Sorority Initiation |

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The day my acceptance letter to Alpha Pi Sigma sorority arrived is etched in my memory like a photograph, each detail vivid and clear. I had spent years dreaming of being part of a sisterhood, and now that dream was finally within reach. As I walked onto campus for my first week as a wideeyed freshman, I couldn’t help but feel a mix of excitement and nervousness simmering within me. The rush process was grueling, with countless rounds of interviews and challenges designed to test our worthiness for membership. But I knew it would all be worth it if I got accepted into Alpha Pi.

And then it happened – the call from the sorority president inviting me to join their ranks. My heart leapt with joy, and I quickly accepted their offer. But little did I know, joining Alpha Pi came with a steep price. During our first meeting as new members, we were told about the initiation ritual that awaited us – a weekendlong ordeal meant to prove our commitment to the sorority. We were warned that it wouldn’t be easy, but we were assured that it would bond us together like nothing else. As we arrived at the designated location, a large house on the outskirts of campus, a sense of unease began to settle over me like a thick fog. The air was charged with tension, and I could see the fear reflected in the eyes of my five fellow pledges. But I pushed those feelings aside, determined to prove myself worthy of this sisterhood.

It started innocently enough – gathering in the living room of the sorority house before standing in front of our future sisters. The sorority president rose to address us, her words echoing through the room with purpose and authority. And then she announced that our initiation would begin with a stripping ceremony. We were instructed to seductively undress while music blared from the speakers throughout the house. My heart sank as I looked around at my fellow pledges, seeing the same confusion and terror in their eyes that I felt within myself. One by one, we shed our clothes and stood naked before the sorority sisters, who cheered and jeered, taking pictures and videos to commemorate the embarrassing occasion.

But this was just the beginning. For the rest of the weekend, we were nude, forced to bear our bare bodies to our future sisters. The shame and degradation we felt were palpable as we were objectified and humiliated by the sorority sisters. They took turns subjecting us to ridiculous tasks, treating us like mere playthings. I struggled to hold onto my sense of self, to not succumb completely to their twisted games. But I knew I had to endure for the sake of my sisters and the reputation of the sorority.

On Sunday afternoon, we were summoned to gather in the backyard. The sun beat down on us, casting a golden light over our exposed skin. The sorority president stepped forward, her gaze cold and calculating. She announced that our final task would be the most challenging yet. We were blindfolded and bound together with coarse rope, helpless to see or move freely. Led back into the sorority house, we could hear music playing and feel the heavy weight of anticipation in the air. My heart pounded with fear as I anxiously awaited what was to come.

Suddenly, the music stopped, and a hush fell over the room. Footsteps approached and then the rope was loosened from around my waist. “Welcome, pledges,” a voice said coolly, “you’ve made it this far, but now it’s time for your final test. Stand still with your arms at your sides and do not move under any circumstances. Any sign of weakness will result in immediate rejection.”

As the blindfold was removed, my eyes squinted against the sudden brightness. My heart raced as I saw a naked boy standing before me, his nerves evident in his rapidly shifting eyes. But he didn’t cover himself, he stood there awaiting whatever was to come. As my eyes adjusted, I noticed that the room was filled with not only all the girls from the sorority, but also all the boys from the fraternity Beta Theta Pi. The air hummed with anticipation and excitement.

My mind raced as I tried to comprehend what was happening. Was this some kind of twisted initiation ritual? I wanted nothing more than to cover myself and run away, but I stood frozen in place as commanded by the sorority and fraternity presidents who now stood together, speaking in unison.

“In order to join our ranks,” they announced, “you must complete one final task. You will have with the pledge standing opposite of you, right here on the floor. What you do is up to you, but there must be penetration and the boys must ejaculate.”

My jaw dropped in disbelief. This couldn’t be real. This wasn’t what I had signed up for when I joined this sorority.

I scanned the room for an escape route, but it was too late. The music started playing again and the room erupted into cheers and catcalls. My body trembled with fear and disgust as I realized there was no way out of this degrading situation. I closed my eyes and prayed for it to be over soon. This was not what sisterhood should be about.

The boy took a step towards me, his eyes wide with fear and uncertainty. I could see the conflict in his expression, torn between his desire to join the fraternity and the revulsion at what we were being forced to do. We locked eyes for a moment, a silent understanding passing between us. We were both victims in this twisted game.

“You have two minutes,” the sorority president barked. “Anyone who doesn’t comply will be immediately expelled and blacklisted from Greek life.”

My mind raced. Was this worth it? Was joining this sorority worth sacrificing my dignity, my values, my very sense of self? But then I thought of all the doors Alpha Pi Sigma could open for me the connections, the prestige, the sisterhood I’d always longed for. I had come too far to back out now.

“I’m going to suck your cock and then just fuck me and get this over with,” I told the boy, my voice quivering. He just nodded dumbly in response as I lowered myself to my knees and took his cock in my mouth. Despite the circumstances, I was getting very aroused sucking off this unknown boy’s dick in front of a room full of people. I knew I couldn’t blow him for long because he would cum before he was able to fuck me as required. So a few more bobs of my head and I reluctantly took him out of my mouth.

I tilted my head up to meet his gaze, only to find him standing there with wide, unblinking eyes. He was frozen in place, like a marble statue, as he looked down at his just sucked cock pointing right at my face. I lowered myself onto the floor, spreading my legs wide and revealing my throbbing, slick pussy to the room full of gawkers. “Get down here and fuck me,” I commanded the boy in an attempt to shake him out of his dazed state.

The boy snapped out of his trance and awkwardly lowered himself on top of me. I could feel his body trembling as he positioned himself between my legs. His eyes darted around the room, taking in the dozens of leering faces watching our every move.

“Just look at me,” I whispered, trying to block out the humiliation of our audience, “pretend it’s just us.”

He nodded gratefully and locked eyes with me as he slowly pushed inside. I gasped at the sudden intrusion, my body tensing involuntarily. The boy froze, afraid he had hurt me.

“Fuck me!” I demanded. “We have to finish this.”

He began to move, his thrusts growing more confident as primal instinct took over. I wrapped my legs around him, pulling him deeper. If we had to do this, we might as well try to enjoy it. The room faded away as I lost myself in the rhythm of our bodies. For a few blissful moments, I forgot about the degrading circumstances that had me here. There was only sensation the fullness of him inside me, the friction of skin on skin, the building pressure of my approaching climax.

All too soon, I felt the boy’s movements become erratic. With a strangled groan, he shuddered and I felt him cumming inside me. As the boy collapsed on top of me, panting heavily, the room erupted into cheers and applause. The spell was broken, and the humiliating reality of what we had just done came crashing back. I gently pushed the boy off me and sat up, desperately trying to cover myself with my hands, semen flowing out of my gaping pussy.

The presidents stepped forward, smiles on their faces. “Congratulations,” they said enthusiastically. “You’ve passed the final test. Welcome brothers and sisters.”

I felt sick to my stomach as I looked around at the pledges. Some were crying silently, others looked shellshocked. We had all just been forced to fuck in front of a room full of strangers. But it was over and I was finally a member of the sisterhood.