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#Exhibitionist #Teen #Virgin
By OceanWide
A normal salary man suddenly discovers the illicit side of business through a rich adolescent and shows her true pleasure.
It was a slow day at work. I’ll spare you the details, but once we finish all the projects for a year, we have to wait for new contracts to pour in. Of course, we still have to show up to the office even when there’s no work to do. Most people hang around and chat; there are a few card games going around that type of thing. A few folks still pretend to do work so they can look down on the rest of us, but we all know it doesn’t matter.
I’m having lunch at my desk when a work friend stops by from finances.
“guess what I found,” he says, a slightly devious look in his eyes.
I put my sandwich down. This guy is the worst gossip of our gender, let me tell you. he could be telling me the king of China is paying us a personal visit or that the price of tea went up a couple of cents. There was no way to know without asking. So ask, I did. “what?”
He slips into the cubicle, glancing around nervously before leaning in to whisper.
“While reviewing the usual credit card approvals, I noticed something weird. Our boss has been charging a lot for ‘business meetings’ at this spa nearby. I thought it was odd, so I checked it out.”
I raise an eyebrow as he continues.
“Turns out, the place’s big draw is this huge bathhouse. And get this—it’s mixed-gender bathing! All ages, too. I thought about trying it out, but my wife would definitely kill me if she found out.”
He chuckled awkwardly.
“Anyway, it’s called Special Spa on 101 Big Hill Road. It’s on your way home, right? Go check it out and report back. You can use the company credit card, too,” he said with a downright lecherous look. He handed me a company credit card, gave me a wink, and left me alone with my sandwich.
It was a long way from lunch to the end of the workday, but I kept thinking about that bathhouse. I’d never really done anything like that. I always thought I was attractive enough to hang around anyone, and I guess tonight would be the actual test. In all honesty, public nudity had always been a big turn-on for me; I’d thought about getting into nudism a lot, but with my daughters, that was a more awkward proposition than it was worth. So, for now, it lay within the realms of fantasies. Until tonight, that is.
5:00 p.m. finally came around, and I was the first one to the clock and the first one out of the building. I don’t think anyone could blame me.
I pulled into the ‘Special Spa’ parking lot and looked around. It was a huge, modern-looking building. The parking lot was quite crowded, considering it was just after 5:00 pm. I circled the parking lot for a little and noticed lots of people were leaving the building. Lucky for me. I found a parking spot and headed inside. I spoke to a pretty receptionist dressed in typical business attire. It was 250 dollars for 30 minutes of bathing, 700 for the whole day, and the weekly passes started at 1500 dollars. It took all that I had to do not pop my eyes out at the prices. I decided to do the whole day; since it was just past 5:00 and they closed at 10:00, I had almost 5 hours of peepage. And, of course, the investigation into my boss for the company.
“so people come here for business meetings often?” I asked curiously to the receptionist.
She shrugs. “I don’t ask people their business, but if I had to guess, I’d say yes,” she says with a polite smile.
Interesting, I thought. Perhaps it wasn’t embezzlement then. I headed inside the lockers, stripped down, and took a towel. I put my belongings in a locker and looked at my naked body in the mirror. I’d heard my entire life I was pretty attractive. I was well muscled but not roided out. I had a decent head of hair despite being north of 40 now. Though most guessed my age was 30 max., my cock was above average but not massive at 7 inches. I was tall, too, at 6’3. I was usually the go-to for presenting things at work; my coworkers said I projected confidence.
I sighed, wrapped the towel around my waist, and entered the bath chamber.
Immediately, the smells of bath salts, soaps, and warm water wafted over me. The structure was impressive, with a main bath in the middle that was probably the size of an Olympic swimming pool. The main bath was steaming; smaller baths littered around it, some of which looked cool and some like regular hot tubs. Pool chairs littered around the tiled floor and ornate columns held up a glass ceiling through which we could all see the setting sun.
Then there were the people. There was about an even mix between the genders, all in full nudity getting in and out of the baths, chatting with each other. Casual physical contact was rampant, and I’m sure if I looked closely, there were all sorts of sexual goings-on just beneath the water. There was one major discrepancy between the genders; the men skewed older. I could probably count the number of men younger than me, and the women skewed younger on two hands. So, younger, you couldn’t really call them women; they were mostly girls. I could similarly count the number of women older than me on two hands.
Some of these girls looked really young, though. It seemed the exodus had continued inside, and many people had recently exited the bath. My eyes were drawn to a large group of girls, perhaps 13 years of age, the same age as my oldest daughter; they were leaving the bath and joking with each other. Honest to god, I would never look at a child that way purposefully. But instinctively, my eyes scrupulously devoured the image of their nubile legs, budding breasts, and virgin pussies. I sat on one of the pool chairs and took my towel off. My cock sprung to life, and I had to ignore it lest I be kicked out of the place already. The group of girls passed me, giggling and whispering. Some depraved part of me hoped they were talking about me, my cock, my body, anything. But I knew from experience with my daughter and her friends they were probably talking about some boy in school or perhaps whatever new meme or game was going around.
They gave me quite fantastic views of thier incredible asses as they disappeared into the locker area. I sighed and looked at where they had gotten up from. To my surprise, I thought I recognized the lone girl they left behind. She beat me in the recognition game, however.
“Mister Alex?” her voice rang clearly in my ears despite the cacophony of sounds in the bathhouse. I figure that’s as close to an invitation as I’ll get. I get off of my chair and walk over, suppressing my self-consciousness about my nudity. As I approached, there was something of a nasty look on her face, but glad to see someone familiar, I promptly ignored it.
The source of the voice and the invitation was a girl named Addison. Her friends and I called her ‘Addy.’ She was a childhood friend of my daughter’s, owing to us living in the same neighborhood during the summer months. During the school year, her nanny had said she goes to an elite public school on the Northeast Coast, so seeing her in town during the school months was peculiar.
But I recognized her nonetheless. The mansion down the street she owned had a pool, so my daughters often went over to play in the summer months. Occasionally, I would come over to supervise, but it was an awkward place. Addy had servants, and as a guest, they treated me well. It was a glimpse into some privilege I’d never had before. It was uncomfortable, and my girls usually made their way there without me.
I’d seen Addy’s body before, scantily clad in a wet bathing suit, but I much preferred this view, which was obscured only by water and waning bubbles.
Silently, I settled into the bath beside her, the warm water washing away a day’s worth of grime. I can’t help but let a smile tug at my lips. I turned to her and took in her body, distorted as it was underneath the water.
“So what are you doing here, Addy?” I ask her
She puffed her cheeks out in a way that signaled she was annoyed. It was a charming display. “That’s my line, mister Alex! Did you get a pay raise or something? I didn’t think you could afford the entry fee to bathe here.”
I smiled vaguely, not intending to disclose my financial status to her.
She continued after only a brief pause to catch her breath. “Seriously, if they’re running specials or any of that crap, I’m gonna have to find somewhere else. This place is the biggest bathhouse for hundreds of miles, but there’s a decent clubhouse with one not too far from here. Or maybe I could build one for myself?” She furrowed her eyebrows, bringing her hand to her chin. “Whatever the point is, this place used to be way better,” she complained.
“Oh, don’t complain so much. I still paid full price. I might not be as rich as your parents, but I still have some spending money,” I told her, attempting to ease her attitude.
Instead, she shot me a suspicious eye. “First time here,” she stated more than asked. “Who even told you about this place? It’s kind of supposed to be for elites.”
I sighed, about to give up on the conversation.
“Of course, if your daughter asked, I’d tell her and pay for her to be here,” she said as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.
My mouth went dry. “W-well, I don’t know about bringing her here while I hang out here, too. I’m here at my boss’s invitation after all,” I said before I could think too hard about what I was saying. Small, little white lies shouldn’t hurt things too badly.
“That’s pretty shallow-minded of you,” she condescended to me. Bringing your daughter could help encourage people to network with you, and you’d do best to make use of the networking quickly before everyone who’s worth anything goes someplace else,” she said casually, rolling her wrist in the air. I mean, worst-case scenario, she can hang out with me.”
Suddenly, she sits up straight, bringing her budding breasts from beneath the water to just above it. She reaches behind her and suddenly jumps onto the tile surrounding the bath.
She was sitting with her legs crossed, so barring her pussy, her body was completely on display. Water and soap traveled down her body, and I wished I could be as close to that water as possible. Her budding breasts were small in the absolute sense, but her petite frame made them seem almost too big. I knew they’d fit nicely in my hands. Her skin was unblemished, a healthy pale white flushed red thanks to the hot bath and perhaps her attraction to me. I allowed myself to hope. Her pert nipples were certainly pink and looked erect. She bore no tan lines, and her entire body looked as soft as a pillow. She was a healthy thin in a way that only a body devoting all its excess resources to growing could be.
Her wet, white blonde hair stuck midway down her back, and her blue eyes pierced my soul. My eyes couldn’t decide where to focus: on her flat stomach and slim waist, or her budding breasts, or perhaps her cute face or her supple legs. I decided there was no wrong answer, and my eyes made rotations all over her body.
“I was just heading out for the night,” she explained. I’m here most weeknights for now.” She paused and looked down at me. “You should try to be less obvious. It’s unbecoming,” she said with a sympathetic smile.
I grin sheepishly. “Sorry, but you see now why I don’t want my daughters here, even if it’s for… networking.”
“It’s not so bad; nothing dangerous ever happens. You know I’d protect her, too,” she said and bit her lip in such a perfect way. She was obviously debating whether to tell me something or just tease me.
“If something ever does happen to us girls, we get compensated out the wazoo for it. If someone propositioned your daughter, it’d probably put you in the next tax bracket. Or three. This one girlie I brought got 20 grand all to herself for just a blowjob.” She gives me a grin. “You don’t technically need money either. Some folks like you just like playing rich. They bring their daughters and swap favors.” She pauses to gauge my reaction.
I honestly didn’t know how to react. Bringing my daughter here was scary, but it also had the potential to pay dividends. Literally. I didn’t like the idea of whoring her out, but I did like the idea of her getting money, getting a better job for me, and getting to ogle at the young girls. I bit my lip in thought.
“How long do you think it’d be before I had a shot with a high-class girl like you?” I ask with a slightly sardonic smile. “A month? Two months? Sooner?” I half mean it and half think it’s a way to buy time.
“you wish,” she said with a snort. “I do what I want when I want with whoever I want. I make more money here than most chumps will in a lifetime. Every time one of Daddy’s employees closes a deal here, I take a cut of the profits. I and my friends’ bodies loosen lips, purse strings, and brain cells.” she brags to me, looking up and puffing her beautiful chest out with pride. Then she looks down at me. “I could personally buy the company you work for right now with cash.” then she rested her back on the tile, lying down and looking up at the ceiling.
It honestly turned me on seeing her like this. So worked up, so commanding. Despite her net worth, it was adorable. Of course, her naked body helped my perception of her. It took everything I had to resist the urge to put a hand on my dick and begin stroking. Her barely pubescent body was more intoxicating than any drink. I took a deep breath.
“Impressive! But there’s more to a place like this than business, surely. hasn’t anyone shown you a good time before? given you real pleasure?” I asked in my most sultry voice. Every woman I’ve been with has said I’m a great lover, and I was willing to put that on the line to get as far as I could with Addy. most women compliment my voice too. I was laying on my charm as thick as I could, desperate for a shred of affection in return. I’d never been so infatuated in my life.
Addy shot me a nasty look, but an emotional reaction meant she was invested. I hoped so, at least. “nobody’s here for my pleasure. and I’m not here for anyone else’s. I’m here for me. and my body can’t be bought by anybody.” her eyes were suspicious, appropriately so. I could imagine my look hadn’t softened, and it wasn’t as if I could hide my arousal. “besides, I can give myself any pleasure I want without your help,” she stated confidently.
I did my best to hide my smirk. despite all her talk and wealthy upbringing, she was still a kid. Prone to childish bragging and self-confidence. She might’ve had all the business experience in the world, but when it came to sex, it seemed she had none. True sex, that is, not just showing off or masturbating. I’d found my opening, and I was going to press it.
I changed the position of my body. Being desired was arousing, which is basic human psychology. I turned my attention to her legs, I brushed some soap bubbles off of her shin. I was attentive but not intrusive. “Pleasing yourself is different than having someone pleasure you,” I said absentmindedly. “it’s a lot less work, and because of that, it feels that much better”. My voice was low, but I was sure she could hear me. “I’d be willing to prove it to you,” I said, moving my eyes up her legs, her bare body, and connecting with her electric blue eyes.
she casually splashed water at me, probably to get me to move my hand. I obliged and removed my hand from her leg. She rested the hand she used to splash across her chest, hiding her pert nipples from me. She broke eye contact and looked up at the ceiling. I suddenly realized the tile was cool, and she was lying against it. I noticed she squirmed slightly.
“I know you just want to fuck me,” she said, her eyes shut softly, and her voice came out in a slight pout. “but I’ve never done anything like that… and we’d have an audience… and you’re not *that* hot.” she protested her voice becoming more confident and ending in a flirt.
I grinned. I’d almost won. Or so I felt. I nodded my head though her eyes were still closed. “well, I do want to fuck you. That much is true, but I wanna do it for you. I know for a fact you’d enjoy it, maybe even more than me,” I say confidently. I’m not lying there, either. I truly want to give her the best experience possible, even if that means no ‘pleasure’ for me.
I shift my body again, standing up in the tub. My abs rise above the warm water, and I look down at the girl before me. I’m honestly not a good enough writer to describe how beautiful she was. She looked almost as if she were sleeping, though her chest rose slightly unevenly with her breath. If I really wanted to, I could take her, even before our audience of other business folk pulled me off her. Of course, that would mean ruin for me, but the temptation was there.
she scoffed. “there’s no way you’re that good of a fuck” she said to me defiantly. the way she said ‘fuck’ was so cute. you could tell she didn’t use the word often. The emphasis was all wrong, and her mouth looked uncomfortable saying it. She opened her eyes, looked me up and down, and then looked away.
“But a promise isn’t enough. You’ve got to have something to show for it—some collateral, something to negotiate on. And you’re broke,” she said. I couldn’t tell if she was relieved or disappointed, so I decided to believe the former.
“I’ll let you have my daughters. I’ll bring them here every afternoon, and if you’re unsatisfied, collect their shares from their bodies one way or another,” I say before I realize what I’m promising. But it’s too late for me to go back, so I smirk confidently.
She looked at me again and smirked. “I’ll let you kiss me for 30 seconds at that rate.” she countered. “during which time you may touch only my neck and above however you like. If you’ve maintained my interest after the kiss, I’ll let you bargain for fucking me then. If not, I’ll be very close friends with your daughters. and you can never come into the baths again.” she gave me a wicked smile that was equal parts evil and adorable.
I nodded, deciding then and there to risk it all. I approached her. “Deal,” I said aloud. And before she could protest or even confirm we had an understanding, I cupped her head with my left hand. I whispered, “Don’t become obsessed,” into her ear and moved my right hand to her cheek. I pressed my lips on hers lightly. After a couple of moments of teasing, I moved my tongue into her mouth.
Her face tasted sweet, and the inside of her mouth was warm and wet. She put up little resistance, or rather, what she put up melted away as soon as our kiss began. As my hand trailed her cheek to her neck, I felt a shiver run through her. She mustn’t be used to the sensation. My right hand squeezed her neck gently, just enough to restrict air slightly and give her a buzz. With great satisfaction, I focused my hand on her neck for the first few moments and realized her hands had moved. one to the back of my head and the other to my back. I held our bodies close, kissing her skillfully and passionately while obeying her condition. it was quite the thrill. Kissing an adolescent girl as sexually as I did, I realized my mouth was much bigger and my tongue stronger. I could feel the smile on her fragile lips on my own.
And then, just as soon as I started, she tapped my back three times—the universal sign of ‘i’m done’ but also one of giving up. I broke the kiss and grinned, knowing I’d done well.
Her eyes went wide, and I felt the full, lustrous gaze of a preteen in love for just a moment. Then she averted her eyes. She was panting, and I patiently gave her time to collect herself. She whispered “fuck” to herself, and I pretended not to hear.
After a full minute of her breathing hard, her chest rising and falling as she sat on the bathroom tile, she finally said the words, ” Y-you pass. Of course, we could’ve used a little more hand movement, but your performance was satisfactory.”
it was beyond cute how she tried to stay in control.
“you may bid for my virginity.” She allowed a sheepish smile to creep onto her face.
I noticed more eyes than normal trained on me. It seemed the entire bathhouse was watching, at a respectable distance, of course. It didn’t look like Addy noticed it, but I needed to maintain my confidence. I kept my eyes on her and made an effort to ignore them.
“my daughters,” I repeated my bid from earlier, but I knew it wouldn’t be enough before Addy could interrupt me again, “and my future ones. Youth doesn’t last forever; this business isn’t sustainable without a supply of…” My eyes drifted over Addy’s body, wondering what the most tactful way to call her and her friends was. “attractions,” I settled on. “I’ll have more children and put them to work for you,” I clarified with a simple smile. My only bargaining chip after this would be my own servitude, and I was unsure if I was willing to go that far.
She nodded slowly as she turned the idea around in her mind. I was offering immediate and continued profits. She weighed the business opportunity with her virginity and with her lust. Of course, it wasn’t guaranteed. I could promise to have more kids, but they wouldn’t have the same expected value if they were all boys. Honestly, I expected her to take longer, but she accepted it after a little less than a minute thought.
“I suppose that might be enough. I guess you can deflower me if you’re sure,” she said haughtily, preserving her false coyness. she remained motionless, her body still lying on the hard tile.
I grabbed a hold of her legs and spun her so that her legs were over the bath. Then I split them, opening her beautiful pussy to my gaze. it was hairless, slightly undeveloped. I grinned and approached. the scent of Addy’s strawberry-scented soap mixed with the unmistakable smell of pussy. My nose rested on her mound of flesh, and after a moment to gauge her reaction, I parted her other set of lips with my tongue. To my surprise, wetness seeped out; she was plenty prepared, it had seemed. I gave her one slow, long lick across her slit, savoring her taste. I flicked my eyes upward to her and saw her covering her mouth. She didn’t make a peep, though.
I placed my mouth on her virgin pussy. I swirled her clit with my tongue while using two fingers on my right hand from my hand to massage the bump above her pussy. my right thumb felt a small and slightly puckered opening beneath my mouth.
“h-hey,” she sounds unsure of herself for the first time.
She doesn’t tell me to stop and spreads her legs ever so slightly, presenting herself for me. my saliva drips down her pussy and mixes with the bath water and her juices. I figure this should be enough lubricant for now. I separate my face from her groin, and I stick my index finger through her tight pussy.
I could tell that Addy was no longer trying to hide her reactions. her moans came more freely now and in time with my finger thrusts. instead, she leaned back and let pleasure fill her body. I kept up a moderate finger fucking pace while looking for the holy grail, her g-spot.
her body writhed around, unsure how to respond. her hands clawed at the ground around her, grasping for sheets that weren’t there. Her breathing intensified, and I could see her diaphragm cause her chest to rise and fall. her breasts pointed outwards as her back arced, forcing her head into the hard ground. that couldn’t be comfortable, but no doubt the adrenaline and endorphins released during sex were keeping any pain at bay.
her pussy warmed around my finger, hugging it tightly. I placed my hand on her chest, between her two budding breasts. I feel like I’ve earned a grope. I can feel her heart beating rapidly. I move my left hand to the left, cupping her breast; just before I squeeze, I notice a hard knot brush against my right forefinger buried deep in Addy’s pussy. I grin, her g-spot. I slowed down and caressed her G-spot and left it with satisfaction. She lets loose a soft whine and shoots me a betrayed look. no doubt she’s wondering why I slowed down. it becomes obvious a second later when she shuts her eyes tightly and brings one of her hands up to her mouth to suppress her loudest moan yet.
I take a quick look around me; a half dozen guys are watching intently, and I can’t tell if they’re getting ready to stop me fucking the teen or if they’re wildly beating it. I assume some mix of both. There are another half dozen people of mixed genders are watching out of the corner of their eyes. my heartbeat quickens at the outside attention. I figured that if they were gonna stop me, they would’ve already. I return my attention to Addy, who has contorted herself around my finger and hand, but I notice again her head is uncomfortable on the tile. With some reluctance, I remove my left hand from her tit and cradle her head. I continue to caress her G-spot with my finger. She bucks hard into my hand, confirming my suspicion; she held back from slamming into the hard tile. I chastise myself a little for being so careless.
My dick twitches impatiently. I’d been ignoring it for far too long. Awkwardly I shuffle out of the water, careful to keep my hand embedded in Addy’s pussy. I use my arm and left hand to help me escape the water. I shift my body over Addy’s, trapping her heat beneath me. I can feel the bathwater collecting on my penis and dripping onto the tile.
I position my cock as best I can without help from my hand. I shift from caressing Addy’s insides to holding open her virgin vagina. I reckon before she knew what was happening, I thrust my dick inside her. My lust and hers were soon to be fulfilled.
I was pleasantly surprised at the easy entry; the foreplay had paid off. I’d always wished for a larger penis, but seeing it now, only barely being enveloped by this teenage pussy I wished for that no longer. My right hand went to her waist, and I guided her onto my shaft slowly. Her breath steadied, and I waited until it was regular to begin thrusting. I moved slowly and deliberately at first. I angled my body around hers, my dick probing her unexplored pussy. Her body tightened and hugged itself around mine. I found the hard bump in her pussy with my own, and with each thrust, we pressed it together.
Addy looked up at me, and our eyes met. I grinned, letting all my smugness show. She’d doubted me and knew I was rocking her world. She looked away from me; I could tell she hated it and loved it simultaneously. She bit down on her lower lip as hard as she could to suppress the noises building up inside her. It was too cute. I swooped over her and pressed my lips on hers. My body smothered hers. I put pressure on her but made sure not to crush her. My tongue snaked past her lips and wrestled her own for dominance in her mouth. She gave up quite quickly.
I could feel her lips on mine, her breasts against my chest. I could feel her muscles contract, moving her hips against me. And I could feel her insides warm and wrapped snugly around my cock. I thrust, my careful gentleness almost falling away to my beastly ambitions.
Her body contorted around me. Her legs were around my back, and her hands clawed at my shoulders. This was winning; this was sex. My thrusting continued, and I slammed myself into her with increasing intensity. Our bodies fit perfectly together; each thrust of my cock rocked her G-spot and her clit.
Then without warning, my cock is squeezed on all sides by what can only be her orgasm. Her muscles squeeze one of my own out of me despite my best efforts to hold it in. I continue my thrusts as my dick spurts cum, and our juices mix. The friction froths our cum, and inevitably, my cock deflates. I extract myself from her insides, but she clings to me. Slowly and with as much love as I can, I peel her off of me and observe the aftermath.
She’s glowing, her chest heaves with ragged breaths, and her sweat beads up on her beautiful skin. the only blemishes are from cum leaking out of her beautiful pussy and the puddle of juices left on her stomach after I pulled out but before we separated.
I lower myself into the bath, and my gaze doesn’t leave Addy’s spent body. Her lips struggle with a smile. She struggles to collect herself, but eventually, she does. She gets into the bath next to me and rests her head on my shoulder. I drape my arm around her, and she climbs onto my lap sideways. I hug her, holding her close and gently.
“You’re beautiful, “I whispered into her ear.
She nibbles on mine, and after a while, in an embrace, she gives me a command.
“Quit your job.”
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By OceanWide
#Exhibitionist #Teen #Virgin