The Beast Within NonHuman

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Gemma Robinson jumped out her car and run into the office. She works as a park ranger and is a zoologist who specialises in canines. She had been called out because a wolf pack she had been studying in a nature reserve nearby have been encroaching from their usual territory onto the trails and campsites used by tourists, which the local tourist board definitely do not want.

Gemma saw her boss, Tony, waiting just inside. She looked up nonchalantly and smiled.

“Hey, Gemma. You heard about your pack being naughty?”

Gemma laughed “Yep, those bad boys. I’ll bop their noses with a rolled up newspaper.”

Tony smiled at the thought, “Could you just go up and maybe fire off a few shots, set a few nets and scare them back?”

“No problem,” Gemma replied. “It’s mating season and I want to make some observations anyway.”

“Oh, cool.” Tony nodded. “Someone told me they mate for life you know, in fact, I think it was you.”

Gemma rolled her eyes, aware she had told Tony this loads of times.

“Mark is going to be nearby as well. He’s doing a survey on the ages of our trees.” Tony informed her.

“Cool,” Gemma replied. Mark was a nice enough guy but was a bit too trigger happy in her opinion, especially when the wolves were involved.

As Gemma turned to leave, Tony shouted “Oh, and watch out the the wolf man.”

Gemma groaned to herself. The wolf man was a local legend who apparently lived in the woods near the wolf pack, but Gemma had never seen any sign of him. If he was out there, she would certainly have seen him herself by now, but that didn’t stop rumours that he was in the area again. There had been a few more “sightings” recently and the rangers didn’t mind as the legend bought in more tourists.

Gemma jumped back in her car, camp supplies and tent already packed just in case. She loved camping out in the forest, alone with nature and observing the wolves from a distance. She was a tall girl with long, straight brown hair but was curvy in all the right places, although only a select few men had seen those curves in all their glory. She usually wore short green hiking shorts that hugged and showed off her butt, as well as a tight grey polo shirt that couldn’t get caught on overhanging branches.

It was mid autumn, still warm enough to not need a coat but the days were getting shorter and the animals in the forest were preparing for hibernation or winter. Gemma loved this time of year as there were fewer tourists doing silly things like going hiking without a map and she could concentrate on observing her wolf pack.

Driving out of town and into the forest car park immediately made her smile. She was in her happy place and looked forward to spending the night under the stars with no stresses or distractions. The first thing that always hit her was the smell of the forest, a fresh, pine scent that felt to her like home, picking her up and setting her on a cloud of relaxed bliss.

The drive was only around 20 minutes, just long enough for her wolf playlist (hungry like the wolf, leader of the pack etc) and the sun was sitting low in the sky, just above the trees as she arrived and unloaded her rucksack and tent, ready to hike down to the lake. After a brief hesitation, she also picked up her gun. She hated using it, but the noise was an effective way to keep the wolves away from camps or becoming curious about people. Feeling happy and contented, she set off.

Gemma reached her usual camping spot by the lake by late evening. She couldn’t put her finger on it but there was something odd around the forest. As she was walking, certain areas would go completely silent. No birds (who normally would be screaming out mating calls this time of year), no small animals scurrying around looking for food and there was a strange sensation she was being watched.

“Hello?” She called out but, as expected, the was no reply.

As quickly as it appeared, the feeling passed and she spent the rest of the evening setting up camp and briefly observing the pack from a high ridge, where they wouldn’t see, or perhaps more importantly, smell her presence. They were a little close to the walking trails for her liking, but they seemed to be content to stay where they were and the lack of campers nearby meant the risk of them accidentally encountering people was very minimal.

There were two young adult wolves, a male and a female, in their first breeding season. Gemma watched as the male approached his quarry lying on the floor a little away from the pack. He licked her snout and sniffed at her face, fur and then moving to her hind area. Gemma couldn’t hear but knew from years of experience the female would be whining gently, a signal to him that she wanted him as much as he wanted her. The male licked gently at the female’s rear, her tail up and ready to recieve his seed as he positioned himself over her, bending his back legs and sliding so his erect penis gently entered her, their first ual experience shared together as he begun pumping away, reacting to the call of nature to mate.

As Gemma watched, she thought about one of her own fantasies, here in the forest. Since she heard the wolfman , she had imagined what it would be like, but also enjoyed fantasising about what it would be like to be screwed by it, a Primal beast taking her as his bitch and taking out all his beastly ual urges on her. Her reverie was interrupted by the mating couple letting out a small howl together, signalling their pleasure as her shot his cum into her and crying out to the forest.

She noticed that, normally, in mating season, there would be the odd scuffle between young males, trying to establish dominance for mating rights, but there was none of that today. They appeared to almost be waiting for something, the alpha keeping watch on an area deeper into the forest. She made a note of it, as well as noting when the new mating female may have puppies and headed back to camp, as the sun started to drop towards the horizon.

This is what she came here for. The sunset was almost perfect, the sky filled with orange and red hues, the water shimmering a goodnight wave to the sun and a slow cessation of the chittering from woodland critters, leaving Gemma totally at peace as darkness fell. She went into her tent and took her clothes off, ready to for bed. Gemma loved to sleep naked in the forest, as it made her feel closer to nature, her body unsullied by human clothes and, if she was certain no one was around, she would sometimes walk around her camp naked, the breeze bringing a slight chill up from the lake that gave her goosebumps in a good way and the feel of leaves brushing against her bare body always turned her on.

Staying in her tent, as she knew Mark might be nearby checking on campers, Gemma’s thoughts went back to the young wolf lovers and slowly turned to her fantasy of the wolf man. She pictured a large, furry creature, more wolf than man but standing on two legs, arm and leg muscles bulging like it’s penis, hard and pointing at her, as if it were choosing her. She imagined it would approach her, striding confidently over the forest bracken, sniffing at her and snarling gently and licking at her neck the same way the male wolf had to his female earlier.

The thought of this made her so hot, without realising she was playing with her own nipples, tweaking them into attention and imagining the beasts hands on them, gripping as she bent over, ready to be fucked. She reached over to her backpack, pulling her vibrator from a side pocket, switching it on and lying back, imagining herself being dominated by this alpha beast, grabbed and used as a breeding bitch, his big cock brushing against her vagina as she placed the vibrator against her opening. She imagined submitting to him, as he tore her clothes off with fangs and claws, allowing him to take her as her fingers brushed over her clitoris, her pussy damp ready for the imaginary cock she was taking. She imagined its hot breath on her skin, smelling like raw meat from an earlier meal and imagined the wolfman wrapping his arms around her, covering her in a blanket of ual desire and anticipation. It would bend her over and, as she heard the growl and felt the hands and claws grabbing her hips, it would penetrate her, hard and strong.

Gemma imagined talking to it as it screwed her, encouraging and praising it as it pumped her hard, it’s hips banging against hers, thrusting in deeper and deeper, snarling and growling as all its animal urges were fulfilled. As the vibe did a fantastic job of pretending to be the wolfman’s cock, starting to make her cum, she moaned loudly, balancing on the edge and just waiting to be pushed over the point of orgasm.

“That’s it, good boy,” Gemma encouraged her imaginary beast.

Suddenly, there was a loud, rustling and commotion outside. Startled, Gemma dropped her vibe and jumped out of the tent to see what was happening. The first thing she saw, the only thing that framed all her attention were the three wolves, the hunters of the pack, less than ten feet away from her. She froze in fear as the wolves lowered their heads and bared their teeth at her, snarling and growling, both her and they recognising the primal relationship of prey and hunter and millenia of ancestry telling them how to react.

Gemma couldn’t move, her body paralysed by the terror of the thought of these wolves, jumping at her, tearing her apart. Too late she realised she had left her gun in the tent and would never be able to reach it before they lept upon her. She managed to smile wryly at the irony that she was about to die at the paws and teeth of the creatures she had spent her life protecting, watching their leg muscles bunch as they prepared to jump on her. She then closed her eyes, ready for them to pounce.

She opened them again when the snarling stopped. The wolves were backing away, whimpering and, as they reached the edge of camp, they ran in terror. As she stood wondering why death by claws and teeth hadn’t arrived but being very thankful that it hadn’t, she felt the hot breath on the back of her neck. She spun around and there in front of her he stood. The Wolfman.

Gemma froze again, disbelief and fear gripping her simultaneously. The beast was slightly taller than her with brown fur covering its whole body, a wolf’s face but human hands, body and feet, the blue eyes of carnivore staring into her soul. It sniffed at her, licking it’s lips. Gemma momentarily thought she had gone from the frying pan into the fire and, rather than being rescued from the wolfpack, the beasts curiosity had earned her a stay of execution.

As beads of sweat rolled down her shoulders, the beast, sniffed at her again, leaning towards her so it’s snout touched her face. It licked the sweat off her shoulder, tasting her body. It sniffed and licked at her, her lilac perfume clearly intoxicating him. He sniffed and licked at her entire body, dropping down to all fours to smell her feet and legs, before moving up and stopping dead as it smelled her still excited vagina from her earlier fantasy, while adrenaline and relief coursed through Gemma’s brain.

The beast panted noisily as is stood up, sniffing deeply as it smelled Gemma’s ual arousal. Gemma was surprised to see a cock starting to poke out of its fur, human looking like its other appendages and becoming erect as it took in the sight of her naked form and the smell of her excitement. Curiosity overtook as she lifted a hand, touching the beasts chest. It’s fur was course but short and underneath, she could feel the bunched muscles tensed at her touch. It licked her neck again and Gemma breathed deeply, her other hand touching its stomach and running downwards, exploring its frame.

The beast lowered itself again, licking down Gemma’s naked body, over her breasts, her ribs, her sides and her hips until it got between her legs, where it flicked its tongue, tasting her sweet juices from her her earlier fantasy about this very moment. Gemma sighed, putting her hand on the beasts head and opening her legs, guiding it where she wanted.

Just as its tongue slipped onto her vagina, gently rolling against it, a gunshot rang out across the forest. The beast jumped up and ran off quickly and Gemma, extremely frustrated and disappointed, dashed back into her tent. After a minute or two, she heard movement outside.

“Hello, is everyone here OK?” Mark called out.

“Hey Mark, it’s Gemma.” She called back from inside the tent. “Was that you firing a shot just now?”

“Yeah, I saw some wolves a little way from this tent so fired a shot to scare them away.” he explained.

“Cool, good job. I’ll see you back at the office tomorrow.” she acknowledged.

She waited for a moment, listening to him walk away through the trees and hoping to hear the wolfman return, but the forest stayed silent. She lay in bed, staring at the tent pole above her, still wired and unable to sleep. She could feel the beasts saliva still on her skin, smelling the metallic blood smell from it’s breath and could feel her body calling out to it, begging for it to finish what it started. Her nipples were still hard as bullets while her mind raced. The wolfman legend was real. What did this mean? How long had it been here? Should she even tell anyone? Slowly, her eyes drooped and closed, her dreams filled with the wolfman taking her every which way possible, an apex predator taking his bitch until he was completely satisfied.

Gemma awoke early, just as the warmth of the sun rise hit the tent and birds above chirped their morning song. She was drenched in sweat, her vivid dreams causing her to thrash and roll around all night long. She was also incredibly horny, her dream beastman exciting her to the point that even her vibrator didn’t seem like it could sate her. She opened her tent, breathing deep in the forest that begun to rise from its slumber and stepped out into the dawn light. She desperately needed something to clear off this sweat and the smell of the beastman that excited her everytime a whiff hit her nostrils again. The lake was just past the treeline and this part would be empty, especially this early, so she headed down there for a bathe.

The water was crystal clear and still, the lake itself seemed to be still asleep. She entered the water, cold but not uncomfortably so, refreshing her and washing away the smells of the night as she floated gently, water flowing between her cleavage. The only sound was the gentle swirling of the water and an audience of nearby birds. The beastman entered her thoughts again and she wondered if it had been a dream. She resolved to try and find it again today, hoping the gunshot hadn’t scared it off too much.

Gemma floated back to the lake edge and stood up, water cascading off her gorgeous body like a siren calling sailors to their doom. She walked back towards the treeline and saw it. The wolfman was stood in the trees, watching her. Instantly her heart skipped and her body got just as excited as it was last night, her nipples already erect from the cold water pointing at the object of her desires. She slowly walked towards the beast, drips of water trailing a path behind her until she was within arms reach. She put her hands on the beasts chest, running her fingers through it’s fur as it sniffed at her, licking water droplets lingering on her skin to taste her again.

The creature could taste and smell her excitement, it’s cock starting to swell in response and it’s animal instincts took over. His top lip curled, showing teeth and growled as it grabbed her hands, lifting them above her head and pushing her backwards to pin them, and her body, against a tree. Gemma gasped at his power, he had a grip on her wrists that she couldn’t escape and he sniffed at her face again, moving down to her neck and licking the remaining water drips off her. Gemma sighed deeply, leaning back against the tree and pushing her breasts upwards as the beast licked them, it’s fangs brushing her nipples sending them into sensory overdrive as she stayed pinned, totally under the beasts control.

The creature run his rough but wonderful tongue over her body again, letting go of her hands as it dropped to its knees, sniffing and snorting at her body until it got to her already damp pussy. The tongue flicked between her legs, eliciting a longing moan from Gemma as the beast tasted her sweet nectar again. She cried out lightly as the beasts tongue entered her, the folds of her vagina welcoming it in like a long lost lover. The beast lapped at her pussy, stretching its tongue as deep as it could go inside her, Gemma shivering with anticipation as a canine tooth brushed against her clitoris, making her knees shake.

The beast finished its licking, standing again. Gemma slowly turned around, bracing her hands against the tree and bending over, presenting her pussy to the beast, ready and willing to be taken. She whined, mimicking a wolf bitch begging the alpha to breed her and heard the growl in response. She felt the hands and claws grab her hips, felt the creature’s cock rest against her soaking wet mound and felt the penetration as she pushed back against his dick, sliding it into her easily.

Gemma gasped as the beast started to thrust its cock in and out, panting while the thrusting got quicker and more frenzied, the claws digging in her butt a little as the creature took his bitch, the pain acting as a wonderful accompaniment to the pleasure that she was getting from the beast driving it’s cock into her, filling her pussy completely and panting into her ear.

“Oh, fuck yeah!” Gemma moaned.

The beast growled at her so she begun whining again, imitating pleasure noises a female wolf would make, encouraging him to keep going. She thrust her hips back faster, matching his increasing pace as they reacted to their natural urges. The beast pulled her hips back with his hands, driving himself deeper, then leaned his weight on the back, licking her neck and pushing her down onto her hands and knees, forcing her into a submissive pose but still her hard, doggie style. She felt the beast drool onto her back, its full attention on the grip of her pussy on his cock.

The beast grabbed Gemma’s arms, holding them behind her back and using them for leverage to pump harder. She lay her face on the floor with her butt in the air, staring at the rays of light between the trees, submitting totally and feeling powerless as the beast forced himself in her again, her wrists trapped on the small of her back.

Gemma screwed her eyes shut, anything she could see only providing distraction from what was happening behind her, the beast slamming his hips into hers, her butt cheeks clapping against his stomach muscles as he used all his power to reach places no human had ever reached inside Gemma. She felt her pussy grip around his penis, trying to hold it in as her orgasm built and forced her body convulse. The wolfman was too powerful though, and still managed to fuck her faster, tipping her over the edge. She felt the desperate surges from him as his pleasure built and, as he pushed her to the point of ectasy, she screamed uncontrollably. The primal scream was too much for the beast and, as Gemma’s scream echoed through the trees, the beast spurted his cum into her, pumping every drop he had up inside her pussy, howling out as he did so, their cries announcing their simultaneous pleasure to the world.

Gemma collapsed flat onto the floor, convulsing from her continuing orgasm and could do nothing as the beast licked her face, then ran off through the trees. The sun beamed down on her naked body, reinvigorating her as perspiration from both her and the beast beaded on her back. After a length of time, how long she had absolutely no idea, Gemma managed to pull herself back to her tent. She lay in post coital bliss, drifting in and out of sleep until early afternoon, when she got dressed and packed up her camp, ready to go home.
