Riding The Rails Erotic Couplings

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It was so hot that day. It’s rare for British summers to be like that. I was glad the train carriage wasn’t too crowded, because the train manager had advised us over the tannoy that the air conditioning was on the blink and it would have been unbearable. As it was, the fug of the heat was sort of pleasurably hypnotic. And the seat beside me was free, as the train started pulling out of the station, so at least I could remain relatively cool for the three quarters of an hour it took me to get home. When I did, I’d promised myself an ice cool white wine.

I looked out at the city as we slowly passed through it. The buildings were hazy, blurred by the rising heat.

‘Is this seat taken?’ said a friendly voice

Damn, I thought to myself. Then I turned to look and there she was. Tall, very tall. Short wavy blonde hair. Very blue eyes. An enchanting smile. She was about forty, thin, not quite skinny. She was wearing a halter top that exposed her shoulders and not a little cleavage. He breasts were small, but full and perfectly formed.

She wasn’t wearing a bra. I didn’t mind of course and who could blame her in this heat? But it did mean I would have to make an effort not to stare. I realised that…well, maybe with her next to me, I’d be a bit hotter, but I didn’t mind so much.

‘No,’ I said, ‘all yours.’

She sat down, putting her handbag on the seat between us.

‘Sorry if I’m a bit whiffy,’ she said smiling, ‘it’s really hot.’

I smiled back as she made herself comfortable. ‘Whiffy’ she wasn’t, but I could make out her natural scent and already it was intoxicating to me.

‘Don’t worry I’m probably a bit whiffy too.’

She giggled a little. Then she sat back in the seat, took a deep breath and exhaled slowly as if releasing a lot of tension.

‘Long day?’ I asked.

‘Sooo long,’ she said, ‘and stressful. And it’s not helped with this heat. I really need to unwind.’

‘Have a long cool drink when you get in,’ I advised, ‘that’s what I intend to do.’

‘Yeah’, she said, ‘white wine. Cold white wine. You could piss into a glass and I’d drink it long as it was chilled,’

I laughed a bit louder than I intended to, but still, she put her hand to her mouth in alarm.

‘I’m so sorry!’ she said, ‘sometime I let my mouth run away with itself.’

‘It’s fine,’ I reassured her, ‘so why was your day so stressful?’

‘Work stuff,’

She went on to explain that the office she worked in wasn’t air conditioned and this morning, when she’d seen the forecast she’d decided to try and be as cool as possible.

‘So I end up being called into the manager’s office and being told off for dressing inappropriately! I ask you,’ she said, gesturing towards the top she was wearing, ‘Is this inappropriate?’

‘Not for this weather,’ I said, ‘and certainly not from my point of view.’

I felt a bit of an idiot for saying that last bit, but she smiled and squeezed my arm.

‘That’s lovely of you. Thank you,’

I have to say that little squeeze, caused a slight feeling of arousal in me.

‘I’m Caroline,’ she said.

‘Pete,’ I said shaking her hand, hoping she wouldn’t mind my sweaty hands.

The train was moving faster now, getting into that rhythm that trains have reassuring, steady.

‘And what do you do, Pete?’ she asked.

I told her about my lessthanglamorous job at the university as a researcher for the history department.

‘Really?’ she said, ‘you don’t look like an academic? Where’s the corduroy jacket with leather patches on the sleeves?’

‘Too hot, left it at home,’ I said, ‘besides the way our department needs funding, I’d be better off putting the patches on my knees.’

She laughed out loud at that.

I really was getting quite smitten with this one and we’d only been travelling for ten minutes or so. Plus I realised, as I looked at her, or I thought anyway, that she seemed to like me too. There was something about the way she directly looked me in the eyes.

‘Ooh patches on the knees,’ she mused, ‘could be useful for all sorts.’

Okay, so we were onto double entendres now. Just barely having met. She was looking at me, slyly.

‘I have no idea what you’re talking about,’ I replied, mock innocently and she smiled again. We chatted a little more. I learned she was single recently separated that she disliked her office job…mainly because the money was lousy. I told her a little about myself also recently separated and that conversely, I liked my job, but the money was also lousy. And as we talked I noticed she was leaning closer to me in the seat. Our conversation was becoming more intimate, with our faces getting nearer to each ther. Looking down, briefly I noticed her long elegant fingers entwined in her lap. One hand stroking the other, almost tenderly. In my mind I was wondering what it would be like to have those hands caressing my naked back. By and large though, I found myself concentrating on those blue eyes. Mainly because if my gaze strayed downwards I know I’d find myself fixating on that perfect cleavage. I was building up the courage to ask for her mobile number, maybe see if she might fancy going for a drink one evening…when something unexpected happened.

I could feel her fingers on my thigh.

I looked downwards. One of her hands was no longer in her lap. It’d slipped down underneath her bag and she was surreptitiously having a little feel of my upper leg. Flushing, I looked up back up at her…I guess for an explanation, though what it could have been, I can’t tell you. She was no longer smiling. Her face was deadly serious. She looked me directly in the eyes and nodded ever so slightly.

I nodded back.

The train was pulling into a station.

‘This is where I get off’, she said, looking at me intensely.

It was another twenty minutes from my stop.

‘Me too, as it happens,’ I said.

‘Quite the coincidence,’ she said as stood, retrieving her bag as she did so.

‘Yes,’ I said and I stood and followed her off the train.

What followed almost seemed like something from a spy movie. It was almost as if we were being watched by enemy powers.

‘I live nearby,’ she said quietly. I followed her out of the station. The pavement was single track, so again I was directly behind her. I loved watching the sway of her hips as she walked. I loved looking at her bare shoulders (apart from the straps of the halter) and her slender neck. Her waist was tiny, her bum was pretty awesome too two small but full cheeks.

We arrived at a door by an antiques shop with some steps leading upwards to a flat above it. She opened the door with a key and I followed her up the steps and into her flat, closing it behind me as we entered.

‘Home sweet home,’ she said and I could hear the nervousness in her voice.

It was a single bed flat. A kitchenette in one corner, a door that led off to the bathroom. The windows had been left open, but no breeze was forthcoming. The bed, a king size one, dominated the room, which was decorated with new age pictures and little artefacts like dream catchers.

‘It’s not the Ritz’, she said, almost apologetically.

‘It’s nice,’ I said.

The room was hot, so hot the air felt heavy, despite the windows being open.

We were still for a moment. It was that time, that pause where both of us knew something was going to happen, but neither of us sure exactly when.

She put her keys down in a bowl on a table by the door and came and stood opposite me. We looked at each other for what seemed like an age.

‘I’ve never done anything like this before,’ she said, finally.

‘Me neither’

I could feel my heart beating. I knew I must be flushed. I didn’t want to stop staring at her.

She crossed her arms and removed the haulter top over her head in one swift movement and dropped it to the wooden floor. She stood there, hands down by her sides, her magnificent torso in full view. Reddish brown nipples and small aeriolas on her perfectly round breasts.

I still didn’t move. I didn’t want to end that beautifully charged moment even though by now I was tentpoling in my trousers.

‘You can touch me,’ she said,’ if you want to.’

I reached forward with both hands and cupped and stroked her breasts. She have out a small gasp as I did so. I moved closer and started to kiss her neck, enveloping her in my arms, manoeuvring her towards the bed and sitting her down on the edge of the mattress. My lips moved downwards, kissing tenderly as I knelt before her. She gasped again as my mouth found a nipple, and I licked and nibbled at it, cupping the other breast with my hand. Each nipple was starting to swell and her breathing was becoming deeper. Her hands found the back of my head and pulled me in to her as I kissed across her chest and repeated the nibbling and licking with the other nipple. She lay back on the bed and my hands reached down and fumbled with her trouser buttons. I undid these and moved away briefly as she kicked off her shoes and I slid her trousers off, over her legs and discarded them. Her panties were white and there was a little damp patch where her was. I slid them off too, to reveal a beautiful blonde, downy mound. Now she lay naked before me. Her legs over the edge of the bed, feet on the floor.

‘Go on,’ she said cheekily, ‘what are you gonna do now?’

I knelt again before her spread her legs apart and started to lick each of her inner thighs in turn. She made a low groaning sound as my tongue made its way closer and closer to the heat of her . I could feel the heat coming from it. The scent of her juices was intoxicating me and eventually my tongue slid inside her wet labia. She gasped audibly as I did so. I reached up her body with both hands as my tongue slid deeply inside her and then made it’s way to the hood of her clit. I squeezed her breasts, feeling the nipples now pebbling as I started to probe her clit with my tongue, circling it now and then and then sucking on it. She was groaning rhythmically now and moving her hips a little squirming with pleasure. Her wetness tasted salty and had the texture of honey.

‘Oh..’ she moaned, ‘oh god…’

She lifted her legs and put them over my shoulders, so I was able to get in deeper, opening my mouth wider and sucking harder, adding pressure with my tongue.

‘Oh Pete,’ she moaned, ‘I want you inside me…’

I didn’t need telling twice. I pulled away and stripped off my clothing as quickly as I could. The heat of the day and the ual action meant that we were both bathed in sweat now. And my cock was hard, fully erect. I’d never been so aroused in my life. She moved further up on the bed and I lay down with her, so we were lying on our sides, opposite each other. I pulled her to me and began to kiss her, deeply. My hands stroking her back, working down and squeezing her firm buttocks. Then I gently rolled her onto her back, lying on top of her, as we continued kissing, mouths wide, our tongues a frenzy of caresses. Still kissing, she spread her legs and reached down to my cock, then she grasped it gently and guided me inside her. It felt so warm and wet and tight in there. Slowly I pushed myself further in before withdrawing, then pushing inside her again, the movement stimulating me to move faster. She wrapped her legs around me, crossing her ankles, as my thrusting to started to increase. We were moving in rhythm now, slowly at first but gradually picking up speed. I disengaged from the kiss so that I could look her in the eyes. Her expression was intense, serious, exactly like one she had on the train when she silently propositioned me. She was biting her bottom lip, gasping with each thrust. My own gasps too, were audible… becoming more animal like as our movement together increased… in and out, as we moved like a steam locomotive engine together. Her gasps were louder now, little cries out as she bucked her hips. I could feel her breasts against me. She dug her heels into my buttocks so that her legs were almost vicelike around me. I could feel her body tensing as we sped onwards.

‘Yes! Fuck me! Fuck… me!’ she cried out.

I could feel my balls tightening, I was close to the edge. I gripped her shoulders hard.

‘I…I’m coming!!’ she almost screamed, a cry from deep within her. Her pussy tightened. She gripped my back, her nails digging in to the flesh as she came. It put me over the edge. My cock spasmed, my whole body tensed up and I emitted a gutteral, groan at the same time as she threw her had back on the pillow, her face a mask of ecstasy and bucked her hips over and over. I too felt that spasm of ecstasy as my cock twitched. I felt the indescribable pleasure of my warm sperm gushing through and shooting inside her. A couple more hard thrust as I emptied myself out with her gasping at each thrust before I collapsed on top of her, desperately recovering my breath. She too was breathless and we lay there for a few minutes, her arms enfolding me. I was still inside her and though my erection was dampening a little it still felt good.

I raised my head and kissed her tenderly on the lips.

‘Good?’ she said smiling.

‘Oh yeah,’ I said, ‘you go like a train.’

She laughed.

Later, we lay in each others arms, the sheets drenched with our sweat and fluids.

‘I wanted you the moment I saw you,’ she said, ‘I was on the platform, waiting for the train and I saw you. And I knew I had to have you. I do this thing. It’s called ‘visualisation’. You want something and you visualise it happening and I don’t know if it was the heat…because when it’s really hot, it’s like the air is…I don’t know… magic…and then there was this image of you in my head…of us, together here, like this, in bed. I was on top of you and you were sat up and I was coming. It was so vivid. Just for a second. And I knew, somehow, it’d happen. ‘

I thought for a moment.

‘You haven’t been on top of me. Not yet anyway.’

‘No,’ she said wistfully, ‘ we haven’t been in the shower yet either.’

In the shower, the cool water was running down both our bodies as we stood closer to each other. I watched it run in rivulets down her face, her shoulders, over her breasts, down her belly, passed her mound, down her legs, to her feet. I pulled her to me and my hands cupped and squeezed her buttocks as we kissed passionately. The feel of her wet breasts against my chest, was making my cock rise to the occasion again. She stroked my back and bum with one hand, running the other through the hair on the back of my head. The water provided a new sensual element as if caressing us both all over as well as the rhythm and hiss of it spurting from the shower head and hitting the bathroom tiles. One of my hands dropped down and cupped her pussy. She groaned a little. And I slipped my middle finger inside her. She groaned a little more. One of her hands slipped down too and began to slowly sensually, stroke my cock, her fingers barely touching as the wandered from the base of the shaft, up to the head and down again. I moaned again.

Without saying anything, she disengaged and turned round, planting her hands on the tiling, bending over slightly and presenting her backside to me. I stroked and fondled her buttock cheeks, before moving close to her, my chest against her back, my erect cock nestling comfortably between those cheeks as I reached round under her arms and began to fondle and squeeze her breasts.

And the water kept washing down over us.

Again, I let my hand slip down between her legs, gently fingering her clit. Her breathing was becoming more laboured now. I kept at it, increading the pressure, trying to make the fingering as rhythmic as possible. She reached between her legs and grasped my cock, dislodging my hand and using the glans to massage the clit in place of my finger. The pleasure was so overwhelming I thought I was going to faint.

‘Now,’ she whispered. Yeah, like I was in control! Not any more. She guided my cock inside her. I put my hands on her hips to steady myself and started to thrust. She was already whimpering as instinct kicked in and I started to pump faster. The water accentuated the sound of the slap of my body against her buttocks as I thrust in and out, each thrust accompanied by an animal grunt. Her whimpering and moans were becoming louder. I wanted to feel her with my hands as well, so again, one found her breast and squeezed hard.

‘Don’t stop! Don’t…stop!’ she managed between breaths.

‘I…don’t…intend to…’

Faster we went. One of her hands left the wall. She was using it to massage her clit as we fucked. I could feel the wave of pleasure, rising through me. I knew I was close.

‘Don’t you dare come yet!’ she cried out.

I knew it wouldn’t be long before I didn’t have a choice, but I could feel her tensing up too, her pussy tightening around my cock as….

I felt the orgasm run through her. All over, her muscles tensed and she trembled, just perceptibly, as a deep gutteral roar emanated from what seemed like her soul. It put me over the edge again as I felt my whole body tense deliciously and a wave of pleasure ran right through me. My cock spasmed and I pumped gasping, feeling again the warm liquid shooting inside her. Still gasping, she stood straight from her bent over position and craned her neck as best she could so we could kiss each other passionately. I was still pumping the last drops of my essence inside her, still grunting, as she disengaged her lips and mine and said ‘back to the bedroom.’

A few moments later, I was back on the bed seated, my back against the headboard. She was straddling my legs, kissing my neck and shoulders. Both of us were still soaking wet from the shower, although that didn’t really matter as the hairdryer temperature of the day’s heat was drying us off, already.

‘Caroline,’ I protested, gasping ‘I think you’ll have to give me a minute.’

‘No chance,’ she said and she bit my shoulder, then kissed my chest, manouvering her body downwards. She licked, kissed and nibbled at my belly, still moving until her face was level with my now flaccid member. She looked up at me and grinned.

‘Don’t worry this was all in my visualisation.’

‘What? During one second on the station platform?’

‘Time’ she said before licking my left inner thigh, ‘ goes faster in dreams.’

She licked the right one. Then she forced my legs wider and apart and used one hand to fondle my balls. I gasped a little. She kept her eyes on mine as she opened her mouth wide, stuck out her tongue and licked my cock from the base to the glans in one delicious swoop. Then it disappeared from view. The whole thing was in her mouth and I could feel a delicious combination of sucking and licking. Almost immediately I could feel it swelling and hardening. And as it grew, more of it was becoming visible again. Now, as it hardened, her head was bobbing up and down. I could hear the wonderful slurping noises as she moved, up and down up and down. The feeling of her mouth down there was indescribable. In a few moments I was ready to go again and she slid away, releasing my member and as she did so there was a distinctive ‘pop’.

‘Right,’ she said, ‘now you’re ready.’

She was right, I was very much erect again. And I could feel the desire for her overwhelming me. She took my cock in her hand and started massaging it against her clit again. She began to moan.

‘My tits,’ she said, ‘lick them, suck them.’

It was an order. Not a request. One I was happy to obey. Holding her, my hands on her back, I kissed and licked each breast, loving the feeling of the firm flesh on my mouth and tongue. Then I nibbled and sucked at each nipple, basking in the feeling of it hardening and swelling in my mouth. I couldn’t see, but I could feel, as she raised herself on her knees slightly, her sliding my cock deep inside her.

‘Kiss me,’ she said. Another order.

Our mouths clamped on each other, wide open. Once again our tongues danced and we pressed together hard, almost violently and she started to buck her hips forwards and backwards on my cock. I clasped her i my arms, pulling her to me as we writhed together, our bodies slippery because of all the wetness we were covered in, both of us struggling for breath. She pushed me backwards against the headboard, creating a space between us and started to bounce up and down, riding me hard. Her breasts bounced with her, both nipples erect and proud and once again, she was looking me directly in the eyes. Once again she was biting her bottom lip, her face a mask of intense serious concentration. I did my best to keep up with her, matching my thrusts with the upanddown movement of her body. I put my hands on her breasts and squeezed hard. We were both gasping now in rhythm, as we fucked.
