Stacy’s Womb Pt. 02 – Story Time – Loving Wives

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This story includes Cheating, Cuckolding, Impregnation, and Humiliation as themes. If any of those themes bother you I recommend skipping over this story.

Thank you.


My heart sunk as soon as I heard him say it.

“I Know you had sex with Steve.”

It felt like a dream–a twisted nightmare, really. And the weight of it all rested squarely on my shoulders.

I knew the moment I saw our basement renter, Steve naked, I was going to do something I would regret.

Here I was, cheating on my husband Brain again, the only difference was this time I got caught.

“We need to talk this out.” was Brian’s response.

For a moment I thought it seemed a somewhat pathetic response.

But Brian was always I kindhearted person, he didn’t deserve this.

Talking this out was the understatement of all time. I didn’t even know what to say to that, so I just nodded at my husband.

How could I even respond with Steve’s cum leaking out of me?

Brian stared at me for a while before saying, “Have you done this before?”

I figured I had nothing left to lose. “Yes, I have cheated on you before. It was a long time ago. When we were in high school.”

“With who?” was Brian’s short reply.

I knew that this would hurt him even more than having sex with Steve. I hesitated for a moment. I knew that our relationship was ruined beyond repair, but if I told him the truth now, it would ruin the relationship with his family.

But he deserved the truth. I blurted out “Your Dad. And Eric Sanderson and now Steve.”

Brains face lit up bright red and his jaw dropped. It took a minute for him to regain his composure before speaking again.

“Tell me everything.”

Where to begin was the thought going through my mind.

“It all started senior year. The day of my 18th birthday, remember how your dad paid for that fancy dinner we went to, there was a catch…”


Gluck Gluck Gluck Gluck

The noise echoed in my ear as Brandon, my boyfriend’s dad, thrust his member back and forth into my mouth and down my throat.

“Mmn Good girl.” he placed his hand on top of my head. He pulled back and I promptly took the opportunity to take a gasp of air.

Brandon chucked.

His member bounced slightly as he did, not far from my face.

Kneeling in front of him was intimidating.

His dick was way bigger than his sons. It pulsed menacingly.

I must have been staring, because he spoke up. “Ever seen one as big as mine?” A grin on his face.

I shook my head.


I was interrupted from telling my story by Brian.

“So, was I not the first you had?”

“I’m really sorry, but you were not the first. You are the first man I ever fell in love with. The first time I had sex was with your dad, but the second was with Eric Sanderson.” A sniffle and some tears accompanied the admission

“The guy from the football team?”

I knew Brian was trying to save some face.

He remembered who Eric was very well. We had talked about him every now and then, when we would reminisce about high school.

Eric was the typical bully. And unfortunately, Brian was the target of a lot of it back in the day. An arrogant, cruel and brutish man, but I suppose I’m no better.

I was about to tell my husband how his high school bully also bullied his high school sweethearts pussy.


The lively pop song had finished as me and Brian stopped his awkward prom dancing.

The venue was a relatively big one. The dance was the graduation party for the seniors of which I and Brian were a part of. Brian’s was turning 18 tomorrow and I was planning on making this night to remember the two of us.

I regret not spending my 18th birthday with him, as unfortunately I had to spend most of it with his dad.

Brian gave me a smile as he said into my ear.

“I’ll be right back I need to use the bathroom.”

I smiled back and he walked away, but mere moments later I was approached by the leader of the football team, Eric Sanderson.

He strutted towards me with an abundance of confidence as he broke off from the group of “friends” he was with. They were more a group of yes men goons than friends

I rolled my eyes, as he approached, as every interaction I ever had with this asshole was an annoying one.

“Hey babe, how about you and I get out of here?” Eric was not even bothering to look at my face, instead staring straight at my breasts.

I scowled, but I doubt he noticed. “No thanks, Brian and I are leaving soon.” The annoyance in my voice either was not clear or he just didn’t care.

He smiled as he raised his head to look at me in the face. It was a devious smile. One that made me uncomfortable.

“I don’t think he is gonna make it sweetheart, he is a little busy at the moment.”

My heart began to race as a flash of anger and worry came over me.

My face filled with rage.

“What did you do?”


I was again interrupted by my husband.

“I can tell you what they did. A few of the football team guys beat me up.”

I nodded. “That doesn’t surprise me. but he told me if I did what he said, they would leave you alone.”

Brian had a slight look of annoyance as he spoke again “Let me guess, he forced you to have sex with him.”

Without looking at Brian I shamefully nodded.


I slowly bent over the history teachers’ desk as Eric quickly flipped up my dress exposing my behind, that Eric quickly gave a hard slap. I let out a surprised yelp as eric mumbled

“Fuck slut you got a nice ass.”

Before I could give an insulting comeback, I felt his hand reach for my bottom again be for strongly and quickly ripping off my panty’s. Then giving my other side of my bottom, a hard slap.

I grit my teeth, before giving the first insult that came to mind. “Fuck you!” was my basic response.

I heard him fiddling with his belt and heard the unzipping of his pants.

I looked back.

Standing behind me was a smiling Eric, and his massive cock was a few inches from my ass.

Before I could react, he swooped down, grabbing me by my hair. it was not gentle as he pulled my hair.

We were looking each other square in the face.

“No, fuck you slut.”

He positioned himself and with a swift harsh motion thrust himself inside of me.

It shames me to say it, but this whole situation had turned me on so much, that he slid in without any resistance.

He was not a caring lover and his grip on my hair did not lighten up as he pounded into me from behind.


I paused for a moment and debated how honest I should be, but Brian deserved the truth.

“I had sex with both of them. Alot of sex with your dad. Sometimes both of them on the same day. I stopped when you and I got that apartment downtown.”

Brian was silent for a moment before saying “So you had sex with the both of them for over 3 years then?”

“No. I had sex with Eric for a year on a somewhat regular basis. I was with your dad almost once a week.” was my reply.

Brian was lost in thought for a moment.

“I Felt bad for your dad. after your mom died, he seemed so lonely and depressed.”

“What caused you both to stop?”

“Well things got weird…”


Plap Plap Plap Plap

Brandon was on top of me, relentlessly pounding his length in and out of me as I screamed and moaned.

“Oh, fuck baby keep fucking me!” I screamed out.

A grunt was Brandon’s only response. I looked up and saw that he was completely focused on my breasts swaying up and down with each thrust.

He filled me so well. He was twice the man that his son was.

I wondered if Brian’s late mother was unfaithful to the man currently inside of me.

Waves of pleasure were rolling over me when he spoke up.

“Fuck sweetie, I’m gonna cum.” In my mind I knew I should tell him to pull out, but my mind was overpowered by my body’s primal senses, as I wrapped my legs around him

“Do it cum inside me!”

His thrusts suddenly stopped as he began to orgasm, he grunted “Take it bitch! Get pregnant!”

I felt his warm seed enter my body as he began to kiss me.


“After that first time your dad would always say something similar. after the second or third time we had sex, it became pretty apparent that your dad was trying to knock me up.”

Brian was silent so again, so I spoke up.

“But I wanted us to start a family, not to have your dads’ kids.”

It was then that Brian finally spoke up. “Can I be honest?” He asked.

I nodded and said “Of Course,”

I thought I knew what was coming and prepared myself for him to tell me we needed a divorce.

” I know that I should be angry, but I can’t find it within myself to be angry at you. I love you too much. I want you to be happy. While you were having sex with Steve you looked happy. Happy and beautiful. I forgive you and If it really makes you happy, I don’t mind if you have sex with him.”

My heart felt like it was going to exploded and my breath was taken away.

I can’t believe what I just heard. Tears began to well in my eyes again “You are the best husband ever! I don’t deserve you!”


The best husband? If anything, I was the worst. I just told my wife it was ok to have sex with another man.

I was ashamed at first, then I was confused and angry but, right now I was incredibly turned on. It felt like a switch had flipped in my brain.

What was wrong was now right.

The image of Stacy bouncing up and down on Steve’s dick was permanently burned into my brain, along with what she just told me about her and my dad just made me want to see more.

Stacy sat down next to me and hugged me as she sniffled and wiped away tears.

“Don’t worry, I won’t do it again.” she whimpered.

“I won’t hold it against you if you do. let’s go to bed, we can talk more later.”

she nodded and we both got ready for bed. She fell asleep immediately.

I tossed and turned all night.

The next day we both woke up roughly at the same time. Stacy seemed to be avoiding eye contact with me as she got out of bed and walked toward our bathroom

“Wait, I want to say something” I sputtered out

She turned to face me. Still avoiding eye contact.

“I know I said it would be ok if you had sex with Steve last night, but I think there should be some rules.”

Stacy tilted her head slightly. “Well, I’m not going to do it again” she paused for a moment. “But what are they?”

I took a deep breath

“I don’t really know what kind of person Steve really is, I either want to be there when it happens, see a video of the entire thing or watch it on the camera. It’s just so I can make sure everything is ok.”

She looked at me in silence for a moment before speaking up.

“Well, like I said it won’t happen again.”

She turned and entered the bathroom and just as she opened the door turned to me and said, “I love you.” before entering.


Two weeks later


I was at work sitting at my desk, when I got a notification on my phone.

It was a text from Stacy. opening the message app it simply read

“Hey so when you said it was ok to have sex with Steve?”

My pulse elevated as I simply text


I could see she was in the process of replying and it felt like forever, but it finally came through.

“Ok. I love you.”

I was turned on so much.

I text back

“Are you going to do it?”

I waited but didn’t get a response, but a few minutes later I got a notification on my phone. It was another text from Stacy that simply read

“No” and a few moments later “But I did do this.”

A photo was the next text. I was shocked immediately as the image of my wife with Steve’s cock in her mouth appeared on my phone.

I knew it was his.

The image of it going in and out of Stacy’s pussy had been imprinted into my brain forever.

I stared at the picture taking in every detail.

The small smirk on her face.

Every vein on Steve’s member.

It was the most erotic thing I had ever seen.

It was also apparent from the background that this picture was taken on mine and Stacy’s bed.

Another text from Stacy came though breaking out of my analysis.

“Like what you see?”

Without even hesitating I replied simply “Yes.”

A few moments passed before I got a reply.

“Then you are going to love what I have planned for tonight.”

My heart began to race. I looked up at the clock, to see that I had an hour left on my shift.

This was going to be the longest hour of my life.


As I opened the front door Stacy was in the kitchen and smiled at me saying “Hi babe, welcome home.”

She was dressed in a light blue tank top, and loose-fitting gym shorts. She was not wearing any bra so her breast swayed back and forth with each step as

She walked over to me and gave me a deep, passionate kiss.

Our tongues intermingled, and the thought of the picture she sent earlier came to mind.

This was the same tongue that a few hours ago went up and down Steve’s dick.

The thought should have made me push her away.

It made me pull her closer.

She broke off the kiss, placed her mouth next to my ear and began to whisper.

“Something has awakened in you, so I’m going to give you a choice, we can go to our room and have some amazing passionate and loving sex and leave all of this stuff behind us. Or I can go downstairs and have sex with Steve, he is going to fuck me like a slut over and over all night. He will cum inside your wife again and again, and I will love every minute of it. You won’t have sex with me again until he moves out of our basement in a few months. What do you choose?”

Without even thinking or hesitating I replied

“Go downstairs.”

She smiled the most wicked smile I had ever seen on her face.

She gave me a quick small kiss, before saying “I love you, and always will. Thank you for this, I needed it.”

She pulled out her phone and began to fiddle with it before looking back up, giving me an air kiss and began to walk down the stairs, before turning around and asking

“You coming or you gonna watch on the camera?”

I found myself following her down the stairs. We walked down, opened the door and turned the corner.

Steve was on his couch, he looked up at the two of us with a look of surprise.

“Hey you two, what’s up?” Stacy smiled, I did not.

“Hey Steve, me and Brian just came down here to have a talk, you busy?”

Steve put his phone in his pocket and said, “Yea I’m free.”

Stacy turned to me and gave me a devilish, seductive smile turned to Steve and said,

“Steve, I told Brian about what me and you have been doing…” Steve’s face went pale but Stacy continued.

“And Brian has something he wants to say.”

It was at that point I realized what she wanted.

She wanted to humiliate me.

She wanted me to tell him to fuck her.

My pulse skyrocketed. I was incredibly turned on. She knew I wanted all of this.

I took a deep breath.

“I don’t mind if you two have sex, I would just like to know when it happens.”

Steve looked shocked “Uh, ok I’ll let you know, I guess…”

“Speaking of” Stacy piped up “Wanna finish what we were doing earlier?” She asked Steve with a smile.

“Sure thing.” was his nervous response, he looked at me as if to gauge my reaction.

Stacy spoke up again

“You don’t mind if Brian watches, right? He just wants to make sure you treat me right.” Steve looked at me again looking me up and down.

“Sure babe, I don’t mind.”

Hearing him call my wife “Babe” stung me. Like a jolt of electricity going through my body.

Stacy sat down next to him and immediately pulled him in for a kiss. It was a long, passionate kiss.

She repositioned herself to be sitting on his lap and he began running his hands up and down her.

A soft moan was Stacy’s only response as Steve moved his hands up to her ample breasts and began to squeeze them.

It was then I realized that I was just standing there staring at the two of them. I decided to sit down in the other chair across from them, and just as I did, I noticed that while the two were in the midst of kissing, Stacy was attempting to unzip Steve’s pants.

I heard the zipper being undone.

I saw the button being undone.

And then I saw Steve’s cock in person for the second time.

Stacy began to stroke the member with her dainty hand, while still in the midst of passionate kissing.

I felt a wave of emotions.

I was Intimidated.

I was embarrassed.

I was ashamed.

I was intrigued.

I was curious and most of all I was extremely horny.

Stacy broke off the kissing. Gave Steve a smile, and began to lower her head, toward his massive dick, opened her mouth and began to suck it.

Steve let out a satisfied grunt, as my wife began to work his thick shaft. He put back his head as she gave him waves of pleasure.

The sounds and sights were beyond belief, almost hyper realistic.

The slurping, moaning, grunting and heavy breathing had me in a deep trance.

I was broken out of it, when Stacy stopped her blowjob, his dick leaving her mouth with an audible pop.

She looked over to me, and smiled.

She turned back to him and began to take off her shirt. Her breasts went up as she did and when the shirt came off, they fell back down. bouncing and jiggling. She sat down next to him.

Steve game a smile as he groped one of them and placed the other in his mouth, kissing and sucking it.

She let out a small moan as he did this, she then reached down and began to stroke him with her free hand with the other supporting her on the couch.

Sucking on her breast for a minute or two, he then detached is lips from her breast and pulled her in for a kiss.

It was a long, deep and passionate kiss. The kind that two lost lovers would give one another after seeing one another after years of separation.

Another wave of awe and embarrassment came over me as I watched the two embrace in this way.

Stacy was the one to break off the kiss. As she pulled back, she took a look at me, gave a quick smile and winked one of her eyes before turning back to him.

She began to reposition herself. She placed her upper body on the armrest of the couch, crossing her arms, facing me. Looking me right in the face as she presented her backside to the man who had taken my place.

Steve looked at me as well, but I avoided his stare. He let out a one note chuckle as he pulled down her gym shorts, revealing her back side to him.

He began to position herself behind her, as he did so I looked Stacy in the face again. She gave me another smile as she began to speak. “You know Brian, I will always loveeeeeee oh mnnnnnn.”

Her endearment was cut off as Steve began to slowly sink himself into her.

She continued the moan until he had ran out of inches to give her.

It took longer than I expected.

I looked away from is moaning wife’s face only to meet the smiling face of Steve. He looked me straight in the eyes and then looked down at the ass of Stacy.

“You love your husband, do you?” He looked like a smiling devil as he as the question. He began to pull out of her and then quickly pumped back into her. She let out another squealing moan. “What do you love more? Your Husband or my dick?”

Her face scowled as she turned her head to look at him. She began to say “My husb ohhh mnn fuck.” Before she could finish her sentence, he pumped in and out of her a few times before giving her bottom a hard slap.
