Serving an old English bull

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#BDSM #Cuckold #Exhibitionist #Voyeur

By Old English bull

A submissive couple searching for something 3

Saturday is upon me and I check in to the hotel a little early to prep the room for Jenny and Pete. The Nova is a small , local hotel with only 2 floors and is rarely busy, so it’s perfect for my requirements. Quite enough for Jenny and Pete to just walk upstairs to room 208 without awkward questions in the lobby because the rooms are outside the main reception area.
8 pm comes around quickly and there’s the expected knock at the door, I check the eye hole to make sure it’s my expected guests and open the door.
Pete is at the fore with Jenny standing behind him, both are dressed as I asked but this time I noticed Jenny’s “above the knee, black skirt” is a lot shorter than last time. I’m guessing they are trying to make amends for the mid week phone call , which left them far short of what they wanted.
I crossed my arms and stared at Pete,… waiting.
Finally he jolted out of his service night nerves and spoke.
“Please sir I have bought my wife for you to do with as you please”, then stepped aside to reveal Jenny and await her statement of intention, before their hopeful admittance into the room and away from prying eyes and ears.
Jenny stepped forward, drew her feet together, put her hands behind her back and lifted her head to make eye contact.
“ please sir may I present myself for inspection and service if you see fit “…. Perfect, neither stumbled over their statements and which showed me they had practiced to make sure they didn’t screw it up.
I thanked them and told them to come in and stand in the middle of the room. I made a big thing about locking the door and putting the chain on to create a little tension and raise their excitement. Then went into my usual speech on expectations and behavioral responses to instruction. Telling them to answer when spoken to, use their manners as befitting serving submissives and to do as they are instructed without complaint or delay. Both of which will certainly earn them punishment and possible dismissal.
“Do you understand?”
A “yes sir” from both of them moved us along to Jenny’s presentation.
The room is long and narrow with a kitchenette to one side, complete with barstools and a long , high counter top in front of it. Much in the style of most condos the counter top gave people a chance to talk whilst eating without actually sitting in the kitchen. The lounge area was at the front near the beach side windows and sliding doors opened up to a small balcony for sea views.
I had moved all the bar stools behind the counter top on the kitchenette side of the room. One was left in the middle of the room. I had a blue taped line on the floor, approximately 3 feet from the counter top and another blue taped “cross” in front of the glass sliding doors in the lounge.
Both Jenny and Pete had noticed, … the room had obviously been cleared and it made the blue taped line all the more noticeable. They glanced at each other , then quickly looked away, fearing they’d break a rule they hadn’t been told about.
I smiled, and my cock twitched into life with the scent of fear and excitement in the room.
“Pete , strip naked and go sit on that barstool” , I pointed to the middle of the room, finger still pointing as he undressed, walked over to the barstool and sat down.
“Jenny, walk over to the the blue cross by the window, turn and face your husband, unfasten your blouse to the navel, spread your legs and hold your hands behind your back”
She replied with a “yes sir” before moving over to the window, assuming the position and began unbuttoning the blouse. Once she was finished with her buttons she raised her head to look at her husband sat 6 feet away in front of her and waited.
I reached over the countertop and picked up the restraints I’d left there and took them over to Pete. With his legs spread I first shackled each leg to the chair to hold his position and then strapped his wrists to the back of the chair. I stood back to check that the positioning esthetics were perfect for his wife to see his helplessness. He was still looking at his wife and was visibly hardening as we both looked at him.
Turning my attention back to Jenny I asked her to come over and kneel in front of her husband. She stood, walked over, giving me a brief glimpse of her breasts in the now unbuttoned blouse, and knelt between Pete’s legs as instructed.
Reaching back over the countertop I picked up a cock cage and passed it to her .
“Do you know what this is “ I asked
Not speaking just nodding her acquiescence she took the cage from me.
“Now put that on him, lock it into position and hand me the key”, “the lock slips through the clasp under his balls”.
I watched her rotate the cage in her hands until she’d worked out the exact position for it with the clasp underneath and then she slipped it down his shaft . His cock was now so hard the cage wouldn’t go all the way down so she had to lift his balls and force the clasp shut to lock it into place. His cock was crushed into place inside the cage but showed no signs of relaxing and Jenny momentarily showed concern on her face but said nothing and handed me the key to her husband’s incarcerated cock .
“Now go back over to the window and resume your position and wait for me” I told her, before turning to address Pete .
“That cage stays on as a penalty for your earlier indiscretion with this slut. From now on you will only be free when I hand the key to her during service days. Do you understand?”
He looked up from between his legs before mumbling “yes sir”
“I can’t hear you, and if I can’t hear you then I’ll gag you so no one can hear you “, “Do you understand?”.
Louder and with his cock now visibly leaking pre come he answered.
“Yes sir, I’m sorry sir”
“That’s better” I answered “Now watch your wife show me why she needs my cock and not yours”
Another “yes sir” followed by a “thank you sir”
With that, I turned and walked over to where Jenny was standing, waiting and shaking slightly with anticipation.
I moved behind her and reached for first one breast then the other , squeezing and rolling her nipples until they harden. Her nipples were quite long and I could see why it embarrassed her to not wear a bra in public, there was no hiding them in this state.
I pulled the blouse open, exposing her to her husband and pulled hard on those wonderful, swollen nipples until she gasped and her husband licked his suddenly dry lips.
“Do you like that , slut?”
“Yes sir”
“Did he shave you ready for tonight” I asked
“Yes sir”
“Did he lick you afterwards like before?”
“No sir, he wasn’t asked to “
I smiled, no I didn’t tell him this time and he hadn’t taken advantage of the previous instructions to do so because of their mid week indiscretion. I guess they really were serious about following instruction and pleasing me, so I glossed over it and moved forward with her presentation.
“Lift your skirt and lower your panties, then resume your position “.
She hiked up the short black skirt around her waist and lower the tiny lace panties to mid thigh, then spread her legs a little wider to hold them in position before placing her hands back behind her and waiting.
I put my hand between her legs feeling her trembling start up again. Feeling her freshly shaved pussy , looking for any degree of stubble, but finding none I turned to Pete.
“Congratulations worm , it seems you know how to shave a pussy”
“Thank you sir” he replied, never lifting his gaze from my hand between his wife’s legs.
I slid two fingers, knuckle deep into Jenny’s sopping slit. She gasped and her pussy gushed even more of her juices over my hand so I wriggled them up against the inside wall over her G- spot and let her struggle for a minute or two.
She was getting wetter and legs were shaking so much now that her heels were clattering on the floor .
“Please may I come sir” she gasped
I stopped and pulled my soaking fingers out of her now very swollen gash.
“No you can’t, pull your panties up and resume the position “
She dutifully pulled them up and pulled her skirt back down before replacing her hands behind her back. In the background Pete moaned and as soon as I turned to face him he knew he’d messed up and apologized. Too late, I’d heard it and now he had consequences.
I walked back to the counter top and this time retrieved a ball gag . Medium sized with black straps and a red ball . Standing behind him
He opened his mouth and I dropped the gag over his face, pulling the ball into his mouth and buckling the clasp tightly behind his head.
“Better” I said and returned to Jenny.
I pulled her blouse down and off of her shoulders to ensure her breasts stayed on display with no chance to cover up, then fastened the two lower buttons to push them up and out . She held her position, staring at her husband who was now drooling due to the overly tight gag.
Pointing to the counter top I stood behind her before instructing her to stand on the blue tape line facing the counter top. Once she was in position I gave her her next instruction.
“Bend over with your elbows on the countertop, palms face down “
She bent over , the predetermined distance making sure her breasts and those big nipples came into contact with the cold counter top. To her credit there was no reaction to the sudden cold surface coming into contact with her exposed skin and therefore no need to admonish her for any transgression.
“ Your husband is about to see you receive your first formal spanking, do you understand?”
“Yes sir, thank you sir”
“Spread your legs “, she complied, spreading them and waiting , head facing forward, not daring to chance a backward glance at me or her restrained husband.
I lifted her skirt, pulled the soaking wet panties down to her ankles and stood back to admire the view. She’d stopped shaking and her swollen, glistening pussy was visibly pulsing with a barely controlled orgasm that she had not asked permission for.
I leaned in,
“Are you coming slut?” I asked
“I’m sorry sir I can’t stop it” she sobbed, looking back over her shoulder.
“Face forward slut”, “you really do want to earn this spanking don’t you” “ that is not a question, so keep your mouth shut until I have a use for it “
She stayed quiet but the shaking returned and her orgasm subsided.
“Now you will count off each spanking as it’s received until I tell you to pull your panties back up. Do you understand?”.
“Yes sir “ and she settled herself closer to the countertop ready for the first impact on her exposed ass.
I stood to one side and bought my open hand down across her right ass cheek with a medium amount of force eliciting a yelp from Jenny, followed by “one, thank you sir “
“Take the spanking slut , if I hear anything other than the count then it will be repeated, do you understand?”
“Yes sir, sorry sir” and she wriggled her ass back into position, preparing for the next one.
My hand came down across a left cheek this time, resulting in silence other than a repeat of the one count.
“That’s better “ we can continue .
The next two slaps were slightly harder, bringing a warm red to her ass and a couple pleasant hand marks to show my handy work. Excuse the pun.
“ Now , a traditional, formal spanking is a six count so you are going to feel the final two . Take them quietly and make me proud”
I put my left hand in the middle of her back to hold her in place and bought my right hand down across her ass with enough force for me to feel it reverberate up my arm.
“Five, thank you sir” she whispered, wriggling her burning ass before settling back into position . I repeated the final slap with the same amount of force and received my thank you. I told her to stand up and dress. She stood rubbing her very red ass as she pulled her panties back up and her dress down.
I sat on the couch opposite Pete and motioned for Jenny to come over and sit at my feet.
“Thank you, I’m very pleased with the both of you. Now that Jenny’s presentation is completed, we can move forward to your full service within the boundaries you set for me” . “Is that still what you want?”
I asked.
I got a “Yes sir” from Jenny and Pete vigorously nodded his head and making the restraints jingle.
“You will serve every Saturday, I will collect you from your home and you will receive instructions on the Monday before, to give you time to prepare for it. Do you understand?”
“Yes sir” and another jingling nod from the other side of the room from Pete.
Taking Jenny’s chin in my hand to lift her head I told her to take my cock out to show her husband.
She proceeded to unzip my pants pulling out my cock and displaying it to her husband.
“Now suck me while I talk to the worm” taking her by the hair I forced her face into my crotch, giving her a second or two to get between my legs and take my cock in her mouth. Once she could imitate the speed and rhythm I forced upon her with my hand on her head, I let go to give her the chance to impress me.
“Worm listen up” , he nodded to show intent and then returned his gaze to the back of his wife’s head.
“This week you will procure a maids outfit from one of the beach front sex shops . This slut is not to see it until the day of service when you prepare and dress her for me. Do you understand?”
Another nod , and Jenny’s speed increased on my cock resulting in a tap at the back of her head to slow her down to the expected speed.
“ The cage stays on and after next week’s service, if you both impress me I will let this slut have the key for one hour. If you really impress me you may get to fuck her. Do you understand?”
More nodding.
I grab Jenny by the hair and pull her off of my cock telling her to go stand in the blue line, this time facing her husband. Putting my cock away, I then unfasten Pete removing the gag and all the restraints except his cock cage .
“Slut spread your legs and pull your panties to the top of your thighs. Leave your tits exposed , I want to see them bounce while you work “
“Worm get dressed and go kneel behind my slut and start kissing her ass better”
Finally able to speak he gives me a “yes sir” , dresses and gets on his knees behind Jenny.
I tell him to begin and he sets to kissing and licking his poor wife’s red ass.
I move to stand in front of her , telling her to take my cock back out and to start milking me onto her pussy. She fumbles with the zipper and I unfasten my pants letting them drop to the floor to give her better access.. she takes hold and begins.
“Slowly, make sure you get it all”
“Yes sir”
Once she settles her hand into a steady pumping , occasionally running her thumb over the head to use the pre come as lube , I turn my attention to the worm.
“Worm , push you tongue into my sluts cute little asshole and keep licking until she’s finished with me”
“Yes sir” , …. She gasps as he connects and starts to lap at her while she increases her hand on my cock matching the speed of his licking in her ass.
I lift her chin again to look into her eyes, her hand doesn’t slow.
“Do you like come?”
“Yes sir”
“Good, your next service will see you enjoying a lot of it, would you like that?”
“Yes sir”
“Worm, push your tongue into her ass and keep it there until I’m done” , she arches slightly as his tongue enters her ass and wriggles around waiting for me to come.
I slap her across the face telling her to speed up and empty my cock over her pussy…. She locks her eyes onto mine and her hand speeds up, pulling my cock down so she can feel it bumping against her open pussy and swollen clit. I move my hand down from her chin to her throat and squeeze.
“Milk me now “ and she pulls harder and faster , the pressure builds up and I explode onto her open slit as her hand moves to the base of my cock to squeeze every last drop out and onto her pussy.
“Thank you slut”, I stand back and pull my pants back up telling the worm to stand up .
I look to Jenny.
“Take your panties off and use them to wipe all of that come off of you “
She steps out of them and proceeds to clean between her legs , mopping up my come with the already soaked panties. A couple of minutes and she’s finished, standing there with her hands behind her back holding the panties. She’s already getting used to assuming the standing position without being asked. She’s also feeling her husband cage through his pants as he stands behind. I frown and she stops.
“ now use your panties as a gag for your husband”
She turns and pushes the wadded item into the worms mouth and he closes his mouth around them.
“They stay there until you get home, do you understand?”
“Yes sir” from Jenny and Pete is back to nodding.
“Go. Call me on Monday for instructions “
“Yes sir , thank you sir” , Jenny heads to the door with Pete silently following, mouth full of come soaked panties and his cock locked up, his own erection punishing him within its confines.
As they get to the door Jenny turns and smiles.
“Slut, use ice in the worms cage if you want to prevent him from damaging himself”
“Yes sir, thank you sir” and they are gone

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By Old English bull
#BDSM #Cuckold #Exhibitionist #Voyeur

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49 entries.
I am the story writer for this story. How dare you post my story without my permission.
I am the story writer for this story. How dare you post my story without my permission.... Collapse
I am a story writer for நண்பன் மாமியாரின் சொந்தக்காரி.
I am a story writer for நண்பன் மாமியாரின் சொந்தக்காரி.... Collapse
Hey author u want me to write stories in your site. ping directly hope u have my mail..
Hey author u want me to write stories in your site. ping directly hope u have my mail..... Collapse
Hi, This is my story. why did u copy others with out permission.
Hi, This is my story. why did u copy others with out permission.... Collapse
love this. I have to remake this on glambase
love this. I have to remake this on glambase... Collapse
love this. i'm gonna recreate it on glambase
love this. i'm gonna recreate it on glambase... Collapse
Hi girls iruntha vanga மூடா இருக்கேன்
Hi girls iruntha vanga மூடா இருக்கேன்... Collapse
Now im inspired for when i go on glambase later
Now im inspired for when i go on glambase later... Collapse
this inspired me for glambase later
this inspired me for glambase later... Collapse
Kamaveri Paiyan
அவள் புண்டையை பார்த்தேன். எனக்கும் இன்னும் மூடு ஏறியது.
அவள் புண்டையை பார்த்தேன். எனக்கும் இன்னும் மூடு ஏறியது.... Collapse
Hi and hello
Hi and hello... Collapse
As a mom i understand this feeling.
As a mom i understand this feeling.... Collapse
Nice story
Nice story... Collapse