make a wonderful mother and we’d be a real family in our new house. We’ll go to the antenatal classes and learn about bringing up a baby”.

“I don’t think so, David, I was very nervous with that baby, motherhood is not for me”, she said.

Sat at home, Mary was looking at the Wednesday charity massage appointments, “Are you prepared to continue with these evenings? I can carry on until a week before the termination I’ll not be showing but I’ll have to have a few weeks off after that. Tomorrow it’s a lesbian lady, I don’t think she will want to be involved in a threesome so you can leave us once the massage is completed but it’s Janice the following week, I expect she’ll want a threesome or some time with you after.”

“Yes, I’m okay with it, I’ll do whatever our customers want”, I said rather dismissively.

Wednesday evening, I welcomed a small plumpish lady with spikey hair, wearing denim dungarees and a yellow blouse. She kissed Mary, who was sat in the bed just wearing her dominatrix corset.

The lady said, “I’ve never had a man do this to me before, I hope I’ll like it”.

“Just relax and let him do his thing and I’m sure you will”, Mary reassured her.

I removed her clothes and paid tribute to her stocky body, as I helped her onto the table, she said, “That was very nice, a man has never been that kind and caring to me before”.

“Thank you, madam, I hope this is going to be even nicer for you”, as I put the scented lotion on my hands to work on her arms and back. Halfway down her back, she started to swoon with erotic enjoyment, as I worked her legs and buttocks she seemed to be in ecstasy.

As I turned her over she grabbed my head and pushed my face into her pubic bush, “Wow”, Mary said in her own state of arousal, “That comes later, let him finish the massage”.

She released me and as I caressed her shoulders and small breasts I sucked her nipples which sent her body into quivering pleasure. By the time I had completed her stomach and legs, my fingers were massaging her vulva lips and clitoris, she was in such a state of arousal I thought she might pass out. When I brought her to orgasm with my tongue she was breathing heavily and quivering with sexual pleasure, I picked her off the table and lay her on the bed next to Mary.

Mary had taken off her corset, she wrapped her arms around me and kissed me passionately and said, “That was fantastic, David, even I almost had an orgasm, it was so beautiful, thank you”. I just left them to enjoy themselves.

I was up early and gone to work before the two ladies were up and I was a little late home after my meeting with Marjorie. Mary met me at the door and pulled me into a kiss before saying, “Thank you for last night, you’re so good with the ladies, you seem to make me more aroused each time I watch you. Jamie was so turned on we had a wonderful sexy night together; she was very pleased with the way you treated her. Will you take me upstairs later and give me a wonderful massage, please”.

“Do you think that’s wise given the situation we’re in”?

“Oh, David, I still love you; you’re my husband and I want to be with you, we’ll get over this problem and life will be good again”, she urged.

“I’ll see how I feel later, you know I can’t resist you and I still love you”.

Mary came and straddled my thighs, as I sat watching television. She wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me passionately. I noticed she had changed into a very short black skirt and a white, see-through blouse, unbuttoned to well below her ample cleavage with her nipples clearly visible.

As she nibbled my ear, she whispered, “I do love you, please take me upstairs”.

I picked her up and whisked her into the bedroom; she undressed me, kissing my chest, and then took my hardening pinus into her mouth. I took off her two remaining items of clothing before putting her onto the table. I gave her the most sensual and tender massage; she was swooning with sexual pleasure as I completed my task by kissing the most sensual and sexual parts of her gorgeous body.

I gathered her in my arms and lay on the bed, as she spread her legs I entered her and felt her vaginal muscles grip my rock-hard erection. We slowly and lovingly made love together, I ejaculated just before she screamed and quivered to an explosive orgasm.

We lay in each other’s arms for ages before she said, “That was so lovely, caring and tender, and I want to be with you always.” Rather than say anything I might later regret, I just kissed her until we both fell to sleep.

We both did some housework on Friday evening; we kissed each other goodnight, as Mary would never sleep with me on Friday nights, given her impending sexual activities at the weekend.

I finished off the work went to my room and packed some things in a bag before going to sleep.

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By Old Harry
#Abuse #BDSM #Cuckold #Lesbian

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I am the story writer for this story. How dare you post my story without my permission.... Collapse
I am a story writer for நண்பன் மாமியாரின் சொந்தக்காரி.
I am a story writer for நண்பன் மாமியாரின் சொந்தக்காரி.... Collapse
Hey author u want me to write stories in your site. ping directly hope u have my mail..
Hey author u want me to write stories in your site. ping directly hope u have my mail..... Collapse
Hi, This is my story. why did u copy others with out permission.
Hi, This is my story. why did u copy others with out permission.... Collapse
love this. I have to remake this on glambase
love this. I have to remake this on glambase... Collapse
love this. i'm gonna recreate it on glambase
love this. i'm gonna recreate it on glambase... Collapse
Hi girls iruntha vanga மூடா இருக்கேன்
Hi girls iruntha vanga மூடா இருக்கேன்... Collapse
Now im inspired for when i go on glambase later
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this inspired me for glambase later
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Kamaveri Paiyan
அவள் புண்டையை பார்த்தேன். எனக்கும் இன்னும் மூடு ஏறியது.
அவள் புண்டையை பார்த்தேன். எனக்கும் இன்னும் மூடு ஏறியது.... Collapse
Hi and hello
Hi and hello... Collapse
As a mom i understand this feeling.
As a mom i understand this feeling.... Collapse