Slay Her Amena SciFi & Fantasy

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infamous vampire slayer meets her ultimate match: the vampire king with a surprising plot twist

The wind whipped through her long, dark ponytail as she ascended into the air, spinning her slim, agile body with a deadly stealth. Amena moved with grace through the night sky, jumping from tree to tree while making little to no sound, her sharp eyes searching skillfully through the labyrinth of trees for her prey. Her commander had informed her of an influx of vampire activity tonight and she had slayed a dozen of them already. The moon slid into the middle of the sky, the night still young. She can slay a few more before going back to the headquarters for review. Then a shuffling noise to her left made her halt, the tip of her shoes pressing into the thick tree branch and she made her body flat against the bark, the bodysuit camouflaged her and she pressed a button on her tool belt, a cool mist spraying to conceal her scent. Her eyes moved rapidly as she scanned the forest. Then a bush below her began to shake, two men emerging from the darkness and into the moonlight, walking in the direction she came from.

“You think that slayer is out tonight?” One snickered, the moonlight catching the reddish tint of his hair as he cocked his head to the side, long fangs glinting as he laughed.

The other man chuckled deeply, shoving his hands into his pockets. “I hope so. If she is as badass as the rumors claim, I want to see it. I feel like playing rough tonight!”

“She couldn’t take me on. I’d have her bent over in a human heartbeat.” They laughed wholeheartedly, shoving each other playfully and Amena placed a calming hand on her chest, the rage in her heart brewing a storm she fought to contain. As much as she wanted to strike them down, she had to move wisely. Vampire’s speed and strength can be deadly. She slowly moved to another branch, following behind the vampires, her fingers closing around the hilt of her silver katana in wait for the right moment.

“Wow!” The red haired one exclaimed when they encountered the last vampire Amena had slayed.

“She must be close,” the other warned and Amena tightened her grip around the hilt when the men took a defensive stance as they scanned the forest. She bent at the knee, fingertips touching the rough bark as she readied herself to attack. Adrenaline rushed through her veins, but she breathed calming breaths through her nose. The token on her belt vibrated softly, notifying her that the commander is requesting her. So, she decided that she will wait for the two to split, slay them and make her way back to headquarters.

But a shuffling noise behind her made her whip around. “Got’ya!” She heard a sinister whisper and with a swift metallic swoosh, she pulled the katana right up against the neck of a different vampire who jumped onto her tree. His smirk was wide, eyes glowing red as he peered down her frame. He held his hands up, almost playfully, in defense. “You think I’m scared of your little play sword? Come with me to see my boss now, or else.”

Amena glanced down at the other two vampires, who had taken a few steps away, but didn’t seem to have heard the commotion. But before she could react, the redeyed vampire ducked down past her blade and went to wrap his arms around the slayer’s body. But she jumped back into a flip, narrowly missing the encircling of his arms. Her feet missed the branch and she plunged to the forest floor. The two vampires below whirled around to face her. Amena’s heart skipped beats as she realized she was outnumbered, but held her composure, holding up her sword. The first two lunged at her and she swung the katana with a highpitched, “Yah!” But the redeyed vampire came down from the tree and she felt an object hit the back of her head and the world faded to black.

Amena’s eyes shot open, blurred vision slowly focused on the peak of a dark oak canopy. She winced at the piercing pain wrapping around her skull and when she tried to reach up, she realized her hands had been shackled to the bed. Panic ran icycold through her veins as she tried to shake her wrist free.

“The Slayer,” a vampiress’s voice hissed to her right and Amena looked over at the twin vampiress standing by the door, “Has finally awoken.” The ladies cackled evilly, slinking forward to remove the shackles before falling back into the darkness.

Amena’s heart raced as she sat up abruptly. She realized her bodysuit had been removed, leaving her only in a thin slip. She had no weapons or protection. She swiftly rose to her, bare feet stumbling on the cold tiles, but her head spun with fresh pain and she clutched her forehead. Then she heard a chuckle and pressed herself against the pole of the bed. Slowly, the silhouette of a man appeared.

“Amena…” a familiar voice rang in her ears and her heart almost stopped beating, “sweet, sweet Amena.”

Her name always rolled perfectly off his tongue. She grit her teeth as it dawned on her that she had been fooled by her commander. The enemy had been her friend all along. She bowed her head and breathed a humorless snicker, “Well played, Dane. My commander being the mole was definitely not in my cards. Did it feel good sending me out there to slay your men?”

The light caught him as he closed the space between them. Hair brushed back, light eyes seemed to glow when his full lips pulled back into a smirk. His silk shirt was unbuttoned, showing off the muscles of his broad torso. Amena could see now that the man was too y to have been human.

“What can I say…” Dane’s voice always seemed to vibrate at her core and Amena’s heart began to ache. The flashes of all the memories they shared together came to her mind. How could this monster be the same man that helped her through so much? He played her well. The betrayal stabbing her heart.

“How…could you…” she sniffled, forcing the tears back, “Is your name even Dane?”

“Yes. Technically I never lied, I just didn’t tell the whole truth. I wanted to be the one to handle the top slayer, personally. You killing off thousands of my men only fueled my rage.”

“You killed some, too,” She spat back.

He only chuckled. “Life comes with sacrifices, for the greater good. They died for me, because I am King,” He leaned toward Amena, his voice radiating the power within.

“Pathetic,” she could only whisper, her Latina accent thickening with emotion. “Just wait until I get to wrap my hands around your neck and watch you die.”

He trapped her arms, nostrils flailing as he growled, “Go ahead, my dear. I would love to see you try!”

All Amena could do was glare at him, the anger swelling immensely. His hand came up to cup her face, but she turned away.

“Now, don’t be like that,” he purred in her ear and goosebumps flared all over her body. “I don’t think what happened between us was meaningless.” He placed his mouth against her ear, and she fought against the heat of his body pressing into her. He dropped his hand to her hip bone, his firm grasp lighting a fire deep inside her. She wanted to fight her urges, but struggled to maintain her focus. “We are just getting started. Tonight will truly be spectacular. Let’s cherish every second of it, yes?”

Then he pressed a lingering kiss against Amena’s neck, and she let out a surprised whimper. She hated how easily the man could make her weak. The only man that could. “And…” she sighed, trying to distract herself from the building flame’s heat increasing deep within, “What exactly is your plan for tonight?”

Instead of replying, he placed hot, openmouth kisses against her throat, leaving a blazing trail down the base of her neck. Amena became dizzy, and it was not because of the headache and instead by the intense pleasure rocking up her spine. Dane pulled Amena right up against his hard body.

Amena found herself falling in too deeply, a moan vibrated in her mouth as he cupped her thigh, lifting her leg up to his side, and pressed himself between her thighs. Her neediness began to heat up her veins, the flames within only intensifying, pooling into her depths. And he kissed her.

Hot tingles of pleasure shot throughout her body as their mouths moved together intensely, Amena thought, possibly the most passionate kiss they had ever shared. Then, Dane picked her up and effortlessly threw her onto the plush bed. He climbed on quickly after, watching Amena intently. He pulled the slip off her, a hot gasp leaving her lips as she watched him through a lusthazed gaze. He undressed himself before coming down onto Amena, mouth on her neck, delivering mindboggling bites and kisses. He gyrated his hardness against her clitoris, sending lightning bolts of pleasure against her bundle of nerves. Amena’s heart skipped when he grabbed his hard member, and positioned himself against her vagina. She gasped sharply as he entered her, a strong hand on her hip to steady himself. He thrusted deeply, and Amena closed her eyes tightly, fully letting herself fall. She could no longer fight. He came down to kiss her and she affectionately cupped his face.

His thrusts reached hard and deep into her throbbing heat, her vagina tightening around him as the urge to orgasm grew in strong waves, determined to wipe out all the flames pooling inside of her. Amena whimpered softly and Dane whispered sweet nothings, encouraging Amena to let go. She pressed her head into the pillow and his mouth was by her ear, filling it with warm air that only intensified the urge to let go. “Come on, Amena…” he teased, kissing the spot behind her ear. He knew she was nearing her edge and Amena rolled her eyes back as she moaned. The pressure built immensely within her and soon it rolled over into an intense release that left her gasping and gripping the silk sheets beneath her. “Oh, Dane!”

Right in the middle of the orgasm, the vampire himself, with one final thrust, came as well, his penis throbbing and releasing his hot semen deep inside her. They heaved heavy breaths, reeling in the incredible infatuation between them. Then, Dane went back to Amena’s ear and whispered possessively, “You are mine!” And with that declaration hanging in the air, he brought his mouth down, tongue gliding a teasing trail down her neck and without warning, Dane sank his fangs into Amena’s neck.
