The Change in My Life Gay Male

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At 30 years of age I never saw the change in my life coming until it came. I had been married to Julie for five years. We started out as a couple three years before we got married. I had met Julie Wilson (maiden name) in college at a frat party.

Having just attended an early season baseball game, Julie and I came to a neighborhood tavern for a bite and a beer. We had finished our meal and were on our way out when I spotted Darren.

Darren Lockwood, a 5 9 blond with blue eyes, was an openly gay saxophone player in the West Sayville high school band.

We hung out in different cliques back in the day mainly because I didn’t want to be seen as gay, not that I had anything against him. Besides that, we didn’t seem to have any common interests.

A few steps beyond the entrance Darren and I stopped to greet one another in the parking lot and engage in chit chat.

He had turned out to be an electrical engineer educated at Syracuse University. He was single, having recently broken up with his boyfriend.

My wife stood by quietly as Darren and I chatted, although I did introduce her.

Later that night as I lay next to my wife in bed sleep eluded me for much of the night. My mind drifted back to high school times, playing baseball, old friends and mischief. Darren and I rarely crossed paths. My friends had been the jocks. He probably hung out with the band members.

Suddenly as I stared at the ceiling well after midnight something was stirring deep inside my soul. Whatever that was it would make me want to find Darren.

Mid morning on Sunday saw me sitting in front of my lap top on the dining table. Julie was chatting across the boundary with our neighbor and friend Elaine West while I did an address search for Darren’s contact information. Was this just friendship or something much more?

He turned out to be living at an address not far away from me.

I found the contact information quickly so I placed a call.

A voice answered after two rings.

“Darren Lockwood,” I asked.

“This is he.”

Steve Tench. We met yesterday afternoon outside Burke’s Tavern.”

“Steve from West Saville how are you?”

“I’m well. Let’s chat and get to know each other better.”

“I’d like that.”

For the next few minutes we chatted about high school experience and people we knew including teachers. I heard one surprising tidbit.

“Alan Kenner is my cousin.”

My then best friend and I were seen as being “joined at the hip”

“Realy, small world,” I exclaimed.

“So true,” he replied.

“We still get together occasionally. He moved to North Carolina.”

“Yes I know that,” said Darren.

Minutes later Julia came onto the deck while Darren and I were still chatting.

“Hey I have to do some errands I’ll call you back,” I said.

“OK,” he said in a cheerful tone.

Somewhere deep in my soul I knew that this was more than friendship. A man had come into my life and I wanted to see where this encounter would go.

Julie plays Bridge with the girls on Wednesday night thus leaving me by myself. This night I had no intention of being alone in the house.

The apartment building towered over the main road. I found parking in the spacious lot and walked quickly toward the main entrance.

From there I sent a text.

“I’m outside. I wanted to visit.”

Seconds later a text came. “I’ll be right down.”

Darren’s apartment was furnished with an interesting antique white OKD Farmhouse coffee table with sliding doors in front of a matching sofa. He also had a potted plant in one corner.

“Do you care for a beer?”

“Love one,” I replied.

He returned seconds later with two mugs of Alagash which he set onto the table then settled next to me.

“You caught me at a good time. I travel a lot for work. I’m gone for weeks at a time.”

“I’m glad you’re home. When is your next road trip?”

“I’m leaving for Indianapolis Monday.”

“Sounds exciting,” I said.

I wanted to know what happened with his X boyfriend. Was it a bad break up? Was Darren away from home too much?

His fingers brushed my knee as I gulped the last inch of brew.

We had chatted about everything and nothing. A minute after that first touch he touched my knee again.

The next few days until Darren left saw me making visits to his apartment. We chatted about different topics: jazz music, our jobs, our friends, tv shows, actors, college days, incidents in the neighborhood, sports.

Before leaving town he would tell his .

“It was a bad break up ten months ago. He cheated. I tested negative but I didn’t want any more of his crap.”

“Did you actually catch him cheating?”

Darren nodded then gave an answer. “They were in our bedroom.”

Over the next month I would pretend for the sake of my marriage that Darren meant nothing. Deep inside my soul, however, I knew that I wanted him.

A reasonably warm Sunday afternoon early May saw Julie and me walking along a vacant Long Island beach. A mild breeze was blowing. I gazed at Fire Island a few miles across the bay. The site of the popular resort filled my head with images of having Darren as a boyfriend.

My phone dinged in my pocket alerting me to a text message.

It read, “I’m back home and I missed you.”

Julie remained obvious to the message from Darren. Having decided to reply much later, I returned my phone to my jeans pocket.

The old adage ‘absence makes the heart grow fonder’ was never more accurate than at that moment. I could not reply to the text while my wife was there with me but I would reply at the first opportunity.

Wednesday came around again. Julie was playing Bridge with the girls. I left the house minutes after she left.

Darren’s lips touched my lips, his arms draped over my shoulders. My hands found his waist as I poured all the pent up emotions into the deep kiss.

We dashed to his bedroom leaving a trail of clothes in our wake. As I watched him pull the condom onto his large cock I rubbed myself in anticipation. The sensation of his body against mine as we spooned sent a wave of pleasure over me that I had not experienced in a very long time. I moaned softly encouraging him.

It was over within minutes, my ejaculate leaving a wet spot on the bed.

I spoke softly while lying next to him. “I hate to run but I really have to get home, preferably before Julie.”

Darren watched as I dressed hurriedly. There was a look of disappointment in his eyes.

Much later that night I was home expecting my wife within minutes. I would ask her how the Bridge game went. For the time being my ual escapade with Darren would remain my secret. My face would give nothing away.

Julie came inside via the front door, set her pocketbook down on the dining table and joined me in the living room.

“Did you win?”

My interest was genuine.

“Yah but we don’t play for money. We just like to get together and engage in girl talk, a few laughs and play cards.”

“Why not poker,” I asked.

Julie grinned. “Give me twenty bucks,” she teased.

“So you can lose my money,” I teased.

“Yup,” she replied nodding.

Our playful banter got interrupted by a text.

“Come out to your wife so we can be together.”

Text messages passed between us for the next few days. A message on Sunday night made me feel alone again.

“Going away on business. Expect to be gone for 3 weeks, maybe more.”

“Who was that,” Julia asked.

I need to give her something lest she keep asking.

“A friend,” I replied.

“Do I know him?”

”You do,” I replied.

She dropped the subject. Relief washed cover me.

I can’t tell my wife that I’m gay.

Wednesday at 6 30 after clearing the dinner table Julie left the house to play Bridge. Darren was in Texas. Thoughts of him crept into my consciousness. As the thoughts turned into ual fantasy I sauntered into the bedroom and shed my clothes.

Lying face up and naked on the bed I began to rub the organ slowly for a few seconds then faster.

I want you Darren. I want your dick inside me.

Suddenly cum squirted landing between my pecs. More squirted landing on my right rib cage.

Satisfied, I released my organ and slid my finger through the streaks of fluid.
