Latest sex stories about Shhh!… Dont tell mummy pt2 added for who looking to read new experience of teenager narrative Shhh!… Dont tell mummy pt2 story.
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By Charlotte025
If you recall, i told you of my daughter Charlotte and how i found myself becoming aroused at the sight of her tiny mound tucked behind her little pink panties and how that night she became my secret lover. It had been two weeks since i placed Charlotte on my lap with my cock tucked firmly between her thighs and the smooth warm skin of her flower, as she liked to call it.
I still hadnt penetrated her, she was afraid that it would hurt and she was right, the first time for a girl always hurts and i didnt want her to think anything different, i knew that i would just have to be patient.
We still enjoyed each others company and her favourite was when i would flick my tongue over her tiny clitoris, she would pull the hood back on it when it was erect, she said it looked like a miniature pee pee.
Being a trucker, i have several DVDs for my own personal use when i was on the road. I figured if i let Charlotte watch some of them, she might become curious and want to try some of the things that the girls in the movies were doing. I remember the look of amazement on her face as she watched some guy slip his seven inch cock in to a young girls throat. Her eyes were like saucers and her mouth was hanging open, as if she was catching flys and then the “yuck ” sound as the girl started coughing and spewing up the guys cum.Maybe letting her watch this wasnt such a great idea.
I really wanted to take Charlotte on my journeys with me but it was almost impossible because of her schooling. Then came the winter break and i told my wife that i wanted to take Charlotte with me but she wasnt happy with that idea, she figured that it was too dangerous to be taking a child with me in the snow and the ice, She was right, truck drivers never know for certain as to whether they will be returning home in their truck or in a box during the winter.
I hadnt run this idea past Charlotte yet but i was sure that she would be up for it. Finally my wife caved and reluctantly said yes.
” You dont have to pack any jeans or leggings”, i told her ” Just a couple of short skirts and T-shirts and of course that cute little nightie with the cartoon animal on it. She looked so small sitting in the truck seat, her little pink legs dangling over the edge, not reaching the floor. We were only an hour in to the journey when i noticed that she was falling asleep. Reaching over, i shook her and told her to climb up on to the bunk. I watched as she clambered up on to it, her little white panties showing under her skirt. Within minutes she was asleep and thats when my mind and my hand started wandering.
I had to unclip my seat belt in order to reach her skirt and push it up to her waist and open her legs to reveal her pretty little mound. It would be two hours before she awoke, well, long trips arent for everyone.
” Im hungry daddy” she whimpered. ” Theres a truck stop a few miles ahead, we`ll stop there and get something to eat.”
We got all kinds of looks as we walked in to the restaurant full of truckers. Some of them nodded and smiled and some just stared lustfully at Charlottes legs in her short skirt.
Sitting her at a table, i went to the counter to get us our food, i glanced round to see her and thats when i noticed that she was sitting with her legs opened and her panties on display. I know that i should have told her to close her legs but i know what truckers are like and we rarely get a view like that, so i kept my mouth shut and let them enjoy the floor show, knowing that half of them would be in their bunks tonight, wanking off while thinking of touching my little girl.
After dinner, we drove for another few hours and thanks to having a cabover, Charlotte was able to stretch across the engine cowling and rest her head on my lap.
” Sweetheart… you remember the girl in the movie that put her daddys pee pee in her mouth…have you ever thought about how that would feel” ” Do you want me to do that to you daddy?” she asked . ” Only if you want to honey, i dont want you doing anything that youre not comfortable with”.
Raising her hand, i heard my zipper being pulled down and she fumbled to release my rigid cock from its housing. At the press of a button, my hydraulic seat moved down, giving her more room between my lap and the steering wheel. Her tongue slid over my polished knob, ” Oh honey, that feels so good”. ” Do i have to put all of it in my mouth daddy?” ” No honey, if you just want to lick it, thats fine”
I felt her lips slip over my tip and with the the seat being hydraulic, the first pothole that we went over, the seat bounced up, sending my cock deep in to her mouth. She gagged and started coughing, ” Can we wait until we`ve stopped daddy and then i`ll do it” ” Of course honey, we`ll be stopping soon for the night anyway, why dont you take your panties off and sit on your seat with your back against the door and let daddy see your pretty flower
Truck stop thirty five miles, the sign read. My cock was still boucing free after Charlottes attempt at a blowjob and was rubbing against the steering wheel, i`ll tell you, it actually felt good with the vibration going through it.
” Ok honey, thats us for the night”, i said as we pulled in to a semi deserted truck stop. She looked relieved and it made me wonder if she was actually enjoying our trip. ” Why dont we go grab a snack and get freshened up” i said, grabbing our towels and shampoo.
Again, all eyes were on Charlotte as we walked in. I looked around for the best place to sit, i wanted to give the guys a floor show again, especially as she wasnt wearing panties this time. I could see some of the guys “accidently” drop their cutlery in order to get a better look up her skirt. ” Pull your skirt up a little honey and open your legs a little wider, i want people to see how beautiful your flower is” i whispered across the table. All of a sudden, everyone seemed to be dropping their cutlery.
Back in the truck, with the curtains pulled shut, we stripped off and got ready for bed. ” Why dont you come over here and sit on my lap and pretend that your driving” My cock was standing upright as she lowered herself on to my lap, with my cock between her thighs, i started operating the hydraulic seat again, both of our bodies raising up and down in time with the seat.
” Im so proud of you honey, you looked so beautiful today, all of those men in the restaurants wanted to touch you and do other things to you” ” Did they daddy, how do you know that?” ” A daddy can tell these things” ” Do you think it would be alright if i put my pee pee in your flower tonight?”
She lowered her head and fell silent for a moment. ” Will it hurt?” ” I wont lie to you honey, it will hurt but only for a short time and this time tomorrow, you will be wondering why you were so afraid to do it.” ” Ok i`ll do it”
I told her to stand up and bend over the steering wheel, i moved the tip of my cock up and down the length of her slit until she was well lubricated with her own juices and her hips were making those involuntary thrusts.
With my cock now at her opening, i told her to very slowly lower herself down. Her body went tense as i pushed myself in to her and then she let out a throaty cry as i took her virginity. Her body was trembling and it wasnt with pleasure, she was crying,
” we`ll just sit like this for little while until the pain eases off” i said as i wrapped my arms around her. ” I love you so much honey” i whispered as i kissed the back of her neck. ” Im sorry for hurting you but this time next week , youll be begging me to put it in you.
She made an attempt at a laugh and the tears and snot dripped on to her thighs. ” It was sore daddy, but not as sore as i expected. Again, i operated the hydraulics and our bodies moved up and down in unison. She didnt orgasm that night but i certainly did.
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By Charlotte025