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#Cheating #Teen #Threesome
By Easy Piece
This is what happened to me the year I turned 16. I gave my virginity away to the guy I was going with when I was 13. He was 17 and I thought I was in love. I had no problem doing that but, after we moved I didn’t see him anymore.
We moved to another state so, I met another guy that I rode the bus with him to school and back. He was a senior and I was in 8 th grade. I let him fuck me too. My best girlfriend said, “That’s the second guy you let fuck you, you have to stop fucking these guys.” She made me feel bad about me. So, I dated a lot of guys instead of just going with one guy.
But, I liked sex. And, when I thought about it, when I was with these guys and they wanted to touch , finger me and fuck me, I wanted them to. I didn’t like telling them no. I felt like I could and should give them what they wanted, pussy. My girlfriend didn’t have sex with a lot of guys, I guess. But her harping at me about fucking went on for a couple years.
Then, when I turned 16, I had a lot of guys wanting to go out with me so, I decided I was gonna fuck whoever I want and not tell my girlfriend about any of it. That’s what I did. Let me tell you, I was a lot happier by doing so. I went out with three guys in 5 days and fucked all three of them. I enjoyed it and they loved fucking me.
We fucked in the car at the drive in, parked in a cemetery and out in a corn field. Back when this happened everybody fucked at the drive in. I was fucked there more times than I can remember. One night I went out with this guy an on the way to the drive in he saw his friend broke down on the side of the road. He stopped, picked him up and he went to the drive in with us.
So, I let both of them fuck me. I also sucked ones dick while the other fucked my pussy. Then, a little later they switched and I let them do me again. They couldn’t believe I let them. But, I loved it. They said they would definitely be taking me out again so, they could get some more of my pussy. I didn’t mean to sound like a slut but I said, “Anytime is good for me.” They both hugged me and squeezed my titties and said, “Oh my gosh, a girl who loves sex like we do.”
I forget all the guys I did. I know they’re were many and I loved it. My girlfriend wanted to know why I was always so happy. I said, I do what I like. I was raised in church and raised to be submissive to men but, good girls didn’t fuck until they were married. I didn’t feel that way. I did like submitting to men. I loved it when they told me what to do. I always did what they wanted.
Later, I got married and my husband loved that I was a loose woman and had fucked so many guys. He loves hearing about what all I did and had done to me. I’ve even fucked several men, since we’ve been married and he loves me telling him about how it happened and what happened. Our sex life is very hot.
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By Easy Piece
#Cheating #Teen #Threesome