Tammy’s Double Spanking |

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Life had changed so dramatically for Tammy, who was now twentyfour, and was now spanked regularly by both her mum, Sandy, who was fortyfour, and, perhaps even more importantly, by Amber, her younger sister who was twenty. 

Tammy saw the tremendous improvement in herself over the previous discipline regime, which involved her mum giving very long, onesided scoldings about her misbehaviour or disobedience. Tammy had been spanked until she was nineteen, but then her mum said she was too old for that, and went for socalled, ‘adult discussions.’ However, Tammy was of a very different opinion, and knew what made her behave better, not tremendously better but at least slightly better, which was the constant threat of a spanking hanging over her head, and, actually being spanked. 

Tammy felt so strongly about this, that she had engineered the situation where, first, her younger sister set a whole range of rules for her, and, whenever she broke one, took to spanking her, both long and hard. Tammy saw this as a sister who loved and cared for her, and, as Tammy knew she was a natural submissive, she saw that control over her by her younger, but more responsible, sister was something that she needed. Second, she had made her mum understand that spanking was a far better way to discipline her than onesided socalled, ‘adult’ discussions, and managed to get her mum to spank her again whenever she disobeyed her. 

It wasn’t that Tammy wanted to be spanked. It was because she knew she needed the incentive to behave and respect her betters, and Amber and their mum were definitely better people than she was. It was changing now she was spanked, albeit slowly but surely, and Tammy felt she was becoming the better person she wanted to become. 

So now, Tammy was subject to the control and discipline by both her mum and younger sister. Her mum was away regularly, for two or three weeks at a time, and that was when Amber really did take control in a very serious way, knowing that Tammy wanted to be controlled and disciplined whenever she was disobedient. 

Having said that, whenever their mum was away, to reinforce Amber’s control over her, Tammy had to address her younger sister as “ma’am” and must never use words like, no, but, or please don’t, because they would automatically lead to another long and very hard spanking. Yes, ma’am, had to be the one and only immediate reply by Tammy whenever Amber told her to do or not do anything at all. There was no question that Tammy relished that control being held over her, because she knew that, given any leeway whatsoever, she would just do her own thing, not respecting at all what she was told to do, and not think any more of it. That changed when she was spanked for doing exactly those things. 

What Tammy also knew, was that whilst she hated the actual spanking, because of the pain and humiliation, that added to her desire to behave and obey,  

Amber punished Tammy in other ways as well as spanking her older sister. One way was to restrict Tammy fingering herself to an orgasm, something that Tammy relished and so hated when told she mustn’t. Amber knew that Tammy regularly fingered herself to huge orgasms, as it helped her older sister to go to sleep quickly. However, what Amber also knew, was that if she gave Tammy a spanking at bedtime, her older sister cried herself to sleep just as quickly as if she had fingered herself to an orgasm. That was why Amber decided to give Tammy a nightly spanking, which would involve twenty or so hard spanks with the bath brush or a strap. It was enough to make Tammy cry herself to sleep just as quickly as if she had fingered herself to an orgasm, although with a stinging bottom rather than a quivering vulva. 

One rule that Amber, therefore, introduced for Tammy was a ‘no fingering herself to an orgasm’rule. As a punishment, Amber would impose chastity on Tammy, maybe for two weeks, when their mum was away. Tammy missed her orgasms but understood having chastity imposed on her was a really good control feature, and, because she was given her nightly spanking, she readily accepted her chastity period. 

In order to ensure Tammy obeyed the chastity rule, Amber installed an imaging camera in Tammy’s bedroom, which was connected to a soundactivated recorder on Amber’s phone. That meant that Amber could check the following day if Tammy had masturbated, because that would have set off the imaging camera and the recording. She had told Tammy about this, so Tammy knew she couldn’t get away with fingering herself to an orgasm when in bed. Tammy’s immediate response was, ‘Yes, ma’am.’ 

At the same time, during those chastity periods, Tammy had to leave her bedroom door wide open all of the time, so she had no privacy, but also, no ability to masturbate without being caught. The same had to happen when she took a shower, leaving the bathroom door open, and, quite often, Amber would stand there and watch her take a shower. She knew that Amber wasn’t doing it just to look at her naked body, because the part of her sister’s body that Amber loved to see was her bare bottom perched ready to be thrashed. It was, however, another effective control Amber had over Tammy. 

The chastity rule was just one that Tammy had to obey, because she still had to obey all of the other rules. Tammy went to work during the day and was subject to inspections by Amber when she got home, certainly of her knickers, but Amber could also judge, by looking at Tammy’s pussy hair, whether she had masturbated during the day.  

Tammy did feel humiliated during those inspections but accepted them willingly. The one thing she didn’t want to risk was losing spanking as her punishment. 

Luckily, Amber was always up for controlling Tammy, not as a bully, but as a loving, caring sister who really did want the best for her older sister, and that was why it worked so well. It did start because Amber got so frustrated by the way that Tammy would act so badly, answer her back, and just annoy her, but once she had got that control over Tammy, she saw how it worked so well for both of them. 

Amber was, from time to time, happy to ask Tammy whether she felt she should be punished in a different way. Tammy did. She belonged to a spanking forum, and one of the threads explained how, if you got spanked really hard, and then spanked again just as hard about an hour later, that second spanking would be far more painful. Tammy thought that might be a good additional punishment for when Amber was really annoyed with her. It was all part of Tammy’s need to keep Amber happy with the severity of the punishment, and so upping it made sense. 

Amber could see the sense of that as well., and told Tammy she would impose it the next time she broke a rule. 

It didn’t take long at all before Tammy broke another rule. It was a Saturday and Amber had told Tammy to be home from shopping at a specific time for lunch. Tammy kept reminding herself that she had to be home by the time Amber had said, and was so pleased when she walked through the front door early. As she did, she told herself the threat of another spanking each time really was working for her. 

Tammy wasn’t as happy as soon as she had walked through the front door, because Amber said in a very annoyed tone of voice, “Well, Tammy Marie, once again you left your breakfast things in the sink, unwashed. That meant I had to wash it all up and put it away for you. This seems to be a regular thing with you. Go and fetch me my leather belt, and then get your bare bottom over the arm of the sofa. You have two hundred lashes coming your way.” 

Tammy was shocked that she had forgotten to do the washing up again but knew that she couldn’t argue with Amber because she never could. Rules were rules, and Amber’s authority over her was indisputable.

So, knowing she had no choice, she replied, “Yes, ma’am,” and immediately went upstairs to Amber’s bedroom, picked up the thick leather belt that Amber regularly used on her bare bottom, went back downstairs, and handed the belt to her younger sister.

Without saying anything, she then undid her jeans and pushed them down towards the floor, struggling as she always did, and stepped out of them. She then pushed her knickers down to the floor and stepped out of them, scooped both items of clothing up, and placed them on the cushion at the far end of the threeseater sofa. She then went to the arm at the other end that she knew she had to bend over, which she did, stretching her arms out as far as they would go, knowing that her bare bottom was perched on the arm of the sofa, just as Amber always insisted it was. 

Once Tammy was in position, Amber went and stood by her, and rubbed her bottom with her hand, getting her older sister used to the idea of yet another thrashing, but before she did that, she said very sternly to the back of Tammy’s head, “Once I have dealt with you, Tammy Marie, you will go into the kitchen and have the lunch that I have already prepared. In silence. After that, I want you to go to your bedroom and give serious thought to your disobedience. After an hour, I will be coming up to your bedroom, where you will lie across your pillows, and I will be giving you another two hundred spanks, this time with the bath brush.” 

Tammy knew that a double spanking was always going to happen very quickly once Amber agreed it was the right thing to do, but now it was upon her, she was really worried. As much good as it did her, she still hated being spanked, and now would have to deal with two spankings in the space of one hour. However, she had encouraged Amber to make that a severe punishment for her when warranted, but, of course, it was always up to Amber to decide when the rule she broke required such a severe punishment. It seemed that repeatedly forgetting to do the washing up was that justification.  

Still tense and worried, Tammy knew how good it was for Amber to punish her, and she even smiled to herself, thinking that Amber loved to see her bare bottom as much as she loved to show Amber her bare bottom. Tammy knew she was a natural submissive, and so doing as she was told and lying there knowing she was going to cry made her feel loved and secure. She suspected that Amber knew she had those feelings, including wanting the humiliation of having to present her bare bottom for a thrashing and taking the punishment. 

Above all, Tammy knew how lucky she was to have Amber as a younger sister who was prepared to deal with her in a way that she clearly wanted to be dealt with and needed. 

As Tammy was thinking these thoughts, Amber positioned herself, loving the sight of her older sister’s bare bottom, unprotected, begging to be thrashed again. Amber rested the folded thick leather belt on Tammy’s bare bottom, raised the belt high up, and brought it down really hard on Tammy’s bare bottom, which, as always, flattened in surrender, causing Tammy to let out her usual loud gasp. 

Amber loved using her leather belt on Tammy’s bare bottom, landing lash after lash, turning both bottom cheeks darker and darker shades of red, and then the bruises developed. She couldn’t land the belt as quickly as she could the bath brush, but there was still hardly any gap between each lash, and it only took a couple of dozen hard lashes before Tammy started to cry. Of course, that encouraged Amber to make each lash harder and harder, to teach her older sister she had to try harder or suffer this punishment time and again.  

As Amber continued to thrash the belt down across Tammy’s bottom, she never had any sympathy for her older sister. Why should she? she asked herself, because Tammy knew that it was only a thrashing like this that was going to, bit by bit, make her a more obedient girl. To be fair, the thrashings were spaced out a little more than they were at the beginning, but Amber saw that Tammy was, in a way, the one who was in control, because all she had to do was obey every rule every time, and then she wouldn’t be thrashed. 

Equally, both girls knew that it was right that the double spanking was deemed to be applicable at the earliest possible moment, so there was never any question about doing that in the future as well. 

Even as Tammy dissolved into uncontrolled crying, she told herself this needed to happen to her. She accepted she needed to be punished whenever she broke a rule, and as much as this was so painful, and she cried and cried, it was the best way to punish her. She also concluded that, even though she was now twentyfour, she didn’t see any reason why she shouldn’t still be thrashed when she was thirtyfour, or fortyfour, or even older. Could she ever be too old, she asked herself so often, and always gave herself the same answer, which was a clear, very definite, no. 

As Amber was landing lash after lash with the leather belt, she was having similar thoughts. She could see this was helping Tammy to improve bit by bit, but she doubted her older sister would improve to the extent when being spanked was no longer necessary. Having said that, she would be quite happy to continue to thrash her older sister for years to come. She also knew that when their mum was at home, she would be more than happy, now, to continue to thrash Tammy. There had been that break for just a few years, but that was now in the past, and the future was clearly set out with spanking as the primary punishment. 

Amber finished the two hundred or so lashes with the belt, and stopped. As usual, she didn’t say anything to Tammy but stood and watched her older sister crying uncontrollably, but not getting up. They both knew Tammy wasn’t going to get up until she was told she could by Amber.  

This time, instead of just telling her sister to get up, Amber said in that same stern tone of voice, “Okay, Tammy Marie, you can get up. Go into the kitchen and eat your lunch quickly. Then, go to your bedroom and think about how naughty you have been, but also think about the thrashing I am going to give you in an hour’s time. Now do it.” 

Tammy heard the instruction and, whilst she was struggling so much with her stinging bottom, and was still crying, she did push herself off the arm of the sofa, stood up, and, with tearfilled eyes and so seriously blurred vision, she made her way out of the living room and into the kitchen. Her lunch was already on a plate, and she sat down and ate it, albeit squirming around on the chair as her bottom stung so much. 

As soon as she was finished, Tammy made sure she washed up her plate knife and fork, and put them away. She then went back out into the hallway, and upstairs to her bedroom. She certainly did have plenty to think about, and to worry about, but she still told herself that it was all for a good cause, aimed at improving her obedience and behaviour. She didn’t care that she was twentyfour, as what was important was the pathway to improving herself, and this was the best pathway for her. 

Amber stayed downstairs, thinking how her sister had struggled with the first thrashing, and kept on thinking how Tammy was going to struggle even more by the end of the hour. 

Once the hour was nearly up, Amber went upstairs to Tammy’s bedroom, and ordered, “Right, Tammy Marie, put the bath brush on your dressing table, put the pillows right in the middle of the bed, and then put your bottom on top of them. Make sure you do all of this very quickly, my girl, because, otherwise, two hundred spanks becomes three hundred spanks very quickly. Now get going. I will be back very soon.” 

Tammy obediently did all that she had been told to do, and, to her credit, she had never yet failed to do what she was told to do in order to avoid additional spanks. Who wouldn’t, she told herself, given the amount of pain she was going to receive whatever happened. So, she immediately turned, took the bath brush out of her cupboard, put it on the dressing table, and then piled the pillows up in the middle of her bed. As soon as that was done, she made sure that her Tshirt was still raised well up above her bottom and then lay down on top of the pillows, making sure that her bottom was the highest part of her body. She was wellused to doing this, of course, and did it correctly, again.  

Tammy didn’t have to wait long before Amber came back into her bedroom. When she did, she walked over to the dressing table and picked up the bath brush. As she heard…