Summer of 69 on my aunt and uncle’s Farm

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#Exhibitionist #Mature #Tween #Voyeur

By Linda Murphy

My best friend Lisa told me that boys have a thing between their legs called a wiener. I had never seen one before my uncle Fred showed me his.

My name is Katie and I’m 26 years old now, but what I’m going to tell you about happened to me when I was 10. It was the summer of 1969, and my parents sent me to stay with my aunt and uncle on their farm in Iowa for a month.

My Aunt Carol was my mom’s older sister. She’s 15 years older than my mom. Mom was an oops baby. Their kids had grown up and moved away a long time ago.

My Uncle Fred was around the same age, and I really liked him. He was funny. The day they picked me up at the train station, he kept telling me how pretty I was and how much I was growing up. It made me real happy cuz nobody had ever told me I was pretty before.

At the time, I was about 4’10” and weighed 65 lb. My body was looked the same as a 10 year old boy’s body. Nothing to indicate I was going to be a woman one day. At that age I had no clue what sex was. I knew from talking to my friends that have brothers, that boys were different between the legs. They had something called a wiener. Girls had a kitty.

On the ride home, Uncle Fred was talking to me the whole way, telling me all the different things that he would teach me on the farm while I was visiting. Aunt Carol was a school teacher, and was going to teach summer school. Summer school was only from 8:00 in the morning till noon, so it wasn’t a big deal, plus Uncle Fred and I had plenty to do to keep us busy.

The day I got there, both Aunt Carol and Uncle Fred showed me around the farm. I fed the chickens, which was kind of fun. They told me that would be my job while I was there, in addition to collecting the eggs. At first I was afraid the chickens would attack me if I tried to take something from their nest, but they didn’t seem to care.

Right about then, at Carol said she was going to go back to the house and make supper, and Uncle Fred can show me around the rest of the farm. We went into the barn, and he was showing me around.

That’s when I saw a barn cat and some kittens, and I went over to pick up one of the kittens, but Uncle Fred told me not to, because the mama cat would probably attack me if I did.

When I turned around to ask him why, he was standing there, and his pants were open. His thing was hanging out. I had never seen a boy’s thing before.

My best friend Lisa had a little brother, and she saw his once. She told me it looked like a little worm. She said they were called wieners. What was sticking out of my uncle’s pants, did not look like a worm. It kind of looked like a thumb, without the nail.

While I was standing there staring at it, in shock, he took it between his thumb and fingers and began to move the skin back and forth. As he did this, it started to grow.

After a few minutes, he let it go and it was pointing up towards the roof and it was twice as big as it was before he started touching it.

He stood there for a few minutes with his hands on his hips, telling me that it looked like we were going to get rain tomorrow, and if it did rain, we would be working inside the barn.

It was really weird,  because while he was standing there with his wiener sticking out, he never said anything about it. He just talked like it was perfectly normal. Maybe on a farm it was normal, I didn’t know.

Just them Aunt Carol called out that supper was ready, so Uncle Fred put his wiener back in his pants and said, “okay, let’s go eat.”

The rest of the evening was pretty normal, we watched TV for a little while and then went to bed. The whole night I couldn’t stop thinking about Uncle Fred’s weiner. I wondered if he was going to take it out in front of me again.

The next day was Monday. I got up around 7:00, and found out my aunt and uncle had been up since 4am. They told me life on a farm starts real early, but I didn’t have to get up early since I wasn’t really a farmer.

Aunt Carol made us breakfast before she went to school. Right after she left, Uncle Fred and I finished up our breakfast while he told me what we were going to do that morning. After I finished eating, I put my dishes in the sink and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth.

While I was brushing my teeth, Uncle Fred walked into the bathroom. He didn’t say anything, just walked over to the toilet, which was right next to the sink, opened up his pants and took out his weiner.

My heart was beating in my chest like a bass drum, I could feel it. It sent the blood pounding in my ears. He never said a word, he just started urinating. I stood there staring at his thing, as pee came shooting out.

When he finished, he took it between his fingers, and started wiggling it around, making a few drops of pee fly everywhere, one of them even hitting me on the arm. Then he buttoned his pants up and walked out of the bathroom.

After that, I went to my room and got dressed and then came outside to meet Uncle Fred at the barn. It was weird, he never said anything about taking out his weiner in front of me. We fed the chickens collected the eggs, and then went around doing a few other things.

All day I was thinking about Uncle Fred’s weiner. I wondered if I would get a chance to see it again. Turns out, I was going to see it plenty.

Around noon time, we headed back to the house for lunch. Aunt Carol was going to be home soon, so we headed into the bathroom to get washed up. While I was washing my hands, uncle Fred once again stood in front of the toilet opened his pants and took out his weiner. While he was peeing, he was talking to me about what we would do after lunch.

The whole time I was standing there staring at his weiner, while he talked. When he finished peeing, he took it between his thumb and finger again and wiggled it around just like last time. This time, instead of putting it away, he left it out and started washing his hands.

He was facing me and talking to me, and I couldn’t help but stare at it. I’m sure he noticed my interest, because he wasn’t putting it back in his pants. He was letting me look at it as long as I wanted.

Once I was finished drying my hands, he took his thing between his thumb and finger and fiddled with it a little bit, then put it back in his pants.

A few minutes later, Aunt Carol came home and made lunch and we ate. When we were done eating, Uncle Fred and I went out to the barn and Aunt Carol stayed in the house doing laundry.

“So, I noticed you looking at my cock. Is mine the first one you’ve ever seen?” Uncle Fred asked, as we walked into the barn.

“Your cock? What’s a cock?” I asked him. He stopped in the middle of the barn, and proceeded to undo his pants. He was facing me when he pushed his down to below his knees, then straightened back up.

“This is my cock.” He said taking his weiner, or cock between his thumb and finger. He began to slowly pull the skin back and forth on his cock, and I stood there watching him, my mouth hanging open and surprise.

Just like yesterday, his cock started to get bigger. As he pulled the skin back and forth with his thumb and finger, his cock got fatter and longer.

He stood there, stroking his cock, looking at me, watching him. Pretty soon, his cock was sticking straight out, pointing at the roof again. He let it go, and stood there with his hands on his hips, letting me look at his cock.

“What happened to your cock? How come it’s bigger?” I asked him.

“Well Katie, you’re so pretty, that it makes my cock hard.” He told me as he resumed stroking it. After a few minutes, I could see the tip getting wet.

“Are you peeing?” I asked Uncle Fred.

“No honey, that’s not pee. A man’s cock makes lubrication so he can put it in a woman’s cunt.” He explained.

“What’s a cunt?” I asked Uncle Fred.

“Well, a cunt is what you got between your legs honey.” He told me.

“My mommy calls it a kitty.” I told Uncle Fred.

“Well, a kitty is a little girl’s name for it. When you’re a full-grown woman, you’ll call it a cunt.” He told me.

“Do you want to see what a grown woman’s cunt looks like?” Uncle Fred asked me.

“OK”. I replied, interested in seeing what mine would look like when I grew up.

Uncle Fred shuffled over to his workbench, his pants still around his knees, and reaching up to a shelf, took down some magazines.

Then he had me stand next to him while he opened up the magazines. He showed me pictures of naked people, both men and women. I was looking at the women, their boobs and the hair they had between their legs.

“Will I get hair on my cunt too?” I asked Uncle Fred.

“Oh yes sweetie, as soon as you reach puberty you’ll grow hair on your cunt.” He informed me.

We stood there, paging through the magazine. Uncle Fred stopping at each page and pointing certain things out to me. The whole time, he was still stroking his cock.

Then after a couple of minutes, Uncle Fred started breathing really heavy and turning red in the face. He turned towards me, still stroking his cock, and all of a sudden this stuff shot out of his cock and got on my face, in my hair and on my neck. He squirted that stuff on me five or six times. I had no idea what it was, but I thought maybe he peed on me.

“Gross. Uncle Fred, you peed on me.” I said to him, very upset.

“No sweetheart, that’s not pee. That’s my love cream.” Uncle Fred told me. He picked up a shop rag off the bench, and wiped his cock off with it. By then his cock was small again, like it was when he first took it out. He put it back in his pants, then started to clean me up.

As he was wiping his love cream off my face, he was telling me how some girls like to swallow it because it tastes so good.

“You know, little girls that swallow love cream, grow really big boobies. Here, try it” He told me. Then he scooped up a little bit off my forehead with his finger, and pushed it in my mouth. It tasted kind of weird, slimy and bitter. Even after I swallowed it, I felt like I still had it on my tongue.

We spent another hour doing a little odd jobs in the barn, before we went up to the house for supper. When we got up to the house, Aunt Carol told us to go wash up, supper would be ready in a few minutes.

I went into the bathroom to wash up, and Uncle Fred was right behind me. Once again, he open this pants and took out his weiner. After he finished peeing, and wiggling it around, he turned to face me.

“You never told me if my cock was the first one you’ve ever seen.” He said.

“Yes, my best friend has a little brother, and she told me boys have wieners, but I’ve never seen one before you showed me yours.” I replied.

“So then you’ve never touched one either.” He said, a statement, not a question. Then he reached over, took my hand in his, and brought it over to his cock.

As soon as my hand touched it, my fingers closed around it. Without even thinking about it, I began to gently stroke it, like I saw him do.

“Oh Katie, you’re a fast learner. You’re really making my cock feel good.” Uncle Fred said, as I felt it growing in my hand. I couldn’t understand how something that felt so floppy, could all of a sudden be hard. It felt like there was a bone growing inside of it.

It continued to grow, as I stroked it. Pretty soon, it was as big as it got in the barn, and was pointing at the ceiling.

Uncle Fred stood there, with his eyes closed, making a kind of humming noise in his chest as I stroked his cock.

I have no idea how much time passed, but it wasn’t very long before Uncle Fred said, “get ready, my love cream is coming.”

I was thinking he was going to squirt it all over my face and hair again, but he put his hands on the sides of my head and pulled me toward his cock. As soon as his cock touched my lips, I automatically opened my mouth. As soon as I did that, his cock came in.

I really didn’t want his cock in my mouth and was trying to push it out with my tongue. Apparently, that was the wrong tactic, because within seconds he said “oh my God”, and my mouth was getting flooded with his love cream.

It was so much, I had no choice but to swallow. As I was swallowing my uncle’s love cream, I noticed movement out of the corner of my eye and glanced up at the mirror. Aunt Carol was standing in the doorway, watching us.

Finally, Uncle Fred stop squirting his love cream in my mouth. He pulled his cock out, and put it back in his pants.

Then Uncle Fred reached over to me, and gently pinched my nipple between his thumb and finger saying, “keep swallowing my love cream, and you’ll have really big boobies one day.”

Then he walked out of the bathroom and I followed him into the kitchen. We sat down and ate. Aunt Carol didn’t say a word about him putting his cock in my mouth.

That night I had trouble sleeping. I’d like to say that sucking his cock made my cunt tingle, but it didn’t. It didn’t stimulate me at all, it was just weird.

The next morning, I got up around 7:00 or so and Aunt Carol had already left for school. I went into the kitchen, and Uncle Fred was making scrambled eggs, and he was completely naked.

I sat down at the kitchen table, and watched Uncle Fred make the scrambled eggs. His cock was flopping back and forth as he walked around the kitchen.

When the eggs were done, he brought a plate of them over to me with some toast and bacon. He set the plate down in front of me, and then put his hand on the side of my face, turned my head toward him. He took his cock between his fingers and rubbed it across my lips.

I opened my mouth, and he put his cock inside of it. This time, it was small, it wasn’t big and hard. I had the whole thing in my mouth. But as I pushed it around with my tongue, it started to get big. Pretty soon, it was as big as it was yesterday and filling my mouth.

He held the sides of my head, as he moved his cock in and out of my mouth. He kept thrusting back and forth back and forth. And then, with very little warning, I felt his cock expand inside my mouth, and a second later he was shooting his love cream in my mouth again.

This time I was able to swallow it much easier, as I kept gently sucking on his cock. When he was done squirting his love cream, he slowly pulled his cock from my mouth, pulled out a chair on the other side of the table and sat down to eat breakfast with me.


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By Linda Murphy
#Exhibitionist #Mature #Tween #Voyeur

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