The Barbie Game: Part 4 ✨

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#Incest #Rape #Teen #Zoophilia

By Princess Pudding

My literal diary for my fav freaks. Thank you for your patience 💕 editing and reliving all of this so so much fun, so thank you for reading

March 7th, 2026
11:15 AM

Hi diary ✨

Omfd okay so this morning was SO intense. I got ready for school, you know, the usual but getting ready felt so weird bc I knew I was seeing Ivan this morning. I made sure I did my makeup super cute like think cold girl mixed with soft girl with my long Barbie blonde hair down with like big beachy waves. Obvi I wore uniform to school but I rolled my skirt up higher and made sure I wore my thinnest stockings.

I walked over to Issy’s, and he was there! Just chilling in the kitchen, drinking coffee, and staring off into the fridge but he looked so fucking good from behind in his work suit and I couldn’t remember what he did for a job until I did. Issy was still getting ready, so it was just me and him. My heart was pounding, diary. Like genuinely pounding but I knocked and walked in and said good morning. I swear I saw him smirk and it gave me butterflies but he said good morning to me and said Issy was almost ready. Idk how I got the balls but I grabbed a banana from the fruit bowl and started peeling it really slowly, making sure to maintain eye contact, and then I licked it and you know like played with it to tease him but he shocked me when he said ‘you like bananas huh barbie girl?’. I just hummed and took a big bite but I was getting so nervous just being around him. He leaned against the counter and crossed his arms and he made a comment about my secret keeping abilities looking deep in my eyes. I shrugged, pretending to be nonchalant, and mentioned how much I enjoy secrets, especialllllllly the juicy ones which made him laugh thank god. Then he changed the subject and started talking about the weather but probably for the best bc Issy came downstairs, oblivious lmao talking about it’s gonna rain later. It was just bizzzzare. I said bye to Ivan, making sure to emphasize his name, and left but the whole walk to school, I was buzzing and couldn’t stop thinking about all the possibilities.

Big Flower was messaging me all day too and then we facetimed for a while to do some mommy mentoring. She was all sweet, calling me her beautiful barbie girl. We chatted for ages. She was telling me about all these things she wants to show me and she really wants to pay for me to come and stay with her but I’m just not sure how my mom would react or what to even tell her. Candy is so sweet. She’s like a real mom to me, even though she’s not actually my mom but I wish she was. It’s weird, but I like it. She really takes the time to listen to me and when she gives me advise or is teaching me something, she doesn’t lecture me. She’s so patient and kind to me and it just makes me want to do everything she asks me to perfectly. We didn’t really cyber tonight which was disappointing tbh. I really wanted to cum after all my excitement with Daddy Richard this morning but Candy had already came and wanted to go to sleep so I just let her go. I thought about calling Ivan but I knew he was probably doing stuff with his wife or whatever so.. I got creative. I feel kind of weird thinking about it so I hope if I write it down I’ll be able to process it better bc idek who I could tell.

I was horny. It was all that talk with Candy and the fact that I didn’t get to cum and my encounter with Daddy Richard this morning. Princess petals was throbbing like crazy. I could feel my princess hole getting wet and loosening and my petals were desperate to be licked on. I was rubbing her and then I heard our dog Fred in the hallway. It never occurred to me before, but I called him in and shut the door. I locked it, shut the curtains, put a towel down at the bottom of the door to block any sound and moved the mirror to face the corner of my bed. I took my panties off and sat on the corner and spread my legs wide apart. I called Fred over and clicked at princess petals a few times and then he understood. Fred started licking my sweet little princess hole right away. His tongue was rough and warm. He lapped at me like I was a treat. I couldn’t stop groaning, so I put my panties in my mouth and bit down on them while he serviced my little girl parts. I turned to be on all fours, and he moved on to my little pink rosebud next. He was all over me, licking and sniffing. I could see his cock hanging out, and it didn’t look too big, so I called him up onto the bed and laid down so I could get underneath him and started licking and sucking on it while he pawed at my tits. I was a fucking wreck, and I just wanted us both to cum, so I got on the floor on all fours and called him over. He mounted me right away. I felt his hot, slippery cock slide inside me, and he started pounding before he could even get his front paws on my back or hips. I helped him back in while he got lined up, and he pounded me relentlessly for a solid minute before his doggy cum exploded inside me, and with it, his knot. The whole time we were locked together, all I could think about was the fact that I’m now a bred bitch. Literally. Princess petals just got bred by a dirty old dog, so from now on, she’s my cunt, my sweet little cunt fit for big dogs and perverts.

Goodnight diary.
Love you x

March 14th, 2026
2:12 AM

Hi diary ✨

Okay, so wow. Just wow. I don’t even know where to start. My head is spinning. I feel gross? But also kinda powerful? I don’t know. I keep replaying it in my head, Fred fucking me, his fur, the way he smelled. Ugh fuck it was fucking weird, diary. So weird. But the weirder part is how hot it was and the fact that I’m addicted to his doggy cock now. Every night since that one we’ve done it all again like a ritual. At

I haven’t told anyone obviously. Who could I tell? Issy would spaz, Mom would actually kill me. And Big Flower ugh, Big Flower. That’s a whole other thing. I FaceTimed her today. She was all sweet and concerned, asking how I was. I just shrugged and said I was fine but I could barely look her in the eye, even through the screen. I felt like she would know just by looking at me.
She asked me about school, about Ivan. I just mumbled some stuff bc I didn’t want to talk about him. Thinking about him just takes me away from thinking about Fred.
Candy was telling me about this new vibrator she got. She was all excited, talking about how amazing it is. She wanted to show me so I let her but I just wasn’t in the mood and she couldn’t even tell. She said she missed me, that she wished I was there with her. I felt a pang of guilt because I’m keeping this huge thing from her and I know she’d kinda be happy.
But I can’t tell her because she’s the one who’s showing me who I am and she’ll be butthurt I went exploring without her. It’s like I’m two different people. One part of me is all like, ‘Tilly, you’re so fucked up, what the hell did you do?!’ and the other part is just buzzing. Like I did something naughty and got away with it. It’s so messed up. I feel so messed up, diary. So confused. I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I just I need to figure things out.
I’m going to try to sleep now. But I know I won’t be able to. I’ll just lie there, replaying everything in my head. Fred. Ivan. Big Flower. It’s all a mess. Ugh, I’m so fucked.

Love you diary. I wish you could give me some answers. xx

March 18th, 2026
10:12 PM

Hi diary ✨

Okay, so things with Ivan are getting complicated in a good way. In a bad way? I honestly don’t know anymore. Isabelle mentioned today that her family is having a picnic this weekend like just a casual thing at the park. She also said her parents like having me around and they want me to come. Ofc I accepted but inside I was freaking out and I’ve been thinking about it all day. What to wear? How to act? What to say? Do I play it cool or something else? Idk but I’m so excited to see Ivan and spend time with him low-key it’s kinda cringe but I’m really hoping he’ll finally call me Barbie girl in person. I FaceTimed Big Flower tonight and it just didn’t hit the same. I’m going to the picnic and she has no idea. I feel so guilty keeping secrets from her. But I can’t tell her any of it. She’d tell me to be careful and to stay away from him and I just can’t. There’s something so fucked up and hot about knowing my best friend’s dad wants to fuck underage me and she doesn’t know and his wife doesn’t know. It’s literally the type of shit adults fantasize about and I’m the main character of it for him lmao. I’m going to wear that cute dress that Daddy Richard got for me a while ago. The one that makes me look all innocent and sweet but thick as fuck and sexy. I already feel sorry for his wife 😉 I’m so nervous, diary. So excited. So everything. This weekend is going to change everything. I can feel it.

Love you. Wish me luck. I think I’m going to need it. xx

March 30th, 2026
11:58 PM

Hi diary ✨

The picnic was weird. Surreal. Like a dream or a nightmare. I’m still trying to process it all. Seeing Ivan with his family playing the dad role was so strange. He was all smiles and jokes with Isabelle and her mom. So normal and so confident and all I could think about was how he wishes his wife would let him do something as simple as eat her pussy and fuck her ass and how he secretly sniffs Issy’s panties when she’s at school and it was all just laughable that he was so deep in a double life. But then he’d look at me, and it was something intense and primal. It reminded me of Fred and how he is towards me now. He looks at me like I am his breeding meat, and that’s the vibe I was getting there too. It’s a look that makes my pussy turn into a sloppy mess. Idk what it is but I always feel so confident and dominant but when I’m in the presence of a fully grown person (or dog hehe) that literally wants to use my body for their sexual desires, I just crumble into the submissive little girl I am. Boys at school don’t intimidate me now, at all. But a grown ass man staring into me and penetrating me as a person with their eyes just feels primal and when he looks at me like that it’s something more like the Daddy Richard I was looking for. He also kept finding excuses to be near me once we all warmed up and actually got into the vibe of the family picnic. It was so weird lol once he remembered he is the dad and I am the daughters friend he started “helping” me serve my lunch, “joking” about how much I look like a little doll in this dress, “offering” to push me when I was minding my own on the swing. It was all so subtle and lame but so sexy when I think about the fact that he was doing this infront of his wife and daughter. At one point I walked off to go and look at a bird’s nest and he came after me to “look” too. He was standing so close to me I could almost feel his breath on my neck which made me smile, so I turned to look at him and I swear I saw him melt inside with the way I looked at him and I felt it. He went to reach out to me and stopped which was low-key disappointing and he didn’t say anything either. I was really hoping he’d make the first move but he didn’t so we just kind of walked back in awkward silence. Issy was yapping about some random shit when I got back and I was still sad he didn’t make a move, but I cheered up pretty quickly bc idk if it was for Issy or to say sorry, but Ivan said it would be a shame to have to end the party and asked if Issy and I would like to have a sleepover tonight which we both obviously said yes to. I looked at his face when he asked and he looked idk sorry? Which is why I think he invited me, to apologise? Idk anymore. He’s probably just trying to keep me sweet so I don’t tell Issy’s mom about his little underage Barbie girl obsession lmao. We’ll have to see. We’re currently in the car heading back to their house and Issy is just yapping about some influencer drama. I can’t even fucking think. Daddy Richard keeps looking at me in the rearview mirror and Carol, his wife, has her hand on his lap which is irritating me. Honestly with both of them being this annoying I understand why he invited me. He looked at me again. If Issy wasn’t next to me I would spread my legs apart for him to stare at while we drive his pathetic family home. I don’t even mean to feel like this, it’s just watching all of their interactions I wonder how he’s even lasted so long pretending when he wants so much more. I’m really hoping Carol goes to bed early this evening and that Daddy Richard and I can play The Barbie Game in real life 😋

Wish me luck.

Love you x

March 31st, 2026

So it’s been a wild ride staying over and in still here, waiting for the right time to go and meet with Daddy. Issy is on the sofa opposite me and I am wearing lingerie underneath a large old tshirt so I figured I’d just kill some time and get excited about what’s to come tonight.

We got home. I was all pissy from watching my Daddy be a husband and I got out of the car right away and stood at the boot waiting for him to open it. He came around and quietly told me to meet him in the garage at midnight and to wear black. I said our loud so that Carol could hear that I needed to go home and get some things so that I could stay the night and like the stupid oblivious woman she is, she suggested her husband to drive me home and back so that I could get some things which made me light up inside. He unpacked the car and then told his wife and daughter to go inside and get showered and that he would grab some dinner while we’re out. He and I went back to the car and the moment the door closed and we were alone I told him how jealous I was seeing Carol’s hand on his thigh. He reached out and put his hand high on my thigh and then asked if I felt better now. I said idkkkkk 👉👈 does it feel better for you daddy? And he gripped my thigh so hard it went a little bit red where his fingers had dug in. He was basically fingering me by the time we got to my house. He pulled his big finger out from between my pussy lips and wiped his nose with it and winked at me. He asked if I wanted him to come in and I said he could if he wants since no one would be home. We walked in and went to my bedroom and I picked out lingerie while he looked around and after a minute he asked what I had been doing with my dog. I panicked and looked around and saw nothing obvious and he continued. He said the curtains are still closed, the mirror is Infront of the corner of the bed, the towel lying on the floor looked like it had been used to wipe up cum and he could see some claw marks on my shoulders when he was looking closely. He asked me again and I just couldn’t lie to him, so I told him everything. I told him how we started, what we did and how often we’ve been doing it since. He didn’t say anything. He just said he’d meet me in the car, and to remember he said black, but to bring some pink too. I packed up a few different options for both, a big tshirt to “sleep” in, some normal panties, some other clothes for during the day tomorrow, my makeup and some hair accessories. I grabbed a pair of high heels that big flower got me too. They’re black and strappy and super sexy with my favourite black lingerie. And then I headed back to the car. When I got in, daddy said since I like fucking dogs so much, I could act like one, and he handed me Fred’s big leather collar. He said I would have to wear it when we went to the shops and if anyone asked I was to say I identify as a dog but aside from that I was only allowed to make cute barking noises. He made me practice them so that they were cute enough for it to be believable and when we got out of the car he made me sniff my seat like a dog would. Everything about it was turning me on so much. The fact that he knew my new biggest secret and the fact that he was low-key humiliating me for it turned me on so much all I could do was what he asked me to. We went in and a lady was looking at me funny because of the collar and I just smiled and panted at her 😂 and he patted me on the head 😂 it was crazy. I took it off before we got back and he put it away in the garage.

When we got inside, Isabelle was still in the shower. Her mom was in the kitchen cooking and she welcomed us in which was really cute and then said dinner wouldn’t be too far and said I could shower in their ensuite before dinner. I was all thank you so much Mrs Rotenberg absolutely dinner smells delicious and took myself off for a shower. I did some quick cute make up and put on my lingerie and then put my big tshirt on over the top and walked out. I went back into the kitchen and the vibe was heavy. Daddy was standing behind his wife trying to speak with her and Issy was sitting at the table staring at her empty plate as obvious to anything as ever. When I walked in he smiled widely at me and she buffered for a second and then looked up and smiled at me. We had dinner and it was just painful. I couldn’t wait to finish and go and wait to meet with Daddy. Thankfully Mrs Rotenberg just washed the dishes, tidied the kitchen and said she was heading to bed. I asked Mr Rotenberg what he was doing this evening, and he said that he was showering and then he might come and watch a movie if we wanted to. Issy started yapping about the movie she really wanted to watch and walked off to go and find it, and I asked quietly if he would sit next to me. He just said he’d try. We all sat down for the movie and he sat where I was sitting earlier and Issy had already laid down and taken the whole sofa where she was. I just stood there for a second looking between them and he patted the spot next to him. I grabbed one of the blankets from Issy’s sofa and sat down close next to him with my legs crossed but like leaning against him and brushing his leg with my toes. We held hands and he played with my toes and feet and grabbed on my pussy a few times while I moved around. I was honestly just wishing Issy would hurry up and fall asleep but she didn’t. She kept saying lame things throughout the movie and making observations that were just making me cringe inside. I literally had her dad rubbing my feet and ankles that were on his lap and she was just commentating on everything happening in the movie which made it all feel so naughty but then he got up and went to the kitchen for a few minutes and came back with three drinks. He gave one to Issy and one to me and after a few sips and about 20 minutes, we heard Issy snoring. That’s when he pulled the blanket off and told me to take my tshirt off so he could see my Barbie body finally in person. I took it off so fucking quick and he just stared and me and would make the odd comment like turn, or face me while he looked me up and down. He stood up and wrapped my long hair around his hand and started dragging me outside towards the garage. He opened the door and basically threw me outside and followed behind me smacking my jiggling big underage ass. We got inside and he locked the door behind us and the look in his eye was honestly terrifying.

Omg I have to go now. It’s time to go meet him again but I’ll write to you after school on Monday. Sksksksks love you bye x

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By Princess Pudding
#Incest #Rape #Teen #Zoophilia

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