The day the shipbox pulled into my shop

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#Exhibitionist #Mature #Tween #Voyeur

By John Carter

Just the idea of watching a mother molest her young son, while I molested her daughter, almost had me coming in my pants.

My life changed the summer of 1971, when I was 32 years old. I had a auto repair shop just off Route 40, in a little town in Arkansas. I lived in a double wide trailer in back of the shop.

What changed my life happened on a Friday afternoon. A beat up piece of shit car pulled into my shop, just before it crapped out.

A black woman, probably in her late thirties, was driving, and there were two children in the back, a boy and a girl.

“Wow, thank God I made it here.” The woman said as she was getting out of the car. “My name is Brenda, and these are my kids Tony and Blair. The way this thing was running, I really didn’t think I’d make it. I thought we’d be sleeping on the side of the road tonight. Do you think you can fix it?” She asked me.

“Hi, my name is Brad. Pleasure to meet you. Let me take a look.” I told her, as I started to lift the hood. “You guys can go sit in the waiting area have some cold water while I look at the car.” I told them. They were grateful to get out of the hot sun, and into the air conditioning.

It took me about 20 minutes to go through the car and determine what was wrong. She needed a new fuel filter, which I did not have in stock. I didn’t stock many parts, because I never knew what kind of car was going to pull in next.

“It looks like you need a new fuel filter, and a new radiator hose.” I told the woman.

“How much will it cost?” She asked me, clearly worried.

“Well, let me break it down.” I sat down and wrote up a repair order.

“Okay, I’m going to have to order the part, and because it’s almost 5PM on a Friday, they won’t even ship it till Monday, and we won’t get it here till at least Wednesday or Thursday. The total, with parts and labor, is going to come to close to $1000.00.” I told her.

“Oh lordy, I don’t have anywhere near that much. And where will we stay for a week?” She said.

“Well, the nearest hotel is 30 miles from here.” I told her.

“Well, it really don’t matter where it is, it’s going to use up all the money I have. Can I speak to you in private please?” She asked me, eyebrows raised.

Oh great, here we go again. She’s going to try to work out a deal. I really didn’t have any interest in this woman, she had a cute face, but she was about 30 lb overweight. Not fat, but chubby. I wasn’t into chubby girls.

“Sure, step into my office.” I told her. We went into my office, and closed the door. She sat down on a chair and I sat down behind my desk.

“We are on our way to my sister’s house in Tennessee. My boyfriend was beating me and was mean to the kids, so we’re moving in with my sister. I don’t have the money to get the car fixed. Can we work out some of the kind of deal?” She said.

“What kind of deal did you have in mind?” I asked her. Before answering me, she looked around to make sure nobody could hear what she was going to say, and then said “do you like oral sex? I’m told I’m really good at it.” She whispered.

“Well sure, what man doesn’t like oral sex. But there’s no way you’re good enough to make a blowjob worth $1,000.” I told her.

“Well since we’re going to be here for almost a week, I can give you more than one.” She told me, hopefully.

“Even if you gave me three blowjobs a day for a week, it wouldn’t be worth $1,000 to me.” I explained to her.

“Let me think about this for a few minutes.” I told her. Right about the same time, another car pulled up at the gas pumps.

“Let me go take care of this car. We’ll figure something out.” I said to her as I got up and walked outside. While I was filling the cars tank, I was thinking about this. I sure wouldn’t mind having her suck my dick a few times, but I would have to pay out of my pocket to fix her car and there was no blowjob worth $1000.00.

While I was filling the car’s tank, I looked through the window into the lobby of my repair shop. The little girl was cute. She must have been around 12, cuz I could see little bumps on her chest where there would soon be a pair of breasts. This was when I got to thinking a blowjob from a child might be worth a thousand dollars.

I finished up the transaction at the pumps, then went back into the repair shop.

“I have a proposition for you Brenda, let’s step back into my office.” I told her. Once we were back in the office and the door was closed I looked at her and said, “while I’m sure you give a good blowjob, it just isn’t worth $1,000 to me, no matter how many you give me.” I told her. Immediately the disappointment in her face was obvious.

“But I’ll tell you what, if your daughter gives me a few blowjobs, then I might be willing to pay for your repair.” I said to her, looking at her closely to see what her reaction would be.

I expected of the freak out and call me a pervert. But she sat there, looking down at the floor for a few minutes.

“But, she’s only 11 years old. She’s a child.” She said, still looking down at the floor.

“That’s okay, she’s a girl. She’s going to suck a lot of dick during her lifetime. She should learn how to do it now, so she’s good at it. And how do you know she hasn’t done it already?” I said.

“I don’t know, she’s only a child. What if I let you do anything you want to me?” She pleaded.

“I appreciate the offer, but I would prefer your daughter.” I told her. “Let’s call her in the office and see what she thinks?”

Brenda didn’t reply, but she did get up, opened the door and called Blair in.

“Honey, the car needs a new fuel pump and some other stuff done to it, and it’s going to cost a lot of money. And I don’t have it. But this nice man said he’ll repair the car for free, but he wants you to do something for him.” Brenda explain to the little girl. Blair sat there, looking as innocent as a lamb going to slaughter, and I could feel myself getting hard.

“What mommy?” Blair asked her mother.

“He wants you to suck his penis.” Brenda whispered.

“What mommy?” The little girl asked, leaning forward. Finally Brenda looked up into her daughter’s face, and said “I’m so sorry honey, but I really need you to suck his penis so he’ll fix the car for us.” Brenda said in a dejected voice.

“But I don’t know how.” The little girl replied.

“That’s OK, I can tell you how.” Brenda told her young daughter.

“Okay mommy, I’ll try.” The little girl said.

Now my cock was fully hard. I couldn’t wait to see and feel this little girl’s lips wrapped around the head.

“Let’s go to my trailer, we’ll have more privacy and be more comfortable.” I said as I stood up. The tent in my pants was obvious, and both Blair and Brenda noticed it. I made no attempt to hide it, as I opened the door and started to walk out. Little Tony was sitting there in one of the chairs in the lobby, and looked up as we came out.

“Honey, we need to do something and we’ll be right back. You wait here okay?” Brenda told the little boy.

“No, he can’t. I’m going to lock up the shop and he can’t stay in here by himself.” I said. Actually, I wanted him to watch his sister suck my cock. Plus I just had an idea, Brenda was gonna teach her daughter how to suck a cock by watching her mom suck her brothers. This was going to be intense, getting a blowjob from an underage child, while her mother sucked her underage brother’s cock right next to me.

I put up the closed sign and locked up the shop, then we went around back to my trailer. We went inside, and I turned on some lights and told them to have a seat on the sofa.

I sat down on a chair opposite them, and said, “I had an idea as we were walking over here. Instead of telling Blair how to suck a cock, I want you to show her.” I said to Brenda.

“You mean you want her to watch me suck you?” She asked, eyebrows arched in surprise.

“No, I want you to let her watch you suck Tony’s cock.” I said to Brenda, smiling. “That way as she’s watching you, she can copy what you’re doing on me.”

“Oh my God! But he’s only 10. I can’t do that.” she exclaimed.

“Okay, no problem. Let me go push your car out onto the street because you can’t leave it on my lot.” I told her.

That’s when she realized she was between a rock and a hard place. She could either molest her boy, while I watched and molested her daughter, or they can go sleep in their car indefinitely.

She sat there, totally dejected thinking. After about 10 minutes, she looked up at her children and said “I am so sorry about this, but if we don’t do it, who knows how long we’ll be stuck here.”

“What mommy, what are you talking about?” Little Tony asked. He was the only one that didn’t know what was going on yet, but he was about to find out.

“This nice man agreed to fix our car for free, but we have to make him feel good.” Brenda told her little boy.

“What do you mean, make him feel good?” The child asked.

“Well, he wants Blair to suck his penis.” She told him.

“Ew, really? Why?” He asked, completely confused.

“I think it’s time me and Tony get naked, what do you say?” I said, as I got up and started unbuckling my belt.

“Okay kids, we have to take our clothes off.” Brenda said, as she began unbuttoning her blouse. The two children sat there for a minute, eyebrows arched in surprise, watching their mommy and me disrobe.

“Actually, no. I want you and Blair to stay fully dressed for our first blowjob.” I said.

Brenda started to button her shirt back up, and said to Tony, “okay honey, take your clothes off.

By now my pants were down around my ankles, and I was taking my shirt off. I still had my underwear on, which were tenting out the front. Blair’s eyes were locked on the front of my underwear. Brenda was watching Tony disrobe.

Tony and I stood there, in our underwear facing each other. “Okay, on the count of three push down your underwear.” I said. Then I counted to three. We both pushed our underwear down past our knees and stood back up. My cock was harder than I’d ever remembered it being. It curved upward toward the ceiling.

I looked at Tony and and saw he was flaccid. Of course, the boy had no idea what was in store for him. He was staring at my cock and asked, “Why is it sticking up like that?”

“It’s called a boner.” I told the boy, as I took my cock between my thumb and fingers and gave it a couple of strokes. I don’t have a big cock, fully hard I’m just under 5″. But I get really really hard.

“How come mine doesn’t do that?” The little boy asked.

“It will, your mom’s going to make it big and hard now.” I told the little boy. He looked very confused, and that’s when Brenda spoke up.

“I can’t let my little boy watch me do this. I want you to wear a blindfold honey.” Brenda told her little boy.

“How come mommy?” The little boy asked.

“Because, mommy’s ashamed of what she has to do and she doesn’t want you to see her do it.” Brenda tried explaining to her child.

“I’ll go get one.” I said as I walked back to the bedroom to find something to blindfold the boy with. I couldn’t find anything, but I did have a pillow case. I brought that out and suggested we use that. Brenda took the pillowcase and put it over her son’s head, and then guided him over to the sofa to sit down. I sat down next to him and then Brenda and Blair each got on their knees in front of us.

“Okay honey, watch what Mommy does and you do the same thing to Brad’s penis, okay?” She instructed her daughter.

“Okay Mommy.” The little girl replied.

Brenda took Tony’s cock between her thumb and finger and gently began stroking it.

“Oh mommy, what are you doing?” Little Tony asked.

“Just relax honey, and let Mommy do this for you. You’ll like it.” She told her little boy. At the same time, Blair reached out and took my cock between her thumb and finger. She began to stroke me just like her mother was stroking her brother. After a few minutes, the little boy started to get hard.

“Oh, that feels good mommy.” The little boy said as he started to get his first boner. It didn’t take long at all before he was hard as a little nail. Although, he wasn’t that little. In fact, he was a good inch longer than me, but mine was thicker.

“Okay, now watch what I do honey.” Brenda said to her little girl as she leaned forward and licked the head of Tony’s cock.

“Oh, mommy. I like that. It feels good.” Little Tony said, having no idea what was making him feel so good.

“Mmmmm, I know baby.” Brenda mumbled around her son’s hard cock.

This whole time Blair was mimicking her mom, licking my cock, getting it all wet. Then when her mom opened her mouth and engulfed her brother’s cock, she did the same to me.

Tony sucked in his breath, and held it. Having no idea what that feeling was, but the intensity of it was more than he could handle. That’s when I reached over and pulled the pillowcase off of his head. He looked down and saw his mother had his cock in her mouth, and that was the wonderful sensation he was feeling.

What I was witnessing, was not a mother being forced to molest her son against her will. Brenda was into sucking his cock. I could tell. She was letting out little moans while she was sucking it.

But what Blair was doing to my cock, had my full attention now. This girl was a natural, I didn’t feel teeth even once. She took me all the way down to the root. Right at that point, I couldn’t take anymore and, holding on to Blair’s head, I started to cum in her mouth.

“Swallow it honey, it’ll make your titties grow big.” I told her as I continued to ejaculate in her young mouth.

The child started swallowing, and I kept ejaculating. After a couple of seconds, my cock stopped pumping cum into the little girl’s mouth, and I just let her nurse on it while it got soft.

About 30 seconds later, Tony cried out, “stop mommy stop. I have to pee.”

The only reply from Brenda, was “mmmmm.” As she kept sucking her little boy’s cock. Suddenly Tony’s hips shot up, and he grabbed the back of his mom’s head, holding her in place while his cock throbbed inside her mouth. He was too young to ejaculate, but not too young to have his first orgasm in his mother’s mouth.

A few seconds later, he was pushing her head away saying it tickled. She reluctantly let his cock slip from her mouth as she sat back up.

She wiped her mouth with the back of her hand, but kept staring at her son’s cock. He was still hard, but now he was wet with her saliva. Youth. I wish I could still stay hard after having my cock sucked.

“You enjoyed that didn’t you Brenda?” I asked her, smiling. Even though she was black, I could tell she was blushing. She wouldn’t answer me, and wouldn’t look me in the eye either. Yeah, she liked it.

“Why don’t you folks relax a little bit, help yourself to a soft drink. I have some in the refrigerator. I’ll go back to the office and order the part for your car.” I told them as I started to get dressed.

“Do you think you’ll be able to give us a ride to a motel?” Brenda asked me.

“Well, I ear thinking, since we’re going to be doing this a lot, why don’t you just stay here? I have an extra bedroom.” I offered. “Plus it’ll save you money on a motel room.”

“Okay, thank you.” Brenda quickly accepted. I knew she didn’t have the money for a motel, so I had a pretty good idea she would accept. Plus I wanted access that little sweet young pussy. I was going to fuck her.

In part two, Brenda is going to realize she really enjoys having sex with her young son. She loves feeling his cock pound into her ass. Brad gets a surprise too, that he never saw coming.

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By John Carter
#Exhibitionist #Mature #Tween #Voyeur

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