Step Siblings 5: Oh I do like to be beside the seaside

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#Incest #Teen #Virgin

By Mr Rodd

Janet and I had been looking forward to it all year and parents had saved up carefully, to make sure it was the very best they could possibly afford.
It wasn’t the most exotic holiday – just a few days away at a popular English seaside resort, but we were going to enjoy every minute.
Unfortunately, one of the problems with English resorts, at that time, was that a boom in car ownership had made them incredibly popular – so popular, in fact, that the local roads simply couldn’t cope with all the traffic.
We seemed to spend ages in tailbacks and didn’t check into our hotel until 4 in the afternoon.
Naturally we were keen to enjoy the attractions before everything closed down for the night, so the receptionist said he’d deal with all our luggage and let us get on with our holiday straight away.
We were all starving so we found a fish & chip cafe for tea, then explored the town and sat outside a pretty pub watching the tide come in. Dad said he deserved a “well earned drink after driving all day.”
It was after dark when we returned to the hotel.
The same receptionist was still on duty and he gave Dad two keys.
He handed one to me.
I was puzzled.
“That’s for you and Janet. We’re trusting you to be sensible, but if you have any problems me and Mum will be down the corridor in Room 12 and you’re in Room 2.
Sleep well.
We’ll see you for breakfast at 8.
Don’t be late.”
We couldn’t believe it.
We had a room of our own!
We both managed to keep a lid on it, but we were bursting with excitement, imagining the fun we might have together.
Room 2 was great.
It had a radio, so we could listen to our favourite music. A private bathroom – we’d never had one of those before! And twin beds.
“Which one do you want?” I asked.
“Which one?
Oh, I thought we’d just …”
“Because I want whichever one you’re sleeping in!”
“Oh, thank god for that. I thought you didn’t want to share for minute.”
“Only joking! Of course I want to share.” I hugged my stepsister tightly. “I want hold you all night long.”
“I don’t suppose I’ll be needing this then,” She pulled something out of her suitcase and held it up in front of her.
A thick old purple nightdress that reached from her neck to her knees, leaving everything to the imagination.
“I thought I’d have to wear this if we were all sharing.” She giggled, chuckling it aside.
“Well the only way you’re going to need that or anything else is if there’s a fire drill!”
I pulled her tee shirt off over her head and suddenly realised that I had never actually undressed her before.
I stood back to take a look at her.
Janet put an arm across her bra to hide it from me.
“Sorry,” she said, ” like I was saying I thought we’d all be sharing, so I didn’t bring any pretty undies, just boring stuff like I have to wear for school.”
That made me chuckle, I really didn’t care, I’d have that bra off in a trice, no matter how boring it was.
Or would I?
I reached around her back and tried to release the catch, without even looking at it, like one of those smooth “ladies men” in the movies, but it was far too complicated for me.
It was my sister’s turn to chuckle, as she turned around and showed me what to do. I was sure they could have come up with a simpler design, especially for a nervous, fumbling teenager like me, who still needed a couple of attempts to open the catch.
Then it was time to act cool again.
I’d let the bra stay on for now.
I took hold of the two loose ends of the band and slid my hands around Janet’s chest, grasping her boobs through the full white cotton cups.
I pulled her into me, mashing her breasts and pressing her back into my (I hoped) manly chest.
I held her there and rubbed her tits for moment before stroking her bra away and caressing them in their full naked glory.
Janet seemed to like it, because she was sighing deeply and pushing her back up against me, but I wasn’t done yet.
One hand released her breast and slid down over her belly and around to the small of her back to uneaten her skirt.
This time one hand was enough.
It was unbuttoned, unzipped and falling to pool around her ankles without any fuss.
I turned her face me again. Bending down to kiss her hard. Our tongues entwining as I fondled her arse, so round and smooth through her modest cotton panties.
I hooked my thumbs over the knicker elastic, to pull them down, but she pulled away,
“Not till we’re in bed.” she told me.
She was still a little shy, but she wasted no time kicking off her shoes and slipping between the sheets.
She looked so gorgeous, lying in our bed – yes, OUR bed – smiling, with her tits out, watching me undress, waiting for me to dive in beside her and have my wicked way.
I was shaking in anticipation, casting my clothes aside, but taking care not go too fast and trip over my own underpants like I had a few weeks earlier.
It wasn’t long before I was standing before her. Naked. Proudly sporting my very erect penis, primed and ready for action.
Janet, licked her lips, “Very nice.”
I slid in beside her.
She took hold of my dick and I relieved her of her knickers before popping two fingers up her snatch.
We kissed eachother. Hard on the lips. We would have the whole night together. As lovers.
Of course, we still hadn’t managed to get any rubbers, so we’d only be doing oral, but as far as we were concerned there was no “only” about it.
It was oral SEX.
The best we’d ever had and we loved it!
It was a special night and I wanted to try something different, so when I ventured beneath the sheets, I went headfirst.
It was a new position.
I straddled Janet’s shoulders and pulled her thighs wide apart, opening her up for me to devour.
I was determined to enjoy myself.
I went to worship at her womanhood, licking on her labia, feasting on her fanny. Hoping to give as much pleasure as I was receiving.
“Oh, John,” she gasped, “oh! That feels different, oh yes, that’s nice, just there, do it again…”
It was obvious that she was enjoying my little experiment.
She fell silent for a moment.
I felt something hot and moist around my cock.
She had an experiment of her own.
“What’s that?” I asked, although I had a pretty good idea.
She giggled, “Well it was just bobbing around and poking me in the face. I thought I’d give it a little kiss.”
She did more than kiss it. She bathed it in her mouth, licking and sucking enthusiastically.
We remained locked together in our carnal clinch.
Me in top, eating her cunt.
Janet beneath, gobbling my cock.
Giving and taking, revelling in new and unique myriad sensations stirring our souls.
I came first – I always did – releasing my stream of spunk into her waiting mouth. I came powerfully, more strongly than usual, being on top seemed to give it an added force.
Janet took it bravely, swallowing all she could before pulling her head to one side and allowing the rest to pool on the sheets.
I cried out with delight, then buried my head between her legs once more, concentrating on her clit. My tongue working overtime flicking, teasing, testing and tasting.
I sucked it when I could, but she wouldn’t hold still – writhing and wriggling beneath me as her internal torment grew.
Her arousal continued to increase until, ultimately she struck her inevitable peak, convulsing around my lips and dampening the bedsheets even more.
We decided we would sleep in the other bed and hoped that the chamber maid wouldn’t notice the evidence of our coupling.
We fell asleep in an intimate embrace. Kissing and 1holding one another tight, her hand on my cock, my fingers in her cunt.
She was gone when I awoke.
The pillow next to me was empty.
However, there was an unfamiliar noise coming from the bathroom – I guessed it must be the shower.
We didn’t have a shower at home – very few people did and I knew that Janet was eager to try it.
I needed the bathroom.
“Are you decent Jan?” I asked, tapping at the door.
“Yes, come on in, the shower’s brilliant.”
I stepped in and was halted in my tracks – I could see her fanny. Large as life, clearly in view, as she threw her head back to feel the full force of the shower upon her face.
“But, b, but I can see your…” I nodded in the general direction her crotch, taking care to cover my eyes even though I’d already taken a good look.
“Oh don’t worry about that. I’m sure you’ve seen it when you’ve been licking it and, anyway, I’m all grown up now, aren’t I?
No need to act like a kid anymore.”
“Oh hell yes. Happy birthday Jan!”
She was 14 today.
I took a good look at her and climbed into the shower to give her a birthday kiss – once I’d finished with the loo.
Naturally, the birthday kiss, soon developed into a naked embrace, which evolved into full on festival of fumbling. A hot and y clinch as our slippery, skin shimmered in the steamy spray.
I was reminded that I had seen her wet, naked body once before – when I’d spied on her during a school detention for forgetting her swimming kit, but this was so much better.
I decided to give her a special birthday treat, sliding down her soapy body until my tongue was close enough to lick her twat.
She tasted different. A clean, soapy flavour that mixed with her own juices, to create a light tang.
The soap made her more slippery too and I grasped her buttocks tight, while my tongue played freely with (now, not so) secret treasures.
She came loudly, but hopefully the shower was noisy for the folks in the next room not to hear us.
Of course, my sister returned the favour. She was a vision of female perfection when she looked up at me through her eyelashes as she gave me the most thrilling blow job.
It was the first time I had been able to watch as my cock disappeared inside her.
I saw her open her mouth as wide as she could to receive it, I saw her force herself to take it deeper within her and her saw her struggle to swallow its gift and accept it all without pulling her head away.
She did her very best, and the shower washed away any she couldn’t take.
We met our parents for breakfast and they were full of birthday congratulations and presents. Janet was already wearing my (actual) present – a necklace with a light blue pendant. I said it matched her eyes.
Fortunately the chain just the right length for it to hang snugly in her cleavage. She said it tickled, but every tickle reminded her of me.
I was glad she liked it. I’d never spent so much on a present. I could only afford it because I’d used my own birthday money – from my 15th, a couple of weeks earlier.
Janet was worth it though.
We did have a few more celebrations to recognise her special day, but we were on holiday, so we did all the usual things, including going to the beach.
It was a rare opportunity to see Janet in her navy blue swimsuit. A modest one piece, but she filled it well – much better than she had last year.
She spent most of her time sunbathing, but we splashed in the sea a little too.
I couldn’t help but appreciate how her suit molded itself to the curves of her cunt and her butt, once it was in the water and how the cold spray made her nipples sharpen and stick out beneath the tight fabric – I’m not sure Janet noticed though.
Once the ladies had topped up their tans they headed off to the shops, while me and my dad hit the amusement arcades, trying our luck with the slot machines and testing our skills on newfangled games like Pac Man and Space Invaders.
Our evening was similar to the night before with Dad finding another bar for a “well earned drink”.
It was a lively place, opposite the pier, and had a band playing music from the olden days – well the 50’s and 60’s.
Janet and I weren’t very interested – we weren’t even born when it was in the charts!
The grown ups really liked it though and a lot of them were dancing – doing something called “the twist”.
We could see that Mum and Dad wanted to join in, so after a little bit of discussion we let him give us some money so we could enjoy ourselves on the pier.
The music on the pier was much better. All the latest pop songs and so loud that you had to shout to be heard.
It was so exciting.
There were great rides and the best arcade games.
We knew our parents were nearby but we were free to do our own thing – we guessed it must be what it felt like to be on a date.
We were having a marvellous time and we would have stayed longer if I hadn’t had to go to “the Gents”.
“I think we should go now.” I shouted over the racket, once I returned, even though I was standing right next to my sister.
“Why? I’m having fun and I’ve still got some money left.” she protested.
“Yeah, but I’ve spent mine… On these!” I showed what I had in my pocket.
“Oh fuck!”
We scampered off to a quieter, more private space.
“Are they what I think they are?”
“Yeah,” I confirmed, “They’re rubbers. I got them from a machine in “the Gents”.
I bought four packets.
Do you want to, you know, use some?”
We found Mum and Dad back at the bar. Janet told them that the pier was so noisy that she had a headache. I suggested that she was probably just tired after all the excitement of her birthday, so maybe it would be best if we had an early night so she’d be all bright and breezy tomorrow morning.
Our parents thought that was a good idea and they would have returned to the hotel with us, but I assured them that be okay and I knew the name of the bar if we needed their help.l
So that was it.
We were free again.
Janet and I linked arms as I supported my “poorly” sister back down the street towards our accommodation.
We sped up once we were around the corner though.
Walking more briskly.
Then breaking into a jog.
Racing towards our lovenest.
Then slowing down, in case the other hotel guests or the staff, guessed our intentions.
We reached our room in a state of delirium. I could hardly get the key in the lock and once inside, we both burst into fits of laughter.
There was no need for words.
Janet pulled my shirt over my head and I unzipped her light summer dress.
She looked particularly pretty.
The light blue pendant, that I had bought her, was nestling beautifully between her breasts and was a perfect match for the lacy bra that cradled them. It was soft and supportive – much more y than any she had worn before.
“I thought you only brought regulation school undies with you.” I remarked.
“I did, but Mum bought it for me today as a extra present.
She said that when she saw me in my swimsuit she realised how much I’d grown up.
Do you like it? There are matching knickers too.”
I liked it very much. So much that I paused to enjoy the view, but my sister was more interested in the rubbers.
“Let’s see them then” said Janet eagerly, grabbing the precious packets that I’d purchased on the pier.
“How many did you get?”
“Erm, four packets, three in each packet.”
“Do you think that ‘ll be enough? Let’s see one.” she emptied a pack onto the bed while I quickly scanned the instructions – I wasn’t going to waste time reading all of them?
“Oh, wow.
Come on!”
She lay back on the bed, shoved her knickers off and spread her legs
“What are we waiting for?”
Oh my god!
This was it.
We were going to do “it”.
I was going to do “it”.
I fumbled off my trousers and stumbled out of my pants.
My eager cock sprang to attention. Ready and able.
I unwrapped the johnny and rolled it down my shaft.
God it was tight.
Pulling on the foreskin.
It felt so sensitive.
I climbed onto the bed.
She so y.
Waiting for it.
Wanting it.
Expecting it.
Ready for it.
I eased my way in.
Just an inch or so.
It was amazing.
She gasped.
I felt the gentle rub of her through the latex sheath.
Stroking the cockhead.
Tickling the “oh so sensitive” ridge.
I’d never felt anything like it before.
It was too much…
I shot my load, filling the bulb at the end of rubber.
I hadn’t even entered her.
“Shit, shit, fuck!
I’m sorry Jan.
Oh fuck.
I couldn’t help it.
“What happened?”
“I don’t know. I just got so turned on I couldn’t stop it.”
Well, at least we knew the rubber worked.
Fortunately we had all night.
We could try again.
We decided to take a shower first, massaging eachother. Enjoying our shared nakedness.
And in love.
I took her back to bed.
We kissed as we lay together.
I felt her fanny.
She was nice and wet.
And this time I entered her, smoothly and comfortably, as she pushed back to receive me.
We pistoned together at own pace.
Me experiencing the clasp her tight channel as I rocked inside her.
Janet stretching and feeling a satisfying fullness, as she accommodated my cock.
Our movements, our breaths and our heartbeats synchronized.
Our bodies became one.
And finally we achieved our biological imperative and I sealed our love by releasing my life giving seed into her fertile womb (well into a rubber tube actually, but that doesn’t sound very romantic does it?).
We only did it once that night.
It was enough – a special moment that fulfilled out every dream and expectation.
We lay in postcoital biss, basking in the magic of the moment.
Janet, whispered a “thank you”.
She told me it was her best birthday ever.
She had been expecting a naughty “birthday spanking”, but a “birthday shagging” was much more fun.

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By Mr Rodd
#Incest #Teen #Virgin