Shadow of Secrets Pt. 19 – Fetish

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**Disclaimer: All characters are 18+, no underage characters will ever be portrayed in any shape or form in this or any future stories.**

**Erik’s point of view**

Erik sat on his bed, staring blankly at the poster of “The Shadow” above him. He couldn’t believe what he had seen his mother do with Jax last night. The vivid images kept popping up in his mind of his beautiful mother being defiled by this guy she thought of as her boyfriend. He was a thug and a criminal in Erik’s eyes. Not good enough for his amazing mother. Jax’s crude words kept ringing in Erik’s ears. Erik tried in vain to cover his face with his pillow to stop the images and voices from overwhelming him again. To his shame Erik had been hard this entire time after having witnessed his mother being fucked senseless.

Her vacant expressions as she climaxed were haunting Erik enough already but the loud moans of pleasure which he had stupidly thought of as her being in pain was the reason he had gone to check on her. Though if he was truthful with himself he probably knew what the noises were and still went to check. Once he had pushed that door open however all his illusions were burnt away. Jax’s twisted words of appreciation towards Eva’s “tight pussy” had kept Erik awake through the night. After that Erik couldn’t focus on much else the whole night.

His day was just beginning to take a turn for the worse though as he had been caught off guard by the sudden change in events. He had been planning to spend the evening studying for his internship interview Cindy had arranged for him at the news station, but now he was faced with a dilemma that seemed impossible to solve. He had been sitting on the couch after breakfast knowing sooner or later his mom would wake up and would want to talk to him about last night. He knew for sure that she had seen him peek in her bedroom; all he hoped was that she would see his side to be innocent. He hoped she won’t be mad at him at best but there was a part of him that knew she must be thinking of him as a pervert. Would she able to tell if he lied about peeking inside her room at all?

He heard footsteps approaching and recognized them as belonging to his mother. Erik steeled himself, prepared to meet her gaze despite the embarrassment and confusion swirling within him. The door creaked open, and Eva stepped into the room with a hesitant smile on her face. She wore baggy clothes which was a far cry from what she was wearing all throughout past week for Jax, her curly black hair cascading down her shoulders in loose waves though Erik thought to himself how it had a weird ‘freshly fucked’ look to it. Her hazel eyes sparkled with warmth and concern as she crossed the distance between them. Erik couldn’t help but blame himself for her choosing to wear these baggy clothes; maybe him having peeked at her last night may have made her hesitant about revealing even tiny bit of skin in front of him. His fear about his own mother thinking of him as a pervert grew after that thought.

Erik hesitated, unsure of how to behave in front of her now that there was this thing hanging over their heads. He definitely shouldn’t have gone to her bedroom last night and he most certainly shouldn’t be feeling feelings of attraction towards her body like he had been feeling all through the night. The incident from last night had messed with his head and he didn’t know what he could do to make it go back to normal. This was definitely nowhere near normal. Jax’s words about her “tight pussy” once again echoed in Erik’s head making him squirm.

As Eva came closer however Erik got distracted a bit by something. There was something off with his mother – the way she looked or maybe walked? He couldn’t exactly tell by looking at her but he just got this feeling that she wasn’t looking like her usual self. Then just as she turned to face the kitchen counter to grab herself a plate he noticed her body from the back. Was it just his imagination or did her body seem a little ….. wider around the hips? He wouldn’t call it fat exactly but she definitely looked like she had gained some weight. He had seen her yesterday though and it didn’t seem like she had gained any weight then. Maybe he was imagining it with his mind being all over the place after last nights incident. Or maybe it’s the baggy clothes?

After a taking a bite off her breakfast Eva and Erik got to talking; starting off awkwardly. There was a lot of tension in the room and Erik mostly settled on looking at his feet in shame hoping his mother wasn’t about to call him out for being a filthy pervert. But none of that happened fortunately.

However his relief was short lived when he told her about his possible career opportunity that Cindy had gotten him. She lost her composure completely which was very rare for her. She nearly bit his head off in anger before going off on him about all kinds of things. It ended with her flatly telling him that he was not going to take that offer and was to go to Jax for a job if he wanted to keep living with her in the apartment.

Erik was furious and confused because he didn’t understand how Eva could just outright refuse to let him make his life decisions. This internship Cindy was offering him was a great opportunity which could lead to a real job! How did his mother not get this? How was this even comparable to a job Jax could give him at the club?! The whole situation was ridiculous not to mention how Eva knew Erik and Jax didn’t get along. Erik hated the guy as Jax never missed an opportunity to pick on him. Working for him at the club would not be any different; Erik was absolutely certain of that.

The heated argument between him and his mother ended pretty abruptly as she stormed out slamming the bedroom door shut behind her; leaving Erik fuming with anger. He kept tapping his foot on the floor angrily trying to think of a way to make sense of any of it. He could just say “hell with it all!” But that would mean his mother would kick him out of the apartment. Would she really do that though? She was angry the moment he mentioned Cindy and the internship at the station. Was there something he missed? Did his mother have some issue with Cindy personally?

Sometime before lunch Erik heard the front door shut and knew Eva had left home without saying goodbye to him for the first time ever. She must be really pissed if she did that. After about an hour of just sitting there at the kitchen table angry at his mother not seeing things his way; slowly Erik started to see her side of things as he calmed down more and more.

She had sacrificed a lot for him as he was growing up. She spent her entire adult life taking care of him alone. She didn’t focus on her career and took up working for Jax for better pay so she could take better care of him. She wasn’t the one being unfair and unreasonable. She was looking out for his safety sake as always. He was the one being unfair to her. It was his time to take care of her and he was picking himself and his happiness over hers.

In the end it hadn’t really been an ultimatum for him; it was the easiest choice he had to make. On one hand he had his life ahead of him at the news station but he won’t have his mother in that life. While on the other hand he would have to endure Jax tormenting him at work but at least he would still be close to his mother and make her happy. Erik got off the kitchen counter chair and he had decided on going to the club and talk to Jax. He wasn’t exactly looking forward to working there and be humiliated by Jax at every turn but at least his mother won’t be mad at him anymore. Seeing her angry was a rare occurrence and seeing her bright smile was worth every ounce of insult Jax may throw at him.

Erik felt a pang of guilt for giving up on the promising opportunity offered by Cindy, but he reminded himself that he was making the decision for his mother’s happiness. He decided to hold off on telling his decision to Cindy for now but in his mind he had already rejected the opportunity considering how Eva was against it. All he had to do now was get through the hell Jax was surely about to put him through.

That evening when it was near the time when Erik knew the shifts started at the club and Jax was sure to be there; Erik got ready wearing his usual comfortable and unremarkable clothes in hopes of not standing out in any way while traveling through the streets or at the club. Those who dressed flashy after sun down got mugged or worse. Living in the city he had picked the path of least conflict just like his mother had taught him. He could hear his mother’s words “Never depend on the league to come save you if you can just keep your head down and mind your own business.”

Erik was not sure if he agreed with this completely especially when he was growing up with a poster of his favorite heroine “The Shadow” hanging in his room. She would never give up when dealing with criminal scum he used to think but he was young back then; young and naive. No one had seen her for a long time after she had retired from the league. Sometimes Erik wondered what it would be like in the city if she returned and helped the people again. He wouldn’t have to go work for an asshole like Jax that was for sure! Erik chuckled at his thought of relying on a retired super-heroine to solve his mundane problem with Jax.

Traveling quickly through the city before it would be completely dark Erik reached the club in half hour. He had already seen a couple of stores getting robbed and heard women screaming for help followed by gunshots on his way there. He used to feel like crap for not doing more to help such people but what could normal as a rock- Erik could do? He had no superpowers to help those in need. Better leave that job to those who can do something about it. These days though it didn’t look like even the league was able to handle the city and it’s crime.

Entering the club first thing Erik wanted to do was look for his mother and tell her his decision so she won’t be mad at him any longer. The club was just starting to liven up with music thumping a bit and the bar starting to flow with liquor. The stage was empty where usually women would strip for money. Erik was just glad he didn’t have to watch his mother be one of those women. Eva had picked up the job of hostess thanks to Jax being the main guy at this club. Technically he owned the club but Erik was sure the real owners were the mafia. They owned everything around these parts of the city anyway.

Eva should be around here somewhere serving the few customers that were already sitting at the tables but Erik couldn’t see his mom anywhere. Just then a warm hand slid down from his neck to his back over his spine making Erik jump away a bit; out of it’s reach. Looking around he saw a beautiful woman probably in her early twenties with blue hair smiling and giggling at his reaction. She said in a sweet voice “ooooo…. you must be new around here. Is this your first time baby? You do seem lost though? Maybe you want a drink? Or are you looking for some company?”

Erik wasn’t used to getting attention from women like this. So he nervously looked away especially considering how she was wearing hardly any clothes. It was just a blue bikini barely covering her body along with a sheer white dress to cover it all; leaving her long legs in heels on display. Erik just managed to shake his head as he said “no uhhh no nothing like that! I’m here to see ummm ….” He wanted to ask about his mom but he guessed it better to just get right to meeting Jax. So he continued “I guess I’m here to meet Jax …”

At the mention of Jax’s name the girls grey eyes lit up and she cheerfully asked “ohhhh you are here to meet Daddy Jax! He should probably be in his office though you better ask someone after going through that red door over there. That door goes to the VIP area so don’t wander off okay? Just past that red door you will see an elevator on the right across the hallway. Take that upstairs and you can’t miss the giant door to Jax’s office.” She pauses a bit before adding in a playful tone “do knock on his door first though honey. You don’t want him mad at you for disturbing him when he is ….. busy.” With that she left Erik alone but not before gently brushing her fingers and palm across his cheek. Erik shivered at her touch but turned away to go through the red door she had pointed at.

As he passed through the door, he immediately noticed the difference in atmosphere. The dim lighting transformed into a vibrant neon glow, reflecting off the polished surfaces of the high-end decor. A palpable energy filled the air, emanating from the patrons enjoying themselves at the private booths lining the walls. The crowd seemed more exclusive and sophisticated than the ones outside of that red door. He could barely hear the loud music once he crossed the red door; must be sound proofed Erik thought to himself. He was curious to look around the VIP area despite the blue haired girls warning but risking his mom getting even angrier if he got caught snooping around her workplace made Erik reconsider.

Upon reaching the elevator, Erik hesitated, dreading the possibility of running into Jax in person. Nonetheless, he steeled himself and pressed the button, the doors sliding open with a soft whir. Inside, the elevator was plush and tastefully decorated, the walls adorned with abstract art pieces. As the elevator ascended, Erik felt a strange mix of excitement and apprehension. What did Jax have planned for him? Erik hadn’t even considered what kinda job Jax would have for him here at this club. Not to mention what would happen if he wasn’t good at whatever he was given. Will he be fired and once again land in trouble with his mom? The prospect of failure loomed, casting a shadow over his future.

As the elevator doors opened with a gentle ding, Erik found himself standing in front of a massive wooden door, adorned with an intricately carved design. Once outside the door Erik raised his hand to knock on the door but waited when he heard a faint sound of people talking in there. This room was also soundproofed so Erik couldn’t hear exact words the people inside were speaking but it made him pause as he definitely heard a woman’s voice and a deep, rough voice which could only belong to Jax. Thinking best not to wait he finally knocked on the heavy wooden door and his knuckles made a very loud sound against the wooden door. Then he couldn’t hear the people inside anymore as the silence became deafening.

He swallowed a lump in his throat, steeling himself for whatever awaited him inside. Gathering his courage, he knocked again firmly on the door, his heart pounding furiously in his chest. After a brief silence, the door swung open, revealing a luxurious office with high ceilings and large paintings of erotic art all over the walls. Opening the door and holding it for Erik stood Jax, clad in a sleek suit and sporting a sly grin. The man usually wore just grey sweatpants when he stayed over with Eva so the suit definitely threw Erik off a little. But what threw him more was a woman standing bent over the desk in front of Jax; more importantly it was what she was wearing that made Erik keep staring at her without acknowledging Jax for a bit.

The man motioned for Erik to enter, his eyes gleaming with anticipation. Erik cautiously stepped inside, scanning the opulent surroundings, his senses heightened and alert. Jax noticed Erik’s eyes on the woman bending over on his desk so he asked Erik “see something you like huh?”

As Erik looked away from the woman’s voluptuous body covered beautifully by the latex suit; he felt embarrassed for being caught by Jax. Jax waved his hand a bit and continued as if the woman wasn’t even in the room “so Eva told me you would be dropping by! She wants me to give you a job here. You really down with that?”

Erik had to force himself not to keep looking back at the woman in the latex suit again but something about the way she looked or how her body looked had made Erik keep turning his eyes over to her occasionally. The latex suit covered most of her body including her face so he didn’t know who it was under there or maybe that was the point of the suit? Erik had seen such suits on the internet used in BDSM stuff. Seeing it with his own eyes was a different matter though; especially since the outfit had a big hole at the crotch exposing both her holes to both Jax and Erik. She kept quiet all this time but by her moving her head slightly Erik could tell she could tell there were other people around her.

When Jax asked him about wanting to work at the club Erik instead asked something which was bothering him ever since coming at the club “where is mom? I didn’t see her downstairs.” Erik noticed a glint in Jax’s eyes for a brief second as he asked him that question but in the next moment it was gone as Jax answered thoughtfully “she was here taking to me about you then she left to go and work ….. so I guess either you missed her down there or she must still be getting ready in the back.”

Erik eyes once again shifted to the woman’s exposed ass and a weird thought entered his mind making his heart start to thump in his chest faster. Who was this woman? And why was Jax making her just stand there like a piece of furniture while he and Jax talked about things?

Jax was the first to speak up though as he asked once again with a hint of laughter in his voice “you do seem fascinated by this one. Tell me boy …. Ever fucked a woman like this one before? Or better yet …. Have you even fucked a woman?”

Erik looked at him having expected such humiliation from Jax when he had decided to listen to his mother and take a job from him. This was exactly the way he expected Jax to treat him so he spoke “no I guess I’m waiting for the right person ….” Jax cut him off however as he simply said in a matter of fact tone “virgin then ….. don’t give me all that sappy crap about waiting for a soul mate! I know you hate me for being with your mommy but she is an adult so grow up will ya? I’m giving you a chance to work here because she asked me to …. She also asked me to be nicer to you so I’ll try despite knowing how hard that can be. So here it goes …. You wanna fuck this woman? I’ll even teach you the basics if you don’t know what goes where.” He chuckled at Erik’s possible lack of knowledge on the birds and the bees. Erik went slightly red and tried to refuse “no uhhh that’s not needed …. We can just talk about the job stuff”

Jax looked at him with his head slightly tilted before saying “you sure boy? You have a tent in your pants right now from just looking at this bitch’s ass. Imagine what it could feel like if you shove it up in there!” To Erik’s horror when he looked down he saw his erection showing from under his pants. Though his shame was slightly more intense knowing it was more because of wondering if it was his mom in that suit rather than a random woman. His feelings were a chaos ever since having seen her and Jax have sex last night and this woman’s body reminded him of his mother a bit.

Seeing Erik being silent for a bit Jax spoke up “you really are weird you know that right? Any other guy would have jumped at the chance to fuck but you …. You sure are a weirdo. Look just come closer and touch her a bit ….. let’s see if you change your mind okay? Ohhh and just a fun fact about this one …. She is a bit older but is still a virgin just like you! Ain’t that a match made in heaven? Like it’s meant to be?”

Erik stared at the woman a bit after Jax revealed that piece of information. This woman? Still a virgin? Then I guess if Jax wasn’t lying about such a thing then it can’t be his mother for sure. Erik moved a bit closer to her at Jax’s urging. Jax then went on “good boy! Now go ahead …. And spread those ass cheeks and take a look at her holes.” Erik didn’t appreciate the crude manner in which Jax spoke about this mystery woman but he moved closer nonetheless.
